HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-1, Page 4(. he ?t sell ` fust Tf (I+HS it aY, OCT. 1, 1903. A new oabinet hoe oome into power in Australia owing to the reaiguation of Sir Edmund Barton, Prime Minister, who booms a Judge, Taxi trade returue from various pointe in the Dominion show a prosperous con. dition ofWake and the proepeete for good hardness during the Fall and Winter are of a hopeful character. Ax New York last Friday Major Del. mar trotted a mile in 2minutec, equalling the time of Lon Ditloe. Delmar was bought e.t the top notch price of $40,000 and he is expected to lower the wonder. fol page he made. Timm is a rapidly growing thereon in the rowdy element in Bruseele that ie going to end in mine -trouble if it is not promptly and decidedly put a atop to. Because a little Seem was given in the hurrah over the football vioteries during the past Bummer a section of the youth appear to think the town is "wide open" to them at all time! for the playing of silly pranks, offering impertanoes to ladies on the street, destroying property, pilfer- ing from the fronts of stores, booting and yelling like young demons and oaronsing in a way dieoreditable to themselves and relatives. This evil has beoome con- tegioae eo that from a few the number has increased to a snore and so noticeable is it that complaints are made almost daily over some depredation. How can it be stopped ? By the enuring of a night policeman who will assist Constable MoLeuohtin in the arrest of the onlpribe. Give them a night in the lookup and nest day let a fine be imposed coupled with a good straight talk that will show the offenders that order and good be- haviour must be scented. This will be the greatest kindness that can be shown the parties who appear to want to take the Jaw in their own hands as it may save them from more serious 000segaences later. The town authorities are properly held accountable for bad conduot on the part of our townspeople and it becomes imperative tbst they should see that the rights of law abiding citizens are protect• ed without reiterating complaints. Nothing does the good name of a town more harm than an ides that rowdyism is rampant and that reepeatable people have to nu the gauntlet every night. We hope active measures will be taken to corrects the insubordination existing. Bora the G. T. R. and 0. P. R. are waking up to the necessity and advisabil- ity of extending and improving their roads and as a revolt railway interests wiel likely bumble. We are interested in the reported oonetrootioo of 0. P. R. ex. tension from Guelph to Goderioh and will have no difficulty in proving that a good business eau be done on the proposed Northern route. Already there are com- plaints made of shortage of ears for grain shipping and if, ac in other yeare, there is the customary blockade the one way ont of it le to enure competitive lines that will make it their bneineee to see that the supply equate the demand. Years ago the style of doing business was Blower going but with the rush and stir of *lila day it means both lose ani incoo. venieooe to wait days or weeks for sofa esint transportation kenos the outcry for better aocemmodatioo. The indications are that the O. P, R. lune will be pnebed through speedily and the decision as to route will be confirmed very shortly if net already arrived at. It would certain- ly prove a great boon to tbfe Northerly section of the County as regards' Co. town purposes and would mean a large addition to badness at Goderioh, eepeoi. ally in the line of lumber, lath, ehinglee, &o,, owing to the facilities of the big harbor cawmtil. The 0. P. R. will make no mistake in runntog the road this way as the proposed route ie level, and con- sequently free from heavy grades, there will be a few large bridges to construct and the trade to be done at Listowel, Atwood, Ethel, Bruseele, Blyth and Auburn will be of nob a quantity and quality that remuneration will result to the road from the initial opening.% The surveying party ie said to be already at work. L. Oharbonneau, of Montreal, was stilled while oroseing the railway. A big storm is reported at Cornwall, The furniture factory was partly unroofed and flooded, Andrew MoCormiek, one of the oideet and most prominent merchants of Lon. doe, One., ie dead. William Vans, a well known horseman of Montreal, was thrown while riding at Cote dee Nelgec and killed. Three more Petrone men have left for Borneo, to pneb the drab ler oil. They are R. W. Laird, Sam. Phillipa and Wm. Brydges. The mea are engaged by Sam. vele & Oo. of Lan don and were e e sent out through then g r agent, John Maoal tae of Petrone,, p ' On Wednesday morning the committee appointed to remnant the M. 0,R. em• ployeee, who are interested in the Atlas Lean Company, mot I, P. Helimath, X, 0„ at Bt, Thorne, and disoaeeed the sit. ua0iod with that gentleman, In the after noon Mr. Heltt uth held a meeting with a ember of employees, who ate depositors 00 debenture holders in the detunot nom. parry. The employees formed themeelvee into a committee, and eppointed Mr,I B'oiigoutb to loop alter their intereel ft1 t the winding.op prooeedinge and to'take all steps that he nee fit in the (natter, Olt. izenn other than M. 0. R. employees are allowed to go ou the oornmittee, Morris Council Meeting The Council met pnronant to adjeorn. men* in the 0ouuoil room on Sept, 14th, members all present, the Reeve in the their, Idltruteo of last meeting read and nonrated, On motion of Shaw and Tay. Ion Walter Yuill was granted 20ato. per rod for 20 rode of wire fence on East Boundary at lot 30, on, 4. On motion of Jaokeon and Shaw Oounoillore Code and Taylor were inetructed to have about 30 rode of roadway oppoelte lot 8 on 6th oon, straightened and improved, On motion of 'Taylor and Shaw, the Reeve and Councillor Code were appointed a dopa• Wien to meet the Wingbam Council in respect to proposed improvements on West Boundary South of Wingham. On motion et Shaw and Code, councillor Taylor was instructed to expend $30 in gravelling at lot 6 on 4th oon, On motion of Jaokeoo and Code, the Reeve and Treasurer were inetruobed to borrow $400 to meet current expenses, Tenders were opened for debentures in oo0oeotioe with Lamont drain and on motion of Bhaw and Jackson the tender of Wm. 0. Brent wee aooepted, it being she most eatiefao. tory. On motion of Taylor and Code, R. Vauetene, of Wingham, was appointed Solicitor for the Township of Morris. A000uute were ordered to be paid as fol. lows :— Waiter Allison, bolts for bridge$ 1 25 D. Irvine, graveliiug 4 80 0. Prootor, drawing tile and putting in culvert 1 00 John Rae, gravel 3 50 A. Campbell, gravel 8 15 C. Campbell, gravel 2 87 D. Agar, gravel 10 60 Jae. Ornikebauk, gravel 3 96 D. W. Campbell, repairing bridge 2 00 A, Shaw, gravel 4 62 W. Mines, gravel 2 80 Jas. Hall, gravel 5 40 Jno. Mooney, gravel 4 90 H. Kirbby, gravel 1 76 W. Oakely, gravel 8 43 Thos. Healy, gravel 4 06 George Pierce, gravel 4 13 Geo, MoDooald, gravel on West Boundary 6 37 W. J. Salter, gravel on W. B 14 77 McKinnon Bros. gravelling on W B 78 78 Chas. McCrae, inspecting on W B 15 00 Geo. Praetor, gravel on W. B7 14 R. Youill, gravelling on W. B40 60 0. McCrae, repairing culvert on W B 1 00 0. McCrea, repairing culvert on 4th line 100 D. Sommerville, gravel 5 25 R. Yount, gravelling on Center sideline 43 13 Geo. Johnston, inspecting work3 76 R. Johnston, gravel 15 00 Registering Lamont Drain By Law 2 00 H. Ramsay, gravelling on East Boundary 27 26 Jas. Bolger, inspecting on East Boundary 6 25 D. Farquharson, gravelling and putting in culverts 13 08 Jno. Barr, gravel 4 41 A. Lowry, gravel 2 80 Geo. Taylor, gravel 56 T. S. Brandon, gravel 1 26 The Ooanoil then adjourned to meet again on the 19th day of Oot. next. W. Owls, Clerk, P resbytery of Maitland, The Preebytery.ot Maitland met in the Methodist Cbureb at Whi0eo1Oroh. on Thursday, Sept. 15th„ at 9 30 a. m„ with the Rev. S. M. Whaley, Moderator in the Chair. Standing committees were op. pointed for *heartening year as follows, the first named in eaoh one being the Convenor :—Finance, Revs. Roes, Mal- colm, MacNab and their elders ; Augmen. Cation, Revs. Perrie, West and their elders ; Home Minima, Reve. Dr. Mur- ray, McLeod, Smith and their elder° ; Sabbath Schools, Reve. Miller, Wholey, MacKay and their elders ; Church Life and Works, Reve. Dttnn, Maxwell, Mo. Farlane and their elders ; Examinations of Studeote, Reve. Perrie, Stewart, Mo. Rae and their elders ; Statistios, Mao. Nab, MacKay Perrin and their elders ; Young People's Societies, Reve, Resile. West, Whaley and their elders ; Aged and Infirm Miuietere' Fond, Reve. Meloolm, MoNab MacLennan and their elders. The serai-jubilee of the Rev. Dr, Mar. ray having been recently celebrated in - Kincardine,the Presbytery tendered him its oongratnlatiooe in the following motion. It was moved by Mr. MacLen- nan, seconded by Mr. McKay, and oar- ried unanimously, that the Presbytery tender it° congratulations to the Rev. Dr. Murray on the reoe0t celebration of his eemi•jabilee as pastor of Knox church, Kinoardine. We rejoice in the prosper- ity that has attended hie labore, and in the kindly feelings that exist between bis people and himself. We earneetly pray that the bleseiig of the Great Shepherd may continue with him and ',bat he may long be spared in vigor. oars health to break the bread of life to those to whom be has been sent. We also express our reoognitioo of the genial- ity, wisdom, and neefnlnese of Dr, bine ray a8 a member of this Court for the past quarter of a century, and the hope, nod prayer that for many yeare to come, we may have his presence with ne, and the help in the discharge of the Preeby. tory'° busineee, which, with his many aatara!, and acquired abilities, be has in the past ehown himself capable of render. ing. The R-ve. G. M. Donn, and B. M. Smith were appointed to the executive oI The Young Peoples' Presbyterial Ae°oaia. tion. The elders of the Molesworth conge°. gregation baying tendered their resigna. tsone, and expressed their adherence to the name, after consideration the Pree• bytery deferred final action till the next regular meeting in n December, and ex. preeeed the hope that they might see their way to withdraw the reeignabione, William P. Ritobie, and Wm. Camer- on, of Cranbrook Session, and Thomas Strachan, of Bruseele &lesion were ap. pointed aeeeeeers to ant with the Moles- worth Seeeion so long as the Presbytery shall oonaidor their help necessary. The Revs, Malcolm, West and Mattie reported theiratteDdanoe at the General Aseembly that met in Vancouver in Jane last. They spoke in turn of the delight. til trip they bad bad, of the greatness of the oottntry, of ite need of minletere in Et IC Ai II>l1513I<1.4 J Li 1' G24 O MILK COWS The undersigned is giving up the Dairy business at 1Senforili, and will aril by Public Auction on SATURDAY, OCT. 3, AT 1 O'OLOOK at his home, adjoining Sea forth, 01? the North Road, 24 High Grade Short Horn Cows In the lot is a Thorn' bred Jersey end 4 Grade Jereeye. Also 1 four year old. Registered Maori Horn Clow and a 10 motethe' old Bull Calf. Breeding liet will be furnished on day of dale. Will also sell 2 Heavy Draught Colts, rising 8 years ; Covered Milk Wagon, Covered Sleigh, Single Harness, Aireator, Cream Sep- arator, quantity of Milk Bottles, &c. NO RESERVE. TERMS— 12 months' oeedit will be given on furniebing Approved Joint Notre. A dieoount of 5% allowed off for dash. . Thos. Brown, >9.uc, JAS. COWAN, Proprietor. order to keep pane with settlement, and of the Assembly Used ea being one of the greatest it had hen their privilege to attend, The Presbytery agreed to ask the Aug. meutatiou Committee to give a grant to Walton congregation for the past half year at the rate of $75 00 a year, ANDREW MAONAii, Walton. Presbytery Clerk. The Presbytery of Maitland met in the Presbyterian Ohuroh, Wroxeter, an the 17th Sept. for the porpo.e of indnoting the Rev. Louie Perrin to the pastoral charge of Wroxeter 00ngregetioi. The Rev. A. 0. Stewart preached a good ear - mon, appropriate to the occasion from the words"Preaoh the Word". After the iodnotion ceremony, which wee perform- ed by the Rev. J. 3, Haetie, Rev. J. Mai oolm addressed the Minister, basing the earnest and preotioal addreas by an Ge- mmel coincidence, on the same words as had formed the basis of Mr, Stewart's sermon. Rev. W. J. West ad. dreesed the Oougre,atioo on their duties toward the Minister, There. after the Rev. W. J. West, who bad acted as Moderator of the Wroxeter session dnriug the vaca0oy, along with J. S. Mo. Taviah introdooed the newly inducted pastor to his people as they retired. Mr. Perrin is well spoken off by tboe° who know him, and there ie good rea- son to expect that he will prove a worthy e000Be90r to the Rev. R. S. G. Anderson. He bee made considerable financial eau rifice in aooepting the call to Wroxeter, and has thus shown himeelf worthy of the ooasideretion he is sore to receive at the bands of the Wroxeter congregation. The Presbytery was hospitably enter- tained by the ladies of the congregation. The day was wet and eold, so that there was not eo large an attendance art there might have been. Still a goodly numbe0 were present to welcome their new pardor. A Tea Meeting was held in th'e even. fig, Asnoew MoNAa, Walton. Presbytery Clerk. taTeleElliwp. BARN BURNED.—Wednesday evening of teat week, the barn on the farm of James H. Campbell, 8th oonoeesion, MoKillop, a mile East of Winthrop, was completely destroyed by fire, together with all the eeaeone's crop, and eome pigs. Mr. Campbell had; threshed a large quantity of wheat, which was also °onetimed. The barn was a large one, being about 46x86 feet, and was only built about two yeare ago, so that the lots to Mr. Oamp• bell will be very heavy. The cause of the fire is a mystery, and some seem to think that it pointe toward incendiary origin. Mr, and Mrs, Campbell were working in the house, and about eight o'olook Mre. Campbell went to the door, and noticed that the barn wee enveloped in flames, although only a short time be. fore there was no sign of fire, and no per - eon had been in the barn for some hours. A peo0liar oolooidonoe is that this makes the ninth barn that has been destroyed by fire on that line. The congregations of Doff's oburob, MoKiltop, and Cavan church, Winthrop, held a union congregational meeting in the latter cherub, on Monday of last week, for the purpose of considering the propriety of extending a cell ko a minder, Rev. Mr. Shaw, moderator, presided. The meeting was largely attended and was moat barmoniouo in every respect, and deoided u0animonely to extend a hall to Rev, David Carswell, of Ayr,, and formerly of Carberry, Manitoba, Mr. Carswell has no charge at the present time, having had to leave Oarherry on account of impaired health, acid has been rearing et Ayr, where hie relatives reside, for several months, He is now, however, fully reoevered, and we hope he will accept thenal! so unanimously tendered him. Mr. ()arewell is an able preacher and an estimable gentlemau, and will prove a worthy eu00eaeor to the late respected paotor of these congregations, Rev, Mr. Muogreve. A meetiug of the Hume Presbytery will be held ab an early day, and if Mr. Carswell accepts the invitation, the induction will take plea° as soon afterwards as possible. Perth County. Farmers in the vicinity of Listowel re port en average crop of potatoes of good quality and very few rotten tinea. Wm. Thompson, the viotim of the Horse Shoe Quarry Oo. accident, at St. Marys, le ati11 in a very weak condition. The attendance et the Lietowel High Sohool this year is is very large indeed, about one hundred and twenty etudente being enrolled. Some packing blew out of the ammonia plant at the Mooney bieonit er,d eandy works at Stratford, but, fortunately, 'tensed n0 injure. Mise Annie Hodgson, of Mitchell, hue been engaged to take oharge of Mise Dow's school, Fullerton, until the latter ie able to attend bar Outlet'. There ere a great many complaints of night prowlers annoying people in various parte of St. Marys. These midnight gentry ehould be given a warm reception. Wm. Tier, B. A„ left for Winnipeg, where he joins the staff of Manitoba Col- lege as mathematical master. Mr: Tier ie an old Motherwell boy and a graduate of St. Marys Collegiate Inetltnte. Paddy R , the bay stallion owned by J. Boobs, Stratford, won third money in the free for.all at Petrblea. John Nolan, Dr. Whitely, Godericb, was first in the 2 19 pace or 2.16 trot, and created a new track reoord. Fine weather, well appointed exhi. bition grounds, a splendid array of exhi- bits and a large crowd of epeotelore contributed to wake the Mitchell exhibi- tion arecord-breaking euocees tivanoially and otherwi'e. William Dawson, of Blanshard, has bought tbo Neil Dawson farm in Fuller. tooand rooted the same to Henry Aie. thorp for a term of yeare. James White has bought the eight aortae of the late Isaac Smith on the Thamee coneeeeton, Blanchard, and is moving on it. A lady was ooaoeted on the street at Stratford by a young man, who left two ootnpanione and` dropped back to her aide. She enquired if he did not realize that be With making a mistake. He replied roughly : "Oh, you can't fool me ; 1 was with you last week," and with that he caught her by the arm. The lady ewore out an information in the police court, find a warrant was issued for the young man's arrest. There have been quite a number of nooidente in and around Dublin dnriug the past week. Jack Roach had the mie• fortune' to fall from a beam ab a thresh- ing and dislocated hie shoulder, and M. King, happened with a similar accident about 2 days later, while Michael, the youngest eon of Jas. Longworth, bed a very narrow seoapefrom death on Mon- day evening, He was riding into the village on boreebnok, when the animal took fright and ran away, colliding with Cober Carriage Factory E wish to thank the publie for the very lib- eral patronage in our Carriage business, which has been so good that we haven't a rig left for our Fall Exhibition, and owing to delay in get- ting our Trimmer on Cutters, we will not be able to have anything ready to exhibit, However, don't conclude from this that we are not getting tip Cutters and Sleighs for the Fall trade, for we are now at work on the best and tin- . est lot ever shown in Brussels. Also a good stock of varioussi' zes of Bob - sleighs s and Handslei b s. Be sure and call and see our -out-put. The prices are right. Repairing, Re -trimming and B..e-paintin g promptly attended to. John Cobor 86 Sons Carriage Ouf Brussels a horse and,oarriaye attend. Fortunately the boy °soaped with a eaelp wound and a few bruises, A. Lytle, who hen for the lest three and years acceptably titled the poeition of pt'ineipal of Linwood eobool, leavoe 101)8 week for Edmonton, Atte, Fred, Edmnnde, of Roeboolt, who is high. ly ren0uutleeded 00 it teacher, le llr, L1'tleat eneoeeeor. Before leaving Lin• wood Mr, Lytle woe prereuted with a gold looket.by the Tennis o10h, 0 waloli end charm (runt bis pnpile end a llib:e from the elltirell. Premier Roes anuounoed that stela' will be taken to proleet the employees of the worsts 01 the Boo. (Santee Quaiotanoe, of Windeor, jumped from the deck of a moving steamer and wart drowned. Fire at Hanianie Point did from $15,000 to $20,000 damage, burning the power house, the wharves and tioltet t dine, United Stoteo immigration inepeotoro have detained two British delegates, J. Falconer and W. Colliera, at Newport, Dominion Steel and Ooal share• holders approved the new arrangement. Steel preferred dividend will not be paid fir the past batt year. Ooal directors have not deoided on their dividend policy, bob will speedily, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �1HREE GOOD BROOD SOWS for Bale, will libber early in Ootobor. O. H. ENI0HT, Lot 18, Con, 10, Grey, or Craubrook P, 0, 11-0 HOUSES FOR SALE.—Two Months opposite tea School House lu Ethel for sale at reasonable Price, Bult- able for retired farmers, Apply to R. S. COLE,Ethoh 11.4 PROPERTY FOR SALE—FIVE about 4 mile oflaud railway station. and well luundesdrained,gdTaxes only $1 20. A ply to JAS. OUTNILL, Proprietor, liroe• Bels P. O. 11.40 ORSR STRAYED.—HORSE strayed, black in oolor and branded with the letter "8." Any person glvlug in- formation lending to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. W. J. ELLIOT0 Bane Line, 011010u P.O. C. O. r. Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0, 0, F., Brusselsmeets in their Lodge Boom, Bine- hill Block, on the 2nd aid last Tuesdays of each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BURGESS, 0. R. WALTER SMITH, 11, S. 'THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is lyear old and the other two younger. Alec several reel0t- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply -to JAMES SPEIR, Lot 30, Con. 6, Morrie Twp„ or Brun - sere 1'. 0, 32,01 •'OUNG SHORT HORN BULL for male. E119301e for registration. For prioe, terms and, older particulars, ap. ply to J. D. MONAIR, Lot 22, 000. 13, (troy, or Oranbrook P. 0. 88.01 QTOOK FOR SALE.—THE UN- )." noRBIsNISD offers for Bale 8 Steers three years old; a pedigreed Yorkshire Hog, aid a number of young Piga. Stook all In gond condition, JOHN MENAREY, Proprietor, Lot 10, Con, O, Grey, or Brussels pinta:lee. 'ii'FOUR STRAIGHHT SOOTOH ppstock forrsale. Also cows and heifers, imported11. 000 0. and home & BON, Maitland Bank Stock Farm, 1'lthel Out. 30.t;f FOR SALE—THE ELIGIBLY situated 2 -story frame building, 20 x 80 feet, formerly °coupled by the Caber Oar. riage Works. It is suitable for sash and door fao0ory, planing mill or carriage fac- tory. A boner and engine will alert be Bold if desired, now in building. A good bargain will be given. 4 acre of land in commotion. For further partinulare ripply to 2 -if G. W. POLLARD, Ethel. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Comet will tie bold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by Hie Honor, the Judge of the the Hal , Myth, on the County qday of October, 1000, at 11 O'01ook a. m„ to boar and deter- mine the several oompinindg` of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of :the Munici- pality ofthe Township of Morrie for 1908. All persona buying Unfitness at the Court are required to attend at the said time and plan Date, ed Sept. 22nd, 1008, wM. CLARE, Clerk. REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR gale. Watered by the river. Apply to THOS, M00RE, Brussels, woR, SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west ooruer William and Albert streets, Brussels, 49.05 3, LEO%IID, FOR SALE. — VALUABLE property kpo the Methoronago,Aply bo 3000. OOBBIt, Brunetti, ]ART*I TO RENT, BEING LOT gnu oder cultivation. Apy Thereb 30910710 10 REDM0Nfl, on the prrmftee, or Monorieff P, 0, 21.01 OUSE AND LOT FOR )3ALE Sostot' aliments, the Somerset prpery ligiblysitdImmediate poeseeslou, For further partio- alar'e as to pr leo, te,'me, 001., apply to D, kloOUTU ItNJoN, L0t15, Con. 12, McKillop, 00 Leadbury P. 0. 83.01 SAORIFICE IN REAL ES- TAe.7t.—$3020,00 will buy the Moonp. twoyMae stores the be sold for oioto out the McCaughey Betide, Intending purchasers 'tliould investigate at anew, Apply to F. Fi. SCOTT or G. t'. BLASE, BO 111A00 , Ont, ti'`ARti FOR SALE,—THE UN- her'o faun, nnan offers being Let 0, Con, 7,n Grey. It 10a under good state of nuitivatIno, wed sltuet- ed for school, market, &e. Fall wheat has been put 10, Poese0elou givenen next M*4a1r4e106b wits privilege of doing work this Fall, eg- 00f0r selling, pr0pr(atham invested inManitoba longe, Blither partinulara to price, term, &o., apply to N.A10(1014, B- Proprletor,Bruaeal01.0. 11-tf 17ib0R SALE OR TO RENT.— The miderelgnod offers her 1(10 more farm, being Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey, )for lute or to rent. Comfortable bause, bank barn, or - nerd, walls, &o. There aro 30 earn in grass, 10 north 0f Vali wheat and 20 a0000 Of ;Fall plowing will be done. Farm is only j mil° from the stirring village Of Ethel. Present lease expires on Marob 16, 1004, but a nor. ahem or tenant may go on and plow, &o., at Duce. For further plturLiorrlmre as i0 price, tor7. 0 ,' or write MRS. S30.SBOLLAN0a,h73 1 ebuter 8t„Toronto, 7.2m CoT. 1 1903 F kip STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST High Class Novelly Dress Goods The new Dress Goods are all here and you will find our assortment of High Class Novel- ties the largest and choicest ever shown in Brussels, Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths and Cheviots in all the popular shades for Fall. Black Dress Goods in such a large range of Patterns and Quantities that we cannot describe them. In short you will find in olgr assortment all the latest Novelties in Dress Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Come and see. ew Dress Trimmings We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale Mouse. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we would not dare to attempt under other circuli- stances. When you see our assortment of Dress Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude and delighted with the Low Prices asked for High Class goods. erguson & Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. CURIZZINIEMIEMBIECIZIEN Apples will be bought on and after September 15th, at the” --- S D BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JOHN CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Bes1t ea,tisiitclion and longest weal', The Sllerin!llia-s P�ui gives these results b—It'd a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For Bale by— WiLTON & TURNBULL.