HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-8, Page 8NEW• STATIONERY When your supply of Stabionerly needs re- plenishing ask to see our finer Writing Paps in Malty and Crepe de velours. DIMITY is a Fashionable Writing Paper of very excelllent quality and we have it in the popular shades, in- cluding White, Heliotrope, Pearl, Dove, Grey. Twenty-four sheets of this with the same number of Envelopes to match, we sell for 260. F. R SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, am' tteius Items. *chid& ameng ye &kirnotes, An' faith he'll prent it. Senor, Board Friday evening. Thomann poultry is making its appear- atoe on the market. WEDNESDAY afternoon's rain was regular old drencher. Toe Bell Telephone repair gang was here they week attending to some genes. ary work. Ewa( & Co, captured two let prizes on baggies and a lot on critters at Blyth Fail Fair on Wednesday. BLyTa Fair attracted quite a number from this locality on Wedneeday although tbe threatening weather reduced thee:luta- ber. INSPECTOR LOIIDAN, of the Standard Bank, paid ide usual visit to Brussels Branob Wednesday and Tbureday of this week. Don'T forget Mae Blakeman's auction eale of hoauebold furniture, &o, On Satnr• day afternoon at 2 &cloak at her home, John street. lam gold madel contest in neisneotion with the local Bowling Club is protioally over and D. C. Roes bag a long lead with 881wine oat of 50 garmee played. THURSDAY of next week will be Thanks- giving Day. Tin Pogo will be published on Wedneeday so as to have the holiday free. Oar advertisers and oorrespondents will kindly make note of the change. ROADSTER special prizes and three speed• ing evente, postponed from the Fall Fair program last Friday, will be given on the mile nettle, Brassels, an the afternoon of Thankegiving Day, oonamettoing at 1 o'olook. Sxwarenterne.—Laat Friday Mies Ada Moore brought to THD Pose 8 sample ripe strawberries picked in her father's gerden, a portion of a second orop. This rather knooke out the idea beld by tome of the people of the Old Land who imagine. Oanada to be a country of almost per- petual Winter. OBIT.— Thee. Stevenson, eon -in law to Dirs. Geo, McKay, Queen Street, Brae - eels, died on September 80th, at his home, Brooklyn, Mich., of Bright& disease. Hie wife wag Mies Beery S. They were former residents of London, Ont Interment was made at Melrose, Out. Decanted ie eurvived by Li wife two daughters and a son. G. T. R.—Following are the G. T. R. shipments from Bruseele during tbe past week :—A. 0, Dames, 2 core lambs and a ma of bogs : Ail, Banter, oar wheat, oar of oats and oar of baled bay ; R. Granata car of wheat ; G. A. Beet, car of hogs; Brune& Salt Works, oar of ealt. Toward there were 4 oars coal for Salt Works ; oar of briok for I. 0. Rioherde ; 2 care coal for Wilton & Turnbull ; and a oar of coal for R, Mainprize. SENATORSII/P5.—An Ottawa oorrespond• ant to the Toronto Mail•Empire of Wednesday nye :—"An interesting race is on between Deputy Speaker Dr. Mao. Donald and John Toimie, M. P., for west Brno, for the Senate vaoanoy caused by tbe deatb of Dr. Landerkin. To Pe been an open (worst for a long time past that Dr. MacDonald was not an ideal el:airman of oommittee, and it ie said to be quite probable that he will be retired to the seolueion of the Senate in order to avoid further onpleanntnees." Time does not tally very well with the opinion Tun Posy Editor heard expressed et Ottawa oncoming Dr. MoDonald's ability. SPERMNO EveNTS ON TBANESGIVING DIV, —If weather will permit the postponed events from Emit Huron Fall Fair (owing to wet traok) will be given on the Agri- cultural Park, Brussels, on the atteenoon of Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 15th commenoing at one o'olook. Pro. gram will include the epeeists offered by Dr, McNaughton and Barrieter Blair for roadsters and outfit, two prizee in amnia, and three epeeding 008000, viz, :—Farm. na trot or pane, e mile heats, for purees of 57, 15 and Pa, no entrance fee except met:abseil:tip in the (moiety ; 2,80 pee, mile beats, 125, 015 and ale ; and 2.40 trot for denim amounte. Admission fee will be only 16 oenis. Further partiort- mes may be obtained freal dodgems. Tian C. P, R.—The following letter. speaks for itself I—To the ratepayers between Guelpb and Godeeich : Gentle. t11en,—A0 the extension of the Guelph Junction bran ob of the C. P. R. will none to Godeeine in any event, in my opinion it would be unfair for Goderith to attempt to interim in any way with its Ioegtion and 1 do not believe such anion by no would have any effect or be in good teen. All our efforts and your dints should be directed solely to procuring the road. Would advise ydu all, individ0aily and toprOare and send in written ettnieties of what trade you do now furn• OM, export and import, and how much you think you oats give in futeme. Don't leave out an item, however emelt. Ae the Grand U'ronk etween Goderiab and Brantford is the best paying piste of Railway on the whole Grand Trunk Syetern, and area have a weary folly at tertile, you (Mond have no trouble in making a very etrong (shoe/leg ; and remember that If the ono are erten the notion that sheen the most bugloss(' will get the tent Bend yaw material te Col. A. la. MoDeneld, Sonotary Guelph Junotion IteilWay, Guelph, and it will get to the peeper (planer. E. N. Lavoie, MtO701 ot Golgoith, LADIES' poem loot on Brunets Fair day. Finder will much oblige the leen by leaving it at TEE PoST, A. mot kitchen is being built to the rear of F. S. Sootlas random', William street. Alf. Lowry its doing tag aria work. A WIMMNCI will shortly come off in town, Both bride and groom are well known residents but Ton Pose has been inetrnotect to keep mem, so mum 00 10. RESERVE your seat for tha big Conant to be given on Thankagiring evening ander the auepioee of Brunel' Bowling Club. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug store. Lar,—At Brunelle Fair, a plain gold link Brocials, general shape round. Find- er pines return to office of TUE 131.11311n POST where a suitable rewind will be given, Tesammervree Day will be Thursday of next week ane will be a pablio holiday. Round trip tiokete et single fare, good going Oot. 14 and 16 and valid be return on or before Monday 191111. RoBERT Eloynario, near Walton, bag bought 4a Korea of land frona the Misses Kelly, ot Brussele, !mated South of the village, pitying $400 for it. The property 00 well located. Next Summer the pur- chaser will probably build a bean and etable and move to it. He etill retains hie farm. Tem Winn and laaore of land, known ao the jag. Kelly properhy, Mill street, bas been purchased by Roes Stubbs., of Morris bownehip, who intends moving • iota town as be bee sold his farm. The price paid wee 1250. Mr. letubbe intends converting it into a two-story cottage and will veneer it with brick neat eeaoon. To SEAPORT11.—A modern mad well made bread van was slipped to Seaforbh by Mesere. Ewan & Go., of Baines, on Wednesday morning for Grins Thios., bakers of that town. They will Rend the Winter outfit later. Brussels tikes no second place in supplying the de mantle of the County ae well ae this partionlav locality mud the output don no discredit to or town. TRSOUGIS the kindneee of Dr, elatedoe• all, M. P. a set of meta& weights sad measures have been obtained from the Minister of the Interior for Benesele Public School. Only a limited number have been seenrea by importation front Paris. Tbe box outaing all the weiglate and measures of the ((velem and will be worth at least if86 00. An illustrated chart &companies the outfit. DIED AT BEANDON.—We regret to bear that on Saturday, Bept, 26th, Maybe! Gertrude, the youngest daughter of George A. and Nellie E. Halliday, died at the parental home, Brandon, Maditobs, aged 1 year and 4 menthe, after an Rhone of 10 daye. Funeral took place on the Sabbath afternoon following. The rnany old friends of Mr. and.lairs. Halliday here will eyropathise with them ta them 00000w, A NUMBER from town attended the funeral of Chelate Mayor Broadfoot at Seaforth on Tuesday &ammo. Deeeas• ed was the father of 61r. Broadfoot, of the Ametioart Hotel, Brune's, who was with him in Chino wine /ae died. There wae a very large ettendamee at the funeral as Mr. Broadfoot wee so well and favorably known. Mayor Broadfoot wae an uncle to the Walker Bros„ of Brants, and a °min to John Bronitoet of this looality. BOWLING.—Two rinks of Bruesele bow - len went to Wingbam on Tuesday and played a friendly game with the sphere trundlere of tbat town, The vinery rested with the vieitore titer a ohne now test by 2 shote. Soote was as &Sem ;- 11n0eenne. Ye letenialia T. Farrow, Horneth, Dr. Veld, Hansom, G. F. Blear, Holmes, R, Downing, ek. 19 Van Normale, ek. 11 F. H. Gray, Dellis, Rev. 1, M. Webb, Gilman, 7. Hewitt, Bell, D. 0. Rose, ak...14 Kinebtel, aka., —17 Tote& 38 31 Our bowlers were hoepitally maintained at the National Hotel, CONCIEUT TEANIVIGIVINO eels Bowling Club has signed a eontran with the well oonaneended Ganthter-And- dison Conant 00„ of Toronto, to give a (tonne in the Town Hall, Bremen en Thursday evening next (Thenttegiving Day). The talent omens of A.dra Lytton, open° eoloiat ; leathrynar Cluntoe-Mor.... ton, contralto eoloiet ; Anddieon, &amorist ; Erni:ovum Meet on, violiniet and baritone: and Mae Pauline Andrli- eon, pianist and eloantioniet, Flan of reeerved nate to now open at Fot'e Drag Store, The company donee highlyareeona. blended and Will glee a high erne p00- 50001 000, varied, atoning antitinteresOing, ae‘eloyelommer Dnowelso.—•The feet that the Rev. James A. Moranglefin, Method. tet missionary eA Berens Itiver, WOE downed in Lake Winnipeg& tke norm of September 12th ie established pagyonel a doubt. A telegram from Winoiege wits received during 8$501.51by 00r0lm0 bine Methodist Missionlitooms, Toronto, stale ing that the body had been reentered. Bev, John MeDougall, D. D. eineseriat end. eat Of Indian Minions, geld that be had been hoping from the indefinite ohanetter of the deepatohee reoeived in the running, annouttoing tbe neovery of the bodies of some Wiens, that Rev, Mr. MoLatigh. lin had eenpled, Ele hopes, 'mnde, veto quiokly ehatteeed by the arrival of the telegesna, "Jaren MeLaughlity," tail Dr, MoDongell, "W0.1 one of the beetenen THE 1 )) T BLIS B RILISSEL6 POT ETROPOLITAN BANK (UMW L—Pald up $1,000,000 IfifSERITE FUND $1,000.000 Mentors 11. WARDRel, 0, 0., 8, 7, MOORS, Freeideut, Vem-President, 0, D. 11A55111, 0000, BRIAPPLAW, 0.11. 0170.1,101.1, 0, HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO W, 0. ROS8 - - 8TiN111140 MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farraere' Notes Disowned. ergeriNGS VaLMIR BRAWRICENP Damn et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mos of 11 and upwards Baussoza MUNCH G. O. BLAIR, Solintor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, in Northwest mission work, Be wee my friend and right band worker. He was bony in Western Ontario, and educated at the Montreal Theological College. He wdot into mission work on the Basket- ohewaa River in 1879, and was moved down to Lake Winnipeg in 1882 to tbe gettiensene et Benne' River. Mn. 111o• Laughlin left Beene River on the llth of September with some Indian ohildren for the school at Brandon, and was lost in the great tempest of Sept. 12. So far as lenmen skill and effideney are oonoern. ed, Mr. MoLaughlin wag folly capable of handling any boat 013 Lake Winnipeg, bat the storm was exaeptional. I heve tray. elled hundreds mile(' in the same boat with Mr. MoLtsagblin, and it wag peen. ly troetworbhy, Mr. MoLanghl in's father died recently and the family moved to Manitoba. The deneased was about 50 years of age, and leavee a wife and child at Beren'e River." A Winnipeg despatch of Oot. 1 sap :—"Rev. John Semmens, jun returned to Selkirk, reporte finding the body of Rev. James MoLaughlin and teix•Indian ohildren welshed ashore on Sandy Bar Point, Lake Winnipeg. The body of one child ie still mining." Rev, Mr. McLaughlin's father's home was about 2 miles from Brussels, 12th con., for some years, and they000g man reeeiv. ad a portion of his training in the Meth. actin Sabbath Sobool,and °barns in Brae - eels. Hie wife was a Min Gordon form- ta)? of Goderioh, and a eater to Mrs. (Rev.) G. F. Seaton, formerly of Brunelle The old time friends of the McLaughlin family will be filled with sorrow at the lamentable acesident. Business Locals. Two or three good farms for sale. Am ply at TEE POST. on 4 girls more wanted at Brueeele Evaporator, at °nee. J. CUNNINGHAM. HANDSOME walnut sideboard &reale at great reduction. Apply to MRS, W. M. &Nowa, Bonne. Just reoeived a fallonortment of Lie. towel yarns, ell colors, .2 or 3 ply also rain yarns, Knitting done to order. Me, RMS. Outteno.—We stook the highest grade of Clement made. Prioe guaranteed. Orders plaoed now will receive ben at• tuition, A. M. Melia, Brussels. ELIGIBLE village lot, adjoining tile readdenoe of John MoOrae, Tarnatarry street, 130ueeela, for sale. For partienlare RV to price and terms apply to 7, D, RONALD, Brussels. FURNITURE FOR SALE.—The undereign- el offers for Sale the following house -hold effects to be (told privately :-2 bedroom suites ; 1 organ ; firetelaes wood heat. ing etove and 1 sewing mitobine, Will be sold at a bargaite Apply at once to Jtectafitnnvitan, Brussels. CDURCII CHIMES. Rev, T, W. Gonne preeehed at Look. now last Sabbath. Union Bible Sonny meeting in Melville Church Sabbath evening 18th inst. at 7 o'olook, Harvest Thaultegiving aermong will be held in St. John's churns, Bruesele, on Sunday, Oot. 18. Yong Peoples' services were held last Sabbath in Melville Churoh. In the morning Rev. J. Ron, B. A. gave a very interesting address to the ohildren on Banners. Epworth Leagne District Convention will be held in the Methodist Chwoh Brunets on Friday of this week. The program is an admirable one. There wili be three eessions, Thursday evening of this week will be the annual Thankoffering meeting in eon - !faction with Melville church Womens' Foreign Missionary Society. A magical sod literary program will be given. It will oommenoe at 7 80 o'clook. Refresh. manta will be served, The annual Rally Day was observed in the Methodist Sabbath School in thie place last Sabbath, There were 299 pres- ent and dollotion vmse e7,17. Progettm, in addition to Roll oall, oonsieted of ad- dressee by B. Gerry, who was the let Superintendent and ie still a teaoher baying 4870008 to hie credit in the gallon ; and Rev. Mr. Millyard ; reaitation hy Lanese Liddy, of Harrinon ; solo by Vim Edwarcle ; and letter from Ira Gerry, The school Wm a good reoord. HARVEST Horan ANNIVERSARY. — Last Sabbath Heavens Home serving were held in the Methodist churns hen Rev, 11. Millyard, of lmoknow, °copying the pulpit with plenums and profit to the andienoeg. Hie morning text wee the rionotorting words of the Illaster. "Leh not your bean be troubled, &o," He proved beyond any question (1) Tbat those who are &main° of ()eying Faith in Cheat, whatever' nee they are or bee lieve are unhappy ; (2) Tbat thorn who have eating Fsith are isomfoitable ; (8) Those Who retain tbie Pettit have e, glor, Mee inheritance, The ohoir (lane the anthem "Like ae a Father." In the evening hie theme WWI "Ho that hath nen Me bath seen the Fathee," from which e thoughtful and instructive Mennen was preached. Rev. Mr. Millyard is en excel- lent peens/see and will be welorned book. kin. (Rev ) biddy, of Meriden, nog the Solo in the anthem "Godat Love" and alto gave in pleasing Manner the nolo eGalilee." The ohnrols wag appropriately and attentive. ly derogated with flowers, truth, vegetabtee, grails, maple Mime, Witten, bunting, &o., and the work of the timet. mittee Wag very favorably onamented Upon, Monday evening the Harvest Mitoe owl sapper weeheld, /0 was be make-believelowl either but the genaipe artiele eereed with (Mannerist& genera inity by wide awake matrons and light- footed 'maidens. After the large nom. pany had been oarefully looked after in the dining department the emend and literary program wae rendered after an opening hymn was sung and prayer offer- ed by Rev. R. Paul. The pastor mem pied the abate and introduced the follow. ing :-8010, "A. song of twilight", F. H. Gilroy ; reoitation, eThe Stowaway" Miss Louise Liddy ; duet, "Exoeleior" Mrs. Liddy and E. W. Avieou ; ad. dreee by Bev. jno. Rose, B. A., whose remarks on "Beauty and Fruitfulnese" were hamorouely and prenatally given ; solo, He 0 : Israel" Mrs. Liddy ; ad- dress, Rev. Mr. ktillyerd on "The per. ' fermium of the minor duties," whin) was very suggestive, neoegeary and en• eourailing ; solo, "The Plain of Peaoe" F. H. Gilroy ; recitafion, "Naughty Ben" Mies Louise Liddy ; duet, "The min& Leseuu" Odra. Liddy and H. W, Avison, encore, "Tbe A. 13. 0. duet" ! Vote of thanks ; solo, "Prove yonreelf e Friend" ; Benediction. The proceeds totalled about 1100 00. The addreesee were extra good, the reoitatione very heartily received and applauded, and tbe musical program ohoioe. Mrs. Liddy's visit was very highly eppreoiated. She did her part SO willingly and with math ability that her return will be hailed with pleasure. The duets were given in A 1 style and both May. Liddy and Mr. Gil. roy sang their solos in fine voice and with good eon. To our mind "Beene/or" was worth tbe admission fee alone. Miss Jean McLane/Win officiated ae planiet most profteiently. People We Know. Min Teenie Sample is visiting at Sea. tarth. Mre. Habkirk is visiting her brotherat Blyth. Jno. Donaldson ie holidaying at Seaforth. Harry Beatliff, of ()Satan, wag in Town for the Fein Miss Mae Rinke, of N ewry, is visiting old friends in Bruseele. Mre, Joo. Thomson is borne from a visit with relatives at Guelph. Mae Bate Smith, of Guelph, (vent Sun. day with Mrs, R. Williooseon, Breese& W. J. and Mrs. Lowry, of London, are renewing old friendship in Brune& and N°741. 14111,11eKinnon, who has been vielei ng ber, sister, Mre. Orono, has returned to kier house at Cannington. Mrs John J00013, Brussels South, hes been ou the siok lin but we hope she will soon be fully restored. Mies Lizzie Downing was on the Wok Het from an abscess formed at St tooth but ie better on more, D. NI. Soon, of Hamilton, wae in town for a few daye. He was anompanied by bie oasin, Margery Green. Mies Hattie Levis, of Clinton, hag come to spend a few weeks with her cousin, Miss Eva Cantelon. Mies Annie 13. Ross wae at Atwood on Wednesday judging the Ladies' Work at the Fall Fair. She is a oompetent band. Miss Jean McLane/11in was at concerts in Blyth and Teeewater officiating as accompanist. She's an adept in thio department. Chas. and 111re. Dodds have taken np housekeeping in the apartmente io the Thomae block with the hearty good Wiell. eg of a large oirole of friends. Mies Gilroy and her nephew, Master Willie Addison, of Mt. Forest, were vieit• leg F. J. Gilroy, brother of the former, of the Metropolitan Bank in town. Joeeph Thompeon, tdill Street, was on the siok list, threatened with inflammat• ion of the lenge but ie able to be out again although hardly tally restored yet. Mrs. William Martin ie at present vieiting her brother, Dr, W. Aitobeson, of Ortonville, Michigan. We wieh her a pleasant time in Uncle Sare'e domain. Mrs. George Cardiff bad the misfortune to fall reontly and sprain her left atm quite badly. It has given her consider. unity pain but we hope the worst &lover. W111. Grieve is home for a holidaylweek from Brantford when he lo employed by the Massey.13aeris fleet, He ie well pleased with his new loosens and looks WeMihrs. Middleton and Mre. Motion, of Galt, were visiting their brother, P. Wet. eon, and wife, Queen street, Broeeelo, Mrs, John Barnbitl, of Belfry's, VOIS also a visitor with Mre. Watson. Mee. I, 13. Grant, of Winnipeg, who wag visiting bare, he gone to Stratford and will leave (alertly for her home in the West. Mr. Grant won to epond the corning Winter in California Where he was last Winter, thereby escaping the rigors at a Northern freeze up, Mint Maggie Catbill arrived home Wel. needay of last week from a 10 weeks' trip to Sootland. She went and returned on the Allan eteernehip Oorinthian and en- joyed both voyage end visit. Min Cet• Itig31,13nitot.w n geed deal of Sootland but thinks Canada is not superseded by tbe oia Wm. Forrest, Oliver (n00& sad Jay Clegg. Wbo Went to the Old Country with battle, errived beck Wedneedey of lent week. nen were 750 bead of cattle on hotted. Owing to so mob rain Mr, For. rest anys tits harvest in Scotland ig late and the orop poor, Many miner(' are also leaving the Old Oenntry and teeming to Canada, He brought riome white heather with him. The lettere peasage was Wade in 10 daye ou the Allan liner Cloeinthien. They had a pod passage and 800 paeeengete, Mr, Forrest One made 8 oe 4 tripe Wen the Atlentio, • • • ARRI.1.61264•1•44142.1matql. sonorowasamtwomorawommexamonaarsamavearamuomemq. 00T. 8 190 Standard Bank of Canada 173ST.A.Z.a.ZS117Z1Z17D 1E572 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of one dollar and upwarde received and interest allow - ad in Savinge Bank et highest rate from date of deposit to withdrawal. Int erest PA/D 010 THE Daily Balance LOZIL$ Made, Notes gashed, and every a000rasuoda- tion afforded the the, ponsible borrower. •nlie 7A71200118' 88.2101001.88 Cashed, Collected ; 00 0103' be left for safe -keeping 0017 for whioh no charge le male. This Bank offers Unsurpassed. Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. M'"le'very convenience afforded customers living eA a distanoe. BRUSSELS BRANCH la. H. GRAN', Aelaeln. An old time Brueselite in the person of Philip Seel, of Oadillao, Mina, is visiting in town and locality. It ie 10 yeare nun be removed from here after a residence bete of 14 years, In 1897 be lost big good right arm from a tree etriking bim In the hub where he was working for Cummer, Dieltene & Co. He ie still in the employ of the some Go. working in the pinning mill. They employ 78 banes and with those employed in sawmill and chemical plant, where ie manufactured chemisel and wood alcohol, 400 harsh all together are on the pay list. Cadillac is a plan 01 4000 inhabitant(' and is a go. ahead city. A.0 electric railway is being construoted now, 111r. Eieel's daughter Annie, is married and is now Mrs. Wm. Johnstone and resides at Mewing, in the eame State. an cnRn.b* aloNas.—tat Oonoordia, Kenna, on Aug. 200o Bev, Geo. and Mrs Malley, a daughter. mot..A.e,mex=oo., lehoore —STOREY. — In Nonage:Imp, Halton Co„ on Wedneeday Mr, Tboe, 6410hie, of Regaining, to Min Eliza- beth Storey. Teneetree—Carreeere—At Toronto, 'MA. needay, Sept. 80th, by the Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B.A., L. L. 13,, of Toron- to, Miee Millie, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Oaadler, of Toronto, to Mr. Chas. Turnbull, of Sturgeon Falls, !Bo—Rasoann. — At "Maple Grove" Faros, Grey, on Sept, 80, by Rev C. P. Wells, B. A., B. D., Mr. Geo. Yeo, of Turnberry, to Miee E. Susanna, only daughter of Mr. Joseph Baynard, ef Grey townehip. .a.7,TCT201,..T FRIDAY, On. 9.—Farm stook, in) ple- mann, &o. Lot 21, Con. 14, MoKillop, Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 o'clock. George Hamilton, Prop. Thomas Browa, Ano, SATURDAY, 00T. 10.--Housebold turn. tura, &a. John etreet, Brunelle Sale, unreserved, at 2 p. m. lEieo Weinman, proprietress. F. S Soott, Ano, TUESDAY, 002. 18.—Farm stook, im. Memento, &o. Ni Lot 15, Con. 6, Grey. Sale, unreeerved, at 1 o'clock. John Bateman, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo. WEDNESDAY', Oce, 14 —Farm stook, implements, &a, Lot 4, Con, 10, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. R. D. Octane, Prop. T. Brown, Ano. MoNDAY, 00T. 19. --Farm stook heeled, ing 18 bOrSeS, implements, &o. Lot 2, Con. 12, Eullett. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook, Joseph Stevens, Prop. Thomas Brown, Ano. Tanosnae, OCT 22,—Farm nook, im plements, (80,, Sa Lot 6, Cow 5, Morrie. Sole unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Adam llelliday, Prop, F. S. Soott, Lao. =EMI% Efarammo.—loBrandonallan., on Sept. 26, klaybell Gertrude, youngeet disugh. ter of Geo..A. and Nellie E. Haitians?, formerly of Brueeele, aged 1 year and 4 menthe. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QTOOK FOR SALE. — THE L J undersigned offers Tor sale 1 young milk cow, 2 steer ealves and 7 sheen from 2 to 078010 0101, Apply to .A. AeleTON, Lot 27, Doo. 7, Morris, for at 2. Witiker'0, Lot 08, Ow, 6, 1601T10, 18 rINE LEICESTER EWE AND V rem lambs strayed from the premi- en or the undersigned Lot 25, Oen, 2, Morris, on or about: Sepal All have long tang, Any informablon leading to their recovery will be B111511131V rewarded. WAL- TER FOUREST , Jamestown, P. 0. LEIOESTER SHEEP 111011 Seraa—o Leicester Rem Gantt's, peon eg to 6? ; 1 Sbearting and 2 Two-leheen ROMs, prices 010 to 012. Al] are good ones, 8.100 0. few Ewe Ltunbs, priee 25, and a few good Ewes at randerate priees. DAVID unaus SOL Ethel, Ont, 18 FOB SALE.—LOT 6, CO. 6, Grey, 0ontlan,,,g3.00 acres, 75 being 010000(11 and In good state of aultiyation. Parra is wel] watered; good buildings, or- chard, &o. Failure in banns Oallse for eel - ling, Ponession given on ono month's name. Terms env. Tior further petio- late apply to TRUDMAte SMITE, ou tue Memnon, or Renato P. 0. 18 LL UOTION SAL'S OF FARM SToOn, IMPLEMENTS, &C.—Mr, Themes Mown, auctioneer, has received instrue• ttons from the uncial signed to sell by public auction at 100 4, Con, 10, Grey, on WED- IIDEIDAY, 00T. 14th, at 1 o'clock tbe fol. yloalrtssgweepleurglate-lbtra Eiyapdriortuuegdlitomi foal 101 horse 0 years old, 1 heavy draught pollee 4 100.0001,1,0 liew7y deaught getelings 2 years old, 1 Soling one, 1001000001' 0701000 fold, 1 Clear Obit driving mare 0 yeene old, 10010 to calve about Nov.20. 4 oeoVO enpposed 10 1 farrow eoW, 7 abaft 2 years old, 5 00000 0 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 70000, 8 Sptiug Onl000, 00 Lbioefner OW135, 1 Leiota. tor ram, a number of !MOO. get single bar. newt, 1 set double 1100000s, 1 top baggy, 1 cutter, 200011280 wagons, 1 pair bob•elelghs, 1 Massey -Dards •bintler, 1 Massey -Hares 0 - foot rower, 1 Massey-Sarris rake, (teeddell, dell, 1,1100 Intense, 1 Tweet° seed (leaner, 1 get mon harrows, 1 Cookshett twin plow,2 Riegle 1110100, 2. aotellor, 1 pulp er, Mk, 1 DEW, 01111513, 1 noise 'boat, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 \smelling intietilbs, 5, dozen kitchen (Matra 2. mountain beer robe, 1 pair borse quantity of mastoids about 20 ton of h&y, ennuis, teem. 75158s, 43110V515 and ','otlibr Motes too entsseroue to mention, ample - mune are all nently bow &nate good male, Selo will be without 1000000 5.131000 eo]01 311800001. 700000-811B proptolor and under nab 0 over that amulet 11 21200, (ti111 be !iven on funthing0771107711000(0!21gal010itlVhgtSssegrAiA01:olor; T&oiAsitowi,,t10 .1.5-bseasee."aa02 iaz.e...a7a=X20n , Fall Wheat Barley • • Peas ' Oats ........... Butter, tube and rolls 'Legge it or dozen Flour per ..... 4 00 Potatoes (per low) 50 Apples (per bag) . 1 00 Hay per tou., 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail..—. I, 00 Hoge, Live 5 00 Wool 15 Hides trimmed' Eiden( rough 5 Lamb skins esob ..... 26 30 Sheep skins, each 26 26 78 87 60 26 14 18 74 88 55 27 16 14 5 00 50 1 00 8 00 70 5 26 16 5 BAKING POWDER TRUTH Tho befit Baking Powder is the one that produces the mon leaven- ing power without leaving it haetu. NI rendes in the food. Snob a Powder meet invariably be made from pure Creern of Tartar and Soda. Anything else le never and except to make an unfair profit. 0 IT S is a pare Cream Tartar Baking Powder. Thoge who nee it think well of it. 250. PER POUND. GIVE IT A TRIAL AT—a...area Fos Drug Store. Have you Bought Your Millinery ? If Not You will Need a New Hat. Depend upon us for all you need in Trim- med, Ready-to-wear and Fancy Hats. We have established a reputation for Excellent Styles and Unsurpassed Workmanship. New Goods always arriving. 'W e have some Special Bar- gains for You. The' Misses Habkirk. NEW LL GOODS EW ATPRICES "WIMM111111111111011111111•111.110.81111111,1111. This coming Month, October, completes our first year in Brussels. Now we are going to celebrate all this month by a Gigantic Sale and close our first year's business by giving our Patrons a Cyclone of Bargains. Not Merely Talk but a Reality. You can Save Money all this Ionth New Fall Dress Goods, Perfect Fitting Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants and Vests; Ladies', Misses', Boys' and Children's Solid Leather Shoes; Underwear, Top Shirts, Cobtonades, Linens, Tovvelings, Tickings, kirtings, Flannelettes and Blan- kets at THE MONEY-SAWNG SPOT HARRY A. MUM Garfield House, Brusseis, Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. ' ' .