The Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 4�,t ry r 1wi.1 i�C 'lL i et3ge. ,J' TH URSO:11', SPT. 17, 1908. Paean:Mar. e'eetlone in Bettie h Colum• bill will be held 013 Outobor lied, A short 14vely aeuteet is figured on. Ous000u for Fall trade ie good in Can ado, and the wholesale bottom; report large outputs of Fan and Winter stooks. Tonne has been a great rush of immi- gration to New Outarlo thie year and tba reoeot surveying parties assert that there ie abundance of flue farming land to be bad. The new railway will greatly aid that part of the Province. Ivr is hinted In some guartere that the electors ill 3, I. Tarte'.] aonetitnenoy may eek, him to resign owing to the beck - motion eomereaulte he hal been taking ° lately. A surveyor would be necessary et times to find out where he is at. TnREanING 18 proving that the wheat crop in Manitoba We year is going to turn out well. Reports vary from differ. ent iooatione ranging from 22 to 45 bushels to the sere. If this holds tette in the Territoriee there will be abundent reason for Thanksgiving. SOME ides of the enormoue traffic: of the Toronto street railway may be arriv- ed at/when ft ie learned that 024,419 paseengere were °arrived on Labor Day and the receipts totalled $14,000. Of 000168 this was a epeafal day but the average traffic is a Large and increasing 011e, BY the look of the docket there is to a lively skirmish in the Election Comte over the reeent Manitoba eleetione. If quarter of the things charged are true the wonder is that that fire and brim stone did not fall from the heavens and oousume the wbole,ouob. We do not place maoh reliance in the wholesale petitioning ee in the majority of caeee a saw -off is arranged by a few lawyers who pocket a good fee, and the horrible wiokedneee is wiped of the slate. Mani. tobe is not the only clime where this state of things exists either ae politicians well know. Trig great Fair at Toronto le over. It copereeded all pest records, the aggregate attendance being over half a midioo, A determined effort was made on the part of the Directorate to make the Fair educational appd a goodly measure of mut oath was 113 ained. It was the beet attempt yet made to reproduce the ideals of the big expoeitione Huth as the World's Fair at Chicago and the Pan•Amerioen. While the Fair ie the centre of gravity for`thousands of Canadians and Ameri. onus, it is a Hagar plum in all verily for the eity of Toronto and the people of the m ,tropolis could well afford to pay band. eomely for the harvest reaped, the Rail. w PDom aniee , steamboats, street rail- way, hotels, down to the stereo boarding houses do. being specially benefitted by the crowds who visit the Qoeen city every Fall. If the eo called Midway attraotiouie (?) were dumped in the lake no serious calamity would befall the Fair, the 100888ant chatter of the talking ma011ines at the door of these fluke tete is ofteu anything but nice. THEM; i8 a very rapid growth observ- able. bseryable. in the use of tobacoo, partionlarly in the use of 038 cigar and cigarette, by the Canadian youth despite the plain terms f the law in r t a seance to the i 1e ea 0 to minora which is apparently overlooked entirely by many dettle,8. A. boy is hardly out of hie kniokerbookers before he assumes the role of Ibe eo- palled mac by appearing with a oigar and thin is ae applicable to Brueeele as almost any other place, The effect of this is not far to seek if medical teeth many and practical experience oonnt for anything and the results are not re.138881. ing. A man would be thought eilly who went about dragging a00 pound weight to his ankle unneoesearily bat what about the man or boy who ties himeelf down to a habit that will be an incumberanae all hie days ? We know of people who plead 10abitity to oontribute to any good Canoe who have the five ante el all times 0eoes• eery to Bemire their toba000. The sum • mty appear trifling at 1138 time, 5 ciente a day 18 a small expenditure they say bat It ie 85 °ante a weep and $18.20 a year, at: amount that could be expended with better resalte to both health and bappi. nese than in going up in awoke, If Oae• ada.is to be blessed with a citizenship of stalwarts one thing le certain they will not be reared by the Blunting of body and mind by the use of the weed. Reroute, patent, leachers, Young Peoplee' thole. ties, the press, mod any other person or iuetitutio0 desirous of bleseing the tieing generation have a gigantic question to deal with in the toba000 habit growibg' so rapidly among the bop end young men of the Iced, There s ample room for not only preeept8 but example on the part of the e8010r8 in it matter of 10tereet to every' community and almost every home. er At the Toronto Exhibition in abort. horn setae, J'amee A., (Jeerer, Shake - avow, took the following prizes ; Aged owe, (tem el Balleobio, let; Cows, three years and ander, Gem of Ballaohin II, 1st ; Itosebell IV, 5811 ; Senior Obampion, 880110ns 10, 11 and 12, Gem of Ballaohin II, let ; herd of ball and four tamales, thud ; three females bred and owned by exhibitor, let ; cow, and two of her progeny, 8rd. Handling the Apple Crop. . Some timely and valuable advios ou the Belling, pioking and grading of apples le given by W. A. Moo Lunon, Chief of the Fruit Division, Ottawa, Every one in. Wasted in the growing and marketing of apples should write for a copy of Mr. MoKtnnoo'e bulletlu on the "Export Apple Trade", BELLING TAE 011101'. Wheu the grower ie not also au ex- porter he may eell the apples in one of two ways, either at eo much per barrel or at a lump sum for the entire orchard. As buyers often make their oontraote long before pioking time, either method involves ooneideration of the probable market price during Fall and Winter, which will be regulated by the total supply and demand, influenced too by Ohang88 in the quality of the orop. When to thea uncertainty we add the difficulty of estimating months in advance the total yield of an orehaed aubjeot to all changes of weather, to drought, bail, and wind storms, the uubaeineee like ober ester of bargaining by the lump is appar• ant, Whlobever party gains an undue advantage, the traM suffers from this ae from any other kind of gambling. The evetem was strongly condemned by the National Apple Sbippere' Association and oar Canadian buyers describe it as an unmixed evil. Surely no more need be said to induce bath buyers and sellers to abandon such guesswork, and to buy and Bell by fixed etandarde of measure. 110x300. All appiee should be carefully pinked by baud with the stoma ou and without breaking the akin or bruising the fruit in any way, As a general rule ib is advisable for growers to harvest and peak their own fruit, whether they eventually Bell it on the premises or ship to foreign markets. In either Daae it is a great advantage to the' Seller to know exactly the qualty and variety of the fruit in every paokage. It i8 a still greater advantage to have eaoh variety picked at just the proper time. No wholesale buyer ie able to have hie men arrive at eaoh orchard jest when the apples in it are ready. The result ie that every season a great many orobarde throughout 0anada are pioked either too late or too early. Fruit pinked too early may keep bot it is apt to become tough and tasteless ; if pioked too late it will not keep, ae the process of deoay has already begun. TIME TO ?ICE. Tender varieties ebould not be allowed to ripen on the trees or they will not oarrx, well. Certain others, some. times et r7led'Winter varieties,' snob as Baldwin and Spy, will gain in Dolor and flavour If left on the trees as long ae the frost will allow, beeidee being less liable tolepot and mould during storage. It will pay the farmer well to pick hie own fruit and see that this first step in marketing entails no needless waste. Moreover, all varieties of apples are not ready for picking at the llama time, even if destined for the same market; and some early varieties should have more than one pioking to get all the frnit et the proper stage of maturity. Only the grower is in a position to watch hie orchard and harvest the orop to the beet advantage, and it is the grower who loses when be entreats hie task to others, for buyers are certain to allow for shrink• age from this comm. Another lose to the e e fromr t eehired Ower arises Oa B B neBB of Ill help, who often injure trees by breaking limbo and fruit spurs. REMOVAL OP 'DR PB'. Before any fruit ie taken from the trees, every apple, good, bad and indiffer- ent should be cleared off the ground and carried away, to be need for feeding stook or for any other purpose for which they may be fit ; bat not for export. Simil• arty, apples which drop daring the pioking promise should be kept by themselves. We must give the fruit afair abaooe from the alert 1 wormy, rotten or otherwise diseaeed appiee epread contagion, and braieed or defeotive fruit 'Bill not pay for labour, heavy freight chargee and aommiseion. LADDERS AND BASESTB. Stepladders may be used for getting at the lower limbo, and long point top lad. dere for the upper branches ; the baskets should be small enough to turn easily ineide a barrel, and so shaped as to allow the apples to be turned out with a gentle, sliding motion. In picking °are should be taken to avoid breaking off the frail epure wblob oontaiu next year's orop, G1tADIN13. Grading always paps whether the orop be light or heavy. Wheu the wormy, bruised, misshapen and spotted apples have been removed,•the following gaehties should be apparent in the higher grades :—(1) Uniformity in size. (2)Uni- formity fu oolor. (8) Freedom from defeats. Two grades will venally be found sufficient for export, and both of these should be praotioelly free from ineeot or other injariee, the wooed being inferior to the first only in point of Bias and color. All the apples in one grade 0013• not be uniform in sire, but the apples to a Bingle package should be go, for the fruit will be viewed and sold by the peck- ag�eIt, may well happen that a third grade exolaeive et culls, will be found to, con. gist 01 fair marketable fruit, 'wbioh the grower feoie diepoeed to export ; but this grade lacking any epeoialfeatures of ex. oelfenme mod showing a greater perosntage of waste often eats into the profit earned by the finer fruit, beeidee reducing the general reputation of the shippers brand. Muth better average results are likely to be obtained in local markets or from evaporators. The merite of meohenioal geaderb phasedon the market from time to time, should be carefully investigated by all whose shipments are large. A really good and rapid grader will efteot a great saving in time and money, and produce a wonderful difference in the appearance of the trait when eaoh size i8 placed in packages by itself. The ex 1grade women o who French fraitfor market perform the operation Without mechanical aid. A tour days' THE .B1ZU8S1t;3.1 i POST STRICTLY ONE TRICE ALWAYS 'T'TITEI LOWEST High Class Novelty ]Dress Goods The new Dress Goode are all here 'and you will find our assortment of High Class Novel- ties the largest and choicest ever shown in Brussels. Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths and Cheviots in all the popular shades fur Fall. Black Dress Goods in such a large range of Patterns and Quantities ' that we cannot describe them. In short you will find in our assortment all the latest Novelties in Dress Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Come and see. New Dress Trimmings We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale House. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we would not dare to attempt under other circum- stances. When you see our assortment of Dress Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude and delighted with the Low Prices asked for High Class goods. er. nis E." C Dry Goods and Groceries. practice with meaenring•ringe ie sufficient to train the eye so that fruit is aoourately graded within a quarter of an 10011. Many who are attemptiog to grade by hand wili fled that the nee of a piece of shingle or other light wood, in wbioh boles are ant meaouring two and a quart• er, two and tbree•quartere, three and three and a half imams respectively will be of great essistan08 in this work. By testing an apple now and again the peek. er will soon become expert in determining the size without the use of the testing board. Snow Storm in Manitoba. The central and Western portione of Manitoba were visited yp Satu da byprob- ably ably the worst storm ever experienoed in the month of September. The heavy rain of Thursday and Friday suddenly turned to sleet and allow, and this, oom• biped with a heavy wind, developed one of the liveliest September blizztrde on record. Telegraph wires are down in all direetioua Westward, making nom. muoioation impoeeible, but the meagre details gathered from travellers reaching Winnipeg by- delayed trains show that the enowlaii was general turn the bound. cry line to the Northern part of the Province, with Portage.ia•Prairie and Morden on the Eastern limit line. Over three hundred telegraph poles are reported down between Carberry and Virden, and a large number between Gladstone and Minoedoea. The only pointe to be reached by wire ere km the Southwestern branch to Deloraine. The moose is reported to be from three to ten inohee deep at some points on the railway North and West of Carberry. A email percentage of the wheat orop is 811:1 uncut and will be a total lose, as the heavy snow hes flattened out the fields, All threshing and harveetieg operations are delayed. The storm is by no mecum confined to Manitoba, es it extended to the Dakotae, Minn'eota, Wisoousin, Iowa and a pan tion of the Northweet Territories, There has been no damage in the dietriot im• mediately adjacent to Winnipeg. The following advioee have been receiv. ed from different pointe :— Neepawa—I1 is well within the mark to gay that this portion of Manitoba experienced on Saturday the most u0• seasonable snowstorm that has ever been Been by any living reeident. Beginning with adrizz ing rain in the early mnru• log, it developed into a enowetorre before noon. The wind blew etrouger and the temperature gut lower, as the afternoon advanced, and from 8 to 9 o'olook the etorm was very severe. Baeineee was nt A etandalil1, and the electric light and telephone eervioee were demoralized. Travelling was impossible. No damage was sustained in town, exnept to wind. mills, obimneye and other elevated portions of boildinge, but everybody felt gloomy mod feared the farmerer grnfn and roaming animals would be destroyed. Theee feelings by no means subsided with the (dorm, which tweed coon after mid - eight. Many are yet apprehensive, but year oorreepondeot has made an inepeo• bion of some grain flelde, and le aonvineed that it favorable weather prevails for the balance of the Seamon the only deteriora• Mon in wheat will be in the oolor.. Prao• tinily all the wheat is in stook. Very little stacking and no 1hteehing hae been done, and bat a email pereenlag13 of the orop was uncut, The latter portion, it ie feared, will be a 10141 lose, 51 will be fully a week before anything can be done id the harvest fields. So much delay at this season of the year is a eeriou8 mat. ter, •enpeoially if the weather continues unfavorable ; but with good weather for one month the great storm will pace into history with no unhappy remembrances. Hartney — Following' a light rain a snowstorm smolt this dietriot • about 10 e'ulook on Saturday morning. A high wind and soft snow 000tinned till maid• night, the,etooke, ()tacks, Ile de and roofs being covered and buainexn was euepend- ed. The etorm was very severe for a time. Ooneiderable damage, feared, it is f d will rnea't. Carberry—A heavy eleetetorril ewept over this dietriot Saturday morning about 11 o'clock. It turned into snow, laid everything is coats t y k d. About 60 per cent. of the crop it still in the stook, but it is not expected that moth damage will be done unless rainy and wet weathee ton tinuea. Gretna—A heavy rain set in about 5 o'clock on Saturday morning end con tinned up till 11 0 0100lt that evening. Over 0E18 Nob of water fell within these few hours. Only about 10 per oent. of grain remains anthreehed, and that lo mostly oats and barley. The wheat orop ie saved in good condition. Lal11801 t UW. Mies Donald' McLeod left for Mon• treat to continue her studies in College ,there. Rev, Mr. Millyard hae been invited to preach anniversary eerv1088 in •Brueeele Methodist church. Smarameut of the Lord'e Supper will be diepeneed in Luokrow Presbyterian 011110011, on Sept 20111. John Boyd, of this village, while in Toronto had $20 stolen from hie bed room at one of the hotels, William Millyard, of 01110age, and Wiley Millyard ere visiting their parents et the Methodist Parsonage. The Brume County IIoopital will be open to the •pub''o 0o Wednesday and Tbnreday, Sept. 23rd and 24•h. Perth Ootlnty. Robert 13odgeon, Eibbert, delivered a load of fall wheat to Mr Lester, Mikhail, whioh ferried 00 pomade to the bushel, The Listowel waterworks montraotore are pushing along the work ae rapidly ae the oatohy weather will permit. Nearly forty men are now engaged in laying males, The'aement basement. of the pumping ktalion is also being petalled 13(0115. Mies "Orion, who for a number of years hae been a 18801ier in the Listowel public eohool, was presented on retiring and leaving for her home in Seaforth, with a number of kitchen wholes She was elan present14 by membere of the k1ethodiet thuroh ih which the was a Sunday enbool teacher, with a writing desk, a rocking chair and a olook. After a'll:meting ilineee ext,:ading over eeveral menthe, George M. Dutton phee. ed away Saturday morning in his 45th year. Mr. Dutton had for many years been aeeoeiated with the olotbing bun'. nese in Stratford, and until a few mouths ago, when hie fatal illness Bet in, wee mena5or of the retail department of. tbe Stratford, Clothing Co. Boon at Byron, Mlddlesek °minty, the eon of the late Jneepb Dnfton, wonllen mannfootnrer, he spent hie boyhood daya in St YandMa s hide young manhood in Straford Bele be bad m11ny Mende Attraoted to hitt 7 1903 by his kindly, amiable diapoeltieu, all of t whom will regret ilia early demise, 138. aide.] hie mother and brother, 16. T. Dnf. loll, bo 'Wadi; a widow and cue daughter, urine _ t1 Fc A F ullowieg le a list of the dates of of the Fall fairs w11i0h will be of interest to people in [hie dietriot ; Wceleru, Loecion ' Sept, 11-19 iiolgrave Sept. 23 Sept, 24-26 Sept. 15-10 Sept. 22-28 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 22-28 Sept, 80 Got, 1-2 Seaforth Wellesley Palmerston Il5ilverton Mitobell Listowel ISirkton Atwood ..,,... Stratford Wingham Goderioh Blyth Brueeele Ripley Teeewater Walkerton Miidmoy Ldoln'ow Gorrio l'larrietoe Guelph Exeter Zurich kfamiltou Oct, 6-7 Out, 7-8 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 29-80 Out. 5.7 Oot, 1--2 Sept, 29-80 Sept. 21-22 Rept, 23-24 00. 6-7 Out. 1-3 Out.. 8 Sept. 24-25 Out. 8-9 Sept. 15-17 Sept 21-22 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 15-17 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. !'1OMFORTABLE HOUSE AND 1 }acre lot for sale in Nthel, There to also u bank stable, fruit trees, he , on lot, Property in goad shape. JAS. OSir0111,1bL II035E STRAYED. --HORSE strayed, bleak in color mud breaded with tbe letter "B." Any person giving In- formation leaning to its recovery will be suitably' rewarded. W. J. ELLIOT P. Base Litre, Clinton P,O. 0. 0. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, O. 0, 1., Brussels meets in 011010 Lodge Room, Blas• hill Blocky, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each month, at8 e'cloolt. Visiting brethren always welcome. Jas. 13014044008, O. It, WALTNIR MUTE, it, S. QTH030' BRED SHORT HORN ta 13ulla for Bale. One is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several 180101 - eyed flows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES BPEIR, Lot B0, Oen. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus- sels Y. 0. 22.01 yOUNG SHORT HORN BULL for Bale. Engioie for registration, For pries. terms and ;other particulars, ap- ply to J. D. 010NAIR, Lot 22, Oon, 18, Grey, or Oranbrook P.O. 80-tf T..t"OUR STRAIGHT SOOTCH Short Horn Bulla, from imported stook, for sale. Also cows and beifere,1''p1n] perked and 1101ne bt•ed. 72 bead 10 8elVitt from. D. 131ILNE & 8028, Maitland Bank Stock Farm, Ethel Ont. 80.11 T1OR SALE—THE ELIGIBLY situated 2.story frame building 00 x80 feet, formerly occupied by the (lobar Oar. Hage Works. Ib is suitable for eaoh and door factory, planing mill or carriage fac- tory. A boiler and engine will also be 801d if desired, now in building. A good bargain will be given. 3 aore of laud in commotion . For further partieulare apply to 2-tf G, W. POLLARD, Etbe1. NOTICE ! NOT1C10 IS hereby 'given that n By -Law known as the Lamont Drain Ry -Law, was passed by the Township of Morris on the 8th day of June, 3008, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of 84445 581or the purpose of drainage, and that such By-law was registered in the RBgiFtry Office of the ()minty of Huron on the 20th ,day of Aug nit 1002. Any motion to quash r s 'do , 4 h 0 of bs the acme or any partthereof, front must lie made withiv n t r beet mOn he from tbe date Of 1'egi e• 'tru ata and cannot be moueAugust, Bthereafter,. Dated the 24 til day of August, 1008. W, OLABH, Olotk. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keen for 00 0108 ou Dot 7, 000, 5, Grey, 1118there' bred Short Horn Bull, "Huron mem,ber"'pedigree may he seen on application. Terme, 81.00 with privilege of returningif necessary, 'Under. signed also -bee au Improved.. York Boar. Terms, 51.00, with priv118g of ruturuiu , 28 1t. J, 130Y, Proprietor. I0ARS FOR SER,VIOE,—THE umdereigped will keep for nervine on Lot 22 bon. 8, Grey,the thoro' bred Berk- shire lie "G rflel" with registered � nal• gree, bred by Thos. Teedale, g000oord,Ont. Tel 81 00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary, t alao keep a (bore' bred Yorkshire hog. . CHRISTIAN 2)013.0151701, 0 4 Proprietor, , Ethel. REAL ESTATE. 100ABriX TO sale.CRE WotoredFAby the 810R8)'. Apply 10 TH08, MOOB27, Brussels. 0.a, SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelllog ther800J North•weet corner Wllnom sed Albert streets, 13018x8018. 40•tf - • J. RHUMB. 1 03 SALE. — VALUABLE property at Ethel, known as the Methodist Parsonage. • Apply to 3140 0011121t , Brussel 8, rARbi TO RENT BEING LOT. 2D, Con, 10, Grey, There ale 100 well,So inder cultivation. Apply to JOSEPH F Ji3110MON1), en the prtmiers, Or 800,1 21rt1 0 .ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Turnberry suet; Brnseol8 knownae tbo Bolnoreet property, eligibly ;situated, Immediate possession, Per further partle- 'dare as to Nice ; teats, &e,, apply to D. Mo0V1't1HM0N, 'Lot 16, Oon. 12, 30o1(Illup,. 01,Leadbury P. 0, - ' 80.11 A SACRIFICE IN .SEAL .38— TATt1,—$8000.00 will buy the Melon- gbey Block in the Village of Bru8Bels, These two fine stores must 1.10 gold to close out the M00aaghey Notate, letending ppurebaeere should ,nveetlgete at erica. Apply to F. 8, 800TT or G, t', BLAIR, Rruooela, Ont. AOR SALE OR TO RENT.— Tho undersigned offers her 100 tune term, being Lot 20, (Inc. 7, Grey, (for loam 03* to rent, ODmtortablo house, bo.nk baro, or, chard, wells, dm. There ate B(l mires in maim 10 norm of Pall wlloat and 2i) aoro8 of Pall plowing will bo done. Perm 13 only t 10118 from the murrina village of Ethel. reorient lemma exph•eo on Marsh 10, 1904, but a Pur. ahem or locant may go CM mutt plow, do„ a0 oaten. Per further pportioularo ae to olio.] tern's, &0., a 11115,0 00125 591028111, lethei P, 0„ or writs 013118, 11:. HOL58100 '78 8hutee St., Termite. 7-1110 Ei`:...- 17 800 bbls. of Hanover Cement yet in reserve as per contract. One grade only and that the higleest manufactured in Canada. The best results can only bo obtained by using the bost cement, Price guaranteed, $2.65. 8 only New Enfield Rifles left. Said to have cost the Government $18.00 each. They shoot shot or ball. Price complete with bayonet $6.50. We can't get any more of these splendid guns. 9 bbls. of Lamp Goods, impolited direct from the manufacturer, now in stock. Our Lamp trade for the past two years has been gratifying. We have the right goods at the right prices. To convince you of the superior value of our Lamps you must see them. Prices from 25e. to $7.00. A. 1 1cKAY 8f 001 Apples will be bought on and after September 16th, at the' --s -• 1 f Bli SSELS EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. j JOHN CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. Tei �r of IUU 4A 01 COPV/VcH7- et Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear, Tile Siorv!llH1iaMs Paiui gives these results :—(It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try it gallon and see for yourself. For sale by- 1A/ILTON & TURNBULL. WAGONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, :CRE f�1, WHEELBARROWS, CARTS, CROQUET, &c. L "rH E *'UST" BOOKSTORE.