HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-10, Page 8EADY
ix E I
Tuesday next—the first day of the new school year—w1 a
Red Letter Day for the School Students at least. We can help you
to get ready for it, as we have been preparing for this occasion, A
visit to our store will find us with a full line of
Trains leave Brnssela Station, North
and South; as follows;
Gorse 8ovma Genie Bottum.
Mail 7:16 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed . 10.00 8.m i Mail 1.17 p.m
Express 9:28 p.m 1 Express 8:17 p.m
rota'Reins 5tems.
A o'hiel's among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
LIMIT frosts.
Bennett Fair Oot. -1 and 2.
Tun wood amply in town is abort.
FOOT BALT. entertainment 21st inst.
ScnooL Board Friday evening of this
200 baokets of fruit wane in one day
last week by express.
BARRISTER BLAm attended Division
Conrt at Blyth on tllonday.
Isar Saturday G. A. Deadman shipped
a on of honey to Winnipeg.
Prime AMENT received a ear of B. 0.
shingles and a oar of lumber this week,
THERE were 146 passengers ticketed to
Toronto from Brussels daring the Belli
TEE bricklayers are making good pro -
geese at the new residence of 1. 0.
Savanu subscribers have written for
last week's Pose evidently overlooking
the fact of it being our holiday week.
GEORGE Ting bas purebased a nanny
goat, harness and cart which will shortly
be manipulated by Cardiff, hie BOD and
Barents and vicinity bas been largely
represented at the Great Fair at Toronto.
London will get a share of the patronage
next week.
SOME of the base ball enthusiasts drove
over to Gerrie Friday afternoon to wit-
ness the match between Formosa and
Gorrie. The latter won.
Fnlc»ERtca street has reoeived a heavy
coating of coal cinders from the Salt
Works farnaoen that will put it in good
shape for the heavy treffo.
Tug Committee appointed to see abont
plans for hbe enlargement oflthe House of
Refuge will meet at Clinton on Friday of
this week. Co. Couuoiilore Bowman and
Kerr are members.
Doorman's BROS. shipped 50 peir of
gray blankets to British Columbia this
week. The factory was closed down last
week to allow the employees a holiday
tiait to Toronto Fair.
D. C. Ross has a big lead in the gold
medal bowling contest, boviug 27 games
to his credit: Betis 10 ahead of J. Fer-
guson who comes next and 12 in advance
of H. L. Judson, The oompetition is
still in progress.
WESTERN FAIR.—The Weetern Fair,
London, rape from Sept. 11th to 10th.
The return fare from Brunets ie 02.35.
Special excursion days are Tuesday and
Thursday of next week when return rate
will be 01 85. All tickets good until the
evening of the 21st.
Acornaar,—A. Deadman, of Delaware
township, was the other day assisting his
Ben ter do some threshing, when,. unfor-
tunately, some part of the machinery got
loose and fell upon him, dislocating Lie
thigh. Mr. Deadman who ie 80 yeare of
age, is lying very ill. He is the father of
G. A. Deadman, of Breeeole.
COMING ON TEE 21st,—The `Foot Ball
Club nee engaged Mies Pauline Johnson,
the Indian Poetess, to give a recital in
the Town Heli, oa Monday 21et inst.
She will be aeeieted by Walter MoRaye,
who impersonates the French obaraoter,
Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store. Doors
open at 7.15. Entertainment nommenoee
et 8.
F01014=118' SERMON. -- Next Sabbath
morning the annual sermon .will be
preached to the members of Mart Prin•
ease Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brus•
sate, by Rev. T. Wesley Conn, in the
Methodist ohurob. Service commences
at 10 30 o'clock. Brethren are asked to
meet a0 their Lodge room, Bhtehill blooll,
at 10 a. m, sharp so as to march to the
Some of the night performances on
Tnrnberry street and Victoria Park on
repent dates have reached stud a pitob
Chet prompt measures are demanded
from the authorities to atop it at once,
There's a vast difference between a little
fun and rowdyiem and interference with
other peoples' rights. A wink should be
SS good ae a nod to thane who havebeen
a trifle gay as it may Snve bnmilietion
and good coin ae well.
Dlvreroa Count,—Fourth Division
Court was held in Bruseele on Wednesday
forenoon before Judge Holt, Baeineee
was light. The docket wag as follows
Ounniughistan ve. Menzies.—Action on
breach of warranty 00 sale Of horses.
Settled out of Court, Barr vs. Murr.—
A.ppoal against Magletrateo' Court, was
settled, McNichol ve. Pepper.—Action
for wages. Verdict for plaintiff for a.
mount paid into Court with eons. The
Wright Hat Co. vs, Mieese Habltirk,—
Aotion 00 5000001, Action dieminped
with eons. Judge Holt is proving him.
self a worthy occupant of the Benoh and
moot decidedly` no mistake was made in
hie appointment.
Bao.egn.a Fall Fair Oct. 1 & 2.
I''ALL Millinery openings come next.
7 oars of salt were chipped from Brae•
Bele Salt Works during the past week.
R. Genucx and Alf. Baeker each for.
warded 2 Dare of wheat daring the week.
Tun rain on Labor Day rather militat-
ed against the plana of a number of
WEnszennr the afternoon mail train,
due here eel 1,17 O'olook, did not get to
Brueeels until nearly 4 p. m.
ANOTHER wedding orf
two are to be
on the title but the public will be kept in
the dark for a little while yet.
W. H, MOCRannRN, the Fall Fair veter
an, is preparing his exhibit for the coming
campaign. He will have a fine display
and will not be easily beaten,
ENQUIRIES are coming from long
dietancee 80000 niog East Huron prize
lisle. Oot. 1 & 2 should see a great Fair
in Brussels. Invite your friends to it.
ANONTnr Da oorrespondente might as
well save their postage stamps es nee
them in mailing the matter to TEE Poet
as we MUST have the GENUINE name as au
aseoraoee of good faith,
NEST Monday eveuiog a number of
people from this Ioontity will go to Salem
ohurah, Wroxeter circuit, to 'supply the
musical and literary program at the
annual Harvest Home.
THE grading machine did good work on
Tnrnberry street, North of the iron
bridge last week. One block of that
graded will never be right, however, uD•
tit the road bed has better drainage.
Lax Saturday afternoon a meeting of
the Fall Fair Direotore was held and wee
largely attended. Judges were sainted
and several other preliminary a•raoge-
mente made for the coming Fair on Oot.
1 & 2. Everything palate to one of the
beet Faire oe record.
Heim Mem Mwanzes0N, the veteran
P brenologiet, is ones more a visitor in
Brussels. He has been on the warpath
for many a year end has given good
advice enough to make a good share of
this country more Menlo than it is to.
NUMEROUS complaints are made by
citizens about the visite of impudent
nocturnal fruit thieves who in many casae
destroy the treee as well ae take what
does not belong to them. One gang was
reoeived with a !toilette of bot abot that
might easily have pock marked some of
the undesired vieitore and no one would
have pitied them very mush either.
Ir i8 recalled that Rev. Father Ternee,
of Detroit, one day bad a room full of law-
yers buy searching the authorities to
discover whether a man could marry
"his widow's niece." The investigtbion
had proceeded some time when it sudden-
ly etrutk one (of the "learned counsel"
that a wife oould not be a widow till her
!usbend's death, and the laugh was on
the lawvera,
APPLE EVAPORATOR —The advertisement
of Bruseele Apple Evaporating Factory,
under the proprietorship of John Onn•
ningham, may be rears in thi8 Nene. He
is prepared to pay the highest cash pride
for apples delivered at the evaporator.
La.t year • Mahler Bros. built a large
building and overhauled the former
factory, fitting the place tap in good style,
and einae Doming into possession Mr.
Cunningham has considerably enlarged
and greatly improved the premises so
that it ie sow in better shape than ever.
A start will be made next week and with
a supply of apples a steady run is counted
upon until the crop is finished, Tux
Post wiebee the new proprietor en000es
and would eek the farmiog aommnnity
to read We advt. and haul in their apples,
Factory in located just North of the G.
T. R. railway, Tnrnberry street, Brussels,
IMPon'rANT POSITION. — The Toronto
Globe, Sept. 4th eeye ;—"It is announced
that the next examination of the Institute
of Aotuariee will be held at the various
colonial centres, inoloding Toronto, on
April 15, 13, 18, and 19 next, and that T.
Bradshaw, F. 1. A„ Vine President and
Aetnary of the Imperial Life Aesuranoe
Company of this pity, has been appointed
to summed the late Wm. McCabe, who
held the position ever sines the examine
atione were instituted here, a0 supervisor
of the examinations at 'Toronto. Mr,
Bradshaw is the only Fellow of the In•
stitnt° in Toronto, there being but two
others in Canada, A. K. Bluokadar, Ot•
taws, Actuary of the Insurance Depart.
mens, and T. B. PIaoanlny, Alootreai,
Actuary of the San Life A000050,8
Company." Mr, Bradshaw referred to
in the above ie to well-known Director of
the Metropolitan Bank,
Aa1E1oICAN HOTEL LEaenn.—This week
Alex. McLennan and Oban. Broadfoot,
both of Seaforth, took pna0eaeion of the
Amerioaa Hotel, in Braesele, having
arranged a 3 year lease with the proprie-
tor, H. James. The latter did thie edlely
in the interests of Mrs, Jenne' health and
their object now will be to seek rest and
change of air and scene foe bee complete
oonvaleecenoe whioh we hope will not be
long. Mr, and Mre, James purpose
making their home in Brneaole, Ole,
McLennan is no stranger to a goodly
flambee in this locality as be lived has
for eeveral yeare. Be is a brother to
Daniel and Murdy MaLennan, former
residents, now of Beafortb and London,
respectively. Mr, Broadfoot is a son
of Mayor Broadfoot, of Beafortb, The
American is a populate hoetlsry and will
nontinite to be ao we have no doubt under
the management of Meagre, McLennan &
Dominion of Canada Charter
CAPITAL—Paid up $1,000,000
RESER YE • • $1,000,0011
DEV, 1a- li. WAttD1RN, D. D., • POEIDDI T
s. 0. 000)110 • • • S'ICE-YEnOTnEN'r
C. D. 11,10018T, 5. E. Tn00 007 H. C.
`71000. nn40aUAW, N', T.A.
General Backing business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted, Sale Notes bought or held for Collection.
IN TILE SAVINGS B.LSI5—Deposits of 81,00 and upwards received and
1Lterest at the highest Baltic ate allowed, from date of deposit to date
of tvlthdrawal, on the daily balauee.
fz+"Partiee holding important papers, notes, &o„ may deposit them in
our bank vault for safe keepiug—free of charge,
Prompt and Careful Attention, (00011 Terms.
GI.. P. BLAIR, Solicitor. A, E, MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
OWrvo to last Monday being a public
holiday the village Ooanoil did not meet,
lb will be held next Monday evening.
'1'. P. SMITE, the eye specialist in fitting
spectacles, will pay his regular visit to
Bruseele 00 Wednesday, 23rd feet., where
he may be Mend at Foxe Drug eters.
Bn0e9ELe Odd Fellowe intend going to
Wingbam on Thaukegiving Day to attend
au At Home arranged by the I. 0. 0. F.
ut whiob degrees will be demouetrated
and Grand Lodge clfjoere present.
30,1011 BOWMAN, who moved from here
to Wiugham last Spring, has parobesed
the filar and feed business of A, H. Oars,
Bir. Bowmen Bae also bought Mr. Carr's
residence it is said, We wish him eco.
Tae discovery bee been made that
the world does not revolve with the
came motion that it did a thousand
yeare ago ; bat it still swinge around
fast enough to satisfy the `man with a
heavy bill to pay.
M. RrcEiRDSON had three pet red smile.
rale in epees at hie tailor shop that
proved a very interesting trio, Two of
them escaped from their wire enoloenre
and one of them fell to the cement side•
walk and broke its book.
Poseoyrl=E DEo.IVEgr. — Commencing
with this week the town delivery of Tait
POST, formerly mild° by oar carrier, will
be made through the postoffioe. Persona
preferring to call at Trot POST Publishing.
Hones for the paper may do so.
Tae old term of heavy draughte at the
Brunets Salt Werke hes been replaced by
a team better adapted to do the hauling
of Balt and ooal from and to the block.
Rausford Bros. keep everything in good
shape and no doubt profit thereby
SOMEBODY, whoea identity may be
located, entered J.Oaltley'e shoe shop
last Saturday and purloined two pairs of
leather leggings, There ie plenty of room
in Goderioh jail for light fingered gentry
and the sooner they are "pinched" the
WEDNESDAY of this week George Riob•
ardson, son of M. Rinhardeon, of Brus-
sels, Bud Mies Maggie Bell, of MoKtilop,
were nutted in the holy estate of matri.
mony. They w,ll probably leave on a
trip to the "Soo" on Saturday and may
make their home there. May they en.
joy many happy years.
LUci.Now Sentinel says :—An interact.
ing meeting will be held in the Presby
terian ohnroh, Luaknow, on Monday
evening, Sept. 14th, at 7.80 o'oluok, when
Mies Bella McIntosh, of 111ie village, will
be designated as Missionary to Hanan,
China. Rave. J. Boas, B A., of Brussels,
and J. H. MoVioer, of Fergus, will give
add reeses.
RneODED Two BUM—While holidaying
at Kinoardme during the resent vaootiou
Roaeell Heist, the 9 year old eon of Wm.
Haien, of that town, bat who makes his
home with hie grandparents in Brussels,
became a yonag hero quite unexpectedly.
Two boys named CRmph, 8 and 10 yeare
respectively, were bathing and got into
deep water and were in imininient dan•
ger of drowning. Brinell, ran to their
reeone and with water well near the
top of hie head brought the two lade
safely to shore. The father of the roe•
caned not only thanked Russell for hie
bravery but took oouaeion to present him
with a Bible as a visible token of his
gratitude. We hope deeds of kindness
and heroism may mark the young boy's
life as he grows to manhood and that the
good Book reoeived will be the guide of
tie life.
New Flex—Owing to the duet of the
mill disagreeing with W. H. Stewart he
withdrew from the partnership with hie
father in the Nacional Floor Mill and ie
succeeded by A. J. Lowick, of Tiverton,
who was a farmer partner with Mr,
Stewart, leaving Brussels 11 yeare ago.
Mr. Lowick is a man of loug and wide
experience and will be heartily welcomed
back to town. Mre. Lewiolt and the two
daughters have moved here 11110 week also
and the family have taken ftp reeidenoe
on 17 izabeth street. Fred, Lowiok, the
oldest eon, le married and living in
Detroit, and the two other boys are in
the Northwest, one a 0. P. R. brakeman
and the other in a flour will, 'TRH Pose
wishes the new firm success, W. H.
Stewart pnrpoeee engaging in operating
in the eleotric light bueineee, with which
be hes an acquaintanoe from hie Durham
experience ae the lighting plant of that
town teas run in oonneotion with their
flour mill when in business there. We
hope he will do well.
CHIS. BEAM MAnaxED.—The Evening
Capital News, of Boise, Idaho, U. S , of
Angus: 29th, speaks ae foliowe of the
marriage of two former residents of :hie
locality "Charles Beam and Mies
Minnie Bewley, of Brussels, Ontario,
were married on Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock at the Methodist parsonage. Rev.
Roach officiated. Mr. Beam has been
foreman at Wileon'e bakery for the past
year. Miss Bewley arrived in Boise an
Sunday evening from here home ea
Broesets. J. W. and Mrs. Wilson gave
a wedding reception on Tuesday evening
at their home on North Thirteenth street
to Mr. and Mre. Beam. The many
friends present showered oongratulatione
upon Mums, wishing for them many yeare
of unalloyed happiness. Refreshments
were tweed at 10 o'olook after wbioh the
newly wedded couple retired to their new
home at 1508 North Fourteenth etreet,
where they are at home to their many
friends. Than present wets :—Mr, and
Mre, Beam, Mesdames Brown, Gould,
Drake, Wilson, Mieees Anderson, L.
Andereon, Oroke, Jnokson, Tolle, Kane
and MoPariend 1 Mesons. Wilaoa, Drake,
Epperson, Brown and Stephan," Mr,
Beam and bride will have the good wighee
of a large airole of friends for a emooth
and pro8petoa0 voyage over life's ocean,
9 OARS of stook were loaded at the G.
T. R. yards here this week ae follows :—
E. Watson, d oars of oattle ; A.O. Dames,
oar of oattle and oar of hogs ; Geo. Beet,
2 Dare of hogs and a oar of oattle.
Ona looal base balliete were intereetrd
in the Laoan—Wingbam game at the
former town on Labor Day. The former
had it a good deal their own way and
won by 19 to 4 in 5 inninge. Those
Irishmen of Lunn are great ball tonere.
Among our townspeople who have been
or are in Toronto were D. Ewan, Mrs,
Ewan, Min R. Holmes, Connoillor
Baeker, N. F. Gerry, W. Ainley, A. Mo•
Gaire, Eph. and Norman ember, H.
Bnnetoa, W. Hunter, Jae. F• -x, Frank
Oliver, Geo. Artiell, Fred. Enuie and W.
H. MoOraoleeu.
On Sabbath September, 27:11, Rev,
0. P. Vele 13 A. B. D of E hal will
tpulpitu f the ebh ' t
occupy he o M odea cherish,
Bruseele, at the morning service and will
preaob a sermon to the members of St.
John's Lodge, A. F. & A. 104., Bruseele, at
10.80 a'olock. The reverend gentleman
is a member 'of the Maeuaio Order.
A welcome visitor 10 1118 old home and
friends in Bruseele is Fred. Hnnter, son
of Mre. Alex. Hunter. He is now engag-
ed in the ministry of the Methodist
ohnroh ie Idaho and has epent 2 yeare on
his probation. Mr. Hunter will visit bare
for a few weeks before resuming his work.
It is 7 yeare since he left town, going
first to the Northwest.
Mas. DENnow DEOEABED.—On Tuesday
of this week Mre. JOG Denbow paesed
away after an extended illneee, at the
home of her eco, William, aged 74 yeare,
7 mouths and 13 days. The funeral took
plane on Thursday afternoon, the eervioe
being oonduoted by Rev. T. W. Ooeees
and interement made at Brnneele oeme.
Eery. She was pre deceased by her hos
band who had attained to his 95th year,
about a year. Mre. Denbow'a maiden
name was Sarah Grace Daveys. She
was a native of England and was married
to Mr. Denbow in 1845 coming to tbie
country in 1855, They epent a year in
Cobourg, 16 yeare iu Goderioh township
and then moved into Morris township
where they made their home for 6 yeare
before moving into town, The surviving
children are :—John T., in Manitoba 1
Wm , Robert, Mre. D. Jamieson, Mre, B.
Carter and Mre. R. Williamson, of Bras.
eels. Five daughters are deceased viz.:
—Mre. S. 00.0100, Mre. D. Laing, Mrs.
D. Denman, latrs. Juo. Dark and Sarah.
Mrs. Denbow was a loving mother and a
kind neighbor. She held adherenoe to
the Methodist church.
OBIT.—about 3 a. m. on Monday the
spirit 81 Mary Friteb, relict of the late
John Long, was beekoned away from
this mortal existence. She had been a
great sufferer at times from rheumatism
but dropsy was the oauee of her demise.
Mrs, Long was born in Germany and
along with her husband, who died in
1891, mune to this country, about 45
yeare ago. Alter a sojourn in Vaughan
township, Oo. York, they located on the
llth con., of Grey where they made their
home for a good many veers, Mre. Long
Dame to Brussels iu 1895 and bas made
her home with her daughter, Mre. S.
Wilton, since. She was 68 yeare of age
and was most highly esteemed by a large
circle of friends. The sous are John, of
Braesele, and Joseph, of Grey, and the
daughters Mrs. Bacon, of Minneapolis,
U. B.,Mra Wilton, of Bruseele, and Pare.
Greensidee, of Molesworth, Two other
deoghters died in childhood. Funeral
eervioe was held in the R. 0. church of
which deceased was a faithful member
on Wedneedoy, and en appropriate tier.
mon wee preached. Burial was made at
Buobfield cemetery where Mr. Long 0000
buried. Among those from a distance
were Bernard Long, brother•in•law, of
Kinkora, Ont•, and W. Riser and wife, of
Cadillac, Mioh. The latter ie a eieter•in-
Bu9111Css Locals.
BUaares at net for 80 days. Very
beet build, EWAN & Co., Bruesele.
Box wanted to learn the express brei•
nese. Apply at once, A. CouoLEY.
EGG 14 cents. 100 tube LBntter
wanted weekly. 0180.15. KING, Wingham.
HANDsotuE walnut sideboard for sale at
great reduction. Apply to Mae W M
Bowmen, Braesele.
JUST reoeived a full eeoortenent of Lis-
towel yarns, all colon, 2 or 8 ply also
mitt yarns. Knitting done to order.
Dine, Kmn.
Cgmeee. We stook the highest grade
of Cement made. Price guaranteed.
Orders placed now viii receive beat at
notion. A. M, MGKA1, Bruseele.
Sarva Collie dog loot, with white collar,
&Powers to name of "Sailor." Any
person returning the enme will be tuft•
ably rewarded, 0. F, BEMs, Brussels.
ELIGIBLE village int, adjoining the
reeidenoe of John Macrae, Tnrnherry
street, Brunie, [or Sale. For pardonntare
RS to prioe and terms apply to 3, D.
RONALD, Bruaaola.
A handsome new apparels Reboot wee
opened at Cobourg by Bishop O'Oonnoe,
Rev, G. P. Chndwiolt, oft Danville, hoe
been chosen rentor of All Saint's Chetah,
Frank Mellott, of Oshawa, fell from a
train returning from Toronto Exhibition
and wap trilled.
Mitchell's tax rate tae been etrnoll et
221 mine on the dollar, and that of St.
b1ary'a at 18 mile,
Clare MoGrath aged 14 years wee bad-
ly hurt by the fall of a pole on widish he
had olmbed at Alymer Fair grounds• r
Sn l'T. 10 1903
Standard Bank of Canada
01'1:'ATs.Z.,1:SI O'Z7 1672
Of one dollar and npwnrde
renewed and int.re.0 allow
ed fu Seviuge Bank uc
highest rake from date of
deposit to withdrawal.
Daily Balance
r eeil0MIS
Made, Notes Caalled,
and every a000mmftda•
tine efTorded the ren.
poneible borrower,
FA1iOERS' SA5,E NOTES Welled,Collocated ; or may be left for onto-koeptug only
fur whion0 charge is made.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business,
rs"Every oonveaienoe afforded customers living at a distance.
Bir Wilfred Laurier will be asked by I •"(,"OUNG SHOUT HORN BULL
a deputation to nae his .influence toC
secure the Jnbilee preeeute for the
Ottawa Fair.
Thomas Wilson, of Wainfleet town•
ship, was found dead under his waggon
on the rood between his home and Well.
and. It is supposed he drove over the
bank in the darkness.
BUTTON —In Morrie, on Aug. 29, to Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Button, tt eon.
Cuero.—In Morrie, on Aug. 25, to Mr,
and Mrs. W. H. Craig, a eon.
01ONE.—In Brussels, on Sept. 6, to Mr.
and Dire. R. Orono, a eon.
Janlrnsoi.—In Bruseele, on Sept. 5, to
Mr. and Mre. David Jamieeo e
daagbter (still born,)
MoCALLunt.—In Grey, on Sept. 6, to Mr.
and Mrs. D. McCallum, a sou,
OLn'En,—In Brussels, on Sept. 2, to Mr.
and Mre. Robert Oliver, a eon.
WrnroN.—In Bruesele, on Sept. 8, to Dir.
and Mre. Samuel Wilton, a daughter.
BEAN—BEWLEY.—In Boise, Idaho, On
Aug. 25, by Rev. Mr. Roach, Mr.
Charles Beam, formerly of Brussels,
to Mies Minnie, dnngbter of Mr.
Riohard Bewley, of Morrie.
BUTTON.—In Morrie, on Sept. 5, E'iza-
beth M. Aloaak, beloved wife of
Alfred Batton, aged 35 yeare.
DENnow.—Iu Bruseele, on Sept. 8, Sarah
Graoe•Daveye, relot of the late John
Denbow, aged 74 yeare, 7 menthe
and 13 days.
LONG —In Bruseele, on Sept. 7, Mary
Fritoh, relict of the late John Long,
aged 68 yeare.
WADDELL.—In London, on Ana. 30, Hut.
dab, wife of Rev. W. J. Waddell, of
Shedden, Ont., formerly of Ethel,
aged 87 years.
.M Vs, .—_ :"-,. 1 1 .. 3.i: _ E :: >;,
Full Wheat 70 72
Barley 38 40
Peas 56 55
Oats 27 28
Butter, tube and rolls ., 12 13
Eggs per dozen 12 18
Flour per oat. .. 4 00 5 00
Patel oee(per bets.) 50 50
Apples (par bag) 50 60
Hay per tun .,... 6 00 6 50
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 6 00 6 25
Wool 15 16
Hides trimmed 6 6i
Hides rough 5 5
Lamb skins each 26 30
Sheep Atha, each 25 25
'AxrZJ F'AZFio.
Following is a list of the dates of some
of the Fall faire which will be of interest
to people in thio district
Dominion, Toronto....Aug. 27 -Sept. 12
Western, London Sept, 11-19
Wellesley Sept. 15-16
Palmerston Sept. 22-28
Milverton Sept, 24-25
Mitchell Sept, 22-23
Listowel Sept, 30
Kirktoa Oot. 1-2
Atwood Oot. 6-7
Stratford Oot. 7-8
Wingbam Sept. 24-25
Goderioh Sept. 29-80
Blyth Out, 6-7
Out. 1-2
Ripley Sept. 29-30
Teeewater Sept, 21-22
Walkerton Sept. 23-24
Mildmay Sept.
Luoknow Out, 1-2
Gerrie cot. 8
[Iarrieton Sept, 24-25
Dungannon Ook. 8-9
Guelph Sept, 15-17
Exeter Sept. 21-22
Zuriob Sept. -2d
Hamilton Sept. 1523-17
underetgned will keep for service on
Lot 22, Don. 8, Grey, the thoro' bred Tiere-
d:WWo bog,"Garflol&" with registered pedi-
gree, bred by Thos. Teesdale, Ooneord, Ont.
'terms, 5140, to be paid at time of eorvieo
with privilege of returning if neeeeeary, 1�
ale° keep a tboro' bred Yorkshire hog.
0.4 Proprietor, }Ethel,
sate. watered by the river.
Apply to TH05, M00RE, Bruseele,
/ d aero lot for sale in Ethel, There is
Woo to bask stable, fruit trees, &e, on lot.
Property in good shape 7A8, 081361CNE,
C. O. F.
Court Princess Alexand- ria, No, 24, 0.0. P.,
73rtt60518, meets In their Lodge ROOM,Blot,bill Block, on the lad and hist Tuesdays of
mom mouth, at o'alook. Visiting brethren
alwaye welcome, JAS, BURGESS, 0.10.
WALTER S111)0111, ft, 8.
LP Bulls for male. One is 1year old and
the other two younger. Also ooveral reent-
ered Cows and Hoifere. Apply to 74a(108
BPE1R, tot 00, Con, 0, Morrie Twp,, or Chun.
este 1. 0, 29.01
for sale. Eligible for registration.
For price, tame and , otber particulars, ap-
ply to J. D. MoNAIR, Lot 32,000, 18, they,
or Oran brook P. 0, 80.tf
▪ Short Born Bulls, from Imported
stock,for sale, Also cows and heifers, int.
ferreand home bred. 72 bead to select
rom. D. a11LNE & SON, Maitland Bank
Stook Farm, Ethel Ont. 80-tf
• situated 2.etory frame building, 60 x 80
feet, formerly occupied by the Oober Oar
Wage Works. It is suitable for emelt and
door factory, planing mill or oarrlage fac-
tory. A boiler and engine will also be sold
if desired, now in building. A good bargain
will be ggiven. t acre of laud In connection,
For further r or aralatrl a
2-tP G NV, POLLARD, Ethel.
uuderaiguod will keep Inc solvioe on
Lot 7, Con, 6, Grey, the thorn' bred Short
Horn 13u11, "Huron Member" Pedigree may
be aeon ou application. Terms, 51,00 with
privilege of returning if ueaeesary, lfuder-
signed also has au Improved York Boar.
Terms, 01.00, with privilege of returning.
2.8 It. J. HOY, Proprietor,.
The underetgned niters her 100 acre
farm, beiug.Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, 'for 'sale or
to rent.Comfortable house, bank barn, or-
chard welle, &a. There are 80 acres in grass,
10 notes of Fall wheat and 20 acres of Fall
plowing will be done. Farm i3 only }mile
from the stirring village of Ethel. Present
lease expires on March 16, 1004, but a pur-
chaser or tenant may go on and plow, &o.,
at once. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &o., apply to MMI88 SPENOIO. Ethel
P. 0., or write MRS. K. HOLLAND, 79
!Minter 8t., Toronto, 7-2m
NOTICE is hereby (given that a By -Law
known as the Lamont Drain By -taw, was
passed by the Township of Morris 00 the 8111
day of June, 1008, providing for the issue of
debentures to the amount of 54446 68 for the
purpose of drainage, and that such By-law
wan registered in the Registry 011159 of the
County of Huron on the 20th 'day of August,
1000, Any motion to quash or set aside the.
SUMO. or any part thereof, muse be made
within three months from the date of regis-
tration and 000001 be made thereafter.
Dated the 24th day of August,1009,
NV, (MARK, clerk.
S e 11 0 0 1
Our stock of Sohool Supplies is
complete and will be kept oom•
plate throughout the eohooi year.
We seek quality in School
Supplies 00 in everything else,
endeavoring to buy the moat
desirable goads and to sell them
at the most satisfactory prices.
Our large buying vaunts for us
and for you. Our new Soribblere
and Exercise Books are very
fine at
Drug Store.
ClbeaM Soparator
Bali bearing, with frictionless, self.
balancing and auepended bowl and
The ";rtelotte" hes taken the highest
Innen, It yields 1110 to 325 extra profit
per sow each year. It eaves time, labor,
apace, utensile, in and water.
Get information me to other portion.
tare from
To Purchase
at Manufacturer's Cost.
/0=1737293IMIDDISINIE 1:1391=922111111111i.
We are ever on the alert to purchase up -to -elate reliable goods
in the lowest markets. We have been rewarded for our efforts last
week in closing a deal for $750 worth of fine, new,- seasonable
Ready-to-wear Clothing at 78}c. on the dollar. One month only
to clear out this great sing in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
Odd Pants, Odd Vests, Overalls and Smocks. Come prepared for
To make our Mid -Summer Sale more interesting this week
we will put on sale 4 oases of MEN'S, WOMENS', MISSES' and
at Factory Prices.
This moans 240 pairs, Come early and get your pair.
See our Ladies' wear Department if you wish to nave
money. Dress Goods and St aples full lines.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash.
Garaeld Ilouse,