HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-24, Page 3HARD PROBLE TO SOLVE PicCures of the Labor Conditions of the Present Day (lentered accera tea to Act, of the Pits en, Leo mission 0g see ineweeeionas Menem el Otteuea, in tho seat. (hut „ ,• , Thauftand eine Ilundred and Throe, Phu('ch, sou ever stop to realize liy Wm. Betty, et 'Voltam°, ot tho that in the congested districto of 1. of Agriculture, Ot(awa') you 4' tenement 113306111gs there in hardly a. public placo for a working - 1 despatch from Ohtherm snys man tO go and get warm except to /nes Fret* lle Witt Talmage peeach- a suloon, there 1/1 harly a place sd 11:"m the 11111°":111g isst 18'1110 Where he can go to meet the moot eiv, 213, "Mon goeth forth unto Ms eac00010(1wants 01 pis physical nature work and to his labor untoo til in a saloon , ? Inerefore can wo and evenieg." dare we decry tbe wisaion of the 111 - The ordinary nverage laboring man MI tilt onal church in f 'might ng w 111:1411 Irs's """ 1 0 sus• 4'0"1" whole:4311e and elevating amuseinent the p3113' 11331 and pertineet question, for the workingman and a resort in "How is he to epead. his overtimes'?" . which Int can speed a pleasant social This iii to he our theme, It is to be eve_ „ our subjeut for two reasons : First, ening Wealth} tomorrow Is Laboe day. It "But, ' some one says, "how then is 0 day legalized as n. holiday 113, do sem 3.11stingulsh between the work t he $ .3113 10141181M 111189, durieg which ell thoughtful men, and women should disrliSS or hear epeeelies upon the great problems wbich afTect the laboring (lessee. S0011 (3 subject as "Labor's Evenings" naturit11,v grows out of 0, Labor Suedes, service, 1, is ollr thenle because 11118 immi- nent moral and spiritual problem can noVer he rightly solved by the laboring 13(1(14 ulone, nectiS the help of sympathetic men who lia.Vo capital widell thee Call invest in educitti one' amine newt 1.1(13 1, Will lives, it 18 C0101101481 1.y the exigen- yield them in ('('1 (('(1 in higher (411- cies of its work 1.0* keep creed and (''1113' 013(3 gratend loyalty 10 taei,. denoteinetion in the background. 'Its interests. The 3(301310(11of capital and labor meet IP eolved, if ever minted, by the Christian co-operfl- . both of rich end tbe poor; by Christian philanthropists placing in their employees' hands the means by W 111011 1.11Dy ('41(1 13(1. themeelves The Macedonian cry 34111(13 (ewe sounded over thM e editerranean (en- ters for Pfeil to Came 0.11(1 help his foreign brethren is now echoing ((('('0338 the black chasm' ivhich separ- ates the einieloyer front the employee. It. comes from the Jaborers, who wait for no annual dividends, but live from 1)0.1(41 to mouth on the pee' which they receiro in weekly in- stallments. of the sociel settlement and the work of the 'institutional church ''They es° Doyou charge the laboring are diametrically different. They•class.es with being the physical end tot Tar apart as tile arctic and the spiritnal menace of the world?" Oh, In antarctic poles, They have entirely 0°) l'intlsw•1 (3111110 14.13' purpose)), '1'lle institution- slandering the laboring ((11488148, I el ehureh believes that the "social believe that some of the most. ('11,111" 31013"' should be the "strait gate" ler anti moral end refined 1)00108 of leading directly to the foot of the the world 1180 101101101310031 the Mb - cress. Whhe ile tsocial settleoient orers es well OS among the capi1.al- 18 in nearly every instance managed ists. ButtI.. is what I do assert: by Chris -tines and while it is inspir- the laboring' man is the uncrowned oil by Christian principles and mo- king of the American ballot box. What he votes is law.. Tt rests upon his shoulders, to a great extent, how our cities and counties are to be ruled, It resis with him whether church end the labor unions 1.0 e/33111) hewn' in the Indy ermspiraey of cap- turieg the Sabbath for 0011, neenn- turing It for physical find mental and spiritual relit and Invigoration. A roneeerated and 310113404430d ballot box is also to be a greet factor in teaching the laboring (lesser( hew to spend their PV01/1llg8, This means that by tho election of the proper health officials and district, attorneys and inunleipal repreeentatives the better dames shall be One to frO 111.• tO t.110 City 81111118 and «lean °et the vile formations and acettinulatiOnS Of fiith. TIITe UNCROWNED XING. 13111. 50/110 one again interrupts; me! "111 these charges egaiimt the elty tenements, are yoo mit slandering Otle laboring climes? You sinely 10 nOt, compare the American army of labor with those Nvild, desperate crowds of frenzied men who, emerg- ing from. the cellars and foul haunts of I'arie, started on their famous journey to Versailles, white) ended in the death of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette, the haughty daughter of the Austrian war queen, Marie 'Thor - opportunities of getting in touch with men and women of every faith the sewers shell be clean, whether and of no faith would be resteicted, the tenements shall be made sesiltary if not altogthee lost, if it becam0 and not overcrowded, whether the known as a. proselyting institution, 1,000,000 immigrants who landed in The inetitutional church believes in the country hist yerus some of whom being all things to all num so that come 1114 the mast clegrad0d and ig- ;Jesus Christ can be glorified. It 18 norant of European inhabitants, trying to carry out the command oi shall be made to observe decencies, Christ which ens's, "And I if I be and whether sin itself shall skulk and lifted up will draw all Inert tieto hide 131 the darkness. how the Jen- nie." oring man epends his evenings is de- SA1 311A.TII DAY OBSERVANCE. cided to a great extent by the ques- tion whether the laboring man snail Another names of benefiting the license sin and lot leering eyed temp - workingman Is to insiet on the ob- ese tation stalk through our cities and setwance of the Lord's day. totens, like the Indian juggernaut Sabbath (lay as a, sacred rest day is which crushed its victims at every turn of the fatal wheels. But, ye laboring men, how are we to win in these three great move- ments which we hava been develop- ing? How are \ve to get the Holy Spirit inspired instituional church, gregarimis tendency is strong in men and the Christian sabbath as a day as it is in ((Mewls. Cattle travel laboring man into the higher and e for rest and worship, and a gospel in herds. If a farmer turns oirt his 00111114' 111" of the Spirit. lt is to b Minot box to care for our depraved? (tows upon tho memitai0 81110, 114' 1 1110 foundation stone of tem sacred Shall we ultimately or ever triumph 0111y has to place one Mill upon .onc, church. 'It is also to he the felines- in these three great ninvements for 00W. '111011 11 111 relay for him to tion stone of the pine honie and of the purification of the laborer's e'.'- 11011 the rein of the herd, Some the pure place of evening entertain- enings? Not in our own strength, years ago an inexperienced (lemon Innlit• but in the strength of Jesus Christ eame live in Pike counts', Pa., "Pet." again says 801110 one to me, tee shall, and we can do everything where I was at dint time preaching, "why do 3301.1 use the future tense? if we will only trust him and work "Please explain yourself inore in 11e be a great factor in teaching the detail," some onv e sas Wen 1 •Ialloring classes how rightly to spend will. In tin• lirst piece, T Mut that the soda] instinct ie a God implant- ed instinct, and must 011(13(331 find vent mit of tho human home. The their ('('('4)111310. It. is not only, as William 111, Gladstone once expressed it, to be "tin) great coneervator of physical health," hut also the gold- en gate widen shall open to let the he riot. that whole county laughing. Why 1 In his lack of knowledge of animal instinct he placed a different bell on every 4.014. 1118 110,91 of cows would go over those 111000- ,Spirit'?' Why do yen not usu ,t1,0 tnIns clanging 111,ir discordant bells peSt tentte?" Because, '3033 friend, to ri Ing orchestra tuniug up its great extent, Avarice, with her instruments for a concert piece. Itrisky luoulnialds, Blasphemy and Why do ynn say, 1 he Sabbath day is to be the golden gain which shall open to lot the 3011(3 ring man into the higher mai the nobler 111e of the 011133 "1"1" 014 /161 103* 0" need 03 Wanton Pleasures, have stolen away cattle. Cow( ((10'143'0 travel togeth- ow. blesses stabbeth, when Ag,assiz sr' The "au": law °Piffles i° sne('r) (1 ('141 :ended npon om. shores he was asked what most impressed 11101 about 110 new world. "The quiet of the Amerinan Sabbath," was his re- ply. BM, alas, alas, the Anemic= Sabbath is not 710ar a day of rest instinct. :mat, 101 associate mto and wership, but of work and pleas - (0 me seeking. In many large pities 113011, and 130 power on earth and In many country villages the help it. Ho will essociate with and lunges (mil buffeloce and mostly to birds ned fish. Tbey love to be in each ether's society. They live In herds or (leeks or sehools. The social inet 3 1101 in the human race, es in all anlitmls, is a, God implithled man in the church or else irt the saloon or club or secret society. I -Te must and will fina pergetual coin- pantonship during his evening hours. The church should provide a place for the harmless indulgence of that craynne. • TIOWYPO REACH Thin MASSES. Statement second r find by study of books end personal investigation that every church which has first been baptized by the JToly Spirit and then gone forth to reach the middle or the laboring classes through the sociel gate has illweys been Meet of God in a marvelous way. 011, why will not all of the churches leern the value of doing their work by uppettlieg 1.0 the soc- ial instinets ? In the most congested parts of our cities the saloons hive° 110 dinleulty to live. They appeal to Mankind through the sect)) I gate. Upon OM stores ere opened, and bueiness, if not running at. full blast, Is being clone at least with driving force. The barber shops foul grocery stores and drug Moire and dry goods stores and liquor stores and billiard halls and 1110411 ('014 and often founch•ies and factories nee open end Snow no dif- ference between Sunday and IdOnday or Saturday. "The question 'Ilow shall a'fl keep S'undity?' is fast ace (lofting a secondary significance," once PowerfullY !Take ITunt- ingten. "Once the fear WaS that the Sunday (night be broken. Now the nnxiely is Mitt it be wholly lost. In a word, we El PO threatened With the forfeituve et' art available Iran- chiee, the annulment of an ancient eharter, end It is high time that we beetle purse] v(3s." Yes, yes, 13181101) Thintington well spoke tbe truth, The Sabbath dny 114 to lie a great factor in the Suture in teaching the elborine ebtesem how to (mend their windows I see these words advertie- . '-- ed everywhere : "Fres Lunch." 'What i"vsld"gs' bes""s" 111111" the Sabbath (1008 that mean 1 Ilene the saloon I daY 3(11 31 dee' of rod, hes been stolen away, t 1311181 10(11(31(1 red, It is keepers suddenly become philanthro- pists ? Aro they animated with the 'high tine) that the 1(431(11'unions of gospel (34)8110 to feed the poor (331.131 1(1118 land end the (buret( of Jerius care for the 1414.01411131 ? 01), 00 I lithe ,0111181 join hands to win back that. Saloon keeper is a man glirewil and :Sabha:tin 1.114181,11, Whieh Lord Bea- keee in business. He says : "If 1 nonstleld—who, like Ring Soloinon, with a sandwich can mily entice my wait a Jew—onee declared "wes the victims into lity hell 11010, then I greatest blessims o'er given by God can keep them here bet the social in- to men." stinct. I will then surround them /1, leleS1'1i'T31. SUN.DAY. .with my hirelings and hold thein Tim 10 11(13' anions may logically grips of steel." There ie an old may- ease ilea,. ()Minis upon physical ing in chltrCh circles : "Give the peo- 0coi,ads. `'llest, rest! cliva US pie a free lunch and there is no dire - 1Toulty lit collecting a. crowd,- 15'the saloon keepers can afford to give a free Innen every morning, 710011 for him, DO NOT DROOP. Do not let your mouth droop. A drooping mouth is responsible for many an illness. When you are not feeling well, when sem are tired or discouraged, disappointed or depress- ed, the nest indication will be the droop of tho mouth. When the mouth, droops, then the mental acti- vities droop, the bodily neatens droop, and the whole physical or- ganism gets nut of repair, and you feel droopy, and you look droopy. A droopy individual, like a droopy chicken, 513 riota very charming 01'Inspiring sight, and, perhaps, like the droopy barnyard fowl, should be isolated from hie companions. There is nothing' so doleful as the company of a person with a drooping mouth. Cheer upt Get the droop out of your mouth. Make the corners of your mouth turn up 11)5400(1 of down. When you are feeling irritated or de- pressed, or discouraged or tired, watch your mouth. Do not let the corners seg. Make the corners bend upward, oven if you have to use fing- er exercise. Do tide when you are feeling your worst, er st, and vy soon the aun will shine brighter, the sky 0581.11110a bluer tint, the weari- neSe, the annoyance, the disappoint- ment, and depresaion will have van - Mired and life will be all rose -color again, LAST YEAR., "Bishop Whittle," said one of the Sammie prel ate's friends, "sett through a long end atrocious ser- mon on a hot summer morning. With an immoveble countenance he lietee- ed to metaphors that 33)13(0 Mixed, pathos that was bathos, and humor that was sad. The preacher was a, 3(0(3111 just out of college—a yore) conceited youth, ITo bellowed through his sermon at the top of hie lungs. leis gestimes 11,0183 violent 031003111to break his arms. Al every climax he fixed the Bishop with 11133 eye, to see if a suitable impression had been 131(1(14).more „nip, c).37 too oavoec 1,511s'„,„.s, "And at the end of the Serviee 11118 tie) " young Neil) swaggered up to BiShop and din 1133(10013' -clerk unions and 11111i1tle. 01111 said:— drag etore clerk unions and 3111 other • •1 filmy I did 181 11101' well to -day, sir. Don't you think so?' ''Yes,' returned the Bishop; 'but you did better laid, year.' " 'Lest year!' said the yoling mam 'Why, 1. (lithe!. preach at all last year.' " 'There the ransom' said the Bishop, With 131 pleasant smile' 4 POINTE'D PARAGISAPTIS, enione. "Oue me11 must have phyei- and night in the service of the devil cal reSt for the eye, the hand, tits I do not believe it 1111(105' policy one(' brain, the tweet; rest, end coMplete In awhile on a week night for the in- stiteitioriel church to give a "Nee tenth" in the name of Christ. ES1'3fs INVIASENCES, When I go (Town tho street of rt Monday night, past church after church, tomblike and silent and desk on account, of their closed domes Ile for a restful Sabbath, 01)13)1111815- (111.11 find the halls 111 full ing the .11333(11(1 al as well 08 phygical Blundnation and crowded with the te1„0„o, "rho cherish of Jestla Christ young men of our lend, 3: ltntriv then 111141,, • itS1, have at least one whole day that there is somethieg wrong'. I liter week to tell the people about know that thee° young 111011 111.0 not awl; 01113 whole day per week to 117113131 113)3)051(311 to in 1.110 001110 01 tenet) mite how they should be good Christ throegh the liocial gate. 1 husbands and good tons and good know that the iinditutlimell church Is I.nt lw; weeketo trest, on phyeical ground. ocnfaianl da , thank Cod, it beginning has alredy been 11113,51', for the labor unions me eer where iiresenling their Just eInItits foe a restful Sabbath. On the 011103. 11131)11, theSchurh or 700118 V3 1181 must go into this bat- Vhe 7jtne°:11tr2;311° as ii,o71;-:tan bie iluiy (0.10 V Mee end Some public highways toe\ pelvate buretes. With a girl in a hammock its a case of suspendd animation. The hen seldom has a grads) (13113151(11. the 141140403' she iflaying for. 11, is the man en the fence who *abthe first puff of a pOlitical i,,,tiId:31):i ' breeze, ('Iturch bflhlllillgS tool &fere to the a s e -. 0114 Y Lying too 111(1(111 in bed is 131100511 vtaista, mei) 0 11,1 14(400)3) et, its Migh... to tench a man 11014 1118 life may be as had as lying loo neuelt mit of it, boeheod libroriee in 10111411 ihoy tee 80110101 and his death glerietni. Do not borrow iro111)10; any of read the best beets, arid grams. "Rest! Ilestl" A Sabbath for eac- youe neighbors 1.111 3110111,31 give you ittnis in which they can develop their sed nest 10111 worshie 14)1001(1 ho (103 3(31)3 you Went, mueeles, mid piteee in whin 3, 11 oy ery of the ehurch. Vey 1.51133 Chels- The couveesation of Immo people is .,!let," tin :brought Into 1„S WM, of 3&t11 pulpit ail Inn; 14.1101' 1.4u1ldey; unimportant, abat when they stop 1J 008 el 41 10/.04 0E900'44 11E1 10 R(111a868 01141 IIMOWIllg an equal amoumt of tamer. Place the fruit, in THE t' a granite kettle and meet. with ? *090 a 02) ID 0 46 Recipes for the Kitchen. 0 a hygiene 01133 Other ftlotes ede 0 for the housekeeper. 0 o 10 etite33lge900013)ee5333eeet5eGe leIN MONEY IN Pith:SERVES. There aro SO I31a1)31 opportunities through the abundanee (31 fruit end find then (3115' iit a pinch of salt and Beteg to a buil open to women who live on forme. swt'stt,:" t° vegetables that niany of tbem are 4 level tahlespoons cornstarelt, 143111- 110W earning,11,, 11 tail' revenue bed (3111(1(1111 1(311) 11. 1111,113 COW 'Water, water, bid I until tender, (Ind Wain outhe tfruit. Add tho smear to the water in which the (pliacos w10 (. boilde, Jet it boll e inflate 01. 41041 until sags:: 14 (1114141113 ('41, skits well, and pour' the quinces ie curefuliy. Boil for 115 11111111(08, or until the vein) jellies, then pour into jelly glee -Hes. 1'4111111 11K--1'111 1 cup berry Nice to 1 Clip 111111.1. 111 a Slalcapall, 411111 41.1•10.01., THE s. S. LESSON. DOING GOOD BY CilANCE INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SERI:. 27. Text of the Leseon, a Comprehen- sive Quarterly Review, BURGLARS ARE Soxrernrms BENEFA oToas. Thief Restored a Family Iitti wr. /on—I-low Foliconan Was Treated. Denis Wood, (4, noted thief, was ro- really seitteneed to Ilfteolt menthe' Lesson 1,-1 twine asking for 11. Ling 81111111131a lady s ft Sam. viii. 1-1(3). t 1 olden Telt, Will 141, Scate/1 11'118 11881,09•04 .1 Sans sit, 11, "Prepare suer hearts 50 1111' hwy. 43311,,woott 111040 01151)1,01'41 and eery() 1/111 11114 1111181 1.11/11 118 would have that That '31131113G 011 1sta 11,115,1313 311141 svatell, end on Ids 11111(1150 front gaol, 1101114. to pass. land 111' who wee truly 1,, again 1.0,040 into toe 80,1153, 310053, preserves, jellies, s, their judge, their hissei,er 11(151 their lost again eerried oft the watch, A. (1113,, setting them bet 11 to lienn .1111/114, private 11011 for 111 minutes. At the end of sjog. '6'88 .1.6:841.!'11 i"?'""(' .1•110 few da3'8 later, Wood fiaw in the 01181,01110114, and wholesale, to dealerS, bat (101.', odd the (1131111'N (if 1 11,110 Wald od a king 111.3 oilier 1101(1(31. 1,1,111 papers that. the watch was a. 'rho /131 11 f . , t ) eggs, beaten to a. stiff froth. :else Toe)? acimeisee ee setae by sight- futility heirloom, and that in eonse- 1117mold Lind set on ice. Serve very find 11,01.. by Midi (Bent, 3,1111, 11, Li; ‘ 113)11118 kind of work is thereas- until well 'nixed, then turn into a 1j' more or lees fruit wasted. 3 1 18 milk, the yolks of the eggs and :3 Isa. xxxiii, 22). Despised and re - meet of (Sod from 1 13,' beginning, yet 14131', writes Sarah 1todney, 011 1110 11X0119g0 farm. (1041431 is 1181113.1» cold 11111.13a. custard made of 1 pt. jected Is the story of man's tient- be marketed fresh. yet there is too not grown in sufficient (11101111(31151 0 taldesimans sugar, 1:levered with Ile loves us mud longs to blest) (at strawberry juice. Lesson 11,—i -1u 1 el), ,s, si 3 1.11371 ( 1 . much for hointe use It i8 ri da, here Mntl-sn (4.71(1 nice lialls—1" (111"tine :earn. x, 1 7-27)- Golden Teel) 18(1,. queer() of her eecond loss, 311308.San- (euerey, the 011'1101. of the article, WOW completely prostrated, and was Un- der medical treatment, he Ives struck with 14004(4151', weet to the "fence" to whom be had sold 1110 watch for $75 and offered $100 that the housewife can utilize herf xiii. 22, "' lite Lord i:, 011r 1.1.111.,. for its re e„ VOW • Th„ P„ el?, bow.. culinary art to the best advantage. eold boiled or roaSt mutton, l'o. 1 xx eelof the meet add. e ('(3(1('(3(1 boded .1 1 a will save Ilse" N otw I t list ending eVcr, %anted $1 50. Wood had not 11, really is inmiaterinl what 1111(1141 (35' 501150118311(011rice, 1 sallaosalt, it dash et ) the cutting weed); of l'alitlIel, :*1 1. thy 11111(1 dellIalail•C/, 11.1111 e l•u0eu•."'"weo 1,',r4V as about 1111118 a% used for preserving pr- PPlr, 2 11,106100118 tOnint(Juke' have this t11' 181111.011 ""1' ("1(1, to give up tin, Idea of 14111(1310113(113 the poss, pee\ 5111ng the rtcles ere well 013(1 -1 1"'att'n'Mr11"111 k"11' 113(118 51111110(1f see, d eu" (see' 1n), watch,shun,1011(31111(311(41(331 Airs, Tome (mule111111 in on the 1(5014(1kelin neat w,,0:1''4es1030411('u„,e'r°', thy nrocieeed 3,, oet a Sing M.om .,,,,,,o,house,lie843%the„,,,ay rttractive 101111. lintwhen a 11r- ' In fine silted bread erurnbs end fry „,„„,,g eine, 11.,», 33101 God see can do >'1}1113.1111031a tittle differ- In boiling fat, or brims' in butter. them ft man idler Insir 0” seurts, learnt that the old little- was dying, , imv" 170V011.'91 With straw, and, on inquiry, mit froin the common, itt has the 1 t: 1I"dt1,,s1, ,(1"ItSS "I 1•11 tIrtind18-1,117 1 1 110 A111,81 1,1/11i1,19- 111011 a,l,',11g 1 , F 1"" That Nettled the matter. He beaten' 0.91,1%111111g0 01 being it novelty. 011,,'"11 1'01111811 Pm lcd UP boo In 0 31 0" 1 1•1•11,183 28, 1.14;11 1.01 ' s'''' 1'4, "), ','''' 1N1 110014, 10 1110 fence's shop, broke woman of whoa) .I Snowmakes with "I. cup Iiread c,r,Iiinies 'Beat 1 new judjee; ity olitteeyd uppeanance. serve and sells teuanti1 tee each ' and stir 1 11. 1. hen forte Into in under COVer flf darkness, and re, ', will Ile found more digestible than Teal. Lesson 111,—Sumuel s ..farewe!1 ad - season. Lrist year she said that she emall balls alai fry 1 0 hot mt. These es,se /1 sem, xii, 131-2.'). .(eolden ,),,,v. .p.,,,,kow it ca,,,,,fany ja 0 gained possession of the stolen pro. specialty of yellow plum toninto pre- ,egg 333.0 all ;1'011r heart... il ith a clear con- geAtifted 11. month la ter by reriding I Sans xii, ett, ••they Mar tin i . 130x; be sent the article by registered poet to the lady s houst, an 1 ecience before Gted 3,1,11 me 31 Samuel an aecount of Mrs. Tanquerey'S ro- Lord and serve lliiii in truth with 1:truite . gaVo 1110111 1,1'' P""1"^ '' '"''''"" ""11' (1O'1'01'3',(1O'1'01'3',OLIO'110 d011111, 10 the .re- »uithoels i.n putting up the fruit for mid. surve Iran' 13(011313 will' ""gar like .I.70,110111.ii. urged 11101(1 above all storattea (11r (meld not procure enough fruit i in ()nes 1 a I • her the markets to supply 11141'11141'need1 s, Simple Fruit Jelly—Ono pt. canned and that she expected to raise 1 pt. hot water, sugar, butter, own this . ." • if el , and enough flour to thicken; when market follow. 0.119.1 cream. Pour boiling \eater over the Winos out breaking the fruit. Then weigh toes and let stand (3 few minutes Un- til the ekins will peel off easily with- al -lel sprend it on earthen Mutters, 01' place it in in a large agate preserv- ing kettle, ono that is sufficiently large to hold, both the fruit arid the Huger. Now weigh -the ones., allowing pound for 10)13 11(1, add it to the tomatoes and let them marinate from 12 to 1(1 hours before cooking. Then add sliced 10010118 ill the por- tion of one lemon to every three 1130ernuosnedtho eccoei.smi o lam vil for 11101.11*--gotting purposes, an , in the tomatoes with a long handled way. ilIeberniiii,tisigsf.ree braitthing, and at the s,Les.80:1, \7'.7.7unirn't (7(1•110(1T•1181`..[Z1N.,:e 41 outward ameuraime, but the Mau looketti oil the betel) nwtv,v• 1-1',.,111g the canal into which Sillson had pomuis of fruit. Green ghantr may aYdient.:,,p.lace of the against suffix(' 1 ion front smoke. J Ins (1 saw. ..‘, I, 4_1 il ). disgust, Sill:son threw the whole and cook the ('s'uit flite minutes after Place the kettles OVer the fire, 041.111C time excludee the smoke from Lore test swing uttin fished them out of A few hours later, wire semen, being careful not to so that It is crisp and of a dark Toast a slice or brood slowly. ,ruLoalk.ett.:_ndoilile ::::,11117-0,:t.f•:iitho, ood . mul itoh:117 wthle'enulihui4'.dliigs:chui!‘l'gercrluPlwliaa'; it comes 1.0 a boil, Then skim out 'reset cold water is made in this the syrup with the ginger or lemon jug, and fill up with cold water. Let man after their 1 1 ig 1 it 11 as they- had dropped across, they break them, end fill pint 01.1118. Boil brown color. Put It into 0, quart elven them a 25 10 :4 0 minutes longer, and strain it stand for an hour or two and -will 310317 1.11,0 11/001 :V num after over tho fruit in the cans. Seal then strain it MT. own heart'. who mill fulfill ell Ins ; began to examine the letters from while hot. When cool wipe off each For softening water for bathing in a ,lit:11.1: ‘411:: at ivill (chaiter Nth, 14; . Acts Niii. 2.2). • the various ladies. Is perfectly clear. can thoroughly, Polishing it. until it purposes nothing is better than oat- Sam xvii Itet-sldj. (=olden T1'191,1 Lesson IVI.—David and Goliath ft, They became interested, and the plat- + ter ended In Um yOung men putting excellent for this purpose. Finish cheese cloth 01' muslin bag, ranee it who .1 ving la( n ano n ( ( , a time and way to reach the throne, !tors, can be agaiest us '?" "If God he for es, ; themselvee iti communication with 1 t i 1 waits Cad's 1 tographs were imeosed with the let - Da ), id, two of the young ladies whose plio- I A double wedding followed. NOWSpit1301.8 aro num]. Plane a. smell quantity doing 11171101141110 just \s Ilat 11,.. The stranger v3ho created a dis- bands found to do. A graial oppor- turbance 10(11311113' on the P10111tunity being granted him to glorify God ill the eyes of God's people as Bourse, or Stock Exchange, hardly well as his e13ende8 fuel having a realized wha,t it woeld all lead to. great desire that all the earth may As he showed some reluctance to go know that there is 0. God in israel, when told, several members proceed- victoriosiS. he goes forth In 141s name and is ad to eject hini. Then a policeman was called. Forcing his way through the crowd, and Seizing the intruder Lesson VIT.—Saul tries to kin by the scruff of the necic, he began David (I. Stens xvii., 5-16). Golden Text, I's. xls is 1, "Clod is our re- is f m and Stre0g1 II, a very present BRUTALLS' 3.I.L-TREAT 31.I113. IRIUSF,HOL13 T1TISTS. things to Pollee tle Lord mad eels( THE FAMILY IhreIRLOOSS. Itha sincerels, coieldering the great 1‘111•11 a man named Hinson, 0110 of things 311. heti Mem for them. Leeeon le .—Satil rejeeted es king those 1.01,3 ivating rogues who are The best time to drink water or jt, saie, ivy, te..211). tic,1,103, Text, ever ready to tern them band to any other licedels in quantity is on rising Sam. xes .22, -To nbes is better kind of villeiny, thought he would an hour aed a half before luacheon " CI .,tk abtiVe try a bogus: 113/i0.1.11101111.11 advertime- or (13 111),'(', and an hour beiore e - tiring. A good wrinkle for mending a hole ill MO umbrella is to stick on Very lirmly black eourt plaster inside of the umbrella. Thi8 is not so much 50013 as a darn. A wet silk handkerchief foldexl over the face is a complete security all things to please people we eau- inent for a change lie little thought not serve the Jord i, 141: 1m130 whet would be 11'10 ()tactil(() of his xvl, 1:3), and Saul etnifessed that he act. feared the people uud 011,:ied their To his tolsertIsement describing • voice (verse 21. Samuel said that 111,118,41 es "a gentleman 111(303)011» 10 so doing he rejected the novel of dent means anxious to marry," the.re the Lord, and therefore the lord re- wits u how. number of replies. Nona 101,10(3 h' tr.. eii) of them geemed suitable, however, with a (tolored label pasted neatly On in the water for a minute or two, jar. The labels can be bought from the canning factoriee 111 large quan- tities for a trifling expense, and they give the touch of professional work, which always increases the value of a production. These labels may bear the maker's 1101110 and address ill desired, and this frequently brings orders from unexpected places. Yel- low plium 'tomatoes are a very beau- tiful fruit under any conditions, and when they are put up in this appe- tizing manner they 1o3te none of their attractiveness. The prices received for this work range from 20 1.0 40 cents per can, exceeding to tho buyers. When sold to retail dealers in hinge gnantities, 20 cents is the average price per cam, and this will yield a fair pro- fit, Private customers „pay from 25 to 4.0 cents. 'Phe latter price w ill allow for expressage when beet to a distance. When all of the mee terials used ere bought in large quantities, the expenses ere „lessened and of course the profits increesed. 31 the tomatoes lie home grown it is a gam, both in the money expended. for them and in the quality of the girls respectively receive presents ac- cording to their station. The birth- day of the Emperor, or '14e14-0, as he is 11101.0 properly styled, is also a generel holiday for the Japanese everywhere. 'Phe houses are all dec- entire season's needs. orated with flags, and in the evening) 1-.4 01110 private customers return the the streets are gay with Lite lights of then squeeze and 3T1110V0. '1 he oat- meal must be renewed every few days. Never wet a, greasy hearth; rnb it well with a piece of dry heerthstone, and wilien brushed off the hearth will look quite clean. 131RTL1DAYS TN JAPAN. japan is the land of topsy-turvy, and so, perhaps, it is only to be ex- pected that individual birthdays— with the .exception of that of the Eleperon-- are not taken any notice of, but, a sort of general birthday of overybod,y nitogether is celebrated with great rejoicing. There are two of these general birthdays, one for each sex. '37110 male birthday, which is known as the "celebeation of the boys," occurs on the third day of the third month, and the "celebra- tion of the g114.5" takes place on the fifth cley of the fifth 4(1011511. These days are general holidays for tho young. All studies and worlc gener- ally are put aside, and boys and !milt, as that which is freshly gath- ered is always preferable to that wildeb. has stood In the :markets and grown willed. A five cent paper of seed would furnisb plants for an jive which agein increases the pro- iltn, but this Pr not. customary 1111- 10145 the dealers collect the cans themselves. But, with or without the casts, at the above quoted prices, there remains a 1111fa )11.0111. (01' the work. The averago cost is nbout 1 2 melts nor cam What has boon Maid of these tomatoes applies to other fruits as well. There is al- ways 0, market for gernitile "liOnle- Made" preserves and jelllee. Thy.RESTIO MN:SIPES, fallince litarmallItle-1101001, nice, ripe fruit end rub well with fl. 113311001. Pare mid gore, reserving the okins esul cores for jelly. Cut the quinces into email pieces and place 111 a granite kettle with just omelet wat- er to COVO1'. 11011 until very soft, stirring constantly when the (minces begie to grow tender. Add sumo. in tho proportion of 'e lb. to 1 lb. fruit, and boil again -until it jellies. leut up In jelly glasses. By weigh- ing the kettle before ndding the fruit, you can weigh your fruit 513,1411 sugar also) rig,lit in the kettle, jest deducting the )110110118 weight. A still move attractive marmalade 114 1110.410 by eutting the (plan)ers into innumerable colored lanterns. In the morning the highest authorities go to the palace to offer their con- gratulations in person, and the low- er degrees offer them vicariously to then superiors. ./01 iho Japaneee worth], 801110110W or other, congra.tis late their monarch on having added another year to his age, INSIGNIFICANT .M.A.N, At a recent meeting of the house- wives' 11311031 of South Chicago, n series of rules for the regulation of hesbands was drawn up. One of these pormite the latter to visit their clubs once a. week. An anni- versary celebration of wonnte's emencipaticm is being planned for next year, SPOKE, TOO SCON, After Writing "Stich 0. elhnl) is ottly child's play" in the visitor's book of a shelter hut in the Bavari- an Alps, a young mountaineer, egad twenty-one, tried to plank some Al - Mee 'loses 1rt a amorous pnrt, and, losieg his foothold, wits Lillse. .4.....•"•••.••••• 41,1,11 111,1,i( 7727:17:11 .4)1111 •r•_ 11311 • 1,) 14 A 04 0 •./ 0 13 3(111314 Werni.—Say, I'M prowl yon fames Wald. to hare a. tug Altni of roue, of at hietice mysel f, 1)11( he need of wee wielt you'd tise a di • Ion terwards help in trouble," Steil, having tin•n- ed his buck upon God, is possessed by an evil spirit, and, 11111,11 with hatred, lie proves Stillwell a relative of Cain, a child of the desil, who from the day that be 1408 told that Cho seed of the woman, would 3,11.1180 1349 head persistently seeks to kill Tbe llourSe members then ()banged their tecties, and fell upon the Do' liceman, a man named 'Vachon, :His tunic. WrIS torn to ribbons, arid his cap Melted about the room tike a football, he was then carried by , the irate members to the p.ollee- station, and reported for his brutal conduct. that seed. There **138 another surprise for a Lesson V111.—Davisi and Jonathan policeman when, a few months ago, (I. Sam, xx„ 12-23). (''", e idn Text pls., i as0lo5 h..c.8 mconstable Dee wee set Prole. xviii., 24, " Thereis . a friend ' ev Bull, the licensee of that sticketh closer than a brother." to wale." 'le a publichoese in aouthwark, Nebo In the opening verses of chapter was suspected of allowing his prom- xviii., the love and conduct of the ises to be used for betting purposes. king's son toward the shepherd boy „ , . .991154, , 41011 0401', knew perfectly well arc very suggestive of the love of that lie 'CMS being watched, end (10- tho So" 01 Cnd I-0 us In 1515 smlItY- termined to teach the constable: a ing Himeelf for our saketi and cloth- , lesson. 1911131a. mnam eid he to an ed ing es with leis own clothing tine Gully : in sleeking our welfare. The hatred enshat bobby must be a. fool 'to' of Saul is like tbe evil one, come here. hen' sec nothing for it. • Lesson IX.—Ihtvid spares Faval (I. He Wants beer. Ill give Min beer, (3am, xxvi., 5-12, 21-25). Golden and I wouldn't drink it for twenty Tweixest;, .Ldoulcgeovodi., t.207,th'e'Lmovwomyeeibur 117.t0e- The misaspecting Dee, who seetne'd you." An opportunity for Ilavid to quid.' tuonvflanineltatbhlec,, droungig;(1 dlgenrk exotresn= ' reach the throne which was rightful- ly his and which seemed to Abishai quantity, throwing the remainder -to be God givon, but David saw in wetly. Nevertheless, he 11038 made it only a temptation from the evil very 111. After all, however, Bull one, and he resisted it. got his reward for what the magisa • 3.esson X.—Death of Saul and trete afterwards stigmatised as 1118 • ; "bleck-guardly" condaet, being (len Text, Prov. xiv. 12, Jonathan (1, Sam.xxxi„ 1-12), Gol- way which seemeth right unto a "There in a ' 1113113(1.0(1 in fines and costs to the ex- tent altogether of $275. It ((110304 111E111, bat 1110 cod thereof are the out thal 1.110 1331111 (111113', to WhOni came, as David had said a Sanl, Bull lied been so confiding, 11/11,5 3.11 ... ways of death." Al, last his time 'rho Lord's "hitherto reality :mother police-oflicer xxvi., 10). shalt they come, but no further" ENGAGED IN 1)11151)1 CASE, W (Jo.b )xxviii., 11), had been uttered hat the fraternity term "overdo- ing the game" sometimes luni t110 One cannot but feel sorry 1.1e 01- thrithhk. most unexpected effects on 0r11113110(and Saul is gone from t ('a the laramentation of David (IT. Sam' a Me. Moesinan, tin ('1100011i>131133A°1111fi'erittelelaniT 1 nOeld'ee nilligel'in.c1O71711111ba./15010‘100f of Jonathan slain in this way, and LeSCon XL—David seesaws king \\l'''eensItt-leii;dglevilltinelli'r".lft'il.t.in "lann‘•sy.t.):3-11° 1"13v(‘\NUll ' 1, 133-27) is very touching. CIT. Sam. ii„ 1-10). Golden Text, home to rhembers in Piccadilly, les. 0888111s 1, "Dchold boil/ good where the victim lost $5,0110 at and how pleasant it is for brethren cents and dice, a friend be bad met to dwell together In unity!" Ever,v anti heouglit (1101154 nISO losing ' a purpose of the Lord shall Ito 1101'- large amount. When Ntr, Mosomen formed (Jer. lis 20) in His time, 'got home, it. dawned upon 111 31) hint and 08 truly an Joseph's dreams ihe had been fleeced. Not enelng ,e0" were fulfilled and 3)0333d becalm+ king, ineleh almet his 01011 10808 118 1,11086 443,11i11. 1,111'11(.1.711,,,1111111, izritn,4131siti)11ietatthecalt (3315.31. ITT. fi(3'11' S°I.rtn.31:141,0".1,3 :01-151,1t1000110ie 1e9ilire.1.1813".0°11 Gabriel 10 Mary shall have a literal fulfillment in due lime v14,,1,., i., 82, "friend WaS fOtitul t be at We .- known swindler and n member of the gang. The country 11'118 already hero made too hot to hold (bent.— Lesson XII0Vhstinenee from evil, rears031,14 a tn1111101'111100 1050011 (1, let. 11.., 1.1), Golden Text, Mph, 18, "110 not drunk with wine, wherein ie 118 '9,,,9819.'The evils of drunkenness its lea forth Sepiolite(' aml even in daily life need no conimmt. Isnyoml thet of 13, Cots vie 1(1, But there al% many win) never wets, 411•11/11M1Y18 I'Vhn 1118, 418 811011 Or being shut, net of the kingdom ne Olen, for though e, 1110 13 be ns moral end religious tne Niendemus, Ito 'must be linen epode time 4.101113 111., 11, 5, 1), Tht, evileet. may mid the Most morn) meet be born from above. trent NEW 1.11314 EGA 13131 141 LARS, Peden Menhes, it Seville merchant, WnS aitakellert by a 131111(0 at 1118 bed- room door, found 11 burglar on the step, nod, at ilin revolver's point. forced him to step inside while he dressed, .1(17 the merchant still held the revolter, he eould not ton his lie RhOus, sn he compelled the burglar In nit eis hia Nato, Thcti he took him to the police -station,