HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-8, Page 5Dom. 8, 1903
cent, F.H, SCOTT, Brussels,
. issuer of Marriage Licenses, Of -
es at (I rmaory,'1' oruberry street, lirneaol8,
` 1LRMt3 FOR BAL ;'-r1`f31a'TIN•
ntastonen has several good Farms or
'°ale aadlo rant, easy tering in 'townships
.of 6forris and Grey, if S. SOOTT,Brueeel
:Issuer of' Marriage Licenses,
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Mise Eva N. Rolllyn, of London,
Penile prepared for Conservatory exams.
100 V, ill visit Brn88e18 ovary Tuesday,
Lessons given at the home of W, H. Iferr,
John street,
d. L.ECK/E,
MONEY TO LOAN Al' l) , o) & 5 Per Cent.
Odlae over li,rt)or'e ')rug Store,
Nov, 8r11,1001. 00.80 Br118sela.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insnrnnee Co.,
EHTARL1ana0 1840
Insurnne0 taken on the mob and premium
note system at current rates. Sr fore luuur•
lig elsewhere call •ou tb e n n doral geed Agent
of the OompGEORGE ROGE1188, Broseele,
• BEE, will sell for bettor prices, io
better Teen, in less time and less °barges
ron or
b won't chart anything, In
san ttorders
eau alwaye
be arranged at Mile 06106 or by
The nnder8igued, who le well a0quRiuted
throughout rho meet pert of the County
and who has had business with a large eir-
Me of farmers In and around this looality,
Laken opt inform
,8 o Lioueer'e rtLloonaet heothe
County of Huron and afore hie serviette to
all purporting to bold Galas,
TEM. NEw801E, 1lrnaeel0,
fJ • Honor Gra,Iuate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
oases of dam001100ted animals in a oompet-
mot manner. PArtienlar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
of to,
Turnh, rry et , Breesels. ora
• Barrister, Solloitor, 000veyau0er,
Notary Public, &o, 08306-Bleveart's. Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
5p1pitor for the standard Bank.
(Aloe over Standard lank; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, Bowiok Mutual mud the
MetropolitagBauk• Private mud Company
Money to loan at lowest robes.
N. c.
Trinity Vnlvere)ty,. Fellop Tr eity Medias'
Oollege,Memher ollsge of P 18101041 and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal OM-
le a of Physicians end Licentiate of Mid,
wltfory Edinburgh. I "Telephone No.14,
Reotr(ence-Mill osteal, Brataele.
Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental
8urgooneof Ontario and Fh•st•o1m°a Honor
Graduate of Toronto Ouivorsitiy. : OiDOe
next to Brower'a Photograph Go (Dry,
Fall Term begins Sept. 1st
Two Oourees-•Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College Journal.
Prceident, 8eoretary,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Dille 3Ln(1 Cedar
ru _sels Planing Els s �
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
tang on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Futesiehed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
ship an Material Guaranteed,
• TJJ.!R RRV$81 1.O POI3T •
/ mail 10, Andrew JI ell 55, Mary Taylor
0 04 Charlie But er) 53 httsuley llatahi,
11 GET THE GEST IT. PAYS can 52, Mester J3•ra.r 50, Jamsie Campbell
48, John liolleub cls 4)1 Willie 8perien
44, Melvyn Ox,eby 35 .lr. II -Pearl
• �� l/�� - 1)xtoby 81, Alma bperine 77, Retie Dell.
man 811, Amen Buell 0e, Blanche White
• field 07, Myrtle Sparian 64, Percy Ward
50, Wilfred Whitfield 50, Maggie Ward
44, 130rt Ament 40, 'Jarman Piokerel 80
Bolt, Piokerel 110. Sr. Pt, IL --Geo,
Evans 70. Iva Simian 66, Irene Engler
04, Lily JJvano 61., Dees. Whitfield 46,
Jr Pt, II. --J10, Hyde 65 Mary'Maahau
62, Alex. Hyde 50, Margueri11l Matchin.
eon 48, Reaeell Coutts 46, Willie Ward
42, aliuuia Manna 36, 53r. Pt. II.-
Froddie Cox. Jr. Pt I-Ohrtetle Engler,
Varus 1 Sparian, Luny Taylor, Wesley
Ballantyne, Gordon Whitefield, Milton
i7 Beet plaooiu Canada for aoourIng Pf
A Lhorough baain000 education or a dl'
p superior shorthand training, Our
Li graduates are alwayyesueee08ful ingot. ss
ting post tions, 5.'11)8 eobool invariably yi
gives Ito 'Andante more than they ox• ti
p801. Write for oabalogee. It, ;ter -
L i out
h 0 m k Ifrot
o °[bio,
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Ticam` d• t�r�o'�`s�d='a"Y,i+-�-"dl�r�•�dd9
is x x:l 4.135.
8.10 686t 811.00)(.
. 80)1000 Raeou',-The following ie the
standing of the popile of the Sr. Depart•
ment for September. Sr, IV, --Emma
Heather, Allis Porrest, Prod Hunter,
Will Smalldoo. Jr, IV. -Myrtle Sper-
ling, Amelia Molonie, Vine Alderson and
Hartley Menzies, (equal) Roy Conning.
Item, Martin McDonald. Sr. III.-
Myrtle McDonald, Ida Sharpe, Jr. ILI
--Stella Alderson, Herbert MoDonaid,
Emma Hueter and Mary MuNiohol
(equal) Rnseell Aldereoo, Mina Fox,
Leo Baker. WHO 0408800, Teacher,
Jr, Department. Jr. I - May Hunter,
Gordon Cameron, Hazel McDonald, Looy
A)dereon, Fred. risobar, Beta Fox,
Evelyn MONiohoi, Martell. Knight.
Sr. I -Lillian Dark, Lulu McDonald,
Leslie Perris, Edward Swalldon, Bessie
Aldereon. Part II. -Angeline Kreuter,
Nettie Rayrnann, Jamie Menzies, Leila
Sperling, Muriel Sperling,
Fischer. Jr. IL=Viola Long, Harold
Smaildon, Julia Baker, Georgeemalldon,
Willie Baker, Christine FiBOher. Sr. If.
-Alex Dark, Viotor Sperling, Antler
Fox, Datil P, rrie. Mae Male 04110188,r,,
Scum REeonT.-Report of the Sailor
Dept, of Ethel Public School for the
month of Sept. -5th clave -Bert bailee,
Grover GM. 4th Wan -Examined In
Geo., Gram„ Reo. and Ati1h, Total 350
M. `Slemmon 247, N. Simpson 222, M.
Imlay 208, L. Ohambpre 196, B. Eckmier
103, E. Fraemau 186, T. McAllister 183,
W. Baduley 160, H, Ooateo 159, L. Ealt.
mita 148, E Kerr 137, I. Horarlh 96,
M, Moeliam 78, 3rd ease-Exatnined
in Rea., Geo. Gram , Arith. Total 820.
F. Imlay 278, 13. Bateman 274, P. Brem.
her 206, E. Millar 222, L. Cooper 210,
J. MaAllum 213, E McKee 211, K. Mo
Lead 911, G. McAllister 174, W. Barr 164-
G. Moles 153, E Eokmmer 123, W. Pear-
son 87, S. McIntoe11 65. 2nd oleee-Ex•
attained in Rea., Geo., Comp. and A, ith.
Total 810. R. Love 280, 0. Hemmed 275.
R Fraoar 268, 11, Eckmier 246, A.. Cooper
240, L, Strachan 203, V. McLeod 195, O.
Davidson 180,H. Eokmier 126, J. Pearson
72. Goo. DODSON. 'Teacher.
Jn. DEPAuTArENT.-Jr. tad olase-.Roy
Gill, Irene Heath, Alvin MOKee, Allen
) IoAtlieter, Alvis Flatohee, Luella Henry,
Joseph Cooper, Del0011810 Dane, George
Bndgley, Rotund Wilbee,Iiliwtn Thompson,
Pt. and nlaee-J0mee Bremner, Aubrey
Dobson, Alioe Bar, Merman 'P' ogal, Pearl
McKee, Wilfrid Eokenier, Diorama Mae-
Oallnm, Fleda Freeman, Vera MoOall,
Lizzie Maolntoah, Robert Thompeoe.
Sr. Pt. let olaoo-Olifford Dunbar, A01,ie
McAllister, Pearl Gill, Elwin Dohs, n,
Charlie Davidson, Verde Pollard, Ed•
mond McLeod, Noll Eokmier, Stanley
Straohao, Rose Goatee, Wesley Yeo. Jr.
Pt. 1st aloes -Noble Moliee, Olive Coop.
er, Wilfrid Thompson, Pearl Bateman,
Grata Balmier, Edith Heath, Ruby Gill,
Annie Ward, Norman Addy, George Oohs.
Papa Leine SEANNog, Teacher.
L.irrit0 WV el.
Clarence Thompson left ou Tuesday of
last week foe Toronto, where he will at-
tend Trinity University.
Rev. Dr. MoDonagh, of Stratford,
prea0hed in the elelhodiet oheroh Sauday.
Mr, Oliver went to Bt. Mary's for the day
where he conducted Missionary services.
The Lowe merchants have agreed to
oloee their etoree at six o'olaok every
evening, except Saturday, during the
Winter months, and on Saturday nights
at ten o'aiogk
J. A. Kelly won the $25 prize givenat
the Northern Fair,Wingham, theregeire•
meets being elyle, speed and value, with
hie Eamon° horse, Dae111and, whish he has
Bina, amid for the handsome 00488 of $700.
The anniversary sealing of the Metbo•
dial Sabbath Soboel will he held on Sat.
day, Oat. 11111, Rev, Dr. Daniels, of
Goderlah, will preaoh morning and even
ing. The annual entertainment will be
given in the theme e by the eohool on
Thursday evening, 151)1 irate
John A. Selly lost a parse with $180
on Mill Street on Tuesday of last week
and it waelfonnd by Rea Johnston, a clerk
in Grant's store, and restored to its own
er., Mr. Kelly %vent.ed to vivo him 225
bob the yonn9 man would only accept
$10 Mr. Kelly feelsenre he known of
one bones° man in this town at least.
stash '.
0oxo01 Reeen1T.-Tho following is the
report for S. S. No, 0, Grey, far Sept
amber 1-8r. Fourth -Harry MoNaaght,
Frank Harrison, Willie Mann. Jr.
Fourth --Henry MoXay, Maggie Mahn,
Win,,ie Mu5aueht, John McIfay, Robert
McK.y, 'Sr. III -John Elusion, Jr.
III -Ella Bray, Carrie Boltnbek, Catherine
Brown, idles, Mann, K',tie Sieling, :Pena
Ebeling, Fergus MoNaaghl, Alfred Muth -
au. Br. II -Lizzie Hu8ion, Roy 0um.
minge, Myrtle Oummi,lg(,e, Wi 1)0 Rislop,
Melbourne Bray, Hugh Orawierd, Mervyn
Hodge, Jeanie Heaton; Jr. 71 -Ales.
•ipeiran, Erin& MoNaukbt, Alice Mol)Ctly,
Pearl Harrison, George Bodge, Olive
Brown, Sr, Pt. II -Grace 801180010, Joe.
8ie Mann, Bessie Malin, Bobbie Luoae,
Roy Orateford, Agree McKey. Jr, Pt.
II -Bert Snelling, Violet McKay, Beth
McKay, Laura Speiren. Sr. Pt. 1 -Em.
iiy Smith, Fred Hedge, Ruby McKay.
Intermediate Pt. I-Rarold Livingetono,
110y Sieling, ,Garby Seafling. Wilfred
'8mith, George Crawford. Jr. Pt. 5-•
Siby Harrison, Mina Peet, Melville Chao
Wings, Laurence Hi01op,
Mies HATTIE 016teno1, Teaoher,
Swath, LLlcreaT,-Tie following ie the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No 10, for
the mouth of 'September •Average
attendanoe 48 V Olaae,-•-'Cecil Coutts,
Sr, IV, -Clara Ratbwell 88, Delia Befit.
I, Well 58, Sophia appalling 57, Mamie Den-
Oxtoby, Millie O„x, 17rtith Plokeroll,
Stanley Meehan, 10. B.Lenora, Teacher.
(ii ,i ,•1 at.
The Annual Harvest Home servioee
will beheld in the Methodist Charlie on
Sunday end Monday, Oot, 11 and 12.
We are sorry to rep at the finest of
Mrs, Wm, Evens, 0th can., and hope elle
will soon he enjoying her usual health,
Wm. Evans has sold hie floe Macre
farm between Gerrie end Wroxeter for
the handsome price of $12,500 to R,
Trona', of Wroxeter, Mr. Beane will
likely retire to 0008)4.
On Monday merm%g of lash week the
spirit of Jam/ Sondvrmon, reiiet of thel0Le
Wm. Moths, sr., pa000d poaoofully away
to its rase She had attained the ripe
old age of 81 years and 7 months, De-
ceased has been residing .with her sou,
Robert, on the 9.1 eon., and has been in
failing health for Some time and the
unoomplaining manner in wbioh the bore
her 1110088 was a lesson to all in Christian
hope and fortitude, • She was of an am'
iabte andgenerous disposition and her
memorywill be fetidly of riebe by1)
o let da
who hae known her, and more espeially
by 6110 members of her family who have
been oalled upon to mourn tho lose of a
kind and true mother. Her remains
were interred in the Wroxeter cemetery
on Tne°day afternoon, the funeral being
a large one.
Band eoneert on Thankegiviog Day,
Oat 15th.
The first half of September make of
Ph.eee, of Fmrdwieh factory bee been sold
for 111 ante,
A. 0 Hutchison was in Tevawater and
paid an official visit to the Masonio Lodge
thele. Adam is D, D. G. Dl, for tbie
District, No, 5,
Mae Rogers, ct Toronto, is visiting her
brother at the pvrs0nege. She La ac.
oompenied by her twice, Mise MoLeod,
of St. Paul, Minn. '
A. S. Strome has bonght two building
lots, North of Robt, Harding'a residence
for 2300 mud ie building a house 30 feet
square, with a kitchen, 20x15 feet, to the
rear. The masons are at work on the
atone wall.
Lewis Mahood is home from Webster
Oily, Iowa, where he haebeen practising
in the dental oiliest of hie brother, Dr. D.
'G, Mahood, who has a ouooeeefol praotioe
it that city. Lew. has been abeeot about
two years,
John Heoueberg has excavated the
fo0ndatioO for A. H01t'e boaeo. The old
heuee will be moved bank about 25 feet,
raised on a atone foundation, veneered
and otherwise improved, He will also
erecta summer kitchen and woodshed.
Ward has been received by Thos. Gib.
806 11101 Mr. Oaeale, who has been very
peaty, is improving under the care of a
former Fordwiob physician. If hie bealth
will permit, Mr. Cassie intends to vieit
in this locality, coming about the last of
October. If hie health improves, he may
take up hie abode here for tame time,
Mr, Oaseiereports barvee1done around
Prince Albert and good grape.
W eve
0. P. Smith and family have removed
to Teeewater where Mr, Smith is in
charge of the Bank of Hamilton branch.
Thos. Wilson, of abater street,
ie ill as a result of a stroke of paralysis.
On ,Sunday evening Sept. 27, he bad
attended cherub as renal and was about
to retire to bed and while undressing hewas
seized with paralysis of his left aide.
Robt, Du mage, of Saskatoon, ie vitae
ins hie brother in town. I: is 20 yemre
since Mr, Dglmage went West, and he
has done well in the mercantile bosineea.
Sad to etty, Mr. Dulmaite lost his wife
recently. Ile will spend the Winter with
his neatly friends in Harem county.
Talking Omit big eggs, Ed, Jenkin'' y'
reporte two Iain by him belie 1 era eg•' �j+
meat urea 0 he 8 bah, e, and the other (.
by lj
8i 1111111,0,
The unnertainity of life ham Leen again
impressed upon the 0olnmun11.y by theWU1DMILLS
startling midden death of hire, David
Bose, of Teeewater, Mrs. Roes, wee a
resident of W inghnm fur nearly thirty
years, but lase than 9 years ago removed
to Teeawater, Her maiden name was cA C.
Caroline Fulford. Ott Sunday Sept. '27,
Mrs, Reading and a daughter of Mee.
Roes drove ewer fCDm Win iah
found the deoeused apparently in good
health, cheerful and bright, While the
wee 0ugeged in preparing,, dinner, she had
ocouaion to go into the woodshed, and tut
ehe did not return when expected her
daughter went out and found Mre. Rote
lying unooneoieue, A Ur. wag leaned.
lately summoned but was unable to re-
store her to Oon0oionen080, and death fol•
lowed in a thort time. Mre. Rose was 71
yearn of age, and while in Wiugham won
esteem and respect from all with whom
she Dame in oouteot, While here she was
a faithful member of the Baptist ohurah
A I w00(1.
Some one oaroleaely plead a bicycle
against Roger & Ratal.ffe's fine plate
glass window and the handle cranked the
glass pretty badly.
J. A, MoBain, who for neatly two
months has been confined to the house
through 1110006, lett last week for Toron-
to to resume hie position as traveller for a
wholesale bowie in that oily.
Oar gristmill will on November let
palm into the hands of A, F. Dickson,
who thio weak purchased the property
and building from Mr. Currie, who will
operate it till let November.
GOLDEN WEDDING. -It was a happy
gathering of people that aeaembled at the
comfortable home of Luke and Mrs.
Mae, 10th on `est o 0. Tuesday of last
o P y
week. Ib wee the celebration of the
golden wedding of the worthy ooaple and
about forty people gathered to do honor
to the husband and wife who for fifty
!roan have fought life's battles together.
Por, Lucas was born in Oornwall, Erg•
lend, came bo Canada in 1851 and lived
in Hamilton for four yenta, and tben set.
tied in Elmo. in 1855, a period of 48 years
Re and hie wife have reeided.on the pree.
ent homestead for that time end have
prospered in things temporal. Four eons
are living to do honor to their parents
namely, Luke, Wm. and Oyrae, all on
farms in Elms and Chas. who ,lives re.
tired in Atwood. The happy gathering
eat down to a aamptaoue meal, after
which congratulatory epeeohee were made
by Samuel Wherry, William Wherry,
Luke Lucas, Rev, Wm: Penball. Many
elegant and aoetly presents testified to
the 0eteem in which the worthy pair are
held by those who know them beet. We
extend Dar heartiest oongratolatiane on
their 50 year' of happy wedded lite and
hope they may be long apered to be a
comfort and support to each other.
W888p1No BELL°. -One by 000 the fair
daughters of Elmo. are being claimed and
carried off to rule in other h0mee and
hearts. Oa Wednesday of last week, at
3 o'otoek Rev. Dr. MoLeod ;pronounced
the solemn wade that made Mies Kate
Peebles, daughter of Andrew and Mre.
Peebles, 8th eon., West, and David Alair,
G. T. R. agent at Brnoefield, man and
wife. About 60 guests were present when
the groom took bis plane ruder a new
arob of evergreens and asters. The bride
leaning on the arm of her father entered
the room to the strains of Mendelsohn's
Wedding Marob played by Miee Jennie
Harvey. It ie customary to say that the
bride looked• handsome, etc., but in this
ones we can honestly affirm that ehe
certainly looked wineome, drawled in a
beautiful ooalume of white sills,
trimmed with hand embroidered
yoke and bertha. She parried a
maguifioeut bouquet of wkite
eaters. Little 14lise Minnie Pope made as
outs a little flower girl, dressed in white,
as one could well wish to behold. The
merry company, after hearty oongratula•
Hone had been extended, eat down to a
sumptuous wedding dinner. The time
WEE .thew pleasantly spent until it was
time for the bridal couple to take the
evening train for Bruoefield. A goodly
number of friends and well wisher° tee -
'ambled at the station to On them 6
hearty send off in the customary form of
rice and old boots.- The wedding p008ent6
were numerous, ooably and exceedingly
substantial end useful. Mr. Meer was
enable to obtain have of absence from
the 0, T, R. for a longer period than one
day and so the young couple will take
their honeymoon trip later on. The
bride was for many years a useful
Dray Shoa.
/° When you wear a pair
of our rubbers you know
you have a good thing -
because they keep the feet
dry and they wear well.
We sell only brands
that have stood the test.
They are made of pure rubber.
'Will fit any shoe.
'Will stand rough usage. •
We btiy the best and sell at Money -saving prices.
Men's, ,women's and children's -all kinds, all prices.
Those that are dry and those that are both dry and
Some prices:
Some prices are high this season bot ours you will find all right o.1 we alwaye
boy when the market is at its lowest, Our Pail soak of Shoes is now to hand and
We are offering great vainest in Mone, Womeo'e and Ohildeen'a wear.
HARNESS DEPARTMENT, -The Bargafue we are now offering in 13arne00,
Finial huge and ;Robber Rugs It moving them off rapidly, Ootue and see them,
Repaint in Harnoee, Boats and Shoes.
113''Two a110)1)ng houses for gale, a hell sore of land with each.
I. C. rs.r V I C H A .L+ V D S.
A. R,A.YMANN, Cranbrook,
who has had 80 years' experience
in the Pump business, is dealing
larger than ever in Iron and
Wooden Pumps, and ready to
attend to repairs promptly.
He is also agent for the
Woodstock Windmill. This mill
is a marvel and should be seen
before ordering any other.
Persons requiring Water
Troughs should call and get
Pump Maker, Cranbrook.
Cream Seuargor
Ball bearing, with friotioolees, self.
balancing and suspended bowl and
The "Melotte" has taken the highest
honors. It yields $10 to $25 extra profit
par cow each year. It eaves time, labor,
space, utensils, ice and water,
Get information as to other particu-
lars from
Liverpool 0884) Londonderry
Royal Nail Steamers
Ionian 001. 8 0 a.m Oat, 8 10 p.m.
Tunisian 10 0 10 8
Parisian...., " 17 9 ' ' 1710
Pretorian " 34 0 " " 24 4 "
1st Oabiu-Iou)an and Tunisian 860 and
onwards; Parisian and Pretoria°, $55 and
00d Oabin-Ziverpool and Londonderry -
Ionian and Tunisian, $40 ; Parisian and Pro-
torian 887.00, London $250 extra.
Ord. Class -$25 and $20-Livorpool, Derry,
Belfast, Glasgow, London.
Through tickets to Swath Africa.
Montreal to Glasgow direct -Corinthian,
(daylight) Thursday, cot, 8; 8loilian, (day•
light) Thursday, 081.23. ]et cabin, $50 and
$00; end °ably, $85 ; 8011 cable, 525,
W. 17. KERR,
Agent, Brussels.
member of the Presbyterian choir and
Ohrietian Endeavor Society and will be
mach missed by her many friends. The
groom i9 no stranger to the people of
this vioioity, having been engaged as
aeoiataot to G. T. R. agent, J, H. Moore,
for some time. Be ie a young man of
Waling, Christian character and gives
promise of a useful career. Wo extend to
them our beet wishes for a long and happy
wedded life,
A dieoovery of molybdenite ie repotted
in the vicinity of Lac Saul,
Mrs, John Everett, a Windsor lady of
71 years, dropped dead on the street.
General Sir Ian Hamilton wag warmly
greeted by South Africa veterans at Mont.
teal and Ottawa.
Andrew Carnegie bee offered 25,000 to
St. Mary's for pnblio library parpceee on
the usual conditions.
The statement that Frank, 33. 0. 10
deserted on amount of the mountain
elide is contrndioted,
Mrs. Lottie Soolt, of Chicago, who hag
been vi011ing reiati080 for the peat month,
died very suddenly at Burlington.
John McRae an employee of the Mont.
real Water 61 Power Oompany, was killed
at Point St. Charles, being oangbt in a
It hoe been deolded to rue a fortnightly
waviest of 0, P. 1t steamers between St.
John and Antwerp, beginning about the
ems of 001eber.
William Gill was found dead in Sher.
man's Park at Hamilton, It i0 enpposed
he was butting oleOtrio wires and wag
eh00ked to death,
The Ottawa Jonroal (independent) gag.
goats Sir Wilfrid Lettrier ea the hese man
fur Colonial Secretary after Right Zion,
Joseph Ohsmberlain.
The Dominion Tradee 0ongre00 en(tors•
ed the Brfttail Triable Oongreae' condom -
nation of Mr. Chamberlain's policy of
taxing foodstuffs,
IcKinnon & Co.
The Blyth Fall Fair will be held on October Gth and 7th. The
mspa ora have awed neither time nor ex ouse inpeaking this the moat
narrative exhibition ever held In Huron County. When you visit tho !Myth
Fair make Ibis store your hengoartero. Leave your wraps and perorate
here, Take a walk through our large eotahltehment,
Look at our great display of New Drees Goode.
Take a look through our Mantle and Far departments, where you will
gee all the new ideals in Ladies' and Mases' Cloth Menlloe, Jaokete Dud
Oapee from $2 25 to $15. In the For department you will gee all that is
new in Astrachan Jaoketo, Rnffe, Ooperinoa, Collarettes and Long Boaa, In
Eleotrio Seal, Thibet, Stone Martin, Sable, Eto.
Then take a walk through our epaoions Millinery show rooms, whore
you can view all the haat novelties in Millinery, Trammed and Untrimmed
Hate in all the newest shapes and colors'
also Flower°, Feathers, Wings,
Mounts, BLrdo, Ornaments, Mo., in eodlesa variety from Paris, New York
and other antra of fashion,
You willlnd our Shoe department worthy of your attention where you
will see all the rawest styles in Men's, Women's, Mines' and Childrea'e
Shoes and Rehberg, 100)84ing the "King Qaahty" and Peerleee Oolebratsd
Shoes. Ask to see our Ladino' Rubbers at 25o.per pair. They are a great
Then take a etroll through our Clothing department, where you will see
a fine up to -date atoek of Ment, Boys, and Children's Suite, oleo all the
new etylee in Menlo and Boys' •verooate, iooluding the New Oheaterfield
and Ruglanetlo etylee.
Dont miss our Fancy Goode department, where you will see all the
newestetylea in Ladies' Silk Ties, Stook Dollars, Silk and Moire Belts and
Gird •els, Blouse Bete in Bleck, Oxidized, Gilt, Ere.
' r "'rira tlie'"""1 r ,rvfPa'tT i
yrs°t' ,j
f r •� '�1' `yF ��" CTU:
Table Cutlery
80 dozen Knives and Forks, latest
pattern and beet quality.
SPECIAL -12 dozen. Knives and Forks
iu eolid Rosewood and Ebony handles
at 31 per box of half dozen, usual
prion $0 per dozen.
JOB LOTS -40 White Handle Knives at
150 each, 00041 pries $3 50 per dozen.
Silver Plated Salves, 12 dwt„
travellers' samples, at 25o each, lanai
pride $6 per dozen.
Pocket Cutlery
A large and well assorted stook.
SPEOIAL-Boker'e 2 bladed Knife for
89o, renal pride 65o. Others too
nameroue to mentiion at epeeist
Guns & files
19 to ohooee from -Beet vales in the
SPECIAL - Double Barrelled Breach
Loading Shot Guns, left barrel
choked, at $8.50, usual mita $10
$16 Gune for $13. Our $11 and $12
Guns are positively hendeome.
Enfield Rifles
Out of 10 purobased a abort time ago
we have a few left.They coat the
Government 218 eaoh, noun one at
$6 50. We can't offer any more at
any price.
22 and 32 Rifles kept in stook at Special
First to dome first served. We had to boy a large quantity
of the above mentioned goods to give these Speoial Prices.
Apples will be bought on and after
September 15th, at the" ---
Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples Will not
be taken.
Must be Sold
The Finest
lints to be seen
i11 any town
this Season,
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
-We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs,
-You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing.
-Satisfaction assured. Prices right.