HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 7SPIES OF SOME NATIONS,
Tho Tricks and Disguises of Gov-
ernment Agents—British
There Is a comment and highly clan-
grkrous foe which Weilioad States
trate always to guard ugeillst—(lore
so during tines of pence than when
war may be raging—and that is the
lniliLuy spy. Ile is u danger wh]c'h
:believes every eat 111, being largely
0ulpineed by the respective Powers
of 11:e world Lu discover the military
secrets of ether nations says London
it Is necessary that the man who
iravols about seeking other coun-
tries' secrets should be an excellent
linguist, not so much In order that
he may speak the various laltgtlagOS,
AS to enable him to understand all
conversation which be bears. .As a
matter of fact, a foreign. Gey often
disarms suspicion by exhibiting an
utter ignorance of the language of
tho perticular country rte may be
One of our, Government agents
while in Germany 51,10111 two years
ago managed to escape from a
rather dangerous position by acting
in such a manner. TTe had been
seat there Le try and obtain some
information about a new war bal-
loon which the Gorman Government
was trying, and decided to travel
ns an ignorant English tourist. 13e
reached the neighborhood where the
,experiments were being carried out,
but WAS not allowed to obtain a
close lispection of the balloon.
After the experiments flail been
71111(10, 11000v01', 11e followed the in-
ventor of the balloon end some mil-
itary friends into a neighboring inn,
anti sat himself down at a table
near tl:en )n the hope of hearing
some of their conversation. 111 cn11-
ed for
in atemeiously-had German, in order
to convey the impression that ho
knew nothing of the language. But�.. ..-. ,
the military gentlemen still seemed imaginable idea by the very light of
11'1 his eyes or the wave of his hand.
the Eg4,0o
Discard the use or Japan Teas altogether
hey're a doctored make up at their best
Natural Ceylon Green is of double strength,
Delicious and "PURE,'
Sealed Packets only --same form as the cele.
lax aced Black Teas or' " Salarla" brand.
Notes About Some Leading Ac-
tors on the World's Stage.
Tlie Most clll•1On5 paper -weight in
the world baitnlgs to iho Primes of
Wales. 1L is the mummified hand of
one of the daughters of,Phaenoh.
in the little Yorkshire village of
Laughton -en -le -11 ort hen, not many
miles front Worksop, live Jelin and
Ellen Baxter, supposed to he the
oldest married couple in England,
,John is nlllety-:,ix years of age and
Ills :rife ninety-eight, They have
been 11151110(1 seventy -live years and
have lived In one cottage over sixty
years. When a young man Baxter
assisted to dress the stone from the
AnsLol Quarries used i1( the erection
of the Houses of Pal•liament,
Ono of the most remarkable ar-
tists in the world is Mr, Douglas
Tilden, a deaf-mute, who is at pre-
sent hard at work on a big memor-
ial to the late Presicicnt 11'1Cinlcy,
1l'o is a strange character, this
clever American; speaking' no word,
113 s 8 -ea ahlo of coucn.1n ever,
10 teen. Ne is supposed to co111'e1Se in welt -
aloud amongst themselves,
own language, about the :English ing, but lie is Iunrclly ever obliged
"clog," and referring to min in otherto finish 1t sentence. 131i4 friends
abusive teems,leave learned to follow the memos-
The agent, however, took no no- sloe of his face instead of the 11'ac-
tite whatever of the remarks. al- fag of Ills pence).
though ho well understood their Mr. Percival Spouer, 0110 is dual-
' meaning, and sat smoking his pipe ifying as a British rival to 11. San -
and drinking his beer In a manner tos-Dumont, has been connected with
quite unconcerned, This seemed to aeronautics iron 1115 youth, having
satisfy the inventor and his friends, made his first ascent in company
who forthwith began to tall( of the with his father (who combined idle
balloon expeiments, 111 half an hazardous callings of aeronaut, eye -
hour the agent had learned enough list, and gymnast) at the (babee age
-of tl'o details of the Invention— of eight, since when he has nan'igatell
which was a very important one— the upper air in all peels of the
to send a good report home, and world. In Egypt, India, China,
thus enttbl d us to learn what Ger- and ,Japan he has astonished the na-
many was doing in the way of aerial tives in this w'ay, while nearer
warfare. hone, of 0011100, his ascents have
1L is on account of the espionage been still more numerous. 1 -To has
which exists in such countries as crossed the Channel by William on
(treat Britain, Russia, Germany and four occaetou8.
France that the military authorities The Queen is a meet indefatigable
of these Powell take the greatest letter -writer. Thirty or forty lel-
procauttans to prevent strangers 1l'r9 from her pen are no tnt0sual
from wdinessing nue special man- dally ocetn'I'ence, 011(1 she often sends
001) (mei which lake Place. Perhaps off a 1111nlber of telegrams, too, while
our readers will remember the great Hiss Iinollys, who le her (a\'er'ito
fuss wi 1011 Russia made some IA 1110 attendant, hos Orton written over
ego herauso two British ornrsoe would 100 letters tt day, all of which are
pe.eisl in hanging about the district undo' a special personal supervision.
in which tbo autumn 111anocuveee The Queen, too, is very purt.iculer Floating 'Kidney, and two of them
~vete, to take pia e. The Russian about her writing -paper, and only that it. was Spinal Disease. All
authorities actually appealed to the likes to use ono particular sort, agreed on (100 thing—that 11ty 01150
111 10511 rOntbaSsy about the matte', which is rather rough, cf it creamywas incurable.
11i1.11 tl 0 1.051111 that the 0(111,001 100:'0I color, with the address Stam led in : "When 1111. mosey was ail 'one as
1 g
obliged to
The first application of X-rays to
imfistry is in tanning loather,
he use of :dorago b111101r)es to fur-
nish the entire 1111)1110 power for an
electric road has me; been seccessfnl,
On Thirty-fourth street, in New 1'al'!c
the c+ouducding 11.1113 1(r bar with trol-
ley or slldleg contact is taking their
1'hul. a great, mnjorlt,y of all deaths
occur between 1 told 8 0'010011 1,10.
was 5110011 by the record of 5,0(10
ruses presented to 11ut British Medi-
cal aseoc1ation by 11('. 1-faviland.
Forty per cent, more deaths occur in
Um fifth hour of the morning than
in the teeth hour.'.
The X-ray operators at Guy's hos-
pital, London, where Om most ex-
1..ell0lve use has been male of X-rays
in the treatment of disease, suggests
that the severe disturbances report-
ed by lir. Edison 0.s conking from
111e X-rays are really (''rum the ultra
violet rays, for 10 their largo experi-
ence 111 the application of X-rays in
skin diseases no such accidents have
000111•lell, -
Five Doctors Agreed There Was no
Hope for Him, Ent He Has
Been Strong and Well for Years.
Gelert, Ont., Sept. 7—(Special).—
The woe:1011ttl cures by 1))'611'8 Kid-
ney fills published 11110est daily, re-
call the rase of Samuel Kernoham, of
this place. It is years now since 1e
10(15 cured, but as he is still cured it
Is well worth recalling the facts, and
Mr. Emmelnut delights to relate
"Some time in December, 1S02,"
1e says, "1 11.118 taken sick and laid
up for fourteee months, lluring my
continentent to my house cad to my
bed, 1: was alstended at Various bees
by floe doctors. Tierce of then de-
cided that my disease was incurable,
red at ono corner. She writes often a platter of ilecessi. ty and as my last
In the most affectionate }denim viralhope I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, S
she has several friends whom she had only taken three boxes when I
These office's wore not spies, but. calls by their 0111.151 tan 11811105, 1l'AS able to milk
about. I took in
of (31)11181, their notionsnotionsaroused tI•ol M. Deibler, ''1 the French execetioncr, all, 0' ,011 boxes, whoa I was en-
suspl.ion that they were and Russia 13-10 1105 retired on a pension in fav- t'l', rmcrl and gaffe able 4.13 wok*.
is pilticulntly keen in guarding iter or of Ills son, now ut(liz05 his tint)' DOdd's Kidney Pills are the
10111' ars, knowledge. In spite of the in the manufacture of agricultural, friend 1 ever found."
pre:tatlliens taken by foreign Pow'c'8,
however, there are very few 1110.11001l- I p 1
Tree and military ex1'crimeot5 carried
out of which our agents do not ob-
tain 101118 1al0W10cige. 0110 of the constructing' a brand-new guillotine The 0ichpocket i; superstitious. Ho
agents employed by (110 British Gov -Ito be used ill Algeria.. A similar will rarely rob a person Who squints,
eminent at the present lime Is par-, order' will probably be given for tis tieing accounted a certain sign
iicularly onset in the way of Pick- three large provincial towns, as it of (1ieastee, and if it happens that
1(1g up information at foreign 0(11111- is found that the dread instrument the purse 110 steals contains foreign
ocvres. 1Te is a past-n,nster in the of law gets out of gear in its travels as w•e11 as British money, it is Be -
alt of disguise, and incidentally at to Wald fro, without counting the in- lewd to augur that he will travel a
lulling the suspicions of foreign 8111-keense of publicity caused 1(,y its good deal in the immediate future;
1151 who may think be is visiting appearance. M. Deibler's bill for but 1110th(1r in ti.e come any of a
tl 1111' country under false pretences. I the Algerian gullotine is a little over couple of police 01)10015 or not the(
Sone tia130 ago 11e carried out a `11,500. is nothing to show,. Weddings Dna
very daring plan in order to witness lir. A. W. Macosochle, 1 .P., is the fune'als are significant events for
experiments which were to bo trie.l well-known chief of one Or the la1'g- the pt'ofessiOnai thief. To pick a
in Flarlce 101'11 a new gun -carriage lest preserved provision 11013808 in Pocket at a funeral 900111d bo to
tiering the manoeuvres, ITe 050(111- the svrld. :lis firm, !1130011001110 10001 ifnmediate di'ctstor; but many
ed (110 uniform of an officer of an tiros., of London,- Lowestoft, and of 111011 think if a purse stolen at 0,
artillery regiment at that time sloe 101' 0e'burgil) can 5,000,0(10 herrings wedding contains gold it portends
timed: in one of the distant French lovely year, and the 112acolochie 0111- the best of luck. for the thief during
Colonies. In this character, of'er'geney ration for troops 11( the the ensuing six months. Some pick-
pockets have a favorite pail' of boots
that they wear as long as they can
Steep them on their feet, and if they
are not arra ted while they aro wear-
ing them tLey cut the hoots up into
little square pieces and give them
away its "lucky tokens" to 'their
hay -cutting, and other nmchines of
the chopper ].incl, 17is v111(lency els
led the Minister of Justice to en-
trust hint .with the de111ute task of
course, be was entertained by the
French officers, and every facility
given ]nim for witnessing the experi-
ments. He would have fared rather
badly hail he been denounced by any-
one, but fortunately his daring par-
ried rote through.
he secured an engagement es coach-
man to a GOl'111011 official whose duty
L was to inspect military reacts and
defences, 7 i '1138 character 11e rte.
(101nptu,i0d his Blaster on long tours
of inspection, and '0118 thus able to
gather information o.f importance.
Perhaps the most remarkable plan
he ever adopted,' however, in order
to play into the secrets of a foreign
Tower was that which secured for
hint 5;dc11selon to the arsenal of
'Toulon, Failing to secure, admis-
sion in any oth01' way ho hired a
boat and deliberately upset, it 1vithin.
A fete yards of the dockyard wall
and within sight of ono of the sen-
tries. Ile swam to the dock wall
-with much apparent diinculty, and
was 1.0503)0(1 in a seemingly uncon-
scious state by the sympathetic sen-
try, 1.110 took hint evlt11113 tit arsen-
to administer reetoatiles. By -
1'01110.{11111.8. ''ill" for a considerable
time "and unable to move," the
Agent wets able to stay long enough
to the areenal to see all he required,
.011'(1 hie report proved to bo extreme-
ly valuable.
A. "Let me wee I Stan5Whe'> 1
send of it 1)0011 entitled "A Yining
(1Jrl's 'Meet, Pa you know anything
gf it, 1" Be Yeie it tame out J1181
.1((,135 °A Young Ma1I't Peree) 3
field is considered one of the best
that have ever been produced, Mr.
Macollclllt', though of Seottlali blood,
WETS born and educated in England.
At the age of seventeen Mr. Macon-
ochie started with his brother, wino
was twenty -ole, and for the first
year they dealt in fresh fish, 0nc1 did
their own curing and canning. 1 -To
is still of the right side of fifty, and
11x5 only been in business thirty
years. -
Iloory mother most earnestly de-
sires to see her little 0(les hearty,
rosy aud full of life; The hot wea-
ther, however, is a time of clanger
to all little Ones, and at the very
first symptom of uneasiness or ill-
ness, Baby's Own Tablets 8hotil1 be
given. It is easier t0 prevent llness
than to cure it, and an occasional
close of .Baby's 01x11 1ahlet8 will
keep little 0110 118011hy Lind happy.
If sickness sloes come, there is no
other medicine will so quickly cure
the minor ills of babyhood and child-
hood—and you have it guarantee
that it containsta11s to oplete or n
onous stlrtfMrs, John Nail Pet-
ersburg, Ont,, flays :—"I have uveal
Baby's Own 1 131)1018 and find them a
8bperior remedy for troubles of the
Stomach and bowels. From my
own experience, I can highly r00om-
11101111 the Tablets to other mothersJ°
Mothers should always keep thc5e
tablets in the 110080, ready for any
emergency, Sold by medlcin0 deal -
ill et 2.6 cents deal-
ers vol'. Sect 1)45 tea 4 a
hoar, by Writing the Dr, Williams
Medicine 0e,, 13rO810.1lle, Ont.
Recently the editor of "Ghetto -
Koren," a journal publiehed at Tok-
yo, determined to And out why the
Japanese, as a rule, are of lower sta-
ture than the natives of other coun-
tries; and, after spending consider-
able time at the tesla, he arrived at
the conclusion that the reason is be-
cause from time immemorial they
haVo been accustomed t0 squat on
hats in Turkish 108111011 instead of
sitting' clown on chairs, as Ameri-
cans and Eut'opecns do. The Jap-
anese method of sittil1g, 11e says, Me
torfm'es with the free circulation of
the blood, and, naturally, prevents
the limbs from becoming thoroughly
developed. As a proof that 11e is
right, 11e draws attention to the fact
that the boysin Japanat the
ent clay are taller by flvo or six cen-
timetres than their ancestors Were
at a similar ago, and 11e maintains
that the reason is because the form-
er, When they attend school, aro
obliged to sit on henclnas, Whereas
the ]atter Squatted While they learn-
ed thole lessons, The the Jipanose
ought to bo railer 1.11ot they are Is
the editors opinion, and he has np-
pealed to the Goveehmoflt to prollib-
it, sgttattitlg,
Dr, llennier, chief surgeon at tat.
Joseph's Hospital, Paris, told the
Loudon Arad aiy of Aludlcine a re-
nnt•kable case which had comm un-
der Ills notice recently, The patient
was a stunted, half -willed ynulil of
10(111}-Uvo yeac:v, Ire complained of
envies, paras in elle ahn10m1)101 region,
A little Sunlight Soap will clean 11(111 ctrl Opel+ikn eah'd t1• poos-
+(1'e 111 111- 111101111011
levof I,1( 1r Sri 1.110.11
cut glass and other articles until night silver Ieaspnous, It 1+ate tlurn-
they shine and sparkle,. Sunlight li,rcl
ten 1111nfIi1 forki, tt u'.etul 110.:(11 -plate,
111'1!; Pn.,, ti horn c•onh, snv-
Soap will wash other things than "reit keys awl nails, and a veriety of
clothes. 1S3
t -f
Men Now have Machines to Help
Them Out,
The officials of busy corl)ot'ailens
end such Insi1talion8 have ct great
many engagements In the (curse of
the city—some with their assot'Ititee
ether su11111 cruet's, weighing n.lto-.
genu(' 2100 1runnn1s. Altiuugit it.
0115 nit"rWards n"cr:rt(1i1)0)1 that this
Dikee)1amcr00w nrsur1ny'nt. of iron-
111011g8'y 1(11(51 1(331')' h+,rn snvnllo08(1
fully nix mouths nee, the sinutaeb
had Leen prnrtieally 1(u! 11111 (1, The
artlelns wcn'0 n11 rol,mvr'd and the
lintIval, is now able to take foot:, Itis
g"neral 130ndition being excellent,
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With /MCAT. APP LIt'AT1 UNti, ns they
cannot ('41301 the seat of 1114 OAces0.
connected w1111 the sante Clt1C'1'rn and Catarrh Is tL blood or con"titnt:m d.1
nthel'5 (1111tade—and the only avail- dl'onte8, and 1n melee 111 111(33 1t you
ahln way of keeping these duleF at must Lake int.mv51 rcnlrvii''1 11n11's
P g CnLnrrh L'uro la taken iutrrnnity, 111111
present is that of making 11101(1o'aa- 513(33 direcl15 nn the blood ,Ind emcees
ria on a1 li-t which must be consult_ ,111"ees Itoll's CHI arvii l Inc r: an(
od 10,111 1)1(10 10 ti 100. That is all4l1'1rk and" nue. 1 L at'ns I lt _r1.hihed 1)0
ane 1(P 11(', bast [ 1 y .1<.+a5v 1( tia eoun-
right as far its it goes, but it fre- try for }encs and iv n memo, presrrrp-
(1ue15l1y 1mpp0ns that 'vary busy per- 11 1s r un11 1' 1(r uto (,est netts
known, c 113115 i with Lin hn..L 111)')'11
sons forget to eottsttlt. Ll.o engage- purllic•1:v, ncl.ing dn�uctly on 11.0 trnrnus
11111(11. list and 1111p01'1an1 matters 1U'0 .o,0c1,1. 1'Ito prefect combintatio1, of Lilo
two ina't•nainuts t1. what t',maurns such.
wontian01 manila !n curing Catarrh.
Sold for testimonials lime.
F. J. (311.Lti110 0 CO., Props.,
Poled)', 0.
Suitt by • druggists, price. '-O5.
L's amily Pills are the best.
"How do you pronounce, this word,
nay cleat• 1'' he asked pleasantly:
"1-5(11ate or is-solatn." ' "father way
is correct fel' you," responded bis
Wife tartly.
neeeesarily allowed to suffer uui1-
ten: ioultl delay,
A (look which tl.o inventor says
1v111 remedy all this has recently
been introduced into this country
from England. It is of the hori-
zontal Hype, designed to occupy a
lace on lh0 desk. It is 'hardly
worth while to go into the iutrira-
ries of it co -advection. Around the
face of the timepiece there are a
number of regularly spared slol's re-
presenting different periods of the
hone and day, At a convenient place
(1111111 is also provision for the accom-
modation of a number of 5011111
That Comfort Soap i5 "till right"
with the public, and 1s used "all
cards. A person making use of one
over'" the llonliulon, is evidenced by
of these clocks cleeiring to he rcmiud- the g'r(at throng of people to 1(n
found at all times gathered around
the exhibit. An usual, the exhibit is
one of the meet unique and attrac-
tive of the 1''air. The mammoth
cake of Comfort Soap, (the guessing
of the weight of which entitles the
111Cky One to an elegant :Palmer hp -
right Piano) is scanned from. every
possible standpoint. Tho mental 01 -
fort to "size 4t 'up" in pellet's and
ounces, calls a serious expression to
many a laughing face, for the mo-
ment. It costs nothing to guess;.
and everybody has the privilege of
trying for this valuable Piano, which
is also on exhibition at the stand.
Ninotveu other beautiful null valu-
able prizes, as consolation prizes, are
to be awarded to the nineteen guess-
ers next nearest to the correct one -
The Mayor of 'Toronto has icindly
consented to weigh the huge calve of
Soap at 111e Comfort Soap exhibit
od of an engagement will take one
of these cards, and, malting a suit-
able note upon it, place 11, in the
proper slot. At the designated hour
teere will be a loud tap on a bell,
and at the sante instant there vi11
bo projected from Um clock tine card,
which combination, comprising nn
audible and visual signal, cannot be
0vel looked.
Silence is an excellent remedy for
The loan who gambles picks his
own pocket.
1ViFe 18 the Wren who doesn't write
a truthful story of his life.
A man's knowledge is to little or
no purpose unless ise utilizes it.
While a blacksmith m0y have litany
virtues, he roust Have at least one
vice. on the last day of the Fair and the
It's an easy, matter to master a result Hort annus of the luck ucss-
g)ief that is doing a stunt at your y 6
en's will be publisher:,
The exhibit is also made artistic
and attractive by the display of
many of the handsome pictures and
other articles of virtue which are
given array as souvenirs for Comfort
Soap wrappers. Those presents aro
so 11111(11 appreciated and sought af-
ter, that. 11e Manufacturers have to
carry a stock equal to that of many
a largo departmental store, and the
show rooms at 52 Wellington St.,
W. Toronto, and at 1670 Notre
Dame St., Montreal are veritable Art
Emporiums well worth a visit of
Comfort Soap in use, and in poliu-
]ar favor, has no competitor; it
stands alone as the groat family and
household Soap of the Dominion,
and Its use is rapidly extending to
every household in every town and
hamlet in the country.
It is gratifying to the manufactur-
ers to know, that their effort's to
undertook "for fun," She only lost make a labor-saving and pure Soap,
ten Hounds, and did her accustomed a soap which is the best economy
for every household use, are being so
universally appreciated, as it is to
the (millions of patrons who use it,
who benefit by it, and who always
get the beautiful premiums in ex-
change for the wrappers, which they
send in to the were -rooms at 52
Wellington St. 1V„ Toronto,
Tho rapidity with which the de-
mand for Comfort Soap is incens-
ing is simply p110000llnni, and the
Company is constantly adding to
their factories and facilities, in try-
ing to keep pace with it.
As is sometimes tritely said of it,
"'Its ilia Comfort of Canada," and
its almost universal use BOOMS - to
bear out the happy conceit.
In. afteroat's a
¢ whee woman
wants to take tate 0011.0011 out of
her husband she repeats some of the
things ho said during their court-
nelgnoor 5.
As a stuttering man always tninlcs
twieo before he speaks, he ought to
avoid mi:'talces.
Even the Man who live8 a 11501055
life may serve 111 purpose by posing
as an example 10 others.
The only difference between white
lies and black ones is that other
people always tell the black ones.
A man who imagines that he can
ran the demotic end of the combine
better than his wire [foes is a fool
In after years when a woman wants
to take the conceit out of her hus-
band she repeats seine things be said
daring their courtship.
Miss Reba Benjamin, a sixteen -
year -old pupil of a high school at
Colorado, Springs, recently concluded
a twenty-fi'v'e days' fast, which she
household work during the fast. She
is now living on fruit juices, fruits,
aacl 1111ts, abstains from a set meal,
and has abolished breakfast entirely,
For Over Sixty Years
{Ina. 01148(50') 500811185 505113' hue been used by
dlllonnoe mothers lm their ohlldren while Loathing.
113001loe the 81011, 1011451 nmv mum, el.n.ylpnln ewe)..3511 colla regulates tholeom'toh and hewn, and In Matest remedy for DIar111wa, Twenty -lire ciente a bottle
tek tor' Dam Wlvsiow 85001uitau tl ,11111. sure 25.73
Spiders cannot actually fly, btrt the
young of many species aro excellent
aeronauts. When, on some 5111110101's
day, these little adventurer's prepare
to start, they stand on a high point
of vantage, facing the wind, Then
the tip of the tail is raised, and lit-
tle spinnerets emit threads 0111011 aro
caught and carried .by the breeze.
These vary in length with iho weight
of the spiders, and aro buoyant
enough to bear their owners aloft
Roma considerable distance. Tho gut-
tering filaments which are thus spun,
and ultimately settle on the ground
and bushes, are familiar to its all as
"gossamer," and ,aro produced by
many species of tlheeo most interesting
insects. Some spiders, again, are ex -
poet leapors. A beautiful example of
this sort has been fou:ud at Sydney,
New South Wales, it ]las a curious
flap on 0111101' side of its body, which
can be extended liken 11110 or para-
chute, Aided by this, it can readily
cover short (1lsteta0e0; t11011g11 301
cannot speak of this method as real
Mluard's Llolmeet Cures Colds, etc,
The town of Armidale, Now South
Wales, has a Woman's fire brigade
that has earned distinction in num-
erous encounters with the flames, A.
dozen of more young woolen form the
brigade, electing one of their number
ns eaptale. Tlney drill with the town
brigade appliances. anti are capable
of rendering assistance to t18 1110.10
firemen. who: necessary, They aro
expert in rescue work with the life
lino and with the jumping -sheet.
, 3331. m, 113C"53 N7(. SO' .4.4,S 8,1%14,
With Cho old moa. etri,1
1I,omi:lb. and Sciatica
'Thera 9 tii0 goat, caned tea 'doth 1?°rIco, :d,o, and 8°0
eer. rlevliatetriean s:
No social. affair
is complete whirs-
out the delicious-
The fragrance and rich creamy
tastethis tea are peculiar to
it alone.
Forty Cents
Should he Fifty' A.s&tt for
Green the Red I.abl'el
t -f
Y —
Or a etrong tonna for run down •
Men anti Women.
Oen Roof and Roof Promendao,
Long Mimes Phone) 61 Each Room
For Booklet Apply #IALCGLMSOII 5105„ 8t. Catharines, or 0, T. R'y Agcnte.
i. .11.•.!.1.111'1..' .0'1.0)33,111, C ,1183. i.+: s , • � elya1r1'A1:-,.Sr-,'
Voice from the Doorway—"Mary,
what are you doing out there?"
Mary—"I'in looking at the :moon."
Voice front the Doorway—"loll, tell
the moon to go home and you come
into the house. It's half -past elev-
Weald's Liniment Cutes hlphfheria,
SIie (romantic)—"When you first
Saw Lite wonderful Niagara Falls
didn't you feel as though you would
like to lump in.?" He—"No; I
hadn't gotten nay hotel bill then."
There is nothing more assuring to
the traveler titan his knowledge of
tho fact that he is traveling on a
firm roadbed, upon which is laid the
heaviest of steel rails, made true in
all their carves, and that the train
which carries him is of the highest
standard of excellence known to rail-
roads and is being guided to its des-
tination by experienced minds. 'These
aro the conditions which become -ap-
parent to the frequent traveler on
The Wabash Lino, and which have
made that lino justly famous. The
Wabash has its Own rails direct to
the World's Fair Grounds in Saint
Louis. All Wabash through trains
stop at World's Fair Station (For-
syth) in order to give passengers an
opportunity to v100 from the trains
the World's Fair Buildings. J.
Richardson, Dist, Pass, Agent, To-
ronto and St. Thomas.
TUE 1101)RID MAN,.
Sho—"No, thank you; I don't care
to know him. IIe is a :most detest-
able person."
Ito—"There must be some mistake.
Everybody speaks well of him,"
8hc "I don't care. Ole was one of
the judges at the clog show, and be
wouldn't give poor little Fidel a
p1.100." ^^
nomovee all hard, soft or Calloused lelnre
nod blemishes from 11,805, L:ood spavin,
Curbs, opllute, rine tons, sweeney, °Ones,
Mains, sore and ewollen three), con 5ha, e'0.
Sate 0110 by use of ene hots e. W(resn'ed
the moab wonderful blemish Ouro ever
Flo : "Jack is afraid 1e can't sup-
port 1110 in the style I'm accustomed
to." Dad : "Well, starry him, any-
how. I can't keep it up much long-
er myself."
I was Otired 01 Rhetin0tir, Clout
I was Cured of Acute Tirouchilis
.Lt. -0o1. C. Cid'LWI; Rh}AD.
I was Cured of acute Rheumatism
1115,1•111am, 0111,
It seems hardly possible that there
can bo a nation in these civilized
110105 who never kiss. Yet it is a
fact that in. Japan a 11051101111 when
he bids good-bye to his wife heves
kisses ho•, but presses her hand and
bends his forehead to the mats in a
sad farewell. No Jap ever courts
his loved ono with the kisses usually
so dear to the Canadian lover, nor
dons Um mother ever kiss het' sw0et
babe 0.5 sim fondly presses it to her
ho8on. In ibis 0ouniry our saluta-
tion is " 001nposed of a bow, liend-
shake, and 1(158, But the Japanese
expression of rc+gard is strictly regtt-
Intod by the n1lnbee.old lengths of
the saleable.
Iler father : "What 1 you want to
Marry my daughter 1 Why, sir, you
can't support her; I can hardly do
it myself 1" Suitor (blankly :
"C -can't we join together 9"
Lever's Y -Z (Wisp head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the
bath, softens the water and disin-
"I notice that you at.'d Charles no
longer play ping-pong." "No," re-
plied the demure damsel. "We don't
care very much for the game that
keeps us at opposite ends of a
ions L€ulmeut 61108 CaraeI m Cows. •
A queer -looking customer inserted
his head into an auctions -room and
gravely inquired, "Can I bid, sir 7"
"Certainly," replied the auctioneer.
"Well, then," replied the wag, walk-
ing off, "1 bicl you good -night."
Minard's Llelmeet Cures dlsterep'er.
"1011811 do you think of this lady 9"
asked one of the germs that teed
been swept up by the woman's skirt.
"I am greatly attaohed to het`,"
answered the other. "In fact, I am
one of the most ardent followers in
her train."
We ore getting thorn, lots of them. when no
other tom w)11 bold i1, m they come Ib ea.
what 'ye 0t «s hold." ' Tho bots is rho cheapest"
That'. our pat-nt pneumatio pad Trues it hoh'e
Eno edges of the wound twat lir en tees with stir
piny it sonar :seat. You )eel , rt welt : yon ern't hat
worst bile you wear � it. Po curable and from
Baeo n 88 433 mil 01Ava,Toronto,
(30., Morale
The Gest at tho Lowoot Price
Wrlto for Terme
REID BIOS., iVI'f'g Oo.'}y
785 Keg 8t. W,
itRA SMITH le 01178011
,pATENT6C a o
Write fo)'
ein11lot1I,d )'t
TENTS 'I'"1- ligiA LL,
CHiBi i'ITf,±I,.S.
Send for Handbook
103 Bay Et„TORONTO on Patents, 50,
and all kinds of house limn/lege, nano
Nrdto to as shout route.
081T183 AMERICAN RY0I6111 00., Box 188, Montraill
Dominion Line Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool
Doston 40Liverpool
Large and Nast 5Loamehlp1, Superior nc5mmmodation
bran clamor) oroae00000rs, Saloons 011,1 Stotorobone
ro 8810111(ps, epee's) 101011100 has 11010 giro, to the
kermma 9:1100l, and Third•01ose soeommotln1iclo, Nbr
%Enke)pasenge and ell laral0ular1, teeiy to any acee1
if the Company, or to 5003001(1 agent, 9.0
1,05(18108 131EF, 013010119
7 8tatc 81., Roston, 17 St, Sacrament St., Xfoo5atbl
Butt r,
.: s
And Farm Pro. 1
dues generally.
consign it to tis
Lail we will get '
you good prices.
THE a t. S Go
DawsonCommission ,
1(11( M,C:t1:t :) RtatitLS LIMITal
ISSUE NC% 37.0-0a