The Brussels Post, 1903-9-24, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 11 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1903 W. H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements, Local—Tee Pon, Looal—G. E. Klug. Local—Ifise Hablrirk, Locale—H. R. Brewer, For sale—Jae. Onthill. $moat—I. 0. Richards. Looal—Alex, A'laLennan, Aaotion sale—Jae. Oowau. Speaiala-H. A. MYiatohett. Dry shod—L 0, Richards. Houses for sale—B. le. Cole. Sows for eels -0. H. Knight, Looel—R. Leatherdale & Son. Right or made right—Jae. Ifox. Court of Revision—Wes, Clark. Money wanted—W, M. Sinclair. Cutlery and Gune—MoKay & Go. Thanks—Cober Oerrioge Factory. Farm for sale -N. M. Richardson. Metropolitan Bank—A. 17. Melliuh. Special bargaine—McKinnon & Co. 1160.5. Walton. Instead of the usual Review on Sab. bath morning in the Presbyterian Sab. Lath Bohm), short addressee will be given on Sabbath School work by the Pastor, and Robert Duuoaneon and John Gard ner. A. epeoial oolleotion will be taken for the purpose of gutting a new library for the Behoof. Parente and others are urged to attend. Cannon Dinsoronv.— Walton oironit Methodist Church, Rev. Alfred Andrews, pastor :—Providence—Preaohing at 10,80 a. m, every Sabbath 1 Claes meeting atter. Betbel—Preaching at 1 p. m. ; Sunday School at 2 15 ; Olneo Meeting after S. B. Walton—Sunday School at 2 o'olooli ; Preaching at 8.15 ; Claes Meeting after preaching service, Prayer Meetings—Tuesday at 7 p. m. at Provi. denoe ; Wednesday at 7 p. m, at Bernal ; Friday at 7 p. m. at {Valois. Lead barsse. Jahn Denis bas another eon. Wilson Dennis, of Teeewater, is visit. mg at home these days. John MoPberson had a well drilled last weak. They struck water at sixty feet, Geo. Dundee bad an'operation perform. ad last week for appeodioitia. He is recovering slowly. Pat. Munroe has engaged with Edge, Roe for a year. When Isle wife arrives from the O;d Country be will 0000py one of the houses on Mr. Boa's farm. Cober Carriage Factory ItiVE wish to thank the public for the very lib- eral alf► vY patronage in our Carriage business, which has been so good that we haven't a rig left for our Fall Exhibition, and owing to delay in get- ting our Trimmer on Cutters, we will not be able to have anything ready to exhibit. However, don't conclude from this that we are not getting up Cutters and Sleighs for the Fall trade, for we are now at work on the beat and fin- est lot ever shown in Brussels. Also a good stock of various sizes of Bob -sleighs and Hand -sleighs. Be sure and call and see our out -put. The prices are right. Repairing, Re -trimming and Re -painting promptly attended to. John Caber & Sons, Carriage Go,, Brussels J. F. & 9 STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST High Class Novelty Dress Goods The new Dress Goods are all here and you will find our assortment of High Class Novel- ties the largest and choicest ever shown in Brussels. Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths and Cheviots in all , the popular shades for Fall. Black Dress Goods in such a large range of Patterns and Quantities that we cannot describe them, In short you will find in our assortment all the latest Novelties in Dress Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Colne and" see. New Dress Trimmings We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale House. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we would not dare to attempt under other circum- stances. When you see our assortment of Dress Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude delighted with the Low Prices asked for h Hj andg Class goods. J. eA Dry Gods and Groceries. Mise Plasmic; Brotherton is ailing these Jaye, but it on the meu8. The annoonoemaot in last weok'e Mere that the 0. P. R. would build a Ithe between Guelph and Goderioh was received with universal favor. Of oonrao it It goes by Seaforth or Brussel° we will be no farther ahead but chanoes R10 we'll be in it. 'Et elirr etwe. Ou Tuesday of this week a very enjoy. able time was spent at the home of Mre, F. Wheeler, 4111 Zine, The Ladies and their frionds of Belgrave Methodist W. M. B. assembled for the 5arpoee of quilt. ing some quilts which they will add to their box of clothing to be sent to the Deaoonese Horne, After a000mplisbing their work all partook of a planet tea berved in the boeteee' excellent style. tlrrt.nlor-ooIs. R. Barlett, of Seafortb, oalled on friends in this vicinity on Friday. Rev. J. S. Muldrew, of Souris, Man., was a vieitor at Mre. T. Calder's loot week. Commencing on Sabbath Sept. 27th the Y. P. S. 0. E will begin at 7 p. m. der. ing the next 6 months. Rev. D. 13. and Mrs. McRae were at Lietowel thia week, the gueote of their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Ballard. Mrs. A. Scott and daughter, of Ben forth, who have bean visiting Geo. and Mre. Forrest, have returned to their (tome. Obildren's Day will be observed in Knox ohuroh B. S. next Sabbath morning. Children are regaeeted to bring bogaobe for the service. The flowers will after. wards be sent to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, N.`blrcol . R. Pearson le back from the West. A number from Ethel attended the Harvest Home gathering at Roe's eboroh last Monday evening. The Osborne family will remvoe to Powaeaan, Ont, next week. We wieb them a prosperous sojourn in their new home, Our old villager.,' L. Dobson, is book from hie trip to the West. It evidently agreed with him as be gained 10 pounds. He is welcome baok to Ethel, Bruosele Fall Fair ie being well talked up from the thine' children to the adults, a,id If the weather is good there will be a large attendance from this locality. Mre. Jno. Williams, of the "Soo" is visiting her daughter, Mre. S. B. Cole. The ladies have been holidaying at Strut. ford, Bonnets and other polnta with old friende. • Next Sabbrth morning Bev,O. P. Wane B. D. will preaoh the Annual sermon to •the Members of Bt. John's Lodge, A. F. &A. M. in Braeeele Methodist Oburoh et 10 80 o'clock. Voters' lief Court was held here on Tuesday forenoon before Judge Doyle. There was a long list of appeals and the results were as follows :-15 Reformers 'mete added, 4 Conservatives etraok off and 5 Ooeeervatives added. The rumor that the family of Ricbard Peering] were ill with typhoid fever was not oorreot ae the result did not bear oat the name, There was fever, however, from whinh they are nioely recovering We are pleased to state, We regret to be oalled upon this week to chronicle the deoease of Mre. Chas. Pratt, of Hamilton,. Ont., wbo departed this life on Saturday, Bept, 12th, at the early age of 35 years. Bhe was the eldest daughter of W. and Mre. Pollard, of Grey, and sister to Geo. W. Pollard, of Ethel, who with his brother E. attended the funeral on Tuesday, In addition to her husband and two children she le mourn• ed by mother and father, 9 brothers and 2 Rioters, all living. The oauee of death was lung trouble. The many friende of the family will sympathize with the be- reaved. Wroxeter. Scott Blaok visited friende in London laet week. Alm Hemphill has scoured a situation in a Hamilton drug store. • A. Wein, is busily engaged painting the exterior of the Hemphill blook. . Mre. B. H. Towneend and Frank are staying. with friende in Owen Bound, Jno. and Mre. Bray are away on a two weeko' driving trip through the oonntry. Mre. W. Bruce, of:Smith's Fails, is the guest of her inter, Mre. W. 0. Hazle- wood. Mre. Hie000ke, of Teeewater; visited last week with ber sister, Mre- Geo. Allen, Misses T. Smith, K. Robinson, L. Hazlewood and T. Rae were in Blueeele on Saturday, The following were among the ship - meets made from the station during the past week :—On Wednesday Hamilton 111 Robertson. one ear of export cattle, at Monday,1 of cattle, 1 of hogs ; Jno, Ferguson, oar export cattle ; Hemphill & Son, oar of oat bulla, and Hemming & Mitchell, oar of apples, On Saturday Court of Revision was bald in the Town Hall, Hie Honor Judge Doyle presiding. Six Reform names were added and the Judge reserved hie decision on the only Ooneeevative name banded 10. Two Conservative unmet; were oleo etruok off, L,,wyer Sinolair, of Brussels, represented the Liberal potty while Wm. Wilson, of Wroxeter, held up the Conservative end.' The eervioes iu connection with the in duotion of Rev, L. Perrin, B. A., tools plaoe on Thureday afternoon, Rev. J. 8. Haistle, Belgrave, 000npying the chair. The eermon wits preached by Rev. A. C. Stewart,of Belmore, while the minister wee'addreeeed by Rev, 8. Malcolm, of Teetwatee, and the congregation by Rev. W J. West, of Blew:ale. A tea meeting '.was held in the evening, the first part oonaiating of a tuppen, the romainder of the evening being devoted to a program. The chair on this 000ueion wog held by Rev. Mr. West. Addressee were deliver. ed by Rene, A, B. Holston, of Fordwioh, 1. A. Mogelvie, of Wroxeter, E. A. Hall, Teeewa ter of Galie, Jne. Malcolm,oP , and J. 3. Eleatic,' of Belgrave, 'Merger. sed with these were ooloe by Mies Ninon Engin, of'r aiwater, F. ,T. Gilroy, of Brands, and Jno, Gibson, of Wroxeter, and several anthema by the oboir wbo ware sinister' by Mrs, Hie000ke, of Teeo water, and Me. Gilroy. MATenenzare—An interesting marriage which created man more than a ripple of ex.itment in the sinful circle here, waft solemnized Wednesday evening, when Miss Annie Arletta Hazlewood, second daughter of W. C. and Mre. Hezlewood, was united in the boucle of wedlock with Charles Franoie Edwards, of tbie place, The large drawing room was beautifully deoorated tot the occasion and the oere- mony was performed by the Rev. J. Hazlewood, of Hamilton, uncle of the bride, in the presence of a number of relatives and immediate friende. Miss Kate Hazlewood played the wedding marob. The bride, wbo was given away by her father and was unaeeisted, wore a lovely bridal gown of white silk, and Dar. red a beautiful boquet of flowers. A wedding dejonner was served at the con• elusion of the ceremony after which the young couple left on the ten o'olook train for London. The bride's going away costume was a tailor mode suit of green broadcloth and a white silk blouse with a green and white toque. Del o r ass ee. Fall wheel is looking well. Dr. Meath, of Belgrave, is A good many are laid up with bad bolds. A wedding ie mooted in the near future not far from Belgrave Mr. Steinhoff, of Blyth, was painting on the 6th line tbie week. John Nethery, 6th line, baa an auction Bale on Monday, Sept. 28th. Mrs. Fronk Mo0raoken and Mre. M. Kelliugbon ore paying a visit to friends in Detroit. Geo. Taylor, Charles Wheeler, and Geo. Proctor have pet up windmille for pumping water. Voters' list Court for Morrie township will be field on Mond ay, Oet.121b, ab 11 o'oleak a. m. at Blyth. Miss Davideon, of Mitchell, wbo has bean visiting her sister, Mre, B. Jordan, 5th line, has returned home. Braeeele Fall Fair, Thursday and . Fri. day of next week, will attraot a large number from Morris township. A. T. and Mre, Cole and Miss Lizzie Michie, 6th line, leave for Saginaw, Michigan, tbie week on a holiday trip. A. H. Ooehrane, of Waterloo, wasbome for a brief holiday. He beide a good poeitioa and is no doubt a valued employ ee of his firm. Large yields of potatoes are reported in ',hie losaliby. We are sorry to bay a good many of the Irish pills are rotten and on low land very bad too, The 60 acre farm of John Budd, Si Lot 18, Oen. 8, has been purchased by J. H. and Wm. Sellers, of the game line, at $2,800. Mr, Budd will bold au enation sale of farm stook, implements, &a., on Tneeday, Oot. 8th, atter which be and his family will remove to Braeeele where they intend residing. Mr. Budd wishes to record his thanks to the Oulroae Iaser. ansa Co. for obs prompt payment of the $1000 inseranoe on his born reoently des- troyed by lightning. BUDDnN DOOM—Last week R. MoMur• ray, 41b !line, reoeived the sad news of the Budden demise of hie brother•in•law, Thos. Winter, at Napanee, who died of apoplexy on Monday, aged 83 years and 10 menthe. Funeral took plaoe on Wed• needay. 'He is survived by his wife, three sone and a daughter. Mr. and Mre. Winter were visitore here not many months ago while returning from a trip to the Northwest and deceased was antioipatiog another trip Westward next week. His death was a great eboak to the oommnnity. Mr. Winter was very highly esteemed by a large eirole of friende and his demise will be greatly regretted. Ona—Thureday of last week Oorlean, the third daughter of Peter and Mrs. Mo Arthur, 9th line, woe oalled away from her earthly home to the Father's Home of many Manitione, She had been oper- ated on for appendioitie a few days prior and a oondition of affair; found which resulted in her demise. Oorleen was just passed her 16th birthday and was a bright lovable young girl wbo was highly es. teemed. She bad no fear of the soil as she was pillowing ber head on ber Bay. four's bosom. The funeral took place on Saturday afbernoon,interment being made at Brussels cemetery. Mr. sod Mre. Mo Arthur are deeply sympathized with no thie is the third daughter they have foll. owed to the grave. Maggie died in April, 1892, and,Mary, in February of this year, Gree-. A large bent woe shot by Me, Vance on the Bendall farm, 18th con. one day this week. Duncan McDonald was renewing old aognainta000e in Harrow, Essex Go, He arrived back this week. Alex. D. Lamont, who recently took a amuse in Chatham Buehler; College, bas taken a position in Murray & 00.0 store in Toronto. He is a steady going young man and will do well. HAe BOUGHT IN MANIToot.—Wo under- stand that N. M. Riobardeon, 7th oon,, who has been a resident of Elsie township from his obildhood and ie well known in this oommunity, has purchased 450 Bores of land at Manor, Southern Manitoba, 00 Milts West of Brandon, from W. T. Hogg, of Oakwood, Ontario, and expecte to go Weettnnex, Spring and make hie his home there. With that object in view be le offering his fine 100 sore farm for sale here. Mre. Rlabardson and eon are still in the West but will arrive home before lotig unless • their etas, ie prdlonged iu aiding the aonvelesosnoe of the latter, MATarstosnate—On Tuesday, the 22nd Met., at 5 80 it, m., at St. Mary'e church, Saginaw, Rev. Father Dalton tied the matrimonial bow between end r 9s Mardi, formerly of Grey, d Catherine Paige, both of Saginaw. After a wedding breakfast at the Immo of Mr, and Mrs. (Sarno, 2607 Woehington ave„ (uncle and aunt to the bride) the bridal le i o r left to Toronto and Napa Fall. e ani a On maple they will viten at the "6terltege Fern.," the home of Mr, Mareb'e parohte. Mr) and Odra. Moth will be at home to their friende, 806 Maokivaw street, Baglnsw, after Oot. 16. Many happy yearo are wished to the young eoeple in whish Tett PoeT joins. Bann Hobs —Last Sunday and Monday the Harvest Home WAS held in Roe's ohuroh and was alter the pattern of tb000 of former years a marked Burnes. On Babbath Rev, U. 0, Keine, of White. church, a former pastor, was in the pal. pit and gave two splendid sermons. His theme in the morning was "Man's refuge in God" and in the evening "The Gospel Leaven". The disoourese were helpful and heedful and were named to with the almost attention. Rev. Mr, Keine also addressed the Sabbath Bphool in the afternoon. Hs was always a favorite at Roe's appointment and will be heartily weloomed book again. The oboir render. ed excellent Bernie. Very neat end sea• sortable decorations were arranged in the ohuroh. Monday evening there was a large attendance so men so that any attempt to get the andieooe in the ohuroh was attendaned and after the tables were cleared away the interesting and well rendered program wen presented in the shed where a platform was erooted. Fol lowing was the mosioal and literary bill of fare :—Antbrm by the choir; Bolo, Miss Maggie Taylor ; instrumental duebt, Mr. Tennant and Mioe,Struthere ; recite. Mon, Mies Nora Maunders ; solo, Mies MoCormiok ; address, Rev. Mr, Keine ; instrumental, Miss Phillipe; recitation, Lizzie Carr ; solo, H. W. Avison : ad• dress, Rev. R. Manuders; instrumental net, L. Rattan and Mise Phillips ; not - tenon, Mies B. Pearson ; instrumental, Mena. Rattan, Frain and Hogg ; solo Mies Belle Smith ; address, S. Ames ; Bolo, F. H. Gilroy ; addreee, R. Pearson ; solo, Mise MoOormiok ; address, R. Ma Kay ; eolo, H, W. Avison : remarks by the paster, Rev, 0. P. Wells, B. D., ; National Anthem and Benediction. Pro gram woe varied, spicy and creditable to the performers. Chair was 000upied by W. H. Kerr. The ladies gave another tangible proof of thei ability to take first place as aooke and looked atter the big orowd in good style. Financial proceeds were reported ae $65.00 The pastor and people are to be 000gratalated and cons• mended on the enooeeefnl issue of the noun' festival. 310 a eaworth, A large number attended the London Fair laeb week. Miss Nettie Mitchell ie attending High School as is also Ad. Menzies. Ohne. Mitchell left here Tuesday last for Manitoba and West to boy land. Rev. Penball, of Atwood, preached le the Methodist Church here on Bnnday. Colin Murray and wife of B. 0., are in Molesworth at present visiting their friende. Dr. eloT'avieh' of the Central Presby- terian Oburob, addressed the W. F. M.B. Monday, in this plane. Rev. Mr. McKay, on the 18111, united in matrimony Nelson Mitchell and Mies Ellen Soott, both of this burg. We wieb them prosperity. Tbe Molesworth Branch of the U. 0. Bible Society will. bold their annual meeting. on Thnreday at 8 P. M. Rev. T. W. Cosecs, of Breesele, will address the meeting. BELGRAVEFALL FAIR, The annual Fall Fair of East Wawa• nosh Braooh Agricultural Society wee held on the Fair ground, et Belgreve, on Wednesday of this week. As appears to be nenal a downpour of rain came on in the middle of the afternoon bringing the performance to a busty conclusion. Gate receipt) were about the same as last year. There was a good show of live stook. This Fair was originally held at Donny brook but wan moved to Belgrave many years ago. The present well known and obliging Secretary, Finlay Anderson, bas filled the office for the past 80 years and Knows the whole countryside. Treasurer McClelland bas handled the bash with his canal Dare for 18 yams. Tns POST was the only newspaper represented at the Fair, The prize list is ae follows :— Horses—Heavy Draught --Brood Mere with foal at aide, Jae Speir, W B Wilkin• eon, Jno Webster ; horse foal, Jno WVebeter, R Nichol ; mare foal, Jae Speir, A Robarteon ; two year old filly, T Soandrett; two year old gelding, Geo Robertson, Joo Webster ; year old filly, A Robertson ; year old gelding, R Nichol; team horses in harness, Jag Foster, Jno Taylor, A Robertson. General Purpose—Brood mare with foal at gide, Geo Robertson, R Scott, W Helps ; more foal, W Helps ; bores foal, Geo Robertson, R Soott ; two year old filly, A Robertson, T H Taylor ; two year old gelding, R Boott ; year old filly, A Robertson 1 year old gelding, W Helps, T H Taylor ; team horses in henna, Jno E Fella, Jno McKinnon, P Gibbons, Bead and Carriage—Brood mare with fool at aide, Thee Black 1 & 2 ;mare foal, Thos Black { horse foal, H Didemore, T Blaok ; two year old filly, W Stott ; two year old gelding, Jae Shedden, Joo Mo. Ilinnon ; year old filly, A Speir, T Bleck; Bingle driver 157} baude high and over, Geo Walker, Jno Taylor ; single driver under 15j bands, Geo Walker, Geo Roberteoa; team roadetere, R McMurray ; two year old oolt any clave, Jae Minden. Judge—W J Dickeen, Walton. Cattle—Toro' bred—Cow, R Corley 1 & 2, T H Taylor ; two year old heifer, R Corley 1 & 2 ; year old beffer, R Harrison, J Vanoamp ; heifer calf, R Corley, R Harrison 1 bull calf,RHarrieon, D Oook; bull 2 years or over, A T Cole ; bull under 2 year), Walter Scott Jersey cow, Wm Soott, Grade -00w, R Harrison, 0 13 Wilkin. sou, R Harrieon ; two year oldbeifer, Jnc' 'Thiele 1 & 2 ; year old heifer, 0 B Wilkin. son, R Harrison ; heifer calf, W Helps, W Scott ; two year old steer, 300 Sliiels I & 2 ; year old steer, 808 Vanoamp R Harrison ; steer ottlf, R Harrison, W Soobb. Judge—D Clow, 'Whiteohnroh. Sheep—Leibentets and Grades—Aged rem, T H Taylor; Shouting ram, J Barr, 0 Turnbull; ram lamb, 0 Turnbull, J Barr; pair aged ewes having raised Iambs in 1008, J Barr, 0 Turnbgll ; pair shear'. iug ewes, J Barr, 0 Turnbull ; pair ewe lambs, J Barr, 0 Ternbuil, Downs acd Grades—Aged ram, ebeari- ing ram, pair aged ewes having raised Iambi; in 1908, pair abearling ewes, and pair ewe tombs, R Harrison. Jadge--Jno Outlitee, Belgrave. Pigs» -Larne Breed—Aged boar, R N'ohol, Vy H MoOutobeon ; brood sow having littered in 1903, Jae Alton, Jno Haggitt ; boar littered In 1903, age 00n. entered, Jae Alton, Jno Haggitt ; sow lit. tered in 1903, age ooneidered, Jae Alton, W, H. ltlo0utoheon. Small Breed—Aged boar, brood sow having littered in 1908, boar littered in 1908, age ooneidered, and sow littered in 1003, age considered, P Gibbons 1 & 2 ; 2 button bogs, Jas Alton. Judge—Jno Armstrong, Belgrave, Poultry --Pair geese, T H Taylor, J Haggitt 1 pair turkeys, H 1' Edwards, ' M Henderson ; pair dnoks, J Haggitt ; pair plymonbh rooksT 1[ Henderson, H Edwards ; pair Inborn, T H Taylor, T M Henderson ; pair epenish, T M Render eon ; pair brabmse, T M Henderson ; pale genie's fowl J McKinnon. Judge—A Ferguson and Ohne. Mo - Orae, Belgreve. Grain -2 bus white fall wheat, Jno Taylor, W Boott; 2 bus red fall wheat, R G McGowan, R Mokfarray ; 9 bus 6 row• ed barley, T M Henderson, R McMurray ; 2 bee white est.', T M Henderson, R Motlurrey ; halt hue flax seed, R G Mo Gowan, Jae Alton ; timothy, seed Jas Alton, Jae Speir. Judge—W F Stewart, Brants, FnuwTs AND FLOWERS.—Golden Russet apples, Jno McKinnon, Geo Fothergill ; Baldwins, A Proctor, J Cole ; Ontarios, Geo Fothergill, Min McClelland ; R I Groenings, Geo Fothergill, 0 B Wilkin• son; Northern Spies, J Speir, A Proctor; Ban Davie, A Proctor, Jno Cole ; Canada Rede, R G McGowan, Jae Speir ; King of Tompkins, Jon Speir, A Proctor ; three varieties of Winter apples, Jno Cole, A Proctor ; 3 vsrietiee Fall apples, Jas Speir, A Prootor ; Fall peers, T Scan. drett, Geo Fothergill 1 Winter peers, Jae Speir, Walter Boott ; grapes, Joo E Fella, T M Henderson ; orab apples, T H Taylor, Jae Alton ; plums, T M Hender- son ; peaches, Geo Bowler, Walter Scott; oolleotion of fruit, R G MoGowao, A Proctor ; table boquet, Jon Shire, A Morton ; band bognet, T Scandrett, Geo Bowler ; flower in pot, P Scott, R Seott. Judge—F. Metcalf, Blyth. MAoineecznes.—Flannel, Jas Alton ; onion flannel, no let, T M Henderson 1 blankets, Jag Alton, T M Henderson ; home made wine, P Gibbons, R G Rio• Gowan. Judge—T A Mills, Wingbam. Rome AND VxasrasLas.—Potatoes, Jno MaKinuon, 0 McClelland ; white cab- bage, J Haggitt, G Armstrong ; red pickling oabbage, J Haggitt, T 21• Hen. deraon ; cauliflower, T M Henderson ; red beets, J Haggitt, T M Henderson 1 'turnip beets, J Haggitt, G Armstrong ; marigold wartzele, A Prootor, no Taylor; ewede turnips, A Prootor, R Harrison field carrots, Jno Taylor, • MoOlelland ; Early Horn carrots, H Edwards, G Sow. ler ; parsnips, T Soaodrett, T M Bauder. son ; onions from seed, A Morton, Geo Bowler ; onions, any other kind, John Taylor, A Morton ; field corn, G Bowler, T H Taylor ; water melon, Jae Axton, A Morton ; musk melon, T M Henderson ; pumpkin, Jae Speir, T M Henderson ; squash, H Edwards, T M Henderson ; onion, Jas Alton ; tomatoes, A Morton, 1 M Henderson ; beans, T M Henderson. Judge—Geo Fothergill, Marnoch. DAIRY Pitmen—Tub batter, Jas Alton, W B Wilkinson ; orook of butter, T Soandrete, W B Wilkinson ; basket of batter, 5 !be, Walter Boott ; basket of butter, • 2 lbs, Robt Boott, W B Wilkie• sots ; home made bread, Jno Mt:In nen, R Soott ; maple auger, R Scott. Judge—T A Mills, Wingbam. Fin Anxa.—oil painting, Mise Mo• Olelland ; oolleotion oil paiubinge, Mies MoOlelland. LAnlaa' DarrnTaraNT,—Oroobet work, bead work, feuoy knitting and braiding, Mies MoOlelland ; woollen etookinge, no let, Mise MoOlslland ; aooke, A Morton, Miss McClelland ; log cabin quilt, R Scott, Miee McCleiland ; knitted quilt, G Sowlar ; patched quilt, Miss McClelland, R Prootor ; rag mat, Geo Fothergill, T Saondretb; Berlin wool work, flat, Mies McClelland ; sofa pillow, Miee MoOlel. laud, R Prootor ; silk quilt, Miee Mo. Olelland ; embroidery on silk, no let, Miss McClelland ; embroidery on linen, MieeMo0lelland ; laoe work, no let, Mies MoOlelland ; twine lane, no lst, Mise MoOlelland ; collection of ladies' work, Mise McClelland, Judges—Mrs W Geddes and Mise M Ewen, People ,,We Talk About. Mies Therm Garry was on the oink list. .Mita Joeepbine Baehanan Snudayed in Listowel. Wm. Cameron, Ohurah street, has been very ill this week. Mre, Wm. Martin nae gone on a visit to relatives in Michigan. Mrs, Thee. Farrow went on the ex. minion to Detroit on Tbuoed'ay. Mrs. E. 0. Lowry arrived home from Port Huron on Tuesday evening. John Milbaueen and Mise Carrie Mil. hensen spout Sunday in Trowbridge. Mre, Tboe. Grieve, of Magiliop, was visiting old friende in Braeeele and Grey. Miss Thurea Meadows ie borne from London to recruit after her siege of rheum. atiern, Mrs. B. Smale fell et the residence of Mre. Grower a abort time ago and wee Mid up as a ooneegaenoe. A. M. and Mrs. McRay find son Rose, R. Grabam, J. T. Roes, Thos, Ballantyne and others were visitors In the Forest Oity Met week. Mre. Thompson, of Thesealon, who Was visiting her parente and other relatives in Bruaeele, left on Bstnrday for bona, owing to the madden Meese ofMe. Thomp. 500. John Caber, after enjoying a bol do Y vi tt to Patti onset int whib con• eiderable busineao worked, is bask again to town pushing work ab the oar• riage factory. Mrs, Was, Jones end Mtne Minerva re• turned home Monday after a wotaib'o visit in Toronto. Miss Margaret Fulton bee returned .to Detroit after a plessaut holiday tinder the parental roof. Fronk Gerry is oofined to the house at preeent, the trouble befog en abeoees oh one knee. We hope be will soon be o, It. Mre. Warren E. Certer of Bay Oity, who has been visiting her grandparent?, Jas, and Mre. Fulton, returned to bar home Saturday. Barrister and Mrs, Blair were in God., ern this week nuking preliminary ar- rengetnsute for their anticipated removal to the Go, town this fall. Mise Mary, daughter of 8, T. and Mrs. Ross, an d Mies Mary Friendship bevo gone to Detroit on a visit with relabivts and Wanda for a few weeks. George Best got a tumble the other day while stepping from a moving street oar. Hie face came in opptaot with the pavement and wee somewhat bruised. Barrister MoDonald, of Goderioh, wbo will emceed Mr. Blair in the legal bee. these in town, was in Brussels Int Friday. He will come bete in the ouurse of a few weeks. Oliver Smith, who took a trip across the briny a maple of months ego, hoe arrived baok safe and sound. Ha, had en enjoyable time and will not be everee to trying it again. Ambrose Moors, brother to M. H. and Eli Moore, of Brunets, is on the eiok net at the parental borne with typhoid fever, contemned ab Winuipeg. We hope be will soon be oonvalesoent. B. B. Bantle left for Essex Centre, Ems Go„ where be has secured a situ- ation in a drug store. He lived for several years in the same Co. so will not be unaoquainted with his new home. Mre. John Cooper, of Chicago, and Mre. McIntosh, of Trout Creek, are eieft- ors at T. MaGregor's Rud with other old friende. They ere sisters of Mrs. McGregor. Mrs. Cooper is here recruit. Ing from hay fever. 011011011 CHIMES. Report of the Young Peoples' Convent. ion of Meittand Presbytery may be read on page 4 of this issue, Rev. Dr. Stewart, pastor of Willie Proebyberian church, Clinton, wag pre- sented on the 25111 anniversary of his paetorate with a gold watch and his wife with a oabioeb of silver, Rev. J. E. Howell,of Hanover, for. merly pastor of the erlin. and Waterloo Methodist charahes, died on Friday of lheart failure. The remains were taken to Belleville, where interment Was made. Next Sabbath afternoon the monthly Missionary Day will be observed in the 'Methodist Sabbath eohool. A short ad. trees will be given by it former pupil, Fred. Hunter, wbo ie here from Idaho, on a visit. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., spoke in Melville Church from the text, "If we wane oar eine, He is faithtal and just to forgive us our eine oto." "The Captain of oar Salvation" woe the evening theme from Heb, 2 and 10. Melville ohuroh congregation will ob. serve the Saorament of the Lord's Supper neat Sabbath morning. Rev. Dr. Mc- Lean, of Blyth. will preaoh at the pre. peratoty servioe on Saturday at 2 30 o'olook p. m, and the pastor will conduits the services on Sabbath. Rev. W. 8. West, M. A., of Blnevale will preaoh as the Tbankegiving service on Monday morning at 10,80 o'olook. Harvest Home sermons will be preaoh- ed in the Metbodiet Chnreb, Brussels, on Sabbath, Oot. 4, at 10,30 a. m, and 7 p.m. by Rev. R. vlillyatd, of Luoknow. ITbe reverend gentleman is a very popu- lar preacher. In addition to the choir, Mre. Rev, Liddy, honor graduate of Tor- onto Conservatory of Munie, will sing. The Hervesb ome meeting win be held the Monday eveuing following at which a flret•olnes program will bo presented. Rev. T. Wesley Cessna took "Rest" as hie topic last Sabbath morning and "The brazen Serpent" in the evening. He will be absent next Sabbath on Bible Society work. Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. A., B, D., of Ethel, will 0000py the pulpit at 10.80, the !tenon( Ramon to the Masonia preaching Order of Buesele, and Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, will be the preacher in the evening at 7 o'olook. Juaioa LRAMs borne.—Friday evening the Junior Epworth League held a Rally at the Mrethudiet ohuroh. Au enjoyable frolio was given on the lawn after which inch was served and a short bnb interest- ing program given with Rev. T. W. Gonne in the chair. It was ae follows : Trio by Pearl Beaker, Clara Simmons and Fran,t Gerry ; reading by Mise Ethel Scott ; chorus by Vera Ainlay, Minute Edwards, Stella Gerry, and Hazel Sim. mons; reading by Mies Minnie MaNaugh. ton ; solo, Vinie Edwards ; few remarks by W. H. Kerr ; solo by Mise Thurea Gerry ; Benediotion. A most enjoyable time was spent by all and a gooti start is made on the Junior work for the Fall campaign. There ware 50 mambere of the League present. Mrs. (Rev.) Omens is the Superintendent and Mrs. W. H. Seri and Miee Gerry aaeistanbs. Regular meeting will resume next Friday after- noon at 4.15 o'clock. The annual Convention of the Ontario Obrietian Endeavor -Onion, will be held in Stratford on Sept, 20-80 sad Oat, 1. The city Obrietian Endeavor I7uiou, the oheroine, the city council and the citizens all say "Come." Tbe Ablest Obviation Endeavor speakers, both home and foreign talent, will appear. Among the speakers will be •t— Dr. F. E. Clark, father of the 0. E, Movement, Rev, A. Beier, M, A,, Rev, A. L. Gaggle, Rev. T. Albert Moors, Rev. E. A. Hatt, Ingersoll, end a 'ergs number of others. Single Sokoto can be secured on the Convention plan, good to start -Sept. 25 and totem Oot, 5. It three hundred or more attend the Convention, which io very iikelyy delegates will gen home fres, 0orefortabie homes can be secured for $ . 1 a day, or 600 for bed and beeaktaet5 , and perilous wishing Patine informebion, or hotnee maenad, should oorreepotin with Min Nellie Forman, Btratfobd, at an early date,