HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-15, Page 4Quixe rt11 St1S .o t. THURS n A Y, OCT. 15, 1903.. EPWORTH LEAGUERS IN CONVENTION, • [Ooutinued from fleet page,] tog Miesi0uary literature and have our Hour of prayed for the great 61090 ws lova. .0116 point to our ouuelitulIuu we Weald Mite so a 09440108, young Melee may beWme 01rme Mealtime of our Auxiliary, where there la. no Circle, by pay lug annually the sum at 260. .She wilt nava all the privllegee of Luo Auxulary but 0auuot repreaeut as at Branch me0ting0. We have In tine Dtatrot 12 Abxitlartee, with 267 members ; and 8 41881 11 Halide with 44 memeete, Amount aaut 00 Branch Treasurer this year was $#66.85, Auy .L+'pworth League numbering 40 Members or over and eontrtbetmg $26 t0 -the funds of the Womau'e Miesiauary kieeie0y will be- entitled 20 mend one dela. gate to the Bremen Annual ,1Aleebwg, but atleshall not be eligible to any office in the Br8110ll, or Gleaned to the Board of Managers, except she be a mem0ne or au AUxnlary. Tnanking this Oonveution for the privilege of preeeuting our work • and washing you abundant 8000699, C 30lata, Whiteohuroh, District Organizer. Mrs. (Rev,) Vance, of Berets, 5211 Vice President, reported for the J uuior League week in the Lomita. There ate 7 Juumr Seemlier' wall 296 members, an Increase of 43. Amouut of mousy raised by them Iasi year wee $188 17 and for nllseioua $30.13. Wroxeter report was not toned. • The Leagues are louated at Leoknow, Borrie, ifordwiall, Kiuoardine, W iugltam, Br tweets and Wroxeter. Mrs. Yawn to a vary euthaeiaet10 w0rker'aloug the Junior League line. The enjoyable and practical forenoon session was brought to a oto by Blueing • a bymn and Bev. ear, Walker proneu00. lug -ate. Ben60106ion. le ane afternoon tension devotional ex. ermess were taken by Bev. A. E. Jones,. ml lialgrave, and thane were follow00 by Yreaident Ha11'e adareoe DNAs. BUM -UNTIL L08.G1717118 :—Surely Time is tarrying as along. .Another year nes come and gone. 'Fume 18 rate's freightage, W11n1'eWluh 80m6 men trade and make a fortune and others suffer 1t to m0umer all away, or Waite m extravagaloe. Time 1s 11188 book, time of winch Same extra012 won - atone W1800111 while others let it be uauuver. ed and thea die fools. 'Time 18 life's tree Ir0m withal l some gather precious fruit while others ha 1100012 ander 118 shadow and pel'1011 with hunger. `lune 1811(6'8 ladder whereby some raise themselves up to honor 8114 re- nown and glory and some let themselves 0100011 into the aaptu8 of enema, degrudutioa and Ign0111iny. 'lune will bete us what by our use 01 the treaem'e, we make it,—a ];mod or an sviu, a blessing orp mime. 1 trust that the past year has been one of blessing anti prosperity to every Leaguem the thst1101 and 81(110agh we may not Have made the very best poss1018 use or our tate yet we can look forward with determine tion' to make better use 0r our time and talents than we have in the past. This may be the very hese year 111 the history of every League In the Distrust it we only go to work 121 down. right earnestness,- b8ukea up and led by the Holy Spirit.• Nev. Geo. S. atuare, of Cleve - mud, Tann., m an excanent address given at the international Epa•o6th League Con- vention, at Detroit, 88141—"Y011 applaud the oldbff inore than rwuhe blood-stained garments of your Savior. Salvation 001131328 of 80met111ng more than a hanging on at a religious meet- ing, it demeans something besides praying to Mu tune. What we realty need is business prtnulples. The minietere should get112 with the drummers andlearn their m0011ods. When you pray, delft do like a great many preachers, amu ask for a whole lot o1 things that you never expect to get. Don't pray just me kill time. When you pray, know whet you're praying for and expe01 to get 10. Wo don't meed any inure orgamzatiole either; W0'1'8 organized to death now. What we want is down -right earnestness." Tins applre8 to Leaguers as well as to preachers. The 10pwertn ,League _ in 14 708r8 old, has 210,000 enapters and 1,760,600 members. It represents the young people of the M8811odieb E1fecop8l U,rmron, .the Met110diss Epam:omit 0huron South, the 08nada Methodist ohuroh, and the uolus ed Met11ocime Episcopal Ohm oh, What au army of young people, and what (maid they not aeuoulphnu for Um'i81 and the Church 1f they were only 1n dawmigllt earnestness and filled W1011 the Holy Spirit, Without that agency the church 1s Imo a locomotive engine. They can't get it to go, end they put up one drive' after another. One proposes that such and each a wheel 8nuuld be altered bub still it will not go. 60me one thou bursts in alsongst 11100e who are 0004 -among end nays; "Vol friends, but the reason why it wilt not go 1s because there is no steam; you have no Are; you have no tyatOr ih tho bailor; theta why it will 1106 go. There may be some faults about 1t • it luny want a bit of paint here or there but it wilt go well enough with all those faults if you do but get the steam up.' But now people are saying, "This must be altered, and that must be altered," but it would go no better unless God the Spirit should come to bless us. That is the Church's great 'want and until that want be supplied we may reform and reform, and still be just the same, We want the Holy Spirit and then,whatever faults there may be in our organization, they can never materially impede the progress of Ohristian- inyour rnido0. Where the Spirit Lord te Lord 1s there is freedom. There ought to be as much difference between a sinner and a 011rfet1811 as thereto between a man in jail arida free man. (080o11er Bald hesometimes went tonging along the street to Bee how few people there were whose fades looked as though any joy had come down and sung in their souls. Be saw lines of thought, 8110 of (ere, and o1 fair,—money-lines, shrewd grasping lines—but how few happy lines! The rarest feeling that ever lights the human fano is the contentment of a lovingsoul. D r . Berry on asked a youngman if e loved the Lord, aniline Bad thatwag "tryingtd," Dr. Berry 881[1.1—Think01 it, 17 friends, "tr 1n to love Gd.." Vithet would my wife may it old her I was trying to loveo her 7 Whit would yOnr children say lf you told them that von. were trying t6 love them 4 I don't believe in tryingytoglove God. I love him because I can't help it." Re deolared om hntio ll • that he bad no use for the a s P 3 individual who was always harping ons ]f- 2498 121 telling his friend" how much he want, was er, isf the l r rOf san.ly W," he added: zither, is the joy theL rd. 00;' 30 added. We 0. to sgrea the Lord with joy mom' •t The realest noed of a the uv heal S. o g young 0 1 rind them hele that there e e p y Fall roman o1 them thang gd0lf-sur- al pspirit render." Don't lreop all the singing down In your heart. L6b some a it lot up w, far es yotts monthsomething and lot the World know we've • got a Epworth. fig that mattes tis happy. The Epworth. Era tame to hand last weak and 10088 pleased to learn several thfnge from it. One w88 that the over circulation of the Epworth Fera 1188. increased over 1200 during the p80t Star. With over 46 000 8°ti(1e m0m- bore and v Over 24,000 associate members, a total of over 69,000 members in Canada in- stead eB w rt10a ould have of on o978 1y , having t l E th. h ern should have a circulation be in o-. the least three limos what it is, Tobe intel- ligent Epworth L.1guer0, wo must rend the Bpworth Bra. Another thing Was the statistical returns of our Young People's Societies which show that the reaction of recent years has apparently spent its foroe Mal We Bre agalu on the upward grade, with an increase of 204 members over preViens year. The increase is not large but itis so much better than a decrease that there le rause for ggr�eti1ude. I'm sure we're all glad to karat/IMO t110 Forward Movement for • Missions still continue to be one of the most interestingfeatures of our Leagues. By the statistics1Hee that the London Conference contributed last year 15,881, nn im0120a80 of .01240 over the previous Year, diad that the • W'ieghaln District with 87 Leagues and 1580 members gave 10711,71 is it poor ;Mots - tug ter the Wmgham late0riP7i an average 4t only 81 omits Pet' member, nd 112.88 1101' League. Orangeville Daher, , with only 887 members, 0011tr1bated $681: an average of pl ciente per member, while u greet nta1y unlet' Districts dillequally well. seine of course didn't do am well. I sineerely hope that thin important bra0oh of League work will take nucha hold upon the /merle of our little over ov81''nlhalfn that amount tnecessa y yto sustain our Missionary, We may have no dif• heathy in 18tntug the whole amount,,which Weald mean an average Of about 023melte per member, or au average of 01.02 per League. 1 know a League lm thus 6018tri86 that will average 11.00 per member this year and there a no reason -why every League In the Distrait couldn't do the same, A live Missionary Com1e1910e mattes a live Leg(ae. It senna to be to the League what the hub is to the wheel, Let us awake to the needs of the great Missionary ppuse and 1f we can't go as 1M11o81onur1ep 0i1r8011208, let up give liberally that others may be allowed tg go, Let us go to work tie Ole Bull went to his violin. Peoplemarveled at the maestro's power over his instrument. They forgot that, sway back is 1108 infancy, almost, he Mid fallen in love with a violin. They did not think of it buy only eight years old,{ w110 Weald. steal out of bed. at midnight 811d risk a whipping from an irate father while he tried to male his precious little red violin reproduce the melody that haunted him. Even when he became a man he used to talk to 1118 violin, carnes it, 81211 then breathe his very soul into it. The innetrument responded to itis slightest touuh, andwith it he swayed multitudes as forests are swayed by the 210mp66ts• he lulled thousands to gentle moons as the lragranee of soft winds among flowers soothes the body to rest. Without thioassimnate devotion to hie lifework, would Ole Bull have triumphedover his father's punishments and opposition, over poverty illness, and almost inconceivable ubbtaciea, until he beoame the greatest violin• ist of his time 7 what 1V0 are going to ac- complish in Lague work will just depend on our earnestness. If we aro half-hearted and lukewarm, we won't accomplish much. But if we're in doom right earnestness we can accomplish most anything. I think those two Words—"Downright Earnestness° — would manta excellent watchwords for our Leagues during the incoming year. "Pra0tioal Sooiability" introduced by a paper from Mies Josie Cuyler, of Bervie, was read by Mrs. Stanley. It pointed oat that out motto should always be "Social to Save". lbs Saviour did not only preach but be went about doiug good. References were given as to the Saviour's work along this line. Social is derived from the Latin Booing, o oompan• ion, ae0ooia1e or ally. A oompaolon is one who feeds another : an 880081ate, one joined or connected with another; an ally, one bound by kindred, friendship or treaty to another. Apply these not only to the Social Department but to the League and we have an ideal Society. How may we be Social ? By miming in oontaot with the man Christ Jeans, Don't eeleot a few but be kind to all. Don't pretend to be friendly. Sociability, like all other virtues moat be cultivated. Take people as you find them. On the negative side the New 'Century Ideals set out ;—"Harbor no thoaght of another we would be unwilling that they should know ; to say nothing nukind to amuse ourselves and nothing false to please otb• ere ; take no pride in weaker men's fail. inge and bear no malice towarde those who do wrong," Be social as individuals and begin next Sabbath whether any other person does or not. Carry it with 700 0112 of the church as well an in it. It counts for mania. Have a hand Shaking Committee at the door ; get as many boys as possible o0 it and ohange every month. Ia large societies exohange alto graphs to as to get acquainted. Foster this fellowship among Leaguers. A Soo. ial evening may be made a harvest time for gathering in new members. Hold social reeepti0118 for new member, and let it be known in every pusellals way that the League is in tereeted in everybody. Social enterteinmente ehoald have no admission tee. Ask some one to give an Outline fur a social 0(12811108. A armlet i9 a (mouse that makes sad hearts lighter ; that makes the no0onverted feel that there is more enjoyment amOng,Obriatian young people than any where else ; and above all that awakens in every member of the Society an anxion8 801101tude for the welfare of their neighbor. It ie the duty of every 0124i8tian young person to see that their/8800318100 are given a obanoe to know good people ; to make helpful acgnaintaumee that they may have 130 exaa886012 forming hurtful friendships, Mita Cayler'e paper was an excellent one and we are sorry apnea will not permit of giving it in fall. A praotisal demonstration of Soolabil• ity was given by allowing a few minutes for imolai iotereoaroe, introduction, do„ which was an enjoyable 1/100711/1 u. Mrs. Venue, of Bervie sang "I shall Know Him" with good effect. The report of the Nominating Commit. tee was received and adopted. It was as follows :— Hon. Pres., (Rev. D, Rogers, Fordwiob ; President, L. Beaton, Whiteohuroh ; 1st Vice (0. E. Depb.) Mies M. Mo- Nnoghton, Brussels ; 2nd Vice (101iosionary) W. 0. Thomp- P00, Wingham Ord Vies (Literary) W, B. Beer, B. A., Kinoardine; 4th Vice (80oial) Mies M. Staples, Tem. water ; 5th (Junior) Mrs, (Rev.) Vanoe,Bervie; Secretary:l'reasuror, W. H. Kerr, Brus- sels ; Rep. to Oonterenoe, Walter Hall, Wing. ham ; Bible Reading by Prof. McLaughlin, of Viotoria University, Toronto, from St. Lake, on "Qualification for Servioe" wag a 8Ibiioal treat. He proved bYSori Scripture that Jesus was 0 great servant as well as ag reat Bayi0ar,that He was a Mau of Y realit i t His methods of work and His Pteaohing, teaching, healin g, prayers,BCB missionary zeal and the Saviour's interest i0 the human race, His grime and author - it were clearly set out bythe speaker. Y, Y e er. p Prof, MoLaaghhn a Bible reading was greatly enjoyed and he will be welcome na0k on some future 000aeion. After abymn had been sung Rev. J. H, bite Su eriutendent m MissionB. W t e in B White, P 0., whose home is at Kamloops, was i0- troduoed and by the aid of a map gave a running commentary on the Westerly Province In whioh be in e0 Much interest. ed, palling attention to the m00ntain6, rivers, fisberlee, minerals, agriculture, lumbering, inhabitaoto, missionary work among the Indiana, Chinon, Japanese and white people, Is etged greater io• Cereal En 6020eion savd del t upon h w the P necessity ot Chrietfanfzing the Foreign elemeob So as to make them good citizens. Bev. Mr. White has a chatty way of j{i(1. ing information and the delegates laked a number of g0estiona before he oonofod• ed hie interesting address. The Conference on League work was dropped tram the afternoon program so as t oatob tip to the time allotted, Mies Bello Smith, of E3ruesele, sang the very appropriate solo "Abide with 88" in good voice. "(116 relation of the League to the Wee" ley bi.Oentenary revival" was Rev, Dr, Goddy's topic and it fell into good hands. }1 i3] U f3 f3 111 Have you Bought Your Millinery ? POST If Not You will Need a New Hat. Depend upon us for all you need in 'Trim- med, Ready-to-wear and Fancy Hats, We have established a reputation for Excellent Styles and Unsurpassed Workmanship. New Goods always arriving. We have some Special Bar- gains for You. The Misses Habkirk. He showed the great necessity of the develepmeut of the revive! spirit. In this day of worldly infiuenoe the Christian meet poeeete the life and obaraoter of Jeans (heist to do the Master's work, A revival will bring the *Mamba down to Hie feet and ap to a life of neofnlness. The League should be a live working force in the ohuroh and the speaker hoped and prayed that this Convention would de much in kindliuo the revival fire and en. gaging to set Wiugham Dietriot ablaze for Jeans Obriet, Rev, Joseph W. Holmes, of Gerrie, took ()barge of the praise, prayer and testi- mony meeting following in whioh many look part, and the 8882200 alined, 11ev. Mr. Wella, of Ethel, pronoanoing the Benediction, many feeling "itis good be bare." Evening session opened by a cheery song service led by W. H. Salter, President of Brussels League. The new President, K. Beaton was introduced in appropriate terms by the retiring inoambeut of the chair and the new oftioer addressed the Convention in eloquent terms. The speakers of the evening were Rev. Prof. McLaughlin and Rev. Mr. White, the former taking up the important theme of "Prophecy and Missions,' and the latter dealing with "Home Mission Work in British Columbia." There was a large audience present and the reverend gentlemen received n very attentive hear. ng as they profitably handled their subjects. Mies Staples, of Teeewater, favored the gathering with a fine Bolo entitled "Happy Day." Resolutions were unanimously oarried thanking Bruseele congregation for their ge0ero08 'hospitality ; the League for their oordial reception and the beat:tan! and artistic decorations ; Revds. Heifers. McLaughlin and White for th.ir valaable services. Recommended the proeeutatiou of it Missionary Map to the League giving the largest amount of Mie8iouary money per member in the Dietriot ; that the naming of Nominating Committee at future Conveotione be lett to the clone of the forenoon eeseion i08tend of the be. ginning ; That the travelling expenses of the District Exeoutive be paid in attend- ing Executive meetings daring ibe year ; Tbet next year'o Convention ba held at Kincardine, That oar thauke bo return- ed to the lady vooaliete who so kindly favored the Convention with Media. A oolleotion of $9 80 wee token after which ono ot the beet District Conven• Bono yet held was brought to a'oonolu• Dion by sinking the Doxology and Rev. T. W. Oosene pronouncing the Benedic- tion, CONVENT107 NOTks. The decorations were greatly admired. Oou7Obtion for 1004 will be held at Kin- cardine, President Hall performed hie duties in a moat satisfactory manner and did him• self oredit. President Beaton will make nn efficient officer as he is tall of enthusiaelem eoup• led with good executive ability. 50.85 was received from the oirauits towards the Epwortb League Dietrict fund, 10 circuits contributing mat of 100 delegates registered. A number drove from near by points for the 8Iter• noon session who did riot, record their name. Several from thio Dietrict will ntteud the London Conterenee Oouvention at Chatham ou Nov. 24 and 25, W. H. Karr is the President. Miss Dolly Baeker presided at the organ at the morning session. Mrs, Vance dining the afternoon and Mies Bertha Armetrong played for the song 0erviee in the evening. A goodly number of the delegate° favor a Theriot Summer Sobool for Bible study, alio. Kinoardine wee proposed ae the beet plaoe to hold it. Nothing deft. nite was done however. The ministate of the District in attend. once ware Reeds. Metiers. Philp, Keine, Walker, Smith, Gandy, Jones, Holmes, 009ene, Wella, Paul and Hunter, and Rev. A. Andrews, of Walton, Goderioh dietriot. A new teatere of the Convention was the inlroduotion of well (mown metal tri in the district. Those who took part were Mee Hiles, of Kincardine ; Mise Staples, of Teeswater ; Mrs. (Rev.) Vance, Bervie ; and Miss Smith, of Bruooelo. Establ-shed 1866. Over 30 Years of Success in Toronto, Ont. J. Y. 192 West King St. .11. Y . EGAN, Specialist, 192 539, Toronto. 1180 MOST 0)211A13LPs and Successful Authority—(realest enema in the treatment of Herein (Rupture) Variermele (Palau Rupture) of all known agencies In modem times, lie who makes a specialty of one department must certainly be more oxpetienood mid rapshlo that those having man iron In the fl Don't •o y s h Have 11 n t pit attended 1 ur ensu, andth1 it 01 lid ager. - 021 00 ,01, 0 lbsie often proves lsewl a but your 1,, ewhos to new, and ,l yh avoid danger. hat t wasting 1 limo and none elsewhere me u, , come one whose life-long s Y ted has ll, g Y Wight ilii what to do bon a not despond or be deterred from seeking ad o nal In farther advice, or b0' p m become t a o repeated failures consider your cavo 300 ok lu, oBecause others failed your OMB you here 12,4 booauer discouraged,gl,pold* This d the very lima o should consult Ins as n reputation 1 _ n stns lima Y Y mac in oaring it ho ate tl a a0•u4118d eases, suffering tro p ( ) LADIES t m caval er (0 form of Rupture g slim Ona t to hesitate in Lavin thdir e y g ansa attended to et mum. "Everything alai tl , o private and time to Y a Y Immt, O B—Look Go yourchildren—NewI M TFI91R is tl e Yt e, with have h timtl cured, halo n 1 U W 0 Yag• D°n't allow than t0 grow up knnlllhnpped in the Paan of tato, with ru;tturo. Mit' CHARGES are within rani, of all. trio poor man as well an the rich. Terms elm be sntistao/orlly arranged, no reason why you should not consult ale at 0nee, during tint ,daft, MEND OFALL AGNS 8V HUFF ER ER from thin terrible Olectlon ill hooch waif.18 There Is n n other pletely n to which man Is hues that so tures 0! life es him for the era a or. more of ed es ding 8 l,o, The universal tandem*, of those conditions is to gtmW mesa and m0ro emupllcnted•=loading to hn• Po10ncy, nervous deb ilitYlwas ina, stricture, Iumb n6n sexuall exhaustion, ata Do o u Intend allow ON insidious affliction to sap nwaYYo r it¢litY! 10 ie doing so now and if not chocked will result in tkoa n ondt n, � n t above o I lI a , t natter how red by your ease free trials, ahno lloolrl or the fail- ure en° any have experienced le trying to bo cured by m210 their nor trims, or tio,, and belts -my Boole' organs receive earn you ;the wormy veins return toe vitalised normal condition and hence the ileN tel porars bonen, 0121 nm1.1269eat, the party become vitalized ¢ml many ewers detention trrn, bu temporary00 hlv, lint a e mug Oop:r l nuc. till O e no rie10N noaotsary. No s1000from business. If you les o hail the usual ox for the a yen have no offer 0111, largo stunt of money and Bull larger quxnUtlos of Once saarohhs or the comedy that l olPor you i,or0. SPECIALIST WILL. VISIT.: VARICO ELS RUPTURE WI N GG H A M—Oct, 24 and 2 13RUSSEL.S American Hotel MONDAY (all day and evening) One Day Only OCTOBER 26 OONSVLT SPEC14111ST :EARLY, LISTOWEL—October 27. Cat this "Ad" out for future ram once. Rev, Pother Baynard, of London, Oct,. Is reported to be dying. A leak in the reservoir loft the town 0 Dundas without water, Edward Logan, a prominent stools breeder of West Nlseoturi, dropped dead Hon, ltiollard Harcourt formally open ed the new Collegiate Institute et Oobour George Lille, a prosperous farmer o Plum Repots, committed suckle b strangling himoolf, The body of Theo. Snlenke, n .Swed ens found In Winnipeg lumber yar with a bullet hole to his' breast. Murder is suspected in the Me of th Swede found dead Ina Winnipeg lambs yard, The 131shop of Toronto annonnoed Lha 500,000 would be asked for Anglionn mi. Mon work next year. Margaret Reefor(Sister Magdalen) wa arrested at Btrathroy on a Marge Of kid napping Mrs, Mary Bowen's set months old son at Port Erie. The Canadian Westinghouse Oompan was organized at Hamilton. The oe concern baa 8 capital of 52,5(10,000, and wit employ about a thoneaud men. Public works estimates Were all passe 1.11'. Fisher announced the hope that National Mneeum would be establiehe and etoted that an exhibit of art wool be made at St. Loafs, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. THREE GOOD BROOD SOW for sale, will litter early in Ootobe 0, H. 16620111', Lot 18, Uolt, 10, Grey, o Oranbrook P.0. 11.0 FI OUSES FOR SALE.—TW Houses opposite the School Hove i0 Ethel for sale at roaeoneble price, sad able for retired farmers. Apply to 9. 9 COLE,Etbel. 11.4 QTOOB FOR SALE. —' TRI undersigned offers for sale 1 youu milk oow, 2 steer calves and 7 811000, from t0 8 years old. Apply to A. ASHTON, Lo 27, Cue, 7, Morrie, for at S. walkeo'o, Lot 20 Om, 6,Morrie, 111 ONE LEICESTER EWE AN v 8 ram Iambs strayed from the premi ties of the undersigned Lot 25, Con. Morrie, on or about: Septi All have ion tails. Any information leading to Mei recovery wilt bo suitably rewarded, WAL '1'1:11 FORUM ST, Jam oebowu, P. 0, C'P0'0I FOR SALE.—THEUN DAnMI0111ED offers for sale 8 Steers throe el L uulberd 'oP young Pigt Yorkshire k156111 to goo condition. JOHN MEN ARIGY, Proprietor Lot 18,Oon, 0, Grey, or Brussels 120810 ice LEICESTER SHEEP FOB PALS —9 Laioeetor Ram Lambe, TTrice, 02 to S7 ; 1 811683110g and 2 Two-8bent Rams, prices $10 to 1812 All are good ones Also a few Ewe Lambs, price 06, and a logw MaILNE 0`do at SON, Ethel, moderato12. nae, DAVE DROPERTY FOR SALE—FIVE nares of land. on North Gravel road Omit 4 mile from Brussels railway ate tion Niers location for a retired fernier. Goo( load, well underd reined. Tuxes only 01.28 APpiv to JAS, OIITBILL, Proprietor, Brun eels P. 0. 11-4r C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexaudrle, No. 24, 0.0. la Brueeele meets in their Lodge Room, Blas. 11111 Bleclr on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each Inn111t11, 8't 8 o'elook. "'netting brethren always Welcome. JAZ. 1417040)808, 0. It, WALTER SMITH, 14. 9, • 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulb for sale. One 15 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several mist• Bred Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMBS SPBIR, Lot 80, Con. G, Morrie Twp., or Brea - eels P. 0. 22.tt 'OUNG SHORT HORN BULL for eala. Eligible for registration. For price, terms and ; other particulars, ap- ply to J. D. MoNAIR, Lot 22, Con. 18, !Grey, or Oran brook P.0, 8G -t2 Ti10R SALE—THE ELIGIBLY L situated 2•story frame building, 60 x 80 feat, formerly °coupled by the Caber Car. rlage Werke, It is suitable for sash and door factory, pl8niug mill or carriage fac- tory. A boiler and engine will also be sold it desired, now to building. A good bargain will be given. } Reit. of laud in ooeneotion. For further partioulare apply to 2-tf re, W. POLLARD, Ethel. REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR sale. Watered by the river. Apply to 11009. M00RE, Brussels. L'OR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels. t 60.11 J. LEO2IE. Ii,OR SALE, — VALUABLE property at Ethel known ars the Methodiet Parsonage, Apply to JNO, 0013ER., Brussels. T AR'M TO RENT, BEING LOT .L.' 20, Con. 10, Grey, There a, -e 100 notes, 20 under cultivation. Apply to 708104310 P, REDMOND, on the. promisee, or Moncrieff P. 0, 21.61 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ou Tura burry street, Breesele known as the Somerset property, eligibly situated, Immediate p000000iuu, Fol further garde. Ware ice to pace, terms, &o„ apply to D, Mo0U'r0gh1ON LOG 10 Uon 12,aI' ,M tlllo t or L 1, eadbur P. 0.Y98•M 6 A1 ES— TAMIL—$=00,00 SACRIFICE IOE IN REAL A E — S A TA r T 000 0 118 , i Will Un s the MoOatt• Y 110 Block oh in the bo villa a of Brussels. i ea s. Tha e 8 Those two lime stores moat be "cid to Mose out the Mo0augbey Bntate, Intending purchasers thbnld lnvoetigato at ouoe. Apply to 1, 8, L 90011 L ' orGF, B LAIR Brunets, rnesols Ont. '1.4"OR SALE.—LOT 6, CON, 6, Grey, containing 100 acres, 75 being cleared and in good state of cultivation. Farm iee w U watered; r a ed good g s b otti s, akard' &o, Failure health cause Bel- ling, !lug,Pomeeaefon g1vun ou onementhe' notice Parma mum. For further particu- late apply to TR1017MA17 SMITE, on the promises, or Brueseie P, 0. 18 T.4rAR1I 1`OR SALEi,—THE UN. 1L nnniane at offers for ante 1110 time 100 noxa farm, boiue Lot 6, Con. 7, Grey. It 1e under good state of cultivating, won Banat.;bitter school, marke8, doe, Fall wheat has bee u pat in. Po aces on given next Earth, b with privilege a of doing work this Fall, Re aa". son fru selling, proprietor hie invested in Manitoba Janda. For further part1601 teprime, tonna, &o„ a1 Oy to N. 1M, 1 dRDNProprt6tor, B1u0082O P,O. 11-tt 1. 0R SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers bor 100 aero 'farm, being. Lot 20, O0n, 7, Grey, {for loale or to rent. Oomlortable beide back borni or• °bard, wells, &a, There are 1f0 nerom in; grass 10 nem of Fall 2711oat and 20 wee Of Fall plowing will bo done, Form is only } mite from the stirringvillage of Ethel. P, orient Mane °xpiroa ell Murcia 15, 1004, taut a per. , abater or tooma may go on and plow, deo,, at once, For further particulars 120 to nine, 10rru0,1110. aril to 1611239'SPl1NOla 1( 1 apply Y , 1 I , 0,, or . write o,, M. HOLLAND, 70 l 9h'atec lit., Toronto, 7.2m Om. 1Fi 1903 ' u0• f Y STRICTLY d High r t e Dress d ai D ', t . ei dito ONE PRICE ALWAYS i �i �1: THE LOWEST a Class Novelty Goods all here and High Class ever shown Broadolothl shades such a large that we will find in in Lowest. - you Novel it fol rang( cannot out Dress Com( Y I New The new Dress Goods are will fend oar assortment of ties the largest and choicest Brussels. Tweeds, Venetians, and Cheviots in all the popular Fall. Black Dress Goods in of Patterns and Quantities describe them. In short you assortment all the latest Novelties Goods, and our Prices the and see. Dress Trimmings ) ° I t • 1 • We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale House. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we would not dare to attempt under other circum• sbanees. When you see our assortment of Drees Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude and delighted with the Low Prices asked for High Class goods. Ferguson rn aCo. Dry Goods and Groceries. HAVING Brussels and fully fitted it up and other necessary chase any quantity of We have in stock a large 41, winonssasessmaso Factory Machines to for pur- goods. PURCHASED TIIE Woollen with new Looms, Spinning Machinery, we are 'prepared Wool for cash or exchange assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, —Fancy Sbirtings, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goads, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's t' —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns,all kinds and colors. ;WE W11 ANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LO CKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 'COnY/r/GHT .Tilsii1 lei �'" 1l Ii 1' �- alb\ 1 �IIIII `I ��youk\ IE 11111f A, ,. , -I ) ,l , i -------.- - - 1 . ( M le I _ S vv p. ii to and g este Beforeyou Paintyour house the BEST possible for the money at the same time sa,tisfactian and• wear. pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed ; doyen more surface and giyes better results and see for yourself. TURN ULL. bei begin he sur Paint;_' give Best lbn a� to , ( - - ,,�If�get all M: , . - i '��r..: — 1 . r E ../ Slieriu—!11!aMS gives these results :—It's a Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed the gallon ; easily applied than any other, lJ rt a gallon Fol sale by— WI LTO N &