HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 581okr, T7, 1908 BUSINESS CARDS. ONHY TO LOAN AT 6 PEE peat, 1,H, NOW, Bruaeelt,. NV H. MaCRACI1EN- 0 Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Of. flee atGr000r Tmnbatu street, !intend b. ,'ly i'IAlllvlti FOR SALE -THE U. ,L naming 0tan has several good Parma for teak+ and to rout 000y terms in 'Pt/wahine hi Simla and Grey, 9' H SU OTT, Brussel M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -T17AO1i16a OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, RR•cTS0101Z.,01. ON'T. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 100011AN00, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, E. Estelle Griffin TEACHER OF VOICE C1111,TBI4E Pupil of Miss Viva N. Roblyn, of London. Footle prepared for Conservatory exams. la -Mill visit Brn01010 every Tuesday, Lessons given at the home of W, H. Herr, John street, _ J. LECKIE, LILT AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT. Ai, AI & 5 Per Cent. Olbce over Hunnev's Drug Store, Nov.6rd,1002, 60.614 Brunets. Wellington Mutual Fire 1nenraneo Co., EOTADLten19D 1040 Iornr00oe taken on the oath and premium Ina elsewhere Sat current no i too undersign ed Agent 01 the Company. 0210140E 110(1171140, 13100101e, AUCTIONEERS. T.11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- non, will Belt for better prices, to bettor men, 1n less time mud loss chargee be won E large anything T In 1(00 Huron Dau always be arranged at this 01100 or by personal application. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, - The undersigned, who is well acquainted. throughout the most pert of the County and who has had bestowal with a large ole• ole of tanners in andaround this locally', begs to Inform the community that he has taken out an Auctioneer's Lieeneo Inc the County of Huron and offers his oorvl000 to all purposing to bold soles. TB08. NEWSOME, Bruseole. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— U • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 18 prepared to treat all die- , ep.0ao of domeetl!anted animals iu a compet- ent manner. Partinular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Oohs promptly at- tended to, Otlloe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turober111 et., Broseole. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. OCloo-8 tewart'e Sleek 1 door North o1 Central Hotel, Solioltor for the. Standard Bask, F. BLATR, BARRISTER, SOL- ICITOR, &o, B14UBBELS.- t)lJlpe oyer Standard Bank ; Solicitor for Township of Grey, Bnwiolr Mound and the Metropolitan hook. Private nod Company money to loan cit lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. N1'NAUGHTON. Trinity University, Fellow .trinity Medioel College, MemberCollege of Physicians aid Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001 - lege of Pbyrdelau0 and Licentiate of Mid- wifery,Edinburgh. it -'lolephoue No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY . DR. R. P.. FE1LD, DENTIST ST eleotric light plant from W. H. Gree,Grndavteooff theroBoynaid o iollogeo! DHeonntoael and Elie establiebment of a system of Graduate of Toronto versity. Office pezt o Brewer's Photograph Gallery, . BRUSSELS. i> nE'pis,`:"•>-_ll, dtu`-.4 1 4;. 4.;7 9Pf i hilted the deed Ihr. ng : 4.h, proIp'ioge VBE dP of an 'ORION (11,111-4.m. end dad not rase C A R E F lJ l Sentence imoe tier. Hiune than elle hue I been in the Onaute juii, bile olairne that It !mimed potn sono hoe b •r Inn•,baud away, and ie always afraid that suulnone ie going to hypnotic: her, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. fat ALT, 140111024(10 OOLI.I3GEH are IhD 1106 atlito. A Hohool with a roputatlmi To 11140 ours le It safe One to patronise. 1f ell Pie want to get a 11004.1ase position, chert get a,'llrst-olase business admin. tion. O.tentlwoa students o•,me 110n. dyed) of mhos nololy 4o at4oud this Oollegtl, our Ua4alogoe I9 true, Ion• for now. W.3, BI,LTUTT, Principal, i,, tr.ix:t Saps. Elxait.Hr. Exeter Fall Fair, Sept. 21 and 22. The Salt Werke has 001131nenoed epee. aliens again. The 0100et watering will be paid for at the rale of $2 a day Inc the aotuul time at work, Willie Powell hae returned from Lou. don, bo having oellboiently reoovered to be able to leave the hospital. W. S. Mlllyard, who lately severed hie oonneetiou with the Sovereign Batik, hoe noceplud 41 peei1ion in a drug store in Lueknow. Reseal) Greenway, formerly of °rye• cal City, Man„ who has been in Eugiaud for the past two years, was the g0e0t of his nnole, Dr. Ratline, Alfred /hem returned from the west last week. About three weoko ago white engager, laying briek in Manitou, Man , the scaffold, on whioh he was 0tending, eve wit and he fell to the ground, and g Y R , broke hie ()pilar bone. Tho bone was 004 mud the arm bound to the body, in which position he still (tarries 11. There game to Exeter and Megan nineteen Euglieh thoro' bred stallions of the Clyde, aaokuey and Shire species, eleven to Exeter and bight to Hensen. Thy belong to Bawden & MoDonell, of Ex ter, and Berry,, of Hensel', Mr. Bawd,n and Mr. Berry aocomp,nied the home heviO4 beau in England of late ou a purchasing tour. Clete,: eat. The Jaolleon Mfg. Oo. claim they oould easily employ double the staff they now have. Fr, m what can be learned, potatoes are rotting faster ou clay land than on may other, excepting in very low, Boggy owes. The Balration Army will oelebrntetheir annual Harvest Thanksgiving festival from S,terday, Sept. 1916, till Tneoday, Sept. 22nd, Miss Kate MoNaughton, who left here a year ago last .1 Use to enter the Oook County Hospital, Chicago, a0 a ranee in troinIng, ix at prevent visiting her brother -Jobs at Varna. The little pet dog belonging to the family of Geo. McTaggart, had to be shot. It bad bitten a little child some time ago, and to save unnecessary worry and danger in the future it wag tho0ght beet to doublet, the dog. Mi0eee Lillian and Irene Jaolwou, two Vary talented daughters of T. Jaokeon, jr„ leave for the Conservatory of Mesio, Toronto, to &Imiune their atudiee in mu0io 1 Mies Lillian on piano mud theory and Irene on violin and voice, T. T. Leckie, who has been running to Southampton as mail Clark for a few monthspast, hae barn removed to Lon• don, and will run from there to Kinoar- diu0, Mr, Leokie made a number of warns friends while there,, who were eorry to see him leave, Suis succeeded by Ed. J. Ooyle, of C00rtwrigbt. LY 31t 0i oo ser. Harry Cosleyhas nooepted a sitqution in Brampton. Pringle & Geovea, have leased.4he tan• eery and glove factory, Mre. Jae. A Cline, of .0 men Boned, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 0. A. Clamp bell. ,Mies E Pauline Johnson will give one of her recitals of her own poems in Wing. ham on the evening of Thursday, Qat. 1st, ender 1110 ap0pp10, a of the Pipe Organ Oommittee of the Methpdiet ohuroh, The nine year-old eon of John Orr, Dineley House, had the misfortune to break his arm at the school grounds on Wednesday of last wd'ek, Hu was climb ing (be fence and in time way slipped and fell to the herd groped. Two By-laws are to eo0tee of peeper. Mien. Ono.ib for the pureheee of the MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO ATTEND L/STOWEL Fall Tenn begins Sept: lot Two Courses-Commerolal and Shorthand. Send for College Joarual. 0, A. PLEATING, A. L. McINTYRE, President, .. Secretary, SHINGLES I' Ljy a Coinlubia, jtetl Cediilr Shingles Atlp--•- North Shore 'Ine and Cedar FOB SALE A34. run brussels Planing Mills b Also Doors and Snell of all Pat tarns on Band or made to order at Shod Malice, 0pt:matao Furnished tat all tj'n4e o ]l ildinga, Worllman• tl lip and atoriai Giarantaod. 1-1 .A.VIENT waterworks fpr dorueotio purposes ; the second is for the OouetruOtiou of a trunk sewer on Josephine street, John Fowler hue perohaaed froth hie brother, who resides iu Teeewater, the form near the lunation, on whioh the bat n was • reoeubly burned. The (atm 00no1810 of fifty acres, and the parobaeo price was •2100. Mr. Fowler will re. build the barn to soon as p00etble, Will. 1'oderne, sou of •P. 13. Bodoni' of town, met with a •pninfni ao0tdeu1 while at4work in a hardware store et Lou- don recently, be slipped and fell on some broken glass and had cue of his knees very badly oat. Ho was confined to hie room for Some days, but le now ainwet able to be 14(000,1 ngniu. i..i s.Ol tece vie to l' . The Kindergarten room in the pub'C1 0obool was opeeed on 'rneod•ty of lain week. 'Thera are over 40 little tote in ltttatldanee. .26.mi1lo In the dollar will be Listowel'e rate of tnXetion for the current year, and tbot without providing to any extent toe poet deficits, Arthgr Brown reeelved a menage Wodut•oday aftenoon 01 last week eon veying the sed intelllgenoe that his eldest eon, Norman William, had been drowned off Reef Island, bake Joseph on Mon day, Liatowel Horsemen parried off honors at the great Toronto Exhibition, In the Single Roadster olaea gelding or mare over 150 hands, J. A. Kelly's Dashland took lira, mousy. B, 7ion'a Beellie took 2nd in the 2 year old filly olfOO. In the Standard bred trottarb' olne0 fleet money WW1 taken by Watson & Oo. with a 8 year old filly aid e 2 year old filly. Afire. Brown the .1.,iO4eteel 0o4pan who was arraigned beloro Sedge Harron sever. al tveeke ago on the Wargo of getting fire 40 her bowie, wet] sent to London ae7lum, It will he remembered that the judge sand en the e1i1ien10 that she had aorta. One of'1 iha gentlemen nonnricEnd with he 13eriin and pr181on 44'110E Railway Oe niece the statement that within a years time the oh'otrtu road will be in operatinu between 13orlin and Wellee'oy, Linwood, (lrosehiil and Glelullen, then norms to Listowel and Westerly to Gods rich. 4,1act c+rf<1h, Mien Flossie MoOroath bas the position at the poet (Mee formerly he'd by Mise Fannie Kuox, Arthur MoOilllagddy had hie finger naught beneath the tentacle at the Oen. tral school and the nail wits tore off. Geo, Elliott +hipped n carload of plums to Montreal, where it wiz Hold a net pro fit of 25 melts a Modal being realized. The W. 0 T 11 will he d an apron sale 011 the 1Srb mud 19th of Sept. , in the attire lately 000091ed by Mr, Newton. At 4.110 monthly meeting of the Colleg• Otte institute trustee board ft sung (leaid• ed to purchase two typewriter') for nee in the oommuruial deportment of the aohool. L Fall 008 of the'ltige made feat to nn 800 Ib. anchor which lay on the G. T.. R. look end during a blow pulled it into the water. 14 belonged to Oaptain Law• eon and teat week he recovered it, l4,obt. Elliott •hipped over 600 barrels of apples, and has abort 250 more at the titmice) for export to Glasgow. D. 0,u• talon hag about 250 barrels reedy for ehipment, With the 0 00911on of some Greenines the receipts so far have been praetioelly all 'Fah apples. The priori ranges from 75 Dints to $1 10, As the passengers were landing from the eleomer Klug Edward, about 9 p, m , Saturday, Mrs. Logie and her Ideas, Miss Dickinson, of Waterloo street, fell from the landing plank into the harbor. As soon as the eplash wan heard Frank Edward(' and Daniel MuLeod stretched themselves over the plank, and eeoh greening one of the Wire, they with 0ssiata0o 1 goon had them on terra firma, Rev. Father Weet left teat week for Sr, Thomas 4o enter upon his duties es pariah priest, Fla tulles the place of Fattier ,yard, Vicar -General, who re. eigued it mouth ago owing to i11 health, Rey. Father Stoniey, who now hae charge at St, Peter's was 10004Btant to Father Beyard, and later had temporary charge. Richard Pba'en presented Father West with a parse of nearly $100, oontribated by members of the congregation, and Joseph Kidd read an addreee, 4o which Fat her West replied in touching tame, bidding an affeetionat0 farewell to hie u0ngregatiou. :atw°tact. J. A. Hammond, hareem mallet', is erecting au exteueive addition to his shop. 1Ie will utilize it as a workshop. We are sorry to report that Mr. Min. nie, of Elms, does not improve after being outlined to his roots for over 29 weeks. W. D. Aogue has been re•engaged as obeese and butter. maker for.the Elmo Cheese and Batter Go. for another year ata alight inorenee of salary. Atwood Methodist ohurch will 420101 anniversary services on. Sunday, Sept. 20110. Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, will preach at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m, At their annual meeting, the Ontario Entomological Society again honored Prof. Loohhead, of the 0. A. 0., with the preeidenoy. Professor Lochhead is one of the foremost entomologists of the country. Hie wide knowledge of the subject mattes hie 0000901008 of the position of president Inc another term a nuttier of great eatiefeetion to the mem• bees of the !moiety. He is alt old Elena boy, eon of the late William Leohhead. Congratelolious are hereby cordially extended to two of Eima'e successful aheesernakere, viz., Mise Mary Morrison, of Newry, and W. D. Angus, of the 0lnla fernery, on their sweetie at the Toronto Exhibition. Mies iMorrioon took first prize for beet two white cheeses in Oleos 212, Seo. 2, Mr, Angus was awarded two silver medals tor beet factory colored oheeee and for out white cheese in see. 8 and 4. Walter- Hamilton, of the With lane factory, also obtained a silver medal in see 4, Was 'garrison also took Hod prize for beat two Canadian fiats iu Seo, A eeriouo accident betel Alex. Hurd, sr., 011 Tuesday of last week, Ile was at the roar part of his farm plowing when in some manner one of the horses fell on blot, .pinning him to the gro1ud, The horse vea0 tillable to rias and held him lu.l for more than tin 1'•4ir. The horse at halt got free and ber. Hurd was able to tiehltah the learn wlruh w001 straight Irina, while he 0001410,1 ro the h„uee 1443,•00 it was found that he was variously hurt, He wee badly bruised on facie and body, some of his rib0 were broken and he hae internal tnjurien. We hope he may aeon mover although his age doubt• lees may he eotuawhitt again01 blur, Ford wttIlt, Tho tax rate for Wallace townehip for 1908 be, twenty rate, 1 9110 mills, general 8011001 rii,e, 1 mill on the dollar, W, A. Edwards be building a 'debit, on hie premiere oeoupied by Dr. Arn strong. He will pet 431 s cement 11.100 and brick it inside. Andrew Brawn, 9th poi., has bought a half Gore lot, just South of S. Jobnston'o, from Thos. Gibson, for $160 and will ers04 n hue brink reeidcnoo on it next Spring. Mr. Brown will move to town Una Fell and rent 0 house till ho ciao get hie own ready, The Bell Telephone Co. lona a gang of 0100 men extending the line through to Harrieton. The line will be built two miles and a half up the 0th con., then aarnae to the 9143 and along the 9th to Barrister'. Another sung will follow to put in a loos) eervioe, Sets., 'PIM FUNERAL OF MRS. WILSON -The funeral of the ,ate Mrs. D. D. Wilson, took oleos on Seturduy, Sept. 5th, The remsioa arrived here from Toronto by the 12.40 train and were taken from the railway libation, followed by a large num ber of sorrowing relativge and eympeth- etio friends, to the Presbyterian church, where the funeral services were held. The church alio was filled. The ohuroh had been suitably e a y dra ped for the oa0ae- ion. The floral cffaringe were numerous and superb, the ooffin appearing like a beautiful bed of flowers, Among the offerings was a pillow from ibe chetah eoeeioe, of which Mr. Wilson is the oldest member, 011 behalf of the congregation ; a briquet from Beoforth Auxiliary of the Women'e Foreign MiOoionary Society, of which Mre. Wilson was an officer Sud an active and be oved member. The Rev; Mr. Larkin, the peolor of the church, took oharge of the aerrioe. The church oboir gave several appropriate moeioal eele0EE0ns. The opening prayer was made by Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmovd• ville ; the scriptural leaeon wire read by Rev. Rural Dean Hodtine, of St. Thom ae oheroit, and a brief but earnest and eottable addreee wag delivered by Rev. Mr, Larkin. The Rte. Mr. Fletcher, of Thames Read, Uoborie, a friend of the deceased, and a personal friend of the family, also made au addreee 10 which he made reference to the religioue and social oharaotori01ice of Mre. Wilson, her 18010111080 in the ohnreb and in the community and the good example she ever set to those around her. Rev. Mr. Davidson, of Varna, who had been acquainted with Mrs. Wilson in earlier Ilse, in her home, before the Dame to this Country, bore personal testimony to her Christian oharaoter, her amiable dieposi. than, and her many estimable qualities of head and heart and expressed hie 044004• eat sympathy for the bereaved friends in the old home as well as for the husband and tangly here. The Rev. Mr. Well• win, of the Methodist ohuroh, closed the internee with prayer. The fonerol pro. OHS ion 1400 re formed and accompanied the remeioe 40 the Maitlandbank Gene tory, wherethey were laid to rest in the family plot. The following are among the Mende from a distance, who were present 1 Rev. and Mra. Fletoher, Thames Road ; Rev. and Mra. Davidson, and Mr. Davidson, er., Varna ; James Argo, Fergus; Mrs, Acid, and Mies Oarrie Forbes, Guelph ; G, R. and Mra. Ander- son, and John lZ. Lyon, Toronto ; 0. H, and Mrs. Somerville, London ; George Moore, Waterloo 1 T. and Mrs. J. Thorp son, Iirueeele. Mre. Wilson's maiden name wee Annie Duthie. Bile WHO a native of Tarvis, Aberdeenshire, Soot land, and resided there until her marriage with Mr. Wilson, She was a niece of Mr. Duthie, the well known breeder of Soottisl1 Shorthorn eatt'e, and who is pereoualiy well known to many to this county. About two yore or more ago when herself and Mr, Wilson were lents. Portland, on a trip to the Old Country, the venal on which they were, amok against it rook in the outer exit from the harbor, and for time the passengers were in imiaent danger and had to be oonveyed in small boats from the vessel to the shore, The shook and exposure elle was subjooted to then, seemed to elfeet her so seriously, that she hae cradles' line Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. aeiluliful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another " just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. • Here are a few:— -Seventeen pairs'Ladiee' Dougola Oxfords, eines 8 and 14, ropier price 1498 $1 25 and $1 50, going new, to clear, at par pair 5 C -A11 the btlanoe of our Summer Shoed at (0.000ed prioee to clear to make room fpr Fall geode now arriving. -IN 07454 HARNESS DEPARTM11ThTT will be tonna farness of all styles all oar own roalso and sold et Lotyoeb I'riooe, t J3alanoe of our Fly Nete at boat, Bergaino in 'Pronto and Satchels. lq'Two dwelling bootee for We, a halt acre of land with moll. pu ^a9P5, INDMILLS, A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook, who has had 80 years' Experience in the Pump business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden Pumpa, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. He is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill. This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and got prices. A. RAYMANN, Pump Maker, Cranbrook, "illELOTTF" CroE Seiiaraler 75,000 I N DAILY 11 5 IE IVIcKinnon 066„,,cci. BLYT M. Ready for Business in all Departments. This stole will be more to you this Fell than ever before. Past etwee0080 will not eullioe. We meet make not10eabl0 advances every year be0anee the hietory of tbie store hue been made op of advanoe0 from the etar6. Our trade this year 14 inereueing by leaps and bounds, and we have bought a much heavier and better stools this Fall to supply the growing demand. We are showing great values in the !Viewing luau -Drees Goods -We always take the lead in this department. We show an elegant range of all the noveltte; for Full and Winter wear, from 26o to 42 per yard. -We do a large trade in Ladies' Oleth Skirts, in breadeloth, cheviot, homespun, vene44an, ala,, from 42.26 to $7 50. -Ladies' Ooreets-We show a great range in this department. We keep ell the beet makers' goods each ae Orompton'e, the 13. & I. bias filled, B. & 0., D. & A. and Wray's Corsets at all prices. -We have just opened two large vhipmeute of Ladies' Fare, in Astra. clean, Greenlaoa and Electrio Seal Jaokete, Caperioee, Oollarettea, Rolfe and Long Bose. Now is the time to aeleot your Fore wben you get the pick el the otosk, -Our stook of Ladies' Ciotti Mantles and °apes is open for inepeotion. We obow all the late0t desigoe In short, medium and long emus. -Our Millinery department is in full bleat where may be seen the latest uoveltiee in Parte and New 'York Millinery. M+/Mc Cilli .c23, & Co., 331yth8 Strenuous Objectials '.0.1 BalI bearing, with frictionless, self- 400lanoing and a0epeuded bowl and spindle. The " Melotte" has taken the highest honors, It yields $10 to $25 extra profit per cow eaoh year. It eaves time, labor, apace, utensils, ice and water. Get information as to other 'nation. tare from F. SPARLING AGENT, BRUSSELS. never been in the enjoyment of robust health Mime. She had been under treat. mens in Toronto, for several months, and her medical attendants and friends were much enoonraged for a time, bat a week before her death Mr. Wilson was telegraphed for, and on hie arrival in Toronto he found her very hie, worse and ebe gradually sank until the end came despite all that the most skill- ed phyeioiane oonld do. The deceased was too well known and too mall esteem• ed to require eulogy from ue,enffloe it to say that) she wee a tree woman in the highest Rud fullest sense of the term ; her infinenoe and example were always forgood, and her genial, kindly and hoe• phobia disposition endeared her to all who enjoyed her acquaintance. She will be much missed in ohuroh work and in social circles here, and her memory will long and lovingly be cheriebed by many. 131ere 10. Blyth fair -Oolober 011 and 7011. John F. Nivine has returned to Blyth and ie again in charge of the eleotrio light plant, Mies 0. A. Taylor is in Clinton temp- orarily teaching in the public school ow• ing to the illness of Miss Turner, one of the regular timbers. Mies Mamie Livingston left for Exeter. She will have charge of the milifoery de- partment of a targe Ettore in that village during the owning Beason. A. H. Plummer met with gond 0000088 in the pony aloes at Toronto fair. He secured tirot prize for one-yoar•old filly or gelding, and third prize for 816111ke 14 hands and under. Mies Millie Bell, mined daughter of John W. Bell, of Blyth, was married in Memorial ohuroh, Londoe,on Monday Of last week to John W. Bromlev, of De. rol6. Rev. 0. H. P, Owen, of Lnaknow, performed the marriage oereniony. Division court wee held in Industry hall on Monday, of last week with Hie Heuer Judge Holt presiding, The only mate settled was the Bait of Wm. Deacon vs. Watson & Emigh. This WAS a jury case, and Butt was brought by the plain. tiff against the defendants to 400ove! 410,0, balance due on oontraot, Deten• dente eounter•olnlmed. Jury (Retained plaintil'e claim and defendant's mantel'. claim. Both partiee pay their own 0oete. R. Vanotone, of Winebam, appear(' for the plaintiff, and Wm, Proudfoot, K. 0., of Goderdoh, for the defondante. The onset of James Barr ve. Elam Living. aton, and Elitm Livingaion ve, Village of Blyth, County of Huron and Andrew MoNally were adjourned until next court. Enough eubsoribere have enrolled their names to (statue the oonne0tion of Miboh• ell and Monkton by telephone, Tho Anglican Bi,hope of Ontario issued it letter., endorsing nnivereity ted. enation, to he nand in ohurohee through. out the Protin0,,. The amiiveroary Lorviaee of the Bap. tier church, Atwood, were held last Sun. day, Rev. 8.31 Greig, B. 4, of Veen. burg being the preacher. The oolleetions amounted to $00. Owing to tab being able to gat sans. tnotory tendero and to the lateness of are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Basher. All stook like it and thrive ou it, and it is pronounced by all intel- ligent broadens to be in0ompariably the best sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but our Raffia porn and este. Alf. Baeyer. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Leudemderry Royal sit Steamers Plum now MONTREAL Qnlrpna Pratorian Seht.10 5 a m. Sept. 10 105,ra Bavarian 20 6 20 4 Ionian 001. e 0 " Oot. 5 10 " BATES OF PASSAGE let Cabin -Ionian (Winter rate) 560 and upwards ; Pretorian 305 and upwards ; Bdv- ariau $75 and upwards. End Cabin -Liverpool and Londonderry - 841.50 to 34250. according to steamer. and Claes-825 and 826 --Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Through tickets to South Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direst-Siorlian Wed- nesday, Sept. 10, at clay -light; Corinthian, Oot, 7111, tat day-ligut. 1st cable, 850 and apward0 ; 2nd cabin, 805 ; sed cabin, 825.. W. u. ICFIRE, Agent, Brussels. sannituassmsaranottes HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for ca`Sh or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- - All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, -Plain Flannels, -Checked Flannels, - Fancy Shirtings, -Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, -Light and Heavy Tweeds, Underwear for Men and Boys, -Men's and Boys' Stockings, -Ladies' and Children's it -Boys' Sweaters, -Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT TOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOCKBJIDGE BRUSSELS WOODEN FACTORY. 200 r.UGGIES Must be Sold this Season. Buggies, The Finest lint; to be seen in any town Carriages in Ontario will be founa'; at -.pe--' Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TURAIBEF4RY STREET, BRUSSELS, —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. --You can save money by examining ryas stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction assured, Prides right. .. ARDS • the eeaaot, it he ondet0taod that the m• i %XJ 1J0. i!wrJ• Imrgemont of rho CVfndaor hotel, Strut. ford, will eat be made able mow, P E. r,,i S S,.f.;J L S. i