The Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 8POULAR B0'rK tu�t 1tsas�ei� We have just received another lot of those Paper Covered Books that we have bad such a demand for this Sum. mer. These make excellent reading and the price is exceedingly low indeed. Among others, they include such titles as- -Last Days of Pompeii, —Under Drake's Flag, —The Bondman, —Ardath, —The Honor of a Gentleman, PR/CE, —The Panacea for Poverty, —Ships that Pass in the Night, —Jane Eyre, —Worth Winning, —Treasure Island. 15 CENTS. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 90950885 51TEN9I05 W. G. & E. Trafnsleave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorxe eooTO GOING Nonma. Mail 7:15 8.m I Mixed 10:00 am Mixed... ..... 10 00 am Mail 1:15 p.m 3:97p.m E Express.x rasa 8:17 ,m I p p rnad Rebas Pans, A abler a amen ye takh: aoteB g, An' faith he'll prent TESAHIONWAEO, BE9ssnoe Fair Oct. 1 and 2. Rum the advts. and save money. Waco out for the Millinery Openings. BOLGnAVE Fall Fair Wednesday of next week. TEE late harvest has been well drench• ed by rain. Oua thanks are due to Jno. Tait for a supply of celery. 45 persons were ticketed to London up to Thursday morning this week. M9s0Bo01i hunters are on the warpath ar,d meeting with considerable snooeee. Ton Western Fair al London ie the magoetio point this week for a goodly number,from this locality. QUITE a number of oar residents at- tended the Heater & Crossley evangelistio servioee at Seaforth last Sunday. Lem -A diamond and sapphire ring of Marquise design. A good reward will be paid for return of the same at this office. Masonic sermon in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning, 27:11 inet, at 10 80 o'clock. Rev. C. P. Wells, B.D., of Ethel, will preach. JUDGE DoYLE wit' hold Voters' List Courtin Brussels next Wednesday fore- noon. There are several appeals to add and strike off names. AT the last meeting of the School Board it was decided to inorea90 the salaries of Mise Scott and Mies Wilson, 525 per annum, oommenoing on January let. TEE road between Brussels and Sea - forth le bad ;. the worst part of it is the 1 miles nearest our town and the worst portion of the 1 miles is that within the corporation. Something should be done about it before the Fall rains set fo. G. T. R SHIPPING NOTES. -Among the shipments from Brussels daring the past week were the following :-6 ears of salt from Salt Works ; R. Graham, 2 oars of wheat and a oar of oats ; Alf. Baeker, 3 care Of wheat ; A. C. Damao, 2 (tare of cattle W. W. Harris,oar of cheese Geo. Beat, 2 care nettland oar of hogs J. Clegg, ear lambs. Tan WEHRLE Go -an. -We are now in a position to offer this great weekly paper and Ton Poor from now till let January, 1905, for $1 70 to new eabeoribere. Jast thick of it, two papers for 16 months for 51 70. Any one deeding a trial aobearip. tion of THE Poas and Weekly Globe 1111 Jan. let, 1904, may have them, for the earn of 35a. COMING ON THE 21sT. -The Foot Ball Club haa,engaged Meta Pauline Johnson, the Indian Poetess, to give a recital in the Town Hall, on Monday 21st inet. She will be wanted by Walter MoRaye, who impersonates the Prenoh character. Pain of Hall at Pox's drag store. Doors open at 7.15. Eutertainment nomm000es at 8. Mee. FREEMAN DECEASED -Thursday of last week Joanna Mogay, beloved wife of Wm. Freeman, Seaforth, passed away to the home of the redeemed, aged 33 years, leaving a sorrowing husband and three little obildren, the youngest only a few weeks old. The funeral took plaoe on Sunday afternoon, D. 0, and Mrs. Roes, Mre. A. M, MoKay and Mies Annie R388 attending from Brussels. Deceased was a sister to Mre. Robert Rosa, of Kincardine, and a neioe to Jae, and Mre. Ireland, of Morrie. She was a oheertul, kind hearted woman enjoying the love and esteem of a large oirole of friends who will greatly regret her demise. Mr, ' Freeman will be sympathised with in hie great lose. 0. P.R. -While in Goderioh on Taee. day W. H. Herr had a brief interview with 0. P. R. Engineer Peterson, of Montreal, and Col. tbloDonald end Mr. Bail, of Guelph, who were in the Oo. town on a proepeoting boor in 0000801108 with the proposed railway line from Guelph to Goderioh. The prospeote are more favorable than at any time in the pact and the indioatione are for the oompletion of the meolt dieoueeed road in the neat future. As to which of the routes will be chosen is sot yet decided but the O.P. R, le aiming for as direot a line as possible, having an eye at the game time for trade oontree, Wednesday Engineer Peterson drove over from Goderioh to Braeeele, calling• at Blyth. From here he went to Atwood and on East. He is a reserved gentleman of wide experience and on hie representations the company will no doubt he largely guided, The 0. P. R. le not aeking for Minutiae bat expeot the tnanioipalitiee to procure the right of way without expense to the railway people. A railway from thio Northerly motion to Goderioh would be a great boon to the people ae eomparod With the eirealtoue ,ionto and ((Meyer as at present, Bao=ano.e Fall Fair Oot. 1 & 2. FOOT BALL entertainment 21at inet. SECOND crop raspberries are showing op. . 0.01. W. Friday evening of this week. 25o, gets Tan POST for the balance of 1903, Don't borrow any longer. EO much rain h&8 pub the roads e in bad shape for this season of the year. IupaovEMENTS are being made at the Agricultural Park oton dg t a g fences and building, MBs. John Cober was palled to Has• polar this week to attend the funeral of her mother. A more extended notice will be given later. Tun townn Baud gave an out doorpro- gram at "Union" church, 12111 con., Grey, Y Tueeda evening. Several vocal numbers were also rendered with mem bare of the same organization. BT,TTo Standard of Bat week says :- Bonn. Sloan has been appointed judge on trait at Brussels Fair. This 'e the worthy oonnoillor'a fourth 000eeontive year 188 a trait judge at the same Fair. There is no batter man for such a poai• tion. Mnmrunnt openings are arranged for Wedoe-day, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 80 and. Oot. 1 and 2, by the milliners of Brussels. Their dieplay at the various atone promises to be fashionable, large and attractive and no doubt the ladies will not fail to Bee the new styles. TDESDAY forenoon Judges Doyle end Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, Co. Treasurer Holmes, Co. Attorney Seeger and W. H. Herr, Warden, met at the Court House, Goderioh, as per Statute, to arrange preliminaries for the torthoomiog seleot• ins of Jurors for the various Omuta for the ensuing year, 3,624 to be chosen in all. JudgeDo le Warr the chairman. Mies BAnn AN, who hae been a real dent of Braeeele for over 20 years, hae Bold her honae and lot on John street to John 8add o[ ?Jerrie, who purposes osee moving to town this Fall. Mies Blake. man will visit with relatives and friends in Wellington Co. and from there will go to Manitoba where she may make her home• Mr. Budd paid $400 for the property and snared a bargain the way prime have been. LoxnoN Free Press of last Saturday eaye of a former Braeselite :-The Water Commieeionere yesterday decided to extend for a period covering the next three years the lease of W. M. Lowry, of the pavillion privileges at Springbank, The weather both this Sommer and last Summer was so bad that the lessee had small chance for making much profit out of the catering to the public at Spring bank, and the Board thought that be was well entitled to an extension of his lease, eapeoially ae they were well pleased with the way he hae served the ublio. FOLLwixG excursionists to the North• west on Tuesday were tioketed by Tboe. Farrow, the loots! 0. P. R. agent : Joe. Welsh, Bert. MaNiohol and Wm. Erik. mire, Ethel, to Banyan ; Jno. A. Stewart, Ido. and Mrs, Harris and Thos. Pearson, Grey, to Eetevan ; Ira Gerry, Brunie, to Mooeejaw; Richard and Mra. Mitchell, Morrie, to Mooeejaw ; G. A. Deadman, Brussels, to Mooeejaw ; lbIiea Stewart, Grey, to Winnipeg ; Mrs. Wm. Geddes, Morrie, to Mooeejaw ; Mr. and Mre. Ireland, Grey, to Swan River ; Jno. N. Smith, to Eetevan. Senn Our. -After a residence in Brus- sels of 24 years during which Andrew Currie wag aeeooiated with his father and afterwards his successor in a large and suoaesefnl butchering bueioeee, he has disposed of the boeineee to his brother, John Currie, end his nephew, Andrew Carrie, both of Seaforth. The now firm will take possession a week from next Monday. Messrs, Currie are well eo quainted in this locality and will no doubt attend carefully and diligently to the various depertmente of their work. Mr. and Mre. Onrrie, although oat of business will oontinns their reeidenoe in Brussels, we are pleased to state, until Spriog at least, when they may take a trip to the Wept and enjoy a holiday after years of close attention to steady work. Mre. Currie hae been bothered with rbeuma• Cam during the past year but ie better of late. WmO ENLARGE. -Friday the Braiding Committee appointed by the Co, Council met at Clinton to take into consideration the question of supplying more *mom. modation in oonn806ion with' the County Hodge of Refuge. Their recommendation le for the ereoEion of e, building 40 x 60 feet, 2 etorlee, with basement, affording hospital neoeeeary for both sexes, more bedrooms, additional eittiog rooms, etorage for coal and vegetables, a morgue, &o. Plane were before the Committee that were prepared by a London architect a few pare ago for the County and these will be followed in many reepeote only on a larger scale. There are some 82 io• mates in the House and as the Fail and Winter approaohee no doubt there will be a number more come in. A pub Commit. tee have undertaken the plaguing of the interior of the proposed addition and the Committee will meet on Tuesday, Nov. Brd, to complete their work 90 as to be ready for presentation at the December eeeebon of the county °canon, Tendert' will be asked fol and the oontraot let, in all probability, at the January meeting at Council so as to allow the aontraotor plenty of time. The increased room is badly needed for the proper housing of this big family. Dominion of Canada ()barter e:t.rrrtL-pito up $1,000,000 RigsF . $1,000,000 61,0810,5 0000, a a. WARDEN, n, D„ • etream000 8. e. 010058 • • +. 0105.rini0nl1NT 0. D. 00088105, 0. E. 00800050x, 11, Taos. n1An1ITAW, F. 1. A, General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection. is TUB RAVINGS INA,NIO--Depoaite of 61,00 and Upwards received and interest at the bigbeat Bank rate allowed, from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, on the daily balance, II-Partioe holding important papers, notes, &e., may deposit them in our bank vault for Bate keeping -free of oherge, Prompt and Careful Allentl0n, Good Terme, G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor, .4. E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS. C000auLLon Taonisoo0 has several gangs of men at work in poking end packing apples. Ile will handle a large quantity. OWING to Roy Ainley returning to eohaol A, Ooueley hae secured Robert Mckenzie to aid him in the express business. A Naw and highest improved dynamo hae been purchased by R. Maioprize for hie eleatrto light plant. He purposes ex• tending the system this Fall along the line of (thatches and residences and ex - pada the new maohieee, run by the added power of the new engine, will fill the bill. Jiro. DEC= hae jaet returned from driving over ver the oouY atr with air. Peter. g can, Engineer of the 0. P. 1Z, between Brussels and Atwood and aaye he ie vary favorably impressed with the location end proapeole for business The Oompany have decided to build a line from Guelph to Godorich provided the Munioipeliteee on the route pnrobese or supply the purchase the of waybut fnnde to u p right the route will not be dually settled 00111 further 00rve a are made. ser Bans sPublio School rotative s000 00 this year as their share of the county Condonation grant. The total pante will reach 53,000. Some p0rsone may be disposed to object to the size of grant but thie fact ehonld not be loot eight of that if this grade of work were not done io the various Pablo Schools one and probably two High Soboole additional would almost certainly be eatebliabed wboee annual grante would be in excess of the above mentioned amount without even an approach to the auaompliehment of the same amount of good. Tan Poor very heartily endorsee the action of the Go. Council in making the eppropriatioa. Gorse To GaDEBraE.-It will be a matter of no small regret to the people of Bone• eels to know that Barrister G. F, Blair will remove from town on November let to become a member of the well known legal Arm of Messrs. Proudfoot & Hays, of Goderiob. The Co. town wag Mr. Blair'e home for a number of years before beopened hie office here 10 ears ago so op y g will only be renewing uld friendships and associations in Goderioh. He studied law in the office of Mama. Garrote & Proadtoot so will be quite a t ease 100 aseooiation with hie office associates. Goderioh was also Mrs. Blair's plane of reeidenoe. In Mr. Biair's reeidenoe in Braeeele he has made himself vary useful in the advancement of the general well being of the oommanity. Melville ehureh and Sabbath Sobool will mise him as be was chairman of the Board of Managers and Superintendent of the Sabbath Sobool. He was also a member of the Village Council, Pnblio Library Board and the Farmers' Institute direotorate; President of the looal branch of the Lord's Day Alliance and Secretary of the Prohi. Milan Aeeooiation of the Riding. Mr. Blair also took an interested part in the Bowling Olab, being President this year, tennis and other 'Torte. Be will be missed in the political arena an he spout .00neiderable time in the past campaigns r anization work end addreeaiu in o publicgmeeeinge. His plane will not be easily filled and Braeeele or any other place of its size can ill afford to lose citizens of hie type. We very heartily wish him 800080s in his wider sphere of work and believe be will do well in Goderiob. His law boldness will be taken by Berrieter A, McDonald, of the 0o. town, a young gentleman very favor- ably spoken of who was also a student in the office of Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot. PERSONAL PALM 41L11' S. Mre. P, Watson is visiting in London• Geo. Marr hae gone to Detroit for a visit, Jae, Swann, baker, has left town and may take a trip to Idaho. G. A. Deadman left for Manitoba on Tuesday on a boeineee trip, Joe Thomson, of Montreal, ie visiting hie mother and brothers in town. Leslie Karr woe off duty for the past week from an attaok of br000hitie, Mies Mary MoCinre, of MoKiliop, was renewing old friendships in Brussels. T. A. Hawkins is seeing the eights at the Weetern Fair et London Shia week. Mise Bessie Ballantyne has retnrned to to town from a vieit to 1317111 friends. Misses Jennie and Maggie MoArter have returned to Toronto after a holiday visit here. Dr. MoKelvey, Conuoillor Plum and W. H. Kerr were among Brueeelitee in London on Thursday. Mre, Charles Ritohie bee been on the elok list but is ooneiderably improved now we are pleased to abate. Miss Grace Welker, of Buffelo, N. Y., is a holiday visitor with relatives and Iriends in Brussels and vicinity. Mines Lizzie and Hattie DoWniog were visiting friends at London doriug the week and taking in the Fair. Mrs, Alex. Strachan has been confined to the hoose during the peat week with quinsy. We hope she will ameba better. Mrs. Arthur MoGoire returned on Tuesday from an enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in Northumberland 00. Mre. A. Scott, of Alma, Boron Co., wee renewing old ltOgaaintanOae in Brae. Bele and Morris tewnebip for a oouple of weeks, Wm. Henderenn, of MoKillop, ie visit. ing hie eon, Robert Henderson. The old gentleman is 82 yeaee of age but fairly healthy for one who has reached his time of life. Mies Georgie Rose, daughter of R. K. and Mre, Roes, Alexander street, ie et. tending Clinton Model Sohool this term as, the neeeeeary atop to securing her 2nd olaee teaahet'e eertifioate. Atha Rnby Smith, who ie here from Winnipeg, is visiting her grandparents, and other relatives et Looknow for a few wears, ilre. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, former• ly of Brunetti, le visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Kerr, and renewing old friendehipe. It is seven years eines she tvae here. Robt, Roes tools a ran home laat week for a few 'cloys from Sarnia where the boat upon which he is engineer woe pall. He ie a eon of Wm. and Mrs, hoes, William street, aud has seen a good deal of the world. Mrs. H. James left on Monday for a holiday visit with relatives at Shelburne, Toronto and other points; Mr. James will follow. They' will take op house. keeping on their return in St. John's reotory which they have leased. Mies Lnurtt ilrydgee, who le teaching in Eaet Wawatloal,, was Balling on old (deeds in Bruasele on Saturday and San. day last. i She was s former raeident of town, Her brother Will is teacher in a Bneinese College in Saginaw now, Tueeda Ira Gerry left town on a tri Y Y p to the West. Whether he will become e resident will depend, no doubt, on the way buaineoe npportanities present them eelvee. He Isms apent several years in the hardware store of hie brother, N. F., a period of eobooling in the public sohool and Collegiate and is a reliable, steady going young than who will push hie way in the world all right, Hie remoral from Brussels will be telt io the Metho• diet church as he wee one of the moat active workers among the young people teaching a large printery oleos in the Sabbath school and playing a flute in the orchestra. In the Epworth League bo reaohed the highest office and was always at his poet ready and willing both with time, talent end money to aid in the Maeter'e vineyard. "Tun PoeT" wishes him every semen he desires and we have no fear of hie Ettore. Mr. Gerry on thio trip will represent the Braeeele Woolen factory and the Bainton Broe. glove works, of Blyth. He took hie tioket to Mooeejaw and will visit relatives and old friends in Manitoba and the Terri thrice, Business Locals. Bea 14 ciente, 100 tubs Batter wanted weekly. Goo. E. KING, Wingham. HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at great reduction. Apply to Mee. W. M. SIsonsta, Bruaeels. Jun received a full aeaortment of Lis- towel yarns, all colors, 2 or 8 ply also mitt yarns. Knitting done to order. MRs. Klux. CEMENT. -We atooit the highest grade of Cement made. Price guaranteed. Orders plaited now will receive beet at tentiou. A. M. McBer, Bruaeels, . Sunni] Collie dog lost, with white collar, an0were Eo name Of "Sailor." Any person returning the same will be suit. ably rewarded. arded. G. F. BLArn Brussels. ELIGInLE village lot, adjoining the reeidenoe of John Moores, Tnreherry street, Brunie, for Bale. For partiouiare ae to pride and terms apply to J. D. RONALD, Braeeele. SaoowD HAND BOOGIES.- Tell first• olaee eeoond hand buggies to be sold cheap. They have been painted and are fixed np in good style and are about es good au new. See them. D. EWAN & Co„ Brussels. Lewis Trew, of Oak Hill was run over by a thrashing maobine and killed. The corner -atone of a new $8,000 Methodist Sunday school was laid at Barrie. Juetioe Street, who is coffering from to severe attack of rheumatism, is at St. Catharines. Robert Jaffrey; interviewed on Brit- ian Columbia affairs, eotioed a return of prosperity in that Province. Sl.e'1'. 17. 100 Standard Bank of Canada s-7, 6'1aS.1£T,2ee2S, 721 1670 ASSETS—•OVER TI:fiRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of one dollar and upwards received and intur9a allow ed in Savir,go Bank et highest rate from date of deposit to withdrawal, Interest PA1'1) ON TH19 Daily Balance •w Loans Made, Notee Omitted, and every a000mmoda. Bon afforded the roe. poneible borrower, PAl5MRBS' SALE NOT108 (ladled, Oolleoted ; or may be left for aafeeeping only i r whic•l,no oharoe le made, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. -T 'Every oonvenienee afforded customers living ata dietenoe. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. Another advance in flour hag been made by the Oglivie Milling Oo. The Lindsay, Boboaygeou &Pontypool Railway bas been sold to the 0, P. R. Twelve hundred pereone left on the 0• 1'. R. excursion to the West on Tuesday. Mrs, John Diekene Smith, of Balham England, traced her raceway haeband here, mud trapped, him by au advertiee• m001. George E. Drummond, of Montreal willsooaeed (1, A. Birge as President of the Canadian Manufeoturere' Aseooiae- ion. The Court of Appeal decided that the Bell Telephone 0an o m a ergot oleo P Y may P and wires without the consent of the idy- ls ivis authorities. The death is announced o d i nT S t. bourne of Mre. Jane Brierley, widow of an old• time Loudon printer had mother of 3, S. Brierley of The Montreal Herald. Tax Collector David Sorimgour of Stratford S fell down stairs and fractured hie left arm. He wee rendered ouaon- 801ca8 for a time batheinee etnoe imp roved. He was reit eeverely shekel] how- ever, y v y 1 up, o ever, and it will be some time before he Dan resume 1118 putiee. AOR g FAIBnoOTHEE.-In Detroit, on Aug, 28, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. I'airbrotber (nee Mies Nellie Ward) a daughter. STEMS - PAmnNemo, - In Brussels, on Sept. 16, by Rev. T. Wesley Ooeene, Mr. Wm. 5, Stubbe to arra. Fiancee Perkinacn, both of Morrie. Fn88uitN.-Io Seaforth, on Sept. 10, Joanna McKay, beloved wife of Wee. Freemen, aged 38 years, laze "i'-: f]7.. 3 Fall Wheat Barley ...... ......... Peas Cate B and roll Butter, tabs a ' .. Eggs Per dozen .. Flour l'er owt. •• Potatoea (per bas,) Apples (per bag) Hay per ton . Salt per Uhl., retail Hoge, Live Wool Hidee trimmed Hides' rough Lamb skins earth Sheep skins, each 73 74 38 40 65 55 26 28 13 14 1'3 14. 4 00 5 00 50 50 50 60 6 00 6 50 1 00 70 6 00 6 25 15 18 6 6i 6 5 26 30 25 25 F'.A.SRS. Following lea list of the dates of some of the Fall faire which will be of interest to people in this district : Western, London Sept. 11-19 Belgrave Sept. 23 Seaforth Sept, 24-25 Wellesley Sept, 15-16 Palmerston Supt. 22-23 Milverton Sept, 24-25 Mitchell Sept, 22-23 Listowel Sept. 30 Kirkton c 1-2 Atwood- 001.ot. 6-7 Stratford Oot, 7-8 Wingham Sept. 24-26 Goderioh Sept. 29-30 Blyth Oot, 6-7 Braman!Oak, 1-2 RSept. 29-30 Teeewipleyater Sept, 21 - Sept, 23-2422 Walkerton Mildmay Oot, 8-7 Looknow Oot. 1-2 Gerrie Oot. 8 Harrieton Sept. 24-25 Dungannon cot. 8-9 Guelph Sept. 15-17 Exeter Sept. 21-22 I1SIIOI1ABLD ILLINDRY ISSES HABI{IRI( have returned from at- tending the City Millinery Displays and take pleasure iu announcing that their beautiful display of the Latest and most Fashionable Fall Millinery Will take place on WEi)NESDAY, Tal17lt1;1)AY 804 Plumy. Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 & 2 A hearty invitation is extended to the Ladies of Brussels ou Wednesday and visitors to the Pair on Thursflay and .Friday. MISSES HABKIRI Zuriob Sept. 23-24 Hamilton Sept. 15-17 THE PEOPLE'S COLUN1N. CiTOOKFOR SALE.—TIL] UN• 1.7 0500000x00 offers for sato 8 Steers throe years old; a pedigreed Yorkshire lOog, and 0 number of young Figs. Shook all In good condition. JOHN MION AR EY, Proprietor, Let 15, Oou. 9, Grey, or Braesels posted'os,. Selioni R c 11 1 1 1 es Our etook of school, Supplies ie complete and will bekeptnom. pieta throughout the school year, We seek quality in School Supplies as in everything else, endeavoring to bay the moat desirable goods and to eell them at the most eatiataolory prim. Our large buylug comae for no and for you. Our new Scribblers and Exeroiee Books are very fine at Fox's Drug Store. I P you want 'to see the Latest Styles s I yy Fall � in I' 11M' Millinery 1 Fall a til ao y attend 011 a 1 Opening on Wednesday, Thursday cf Friday, Sept. 30 and Oct, 1 & 2 The Millinery will be elegant and well worth seeing. A choice stock of Ready- te.wear Hats to hand and should be seen and secured. We are determined to sustain the good naYne our store already enjoys for Choice Goods at Low Prices, and we will be pleased to welcome the ladies to the Opening. Roolie & Haycroll A GOLDEN OPPWITUNITY To Purchase READY-TO-Ti7EAT3 hing at Manufacturer's Cost. ®® We are ever on the alert to purchase up-to-date reliable goods in the lowest markets. We have been rewarded for our efforts last week in closing a deal for $7150 worth of fine, new, seasonable Ready-to-wear Clothing at 78.ic. on the dollar. One month only to clear out this great sing in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Odd Pants, Odd -Vests, Overalls and Smocks. Come prepared for Bargains. To make our Mid -Summer Sale more in leresting this week we will put en sale 4 cases of MEWS, WOMENS', MISSES' and BOYS' hoes at Factory Prices. This means 240 pairs. Como early and get your pair. See our Ladies' wear Department if you wish to "save money. Dress Goods and St allies full cines. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. HARRY Al MATCRETT Garfield House, Brussels,