HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-1, Page 841.04'.„+.w4161ar.,m..m•,•rx.sda THE BRUSSELS EOtST OCT. 1 1903 Ta — ^tie eau �.. von+ �..�..�c b.mw.,.mr ar�e� �'�•_- o' _ v-.:,.m.e .a. . y.a tR�mt�+"�' �--*ws NEW STATIONERY When your supply of Stationery needs re- plenishing ask to see OUT finer Writing Papers in Dimity and Crepe de velours. DIMITY is a Fashionable Writing Paper of very excellent quality and we have itin the popular shades, in- cluding White, Heliotrope, Pearl, Dove, Grey. Twenty-four sheets of this with the same number. of Envelopes to match, we sell for 25o. F. B. SMITH ega..mr.lik DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. CRAM TRUNK RAILWAY. 90nTIIB$N 71XTBNei0N W. 0. & n, Thins Woe Brnseele Station, North and South, as follows ; Gorge SoIITa coda Nowa. Mall 7:1e a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 arm Mixed.. ...... .x0'OB,a.m I Mali »1:17 p.m 3exprese...... 2:913 p.m Express 8:17 p.m rag gebas A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith*he'l1 prent f s. ()MBAR. LIGHT frosts. MILLINERY openings. SEND Tab Pon to absent friends. Scaooc. BOARD Friday evening of next week. Beuseare Council will meet next Mon. day evening. Aeexooncxs between Trustees and teacher for sale at Tab Pose, SEVERAL Bruseelitee took in Seaforth end Wingham Fall Beira last Friday. Ir you never laugh don't go to the Fall Fair Concert Friday evening of this week. W. H, McORAcxoo took 85 prizes at Seatortb Fall Fair last week and 40 at Listowel this week. GET your seat reserved for the Concert Friday evening. The plan is filling up quickly. Oall at Fox's drug store. Sottom teachers are reminded that the County of Huron Promotion examinations will be bald on Oet. 22nd and 23rd. "KeOLAN," the speedy stallion owned by Soott & Warwick, Brueeels, won the free-for.all race at Wingham Fair last Friday, Twine. -A meeting of the Lawn Tennia Olub;will be bald in the offiae of ,jamas. Fox, Saturday next at 8 p. m. A. E. Mumma, Seo.-Treae. AN enjoyable luncheon was given by Mre. Leckie on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. P. D. McKinnon and Mrs. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, who nre re- newing old friendships in Brnesele. AT the Concert Friday evening the re- served seat ticket boldedwill be admitted - to the Hell by the Bide entranoe and will thereby escape the arneh of last year at the main entrance. Get your tickets early. Tab Band will furnish a program at. the Agricultural Pavilion Tburedoy even - ice of the Fair from 8 to 10 o'clock. Ad• mission only 10 Dents, Building lighted with electricity. Go and see the fine display at your leieure. TEE Caber Carriage Works have over 150 cutters on the way to completion and the trimmer is expeoted to gat to work nest week. In the coarse of next month the staff will be turned on to next sea. son's buggy output. The firm has a rap- idly growing trade whish will no doubt mean the increase of employees to keep pace with orders. This ie good news. TEE Pun was presented with a sample of two peaches by Mies Mina McRae, of Oranbrook, ae evidence of the ability to grow this highly prized fruit in the manse plat at Cranbrook. They gathered two buckets thiebeieg the first year of bearing. The old theory that peaches could not be grown in Htirou County will have to be abandoned. Tan Wingham Advance says:- "Bar. rioter Blair intends removing from Brae - .eels to Goderioh and will become a member at the law firm of Proudfoot & Maya. His business in Brussels will be token in charge by A. McDonald of God erioh. Rumor in Wingham eaith that Mr. Blair has hie polittoal eye open for the domination in West Huron for the Ontario Legielature;" The Wingham earner will be news to Mr. Blair, G, T. R. SHIPMENxe.-The following were ehipped from the Grand Trunk, Brussels, tine week :-2 oars Balt, by the Salt Works • oar of one and oar of bay by Alf, Baeker ; oar cattle by A. C. Dames ; oar hogs by Geo. Best ; oar apples' to Moutreal for export and another car of apples to Strathoona, Man., by ROD. Thomson. Inward there were 10 oars coal for the Salt Works ; 2 care of cement for MoKay & Co. ; and a ear of lumber for P. Ament, WAS IT BunoLane 7 -Tuesday morning when H. L. Jaokeon, jeweller, reached hie store he found outside the baok door a sledge hammer, iron bar, coat, bottle o1 whiekey, a razor, a cartridge and other things, apparently the kit of an amateur burglar. A mark was made on the door where the bar was supposed to have been used. Why the party deoamped without gainingedmittanoe is not known. Sever- al parties on Turnberry street were awakened by the up roar kioked up by house doge and aome• body rapped for admittance et Mre. Fletaber'ajewellery store. De, McNaugh. ton was driving into town about 4 a. m. and eaw two nnknowe parties in the dusk on the street. Borne say it was a practical joke eomebody was playing. If BO it is trifling with a very aerioue matter and the joker rims too big a Mak to make it very funny. A load of buekabot in the anterior department of a night prowler would not be a condition of affairs likely to prove a very bounty laugh, on tate part of the fellow with the lead at any rate. Trainee ebonld not be harbored by any. body and the ant1oritie8 did right last Monday in giving a pig,iog hie Walking ,papers In double'quiok order, EAST HDRON Fall Fair wi)1 be open to the public at 10 a, m. on Friday, the 2nd day of the Fair. BRueeM/ATnM always listened with pleat'• nre to A. N. Large. He will sing at the Fall Fair Canoed. DON'T forget the Millinery Opening. The displays are elegant, fashionable and equal if not superior to those of the peat,' Tas Elders of Melville Ohuroh and their ladies were eeterained et the manes by Rev. and Mrs. Rose on Tuesday even- ing. SPECIAL police ehoald be put on guard Friday night to keep a wateh on any via inn whose oaonpationis open to gave. tion. We is often a harvest time for light fingered gentry. MONDAY afternoon Philip MoGrath. plead guilty to a charge of attempting to buy liquor after bone in Walton, laid by Inepeceor Milier, and was fined 12.00 and omits, amounting to 810.00 in all, before Magistrates Leckie and Kerr. GBo. COLVIN was enquiring about law for the youths who deliberately broke two panes of glass at his residence with a stone last Saturday night. This is a very dangerona triok to play as it is on the road to Kingston via Goderieb jet). Tag delivery of apples et Brussels Apple Evaporating factory some days rune up toward 300 buehele. They have 21 bands about 160 bushels of fruit is handled each day, which means that a lively hustle is kept up to keep that gait. Tneeday of this week Johni Donaldson, harueee maker, left for a month's trip to Manitoba and the Northwest. He will oombine.business and pleasure as he has quite a trade eetabliehed in the West. Mr, Donaldeon has a number of relatives out there. Oharlee Jaakeon, whose headquarters are in Winnipeg, was a visitor in town for a day or two last week. He appears to stead the toil of hie position all Hetet and can still make the eoales tremble around the 240 pound mark. He bee a wide circle of old friends here. Tose»n R. K. and Mre. Roes attended - tbe funeral of the late Mrs. Burt, of Listowel, 'who was killed in a runaway aooident. The ladies were cousins. Mr. Bert is not bot of danger yet from the injuries he sustained but we hope he will Boon be ioevalesoent. FIIRNIToan FOR So.' -The ander• signed offers for sale the following bonne hold effects -tu be Bold privately :-2 bed- room suites ; 1 organ ; firet•oleee wood heating stove and 1 sewing maohine. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply at ouoe to MRs, JNo. GnxwAR, Brunets. A Magistrates' Court was held Monday forenoon before J. Laokie and W. H. Kerr. A young man named Tremaioe wee netting for 318.00 from A, Tennant, Ord Aon„ Grey, for wages. The case was dismissed, Lawyers Blair, of Brne• este, and Blewett, of Listowel, represented the respective sides. J. & A, °ORMIE, of Seaforth, e00055eors to Addrew Currie in the butchering busi- ness in Brussels, took charge of the shop on Monday. The former has moved into what is known ae the W. R. Wilson pro - party, Mill street, and A. Carrie will move hie honse•hold eff-ate to town shortly. He is the Bailiff of Seaforth Court and may have to make a few visite bask there. We welcome the new firm to Brussels and expect they will do well bete. Olen CALL.-Tneeday evening F. H. Gilroy, teller in the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, was cleaning a revolver in the store of Mre. Fletcher when by some means, notwithal great preoaation was W0.8 taken, one cartridge in the firearm exploded sending the leaden rebate into his left leg below the knee causing a rather nasty flesh wound. The ballet made ire way through the front of a drawer in the store where it wan die- onveted, A physician was called and the wound was cauterized and dressed and Mr. Gilroy is able to get about with a Might limp and is r 381101og the oongrot. ulations of his many frieade over hie escape from more anions Mary any good wishes for a complete recovery from the damage initiated. MATRIMONIAL. -At high noon on Tues. day of tate week a matrimonial alliance was consummated al the home of Riobard and Mrs. Daily, of Trowbridge, when Jobn Milhaneea,the genial Grand Trunk Agent, at Brussels, and Miee Priscilla, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mre, Daily, joined band and heart for life, Rev, A. C. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, performed the marriage oeremony with neatness and dispatob, the principal( taking their places during the rendering of the Wed- ding March by Miss Phillipa. The bride end poem were unattended and the wedding company consisted of the immediate relatives. A very becoming travelling oostame of blue basket eloth, with white silk blouse trimmed with applfgee and hat to match wan word by the bride, who looked worthy of the admiration of any bridegroom, Altet theexpreseion of many hearty wishes, and the diepoaal of a well prepared ]nnoh- eon prepared in the best style of the beaten. Mr. and Mre. Milhaneen took the 4 pan, train at Lietowel for a wadd- ingtour to Gdelph, Hamilton, Niagara, Pentland otline pointe and will return to take up reeidenoe on Princess street, Bennie, in two weeks The Wedding gifts beepoe the popularity Of the bride who tools an active part in the choir and Epworth Leageo of the Methodist Chetah at Trowbridge and will be greatly minced. Mr. Milhansed, who has been a resident of Brbeeelr for the past eight months and hie bride will bo ttestiny welcomed pa THE 3372 OR OPOLI 'A l BANK Stand,ard.�I ank lof CanaaRICHT ASSET'S --OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS CAPITAL -Paid ftp 11,000,000 RESERVE FUND • • $1,000,000 Directed REV, R, H. WARDEN, 1), D, 3. J. 1110010r,Provident, Vloe-Preeidont, a, n, tMASSEY, Wa02. BB4n3lAw, a, B. 0II0015014, 71 0. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W. 0, 11038 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted. vaei3"1dlya'&$ 'Una' i/ ddt`r',$'armlaV2' Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Sams of 31 and upwards G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor, A. E. MELLISH, Manager, residents of town and will start their voyage on the matrimonial sea with the hearty congratulations of our oitizene with whom Mr. Milhauaen is deservedly pope• bar. Tem Pose throws an editorial Blip• per after the happy twain. Business Locals. Go to Brewer's for photos Fair Day. Two or three good farms for sale, Ap. ply at Ten POST. Seer at Leatberdale'e North window and see those Jitney obaire. 8 on 4 girls more wanted at Brueeele Evaporator, at once. 5. CuNNINGu&ir, Gem your photo taken on Fair day at Brewer's. Hesesonts walnut sideboard for sale at great redaotion. Apply to Mee, W. M, SINaLaia, Brussels, Juni received a full assortment of Lis- towel yarns, all colors, 2 or 8 ply also mitt yarns. Knitting done to 'order.. MRs, EIRE. CEMENT. -We stook the highest grade of Cement made, Price gnaiauteed, Orders pined now will receive beet at. teation. A, M. Mollie, Brussels. ELIOmnE village lot, adjoining the reeidenoe of John MoOrae, Tnrnherry etreet, Brussels, for sale. Por particulars as to prioe and terms apply to- 5. D. RONALD, Brussels. SECOND HAND BUGGIES.- Ten firet• class second band buggies to be sold cheap. They have been painted ani are fixed op in good style and are about se good ae new. See them. D. Ewen & Go„ Brussels. WANTED, -Turkeys and Fowl of all kinds. Why sell only the large turkeys for 6 or 7o alive 7 Ont market price will be 10 to 120 undrawn. Fresh tub But- ter 16o ; Egee 130 ; dried Apples 6o. Geo. E. Knee, Wingham. POULTRY -R. Thomson is offering 7 dente per pound, live weight, for any number of Turkeys oontreoted for within next two weeks. If any advance ou live turkeys, will pay the difference, I will also bay chickens, fowl, ducks, and geese, all for delivery last of November, For further particulars see. R, Tsontsot, Brussels. People We Know. Mise Lizzie Rose is visiting at Kinoar• dine. Mies Hogg was visiting relatives in Wingham. T. Sample and W. Daman spent San. day in Clinton, 0. P. Smith was on the eiok list with pleurisy Iaet week, Mies May Rinke is visiting with friends in Brasoele this week. Mies Aileen Suitt enjoyed a holiday with Wingham friends. 8. and Mre. Garter spent a few days with friende in Goderioh. Mrs. R. N. Barrett, of Wingbare, was a visitor in town this week. Jno, F. Meares is away to the Old Country on a bneineee trip. Geo. 0. Cook and wife, of Clinton, are visiting with Mrs, Sao. Pugh. Hugh Williams was °baking bends with old friends in Brueeele last Monday, Mrs, George Crooks was visiting her daughter, Mre. R. W, Matheson, at Look. now. Master Earnest Plum, who was under the doctor's care last week, is able to be about again. Minn Mary Beale, Lizzie Downing and Mabel Hayoroft 55000 Sunday with Clinton friends. Mrs. F. S. Soott is home from a visit with relatives at Ingersoll, Woodstock, and othet points. Geo. Shiels is not enjoying ne vigorous health ae he was during the Summer but we hope be will pick np again. Mrs. A, Strachan was ma the Mak list with an attack of (piny but le much improved we are pleased to state. Mica Carrie Milhaneen attended the marriage of her brother John to Mise Daily, at Trowbridge, on Tuesday. Mrs, J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, who ie visiting here, and Mre. W, H Kerr, spent a few days in Kincardine with relatives, Mrs. Larmonr, of Buffalo, N. Y., was visiting her sant, Mrs. Jane Hall, Alex. ander street, Brueseis, for a few days last week, Miss Eva Cooper had the misfortune of falling one day last week, hutting her knee very badly and has been under the doctor's care einoe. Mies Allis Bennett was on the sink list with an abeoose arising from her teeth. We are phoned to nate that she is ins - proving nicely now. David Moore left on Toeoday for Win. nipeg, We wish him moan in the Western metropolis. He will do well there we have no doubt, Mre, Barbara Straohan ie bunk to town' and is melting her home at the reeidenoe of George and Mrs. Rogers, Frederick street, We welcome her, Melvin Bannon left town last week for Preston Where he will take up the machinist's trade. Hie young friends are Body to pert with him but wish him prosperity. D. Kneobtel, President of the Hanover Cement works, was in town on Wednee• day, A. M. McKay & 00., of town have the fifth oar Of cement ter this season from dais firth. We are Beery to hear that Miee Lao, the 16 year old daughter of George and Mrs. Colvin, Brueseis South, le in very poor health. She bee been ailing triune April of 1902 and is now donbned to bed, 3uffOriag town doolint. Fred. Wilson, formerly of Brussels, is new the owner of a enooeseful drug business in Chicago. He is a son of Mrs, James Wilson, Elizabeth street, and his old friends here will be well pleased to learn of his continued prosperity. Clyde Reid, of Winfield, Kansas, nephew to Mre, (Dr.) Mallooghton, of Brussels, who wee among the wounded in the fnsilade by a madman of the street, bindle now able to he about having been in the hospital eines the ebooting. The C. P. R. bas placed an order for almost a million dollars' worth of oars at its Hoobelaga shops. The Standard Paint and Varnieb Oom• pauy have decided to build a forty thous- and dollar briok faotory in Windsor. Oonetruotion will begin next month. Oliver Rjohardson, who killed Edward Matthews, a oolored farmer of Oolobester South on Joly 10th last, was sentenced to fifteen years in Kingston penitentiary for manslaughter, by Sir John Boyd. The orime for which Riohardeon was tried was the result of a three years family fend between the Richardsons and Matthews', who occupied adjoining fermi; and who had repeated trouble over the matter of line fauns. 130RN. Boas. -In Kiooardine, on Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mre. liobt. Ross, formerly of Brunets, a son. M.A.RRS=D. MILHA00BN-DAILY.-At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Trowbridge, on Sept. 29, by Rev. A. O. Tiffin, Mr. John Milhaneen, G. T. R. agent at Brnseele, to Miss Priscilla, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mre. Riobard Daily, of Trowbridge. assn. HAsxre.-In Howiok, on Monday, Sept. 28th, Jane Sanderson, relict of the late Wen. Hanle sr., aged 81 years, 7 months, JAoxr.oN.-In Howink, on Sept. 80, Thos. Jacklin, aged 75 years, 8 months and 29 days. MOAnenn.-At Monteith, Manitoba, on Sept, 1.1, Alioe Weidenhemer, belov• ed wife of Wm. MoArter, jr., aged 22 years. 030ai t7'S003I,S a6•A.Mit=08,10M, Fall Wheat 73 74 Barley 37 40 Peas 60 55 Oats "OS 27 28 Butter, tube and rolls .. 18 14 Ego per open 13 d °14 .,p Flour per owt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 50 50 Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00 Hay per tin 5 00 6 00 Salt per bb]., retail 1 00 70 Hogs, Live 6 30 5 40 Wool 15 16 Hides trimmed 6 6i, Hides rough 5 5 Lamb skins each 26 30 Sheep skins, ditch 26 25 .412V.7'0T102,1" 810011AY, OCT, 5. -Farm stook, imple• meets, &o. Lot 7, Con. 14, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. James , Mo. Donald, Prop, Thomee Brown, Ano, TroSDAY, OoT. 6. -Farm stook, im. plements, &o. 5 * Lot 18, Coo. 8, Morris. Sale, unreserved, al 1.30 o'elook. Jno, Budd, Prop. Rebt. Gerness, Ano, FRIDAY, Oot. 9. Farm stook, ienple• menta, &o. Lot 21, Con, 14, McKillop. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. ' George Hamilton, Prop. Thomas Brown, Ana, SATURDAY. OoT. 10. -Household fnrni• tore, &o. John street, Braweals. Sale, unreserved, at 2 p. •m. Mies Blakeman, - proprietress. F. 5 Scott, Auo. Minna, COT. 13. -Form stook, im• plements, &o, NI Lob 16, Con. 6, Grey. Sale, , unreserved, at 1 o'gloak, John Bateman, Prop, F. 5. Scott, Ana. Deposits Of one dollar, and upwards rimmed and interest allow• ed in Seviags Bank Rt higbeet rate from date of deposit to withdrawal. Int Brest Leans` PAID ON TH1e i Daily Balance Made,- Notes Ogahed, and every a000mmoda- tion afforded the res• [sensible borrower. mar 56.301,111305' BALE NOTES Oanhed Collected ; or may be loft for Safekeeping only for which no (Marge is made, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. tts•Every convenience afforded automata living at a distances. BRUSSELS BRANCH Ie. H. GRAY., Anne. W%ninnna', OCT, 14, -Perm stook, implements, &a. Lot 4, Con. 10, Grey. Sale, unreserved, et 1 o'olook. R. E. Goatee, Prop. T. Brown, Auo. STOCK FOR SERVICE AUCTION SALE OF FARM ST001 AND Iotpnanr1NTe-Mr. Thee. Brown hue received instruolious from Mr. James McDouald to 0511 by nubile auction on Lot 7, Com 14, Grey, on MONDAY, 00T. ibh, at 1 O'olook, the following property :- 1 draught horse, 9 years old,' supposed to be in foal to au imported borne; 1 horse 7 yrs. old, 1 oolt rising 3 years, l Spring wilt, 3 bows supposed in calf, 2 steers rising 9 years, 5 heifers rising 9 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 1 Spring calf, 5 young pigs 8 weeks old,1 sow inpig,90 her t ,h o0 FroWood' 1 kwon Wood timber, 1 mower, 1 gang combined r 1 No stn hay rad e, l grog plow, 1 singer plow, , sot diamond harrows, 1 lumbar wagomoot p8 bay pelf' 1o top buggy, 2 Qattara er complete 1 rain bes and pull 1 hay carrier Ma awth eat single n l pulleys, 1 sot dou• Ma harness,,1 1sob grindstone, 1le lkr eal,, 1 sugar kettle, 1 leyhn,1 1 milk oder 2cream 00830 cave, , Daley scales, spa grinder. 1 grain ladder, 1 set number of grain itybag 2,000 albs 1 ladder, a num((r of grain Gage, also forks, hoes, claire, epodes and other small ar. Moles, including some household furniture, all of which will be sold without reserve. Txntte-Twelve months' credit on approved joint notes ; A dieootmt of 5 per went, allow- ed for 'wash ou credit amnuets. TAM108 MODONALD, Proprietor; THOS, BROWN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ori FAR.DL 5T00E AND 1 umistreNT0. Mr, George Hamiltoo has inetruoted 0,10. Thomas Brown to 5511 by public notion on Lot 21, Don, 14 McElllop, on FRIDAY, 00T. 9th, fat 1 p. m.; the following property: -2 heavy draught geldings rising8 years, 1 heavy drougb5 inare rising 5 years, 1 driving horeo rising 4 ypa10, 1 matched team of driving fillies ris- ing 4 years, 1 thoro' bred Durham cow 6 years old, 1 thorn' bred yearling heifer with registered pedigree, 1 than(' bred Durham calf 6 weeks 013, 8 cows supposed in on.lf, 8 heifers rising 9 years old dee to calve 111 January, 15 steers rising -8 years, 0 beifoi•a rieittg 9 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years nld, 2 steers rising 2 years, 8 fat cows, 2 Yorkshire sows in pig, 2 Berkshire sows in pig, 1 Berk. shire sow with litter at foot, 21 p 135 2 mon. old, 1 lumber wagon, 1 large two -furrow plow, 1 single plow, 1 Bet new bob-eleighs, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 top buggy, 1fa05103 mill with bagger, 1 water trough, 1 set dou- Ole harness, leg single harness, 1 set doa- ble light harness, 1 wagon box, 1 hav rnek, forke, hoes, epadee, shovels, chains, wh'flle- trees, neckyokes and other email articles, also a quantity of household furniture al- most new, eonaieting of 8 bedroom suites, 1 Parlor suite, 1 dining room suite, 1 dozen kitchen elmirs, 1 large diving table, 1 kit- chen stove, about 16 cords (holt maple wood, a number of geese and turkeys, about 1 caro of mengnlds in the field, also about 00 bushels of potatoes. The whole will poe- itively be sold without reserve n0 the pro- prietor has rented his farm and is going to the Northwest. Terms -A11 sums of 55 and under oaeh; over that amount 12 month a' coedit will be given on furnishing approved 0r0 ed joint votes, 6 per 0, per annum owed cif for h on credit amounts. G0RG1 HAMILTON, Proprietor; THOSBROWN, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STo0E, IMPLEMENTS, c40. -Kr. Thomas Brown, auctioneer, has received Mettu0- tiono from the undereigued to sell by public auction a0 Lot 4, 0ou. 10. Grey, on vVleD- 01089AY, 00T, 11th, at 1 o'clock, the fal- lowing property: -1 heavy draught m0r0 In Years old, 1 aged mare suneoscd ea foal, 1 horse 5 years old, 1 heavy draught gexdiug e years old,2 bnavy draught geldings 2 years old, 1 Spring Dolt, 1 roadster 8 years told, 1 Clear Grit driving mare 0 y8ars 01:1, 1 cow to calve about Nov.20, 4 rows supposed in calf, 1 farrow Dow, 7 eteere 2 years old, 5 eteere 8 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 8 Spring calves, 20 Leicester ew00, 1 Leices- ter ran.11, a number of fowl, 1 sot alogia har- ness, eet double harusss, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter2 ]umtior wegous, i pair bob-alaipba, 1 Maseey-Harols binder, 1 Massey -Harris 5. foot mower, 1 Massey -Harris ram, i seed drill, 1 disc harrow, 1 Toronto Beed (loaner, 1 set iron harrows, 1 Coolish uta twin plow,2 single plows, l smarter, 1 puoipor, 1 hay rack, 1Daisy churn, 1 stone boat, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 waebing machine, 7 dozen kitchen (Mahn,1 mountain bear rob0, 1 pair borne blankets, quantity of marigolds, about 20 ton of bay, eaythee, forks, rakes, shovels and;other ar- ticles too ubmerou0 to mention. Imple- ments are all nearly new and in good repair, Bale will be without reserve as .proprietor has sold hie farm, Terme-Ml aurae lof $s and under oaeh ; over that amount 12 mos, Credit w111 be given 011 furnishing approved joint notes, 4 par (Ont, off for oaeh on ore- dit amounts. R. 1e. 00ATB5, Proprietor; THOMAS 131tOW0, Amiti0neer. i EZESPIHNEMESISZEMESEEISTIM ROCHE & HAYOROFT City Millinery. We thank the Ladies for their at- tendance at our Millinery Opening, which. was a decided success. Our siock of Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wear Goods should please the most fastidious, both for style and price. Call and see our stock before you place your order. )CC14 84 iay1C 'Cit. Dellitrefettedenelletel F'Ai,I, F'Ar1402. Following isa list of the datee of some of the Fall fairs which will be of interest to people in this distriot Gerrie Atwood S trattord Blyth Mildmay Dungannon Out. 3 Oct. 6-7 Oot. 7-8 Oot. 6-7 Oot. 6-7 Oat. 8-9 AVE RICHT This store's guarantee 11 al the back of all goods sold. If there is ever any apparent cause for dissatisfaction make it known and you may bo sure we will be pleasedrto make it right. Success in the sale of drugs depends largely on good will. We wish to prove that we de- serve yours. Give us a chance to try. AT Fox's Drug Store.' SPECIAL SALE OF r.ti ry and :, .uns Table Cutlery 80 dozen Knives and Forks, latest pattern and best quality. SPEOIAL-12 dozen. Knives and Forks in solid Rosewood and Ebony handles at 31 per box of half dozen, usual prioe 38 per dozen. SOB LOTS -40 White Handle Knives at 15o each, nenal price 18 50 par dozen. Silver Flitted Knives; 12 dwt,, travellers' eamplee, at 250 each, usual prioe 36 per dozen. Pocket Cutlery A large mud well assorted stook, SPECIAL-Boker'e 2 bladed Knife fo 390, ueoal price 65o. Otbere to numeroue to mention at epeoia prices. Guns & Rifles 19 to choose from -Beet value in the market. SPECIAL - Double Barrelled Broach Loading Shot Gene,left barrel ohoked, 8,1 38 50, urinal prioe 310 ; 315 Gune for 313. Our 811 and 312 Guns are positively handsome. Enfield Rifles Out of 10 porobneed a abort tithe ago we have a fete left. They net the Government 3,8 each, seonre one at r 86 50. We can't offer any more at o any prise. I 22 and 32 Rifles kept iee stook at Special Prices. First to Dome first served. We bad to bay a large quantity of the above mentioned goods to give these Special Prices. cHay & Co. F NJ tir LLd AT-�-' '11N C ES This coming Month, October, completes our first year in Brussels. Now we are going to celebrate all this month by a Gigantic Sale and close our first year's business by giving our Patrons a Cyclone of Bargains. Not Merely Talk but a Reality. You can Save Money all this Month in Buying New Fall Dress Goods, Perfect Fitting Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants and Vests ; Ladies', Misses', Boys' and Children's Solid Leather Shoes ; Underwear, Top Shirts, Cottonades, Linens, Towelings, Tickings, 8hirtings, Flannelettes and Blan- kets at THE MONEY -SAVING SPOT HARRY A. MATCHETT Garfield ELouse, Brussels. nutter and Eggs taken as Cask.