The Brussels Post, 1903-9-24, Page 8WL
We have just received another lot of those Paper Covered
Books that we have had such a demand for this Sum-
mer. These make excellent reading and the
price is exceedingly low indeed. Among
others, they include such titles as-
-Last Days of Pompeii,
—Under Drake's Flag,
—The Bondman,
—The Honor of a Gentleman,
—Tie Panacea for Poverty,
—Ships that Pass in the Night,
—Tane Eyre,
—Worth Winning,
—Treasure Island.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follow::
7:16 am 1 Mixed 10:00 am
...... 10.00 a.m
Express 5:55 pen l Expos'e 8:17 p,m
racaI Rebas rents.
A. ohiel's amang ye takit' notee,
Anfaith he'll pent ie.
DRY/MU market leader
Bnosszte Fair Oct. 1 and 2.
T. P. Seumu, optioiau, roads hie regular
visit here on Wednesday of this week.
SEVERAL from this lecutlity were ex•
hehitore at Belgrave Fall Fair on Wed-
nesday of thio week.
THE residence of Wm. Turnbull, North
of Brunets, has been much improved by
a new dress of paint. •
MILLINERY Openings Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of next week.
Don't forget the days.
• Peep: of Hall for Fall Fair Ooneert is
open at Fox's drag etore. Reserve your
Beat early and avoid the rush.
THAT which people SOW they shall also
reap does not alwaye apply to the pic-
tures on the seed packages.
Le yen want a genuine good laugh
attend the Fall Fair Concert and hear
Beunett. He's a oomioal lad.
Ton bricklayers firdshed work on John
Graixiger's new residence, Brussels Weat,
and the home will look very nioe when
A new Taylor, burglar-proof, sate of
the lateat design hes been placed in the
vault at the Metropolitan Bank in this
town this week.
MASONIC sermon in the Methodist:
church on Sabbath morning, 27th inat ,
at 10 90 o'oloek, Rev. 0. P. Wells, B.D.
of Ethel, will preach.
HAV./NG disposed of her house and lot
Mise Blakeman will hold an auotion sale
of her boueehold effects on Saturday,
Oct. 10th, at her home on John etreet.
IT will require another 'week or more
yet of good weather for the completion of
the brink work we the new residence of I.
0. Ritharde. He will have a nioe plan
wbeu finished.
A. tramp has been hanging round this
looality daring the week. He ahould be
arrested and Bent to the Co. jail. That'e
the right place for people too lazy to work
for their living.
both in song and nary at the Fall Fair
Coneert. Keep the evening clear, Friday,
Oat. 2, Plan of Reserved seats is now
open at Pox's drug store. Don'b delay
and lee shut out like haudreds were last
VOTERS' LDIT Conax.—Wedriesciay fore.
noon Judge Doyle held a Court for the
revision of the Voters' list of this
Municipality for 1903 in the Clout:oil
chamber. The result was 11 Liberals
were added and 4 Oonservatives strook
off. 3 Conservatives were added and 5
Liberals etruok elf. There were also
thine minor changes mule in tbe muni.
Wood vote.
G. T. R. Sorememes.--Following were
the shipments from the Grand Trunk,
Bruesels, this week :—R. Graham, oar of
wheat, 2 care of oats and oar barley;
Salt Works, 4 oars :wet 00, Beaker, oar
oats and oar baled hay ; Jos. Clegg, oar
Iambs end 2 oars oattee ; A. 0. Dame,
2 were cattle, 2 care lambs, and 1 oar
hogs ; Geo. Best, 1 oar lembs. Inward
aas, Hall re:waived a oar of stockers ; N.
P. Gerry, oar oemeot ; Salt Veorka, 3 oars
uoal ; Woolen faatory, 1 oar ooal.
Tine Football team did noe ewell their
bank athount by the Pauline Johneton
—MoRaye entertainment an Monday
evening although there wag a fair sized
audieine, ?room consisted of the
recitation of original poem by the
Indian poetess and the delineation of the
French Canadian oharaoter ooncluding
with a fem. A good hustling looal oon.
bort would have made more money for
the boys who ate in arrears over tbe
SOSROD S metobee even if they did win
the two Championehip silver oups for
Western Ontario.
deoieton of Judge Wind:et:ter, Oounty
Judge of York, in the platter of the farm
advertiaiog that wae done in J. 1. Daly'e
peper, The Canada Farm Advertiser, wag
very wavers on the methods in whioh the
yeomen ol the country were itedneed to
make aontraots. The advertising agent,
Peyne, swore that Daly had instracted
him to make false repreeentatione by any.
ing that if the properties were not :told
there would be no °barge made, Daly is
nob in the thuntry, eo that hie evidence
was not heard. The oast in whiole the
dedeion was given watt brought by Ab.
rahain also, a larder of Narkhane
tovenehip, who sued as assignee from
Dalyrof an ethount of 0180 against A. 0.
Hallman, ale farmer of Wilmot town.
ship, Waterloo oounty. The Dead found
a verdlot for the defendant without
theta There are 1% bout a dozen partied
in this locality intereeted in the Daly
hueineee. Thy Wave been offered a
seetleitiene of 50e on the donee theholdere
io pay 4010000 the (moo a the thite.
BRUSSELS Fall Fair Oot, 1 & 2,
EAST Holton Fall Fair will be open to
the public at 10 a. m. on Friday, the 2nd
day of the Fair.
Imo, OUNNINGHASI'S Evaporating factory
ie at work. They are perpared to take all
the apples offered.
Toe word cyclone comae, from the
Greek, but the eyolonee themselves are
produced in lowa.
'Ten LYNNE' Wag presented in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wedneeday
evening of this week in good style.
A little bird wbiapere that Brussels
will supply the bridegroom for a near by
wedding and the bride for another a trifle
more remote.
Timm are 62 pupils attending the Sew
for Department of Brussels Radio School
so far Mite terra, The Junior Leaving
ohm has 21 in it. Outlook ie good.
Toosm two houses for sale by I. 0.
.Richards thould find ready purchasers
considering the doe position ,of them,
being convenient to either school or post.
aloe. The lots are planted with atioioe
fruits of all kiode while the price is, oon•
sidering value of property, very low.
GOOD COWS FOB Setat.—.Jae. Cowan, of
Seaforth, is going ow of the dairy lewd-
ness and is offering his herd of six high
grade cows for sale by public: anation on
Saturday, Oat. 8, at 1 o'olook, 12 months
credit and 5% oft for oath. This will af
ford buyers a good opportunity of thour.
ing a good eow. See partioulare io advt.
in this issue,
THE %May GT,^1211 —We are now in a
position to offer this great weekly paper
and THE Poem from now till let a anuary,
1005, for 61.70 to new subscribers. Just
think of it, two papers for 16 months for
111•70. Any one desiring a trial subsorio
tion of TEE Pose and Weekly Globe till
Jan. 1st, 1904, they have them for the
sum of 35o.
ONTARIO STATUTEN—The 1903 staiutee
of Ontario are being distributed by the
Ring'e Printer, The edition will 0009iiii
0/ 10,000 copies, and the volume is an
especially large one, oomprieing over
1,200 pages, and in view of Maio fad, ae
well es the lateness of the session, the
'work of publication has been got through
quiokly, A feature of the volume is
the indexing, which in many pnblioa.
tions of a similar nature is the cause of
nenob strong language by lawyers and
others having theasion to sea them. A.
H. Dymond, the law clerk of the Legis.
Wive Abeembly, ie responsible for the
indexing in this volume.
HYMENEAL.—The following item refers
to a marriage of load interest froto the
fact that the groom is a brother to Mre.
E. B, Creighton, of Hamilton, and known
to a goodly number in town :-4 quiet
wedding took place at the residence of
Mrs. 11. Stewart, 18 Birch R9PD110 North
'Toronto, when Miss Bertha M. Stewart
was /married to B. Marla Parks, man.
ager and buyer of the shoe department of
the Robert Simplon Co., Ltd. The bride
was dreesed in white Bilk, and earried
beautsfal bouquet of white roses, The
bridesmaid, wbo carried a bouquet of
red roses, was Mien Ada Lindetty, of
Toronto. The groom wee eupported by
J. H. Hendee:h. The ceremony wan
performed by tbe Rev. W. Amos, of
Aurora, in the preeenoe of only the re.
lativee and immediate friends of the
contracting parties. The bride was the
recipient of many beauelful and weetly
presents. Mr, and 11Ire. Parke will reside
at 84 Sommerhill avenue, North Toronto.
DriTOWEL FALL FA/R.—The Listowel
and S. Walla,oe Fall Show to be held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week
promisee to he a great mows. Engairies
for Prize Lists have been numerou0 and
the Show is likely to be fall in all the
departmente, The program for the open-
ing Concert on Tuesday evening will be
very intereeting, Lbeing totally in the
hands of the Teachers and mile of the
Lietowel Public School is a guarantee of
its excellence. A beautiful display of
Fireworks will be given at the dose of
the Oonaert. F. Olarke, Pa, P„ has
kindly aoneented to be present and open
the Pair on the afternoon of the thoond
day with a short address. At 1.80 p.lm.
proweseion of the aohool children will take
place and sewing the afternoon they will
enliven the proneedinga with songs, drilla,
neerohes &o, The Listowel Band will be
present on both days Send in your
entries early and bring along your family
to the Listowel Pair,
0. P. R.—The Guelph Herald eeid
The Herald had a talk with 001. Mao.
donald. The Colonel in well pleased
with the resalt of the vieit to Goderioh,
Mr. Bell and he went op Mere, he said,
to obtain information an the general
eituabion, are 11 19 likely they will have
an interview with Sir Thomae Sttugh-
neasey in Montreal at an early dale, A.
difficulty Meet confronted the promoters.
ot the road wag the entrance) into God-
eriole and down 00 the harbor. Thut
diffioulty has now disappeared. Mr.
Petereou, the 0. P. R. engineer, is sat.
ieded that the wharf can be reached on
a oncelatelf per Gene gado. Feeling is
divided in the Northern notion° ae to
the coarse the line should take. The
Northern route projected is' by Elmira,
Lietowel, Bruesele ent113lyth, The other
route woad take in St. awtob's, Mil-
verton and Clinton. Goderiah people
aeon to gebertelly fent the Noethern
rode, as it would give Muhl et:Weedien
with a taction of nottntry Itorn which
they atee at premed virtually abut pet. 1
' )11.'138/3.ELS
CARTA le—Paid np $1,000,006
RESERVE FUND . • $1,000,000
Bitif. B, 12. WAIWBB, IL, a. J. kfOONS,
Preaident. Yieo-ProSident,
o, 00, 11068011, 7008. DEADIMAW, 0,10. In1e0fr1ON,10, 0,
W, 11.01038 - - GENERAL MANAGISB
Drafts Bought and Bold. Partnere' Natoli Dieoeunted,
garawas Bears lisivaramer
Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed on all emus of $1 and upwards
Bine'rSTIMS Viagavem
0, le. BLAIR, Solioitor, A. E. MELLISH, Manager,
ERUSSELITES always listened svit13 pleas•
ure 00 .4. N. Large. He will sing at the
Pell Fair Concede
ef, EL McOneammer is (Mead ing Seafortb
Fall Fair this week Will hie exhibit of
roots, vegetables, &a,
le wouldn't be a difficult matter to oon-
view the average man that greenbaoks
are printed on fly.paper.
Gmoitem L. Waxes, horse dealer, Bens•
eels, was awarded two let prizes on
Wednesday at Belgreve Fair on bnggy
BRUSSELS Fall Fair Tharaday wed Fri.
day of next week. Make your entries
early and cave yourself and the Secretary
a lot of bother.
Toe Pose was treated to a sample or
peaches grown on the farm of Adam
Turnbull. 701 oon, Grey. nee, were
dandieo for size and flavor and not often
beaten by the Californian varieties.
ANNUAL Weetern EXCUTSiO0S will he
ran on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of tide week at single drat oleos fare.
Tickets good to return on or before Oot.
12, Detroit, Port Huron, and Chicago
and other pointe in the -0, S. inoluded.
A wedding took place at the Methodist
Parsonage, Brussels, on Weduesdayatter•
noon of this week. The °entreating
outlet. were William Arthur White, of
Tockersmitie, and Mies Mary Ethel Gray,
of Morris. Rev. T. W. Clothes tied the
matrimonial bow. May prosperity and
happiness attend them.
Omm.—On the 22nd of Anguet Eliza
Jane MoOraoken, beloved wife of Wit.
Ilam Elliott, died at her home, near Bran•
don, Manitoba, aged 58 years and 6 anon-
tbs. The oanse of deoesee was eatmer
in the breast. She was a resident of
Brneeele before her marriage to her
now bereft partner. Mr. and Mrs. Ell.
iott lived on Ole 4th line of Morris for
some years before moviug to Mauitoba
twenty years ago. In addition to the
haeband, one son and two daughters
survive. Mrs. Elliott wan a sister to
W. H. MoOresken, of Brussels, and this
le the first break in a family of eleven.
The subjeot of this notioe was of e
kindly turn, industrious and affeotionate.
Her demise ie regretted and the relatives
sympathised with. •
EURGLARY.—Abont 4 p. m. Thursday
morning the store of A. Straohan, Bros -
:tele, wag broken into by oue or more
prowlers and a quantity of underwear,
hate, shoes, mottling, Ao., appropriated.
Ingress wee attempted at two of the side
windowe on Hing street and also Mu:angle
the cellar. These proving futile the front
door was bursb open, the look being
wreathed off and mien inside, the beak
door was opened and the goods taken,
The thievee went to the cellar and 30010
lamp to show them the handiest way to
do thinga. No Path of them was to be
found when the disoovery was made in
the morning of their thievery. Lights
was seen in the store by P. Dekko, of
Grey, about 4 o'olook. One or more
sweats were seen in the looality bet
vebether the right party or parties will be
nabbed remains to be seen. It wae a
very cheeky pleas of bneineee to eay the
least and it (taught the thieves should be
sent where the dege won't bike them.
This is the second time Mr. Straohan's
store has been burglarized.
correspondent to the Galt Daily Reformer
of Sept, 8th, writes as follows conaeruing
the demise of the mother of Mrs. John
Oober, of Brussele :—At 4 p. tn, yesterday
death entered the home of Neleon and
etre. Eaton, one mile Booth of here, and
claimed one of our oldeet residents, the
mother of Mr. Eaton, Red widow of the
late Anson Eaton, aged 94 years. Mrs.
Eleaon, nee Miee Sutton, was born in New
Jersey, on the 901 of Marah, 1809. With
her pareute ebe removed bo Canada in the
year 1817, settling at Hamilton, whioh at
Meet time :mold nob boast of churehea,
megniliont public bnildioge acid storee.
Hamilton in those days was n sweaty
settled community of farmers, without
court boon, ohurahet, and only ono little
store to provide grooeries for the oom•
tonally for railea about, In the year 1828
she become the wife of Anson Eaton,
moving into the wilderness of East Platia•
bare, Their borne ooneisted of a log hut,
12/0.6, and their belongings were quite
meagre, not having e :their to their LUDO
for the Bret five years. For 20 years they
labored hard in the forese, when they re•
moved in the Spring of 1854 to the farm,
which her eon, Nelson, ocioupiee, where
she and her husband lived till the Fall of
1889, where Mr. Eaton died at the age of
85 yeare, Mre. Eaton ie boon of a family
noted for bheir longevity, her Whet hay.
ing lived to attain the age of 97 years and
nine months. Of her brothers rod Meter%
there still remains Joseph Suttee, of
Preelton, aged 85 years ; Loammi Button,
of Fthelton, aged 88 ; Margeret, widow of
the late John Hesvine, of Flambora Tp„
aged 81; Phoebe, widow of the late John
Medoe, of Pliouteborg, eged 77 ; Rebecca,
widow of the late Jas. Jackson, of Not-
wich, aged 74 years. Mre. Eaton was the
mother of eleven children, 50 grand ohild.
ten and 47 groat grand children, The
following of her children still survive :
Agnee, wife of Jos. Gingrich, of Tyne.
aide ; kbebcon at home 1 Wesley, on part
of old homeetee.d ; Looiatt, wife of John
Weehlatien, of Beepeler Matilda, wife of
John Oober, of Brats:els Dneeh, of Elea.
peter, and Lophame, wife of Ames
Sender, Waterloo T. Mre. Eaton was a
remarkably clever *Wenn, having an ex.
oeptionally retentive Memory, remember-
ing all tillage of interest of many yeoen
bade, and was a good oonversationalist.
With the needle ebe won fame, having in
all oompleted about 150 quilts. One of
which we might make °pedal mention
MS a log :Wein qnilt, which she owe:plat.
ad 01008 her ninetieth birehday, contain.
ing 1,869 separate pieces. Para, Eaton in
health was comparatively smarb tiff quite
recently, when the beoame quite 181 91884,
bat by the kind care and nureing of her
daughter•in•lave, Mrs. Nelson Eaton, her
aufferinge were attended to till the teat
earl hour. The tenant of the late eirs.
Eaten wee held on Tlanreday Si 2 p.
m. from her late home to the Heepeler
oemetery for interment.
Business Locals.
Go to Brewer'n fot photos Fair Day.
Two or three good farm for sale. Ap-
ply at THE FOST,
ETOD 00 Leatherdale'e North window
and see tbose fauoy theirs.
GET yonr photo taken on Fair day at
HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at
great reduotiou. Apply to MRS. W. M.
SINOLAIR, Brassele.
DOGS 15 cents. 100 tube Butter
wanted weekly. Our Fall etook ie now
ormplete, Gmo. 36. Keno, Wingham.
DOST.—A diamond and eappliire ring
of Marquiee design. A good reward will
be paid for return of the same at this
June reoeived a full Assortment of Lis.
towel yarns, all oolors, 2 or 8 ply also
mite yarns. Knitting done to order.
Mas, Ream.
CEADINT.—We stook the highest grade
of Cement made. Price guaranteed.
Ordere pieced now will reoeive hest at-
tention. A. M. Malley, Brussels.
DLIGIDLE village lot, adjoining the
reside/me of John MoOrae, Tun:harry
etreet, Brussels, for sale. For particulars
as to price and kerma apply to J.D.
EONALD, Sri:peels.
class second band buggies to be add
:heap. They have been painted and are
fixed up in good style and are about as
good se new. See them. D. DWAN 00.,
STRAYED or etolen, Prom American
Hotel, Brussels, a small fax terrier, dark
tau and white, aterriee one ear up and the
other down. Anewere to name of Fido.
.9. Boilable reward will be paid for his
reoovery, and any person leathering him
after this notice will be prosecuted.
15 you will ueed a new tott. Depend
upon os for all you need in trimmed,, and fancy hats. We have
eetablished a reputation for excellent
kyles and uneurpessed workmanship.
New goods always arriving. We have
some speoial bargains for Pair day. THE
From 110,000 to 120,000 pathengere
have been oerried on special trains on the
Grand Trunk during the laet three
mon tbs.
Mrs. Boyce, the viotim of the acid.
throwiug at Owen Bound, gave evidence
againet William Roy, who is charged
with oonepiring to spirit her away.
Standard Bank of Canada RICHT OR
n2M,M4Y7g=4TE0=21= 1072
Ot one dollar and npsvarde
received and int, rest allow.
ed In Seviugs Bank ao
higheet rate from date of
depoeit to withdrewal,
PAID ON 11110
Daily Balance
Made, Notee Claehed,
and every acoommods.
Mon afforded the reit.
poneible borrower.
7A50701018' eaLle NOTES Cashed, Collected ; or may be left tor safe-kaeping only
for which DO (Margo 18 Made.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
ea'Every convenience afforded customers living at a diatenae.
F EL GRAY, &mtge.
Meaert—Perow--In Saginave, blioh,, on
Sept. 22, by Rev. leather Dalton.
Mr, Prederiok Marsh, formerly of
Grey township, Ont„ to Mies Oath.
erine Paige, of Saginaw.
Wmez—Gues.—At the Aleehodist Par.
eonage, Bruesele, on Sept, 23, by Rev,
T. W. Ooeene, Mr, Wm. Arthur
Wbite, of Taakereraith, to Mies Mary
Ethel Gray, of Morrie.
Era,roem.—Near Brandon, on Aug. 22,
DIMS Jane MoOraoltem beloved wife
of Wiliam Elliobt, formerly of Mor-
rie township, aged 68 years and 6
MaAneenen.—In Morris, on Sept. 1701,
Coeleau, third daughter of Peter and
Mre. McArthur, aged 15 years, 1
month and 21 daps.
FRATT.—In Hamilton, 012 Sept, 12, Har-
riett M. Pollard, beloved wife of
Chas. Pratt, aged 35 years,
Wm:elm—At Napanee, on Sept. 14, Thoe.
Winter, to It. Ma.
urray, Morris, aged 63 years and 10
.eser-rowzomer seaexem..
TUESDAY, OOT. 6.—Farm stook, HX1.
plements, dao. Lot 18, Oen. 3, Morrie.
Sale, unreserved, at 1.30 o'olook. Jno.
Budd, Prop, Robt. Gammas, Ano.
SATURDAY, OOT. IA—Household furni•
tura, John street, Brut:eels. Sale,
unreserved, at 2 p. m. Mies Blakeman,
proprietrees. P. 6 Scott, Aute
WEDNESDAY, 0a, 14.—Earm Week,
Implement; Jew Lot 4, Con. 10, Grev.
Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. R. E.
Coates, Prop. T. Brower, Aaa,
m-,-,, m- a M:2117..,m
Fell Wheat, 78 74
Barley .„ .. 38 10
Peas 50 65
Cate 27 28
Butter, tubs and rolls 13 14
Eggs per dozen 13 14
Flour per owe. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per base) 50 50
Apples (per bag) 2 00 1 00
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Salt per hbl., retail 1 00 70
Hogs, Live 5 50 6 50
Wool 15 16
Hides trimmed 6 6e
Etedee rough 5 5
Lamb skins thole... 25 30
Sheep althea, each 25 26
for solo, will litter early in October.
0, H. BRIGHT, Lot 18, Oon. 10, Prey, or
Orunbrook , O. 11-0
Olt 1,60 6—WA11TED FOR 3 OR
kV more years. Pirst•olass Becuritv giv-
en, Apply immediately at W, LI, 'SIN-
CLAIR'S mem 1.1•1
he MI
Houses OppOette tSchool HS°
The congregations of Duffle cleuroh, in Ethel for sale at reasonable prize, Butt -
111011110p, and Caven °bomb, Winthrop able for retired farmers, Apply to S. a,
have extended a unanimous °all to Rev. COLIS,Ethel, 114
David Oerewell, of Ayr, formerly of Car-
berry, Man.
Wm. Maguire, who wag poisoned in
Toronto by taking poison in mistake for a
eeidlitz powder, was a son.indave of
Geo. Zilliax, formerly of Listowel, and
Wed made hie home iu the Northam]
EPARLINO.—In Oranhrook, on Sept, 24, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Bottling, a eon.
Wednesday, September 23, by the
Rev. J. EL Efaztewood, of Hamilton,
Mies Annie Arletta, daoghter of Ur.
W. 0. Elezlewood, to Mr, Charlet:
Francle Edwards, both of Wroxeter.
acres of land on North Gravel road,
about 9 mile from Beussels railway station,
Nice looablon for a retired farmer. Good
land, well uudergraMed. Taxes only 31.20.
Apply 90 348, CDTBILL , Proprietor, Brno -
eels P. 0. 114*
Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters'
List Aot, by His Honor, the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huron, at
the Hall, Myth, On the 12th day of October,
1901, at 11 o'clock a. m., to hear and (toter-
13:1the 708 several complaints 0/ errors and
omissio us iu the Voters' Lid of She Muniel.
polity piths Townehip of Morrie for 1005.
All persons keying business at the Court
are required to attend teethe Baia time and
Dated Sept, 22nd, 1002.
Whf, CLARII, Clerk.
uctiors, ale
Tho undersigned is giving up the Dairy business. al eaforth and
will sell by Public Auction 013
at his home, adjoining Seaforth, on the North Road,
24 High Grade Short Horn Cows
In the lot is a Thom' bred Jersey and 4 Grade aerseye• Also 1 font year
old Regietered Short Horn Cow and a 10 modelle' eld Bull Calf. Breeding
list will be fotelehed on day of gale,
Will also sell 2 Heavy Draught Colts, rising 8 years ; Covered Milk
Wagon, Covered Sleigh, Single Harness, Aireator, Cream Sep.
arator, quantity of Milk Bottles, &o. NO RESERVE,
TERMS -12 months' otedit will be given on furnithing Approved joint Notee. A
21000001 of 5% allowed off for oath,
Thos. Brown, Am. JR. GOWAN, Proprietor.
A- DEltei0181012 offers for SOS tole fine 100
more farm, being Lot 5, 000. 1. Grey. It is
under good etate of cultivation'well situat-
ed for school, market, ..te. Fall wheat hos
been pub in. Possession Wroth next Newell,
With privilege of doing Ivor), this Full. Ilea -
Sou for nailing, proprietor has inveeted in
Manitoba lands. For further particulars ae
to price, terms, &e., apply to N. M. HUH -
ARD SON, Proprietor, Brussels P,O. 11.08
This store's guarantee is at
the back of all goods sold.
If there is ever any apparent
cause for dissatisfaction
make it known and you may
bo sure we will bo pleased to
make it right. Success in
the sale of drugs depends
largely on good will. We
wish to prove that we de-
serve yours. Give us a
chance to try.
o s
Drug Store.
.Dry Shoa.
0 0 0
When you wear a pair
of our rubbers you know
you have a good thing—
because they keep the feet
dry and they wear well.
We sell only brands
that have stood the test.
They are made of pure rubber.
'Will fit any shoe.
'Will stand rough usage.
We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices.
Men's, women's.and children's—all kinds, all prices.
Those that are dry and those that ate both dry and
Some prices:— •
Some prices are high this eeaeoo but ours you will find all right as we always
buy when the market is at its lowest. Ottr Fall etook of Sboee le now to hand and
we are offering great values in Men's, Women's and Chfldren's wear.
HARNESS DEPARTMENT.—The Bargains we are now offering in Harness,
Plush Bugs and Rubber Ruge is moving them off rapidly. Come and see them.
Repairs in Harness, Boots and Shoes.
teSe'Two dwelling homes for sale, n bait acre of land with each.
E01 LS
F 0 R-AlFzem.,–
1 and Monday 1
For the Two Days, Saturday
and Monday, Sept. 26 and
28, we will offer unprece-
dented Bargains in Men's,
Boys' and Children's Suits,
Odd Pants and Vests, Ladies',
Misses', Men's and Boys'
Shoes, and a great big snap
in Men's Underwear, These
2 days will hum with busi-
ness if Fine Up-to-date
Goods and Extreme Low
Prices count.
Don't miss this opportunity.
Butter and iggs taken as Cash.
Garfield House, Brussels.
„it He
• '.15