The Brussels Post, 1903-9-17, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 10 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 190$ W, H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements. Lost—Tan Pon. Looal—D. Ewan & Go. Fall stook—A. Streahan. Popular books—r, R. Smith. Horse otrayed—W. J. Elliott, Stook for Bale—John-Menarey. , Millinery Opening—Mise Little• Drees Goode—J, Ferguson & Oo, Fall Millinery—RRoohe & flayoroft. Ready for buetnese—MoXiunou & Go, Fashionable Millinery—Alines Habkirk, 10isfrirt gaols, atitIte1. Miss R. Spence ie visiting et London. L. Dobeou ie bank from his trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs, Freeman attended the funeral of Mre. Wm. Freeman at Sett forth last Sunday afternoon. Among those who left here on Tuee. day tor the West were Wm, Eokmier, Thee, Peareou, Joe Welsh and;Berb;,Ma- Nichol, . Coming I Coming 1 T. P. SMITH EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at Fox's 3Dr12.v, Store BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday, Sept. 28rd Call early and avail youreell of his valuable sea ion. EXAellNATION FRES. Mien Simpson eeng at the "Union" Bel vest Horne on Tueeday evenieg. Voters' lint Court will be held here on Tuesday morning of next week before Judge Doyle. Next Sabbath Rev, Mr, Mille will be at Whiteahureh supplying the pelpite of Rev. 0. C. Keine who le to preach the anniversary eermoo'e ab Roe's ohuroh, 1.11.1 I. r1. Quite an acreage of Fall wheat has been hut iu around here. Several from Walton locality have been to Seatorth to enjoy the notices being oonduated by Revde. Orosoley & Hunter. Rev, A IVIoNab, 81. A., was at White• obnroh on Tuesday attending the Presby• tery of Maitland, of wbioh he in Olerk. Be went to Wroxeter on Thuredny to the indnotion of Rev. Mr. Perrin the new Presbyterian minister. Gnuaoa DIRECTORY.— Walton circuit MethodIot Church, Rev. Alfred Andrews, pastor :—Providence—Preaohing at 10,80 a. m. every Sabbath ; Claes meeting after, Bathe'—Preaebing at 1 p, m. ; Sunday Sohool et 216 ; Olnee Meeting after S. S. Walton—Sunday Sohool at 2 o'clock ; Preaohing at 8.15 ; Claes Meeting atter preaching eerviae. Prayer Meetiuge—Tanedey at 7 p. no. at Ptovi- danoe ; Wedueeday at 7 p m. ae Bethel ; Friday at 7 p. m. at Walton. 1.3111eVtIIH. Mies Kathleen Swann ie attending the Model School at Goderioh, We with her a pleaeeut and successful term, Mrs, Mina Soanlan, wife of Bev. Dr, Scanlan, of Giaufurd, formerly of Blue. vale, died at St. Joeeph'e Halpitai, Hamilton, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, atter an titans of several weeks. Mre. Scanlan was 4l years old. She was a native of Blnevale and a sis- ter to Rev. Dor. Smith, of Fouthill. The funeral was held from the Simone Street Methodist church parsonage, Hamilton, Saturday afternoon. In addition to the husband, Mre, Soauten leavee two young sous and a daughter to mourn her lose. The deceased wee a fine spirited woman whose demiee will be greatly regretted. (bum—Thos. Jewitt, of the Blnevale road, reoeived the sad news last week of the death of hie daughter, Mrs. Maria Jewitt Lake, in Mania. tique, Mieh. Deeeaeed wee born in Huron county, Deo. 14th, 1859, and was married to Mr. Lake in 18828, They settled in Bohooloraft coney, Michigan, in 1888 Niue children were born to them of whom six are living. The funeral was held from the:M. E, ohuroh and the attendance certainly was a eilent tribute of the high esteem in wbioh the deoeaeed was bell. The bereaved Aftt d! MILLIERY POM11414M4H14H1414 Is FIE Ladies of Brussels T and vicinity are cor- X OPENING y d diallyinvited e �v t to attend X ptir F511 Ivlillinery Display op = MISS LITTLE. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 & 2 AND FALLOWING DAYS. We are prepared to show a vary choice tion of the latest styles for Fall and Winter with the beat and most Fashionable Trimmings. Special attention given to your orders. Full line of Ready-to-wear Hats at Prices to snit all. gelec- wear, x FALL STOCK TO IIAN 17_ Our Fall Stock of Ready-made Clothing is hand and all we ask of you is a look through it are low and the Quality and Style are the best miebb —See our Special Suits for Men at $6 00, $8.00 and $10.00 ; for Boys and Youths at $3,00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, and for. Children at $2.00, $2.50, $8,00 and $4.00. now to Prices Wo are showing a lar eAssortment in all lines This is the spot to SAVE MONEY in buying your Fall Clothing, NO FANCY PRICES. EVERYTHING CHEAP, e' tFs A e',"2= trachoma huoband and family have the heartfelt eympethy of all, As Mre, Lake's death wee aneapeabed, Mr, and Mre, Jewitt were undo to be present at their (laugh. ter'e deathbed. 2i 100.twor.•tft. Wm. Murray went to Pinkerton on Saturday to visit his perente, Joe Wade, of Fordwiah, wee in on village, on bueineee, one day last week. Thos. Mo oneld, whose barn was burned last June, intende to raise a new one on Friday. Hance Cumming has bought the farm of Robert Mituhet, of tble village, for whiob he paid the handsome sum of nearly 88000. Thos. MoXee, John Grainger, Jae. Armstrong, Chas, 1Vlilohon, JIM Stow. art, Elmer Oharlee and Percy Patter. son, Sandy Stewart, Jae. and Mre. Meeziee and Kober, and etre. Mitchell were among those who attended the Toronto Exhibition last week from our village. Joaoeeewtowe, u - Lad Sunday evening Robert Shaw took the eerviae in Victoria Ball and next Sabbath Robert MoKay is expeated to preach, Comm on SEPT. 24.—A grand concert will be held in Viotoria Hall on the even. ing of Thnredey, Sept doth, a program ie being prepared th«t will rival if not ear - pan any former entertainment. The young people of Jameetown are progree sive as well as philanthropic and we Dan assure the general public of an enjoyable evening a treat of no common gnelity is in store for them. The object of the ounoert is to help build a mission chard) in Maealia, Oaiforuie. Mies Brydon, who le returning to her home there this month, ie trying single handed to build a o bin that needy field, d where she fle has been doing Mieeion work for 7 years. She is endorsed in her work by the Pres. byterian pastor there and is vary anxious to arouse interest in her work, as she feels amend, if the great need and the odde elle hoe to oontead againet were fully kuowo a great many Christian friends would be glad to help her. Pro grana will aoneiet of vocal and inetrumeu• tai mueio, dialogues, drills, readings and tableaux. Rev. Juo. Rose, B. A., will preeide. The admieeiou fee will only be 16 ate. Entertainment will begin at 8 o'clock. Wertxtel:er. Geo. Nioboleon returned from Dakota last week. Jae. Blatt left Ghia week for a trip to the Rookies. Mrs. John Davidson is spending a few weeks in Toronto. R. Kilter, County Oounoillor, is taking a trip to Manitoba. Goo. E. Brown, of Ottawn, returned to his home, Tuesday, Andrew Miller is attending the London Exhibition this week, Mies Annie Little, of Mt. Forest, is visiting Mre. W. Carrie. Mre. Koehler, of Avton, ie visiting her sister, Mre. A. H. Moffitt. Mre. Cook, of Wingbam, was the guest of Mre, Saoburn over Sunday. Mrs. Jones and son James left on Mon. day for Prince Albert, N. W. T. MAllan M. Franck, of Tnrnberry, bought the old Wroxeter wale last week, Geo. Frenob moved hie family and hoaeebold goods to Bolmore on Weduee• day. Albert William and Dan K,aalee are in Oakville, engaged in making apple bar - tele. Wm. Stewart, ot New Qrleane, called on a few old friende from Friday until Monday. Messrs. Brown, Baehr, Moore, Pugh end Thorned), 01 Brunetti, spent Sunday in the village. Miee Bella MoEwen, of Detroit, in vie Bing with her parents John and Mre. MoEwen near here. On Monday te number of the Presley terians had a bee painting the steps and fence of the ohuroh. A wheel oame off Bev. Mr. MaKelvey's baggy while driving on the road but no anion damage resulted, Alex. Monro left Saturday for Milver- ton to attend the funeral of hie sister, Mine Winnifred Munro. On Monday, Mre. J. D. Forsythe and family left for Prince Albert where Mr, libreythe is living at present. Oath are out aunonnoing the wedding of Miee Lottie Hazlewood to Frank Ed, wards on Wednesday, Sept, 28rd, On Saturday while wheeling, Robt. Trench oollided with a buggy. He came off with a sore arm and bruised bee, John J, Gibson, Barrie, Mira Jean Gibed), Goderioh, and Mise Charlton, of Toronto, are visiting Mre. F. V. Dickson. Thursday afternoon of eaoh week Melville Porterfield, V. S., of Fordwioh, will be at the Union Honee to attend lo bunineee•In hie line, E R. Cameron, of Mt, Forest, is etay• ing at the Union House, He is adder. tieing a patent gate, which he bas on exhibition on the Square. Miee Rebbeeea Wendt, of Medway, epent last weak in the village, looking after the interests of the jewelery shop while her brother John was in Toronto, On Feiday while Geo. Oehler, of the toondry, was engaged in manidim', a spark from the ohimoey started the, roof binning. The pail brigade soon got the fire tinder control, On Saturday the fire bell again rang, Dile time the roof of the oat mill Wee burning, and again the brigade did good eerviae. The fire commenced from definitive maehi• Mary inside. The lose was very alight in each dace. HAnvneT Hotta—Leet Sabbath and Monday the minuet Hornet Hume garb. Bring wag held at Salem Methodist ohuroh, 2 miles North of Wroxeter. Rev. Dr. Gandy, of 'Wiagham, preached a very suitable and eloquent sermon Sun. day Afternoon to a large Congregation, The ohntoh was beautlfuily deeornted. Good tante wee rendered by the choir. Monde evening the ran entad down v i and no doubt hindered many from attn. ding. An elegant fowl supper was served in A.1 style after Whioh a well rendered and varied program was presented from a Brueeela ooutingeut and an excellent and appropriate address by Rev. Joseph Bob. nips, of Gerrie. Program wee an follows : —Opening exercises oondaoted by the pastor, Rev. I. A. MoKelvey, S. T. L. ; instrumental, piano end organ, II. L. Jackson and Min Jean MaLauolllin ; solo, "Oleug of the Forge", H. W. Avi• eon , recitation, "Trouble in the amen Horner",Miae Minnie JObaNanghlon ; solo, "Let me kiee your tear away", Mies Belle Smith ;'reading, "Clowning the eggs", Mies Josie Bnchanau : solo, "A• Bleep in the deep", F. H. Gilroy; ed. dress, Rev. Mr. Holmes ; instrumental, Mr. Jeolteon and bliss MoLaaoh in ; eoto, "Aber the harveet", H. W. Avieon ; Sootob recitation, Mine MoNaughton ; solo, "The pleine of Peace", Mies Belle Smith ; reading by Mies Buabanan ; solo, "Faoe to fans", F, H. Gilroy ; Dox ology and Benediatioo. W. H. Kerr Wan Chairman. A very hearty vote of thanks wee tendered all who took part by the very appreoiative audience. Proceeds, notwithetandiog the rain amounted to $24 00. 81180 Jean MoLauoliltn rendered very aoneptabie eerviae an accompanist, The Brunets party and otbete were ten• dered a luuoh before they started for home and the midnight hour wee not far off when "Good Byee" were spoken and the events of the past. (3e eoo,l)roc>lt. Herbert Manning, of Brunets, Sunday ed at Cheriee Seel's. Quite a number from this village took in the Toronto Exhibition. Bev. D. B. McRae attended the Pree bytery at Whiteobnroh last Tueeday Wm. Hunter, who has bean employed in the Oober Carriage Factory at Brno• eels, baa taken a situation in Toronto. We wish 111m moons. Ervin Huandred Hunter F Oster are away au a trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and intend taking in the London Fair on their retnru. We wish the boys a pleas• ant trip. FIRST BAPTIST 0aonon.—The Sherburn (Min.) Advance says of a former resident of this locality:—Rev.J, O. Curry, for a bout two years pastor of the Baptist con gregatione in this plane and Monterey, bas resigned the charge. The members of the noneregation in Sherburn refused to accept the reeignation, and the matter thus deride. Mr. Curry is one of the beet pastors this charge has ever had and it ie to be hoped he will reconeider hie determination to leave us. He is wanted at Weetbrook, this State, Later;—Since the above was put in type Mr. parry has decided to aooept the new charge and will leave here the first of September. Sherburn people, regardless of religious belief, are friends of Mr, Curry and regret hie going away but bespeak for biro in his new field the friendship and esteem of every citizen. MATmtromix..—A happy company ae• gambled at the residence of J. J. Mitobell, Pleasant Valley, Wiagham, on Wednee• day of last week, to witness the marriage oeremon of his eond daughter, Miss Celina Edith to F. N. Rub. At high noon the happy ample took their position under a floral bell, as the wedding manta was being played by Miee Clara, dieter of the bride, when Rev. Dr. Gnarly spoke the mystic words that made the twain one. The bride wore the time honored tulle veil, and was dreeeed in white or. gentile and oarried a bogaet of white roan, The little flower stela, Wilhemina Waabamnth and Jutta Hart, were dreeeed in white and did their duties web. About thirty guests, immediate friende of the bride and groom, witnessed the Interesting ceremony, and left behind them many gifte as tokens of esteem. After a ohoi0e wedding dinner, the happy couple left by 0. P. R. for Toronto, Niagara and other plane. Go their return they will reside in the Batton block. The young eouple have a large circle of friende, who wish them much prosperity and many happy days, The bride was a former resident of Oranbrook and her old friends here wish her and her haebaud long lite and happiness. 1VHOr-rret• Nelson Maunders took in the London Fair this week. Jaynes and Mre. Ireland, and Richard and Mre. Mitchell, of the 3rd line, and Mre. W. Geddee were areoug the exour• Monists to the Northwest on Tueeday of this weak, Rev. R. Thynne, M. A„ late editor of the Arthur Enterprise, well known in this vicinity, bas been iaduoted into the petard charge of the Presbyterian oburohee of Underwood and Centre Bruce. fife old friends here wish him eaoeees. Last Tueeday Coral, daughter of Peter McArthur, 9th line, underwent au oper• atiou for appendioite, Three doctors were there. The patient hoe it large circle of friends who will be delighted to hear of her complete restoration at an early date, Wm. S. Stubbs, of the 3rd line of Morrie, and Mrs. Frances Parkinson, who came from England during the pant year, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Methodist Parsonage, Brunelle, on Wednesday afternoon by Bet,.'T. Weeley Coseee. They Will re, aide on Mr. Stnbb'a flue farm. May their Jaye be many. On1T.—nn Sept. erd there, pewed away at his voidance in Lower Wiagbam, James HAvethorne, one of the early sett. lere of Morrie toWnehip,at the advaioed age OE ninety years. Deemed woe bora in the aoauty of Derry, Ireland. Hie lite putter, whoee maiden name wag 1Vtarehall, survives him, hearing well the weight of ninety years. With their few - by of five 0bildren they left Ireland in 184ji, and name to Canada, settling deet in Kingston, and four yeare later removing to Ooiborne townebip. Nine yearn atter. Ward in 1862 they removed to the town• ehfp of Morris, where they resided anti' font years ago. Ten ohildreo were born to them, of whom Woven remain—John, who liven near Lionel), William, Mre: Hothann and Mre. Steseatt, Manitoba, a Parry n e a Men. MilneE Pn q Son d, Mee. Shand. ere and Henry Hawthorn, of Wingham. Deceased Wee a member of the Penh), tartan Ohorab; politically be wile a annuli Conservative. Hie daughters, Mre. Stewart and Mre. adhere, of Mao. itoba, visited a short time ago, bot had returned two weeke before hie death. Mrs. Milne was present at the funeral wbioh tool, plans to Blnevale on Satan day, Deatb was caused by the general breekiug up of the eyetem attendant up- on advanced yeare. Miee, Annie Bryant; has gone to Toronto, Dire. Upper, of Palmerston, WAS ing Mre. Will, Goodwin at the cheese facFtntory, bly Freon, son of M. Fraser, ie attending Brunetti Publio Sohool. He is e good student. Robert Bakes ie attending the Business Oe lege at Stratford, taking up the Com mrroial Course. We wish him enooeee. Wm. Smith and wife, of Toronto, are here on a visit with their eon and daugb ter, ldtih eon. They were former residents, W. A. Shaw, of Rat Portage, eon of Angus Shaw, took possession of the Grand View Hotel, Brandon, Men., on Monday of this week, P. Robertson, W. Hogg, Jae, MaCeet• ney, I, and Mre. Campbell and Fred. Oster were representatives to the Western Fair from thie township this week. ANNIVERSARY.—Harvest Home Servioee wilt be held iv Roo'e Methodist church, Ethel circuit, on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 20 and 21. Rev, 0. 0. Keine, a former Pastor, will preach Sunday morn• fag and evening at 10 30 and 7 o'clock. Special music by the oboir, A Thank. offering will be taken at bot}, eervioes, Monday evening, supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Programme will consist of vocal eeleotioae by Mies Tay. for, Jamestown Miee McCormack Trim bridge, Mies Belle Smith, J. L. Kerrand H. W. Avieon, Brussels ; agorae by Straoban Bros, ; inetrumentale by Mien Phillips, Trowbridge, Mr. Tennant, Lie wet, and others ; addressee by Rev. 0. O. Keine, 0. P. Wells and R. Mauodere, and R. Pearson and R. McKay ; recitations by Mine Susie Pearson and Miss Nora Meanders ; Choruses by the Ohoir. W. H. Kerr will ooaupy the Chair. The Church will be decorated for the000aeion, Everybody welcome, L. Furst, Bea,. Treas., 0. P. Waorte, Pastor, Vans Soocxesaoo. — The postponed Home entertainment was held ie "Uuion" church, 12th Dow., on Tueeday evening and was a 'marked success. After the ladies had aarefelly and generously atten. del to the large crowd assembled at the stopper tables the chair was taken by J, K. Baker, who filled the bill in goad style, In addition to Brussels Band there were vocal solos by Jas. Jouee, H. 11. Brewer, and R. J, MaLauohlin and a male quer. tette all belonging to tbe Band • solo by Miee Simpson, of Ethel , recitations by Miss Monis MOGuire, of Bruaeele ; ohoreees by the oboir and a No.1 addreee by Rev. J H. Oliver, of Listowel. At though the program was long it was veryenjoyable and the premeds from a titian. dal standpoint were splendid approach. tug about $80. Thanks were returned to all taking part very complimentary men. tion being madeof Miee Winnie McGuire's recitations, IInion people know how to boom a Harveet Home and on Tueeday evening the ohuroh wee too small, as it was a year ago, to accomodate the orowde attending, Rev. Mr. O'iver will be heartily welcomed back again, Rrussele School wetted, The regular monthly meeting of the public aobool Board was held in the Board room on Friday evening. Mem• bete preeent, W. M. Sinclair, Jae. A, Turnbull, D. 0. Roes and J. G. Skene. Moved by D. 0. ROSS, seconded by J. G. Skene and oarried, that jag. Turnbull be chairman pro. tem. Moved by D. 0. Rose, seconded by W. M. Sinclair and ended, that the Board borrow the enm of $1100. Moved by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by J. G. Skeue, that the Board requeet the Municipal Couuoil of the Village of Brno eels to provide the sum of $1600 for the maintenance of the egbool for the year 1908 —Carried. Moved by J. G. Skene, emended by W. M. Slnoh,ir and carried that Miee Wilson's and Miee Soott'e ealariee be adveaoed $25 00 each per annum, begin. uing Jan, let, 1004. Moved by W. M. Sinclair, eeooaded by D. 0, Roes that pupils who have passed Part II taking one tenon per day be charged e0a. per month.—Oarried• Board then adjourned, Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brussels Ooun. oil was held on Monday evening, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accounts wore ordered to be paid on motion of Robert Thomson and Allred Backer :— Bewer Pipe Co t,,,,,,$ 49 12 Robert Denbow, street trope,.,, 20 25 Wm, Deubow, " " . 120 10 John Ooueley, " " .... 1 50 Chas, Ritchie, " " 8 00 John Meadowe, " " 1 50 A. MoLauohlin, eainry 25 00 Economioal Ina. Co„ Insurance on Town Hall 81 2,,5 Charles Meadowe, street imps,.., 1 00 Moved by 0, F. Blair, untended by A, Basher that applicatioo0 be received up to nest Meeting for the office of Onlleetor of taxee ter 1003, eatery to be $40 00, and that notice be platted in the Bruaeele r e v epap e r e,—,Oar r i ed, Moved by G. F. Blair, amended by B, T, Plum that the Couuoil regent the 1i, O,T. M, Band to play on the afternoon of the eocond day of Brussels Fall Pair in lieu of the day's( playing awning to the LOWS Re per agreement.--Oarried. Moved by R, Thomson, aeoonled by A. Beaker thltt the tender el George Shiele for the notion of ire footbrid e over the Maitland river near the flax mill be aonepted, nodding to plane and *MOM. Dations presented, at the cam of $180.— [tented. After discussing the gaeselon of a night policeman, the propoeed, exteeeion of Tnrnberry street sewer, &o,, the Oenuoil adjourned without taking any notion, the report of the Engineer not being iu hand yet for sewer, BRUSSELS FALL FAIR TIauIt8DA1 AXP FEIDAY, OCTOBER let and 2114. Every thing is moving along nicely in connection with the rooming Fall Fair of the East Riding of Heron. If a tip- top prize list with good cash prizes, an attractive range of specials and an enter- taining program will draw a crowd then we ebould out•do any of the past years on the above mentioned dates ae the conditions are most favorable to the ex. bibitore. Prize lists bare been mailed to a large number of people and posters are planed in conepitteoae places no that the public should be in close torah with the Fair. Tbealtraotioae will 'naiads the follow. ing :—The Department of Agrioultnre, at Ottawa, ban intruded Mr. F. 0. Elford, manager of the Poultry Experimental Station, Ho'meeville, to visit Ent Huron Fair to demonstrate the work being done. He will have a orate of chieke showing desirable end undesirable tepee for fattening purpoeee and will also show how they are led, killed. planked, dressed, &a, ready for the market. Do not mise this—at 2 o'olook, Friday after- noon as it will be of pra:ttealvalue and Mr. Elford will be glad to answer all en. gairies. Foot Race, 100 yards, boyo under 18 years, let, $1,00 ; 2nd, 50o; 3rd, 26o. Boys Raoe, under 14 years, I00 yards, let, 750 ; 2od, 50o ; 8rd, 250 ; 4th, 26e. Girls' Race, ander 14 yeare, 50 yards. let, 75e ; 2ed, 50 ; 8rd, 250 ; 4tk, 25e. Boys' Ban, under 8 years, 50 yards. let, 5Do ; and, 25o : 3rd, 25o. Girls' Race, under 8 yeare, 60 yasde. let, 50o ; 2od, 25c ; 3rd, 25o. Jockey Bane, 50 yards eaoh way, for boys under 18 yeare. 1st, $1 00 ; and, 500 ; 8rd, 25. Baby Carriage Ran, 50 yards, lei, $1.00 ; 2nd, 750 ; 3rd, 60o. A fowl planking contest will also take plane Friday afternoon at 2 o'otook, open to farmer's sons or daughters. Poultry ry will be supplied and competitors will have to kill them by breaking the nook and then removing the feetbere, Bfrl deny ae well as speed will be taken into account and a tear in the akin will count against the plucker, Prom 2 to 4 birds each will 0onetitnte the teat. Poultry will be in a orate and contestants wilt will have to get their birds from the orate. Three prizes are offered. Sohool children are not overlooked se goal prizes are offered for map drawing Of Huron 00. ; nicest 00110011o0 of learee of Canadian trees ; naming varieties of apples, &a, Soboolteaobere and parents should encourage the boys and girls to compete. There ie a whole page of spectate In the prize Hot, a oopy of whiob will be mailed on application to W. H. Kerr, Secretary. Persons have been appointed to aeeiet in the arranging of the Ladies' work, fruit, flowers, roots end vegetablee Wo ae to give every exhibitor a good show and also to facilitate the work of the judges, Iu the speeding events on Friday after- noon will be a farmer's trot or pane, half mile heats, beet 2 in 8, for three awards ; 2.50 pane, mile beets, calling for 625, $15 and $10 ; and a 2 40 trot for the same amounts, In the equine contests there will also be epeeist prizes ae ander :—Dr. J. A. MoNaughton efface 65 00 for beet roadeter, horse or mare, owned and driv en by a farmer. Style and speed to be takeo into consideration, let, $3 00 2nd, and, $2,00, G. F. Blair will give $10 00 in prizes of $6.00 and $4,00 ae let and and awards for roadster and outfit, In the competition 40 pointe will be allowed for speed ; 40 for style and 20 for the rig, barmen, ago. Any other particulars may be had from Mr. Blair. Arrangements have been made for en interesting program on the that evening of the Fele at the "Pnlaoe" and on Fri• day morning the Park and buildings will be open to the pnblio from 10 a. ne. to 4 p, in. This will permit many to beeped interior departments before the rash of the afternoon. As usual a big concert *111 be held Friday evening in the Town Hall, First olaee talent has been ea• ettred in the panne of Min Batelle Liv ingetene, an excellent elocutionist and goloiet ; N. Large, the favorite Welton vocalist ; Harry Bennett, the merry. maker in song and story. Plan of Hall may be found at Fox'o drug store atter Saturday, Sept. 1911* and Beate ehoold be secured early so as to avoid the orunh of last year, Ynu'I1 mien it if you do not attend the ,East Huron Fall Fair 00 Ti*areday and Fridaq, Oot• 1 & 2.. MODEL, SCHOOL STUDENTS. OOLEEIOII, The Model School elaee of 1908 is new complete, comprising 27 members, ae follows t Floreuoe Graham, May New. ton, Bertha &ifiiiaa, Tena MoEwen, Oiive Turner, Amiable Trotter, Sam Mo• Illwain, Goderiob ; Miee MoMillia;, Grano Crawford, Port Albert ; Jessie In Linkleter, Winnie Shaw, Dunlop ; Mite Mertiu, Fred. Sweet, Exeter ; Erneet Robertson, Charles Asquith, Auburn ; Wm. J. Taylor, Gordon Wightma,, Westfield ; Donald Mattbeweon, Looba lash ; Margaret MoDooald, Lanier ; Irene Woods, Belfast ! Kathleen Swann, Blnevale ; Fawcett Stardyy, Porter's Bill ; Pearl Mioholuon, Daehwood Rebeaoa Carter, Bgmoedville ; Laura Jeokell, Exeter; Minnie Darwin, Dan• gunman ; Flora Buohaoao, Brunie. CLINTON. The following etudeota have been eu• roiled and are In attendance at Clinton Model School, making a total of 21 gide and 13 boys 1 Pearl Anderson, Mabel Howell, Mina Mnrdie, Ernest Murray, Edwin MoGavin, Alex. Waugh, !Worth ; Lillian Agnew, Alioe Worthington, Nor- man Muroh, Gordon Manning, Howard Porter, Clinton ; Edna Onyler, Alva Beaton, Whiteobnroh ; Gertrude Dow• eon, Zurich ; Celina Durrant, Drysdale ; Emma .Edwards, Bolmore; Ada How. eon, Wiagham ; Edict Knox, Walton ; Lizzie McKay, Oranbrook ; Helen M0. Micheal, Conetanee ; Delta Stout, Kirk. ton ; Rose Smith, Leadbary ; Marion Smith, Mabel Zimmer, Laura E. Nich- ols, Georgina Rose, Theresa Switzer, Brunets ; Percy Bane, Crediton ; Wm, Bolinder, Ethel ; Melvin Keys, Varna ; Albert MnQaeen, Neil D. Rose, Bruce. field ; Kenneth White, Exeter ; Belle A. Thom soh Blake. p . UIIWIOS) CIIIMSS. Rev. J. Rosa, B, A., attended the meet. ing of Presbytery at Whiteoburbh on Tueeday, Maithmd Presbytery and the Young Peoplee' Society met at Whiteoharoh on T'oeaday of tbie week. There will be divine eerviae in the Catholic church, Bruaeele, next Sunday, 20th. inst., at 11 o'olook A. m. A meeting of the Exeeotive of the Lon- don Oootereeoe Epworth League was held in Loudon Thursday of this week. W, a. Kerr 10 President. Mica Laura Brydgee gave a recitation and Miee Minnie ltteNaeghton a reading at the Sabbath 5obool session of the Methodist tithed last Sunday afternoon. Junior League Rally will be held on Friday evening of this week, comment). lug at 415. The lawn at the Parsonage and school room will be utilized for games, lunch and program. "Why end how we aheald bear witneee for Christ" 2 will be the topic at the young people''e meetings next Sabbath t i evening iu Melville and tuts h,d etoburoh. ea. Miee Jean Ribohieand H. W. Aviion have the introduction of the alibieote. Rio Lardehip the Bishop of Huron, has been pleased to appoint Von Aroh. deacon Davie to be Dean of Huron in eneoeeaioo 10 the late Dean Ianee. The appointment was made in recognition of the Arehdeaoon'e splendid services to the Diooeee. Harvest Home sermons will be preach. ed in Broeeele Methodist ehnrah on Sab- bath Oot. 4th by Rev. R. Millyard, of Laoknow. Following evening it supper will be served after which a ohoioe pro- gram of addressee, recitations and mueio will be rendered that nobody can well afford to mins. On Sabbath September, 27th, Rev. 0. P. Walla, B. A., B. D., of Ethel, will ooaupy tbepulpit of the Methodist ohuroh, Brands, at the morning service and will preach a sermon to the members of St, john's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Brussels, at 10.30 o'olook. The reverend gentleman ie a -member of the Masonic) Order. The anneal meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist ohuroh wee held Thoreday of last week when the following officers were elected :—Pres., Mre• (Rev.) Kerr ; let Viae Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Ooeaoe : 2nd Vioe Pres„ Mrs, R. Leatnerdale; Corr. - See., Mre. S. Walker; Reo.•Seo„ Mrs, J. Tait ! Treas., Mre. W F• Stewart. Amount raised daring the year was over $50.00. A bale of clothing, &o, was Bent to the Deaconess' Home in Toronto. 0. 0. F,—Last Sabbath morning the showers of rain militated somewhat against the attendance of the membere of Court Printout Alexandria, 0. 0, F,, Brussels, from ettendanne at the annual Sermon although some 80 were present. Rev. T. W. Oo,eeus was the prenoher and hie d}toonree wail very appropriate to the occasion, The text chosen was II Obroie. 27 and 4, "In the fortune he built teethe and towers,', He pointed out thehietorio setting of the passage and showed the amenity of a good foundation. Atten- tion was directed to the presumable flags flying from the castles bearing the aigni• leant mottoes, Self Improvement, Ecou. omy, Patriotism, Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, and the tenting from these were directed to the organization, watebworde and history ot the Order einoe its inetitntion in 1879. The 0. 0, F. have over 50,000 members ; they have paid out two million of dollars in oiaime ; have it Dash earplug of le million dollars ; 8,000 members joined last year. Walter Smith, one of the °hatter members et Brueeetti 0oodrt, who has been on the dots list for some months, was present, S. T. Plum kindly taking him to and from the ohuroh in his phonon, On the members returning to their Hall a vote of thanks wag paeeed to Rev. Mr.. Conn for his sermon. Silas Albert Hopkins, of Hamilton, Wee run over and killed on the railway. Plans have been completed for the new 0. P. R. station and hotel at Winnipeg, An' aaaident on the L. 11. & D. et Blenheim reunited in several panne being badly injured' An Ottawa bank has annonnoed that Rad October 1 the rate of interest on deposit reoeipte and gavinge ae0oubtt will be fnareaa01 to 8 per bent,