HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-8, Page 4TP.TURS'DA.J', OCT. 8, 1908. EAST HURON FALL ;FAIR, P1RIZE LIST. Kende IiltAv r D11Audns'.-Stallion under three years, T. MoLanoblin ; Brood Mare, bav• ing raised foal in 1900, Dickson Bros. Was Spelt, R Nichol ; Horse Cols, J Broadfoot•& Son, Diokeon Bros, R NUM. 01 ; Mare Obit, Diokeon Bros, Jas Speir, J Broadfoot 9 Son ; Two year old filly, Alex MoLaaohlln, Tno. Pelle; Two year old gelding, Mrs E Diokeon, J W Edgar, G T Robertson ; Yearling filly, J Bread. Ioot & San ; Yearling gelding, .Robert Lanohlin, Jae Speir ; Heavy draught team, Diokeon Bros, A Gardiner ; Beet borne or mare, any age, io glees Eire E Diokeon. Agrioultnral. - Brood mare hav- ing rained foal in 1903, G T Robertson, Alex edoLavehlie, 0 Turnbull : Horse colt, Mrs E Diokeon, G T Robertson, Geo. Kerr ; Bare colt, Jno Bolger, 0 Turnbull, W. Elston ; Two year old filly, A McKay, Jae Evans, L 31o1efl ; Two year old gelding, Jae Evans, J Broadfoot & Son ; One year old 1111y, G Kerr, Jno Bolger, D Milne & San ; One year cid gelding, W Helps, Jae Bor. gess, W Armstrong ; Span et Agrinoltur. el horses, 3 McKinnon, J Alexander ; Beet horse or mare any age in oleos, Juo Ilionitnon. Judge -Alex. Murray, Palmerston. Roedetere.-Stallion, with four of his progeny 2 years old or under, Scott & Warwick, R McDonald, Scott & War- wiak ; Brood mare having raised foal io 1903, H Bleak, 3 5 Smith ; Horse or mare colt, J 5 Smith, R McDonald, H Blank ; Two year old filly or gelding, Jae Shedden, Arah Livingstone, B Dark i One year old filly or gelding, .4. Speir, Jae Evans, Alf Beaker ; Boggy horse, 15i hands high and over, H Zinn, G L Wal ken, I3 Zinn : Baggy horse, under 16} hands high, Jno Watson, A Currie, Soots et Warwick ; Roadster team, 3 A Kelly ; Beet horse or mare, any age io class, Jae Shedden. Carriage. -Brood mare 10 hands high having raised foal in 1003, 3 Bolger, J S Smith ; Two year old filly or gelding, H Zinn, W Robb ; One year old filly or gelding, H Zmn, R. McDonald ; Horse or mare oolt, J B Smith, Jno Bol- ger, Geo, Michel ; Carriage span, 16 hands higb, Juo Watson ; Beet horse or mare, any age in class, H Zion. Judge -R. Molndoo, Wingbam. Cattle Durbame.-Bn11 lover two years, A Hislop, P Robertson, 0 Turnbull ; bull, Lander two years, D Milne & Sun, 0 Ro• r+ell, 11 Milne & Son ; miloh cow 4 yrs. or over, bavieg calved clues lags ebow, 1) Milne & Son, P Robertson, R Corley ; milalt now ander 4 yrs. having calved since tees chow, R Corley, D. Milne & Son, a & 8 ; two year old heifer, D Milne & Son, 1 de 2, R Corley one year old heifer, M H Harrison, T Davidson, 1' Boterteon t bull calf, salved after Oot, let, 1903, M H Harrison, J S Smith, Jae Speir ; heifer waif, salved after Oot. 1, 1902, P Robertson, M H Eternises, W Helps; boll calf, calved after Feb. let, 1903, D Milne & Son, P Robertson, 0 Tarnbell ; heifer calf, calved aMter Feb. let 1900, P Robertson, D Milne & Son, Ts Devideou ; herd of Derhame, 1 male and 4 females, D Milne & San, 1' Robertson, R Corley. Jerseys -Mitch now, nutter 4 yrs. hay. ing calved since last show, G A Deadman, W Armetrong ; yearling heifer, W Arm- strong; heifer calf, W Armetrong ; ball calf, G A Deadman. Native or Grade cattle -Cow having calved since last show, M H Harrison 1 & 2, W Helps ; two yeer old heifer, D Scott & Sons 1 & 2, 5T H Harrison ; one year o18,beifer, M H Harrison, T David. son 2 & 8 ; two year old steer, W Helps, 11111 Harmon, R Corley ; one year old steer, P Robertson 1 & 2, Al H Harrison ; steer calf, T Davidson 1 & 2, Al H Har- rison ; heifer calf, W Helps, T Davidson, W Helps ; fat cow or heifer, D Scott & Bone 1 & 2, AI H Harrison ; fat ox or steer, R Corley, T Davidson 2 & 3, Judge -Jan. Watt, Salem, Sheep L'iceatere.-Aged ram, 3 S Cowen Jae Speir ; ehearling ram, Jno Barr, Jas Speir ; rem lamb, 3 5 Cowan, 0 Tnrn• bull ; ewe, having raised lamb in 1903, J Barr, 3 S Cowan ; ehearling ewe, J 5 Cowan, Jno Bern ; ewe lamb; 0 Turnbull, J 5 Cowan ; pen of Leicester sheep, 1 male and 4 females, Jno Barr, J 5 Cow- an. Downs and thair Grades. -Aged ram, A Stevenson, W .H Webber ; ehearling rem,'W H Webber, M H Harrison ; ram lamb, W H Webber, A Stevenson ; ewe, having raised lamb in 1903, A Stevenson 1 & 2 ; (heading ewe, A Stevenson 1 & 2 ; ewe lamb, A Stevenson, M H 'Harrison ; pen of Dawns, A Steveaeon, W H Web. her. Long Wool and grades -Aged ram, Jno Barr ; nhearting ram, R Corley ; ram lamb, Jno Barr, R Corley ; ewe, having xafetd lamb in 1903, Jno Barr, R Corley ; ehearling awe, 30o Barr, R Corley ; ewe Iamb, Jan Barr, R Corley 1 pen of Long Wool, Jno Barr, R Corley. Judge-Jno. Coultee, er,, Bolgrave. lige Berkshire -Boar 1 year and over, boar under 1 year, pow 1 year and over, Jno S Cowan ; cow under 1 year, Jno S Cowan 1 & 2. Yorkshire -Boar, 1 year and over, R Nichol, Jno Moilinnon ; boar, under 1 year, R Niohol 1 & 2 ; sow, 1 year and over,.R Nichol, A Stevenson ; Bow, ander 1 year, A Steveneon R Niohol. Tamworth. -Boar, 1 year and over, W n Mcoutoheon ; boar ander 1 year, W H MoOntoheon, 1 & 2 ; now 1 year and over, W H Motiatebeon 1 & 2; sow under 1 year, W H Mooatoheon ; beet pen of i s an age breed J Cowan. or S pigs, y g Judge-Jno,-anitee'r. el rays 0 ,7,Bg , J ooltry Guinea Fowl, Jno MoKinnon ; black epanieh, barred rooke and wbite leghorns, 0 Henderson & Son ; brown Iegborne, 0 Henderson & Son 1 & 2 ' buff leghorns, 0 Henchmen & Bon : silver spangled, 0 Henderson & Son 1 & 2 ; brook hamburg, 0 Henderson & Son ; houdane, 0 Hendee. ads & San 1 & 2 ; clerking, C Henderson & San ; langehaae, Jan Burgess, Q Hen. demon & Son ; wyandottee, 0 .Mender• non & Son 1 & 2 ; blank minoraaa, 0 Henderea l & Son ; roan dneke, Jamas )urgeee, R, Niohol. Jadgee--1I Metcalf and A Sloan, Blyth, *implements Patent arm wagon, Ed. Speiran; one horse buggy, covered, D Ewan 1 and a; cutter, do; farm gate, li, Close; wheel- barrow, Ed, Spetran, Judgie, Gavin Davidson, Wroxeter. Gran I bus, white Tall wheat, Jas. Burgess, A Gardiner, Jas Evans; red fall wheat, D Taylor, Jen Campbell, George Kerr; barley, 4 or 6 rowed, Jas Campbell, C Henderson & Son, Jus Evans; black oats, Jas Campbell, C Henderson & Son; white oats, Jas Campbell, C Henderson, A Gardiner; small peas, Jas Campbell, D Mune & San; large peas, las Camp- bell, Jas Speir, C Henderson & Son; timothy seed, Jas Campbell, Jas Speir, Judge, K. Graham, Brussels. Fruit Baldwins, Jas W Edgar, A Stewart (Queen st.); Famuese, Mrs E Dickson, Geo Kerr; King of Tompkins. James Evans, Mrs, E Dickson; Maui, D Milne & Son, Jas Speir; Northern Spies, Jos Evans, C Resell; R, I, Greenings, Jos Evans, Jas Speir; Golden Russets, Mrs. E, Stewart, D Milne & Son; Spitzen- burg, Jas Speir, no ticket; Blenheim Pippins (fall) Jas, Speir; Tolman Sweets, Geo Kerr, Geo Johnson; Ontario, W Armstrong, J W Edgar; Wealthy, W Armstroug, Jas Speir: Ribston Pippins, R Nichol, Jas Evans; Colyerts, Jas Speir, J W Edgar; Roxbury Russets, C Rozell, Geo Johnston; Canada red, Jas Speir, Geo Johnson; stark, W Arm- strong; fallawater, Jas Campbell. Toho McKinnon; gravenstein, Grace M Stew- art, Mrs E Stewart; maiden's blush, Grace M Stewart, A Stewart; (Queen st.); phoenix, Geo Johnston, Grace M Stewart; peewankee, T Davidson, Rev. J. Ross, B.A; Ben Davis, W Armstrong, Jas Evans; variety of winter apples, Jas Evans, las Speir; variety of fall apples, Jas Speir;; fall pears. Grace M Stewart, Jan Speir; winter pears, Jas Speir, Mrs, D C Ross; plums, W H McCracken, Mrs J R Smith; clusters of grapes, Jas Speir; peaches, W H McCracken, Annie B Ross; crabs, D Milne & Son,T David- son; any named variety not in the above list, T Moore, W Armstrong; variety of plums, 5 of each named, W H ivlc- Cracken; Mrs J P. Smith. Judges, A. W. Sloan and Frank Met- calf, Blyth. noose and Mood Crepe Early potatoes, Jas Burgess, R Nichol, E Garvin; late potatoes, Tno McKinnon, D Milne & Son, A Gardiper, Jas Speir; collection of potatoes, C Henderson & Son, D Milne & Son; Swede turnips, W Armstrong, A Speir; turnips, W H Mc- Cracken; white field carrots, Annie B Ross, las. Speir; Altringham carrots, W H McCracken, Mrs E Stewart; scarlet nantes, E Garvin, W If McCracken; early horn carrots, Geo Johnston, W H McCracken; long blood beets, George Tas Burgess; blood turnip beets, R Johnston,ichol, A B Ross; white sugar beets, W H McCracken, C Henderson & Son; white sugar beets tor factory, Jas Burges;, R McDonald; parsnips. W H McCracken, Jas Burgess; manges wurz- els long red, R McDonald, W H Mc- Ciigicken; yellow globe mangels, W H McCracken; red globe mangcls, do; long yellow mangcls, do, Jas Speir; winter radishes, C Henderson & Son, W H McCracken. Vegetables 1a onions. from seed, red, Mrs, Hale, C Henderson & Son; onions, from seed, yellow, do., do,; onions,from seed, giant rosea, Mrs. Here, W H McCracken; onions, from top sets, W H McCracken; onions, froin dutch sets, do; one gallon potato onions, W H McCracken, Mrs. E Sellers; six ears of corn, yellow Canada, C Henderson, Jas Sharp; six ears corn, white flint, W H McCracken, C Hender- son & Son; six ears of corn, yellow dent, C Henderson & Son; collection of corn, named varieties, C Henderson & Son, W H McCracken; winter cabbage, W H McCracken, C Henderson & Son, curled savoy, do, do; red pickling cab- bage, do, do; cauliflower, do, do; pump- kin, yellow field, do, do; pumpkin, mammoth, do; Squash, do, W Arm- strong; collection of garden produce, W H McCracken; ' tomatoes large, Miss Kelly, Mrs, E Sellers; butter beans, Jas Evans, W H McCracken; white beans, 18 Garvin, Jas Evans; any other variety of beans, Jas Evans, W H McCracken; citrons,round striped, W H McCracken; citrons, long California, do; muskmel- lone, do; cucumbers, Mrs E Stewart. R Close; celery, white, W H McCracken, C Henderson & Son; celery, pink, do; sunflower, Tas Evans, C Henderson & Son; watermelons, W H McCraken. Judge, D. Milne. Dairy Produce Tub butter, home made, W Wilkinson; W Armstrong; table butter, W Arm- strong, W Wilkinson, Tno McKinnon,T W Edgar, T Davidson; factory cheese colored, W r Goodwin, T K Brown; home made cheese, T Davidson, Mrs E Stewart. Judge, W. M Robinson, Wroxeter, Domestic ltianueactnrea Flannel, Mrs M P Zollener; pair blankets, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs E Sellers, rag carpet, with woollen warp, J W Ed- gar; counterpane, May Skene, Mrs. E Stewart; skein yarn, home spun, W H McCracken, 3 W Edgar; specimen of darning, Mrs Hele, Mrs, E Stewart; maple sugar, W H McCracken; maple molasses, D Taylor, W H McCracken; honey, comb, G A, Deadman, C Hender- son & Son; honey, strained or extracted, A Stewart (Qneen st,), W Armstrong; grape wine, Mrs WatWilbee, C Hender- son & Son, rhubarb wine, W fd Mc- Cracken, C Ilenderson ;& Son; straw- berry wine, W H McCracken, Mrs W Wilbee; elderberry wine, Mrs D C Ross, Mrs Wat Wilbee: tomato catsup, Mrs E Sellers, Mrs J R Smith; apple ie lly,'Jas as Eva s Mra E Sellers, raspberry 7elly, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs W Wilbee; jelly, from any other fruit, named, C Hender- son & Son, W Armstrong; home made bread, white, J W Edgar, Jno McKinn- on, Mrs E Stewart; home made bread, brown, T W Edgar, W Armstrong; fruit take, Annie B Ross, W Armstrong; jelly cake, Jno McKintion,'T W 'Edgar; oatmeal cakes, Jno McKinnon; Mrs D C Bess; short bread, Mrs D C Ross, D Taylor; collection of canned fruit, in glass jars, W II McCracken, D Taylor, Judge, W Robitson, Wroxeter. ltl ane factttror•e Set double ferns harness, J Donaldgton; T DROitS.EJtS POST caulllhii Pall 11iiilory Our Large, Neuf Stock has been very . 7tiyh1y cortnpZirr ented and cc good ,Start made lin sales. OUP thanks are expressed for the fen- erous patronage_ Nicerange of Ready- to-wear Ready- to-wear pats. A Call Solicited, Our Prices are Reasonable. MISS LITTLE. single buggy harness, J Donaldson; axe handle, Geo Johnston, DiTaylor, Judge, Robt, Mclndoo, Wingham, Ladies. Work Applique work, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs D C Ross; fancy tea cosy, Mrs M F Zoellner, Annie B Ross; five o'clock tea cloth worked in silk, do, do ; tray cloth, Louisa B Fisher, Mrs Zoellner; Batten - burg work, Mrs Zoellner, Mrs, Hele; fancy toilet set, Mrs Zollener, Annie Ross; fancy pin cushion, Annie Ross. Miss Carder; fancy bedroom slippers, Louisa B Fisher, Mrs, Hale; whisk holder. Mrs, Zollener, Miss Carder; fancy foot stool, Louisa B Fisher•, Mrs E Stewart; mantle drape, Louisa B Fisher, Mrs Zollener; picture scarf, Annie B Ross, Louise 13 Fisher; fancy photo frame, Mrs Zollener, lvliss Carder. table centre piece, Mrs Hele, Louisa B Fisher; set of doileys, Mrs. Hele, Mrs, E Stewart; set of crochet table mats, do, do; mat hooked, Airs Hole, Mrs Zollen- er; batten wreath, no number, Mrs Zollener; crochet work, cotton, Miss Carder, Mrs E Stewart; crochet work, wool, Annie B Ross, Mrs Zollener; crochet in silk, Annie B Ross, Louisa B Fisher; drawn work, Mrs Hele, Louisa B Fisher; embroidery, cotton or muslin, Mrs E Stewart, as Campbell; embroid- ery on worsted, Annie •B Ross, Miss Carder; embroidery on silk, Airs Zollen- er, Mrs Hele; fine shirt, Mrs W Mc. Kenzie, Mrs Bele; fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs stele, Mrs E Stewart; fancy knitting in wool, Mrs E Stewart. Louisa B Fisher; feather stitching, Annie 13 Ross, Louisa B Fisher; hairpin work, Annie B Ross, Mrs E Stewart; point lace, Mrs Zollener, Miss Carder; lace, eonitoo, Mrs Hele. Mrs Zollener; fancy glove, handkerchief, and collar and cuff cases, one entry but no prize; embroid- ery on bolting cloth, Mrs Zollener, Mrs Here; pair woolen mitts, Mrs stele, Airs W McKenzie; pair woolen gloves, W B McCracken, Louisa B Fisher; netting, Mrs stele, Louisa B Fisher; crochet quilt, Mrs E Stewart, W it McCracken; patch- work quilt, Mrs stele, May Skene, Mrs Zollener; log cabin quilt, W sr Mc- Cracken, Mrs Stewart; fancy quilt, Jas W Edgar, Mrs Zollener; knitted quilt, Mrs cele, May Skene, Mrs E Stewart; rag mat, Mrs Bele, Miss Carder; mount mellick work, Mrs Zollener, Louisa B Fisher; rope silk, Mrs E Stewart, Annie B Ross; Roman embroidery, Mrs Bele, Mrs Zollener; fancy lamp screen, Miss Carder. Annie B Ross; drawing room or fire screen, Annie B Ross; sofa pillow, patchwok,T Davidson,P Robert- son; pair stockings, woollen, W se Mc- Cracken, Mrs W McKenzie; pair stock- ings, cotton, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs W McKenzie; pair socks, woollen, Mrs W McKenzie, W B McCracken; pair socks, cotton, Mrs E Stewart; tatting, Louisa B Fisher, Mrs Hele; tinsel work, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Zollener; outline work, Mrs Zollener, Annie B Ross; collection of ladies' fancy work, Annie B Ross, Mrs Zollener, Miss Carder; sofa pillow, braided, Annie B Ross, Mrs D C Ross. Judges, Mrs. W. Robinson and Miss Agnes Black, Wroxeter. Flue Arts. Collection of amateur photos, Rev Jno Ross ; Pen and Ink Sketches, Mrs Heln, Miss Carder; Pencil Drawing, do., do.; Nater Color Landscape os marine, do„ do,; Water Color Figures, Miss Carder, Mrs Hele ; Oil Painting Landscape or marine, handwork, do„ do„ 0i1 Portrait, do., do,; -Black Cray- on Drawing, do, do; Painting on Bolting Cloth, do.; Painting on Pottery or China, Annie 13 Ross, Mrs Hele ; Paint- ing on Silk or Velvet. Miss Carder, Mrs Hele ; Painting on Placques or Trays, Annie B Ross, Miss Carder ; Painting on Glass in Oil, handwork, Mrs Hele ; Ornamental Penmanship, Miss Carder ; Boy's Penmanship, Mrs J R Smith ; Girl's Penmanship, Grace M Stewart. Mfrs J R Smith; colored crayon drawing, Miss Carter. Flowers and Plante. Table Bequet, Grace II Stewart, Mrs E Sellers ; Hand Boquet, Jas Evans, Miss Kelly; button hole or dress hoquet Jas Evans, Mrs E Sellers ; collection of cut Bowers, Grace M. Stewart, Tas Ev- ans; Boll, of Dahlias, Mars. E Sellers, W. H. McCracken ; 6 Pansies, Jas, Evans, Miss Kelly ; 6 Phlox Drummondi, do., do.; Asters, do, do; stocks, Mrs ESellers Jas Evans; Petunias, Grace M Stewart, Miss Kelly; African Marigolds, Mrs W Wilbee, Mrs E Sellers; French Mari- golds, Jas Evans, Grace M Stewart ; Dianthus, Jas Evans, W H McCracken ; Balsams,Mrs E Stewart, Mrs T R Smith; Zinnias, las Evans, MrsE Sellers; glad- iolus spikes, W H McCracken 1st & and; verbenas, Grace M Stewart; chrysanthe- mums, Mrs E Sellers, Mrs J R Smith; perennial phlox, Mrs J R Smith; double hollyhocks, G A Deadman, Annie B Ross ; Cockscombs, Jas Evans ; coll. of ornamental grasses, native, Grace M Stewart ; coll. of ornamental fruits, T. Davidson, Mrs J R Smith; 6 varieties of outdoor flowers not specified in above list, no ticket, Mrs J R Smith ; coll. of noxious weeds with common and botan- ical names, not fewer than six varieties, W H McCracken, G A Deadman. Fine Arts and Flower judges - Mrs. (Rev) Cosens and J. H. Catmeron, Brus- sels. Special Prizes. F H Gray, special fur beet 15 pounds of bullar, W Armetrong ; W H Kerr, special for the beat two loaves of borne made bread, Inc) McKinnon ; W H Kerr, apc ite' for best 5 pounds of batter, W Armetrong ; W H MaOraoken, special for 5 Swede turnips, W Armetrong, Jag Speir ; W H MoCaeoken, special for 5 long red mangele, Jae Sharp, W Atm- etroug ; Postmaster Farrow, special for beet maps of Huron county, Adam Is bieter, Edna Isbieter, Brook Brandon ; Boys or girls ander 16 years of age nam ing the largest number of varieties of apples on exhibition at fair, Jas Speir, jr„ Glenn Armetrong, Thos Armetrong, Jae Armstrong ; W H Kerr epeeist for escort• meet of leavee of Oanedian woods, Brook Brandon, R Close ; A E Mellish. special for beet collections of Winter apples, Jas Evans, J W Edgar, Jae Spair, The Auburn woollen mills at Peterboro' partially closed down on account of lank of orders. N. Cooties ban purchased Jowett'e elect- triot light plant at Bayfield and hes moved it to St. Joseph. John 5, Peeroe, who was appointed Park Ranger of London recently will receive 0700 a year. Mayor Greer, of Owen Sound, believes that the oollepee at the Soo twill seriously effect Owen Sound. The Presbyterian Women's Horne Mission Society deoided to establish hespitale in Roaihern and Tenlon. ROCHE & HAYOROFT City Millinery. We thank the Ladies for their at- tendance at our Millinery Opening, which was a decided success. Our stock of Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wear Goods .should please the most fastidious, both for style and price. Call and see our stock before you place your ordter. oob.e & kayo o t. 001 8 1003 David B. Itoberieen, Oily Clark of Bel. lerille, le dead. Ilemilton'e popelaticn, as rt turned by the 080000ore, ie 54,901, Ten men arreeted iu a raid of a gam, ing house at Montreal were fined 900 oesb, A tramp named Joseph Kennedy nese arrested on a charge of murdering little Irene (Jule at llraettord, Henry Cargill, 101,1'. Inc Emit Brune, died soddenly in the Parliament belld. lege 'l'hure 0. v night of last week. • James W. Carman, banker, of St, Celli - arises, formerly a well.known .Belleville newspaper man, died rather suddenly, AUCTION SALES. A UOTION SALE OF FAIIIM Brom AND llipnzMNNTs -Mr, George Hamilton has inetrnoted Mr, Thomas Brown to Bell by public auction on not 21, Con. 19, M()Btllop, on FRIDAY, OCT, 918, tat 1 p, m„ the following property: 2 heavy draught geldings rising3 years, 1 heavy draught mare rising 0 years, 1 driving horse rising 4 years, 1 matched team of driving Utica ris- ing 4 years, 1 Otero' bred Durham cow 5 years old, 1 thorn' bred yearling heifer with registered pedigree, 1 Moro' bred Durham calf 6 weeks ofd, • 3 ()owe supposed in calf, 9 hoifare rising 8 years old duo to calve in January, 10 steers rising a soars, 8 heifers risings yearn, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 steers rising 2 yeaoe, 3 fat cows, 2 'Yorkshire sows in pig, 2 Berkshire sows in pig, I Berk- shire sow with litter at foot, 21 pigs 8 mos. old, l lumber wagon, 1 large two furrow plow, 1 sinl',v le plow, 1 eel new bob•eleighs, 1 ontbarnearnew, 1 top buggy, 1 fanning mill with bagger, 1 water trough, 1 set dun• ble harness, 1 sell ainele harness, 1 set dou- ble,ight harness, 1 wagon box. 1 hay roots, forge, hoes, BO adoa, shovels, chains, wh lBe- treee, ne0l,yokes and other small articles, also a quantity of household furniture al- most new, consisting of 8 bedroom suites, 1 Parlor suite, 1 dining room Butte 1 anent kitchen chairs, 1 large dining table, 1 kit- ohen stave, about 10 cords 05011 maple wood, a number of geese and turkeys, about 1 acre of maugolde In the field, also about 00 bushels of potatoes. The whole will pos- itively bo sold without reserve an the pro- prietor has rented his farm nod is gniug to the Northwest. Terme-Al] sums of 80 and tinder cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent. per nunum allowed off for cash on a edit amounts. dliortbOE HAMILTON, Proprietor; THOS, BROWN, Auctioneer, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. t-PHREE G0'OD BROOD SOWS .. LL for sale, will litter early in Oetcher. 0. R. KNIGHT, Lob 18, Ouu. 10, Grey, or Oranbrook P, 0. 11.8 MOUSES FOR SA.LII -TWO Houses opposite the School House iu Ethel for sale at reasonable price, suit- able for .retired farmers. Apply to 8. S. COLE ,Ethel. 114 PROPERTY FOR SALE -FIVE sores of land on North Gravel road, shoat 4 mile from Brussels railway station. Nice looatioo for a retired farmer. Good laud, well mal stamina. Taxes only 01 20: Apply to JAS. CUT➢ILL, Proprietor, Brus- sels P.O. 11 4r C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexa.,dria, Ne.24, 0.0.F., Brunaela, meets in their Lodge Room, Bias - hill Block, -ou the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BURGESS, 0, R, WALTER SMITH, a, s. 3 THORO' BRED SHORT I10RN Rolle for sale. One is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered Oowe and Heitere. Apply to JAMES SPE114, Lot 30, Con. 5, Morrie Two., or B m- eals P. 0: 22-01 OUNG SHORT HORN BULL for sale. Eligiole for registration. For.priee, terms and ; other particulars, ap- ply to J. D, McNAIR, Lot 22, Con. 19, dray, or 0ranbrook P, 0, 30•tt c;ITOOK FOR SALE. -THE UN• 0NneIGNan often for sale 8 Steers three years old; a pedigreed Yorkshire Hog, and a number of young Pigs. Stook all in good condition, 10FIN 1fb1NAR14Y, Proprietor, Lot 10, Con_ 0, Grey, or Brussels poatolrioe. 'i1OUR STRAIGHT SCOT01:1 Short Horn Bulls, from huported stook , for rale. Also cows and heifers, im- ported and home bred. 72 head to select from. D, 31I1,1411i & 8013, Maitland Bank Stock Farm, Ethel Out. 01.tf TOR SALE -THE ELIGIBLY situated 2.etory frame boildtng, 00 it 80 feet, formerly corrupted by the ()ober Car- riage Works. - It is suitable for smell and door factory, planing mill or uarriege Lm - tory. A boiler and aline will also be sold if desired, now in buildIug, A good bargaiu will be given. 1 acre of laud in commotion . For further partlstlarn apply to 2 -if G. W. POLLARD, Ethel. REAL ESTATE. 100 AcolaCR, E FARNI FUR Wintered by triser, Apply to THOS, 0000RE, Brussels, 1011 SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling tbereou, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels, 49•tf J. LEOKIE. • Tr OR SALE. - VALUABLE property at Ethel known as the Methodist Pare image, Apply to 3140, 0011ER, Brussels, 'WARM TO RENT, BEING LOT L. 20, Con. 10, Grey. '1'horo toe 100 acres, 20 under aultivttiou, Apply to JOSEPH I'. P oDMOND, on the, per raises o• Mo21tt1ff HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ou Turnberry street, Brussels kpown as. the Somerset property, eligibly situated. Immediate possesshoa. h'ar' further matte. ultra as to price, terrue, &o., apply t0 D, Mo001201114004, Lot 15, tion. 12, Mdlfillop, or Leadbnry P. 0.. a3•tt ASACRIFICE 1N REAL E8- TATR.-$3000,00 Will buy the McCan- gbey Block in the Village of llrussels. These two fine stores must be sold to cease out the blo0aughcy 1' tate, Intending purchasers should luvestigale et once. Aptily to F. 8t S0OT1 or G. Ji. RI,AIR, Brussels, Ont. L'ARNI FOR SALE. -THE UN- none farm, bolas offers for sale his a9y I110 'under good stateof eultivatia,i, well sititat- ad for school, market, &c, Pall wheat has boon put In. Possession givou next Mardh with privilege of dotes work this Fall. Rea - sol for selling proprietor hoe invested in Manitoba lands For inrthor particulars as to pride, tonna, deo„ apply to N. M, 111�101- A1t08014, Proprietor, Brusaslal',O. 11-tf rilOR SAL]] OR TO RENT,- The Under/111a' effort her .100 as'o farts, being L0 t 20, Cott. 7, Grey, ifor ;sale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, or- ch era, wone, &o,'1'l,erd are 80 mores in grass, 10 agree of Fall wheat and 20 acres of Fall plow1ng will be done, Farm is only I mil0 5ton the stirring village of Ethel. Present ]'elite expires on March 11, 1004, lout a pur- ohater. or tenant may gown and plow, &a., at aloe. Vox further pYrertieu are as to pilots, terra, &o„ apply to M188 5P17NOL, tethel Minter or write 71, HOLLAND, ye STI(IOTLY ON]1 PRI0311 ALWAYS THE LOWEST His: Class Novelty Dress Goods The new Dress Goods are all here and you will find our assortment of IIigh Class Novel-. ties the largest and choicest ever shown in Brussels. Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths and Cheviots in all the popular shades for _Nall. Black Dress Goods in such a large range of Patterns and Quantities that we cannot describe them. In short you will find in our assortrnent all the latest. Novelties in Dress Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Come and see. New Dress Trimmings 7 'We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale House. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we would net dare to attempt under other drawn - stances. When you see our assortment of Dress 'Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude :and delighted with the Low Prices asked for High Klass goods. J. Ferguson & Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods, We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, -White and Gray Sheetiugs, - Plain Flannels, - Checked Flannels, -Fancy Shirtiugs, -Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, -Light and Heavy Tweeds, - Underwear for Mels and Boys, -Men's and Boys' Stockings, - Ladies' and Children's " -Boys' Sweaters, -Yarns, all kinds and colors. ;WE WAN'l YOUR PATRONAGE. W.,& J. LoCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY, S. W. P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best' satisfaction and longest wear. Slier!u-illiaMs Pini' gives these results a-lt'a a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by-- WILTON & TURNBUL.Lt