The Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 6THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres, A••••••••••, Toronto, Sept. 1 5, -Wheat -The snorkel. is with priers Weedy. 6 white end red winter, new, quoted at 75 to 711e. milling rates. Spring wheat. 7ec for No. 2 east. Maeitoba wheat; is easier, No. 1 hard Is quoted et 08c. No. 1 North- ern at e7e, and No. 2 Northern, 04e 11 oderieh. The quotations grinding in transit are:- No. 1 hard. $1.04; No. 1 Northern, $1.03, and No. 2 Northern, $1. Oats. -The market is unchanged, with moderate demand, No, 2 while 30e low freights to New Noel:, and at -301e. east; No, 1 unehanged at 81e east. Barley, -The denintel is good , with offerings Birdied.No. 3 extra toot- edeat 43 to 44e middle freights, and. No. 3 et 42e middle freights. Ilye.-The market is quiet, with Plieee 494 to 50e middle freights. Peas.-Trede dull, with No. 2 white quoted at 61e high freights, and at 63e east. Corn. -The market is toilet and steady: No. 3 American yellow quote ed 01 50te, on track, Toronto, and No, 2 mixed at 58 le Toronto. Can, sultan corn nominal. Flour. -Ninety per cent. patents quoted at 33 to $3.05 middle freights in buyere' seeks for export. Straight rollers of special brands, for domes- tic trade, quoted at $a.25 to 33.50 in bids. Manitoba flour firm. No. 1 patents. 34,45 to 34.56; No. 2 patentee 34.25 to 34.25, and strong bakers', 34 to $4.15 on track, To- ronto. Millfeed.-Bran steady at 31 6, end; shorts at 313 helm Al. . • points bran is quoted at 312.50 10 813, and shorts at $13.50. Mani -I toba bran in sacks, $17, awl at $19 here. 2711111 DAIRY MARRETS, Butter. -The maricet continues fair- ly active, with .supplies ample; good demand for best qunlities. We quote: Choice 1-16. rolls, 1(1 to 1 6 1c; select- ed dairy tubs, uniform color, 14 to 1411; secondary grades, store pack- ed, I2f.„- to 13c; 01`001000y prints, 19 to 20e; solids, 17e, to 18 1e. ,Egga.-The market is steady, We quote:- Strictly fresh gathered tock, 1(3 to 17c: ordinary cendled, 15e; seconds and clocks, 101 to 1 lc. Cheeste-The market is quiet, with prices firm. Best qualities job at 11 to 11/1 Cl'plb. COUNTRY PRODUCE. 'Apples. -The offerings of apples are fair, and prices steady. Choice Stock quoted at 31 to 31.25 per 661. Beans..-Tratle continuee dull, with prices nominal. Prime whites are ettoted at 31.75 per bush. Iloriey.-The market is quiet, at 6 to 6.1.c per M. for bulk, aud $1 to $1.50 for comb. Hay. -Demand fair, with offerings moderate. No. 1 near Will bring 81) on track, Toronto. Straw. -The market is quiet at $5.25 to 35.50 per ton for ear lots en track. Ilops.-Tracie dull, with prices nom- inal at 1710 20e. Potatoes. -The offerings are fair, and prices are steady, Car lots are quoted at 35e per Muth, cad ,at, 50c per bag. Poultry. -The market is steady. Chickens, 60 to 71)e per eaite bucks 70 to 00e per pair. Turkeys, 12 to Ole per lb. ROG PRODUCTS. •Dressed hogs are steady. Cured meats unchanged, with a lewd de- mand. We quote:-13raern, long Hear, D l to 16e, in ton end 1(11$0 101.S. POlit•-11:10S.0, 318.50 to 310.5(1; the Mort cat, $21.50. Smoked ef eat s.--lIent re light t medium, 14 to 143e; doe heavy, 18 to 3 31e; rolle, 11 to 1 1 10; should- - yrs, 10,1e; hacks. 15 to 15 le; break - last bacon, 14 10 14?.,'. Cifoice primes, 31.60. Provisions, - Heavy Canadian Short eut pork,. 31.9 to 321; light short cut, $19; 00110' 1(0111111 reaped, lard, Be; pure Cana - 111(011 Lira, sa to ge; 1(1.)')] 10 10 10r: haute. 1 31 ta 1410; baeon, 14 to tee; live hogs, 36 to 36.25; fresh ellied ebut tole hope 38.50; .Anwrienn clear bunks, $13.75; elem. shoulder 1.0111, 81 8. ;Ili. Egge-tlen- died selected, 180; straight receipts, 15;e0; No, 2, lele. Clutese-Oetarite e to 11 1 e: 'Pow eships, 1 1 1e; Quo - her, Ile. t er-Tow eships cream- ery, 19V. to letke Queltee, 11! to Otte Western dairy, 151e Ifoltey,--White clover in sections, 12 to 121' per sec- tion: in 1 0-1b. thio, 8e. e1eleletele MA I t KET. Torento, Sept, 1 5.-Businees in eattle of till deseriptIons nt the Western 'Market showed 11 decided im- provement to -day, and prices 0000 firm all thz•ough the list. The fro - Imre was the inereased offerings of i•xporters', more ht•ing sold to -day than for 00100 HMO past. A continued shortnera In the sup- ply of good awl elmice letteherte cat- tle wits reported, and the priCON of these (10801'1111 10115 000•• 001•0111.0, 01 16- (011 0 (11101Sb 10 al! 0 e nee. Medium grades were steady in tone. and met with some enquiry. active de- mand for feeders and stockers pre- xiouslv reported 001(1 111)1(01. and quite It number of transactions were re- eorded in this class. 'The liowevei., were no higher than before. The 'better elass f milah cows were wanted and solct quickly, but the cheaper kinds were quiet in tone, and; did. not Merge as comparatively good prices ns the others. The arrivals of sheep and lambs were fairly larev, and as the maptiry in these Continued brisk, selling was carried on with satisfaction to both buyers and Nellie's. 1110 pt•ices of lambs hien firin. The arrivals were 67 cars. eontain- ng 0(16 Cattle, 1,387 eheep and lambs, 1.208 hogs, and 111 Haves. The demand for expo t ors was brisk, 010 the range of retotations 001.0 $4.40 to 84.75 per cwt. The feeling in 12111 0(10(0' was strong. The quotati:»is follow :- licked lots, 34.2.0 to 34.4o, with eel am 1(11 re la paicl 10 , fsov 1(0)1101- 0111011 eases; loads of good, 3.3.60 to 54,13: ci(Iflmon (0 • 3)1.111 33.51.e rough, $2.50 to $3,10: can- ners. 32 11p. Trade in feeders was goocl. We qu•ote :-Feeclers. 1,600 to 1.100 1110.. 84 to 84.25; those of 850 to 1,600 ibo., 3:3.130 to 8'4 85. stockers 600 to 800 lbs., $3 to 33.85; stock calves. 400 to 600 lbs. 32.50 to 82.75 per cwt. The values of sheep were steadily maintained end lambs continued strong in prier., and elthough the rim was large, bissiness was over early in the day. Me quote (- Ex- port ewes, $.3.40 to 33.50; eeport bucks, 32.50 to $2.75; lambs, 3e to 41e, and 32.50 to 33.75 earl'. The market for calves was steady at 4; to tiie per 16. Milch cows and springers 0014 all the rimy between $30 to $62 each. 'Hogs were weak and unchenged at 35.25 for selects. 130 to 200 lbs..; and 30 for fats and lights, WAR CLOUD LIFTS. Japan Believes Russia Will Eva- cuate Manchuria. A London deepateh says: The ;Jap- anese Legetioe here sees in the Rus- sian concessions regarding Maachurie the lifting of the wee cloucl in the Far l•last. No confirmation has been received of the 11.011(iO11 Times' Pekin despatch, saying that the Russian Minister there, in his note to the Chines, Ftwelga Office, engagin.g that New Chwang ail Moukden shall be evacuated by the Ressians On Oc- tober 6, undertook that China shall he permitted to 1•05111/10 udininistra- righte; in the three provincee 01 Ilanchutia, 1111111.0 certain conditions, but the report. is regarded as well ou titled. The .1 apaneee Legation says: -- "Three evente. II the reports ere correct, have occurred which ere cal- culatecl to Simplify the situation, niteleist-The Russian terms. which M. Lessee has appueently presented. Latel.-111e market is unchanged. mark the abantionient of the propos- Pierces, Dec; tubs, elm liaile, 10e; els ;which the powers found objec- 1081p0011(1, 8 to tre. 'tionable; Russia has annotmeed her wit hdrawal from Manchuria next UNITED STA11,304 MARKETS. Ihtlutb, Sept. 15. -Close: -Wheat - No. 1 hard, 1.0 arrive, 83.1e; N. 1 Northern, 82ete No. 2 Northern, 20ec; new, No. 1 Northern, on track, 831e; lin. 2 :Northern, 81 le; Septem- ber, 82-ee; Deeember, 802e, May, 83 lc. 1411wattkee, Sept. I 15. -Wheat. -e leirm; Oise, No. 1 Northern, 00 to Bic; No. 2 Northern, 86 to fi1.e1r; new, December, 821e, Ilyte-Firin; No. 1, fitli to 57c, Barley -Filen; No. 2, 65 to 76e; sample, 48 to 63e. (Jorn-Trecember, 52 lc. Minn.eapolls, Sept. '1 5.-Wheat--De- month, and we believe she is sincere, and negotiations are progressing he- tWerm Japan and 31050111 fur a defini- tion of their respective rights In Manchuria and Corea. These are eeeret, and It is impossible te fortell the (1(1! ('01110, but eve are hopeful that the results will be satisfectory to both (I)1ternments." AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY. Labor Bill Will Bo Introduced in British Commons. A Leicester. Eng., despatch says: etenber, Steete May, e13e0; on track, The trades union congress, at Re No. .1 hard, 35-1e; No, 1. Northern, seesion here on Thursday, adopted 841e: No. 2 Northern, 83c; No. 3 by a large majority a resolution de - Northern, 76 to 32e. daring foe tin eight-hour day in the Buffale. Sept. 15,-1"loune Firm. United Kingdom, and urging the siib- W'ha1,-C)ff1'ing light; No. 2 red ject to be made a test question at 10 inter, 88 c; through billed. Corn the next PrIellainentney London Cotenty Counell and all municipal elections, The Parliamentary Come 1111 1t18' is instructed to introduce it bill into the Douse of C0111111011S making the eight-Innie tiny a late of tho country, -Easy; No, el yellow, 58ec; No, 2 corn, 551. to 571e, Oafs -Firm; No. 2 white, 40c; No, 2 mixed, linece Canal freights -Steady; /air demand, DITSINIeette AT •MONTRAAL, -Montreal, SePl. 1 5..e-0 000i -le ens, 63c Web freights, 7110 afloat here; rye 536 east, 581c afloat here; buelewbeal 48 to 4.0e; oats, old No. 2, 8711 in store here; new, 35e afloat here, Sep- tember delivery; neer:wed, $1.1 5 on track here; feed lierleV, 50c; No. barley 521e; corn 60e, for No 3 yellow •A7Ileelenn. Ploue-Manitobe. $4.20 to $4,30; etrong betkerte, 34,20 to $4,80; etcong bakerre, $3,75 to 34.25; Ontario reertightt rollers, $3.75 to $8.85; in bags, 31.841 to $1.00" patente $4 to 34,1.11), • eXtrae, $1 .60, Ertel -Man t oba bran, I CO; otterte, Atte liege Ona' laria bran in hulk, 31(1 if, 315,50);, 11403t8• in balk, $1.0 10 $,20,, Beane - 4 RUSSIAN HARVESTS FAIR. -4- • --, 1,- -•• TE APITL OTHZ&B, 'riltNC 010 in lways one ogayety anL 0111 Ina I ion, The en t ert ainmen is generally of cosmopolitan variety. A 0110 garii011 1 went to I heard a ST. PETERSBURG AS A PLEA.S- thulium sing a 001010 50113',a Span - TIRE RESORT. ish dancer gyrated Tortminda, lilte reiwecliell (mimic meg a duet in the It Is a City of Enjoyment-Muela native 100100, (1 00011 and au Am - Like Paris at Night erican lady obliged with 11 cakewalk, Fougero (01113"11 ello, My Baby," in Time. manner reminiscent of Merguerite Cornille, end a Iturislan chant ewe0 warbled soft gutturals. Although the gardens are Monist - Med, there is no eight at this 50)0' 5011 of the year in St. Peternburg. You can road a newspaper in clay- jures up to your novel -fed mind pie- gel( t11 e el the 1(I01'11((13'. Only be- thres of ehein-rattling convicts on tween 1 1,30 and 12 the ligh1 faders the icy Sineriau road, of bearded, foe a brief period and half-darkness booted aed sworded policemen lurk- descends; then ewlftly it becomes ing laurel corners to arrest you tlR daylight again, a spy. 'Therefore, yon will be dinap- It is an experience to cross the pointed, and regard the English Neve after leaving. a garden. Silent novelist who "depeets" Russian life 51011010 'the city in the white night, with a void and 1107:avertible eye; for with the gold shinieg chilly on the St. Petersburg le a city of enjoy- minarets, epires anti 011110100 of the nient, 0 duplicate of Paris at eight arious praying houses. Tall and time, and during the day a curious straight uprises the needle-like spire blend of the Orient, with clash of or Sre, Peter and Paul ngainst the eerie whitenees, London and Berlin throve in. You need not ;Tamper through 1101- Five days In St. Petersburg pees lend and Germany to get there. Von all too rapidly, but there is the eve can be evononnettl. thanice to 'Messrs. day's return Journey cni the sea to Bailey and Leethain, who tan pas- look foreard days of perfect :relieve 01 1'011101'5 every 001011 from rest after the ceaseless 5(3111.801 Ing on 'Anneal' dock direet to the Novi shore. Poet, St. Petersburg, eking 1110 To St , Petersburg, (((1')!. i you Kiel Penal route on 1111' vvay-a can- want an unennventioaal 11011110;er, 3(1 al of ell miles, fun of interesting the matter of the passport, the ship - sights, says The London Expires. ping company, with paternal fore - Yen 000 live days on the sea, and sight, will look alter you. The on the fifth day nee steaming out holiday, considering the distance you cif th; primped Babie Into the ether aro going and the novelty of the Neva, under the scowling torts or trip, Is not expensive. 'You can do Cronstudt, But do not be alarmed.. it comfortably, without being t fiber There? are not genuine forte, fierce as too economical or too extravegant, they appear. They are frauds, inno- for $125. rent mockeries: and the reel protec- - tors of the city Ile further bark, out of sight. GRAIN RATES REDIJCED. ICUSSIANS 1$1YADIe TIM SIIIP. There is no 000)151011 191' alarm One Cent a Bushel Cut by Ameri- when at C ronstadt the seep is illttili- can Railways. ea by bushy-browed IttissianS, in A NOW YOOk despatch says: Al a green-beniclecl uniforms end long meetin3 of the traffic mangers of boots; they are only customs officers, the trunlc lines on 11','1111e8t10,v a re - and tbelr chief occupation seems to duCtion 111 01101 C011 1 it 1111SINA iril grain be sitting on the hatchways. After from Buffalo to New Yoele was au- Cronstach collies St. Petersburg, and thorieeel, to take effect Septeuiber be this time eu,. Nem heee eeeoine 1 611). This will hring the rate (10011 LIURO used to the olliviale. to 4 cents for wheat, 33 cents for Some more will cone• aboard, with corn, 3 cents for oats, and 83 conts jangling swords and spins, to look for barley. The reduction is the re- actor the passport. Treat it all OS salt of protests by New York grain (hough it were a scene from a comic merchants against high rates cerrent opera. to this port, which were, it was There is much to ser in St. Teeters- claimed, forcing the bulk of grain berg if you will go sightseeing; tho exports through Gulf ports and Can - Cathedral of St. Isaac with its nda. The reduction:I were largely wonderful stained glass windows, its 111 the nal aro of a COMPI.OMISP, 10101 massive pillars of malachite and la- will expire October 15111, "l'he new pis lazuli, its gold ikons, glittering 101105 ripply to Boston and Philadel- with diamonds and precious stones; phlie as well as New York. Baltimore has clitTerential of four mills. 4, AS A WHEAT CENTRE. 1 you have a fortnight's 1101111ay and you wieh to be uneonveutional. go to 81. Petersburg. Only you NO1 (mar t he shot tering of sonte of your mord eheriehed (Mahe The very mention of the 101010 (1011 - Estimated at Piea-Sixths of Last Year's Crops, A S Pet 01(41))) ('3 themateb saye: The Einence Minister tatimates the grain harveete in million poode fa pond 01 40 ((ounds), as follow(; - Winter wheat, 800; Amine' wheat, 480; winter rye, 1,260; oats, 650; barley, 375. Tho harveets mitred the 11000 averagen of the yeaes 18(17 to 1 00 1. being teenut. five -Meths o luet year's yield, which 008 an 101 provereent 00111 paet yeare. the ITerinttage with its glorious col- leetion of old roasters; the Winter Palace, with the apartments of 101021- 011001' el. left to this day just as he - left them, cady to return bleeding and broken 11)'the Nihilist's bomb. Winnipeg is Far Ahead of Duluth There are the Cathedral of Our .. . and Chicago. Lady of 1<O'0911, with its (111110)1183A Mitimpeg despatch says :-In an 0001011S stones the Church interview 0, N. Bell, secretary of wealth or ) Ex - 01 SS. Peter and Paul, -where lie tt:blinerWininpeg Crain and Protium lex_ buried the emperors of all the Ilestel- ego, pointed 0)11 the importance . . as; the museum, with; more plc:tures; the palace at Peterhof, a few tulles compared it s out put. wi t 11 other PlaCeNtaking the figures 141) to 10l!' 111510111; the 'wonderful avenue of , fountains, 01 150 0 1 Peterhof, a gust 30, 1 003. The following ;was scores of other Interesting sights.an- the record whieh speaks fur itself : AMUSING- SiGIlTS. Bushels. Winetfmg ailiettt 51,353,000 Duluth -Superior 42,403,928 A walk down the Nevski Pros- Chicago -Superior .., -37,040,9513 peel is fascinating. Every shop has ltfr. Bell also maintained that the sicle signs on which are painted the acreage in the Northwesl is becoin- articles that eve sold within. ing greeter, and gave instanees to A sausage shop will have inviting prove his contention. lie pointed designs of the various kinds of sau- to the Canadien Northern eeport sages; a heterogeneous collection of which shows that many sectiuns hat -pictures of all sortm and condi- would vield twenty -flee bushels to dons tells that Diantri Vedenski is in a position to sell headgear. These signs are really there for the lineal:rated people -the peasants - who would not be able to read a written' notice. Tim ciroschky is a comical vehicle; 0000 10010 th 100081 ('11(11 who drives it. Ile wears a low -crowned top -hat, aud his hair is out in a inanner that resembles a wig, De is dressed in a the am while a message front the agent at EH, in the Dnunhin dis- trict; claimed thirty -bushels per acre in that Soe11011. DARING SCHEME. French Savants Will Cross Atlan- tic in a -Balloon. A London despatch says :-The Paris correspondent of the Iittualard long* blue gown, ridiculously padded, probably to keep him warm end gve 1. (St.l..I S S AI 1.11100 0011-k11000 evok e- him an air of importance. sors a 11001113 81(1(0(110 to cross t hlk Girded round the waist with rtri Altlentic in a balloon. They tere oriental-ciolorecl band, Ile loolts fierce. NM' Iteclue the (eminent geogrepher• But. he is not, Ile le open to drive '.13;rgtt .of UM So...ebonite, a.'15d Oaposa, you a short distance for fourpence, the aOrona.ut. The scheme hus 01 and, if the distance be very short, to contemulati on a lin Boon of 113,000 guide Metres, with a capacity for consider himself so well paid 118 to c014.14sg six P0080118, a, parachute, doe' his hat and call a 610801113 On and a liwboat. pt,„„t tho „col - your head. There are 27,000 deo' chkys in St . Pet ersburg, and the pants will be sailors, in order that delvers do not say "Whoa" when ICill."s1110(1V1)11003it'e ti•ntelltirtabecre:earatnoagues'l e 1111. ("AS: -they want the horse to stop. They a result of ca.rerel 14.110y of prevail- s ay " Ill -r -r -r .' ' At every street ('0111101' are saints 111(0 windy, these 0800.01.8 believe it ‘1 framed In gilt metal, with a perpeiii- .i.ri;15.hit0(t 0 8 t' (11'e 11110111 t(tti01a111 hiorlr.,0)04.10 0111) 10.-,- al light burning Is•1000 thom, V011 1(111(1!. to bled nt Teiniclati, British never SOO a peasant or a poor man West Intis. They believe the Gip pass by one of these without snatch- will occupy only fom. or live days. ing ofT his cap and crossing himself - 0 it. while he in driving, and not only KEEP FINNS FROM CANADA. three (lows, The isvostchik flees before the street ikons, hut at the eight of the churches and cathedrals. Denmark Will Try to Divert Their Smigration 10 the railway 8181.10118 (1150, there, . Is the (kon, before whieli travelers A 3,01010)1desliatell 8015, " - Tho Journey. 'rities propose to divert bow and pray ere saltn a Danish authoing out o ll 1!' ever a num has been shamefully VII' r.c(!;.11a'e:e1.3.e.°11--ol'''ei:.11;11crile'r:hit'''11.fjlii.t nt:I'''is" 1.1.0d11010i, it iS the 341100(011 . street, will keep their netion.al peculimithes noBeelnen. There is riothieg geeee• without, being absoibed dit.to rt. 1-0, o.. greater nntion. Iceland o els 0ill(11,.(ii1(1,(,) 0.0111i1C1011 8 for egricultuee about lune he 15 supeepoli to if you ask hint a question. 0PEN-A.111 TiThlATRIeel, As fae as Amusement goem, there are woe 110 -gardens," which com- bine a cafe chantatit and a theatre, with a promenade in tho open air, 1(14 111 1110F11, cent -inert -lel titles, In the mounter this is clelightfttl. You sip your lemon tea or yone vodka (for in Tlussia one 011151 drink SS the/ linesiane drink) under the shade or tho (mare While listening to ct Comic opera or some 0O8(4001( 1)109008, prey -coated, magnifivent oilleers otalk proudly in anti ont of the throng of pleasure-meekere, Frage mente 01 Peewit, Russien, German and leeiglfeh cum orsn doll drift. on the wind. Students and unifortried TRE HOUSE OF COMMONS WMAT 011101 LEGISLATORS ARE DOING AT OTTAWA, .1 it DOVii SA 1.A RI , The Ifouse discussed the salaries of judges, Mr, Beneett recommended that chief boa -ices be paid 31 0,000 and puisne Melees 38,0011, and el- 100unces for traveling 1' 1(1008(13 halt Blair opposed any inereeee in the salaries of 11,401 C01.111. ,j11,0011; 11(10Y 1100 0111 eeough (mid, Ile thought. 0 11 the other hand, both Mee Claret. and Me, 1,e13111 un Mc- Carthy thought tbat Judges mhould be better paid, P.F.',NNY RANKS, Mr, Fielding's bill providing for the est 11 WitthIllellt of penny banks twolced considerable Mecum:eon, Mr. Nfonk maimaining that co-operallve banks such as are 080 1(1 1'110•010010 (101111 riOS 0011 lti meet the needs of the people better, Mr. Fielding's bill was reported with onendments, and read a Med time. NEW STRAMSII I 1' 1(1114, 11m prommed direct, retain:drip lbw to Prance? 0114 021 (11111(10(1 in 001119011- 01'o by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. A sub- sidy of not more than 3188,8171.88 ?ay 0,111101 be Mg aired the Pre- u01t.?1; raid, aml Mr. Colimthiar, 14111(1 00.1100 of Bordeau, had under- -talon to supple a servlee of 18 101PS tier year, The Peeneb market was one %tell worth looking lifter, end to ge1 the advantage of the preeent 'treaty arrangements with France, direct line was necesenry. Air. Monk agreed that it 011.0 ((1" ((11(31115 to cultivate tho lereneh trade, and in reply to Mr. Monk, Slr semi that the contract woeld be submitted to the Douse shortly. Iron, Itaymond Prefontalne snid that there was a possibility that of the total foreign trade of 3 1 1 3,0o0,- 000 or Mama, Canada with a dieect line !Mould capture at least 325,0(10,- 000. Ilo had reliable leformation from prominent 1110rebrin18 of Bor- deaux who gavo it ns their opinion that Canada might furnish 36,000,- 000 worth of staves, no well as Melee (10(1))) 1108 of pulp to Prance, SALVATION ARMY. 10 committee on the bill la:meeting panel rut i ar ies, Non. Iter, lei t zpa trick paid a tributa to the Salvation Army for their great wmet in re- claiming released conviete; the work dent, by the :tenant° institution, he said, being particularly praise- worthy, +- FIRE AT HANLAN'S POINT. STORAGE BATES RAISED. Notification Froin Railways Axons - es Grain Dealers.‘ A despatch from Winnipeg says: At a meeting of the Grain Exchange Colleen on Wednesday a notice Was received 10010 the reilWay mementos that the ('0) 08 of st or a go on gra in in tho terminal SION111 0011 11 11 1 110 lake- front would be increased, and Would be ao follotess.-Elevating, in- cluding 30 days' (110)) ('0(110(1 itieniust lose by lire, per 10e1051 ee; 81(1) 1(30 for each sueeeeding 80 days and innurrinea 1)3111130 loos by flee, pee Intsbel, ec; no Omega for *loaning 8011 Oolboy wander about, Bare- and blowing. T11000 101 OS 0)11 e101••• - headed ghee thread in and out or eiared exOrbitent by the ernin (Mal - the crowd, offering' rod roeere for Sale, era, Two, Grand Stands and the Bar Destroyed. A Toronto (10:1310.1111 SayS: 1'0 Vier lied Hanlan's Point, on Thursday night, and 1100 0 ring of smoulder- ing debris marks the spot where prOVIOUSly stood the grand stand and bleachers of the athletic Iield and 1.110 1010-00001. The bleze caused a big retlection, so much so that one or the first alarms sent in to the city fire department was from box 147, away up at College street and Spadina avenue. Thousands of two- pleple ateracted by the glare, hurried towards the ;water Demi., exPeeting to 500 one of the large businem hints- eri in the wholesale ilietriet in flainere As it was, the fire, .VieWed front along; the wharves, presented a. great. spectacle. The stands, as they boa - ed, :could he plainly seen across the bay, but the story spread 00011111i the city in maevelously quick time, that the hotel at the Point was the place deetroyed, and newspaper telephones ewe kept busy reassurring excited people that the whole Mend was not in dative of destruction. Thous- ands also watched it front the Exhi- bition grounds. Manager Solman of 1he Toro n t o Perry Company esti- in2a0,00 1t0.01.11e loss at from 315,000 to s CONFLICT INEVITABLE. Bulgaria Has Decided to Mobilize Mer Army. A despatch from Sofia to the Se- eolo, in Milan, onys that 111 01011 Of the iwesent trouble with Turkey, 13ulgaria has decided to 11001111100 bee entire array at once. The oilielal and 111•0(38 001100 11•0111 110 1(00)' 15k1141. 011111111110%0 00 8er1o1(5- 11095 01 1110 situation there, end con- firm the belief of the (minorities hem that owing to the general irritation throughout leueopean and Asiatic Turkey toward the Christiums, as a result of the elacielonirm revolt, the Sultan mey be swept by the 1(1500(1- 1)01(11)1)' sentiments of the Ottonum eubleetet into a wal, with Bulgaria, in spite of the tinwillimeness oe the Porte to precipitate finch a conflict, The Turkish officials commis gratifi- cation at the Iluseian-Anstrian pre- portal for 0000010e diplomatic action on the part of the powers 01 Sofia, They are confident it will be Doweled to by Vranee; but wbothee it. is adopted or not the Sultan'a hand has already been greatly strengthen- ed, 115 110 is In n better position to act then hitherto. . GOOD SETTLERS. West Being Peopled by Superior EarMing Class, A Winnipeg despatch aim '110; lase • homestead records Inc A tuned. are noni at bead at the Whinipeg office, end their 5ootilrlar1541 0.0 11 0011 VS Malik Sifl 1.1:1110S i11 presenting lue- Id ((11)) 011)11)11)1 oil the settleinent of 1110 Canadian West, A particularly prominent rad is the movement of the 'et/ohmic the very beet of 11011 11•114, from the Western States, Not a few lenglieh end Oanatliang (110 eeturning to 111111011 domaine from the Aineriette funning lands-, where high valuta destroy 140 much profit in wheat raleing, Another feature et , more promineee Met month time ordinary is the close of 1ee0 1005011g the West. navel- -tally nil ere farmers, NEWS ITEMS. 11.011.10••• Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe, CANADA. Tho Y, M. C, A. will open a night sated al Brantfore. A. new levenvh Roman Catholic church will be 01181 011 in 11 i ipete, .It Is rumored thee a 000 fort 10 to 00 conetrueted al. lesquitunult, C11101 8101111, of 1101001011 pollee force, watits an (021) (1(0111(1 twenty- four men. The last of the smallpox patients have been discharged from the 'Lon- don ()spite). The ddlesex Bar A ssoc la ion have decidtel that Cent:Mem Id - 0,01110 1.'Ol1.01 is flooded. The Provincial Secretary has issu- ed a clivulae letter to heads of 0111nielp111111e8 regarding (11110inabiles. By an explosion in Knob 1 1 1 11 mine at 'Phoenix, B. C., Been McMartin- horg, i19011 21, lost the sight of 01/0 0175. '111e ;Inland lieeenue returns in. London for August were $3.1.637,47 -$160.81 more 11100 the August of Wheat is note being earri..d be- tween 'Winnipeg, and Port Arthur, - • 1 Caaocliftn N 11 for six cents a, bushel, The Ontario Government has seta the County of Wentworth 0, checpie for 3111,466.6(1 in connection Witil 1(11) 011111011-11011(0' • fov er "ne(tiesi Il le, 11rc7entitle, of Chicago, is alleged to have defrauded Geo, 1(111"' ('150(1, manager of the 'Merchants Bank at Neepawa out o/ 31,181.) by cashing a worthless climate. As soon 00 the new highland Regi- ment is formed in Hamilton the (I ov- ernment will issue the new 8OOV100 uniforms and inake a grant tolvaeds the procuring of the highland dress. Frank Walsh, owing to ill health, has been compelled to resign his po- siti n int 4111(1(8111a, • 1 Ihe 11,11 'Telephone Co, in the Winuipeg 11- -triet, and will receive a peesion of 32,000 a year. A fine of 31.0 teas imposed by the post-ollice inspector in London on a young inan, who, althotigh aware that it was contrary to the law, hacl enclosed correspondence in a news- paper prepaid at newspaper rates only. GREAT BRITAIN, Ring Edward was cordially wel- comed in London on his return from Vienna. The British 'Free 'Prade Onion is disteibuting half a million free trade leaflets weekly. London merchants are advocating the appointment of evade consuls for the colonies. Sir Thomas lepton's failure to lift the America Cup arouses no re- gret among the, working class, with 01011,0 he is not popu/ar. IJNITE1)-851-1051E:14. The August just passed was tho coldest August ever known in New Volk, according to the records of (110 118,721.1.1er bureau, which o go back t 1 Pour collieries of the Union Coal Company at Shamokin, Pa., employ- ing 5,000 men anti boys, were closed down on Thursday 101' 011 1(11)1810110 period on account of the overstocked it 350,000, and p01'111518colailornt: P hi; 31 00,000 is lost; to St. Michael's Protestant church, New I ork, through forgery, and allarepreSen1 1011 ber.Denry T. liklson, who leet Wednesday killed Mrs. Fannie Pullen and himself. The decision of the coal companies to restrict the production of anthra- cite by suspending work for a Gine will result in the departure of thous- ands of minere to the Smith. One company hes engaged 1,000 for its operations at Thurber, Texae. Suffering front remorse for having gone on strike against the employer for whom he had worked for 25 yeare, Jacob 11, Smith, of the Coolcs' Union, threw himself from the fourth etorey window of his home at Chicago and 00018 1118)111110)0 killed. (3 131lISI3AL, 31 is reported that a syndicete American cepitaliste is abotit to pur- chase the whole stoek of Brazilian coffee. So many foreigners ,ftre ('('10) 01(19' 1netructi011 in German technical retools that the press is thenamling a strict limit on their numbee in let• thee. ENORMOUS SOO TRAFFIC. Greatest on Record During the Past Month.. According 1 0 the latest, marine re- ports from the Soo the 00e010.1 of traffic (luring the 0001. 011.011 11 0118 the greatest on 101111 rd through the Canadian and Amerierm meals rtt that 1101 11-1, .1 he freight.'4011111131, 10 pase throligb for August 0044 5,408,- 808 net tons. Of Lida froight 241 , 688 tons tvere east-bouna and :1,1 62,122 nesl-boima, the number of vessels pa nis through being 2.91(1), The pt Memel 'iloom of eimunfree were grnin 5,557,072 bushelo; 'iron 0 01., 11,7811,0112 10110i 6o111', 1147,1480 barrels; mil, 1,068,0118 tons, The setae report says to ilate 212,328,1.741 tons ot freight passed through the Soo canel, 1111 therenee of 328,1 70 1)1(15 MTV Ma year for (he mune thoe, CARNEGIE TO THE RESCUE May littly the Battlefield ref Ban- nockburn to Save Lt. A bonelo)1 despneelh snye 1-1 1. le naitt thet Andeinv Carnegie 18 (ago- tint:Ng kw out 1)1111,1141w of -on Non - 0118 bat 01•1iVid or Ilannoothorn, 11000 1311(111(3, Seollaral, melee to Nave ill; from billing into the Mende of limieders, ENGLAND'S BM FAMILIES. FIFTEEN AND SIXTEEN CHILD - 353535 CIIIITh COMMON. Ten Lincoln 1,e1,orere With One Muttered and, Porty-one Children. It is remarkable that although large rand 1108 Ore rather 1110 rule thou the exception in many ageletd- Goal counties the ravel population is eonthrually decreasitig Hays the Loudon Mall. leueolushive, for 1tuattnee, there; are irtuunteraltle households 'which coutain Ilfteen 11.1111 sixteen children, and when a mail bouste of twenty offset -leg no one c011011e1.0 it worthy of more than passing notiee. The Lincolnshire Afte•lcultuval Soc- iety, with vonimentinble judgment, Imo (Moved ti prim ror many years which is calmilated to encourage in wnys of careful management those rural laborers who lind that their wages of fourteen, fifteen or sixteen. shillings a week has to feed 01 fam- ily of very large ProPortjorte• 31. awneds )11'011i1(1105 01 four, three, 100 (1(111) 0110 110011(i to "laborers in hus- bandry who have brought. up and Played out the greatest. number of 0111(1008 01 111001 110114g received pnrochial relief or ovetilded move than half an acre of land," 'ellis year the result was as Col - lows :- 1, elioleas llought, Telithy, Market Reason, 10 children born, 17 brought. up, 12 placed out. 2. Jangs West, Coemilletin St. Brutholoinew, Lincoln, 15 children born, 1:3 brought up, 111 placed out. 13. James Sewell 14 ehildren born, 14 brought up, and 12 placed out. 4. ltobert Bonner, Lessinglon, Lincola, 16 children born, 12 brought up, 1 2 ',laced out. T11l15 Tf•IN A 110 103118 entering for this prize had had an eggregate of 141 children, "Where have your childrea gone 7" Mrs. 11 ought 1188 118 10)91). Mrs. Ffought could not remember. Only the three youngest of the nine - 1.0011 11`0('e 1100S, S110 said, for the first Mrs. I-Tought had died peacefully af- ter having given birth te sixteen. The riecond Mrs, T-Tought, a fine, tan 11'010011, apperently about thirty, was nursing the baby, Charles Ed - weed, who was UM 1110111115 old. Gladys aged four, and Beatrice?, aged two, tugged at her skirts, "1 can't Lett you about them all," she said. "Von see, yott can't think of all their names." Mrs. Bought, however, managed to. remember eleven of the sixteen cbild- ren who formed the first family. '111e oldest she believed, wan about forty-five. Two or three of the fam- ily are dead. StI00111101•17.011, 1110 names and des- tinies of those members of the: nought family who Etre 1101. forgot- ten are as follows :- Leonard, a joiner, works ttt Dom caste Margaret married a shoemaker end lives at. Lincoln. Elizabeth is thp wife of a foreman foundry worker. employee at Lincoln. Nate is married to an agent living at, Lincoln, Walter is a filter in a Lincoln; workshop. T0111, a tailor, works at Lincoln. 150116, t.vim Min -tarried, is a clerk in a Lincoln office, Lily married a groeee's assintant. living nt Grantham. Jessie is 0. mothee'm help at Gran- tham. Elsie in in :AWN lee at 'Halifax. Morrie married a waggoner and' lives at Claxby, THE IRMO 11T rAmTLY is an admirable example of Lincoln- shire country folk generally. Tealby- 111 0. paradise on a hill. Tree -top- ped downs decline on to stretches of' mendowland and corn, end woods of fir, in which rabbite and squirrels. start at yeur footsteps es you pilau. The younger generation preferred' the congested towns, however, and• have fled froin the laod. Out oU twenty-two young 211011 reared 1» row of houses et Nocton sixteen have forsaken the country for the town. In large families, it said, some. of the older onee have to leave Imam from nbeet. lack of accommodation. That is not the chief reanon, how-. The engineerlag shops at Sheffield, Grantham, and Line.olre ftecrin to have $wallowed the young. native lives which should have stayed 011 the land. The aemy, too, has, absorbed much of the Hon young; manehood which en the land Hera to 0, green old ago and leav08. behirel it, many young lives to renew Um strength in other generations, Where leitteolnshlre folk have 01,11,1t - ed ott the land they have staye' long. There are innumerable bail- iffs, shepherds and waggoecro whits have lived four mid live deen,des la; the service one kurtily; 00nlitmolls services of fifty-seven, fifty-three end Aftett-one years obtained dLablo. rewards at the lebeedn show re- cently. Lincolnshire'e fertile acres could, find employment just now for much, more labor than is to he obi ained. 111 1110 towels thousends are without employment, and the poor 011.1,09, mout hegh. The hiseon Is abvious. ,-,......+_- ieeeleleCTATION Ole 1.3731 ,A French mathematician gives the 1011 001 ng • rule for en Itn 11 ttt. I 14 tho. age to %limb the avel•age human be- ing limy reasonably expect, to (Waite The rule, how oVer , ie not applicable; 4,0 ehildren under twelve, and it will not work with P01,5085 01,00 liight3i. SW/11'001 'preeent age, front eighty-six divide the remainder by two, and the result Mil give 3•011. (11)0111 00 ettnie number of 'yeare 00 the tables of mortality used by thie life assurance companies. "Alt," he protested, "my lave ror you 15 the geetiterit thing in the world, It Is larger then the 00011. It is wider than the sem Let. mo pour 11 into year en1'59" "Slrl" ejaculated the fair meld. "leer you Merin to Mei nu itt 0 hay t 0 g111)11(11 1110. size or thape of iner ems'?" ; ,5