The Brussels Post, 1903-9-24, Page 5Si>;t'r, 24, 1903
vont, F. S. 80O'Lr, BraeaeIs,
TT• IBauer of Aiwrlago I t, isr0, Of,
ave 8t Uruury, Tulul,ro ,158 t 1 ru000I0.
Dna9I0Nan h08 several good; Yams for
Bele and to rent, navy tonne, In Tow,lahips
of Morrie and fixer, 8 g, SO V2T.BouoBo1
.'Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
»RVmM=1_,m, ONT.
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil o1 tales Eva N. Roblyn, of Loudon.
Pupils prepared. for Con eervatory exams.
la -NNW visit Brussels every Tuesday.
LeeOOne given at the home of W. H. Eorr,
John etroet,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 4f & 5 Per Cent.
Office over Hur07ey's Drug Store,
NoV, era, 1902, 00-3m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Illsuetti1Ce Co.,
a0TA2Lrantsn 1840
Insurance takon on the mash and prolniem
ins elsewhere call onnthe undersigned s. Br hireinner.
of the Company.
GEORGE 11001:148, Hrusselo.
1' . man, will sell for hatter prices, to
better men in leas time and lase obnrgoe
than any other Atlotinneer to East 11 neon or
Ire won't obarge atythh,,NDates and orders
can always be nrrnugedSi11 this office or by
personal application.
Tho undersigned, who is well acquainted
throughout the most part o1 the County
and wbo has bad business with it largo air.
ale o1 farmers in and around tido lo•nlity,
huge to inform the community that be 15ae
taken o01 an Auctioneer's Lfoouso for the
County of Huron and offers his aorvfoes to
all purposing to hold sales.
THOS. NEW80ME, Brussels.
• Honor Or adna.a of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all d1e-
0asee of domesticated animals fu a uowoet-
outmaouer. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calla promptly at.
tended to. Mae and Infirmary -Four doors
Northof bridge, Tnrnborry et., Brussole.
• Rarrleter, Solicitor,'Ooaveyaneer,
Notary Public, dm. Oaloe-Stownrt'e Block
1 door North of central Hotel.
Solioitor for the Standard Bank.
OBloe over Standard Bank ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey; HowlettMutualand the
Metropolitan 'Bank. Privtrto and 130039any
money to loan at lowest rates.
10. R., C. nl.,
Trinity Uulveraity, Fellow Trinity Moilloal
College, blemi)er Colloe of Phyaipiaue autl
Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of ebe Royal Col.
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid.
wlfery,Ed)nbar h, ttt'Telophone No.14,
Residence -Mill street, Brussels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firoloolaoe Honor
Graduate of 'Toronto, University. Oahu
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term begins Sept. 1st
Two 0011rede-0owmerelal and Shorthand.
Send for College Journal.
0, A. FLEMING, A. L. Ma1NTYf1E,
President, Secretary,
British Columbia
Bed Cedar Shingles
Nortii Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of ail Pat
*erne on hand or made to order
at Short 1(otioe.
Est:Mates Fnrniebed for all
kinds of Bnildin4o. Worltman-
eibip and Material Guaranteed,
rg r
ALL BU815411411 COLLEGES are i
not alike. A Suhoolwith a reputation
like ours is a sate ono to patronise. If
you want to got a '11001.01x00 pee,ti811,
then got O'areb.olaos business educe. ,.
tion. Oftentimes etudeots come bun -
duds of mlle9 solely to attend this
ECollege, Our Catalogue 1e tree, 1010. rl
ter now.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, J� 5't
listzi.rt h L,
Cir c a r i e.
Voters' List Court was held in the
Township Hall, Thursday.
Wm, Horton left for Toronto, whore
he will go into the drug business.
Mitre Oarrie Ardell )eft for Drayton to
resume her work to milliner there.
Reeve 7. A. Strong has leased the
grain houses and will buy this season,
Bert, Doan has been suffering from a
severe relapse of pleurisy which he had
some weelte ago.
On Wednesday of last week Ab, Leslie
drove to Harrieton where he was married
to a Mies MoDonald, of Owen Sound,
Mrs, Neil, of Chioago, who has been
spending three weeks v)0itiug John Bad
Mrs, Stewart has returned to her home,
Mee. Alex. Montgomery, Who has been
on au extended visit fur the past three
months in Manitoba, has returned home.
Mrs. (Dr) Kennedy, of Wingham, hod
the misfortune to break her leg in Gordo
as she woe terming down from Mies
Buddy's dreeo making rooms.
Among those who left on Tuesday of
last week for Manitoba were :-T, D. Ed.
gar to Calgary, Alex. Brown, to Calgary,
Mr, Brown to Neepawa, R. Bennett left
also his d0etiaation being Grass Lake,
W insets tsar.
11. G. Gordon left on Tuesday of last
week for a trip to the Northwest.
On Sunday next Harvest Home eervio•
es ;vii) be held in Wiagham Me111odiet
A now Air Motor has been pbtoed in
poeitiou at the Queen's hotel for pumping
Mies Johuie Walker hes returned home
after a two weeks' visit with friends in
Mies Maude Fleury left last week for
Anton, where she will likely accept a
situation that has been offered to her.
The frame part of Lloyd's door factory
has been covered with galvanized iron
which is painted red. A. new platform is
being built at the front of the fantory.
Mr. Sperling has had numerous delays
and 8000yanaee a0 well ae losses in con.
motion with the new salt well now being
drilled. Drilling is now proceeding with
better progress and a depth of nearly 400
feet has been reached.
H. and Mrs. Bal( returned Inst week
from au extended trip to the Northwest
and Pacific coast. Tbey had been obeeot
about fourteen months and though they
eujeyed the trip and the visit to relative's,
they are pleased to be once more at home
m Old Ontario.
At the regular meeting of Oonrt Mait-
land, No, 26, 0. 0. F., R. 0, Kittean was
the recipient of a handsome gold pia by
a number of hie friends iu the Court.
Mr. liftman for many years bee been a
valued member of Court Meitiaud and is
0011300ing to Oregon to reside.
At the annual Imminent meeting of the
Woman's Mleeionary Society of the
Motbodiet Church, the followlug officers
were elected for the coming year : Presi
dent, Mee, (Dr.) Towler; v100 presidents,
Mee. Ford and Mrs. (Dr) Gundy , tree. -
surer, Mrs. Mn -grove; corresponding
se0retary, Mre. Howson ; recording sears.
tart', Mrs. Maguire,
R. M. Boomer, eldest eon of C. P. R.
agent Deemer, here, entered into matri•
menial bonds on Wednesday, 2ud inst.
The lady of his choice was Mise Minnie
Spilker, of Shelburne, and the morrioge
took plaoo there. After the orromony
and congratulations, and the e"joyeneet
of the wedding dinner, the happy pair left
for Buffalo and other plum. Ou their
return they will reside in Teeewater,
where Mr. Beemer is 0. P. R. operator,
'The ease of Patterson ve, MOodonald
known around town 00 the "dog case"
was beard before Judge Holt. Some
months ago, Dr. J. R. McDonald was
crossing Mr. Patterson's back yard, when
1t le Laid that the dog belonging to the
latter bit the doctor, wbo returned later
with a gun and shot the dog. Mr, Pat.
terson claimed damages for lose of dog,
and De. Macdonald for being bitten.
The Daae lasted all day, a large number
of witnesses being beard on both aides.
The Judge decided to allow $10 for the
bite, and reserved deoiaion as to the value
to be allowed for the dog,
0411(311.10 41,
Frank Dunlop has bought a steam
laundry p 0115.
J. W. Broderick has purchased J. P.
Knvalagh'o hoot and shoe stook,
Colonel Peters, of Loudon, was in town
on matter0 concerning a rifle range for
cadet and club shooting.
Marlton plooed the heel of a tug for the
Dominion Pith Co,, but has stopped work
thereon, the timber ordered for ire frum
Mg not being ftp to standard quality.
In Toronto the outer day a bnsineee
lady of Goderioh was knocked down by a
street car, the mordent !musing a badly
bruised Mae.
The Globe announces amongst the ap
polnttnonto made by the Ontario Cabinet,
Uhae. A. Flambee to be Police Mngiotrate
for Goderlob.
The annual harvest thanksgiving ear•
visas of St. Georgeie ohnreh will be held
on Sunday, Sept, 2'job, Rev. W.'Oraig, B.
D., of Petrolett, preaching both morning
and evening,
G. M. Elliott bee lensed the oMioen
formerly occupied by 0, Seeger on Ham.
iltou street and will have them converted
into a aroottery room. The new porliou
will be connected with hie present store
and will add considerably to the room in
the store.
The following appears among the legal
onkel iu Toronto papers ; Re McLeod ;
Baegravee V, Wilson, -W, Prondfoot, K.
0„ twovod for an order lot' the admbniotra•
tion of the eetato of the lisle Dr. McLeod,
of Godorieh, .F. W. I:Iaroourt for infants.
Order made,
,.W,e,.,.1..10. .,.,..,,
i'F"• ,u ,A fel„aZI the ore,+i•,n. While this pert of the of
FffIABL ► htl TUBER"
ISJEti IIAI31U1IK have returned from at-
tending the City Millinery Displays and
take pleasure in announcing that their beautiful
display of the Latest and most Fashionable Fall
Millinery will take place on
WEDNIs41)AF, 'P11UUSD,tY nod FR1flAY,
Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 & 2
A hearty invitation is extended to the Ladies
of Brussels on Wednesday and visitors to the Fair
on Thursday and Friday.
Harold Taylor left last week f..r
Montreal to enter MoGili Oollege. He
Wee n000mpen)ed by bie father, Dr.
Gregor MoLean left for his Florida
home but en route will stop at many
points to pay abort friendly visite, Mr,
McLean stated that the family were
likely eo live in Florida for good, as siesta
his father's death all the members seem.
ed to have a greater liking for their
father'o ohosen land.
A. and Mrs. Farrow bavereturned from
their trip East, They spent some weeko
in Toronto where Mr, Farrow consulted a
specialist in referoeoe to the complaint
which has been troubling him for oome
time. We are pleased to learn that the
remit was very onooaragiug, and we hope
to see Mr. Farrow fully restored to health
in the near future.
Buahanau & Lawson have tniten the
oontraot for a handsome residence in
Bayfield for Dr. Metcalf, of. Detroit.
Beehive the resin residence tbere will be
a masker's reeidenoeand barn and work
oommenoed last week on the latter two.
The lower story of the residences will be
of rook feoed masonry and the upper
story will bo plastered.
The Star Bays ;-Hoppe were brighten.
ed and intereet deepened in the mush
desired extension of the 0. P. R. to
Gorlerinh, by the visit here of President
Wm. Bell and Secretary, Ool. A. H.
alaodol.aid, of the Guelph Junction Rail.
way, to oonfer with Mr, Peterson, engineer
of the 0. P.R. In company with Mayor
Lewis they drove around town and
neighborhood, and made general enquiries!,
Mr. Peterson, it ie understood, continued
hie driving over the cosntry Eastward
from here to oolleot data for a report as
to the various routes from Guelph, the
amount of trade possible and other
pertinent facts neotsoary to a decision on
the scheme.
Additional Grey Dews may be read on
page 1 of this issue.
James Mitchell, 1815 von., was visit.
log iu London last week.
Mies Florence, daughter of William
Armstrong, 9th eon„ has returned home
after a 2 weeko' visit with relatives in
Brussels Fall Fair will attract a nom
bar from tale township on Thursday and
Friday of next week. The eobool child-
ren ere after the special prizes offered.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. 'L, W.
Uoaene will address a' public meeting 4111
Duke's School house, 4th eon., in the in-
terests of the Upper Canada Bible So•
oiety. There should be a large attend.
On aoonmt of selling his farm R. E.
Coates, 10th eon„ will hold an attrition
sale of hie term stook, &o , on Wedneo•
day, Oot. 14th. He purposes removing
this Fall to Flint, Mioh , where he has a
petition offered him in a Carriage fans
tory. We would like to have seen he end
Mee Coates remaining in this vicinity
Toots 2 Plume AT Tltn WnoTnnN Fe1a.-
We are pleased to notice that Mre. Wm.
Armstrong, 9th eon., who is a first-class
butter maker, snooeeded iu oopturing two
Hod prizes on tub and roll batter at the
Western Fair, Loudon, last week, Tho
eagerde were $8.00 each go are well
worth oompetiog for. The aloes was
large and consequently the credit of
winning all the larger.
A GRAND SUCCESS -On Beadily, Sept.
6th, the anniversary services at Union
thumb were conducted by Rev. A. 0.
Tiffin, of Trowbridge. In the morning
his text was Matt. 4:9 -"Christ said uo•
to them oome and 1 will make you fiah.
ere of men." The chief thoaghte brooebt
out we 0 (1) We ehould follow Christ ; let,
Closely ; 2nd, By imitating Him ; 8rd,
By constant and eeoret prayer ; 4th, By
meditating upon God's word. (II) By
getting oloeer to the sinner we should
take encouragement from the fact that
we nen win souls for Obriet ; 1at, We
whould make it a rule to exalt Christ and
bumble ourselves. Its the afternoon a
masa meeting of the Sabbath School wee
held which was addressed by Rev. Mr.
Titli0, wbo took es bie eubjeot-"There
is a river, the etreame whereof make
glad the oily of God." By questioning
the children about what they knew and
by clear illuetratioue ha carefully appli-
ed his text so that it became very plain
to them all. In the evening the rev.
gentleman based hie remarks on Jere.
mlah, 9 28 24, He pointed out that Wis
dam, strength, health and riches are all
very well but it ie much more necessary
to have an understanding of God and
salvation, We should not speoialize too
much but ehonld know a great deal about
many tbinge-even polittoe. To be miner.
ly, he said, is the Bin of many profaned
Chriotlone. We should not glory in these
temporal gifts for they are nnoertain, but
we should nae there to gladden and
brighten tboes working among no. The
olearneoe, eloquence, earoeetneee and
energy which marked both discourses
were greatly appreoiated by the very
large audienoee present. Mr. Tiffin will
be made welcome by the "Union" people
at any time. The congregation showed
their earnestness and zeal by aootribut.
ing $23 towards obnroh work. Great'
preparations were made for the Harvest
Home festival to be held the following
Monday evening, the church beteg meg.
nifioiently decorated for the 000asgon with
evergreens, flags, flowers, wheat, oats,
corn, &o., all so neatly arranged and
gorgeous looking that one might indeed
mistake it for fairy land. Notwith-
0tanding all these beauties of Nature in -
'side old Sol did not ehow himself and
rain fell oontiuoally during the day so
that the leaders loeiog faith in the pros•
pada for a flue night, postponed the fee.
trivet until Sept. 15811. Although die.
appointed at this, the good people of
"Union" with their oharanterietio :real
and determination, mode ready for
anothertee ineel4109. When that time
Orme, everything being favorable, the
long looked for Harvest Home lues a pro.
nonnoed 0000000 in every reaped. Early
in the evening vary large numbers gather.
ed frum the surrounding country -from
Elora, Braseole. Ethel, Oranbrook,
Jamestown and Walton to enjoy the
event of the eeaeou. From 7 to 9 o'olools
an elegant supper, ooneieting of fowl end
all else that ie good to eat, was served in
the well-known style of the ladiee of the
congregation. The tables were nicely
arranged in a room suitably decorated for
Table Cutlery
80 dozen Knives and Forks, latest
pattern and best quality.
SPIECIAL-12 dozeo. Kuive0 and Forks
in eolid Rosewood nod Ebony h,mdlee
at $1. per box of half dozed, usual
price 58 p dozen.
JOB LOTS -40 White Handle Knives at
16o eaoh, used price $8 50 par dozen.
(Silver Plated Knives, )2 dwt
travellers' samples, at Wench, 'mint
prior $6 per thin!.
Pocket Cutlery
A large and well aseorted stook,
SPI]OIAL-Boker'e 2 bladed Knife for
80a, usual price 050. Others too
numerous to mention at 'special
Guns & Rifles
19 to ohooeo from -Beet value in the
SPECIAL - Doub'e Barrelled Breath
Loading Shot Guns, loft barrel
oltotted, at 58.50, usual price $10 ;
516 Guile for $18. (fur 511 and 519
Guns are positively hendeome.
Enfleld Rifles
Out of 10 purchased a short time ago
wo have a few left. They coat the
Government $18 eaob, eeoare one at
$6 50. We can't offer any more ea
any price.
22 and 82 Rifles kept in stook et Special
First to come first served. We had to buy a large quantity
of the above mentioned goods to give these Special Pries-.
8F C
far a e l' progrees the famous Bi esprit'
lira 14 ' d arrived on the eoeoe and
soon b _ .,, I play, greatly to the eejoy
meet of n , present. Aa Boon 0 Beeper
was over the aburoh was lined to over-
flowing, many being unable to get in,
J, K, Better ably monied the chair,
W, II 1f'rr, the oxpeated chairman, was
not able to bo present owing to (Mole'
statism in Guderiob, The program wee
ae follows ;--Doxology, by choir ; open -
lug prayer, Rev, Mr. 0 Iver ; obairman'e
addreoe ; eoto, R. J, MoLauoblin ; recite
tion, .The Precentor," Mies 'Winnie Me
Guice ; 9010, Mies 8impeon ; quartette,
Meagre Jones, Grath, R. J. and Dung;
MnLauoltlin, "rhe Cotton Fields" ; ad•
dreee,''Oue Country ," Rev, Mr. Oliver ;
band eelootione ; solo, E. R. Brewer ;
recitation, "Brigand's Legend," Mise
MoGnire ; seleatione by the eboir, "Her.
bor Belle" and "Go forth ye Christian
soldiers" ; band selections ; solo, "My
Old Kentucky Home,' Jae. Jones 1 reol-
tatiou, "Paddy Mo0abe'e Confession,"
Mise MoGnire ; solo, "My Heart and
Thine,' R. J. MoLaoohlin ; addreaa, Rev.
0. P. Wells ; choir roleotion, "Tell moth
0r I will meet her" ; band selection, "A
day in the Cotton Plantation" ; allolr
selection, ' Goed.bye" I band; olooiag
with National Anthem. Rev. Mr, 0.lvor
is his addreee said that we should talk
more about our ao00try though not so
much ae the Yaokeee do ae they boast,
He mentioned the valuable and fine tools-
ing produce of farm, forest, etc., in eon.
motion with which he repeated Riley's
[among perm "when the frost is on the
pumpkin and the [cider's in the shook."
Continuing he said that all these riches
do not make a country great, but io or.
der t0 have *nob a country we must have
noble men who lead pore lives, and s
eyetem of wise and equitable laws which
are enjoyed in Canada today. He is a
powerful and magnetio apeaker. The
performers did splendidly throughout
tho program eepeetally Mies McGuire,
the ri+ing young elocutionist, of Brneeele,
and the choir, which le indeed a groat
credit to the church. The Brussels
Band supplied excellent mesio and gave
the beet of eateries: San to the crowd.
Mies Jean MnLanahlin aotsd as a000m•
mullet during the evenieg and Mre. W.
Michael, the ehnrmb organist, played
their parte well. Rev. Mr, Wella thanks
heartily all who took part in the pro.
grams and the o0ngregation for their
faithful work. The pr000eda amounted
to $70, a very creditable sum. The
Uoiou people are to be oongratutated o0
euetaioing the reputation which thee
had won iu getting up Harvest Home
.For elvvicll.
Andrew Brown has purchased a nix
teen care park lot from Wm. Carter for
Tbo Foresters have put a platform a•
long the Eaet side of the Btage in their
The last half of August make of
cheese of Fordwioh Faotory was Bold for
Rev, W. J. Brown, from Minnesota
paid a Hying visit to hits Fordwioh
Thee. (Immingham had the misfortune
to out his left hand with a saw in Walk.
0y Bros' iurnitnre factory.
There were 92 tickets Bold at Ford•
wish station Ma -Toronto Exhibition, for
which the C. P. R. rooeived $221,45.
R. J. Sanderson, 6th eon., purchased
the farm owned by Joe, Mee for $3,850.
R. J. will now have a beautiful 200 aore
Daniel Harrie left on Tneeday of last
week for Neepawa, Man. Mr. Harris
will journey to the coast to visit hie eon
in B. 0, before returning home.
Robb. Gibson has returned to New
Liskeard. He was a000mpatied by his
cousin, Lewin Gibson, who is going to
help him on his farm near Long Lake.
Perth County.
Fred. Hooper, of Mitobell, oat a shoot
from a Cumberland raspberry bush last
Saturday with about one hundred ripe
The new G. T. R, coal sheds at Strat-
ford are under way. They will be 200
feet long. These now In use are only 7o
feet long.
Abort Goebel, of Mitchell, sold one
of his fanny cocker spaniel doge at the
Toronto fair. He realized in the neigh•
boyhood of 526 for it.
Dr. G R. Deacon, of Stratford, left for
three menthe visit to Germany and Ane•
trio, where he will visit the hospitals and
take a epeeist course of study.
A meeting of the Deanery of Perth
will he held in Grans church, Millbank,
on Sept. 22nd. The papers and di000e•
Dion will bear on Sandals school work.
The Colvin bouse and furniture on
Mary street., Stratford, have been per.
ohaeed by Robb. Forbes, late of Montreal,
who has again token up his home in
Stratford. The price paid was $4,500.
• Phi ip Myere, who lives on the north
boundary of Blanchard, North of the G.
T. le. Junotion, was digging up some po
tatoee one day tbie week and uncovered
a freak in potato growth, one large pots•
to with eight smaller ones attaohed and
weighing 25 pounds.
A. F. Clark, aocountont in the lulaud
Revenue ofiroe iu Stratford, who has
been ill for some time and had obtained
leave of absence, has received notice of
hie superannuation, which is to take eff.
eat on October 12114, Mr, Claris has been
twenty.nine year's in the Barytes, It is
understood that Wm. Jeffrey, jr., will be
appointed to the vaoanoy.
J, W. Ward, the new principal of the
Central school, Stratford, before leaving
Mildmay was made the happy recipient of
three bandeome presents, a000mpenied
by eulogistically worded addreeeea.
From the Methodist 'Amnia peopie he
received a handsome Morale, chair, from
the Mildmay Stare Football tam, a very
fine gold headed cane and from the pub.
lio eobool children a beautiful elook.
Tax Oolleotor Scrimgeour met with an
aooirlent last week,wbielr will neoeeeitnte
his absence from duty for several weeks.
He did not rest comfortably, probably on
a000unt of the heat, and atarted to go
dowoetaire for a drink of water. On the
top 0tep be tripped and fell head first to
the landing, hie left shoulder 0truok the
wall with euoh force that the plaster w,10
broken, and the lathes staved in. The
noise of hie fall aroused the family, and
he wile found in a eemi•tlneoneolone eon•
dation, A doctor wee oalled and a free.
tore of the left arm near the ellonlder was
looated. It was redn,od under chloroform,
Besides the fraoture Mr. Scrimgeour sus-
tained severe bruises on the 'shoulder and
0pper part of the arm. His house is in
ciiimion. Co.
Last week we visited London during the Exhibition, when
travellers from all the leading wholesale bonen in Montreal and Toronto
were there, showing their samples, and offering epeoial bargain's to Western
(rash buyers, We examined the sample's, and foond genuine bargains, we
bought very largely, and now have the goods in stook and open for iaspeo.
lion. Below we quote a few prices, but you should visit our mammoth
eetabliehment, where you will find our counters loaded with bargains in
all linea.
Ladies' Heavy Wool Hose, in all elzoo, eeam)ees feet, regular prior 260,
bargain prima 2 pairs for 25o.
Meu'e Heavy Wool Sox, ribbed tope, seamless feet, good value al 20o, bargain
pride 2 paire for 25o,
Men's Heavy Wool Ffeeoed Shirts and Drawere, good value at 000, a great
soap at 45o eaob.
Fine All Wool Tweed, in new fancy patterns, suitable for bove' or men's
suite, regular price 60o, our bargain price while they last 35o,
Wool Tweeds, very special, a greet soap at 25o.
Ladles' Waterproof Coate, a special line in grey oravenette, corded flounce,
some with email napes, Others pilin, with velvet troller, regular price
$9, our bargain pride $7 50.
Ladies' Waterproof Coate, very epeeist, at $2 50, $3, $4, 55, $6 and $10.
Ladies' New Stook Collars, in silk, with medallions and long tabs, very
special at 25o, 850, 50o, 76a and $1,
Ladies' Belts and Girdles, in all the new deeigns, in silk taffettn, moire,
etc., in oxidized, blank and gilt chains and bookies, very awell geode,
at 252, 40o, 50o, 75e, 51, $1.25, $1 50 and $1 75 eaob.
1M'Our Millinery Department is in full blast. We are having a groat rush.
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed supplied by
Alf. Barker. A)1 stook like it and thrive
on it, and it ie pronounced by all Intel.
ligent breeders to be inoompariably the
best sold. Try a sample lot and you will
never feed anything bat our Kaffar oorn
and trete.
Alf. Baeke•r.
Liverpool and Londonderry
Royal Mail Steamers
Pratorian Sep t.19 6 a in.
Bavarian.,20 9 '
Ionian Oct. 00
Sept, 1910 p.m
20 4
Oct, 8 10 "
1st Cabin -Ionian (Winter rate) $00 and
upwards ; Pratorian 905 and upwards ; Bav-
arian $76 and upwards.
Sod Cabin -Liverpool and Londonderry -
$57.60 to $42 60, a000rdi on to steamer.
8rd Claes-S26 and 920 -Liverpool, Derry,
Belfast, Glasgow, London.
Through tickets to South Africa.
Montreal Ito Glasgow direct -Corinthian,
(day -light) Thursday, Oot. 8; 81010400, (day•
light) Thursday, 000.22. let cabin, $50 and
$00 ; and cabin, $36 ; 3rd cabin, 926.
Agent, Brussels.
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Sheetings,
—Plain Flannels,
—Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirting's,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
— Ladies' and Children's "
— Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
In Ontario
will be found
at -
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
-We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. -
-You can save looney by examining our stock before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prices right,
E T 11 A.M`f W Coe, EB SSELSO