HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-15, Page 6. , ,: .r .
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1 t�tQ��(e`R'ry()'1jnj;li{t'(;,tt
._. r _ _ �. _.a.. �,
Minneapolis, Oct, 18. -Wheat- D4 1 1 $2618001 ort.hwost Tct,ito)ien, 149 T
,Miles $46(1.,800; tutnl SS Jf)l1,U00,
�G I:
crinba', ?6'F to 76f(c; May, 77te, ,_„_
relish, No, 1 hard, 80c; No. 1 Nori.h" The General Treaty of Arbitration �^ Totals -Ontario, $2,f)60,0UU; tbae-
bec, $4,278 400; New' Dr.una'lt•ieli Suspicion Feints to Kennedy as
790; No. 2 Northern, 7(fje; No. WHAT OUR LEGISLATORS a , tine Nlurderel,
Ora, pgnalud0d, ,ARE
8 Nurtlltl'll, i1 to 78C. DO1NG A'1' OTi'AWA, 8780,800; Nova Scotia, $2,1100,800;
A Paris despatch says: It was 13ritislt Columblu, $1,11, 11,1.1(10; Alan- A limut.ford despatch soys: The
i)uhlth, Oet. 18.--Wlleat-No. 1
hTyu 80jr; ct. 1 Narthetn, 797c; learned fn authoritatito quarters on --' itoba, $'«14,90(); Alon'thw-ost Tented,+- corunor's Jury in the Treat, Colo t,nlr-
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Owxt.
Prices of Cattlp, Grain, Clxeeso,
N°. Northern, 76c; OctOb1l, 791jc; Friday evening that the terms of the MILITIA C11ANGM4, it's, $6'20,800; Yll!kon, UillS,800; to(- der ens(, I'Alirned A verdict al Wed-
and Other C-ountries of
and Other Dairy Produce
December, 75ic; Ma, 77 e, general treaty Ol arbitration between fife 1'reueriv!i lsorurtl gave till ex- al, r.�Y,09Z,80(' 1 )lesdny Ili�ili, ntt.rybutitrg who child's
Prance and Great. Britain lnld been Bridges, lki(,O( 0, cicuth to murder, tutu throwing Hus-
Atinnvnpolfs, Oct.' ll-i'IOUI^•Fivst lvllich
Recent Events,
at 8azlx0 and Abioad.
tenuccl a cuultt of toe chaalbl+s d t t
(;Iralld total �1 u12,8t1U. pilon on Joseph Kennedy, the wan
till"mets, S,l,4:i to 4,55; second d0, conchJded lxetween Vortign Minister ate if) ue tuttdo in o0navcLion with ' `' -,"
Toronto, Oct., 1 radesent-'iota
51.30 to $4,35: first cleat's, $:3,65 to DOICLIA a and tire authorities in Lon- IE "�- under new to the vroug, A
tau) itiiiurc of 4amufu, alae jeer" THE IDEAL PIG, act.
labs U. T. It, will erect big eltdpH
market for Ontario gristles fit qulot.,
bar of nC\v tvit.nessos brought out art-
^;3,75); second clears, $2.75 t.o $4.75, don, maneut tilers is to be increased by t
lit Allendale,
and "Prices lire Siemer, N0. 2 w•Irtte
7W 'to
liratl-In bulk, $18 to $13,75, All the substantial featulks vt the n b ditional facts Of collridulable i)uporl.-
5t,u Well, of whom -U0 will •be, sea- Hintso the Selection of the
Prices of brenit meed milk In WItint-
and 3'0d care quoted at j
alive, The t
trealy have now Been settled. There Lioned at Alouti•eal, ILK) tit. l.ai *al• j l'laU1:C'i' \tans icon
b Yr Breeding SOW,
l7eg have rldvancatl, .
76je low froightr; NO. goose
quq(rd tit 69 it) 70r. rust, and No, 1
of Ills
CATTLE, MARBLE, only remain minor questions of de ancf rnndc tris rxplauatlan n! hip
once the other 200 divided between Silica dila Pork packet's are fu (•las-
tails before lit sighing of the treaty. ;orununuc ancf rug'inLK;ring ecn•ps, Lnat, 1 1 �anou07ur.nis, which is entirely contra-
labs cllsta)n,s r•et.ue,l:; fnr 5eiten,T7pr
at Stratford ware *21,546,
s Pring is 74 to „)c test. Manitoba
r• _. c. a]
loon{o, Oct, 13. Tha print' IP est taiich with the lirid4i eonsun r„dietory to the iestimolfy of a. dor.en
1pal Ther, formalities are se fat' advauc-;yeah' the inI.IILlM Or (41111ltla Coln 53
Aflg3 Cl Ol+tl•llde l f. 11gt10(1, it Toronto
Plot as fill-
s wheat Iliad), with now (j pal
ffatill'e In :the CattlC tl'Rrle at ed that the treaty is Considered to , , , / they are the n)o Ht, c'danpi+tent, fledges, or infer witnesses will) chrim ho was
iln- cents hand of tits population,
Missionary, died in Clunu.
lows at lithe ports: -No. i hard,
9QC; NU. 1 NU3'tht'17), 86"�c; 11 n, :)
Wosttrn IIIa•kot t° -day, was the per of Ute class of )loK,v requ'irrcl fol• the hl the vicinity of "1'he Willows" at
be an accout lJshed fact. The: trea-
prUyenS+,11L in the pries Ut exp Ortl'1's #,y fe111U\yH Plle ftlle'rill lines of the Lis List! cbungm; are nla(le the cost lixo6t profitable trade; anti tt'C fit"' various times between 1 and 4 d'-
1'11e C,P,R., In•Culall at Winnipeg
Lt'or horn, 81c,
cattle, which sold Cully 10c higher. li'ay-Pauncefotp Arbii,ration TreAty, tvui by 68 cents per head, and this, that they roconimend tdlo use of clock on the afternoon of the triple,
hats] ischio for a 2U per acne, raise,
", Oati;.-The laarket is unchanged,
fair. No. 2 white
lautchera' cattle were weak, and In Tile offiWals view the negotiation the dlinist°t' said, ,was about as a>vrke¢liras nervi '.Ccu»wua the as as- Ffotrn swore h0 sold a
Inose casts lower, g much as could be devoied to this )ecfa.ly stdtw,bie for the )rridhict:lon chicken
] I chicken to Kennedy day Ip^.faro
Alatome t 1, son to f Rt. u chief,
h(t.s come t0 Toronto for tl merlluat
Leith vfTarinKs
gttotecl at 3f1 to middle irofghtH, and
�od No, 1
as evidence of the sympathetic v4ti- class of ex,enoituro for settle the
The situation in light. stockers and I tude of the United,,,9tates, France, j years Of bah qll Hogs, while Berks}Ixfrrs of the Inur'Cler, The prisoner had stat-
feeders showed no imprgt"°ru°lit, but to cools. 1110 neweRt types art: also °xtellcnt•
fined two
at to 29c. high freights.
white at 80•y to 31c east,
and Groat Britain of rho practical ad to witness' wife that he wanted
file liberal nroipts of the day, and adoption Of the theory of arbitration. YEAR'S SURPLUS. '1010 otf7er breeds arc Part as yet, (•he chicken for his little Kill, who
Toll Ines were $i10 or
invnthH in jail for gnnl7ilb7b in Ai'otr
Basle •-Tho demand is fill", with
Y • No. ^ quoted at
olTerings limited, q
what were held over from the pre )War, Clans asked for the totals of so well adapted; hut, as bnR hepll
v}onS market wore not easy to sell, The the is inatily spot theist in rOtCdun and exponuiture so far as already stated, the bretMers of thosp'1A11 been teasing, flim to buy ole for
being the culalinntion of the rap J her- 1f0 tools it away alive in a
tr'enl. t li -
twelve dwelling's In St, Itoeh, Z u
45 to 46c middle freights; No. 3 ex-
breads are rapid] bun ging their
A number of buyers trout a distance prochment between France and Great they had been asovrt.ained for 1908. I rapidly 1, rown bbag.
but pigs into line, and sows of these
bec, were destroyed by 111'+. on 5atiil'-
era,. 44o middle freights; and No, 3
were buying' this class of Cattle, Britain after centuries of warfare Air. Fiewi ig gave figures which he
tire farmers lately kinds when crossed with nudes of tote Sergi. Wallace, of the local farce,
day, Lose $15,000.
11 at 4^_e ndckllO freights.
It was said that the maintenance of defensive arena- said were subject t0 slight alterar 111U1'e approved baC011 type, JI'Odd1Ce sworn lie found a chicken, partly dC
tq +Peps but ]
TjnO VURtO)11A 1'CeelptH ill 1Cf71gRkUn
Rye -The market. is quiet, with
were Imwflliu pay gpod Lions, which were substantially CO21 no(1, about, silty eros from
(" p u:ents and the recent animositfea gOnYl batlotl pigs. TlICSIn CI'Ob31)1'LKI 1T �
f°1' Se teiallty were ,S+1.1,(i18.20i atxft
prices - stead at about utle )lip!•h
for then] by reason of he bad out- Correct. On consolidated fund the the gl]'1'R tlpiul boil}-, w:fYd a straight
growing out of the PaAhO(la incident pigs frequently make wore eco'nwni-, g
tool; in exporters', anti ilia pros- revenue ivas $06,084,108,58, nxid the line between tho body un'd the st"t)'"
inland revenue collections $12,26:
Peas -Tracie quiet, with No. 2
and the South African tYw, It is Cal gains than the purt'-brads, The;
poctspect.s that tirnt prices fn cereals also significant of the tendency to- Cxpenalture $51,7U7,172.8b. The l,oNcobire-Berkahsre wild Tainwortlr ping -stones neross the tail rare.
The Wentworth ante 11 Cot"'
' white quoted at (39c high freights,
would pr0'all throughout the fall wards a rearrangement of the Euro- capital expenditure was *1.0,867,-, Berkshire Cross is especial xl tat_ The Jury's verdict• ro(uls :-"1t'c fend
g 168,01, sinking fund §2,6'20,6S8- especially l I
tY 1V0mat s fthrisLiall TentporarCp
and lit. 65c. middle freights.
Corn -Tile market is ipifet, *fill
anal triuttu•, peau politiral alliances, lar. trine 1'rera Coto was Wilfully ItµnrdLr_
A weaker fooling was perceptible in The de+ reaso fit the debt, na11Au1'tt.ing' r e' U a Terson or
The treaty is mainly the outcome i\0 breed or cotnbination of breads by 1 persoIs unknovn
brought to
Union raised $2,570 for kill pu•Pos-
during the
Prices steady. No. 2 yellow Anu-ri-
noted et 56c an track, Troon-
distillery feeders, but Rales ill these to 56,580,860, was up has a u1o'no Lo t;hls jury at 1)rescmt. It is the
aero °!Tested with some freedom. The of the exchange of visits between $9,885,81(1 by the till ustment of poly of all tire desirable
j unanimous opinion of this Jury, from
ea ,vunr.
A partridge flew violently against
Can q r (
to; No. 3 yellow at t5",c, and No. 3
King Edward and President Loubet qualities pig. There are. good
g »•ovi.ucinl accounts. The Aur )Pus u•d bad it a »
offerings thereof ware fairly liberal. l l ntud bad fn all breeds, awl bad natii,cwPdellco produced, that suspictol
and the visit of Baron il'Estournelles
a plate-g1(gsa winglpw in the 1]'aln3i-
nnfxed at 55C, Toronto.
An active d,•mau<i for exporters tot the current your was $1t,320,- worse in some. It (toes not f011oty Points to the pl•ison°r Kennedy. lye
de Constant alive tier. french Par- 935. desire
toll customs house and 1)roka
window. labs bird wits ki114+d.
Flour-Nlnat y per cent, patents
noted at S8 middle freights in buy-
was a surprising feature of the Sitar- liamentarials to Landon. that bec+Atiae a hog is of any given to call the attention of t.hc
let, and the light offerings were Parliament breading he is necessarily a old or cilty authorities {° the fait. that the
The 0111 . A duties collected 3n
r. ors' sacks for export. Straight roll-
readily Encored up by the operators, ---+- RAILWAY SUIISIDIES, a bad bacon hog, It is necessary place known Its "3`110 Willows, is a
JAIL FOR TREATING. ronklesvaitz
11'andltgn during September aulCunt-
all to $I03,748,96, an increase Of
11 ers, of special brands, for domestic
trade at $3.40 to $'3.5:5 in
who wore unable to entirely velli Sovanty-four distinct subsidies, ne- tharcibre that he breeder of alar of soma of ilia worst
plate their requirements. charartars, turd would" "CeOlnn'taid
q cassitating an expenditure of almost lot hogs have a visa• -cult conception
$18,029,31 over the sante month last
bbls, Manitoba flour union *L•d; No,
Best quality butchers were scarce Western Town Adopts By-law to $18,000,U00, have boon given notice of the ideal then'he. w•i;l be in a that stalls be taken to ri nu llg this
g pig:
Y"(1r, t
The Port limon I ngilte a11r1
I patents $4:7'5 to $•4.80: Na 2 pat-
and in iiamand at fair] satisfactory Suppress Drinking'. Position to make the best use of evil without delay.11
Y of by Finance Minister
Thresher Company have purchased
ants, $4,So" to $4.60, and strong
prices, considering the way the mar- A Vancouver, B. C„ despatch T: a minimum subsidy is a grant of rho materials at his disposal by ju(g
172 acres from the Indiana of the
bakers', $!1.30 to $4.35 on track, To-
ket for the other grades has been go- says: Ileove Lander, of the Delta, $3,200 per mflo, and the maximum dove selection and careful breeding. •4'-'-'-'-
Sarnia reserve for a site On which
Ing of late. has introduced a unique by-laty in $6,4'00. Tho former is -based on an It is conuuolily believed asaon(
(bis 'Hire
zo establish works.
Millfeed-Drnn steady at. $16, alio
A t}nn tone dominated the lamb rural district, It is called the S breeders of live stock, that if THE EAST INDIAN WAY,
expenditure of 15,000.per mile and c
rho population of Stratford qf,
1 P
shorts at. $18 ]Sere. At outside
market, and SOc higher was paid ]anti-tieating by-law. Several years the latter for construction of diffleult nlui dam be equally well Brod, ere
former• has the Influence oil IIow Servant
t -
ca ding to elle assessor, iA 11,4.60,,
paints bran is quoted at $13.50, and
than a week ago. Sales are ed0c-tago the teutperance people in ilia sections of the road costing more greater a Was Made to Con-
iL71 Increase of 715 over ]list. year. !i
Shorts tit $17. Aianiioha bran, in f
sacks, 918, anil shorts, at $`20 here.
ted with a fair amount o"f vine. Ex- district agitated strongly to pro -'than that slim, conformation and the latter ox foss His Criulo,
port ewes and bucks were steady, t'fdo measures to stop the excessive Life nervous tern r ament Lind feed-
The uety eubsidfes °over 2,832
171+. total V+sr s mmlt is $vt,300,0110,
increase Of $200,000.
A trade journal tells a story
M3lcb cotes of choice breed and drinking which was going ml. Theymiles of road; the revotes 1,269-11 Ing i qubetru of the j)t, ca , Whether y Of an
this true ug caro which dearly cost dlw
Major C. I., Burka, 1'�iugCan,
milkingquality sold readily. the conceived the iderethat if the treat-
q ty miles, a iota of 4,071;. be talon in selecting the females nt its COl'i'rbpUllClelltA i.0 India his life.
a le ler; f its correspondents e.
'values keeping quite strong. Infer- Ing system was stopped the amount Ono of the important conditions 'Tine
Jllranfca, commercial agent for Can -
is In Montreal. ICR is midex•Iv-
Apples -The market is unchanged,
with moderate supplies. Sales of
the held to choose only those Of a Indian Il]ClrCll(llnt was n, wealthy
for cows were not so Pouch in de- of liquor sold would be reduced to demanded, empowers the Government quiet, nine who lead got on well with tho
oring to foster a trade between the
choice fruit at $1,50 to $2 per bbl.,
wand, the minimum, It is unusual for the to make it imperative upon he cont- , natives, but two of his servants had
two countries, and also to Prometa
in oar lots, and at $2 to 12.50 fn
The arrivals reported were 92 cars, recta to introduce a by-law, but pany to use now steel rails made fn Fewtt e A quarrel
t.hNgs are more Brat rl over a girl whom
1,840 lambs, Reeve Lander pledged himself to see Pow kings are msec cxaso
P in
a fast o n line.
A. Parent
small quantities,.
Beans Thel•L is a quiet trade, with
1,4fr1 cattle, sheep and g Galindo if they aro procurable
P Nv
than a raving, noisy+, disoontrntpd they bath wo0ecl.. Tho mt0cllxtnt in-
1,569 flogs, and 61 calves, that it was passed if elected, and as meltable quality, and favorable terms sow; not only is she, a coutinual tortured in the fight. The uns'uc-
g me
Two young men named
and J. Curtis were killed at Iefont-
feeling firm. Unpicked $2 a bushel,
The value of exporters nominally none of the councillors cared to fn- of which the Government shall ba rnonace to fences and gates, but sho cessrul suitor, Laj, begn.n to make
real on Saturday by a trolley Tine
and picked $3.20 to $2.35.
ranged from S'4 to $4.70 per cwt., ther it, the reeve did, and It passed judge. is cross at fa•rowing time, card is trouble, and lits rival, the hust)naid,
coming fn Contact with a du•rtck.
IPonty-The market is q,tiet, at. 6
but as here were few choice loads the council and became law; it is Nearly a million is voted to aid quite as Iij.cly as not to ',destroy warned the inarclut,nt against Jilin.
i now in Landers
They went to the rescue of Derrick -
, atit $1.23
to 6JC per Ib, for bulknd
received, the most of the sales were a penal offence to the St. James Day Railway from half of her litter, fn some tit of iter- Nothing happened for settle months.
ratan Peevost, who was badly Shenk- j
to 51,50 for comb. Choice clover
a1Tcrted on a basis lower than $4.50 , treat a friend. Toronto Sudbury by way of Perry vouse excitement. In addition to Than ilia merchant went away oil
honey, 7 to 71a per 1b.
per cwt. The tone was firm at the i Sound. this, a Row of this description is business. On his return lit,wits told
ArthurAlilnc, a miner of Fornie,
13ny-Demand fair, with receipts
Close. A FRONTENAC DESPERADO. A suggestion as to the location of seldom or never o. good milker, and that Lai had been caught in his bad-
D. O„ would not sing "God Save 11
only moderate. No. 1 now will bring
Trade, fu butchers' was quiet. Quo- the new transcontinental lines is every stoclilll'an ]mows that the p,ro- room (rind locked up.
the Ring" and persisted In making
B9 to (;9.50 on trick, Toronto.
iitions follow: -Good loads, $4 to Robbed Souse and Tired Shots at given by the subsi'ct of for 80 miles fit or loss ori a batch of iia Is de- In the East his mvant trouble,
y 1' g
remarks disrespect'.ful 1.0 7TIs ALa.jeH•
Straw -The market quint at $5.-
$-3-25: extra select animals, 34.50; Toll Souse. of line from Lake Superior to Lako terminerl largely by the start they The merchant called Ilia servants areal
ty. John Fitzgerald sought to force p
25 to $G. 10 per ton for cru lots, oil
fair to good, g.75 t0 $4.15; midi- Nepigen, and northerly " fmm the get in life riming the first six dr haxl a thorough search mule of thelhint
to respect "God Save Lha
um to fair, $3.35 to $3.75; common A Kingston ;despatch says: A des- shore of the latter stretch of water, eight tvecl.s. The lnitkin qualities ]101150. 'they examined overt' trunk,
g ql
$'-'••110 inferior, perado's action caused excitement mr of the sow is a luattor too, often bureau and bedstead, every picture,
](Ing" with ho ofd of a long. knife. 1
Milno Fitzgerald stabbed I
hops -Trade is quiet, with this
to 53.15; rough and It fs thought this is intended to feed
$2'25 up; canners $2 per cwt. IisrigsionT Township on Tuesday the G,TP. overlooked or ignored wheat select- statue and Crevice in the wall and
refused and
him to death.
leasolis crap quot.el at 25 to
Potn's crop
otNI a rs are liberal
Trade in feeders and stockers was night. William Ferguson and family fag the females for a breeding hood. crack in the 110,01- expecting to And a
retired ear] after threshing, LIST OF RE -VOTES.
fairly We Feeders, Y g, but b1'any men seem to take it for ga-a,xt-I headed cobra or oth0r poisonous re-
-_-_ ,
tied rices steady. Car lots of
choice stock quoted at .50c per bag,
steady. quote:-
, r were awakened b, shots. They got The following are the re -Notes:- cd that if the can Lt a sow to pro- ptile. They scrut,fnized every knob,
1,006 to 1, 00 IUs., $3.70 to 56,10; V Til4soubur Lalco brio S 1)aaifie y g
up and found haystack ablaze, and b (truce a large jitter, she will, ns a haulie and garniont t° see, ff it had
I3Cnley-on-Thamca Town Council '
and small lots. selling at 60 to 70c
feeders, 800 to 1,000 this., $3.30 to a
matter of course, nourish them at- been Ail1CA1'Cd with poison dr with
$3.70: stockers, no to 300 IUs„ left the house While they were Railway, Ingersoll to WuodAtoC1(, p
have approved a by-law prohibiting
expectoration on ilia pavements and
per g
Poultry -!Pip market is steady.
$•� r n-. away a man enter0d tiro house and liaise milts, $28,000. towards. This is a grave mistake. Juices which attracted ven0inous
r J io 53.. u, stock calves, 4$2 Y
Itis. inferiors, $'? ransaekod it, putting oat axe on the Linasny, Iiobenygcon and Potty- Sows vary in tint+ nlfllahrg propasln_ creatures. Then they searched the
other public places.
^hickens, 65 to 7Gc pr pair; ducks
up, S2._^5 to $2.60;
LIP ,table in ease of need, Iia got awn Pool Railway, Buckton to }3obcay- siLies as widely as the Cows in cilli wine -cellar, rho pantry and the a(o•e_
The first tu1-htnc steamer fog' At -
1pntic has been ordered ijy t!
T5 to 90c per pair; turkeys, 12 to
Mc per Ib.
Firmness was the characteristic of before the occupants returned. Later gent 40 milts, $128,000. unselected herd, Among pigs the room.. But they found nothing,
} e entered a 'toll house on Kingston Toronto, Lindsay and. Pembroke ability to give a large flow of milk The merchant was tired, and lifter
tile Allan Line, :She• will be used to - t
the market for lambs. Our quota- & Raihvay, Golden Lake to Pembroke, is more a faultily trait than a breLtt eating, went to file cabinet whero ho
tions a•0 as follows: -Export ewes, Road, and told W. Waller, the aged
that is to say, differ- kedpt his dagrs, It was a largo
ply between Liverpool and Canada. •r
The nuapal report or ilio Theairo i .
Butter -T71° market is steady*, with81-1.7.5;
$8.40 to $3.50; export bac s, $2:50 keeper, to throw up hie hands. The 51 miles, $168,200. clmrncterfatic;
I toll -keener threw a pail at his head Central Ontario, from Bancroft to Ont funilies of the same bread differ case of tonic and plata glass, with
lambs, $;3.GU to $3.6G 1
Royal, Dem -,y Lane, Limitild, recom- f ;.
de mand r a3poor
to per
cwt,ities. and the desperndq tired Ilf5 rav0lver Whitney, 40 miles, $123,000. more in this particular, than do the an ohI-fashiot'd silver Indian lock.
'df[f Went breads, each considored as As lie was about to insert the key
mends a further dividend of 1.0 per
cent., slaking 20 per cent, for the �'
ualities uiet11 and
q q
grades are accumulating. Fie quote
. Strathro and Western Counties
Calves wore quoted at 4; to oje at Waller, and later when Mrs. Wal- Y a tv2vole. It is, titerefoao largely a
Ili., to $10 ler appeared he sent a shot at her, from CarlOc Station to StratluOY, , in the keyhole, Lai's auccpsRPul. rival,
year. ' _
-Finest 1 -lb, rolls, 177 to 18c; so-
per ani $2 each. been active fn tba search,
y police baro quid northerly from the latter town nkatter of selection. A well formed who
]filch cows and springers sold at {hen hr+ fled. The cit uFtlder is of course, essential. There cried, "Look out, sahib Sonic one
Last yea „37 cages of smoke rials- Ir'"
ante front locomotives were repo•t-
lected dairy tubs, 16 to Pejo; sec-
G- ].,ern attvised, 31. miles in all, $99,200, r„
$;t0 to 04 each. should not be fewer has twelve, has been ntoddling with that ].oat(,
ed in London, and ill 24.2 instances
ondary grades, 12* to 14c; creamery
]Togs wore weak In price. W0 -+ better fourteen, well (levClopcd, even- They examined the keyhole end
legal proceedings were token, result- I ' ,
2 1 to 21jc; solids, 10 to
quote:- Selects. 160 to 200 Ills., of IMMIGRATION TO CANADA. Tillsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific, ly placed teats, extending wall up found traces of wax. Whell they
Ing in the imposition of 1%550 Ja ;^••
goad bacon quality, off Cars, $,).6Q: frail Woodstock to Betalin or 19trat- to the fore -fogs. Tho sow sl)o,ul(i oponod the Case the n1Cr•charlt 1`onnil
rues and 488 costs. }
Eggs -The market is firm, 11'0
note.- Strictly np\v lad, 19 to
q Y
fats and lights, $5.40 per cwt; sows Returns for Three Months Show ford, 81 miles, *99,200. be la -e alyd roomy, with coat OVerything apparently untouched.
n 1 g' I P
Iroadale, Fivo boxes Of cigar 11"O.peued,
A return issued by the London
200 --fresh gathered, ISO, and pickled
• 4 per cwt., and staga $2 to $3. Number to be 26,987. Bancroft and Ottawa, length and depth of side; she urust, ware
Tyle prospects are that prices will be from present terminus to Ronfrow, liowover, by trim a1:tl neat in her Ids )tail opened the sixth before he
County Council states that 2,642
petroleum lamp accidents, involving
sell at ld to 16c per dozen.
lOc lower nest week. An Ottawa despatch says: The int• i.5 miles, $240,000. oltlines sh,awin r no terldenC to event away and removed a, tLw
y Y
a loss of 349 were
Chceso-Market is quiet and steady,
migration figures for too past three ,
} Null Railway, front Lake Su- bagginess or flabbiness, alto, thou.ldn cigars. As h° teak this box up he
nail' ctorstigat-
ed by the Counrfl's inspectors bo
We quote:- Finest, :t2c per Ib., and
s months shote the total arrivals in crier to Lake NePi on, and iron! ]not wild or nervous, she must be at- noticed on it the marks of dirt ffn-
July 1890 and A[a'0h 3�.
seconds, 11; to 11:°•
Canada to be 26,287, as against 33,-
_ g the north shore thereof in a norther- tive in bur movements. A heavy, gm•a,
,1 881 for the same period last year. Of ly direction, 81 miles in all, $256,- listless, clumsy 'walk should not be The cigars looked as if they
Now 219,00,., an Increase of 8,000 this number, 12,478 were British, 000, tolerated fn breeding stock of either not been disturbed. ITe was about
_Notices have been ostdd in the i
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railwtly
Montreal, Oct. 13.-AlanitoUn wheat
Over Last Year. 7,218 Continental, 7,291 from the Manitoulin & North Shoe, from Sex; it inkifcates a la.cic of vital to take on° when lip noticed that
A Toronto despatch Town- hand.
Ctonipagy's carriage works at New-
ts strong in sympathy with Chicago;
se's: t
3 Visited States. For the nine months Little Current towards C.P.R, main force,; and al aufnlal with this something was wrong.u'ith the
ton Beath that the works will be
go. 1 hard is very scarce; No. 1
to's population as reported by the, the arrivals were, 103,014., as against Characteristic is not likely to be so A second and a third were like. the
line, via Sudbury, 30 miles, 596,000. y
assessors, is 219, 002, an increase 68,332 for the last raoro at- first. Tit each a small, alulost. fm-
cI or until further notice from Tri-
is quoted at 811c ex store,
Fort William, October 'delivery: No.
same period year. Thunder Bay, Nepigon and St. Joe, prepotent as oho with a
over last year of nearly 3,000, The �---p tfvr, s rI h'tly t°rniorament. perceptible rose thorn had been in-
miles enakm ly from Pot j) 6 T
day evenings unt11 Monday mornings.
O t ,000 nlen ora, atPeC
2 r a .
Northern, lit 7,r,c. 'Thera is a
total assessment of the cit is $143,- r, A
Y 'J`he brood Antics adwulcl be splaei:c:il sorted, and un ft was a do+.h of brown
�TiTINidTPl:ls LADY SHOT. Arthur, $1•G0,000.
bo a
At the inquest on til° body
r'lightly easier feeling in peas and
4'SR,833, an increase v[ 51,812,398 For a line from Sturgeon Falls t.a from prolific families, A eery must slime, still moist, the ean)0 color as
child which was killed at Greenwich
oats, but business here is dull, There
is no Chun o in cheese and butter,
0t'ar lost year, but owing to the ex- She Remonstrated With Cigarette the westerly shore of Lalco TehntL, A- raise a given Ixn119)er of Pigs each t)l0 cigar.
caption of colleges, seminaries, ate., ' Y S "Dn not toudl ripen, so.ltil7," said
Smokers. lei, 50 miles $160,00, year to O:rpenses, ani] each ad-
through being run over by a coal
It thitt t11C Ch'IVCr,
Brain --Peas, 63c high Freights, 7:.7
itlan on Be.,,Bof Quints from Actfnolitr, via dltion;al pig l'ppl'L'Rr,1iH a .profit. elle Indian. "They are poisoned."
And till? extension of exemption ,
The down
van, Was stated
it) whom no blame was atiacheo,
to 730 afloat hare; rye, 58e, cast,
Mitt afloat here; buckwheat, 52c;
machinery for another year, the tax- A Winnipeg despatch says: While Quaalsboa•o' old I3aamockUua•n to a There is, hoa'pvgr,• a limit to 1.h0 merdl7ant ant n.ncl *rot°
able assossmvnt for the year will be erasing Norwood bridge on Wildnes- fn the township of Marmara, number 61 pign In a profitable ,lit- a ,late to the police. In hall all
was only sixteen ,yca•a of age, and
No. 2 oats, 35c in store, and 88; to
about $141,643,000. day evening Mrs. Card, a young wo- 'aQ 'Ilan, $'64,000. ter; very large fitters are apt to be hour al offfear Bred will) T,aJ
that there were many such
in London.
afloat; barky, c; No on track
hare; teed barley, GOe; No. 8 barley,
remonstrated with some lads 33rnce Alines'and Al week allid ungvol in quality. Few under 1j7Y1a1'd, llltta merebant stated
gone, 21. dilus,
who *lira smoking cigarettes belCnth norfUtt'arrl frmn present Lprl)unus, sows can Proj>crly nourish more "t7nax i,ha ca.a'0 to the oflicor, an'd taking
T)NTT713t Si'AT7S.
52jc. flour -Manitoba patents, $4:
TO TRANSPLANT LOBSTERS tiro bridge, t>na of the Uoys, whet $67,20U, f'onutuem pigs, avid nn oven litter of one of the cigars, handed it to Iaaj
80; seconds, $4,50; strong bah»s',
the lady's back was turned, picked I J(tm0s Bay Itallway, I'vole, Toronto from eight to twelve large, atrgrlg, tcitlt the conxmatd, it and
Expert Will Inspect Ground on the u) a small rule old idled 'tip tri' tl.a I 4imcoe. hlsi•y fellows Ia n)tech nada prOflt- smoke it."
John Frisby, 10 ,years of age, was
killed by a trolley oar hare, malting
$4.:•.1 to $•1.50; Ontario straight rel-
tens, $3,30 L° $¢; in bags, $1.90 to
east sifts akd to a
7 p bti gray
Pacific Coast. lir, The bullet entered Mrs, Ca•d'a point at, near or beyond ,I -Wil -bury, Able that a litter of sixtvvn or sigh- The man turned ra. • anal rCfusOU.
g l . Y Y, P
kits was proved.
the sixty-eighth victim of street enrs
$2; patents, 54,15 t0 $4,40; extras,
An Ottawa despatch says: IT. I , thigh, A71d sip is new iu a sonar thro.lgh I)nrr7v Sound, not exceeding i.een tv°tills flabby, ctrl i!1-n0larishrxi guilt
in St. Louis this ,year,
Assochr.tion of
t° S1.75; railed oats,
Baker, a Nova Scotia lobsete ex- what serious condition, as Mie bullet 205 miles, in flail of two subsidies pigs.
'1'ha +--"'
The International
l3ridgp mid Structural Iron \'POrltel's, i
per b Mani-
per bag, $3,30 par bbl. Peed -Mani-
tuba bran, $17 to $18; shorts, $20,
Peat, ha(! all It1tC1•t'17r1V with the Br{t- lla9 not ,yet been located. boy, p,ranteci in 1.900 for 35 anal 20 miles ,._.---.�,!_
Ish Columbia members to -day. The who is named Grahan, has not yet re-ifloctively f`ron Parry Somid to-
fn session at Kansas Otty, decided to
begs inclue$Il Ontario bran, in bulk,
Government. are sending him to the boon arrostcd, w'a41 Jaules Bay, S8.43,Q00•
meet in Toronto next year. ;
$1'G.50 to $16.5(1; shorts, in bulk,
$20.50 to 521.50. Deans
coast fOT' ties purpose of trans))]ant.--,F-•- I'm°t•1)r0vinciel ati(1 Ja1nM.9 ]3YL,V I N"ill" Plow 'LilrCntons the peoplU
Itailwa, iron Laiio'.l'enaislcandal m Returns of Exports and Imports
fag lobster fly. The lobster Indus WORK OF A TORNADO. 1' 9,. of Alacedonia..
Pa VCttp IJ11fVel'sll'y, Af°ad11 pity,-
Tova, one of the leadhig Mat'hodist
prolines, $1.70 per bushel fn car lots.
try is a most valuable one, employ- a nurthel•ly diroadon,, 50 miles, With Great Britain.
$].6U,60U. Owing to trldngllrgad ripoopsa in
Epfslcopal schools of tho state, bag..
ba7rrod football and this ear tiler°
PrOvieio)s-IlcaVy Canadian short
cast, pork, S_00.50'to 521, light short
l b
ing many men and *orlon, and if A London despatch says: Tho
Three Persons Instantly milled Porto RICO t}louslulds of po0plp aro
started on the coast will prove a lbanr, ailwayr, Long haen Amo orate tram Canada during the morrU)
and Numbers Injured. Albany gnuiglating to Mexico.
will be n0 team.
Visa 73frilie Lauq;ltJiil, a stenog1111
cwt, to $2.0.50; compound +stili-
grant {Ring fql• lh•itfsh Columbia, Railway Co., tram PeuSnsl°11t Spptambcr eves: Ca.tle, 22,886
An T%mpo•ia, Kansas, despatch ;H'aagl°ur fn norLho•ly direction. 10 hra,d, valued lit 133'3:3,39^r; slltop ani] The district surrowtd}ng Cannes,
Phpr, Of Peoria Ill., tuba was pub -
lid lard c• n r cl t
3 , t t o Cana fen lard, 8,
t.p Sia; Iii+t le rendered, ]6 to 10jc;
--- - `-'- says! Throe arsons killed outright, miles 8,132,000. 1St France, fs being terrorized by a bri-
P , Iambs, G,G73 brad, vabled at 9,- g
THOUSAND EMIGRANTS. two fatally injured p;apiT, sl( )pggad tel bis au Italian,
fourtppn 1'he Canad'am 731,1dge Co., of R'al- j
licl,y horsewhip ped fl Airs. Nettle
11 Y
Woodruff six morins ago, obtained
hams, 1.2., to JAC; bacon, 14 to 15e;
fr sit kill Lr'
a ed abattoir Ilogs, $8 to
lir Ill• r 30d; *haat., 3Ufi,60U rwi:a, veined at
r loss seriously hurt, ry L, received $85,000 to Streit- ,0.17:5,912; wheatmeal and flora', 900,- Prof. Rudolph Palb, n. innn whose
others more at -
Salvation Army Will Arrange for green nn'cl Complete the toum'dation
judgment, for $750 donages.
It is said tient President Roosevelt.
$8.25. E '+•s-Cant-IM(l selected 19e;
with enormous arc .
n E'cod property k , 800 Cwta„ Valued at 44,84,674; peas, prediction of ear{luluakes old the
Sprx g us, the results of a tornado that pre_ and approaches to the bridge over -8,2`8140 awes„ ,valued at £11,345; ba- end of the world caused mush Loll-
will deal with divorce end' the n0e&
straight receipts, 16 to ,1.7c; Afoot-
real lined 1.7C, CheaRO-011tario
tho 14t, bra.ncll, River, )
- A• London despatch says: Governor vailed near 1I1tiallton anal Alicreville, I, ,.. l.. con, 110,4:17 cwts„ valued At: 42,93,-- s'ternatfol, is d( ad,
Lanb, Salvation Arny Rans'as, Tuesday 'rhe+ I(ylaha t0 the Canadian Bridge
of more unifont divorce la,tvs
throughout the lniid in his fgith -
,, -,,a;
tl,, t0 1.1 (; Townships, 11.(due-
1)oC, butter 1'otvnships
of the Cal- of night, 338• hams .33019 cwts„ valved at S On nionUl 1.0
CO, towad the egnslructi:gn of titeel ent0ncas 0f all of n°
at 7ladlelgh, hila been commis- town of Alieeville, which has two 980,200; butter, 30,152 CwtH., Valu- lit forrnall it'll)pati
have bac yFraneta
Coming Congress, )s
3.I_pL. cream-"
er 21' to 23 c' Quebec" 21.C• 1Vest-
y, g' Q
:nlpprtitructnrr. of railway bridge qn two yenrH
siollyd by General Booth to proceed Ilrnith'cd inhabitants, teas practically St. Francis Rivet' q 0 ad at {:1.30,190; cheese, 29•:1,398 ed a poll rho 'assassins t)t' {hc f0lrnrlr
Canada, 'Ph0 G ,000, 1
' '.1'hg'y
s AY. I.9encb, aged f4, is Laft-
In the State medical exalninath)",
. ern dairy, 16C. Ashen firsts , 5,85
to and Conduct negotiations wrecked, list Of casitalties, due S1:l1AItE Ob" EACIT PROVJNCIi,. rwla., vallied at (737,6QV1; eggs, 2 9; King alld (711rell of Hervia..
Canadian Government be
Willett are being held at E1,VrAcit "'
if) $K.S)U; pear} $G,70,
with the. for to the storm, may incomplote• Following aro the totals of the 355 great hundcecis (:L2b), vnluod at wfTl evil u>mtmttr' Uy Ding xatel',
N. V, T10 is thought to be tha o T
tlw emigration of a thousand mon,-----#---- , r X1.0,869; horses, G56, valued at. cL'2,-
Women anti children in tho spring, svbsftties by 1.lovittccs:- C!hrfgtina 1if(tul:n,• who was In l,rr
r (389•
P g OTTAWA'S POPULATION. T1c1,1pwaLi-p,tt,ariq,
est candidate who ]las aver nl)pcar-
1i1 Inihla, It)91h , ear and who ban been al fn-
S5J:7,2QQ; Gltlpbpa, 332 111i1CA, $1-,� T11C t,0}Al irupois fol'
+ y tyle ie'he110eiad,V, N, Y.r
Cd fn thin at y.
Detrain, -y
to Oct. 13.-Flour,ready,
Whsat-Spring unsettled" No, 1
t al,.xm halo of
) wart', X'.3,0'17,8110, and tit) total rxr
CANADA UP-TO-Dfs.TE. Assessment Returns 46, an In.- ; I�qw Br 1.93 t,onnty Alnlshoiisr, far t.ho psLst I3U
lite, number of ittuuOlontli as
Tlnitnd tie:a6es b1sL Iilolih trAH 6(f',-
I't101'tt)at'11, A6(: nS7tCd;. 'wilttrr mdlllin-
miles, L508,788.
-'-` crease Of 4.4:6, 56.,4,QQQ; Nova Scotia, 4.Oli;• miles, POrLa 1 tit's is thKLtl.
'5 'O
Lord Onslow Explains SnCaeS9 in X31,233,200; 131•Itish Cvlum'bia, 4G -.__---.--p......_,___ y,
1077, against 46,55d• e, your ago, with.
ill. C'or;n-Q,I1fC1.; sreaily;•No. 2 yCl-
the British Markets. An OLta.Wa despatch sayst .lite miles $1dd,000• Miallitobu 85 milds At a lusting hold fit the AmIllori-
' ' (7hicagu,
)narked hlGlinse'froni pCrllm,11y, Irlliq-
Italy, ltassia., 8elead, Irl, -
II. ,ill C; No. corn, to
AseLsahent Commissioner on Wodnes- 2` The report of the T' eat:urrtr of the 11111 TTotel, a Combiutitfon
$1.1.,000; Northwest PerriLo•10s, 50
Slat6s shows ibnt the roVnu- 7+'anployo:Y' Associations was of-
lance pod Willem.
Oats -Dull but tfrin; NO, 2 white,
' N � r sal 7 ti c e -N 1,
k0a, d. n i c , 3 1Iy a
A London despatch says, Lord day issued his .prelflot nary stattartmL fmllaa $160,000; total$8,082,800. United of
Orialoty )resident of the board of of the cit. assessment far 1904, Tho 21) ueH fee the year were $560,890,67+t, focta(1 with the avowed pgrp)Os) of
T Y Now subsidies•-rplt.trtrl' 6r.3 )»ilea,
A degpatch front Aihlnenpolix SAYS:
of r ck t3p c. jku•1(-�'Weatcrn eJ,
a 1 Y
Trade speakin to the British Dairy total is iven at. $32,764,835, of , 2400' Quebec, 1,005 m 1 s "ail- 9111 Increase 0f $U3,.7bTt,439 ever the contb°tinK nuiou 1a1b0r. atiT lrramot -
g g 52,02 Q G i e,,
rw 1 Students of Allunea••
,i hr, high st+hdo
I., G3 to 6;;jet alttl freigbls-
r) Canal
, r 1,
Flu'111ets Association, an Wednesday, Which 429 Sl7(; 087 is real $789'OCO n• year pivuv,i'ling, and i.hn t0ittl ex- frig Piet interryls cif ornlrluyrrR nt1c1
d y, rr.156,S0 ilea 49
"poliR htitd beet nsttetl by their p>rq-
tits ('
it }y,'
lollas, r
attributed t,bo ver severe, Canadian 3nrOlna anti $2,0Tt3,2t)0 p0rs0nAlily 1.G(130U NUVn• SCoi,ltr f148 nllkrs pe3141i1.it1'r:S $,)00,09.),007, tin increrls{? Illriapr?ndout wnrlclrlr+'u. A dnPt•nan
to the rnf11A to Work
fesgn` t.t7 go ,7
�;t, Louis, Oct, '13, --Wheat-
- r, y :•. (If I_) 782 0, 4, Tho sill ill", 'wag.. full I of $1,150o,00ff \Viii he n'iligrtlT (t11Ct
corvatition to the Canadians ells the increase, over Iasi ,year is $3,- $777,6011; Uritish Columbia, 11(it $ , i c 11!
lnCp Of Iiia gll'iltillg 111111C)'R,
losed, earth at Ades, Peeonrl.,er,
- +' r Sli4 297 667' as Compared with aif)l,- legal bur auand it bm mm of (it
earding old Ideas, and beinglefedy tO 101,310. I'llo population is gitOn ndles,, si.,1G,i,2(10, }VTanitoho, 8z 1 4 a l g e
tart now
14-0; ]Partly 821c.:
adopt, scfatltine methods. 61,1197, all inOroaa'o of 4A:6, Ini1C5, $102,400; Yukon" 84 Ott lastJ!287/shvi fit 10o. cation ostablisllyd,
.. -
... _