HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-10, Page 6LACE F SUR? HeaVCri to him? let whielt there shall be a seethe with no dersology and no henedicticar, for that eervite sball be without 14egiuning and without end?" ()It, no, no,. lireither. 1 do not 110 11,.'..' you letve eaught the right. idea Orreteiet)eeeotteeteeofieef eeeeeeee (gee THE HOMF to FORt• 1011011E; 11,4tto,leteniwiboris,,i,e1t9 4:4-ithtelie04 (1('141 1141 Reelpes for the Kitchen. Will be a. Place of Hygiene and Other Notes & ers and hymns. St John dietineity IZerniniscences, saye in his ApocalyPee ”A041 t saw 0000 1e0 0 000 0090 00 00 '100 no temple therein, For the Lord 0 031 Almighty aeil the Lamb SOME 40 00 le that bo101t 1 Itil laud" we shall never 140 34)e temple of it Teat meens, Pitun iliteter--Talle I pie, rive be weary of well doing. '11101) our as 1 tele it, instead of hitting build- plums, 1 Jac, sour apples. Seed the we 14110 11 hate !tutted tine's for prey- ID for the Houeekeeper. ttlenteree according to Act of the rare lameent of Velment, la the Year owe lit'housatio /One interned and Three. by Wm. Beefy, of Toronto. et tee tespezteeenz of Agriculture, Ottawa.), -- A derresatch from Chieugo sasee 14e1', Flank De Mitt Tannage preach- ed front the following text: I Corin- thiane xv., 40, "We shall also bear the imago of the heavenly," . What is heaven? Some peeple think that we du not know much about It. I remember how my fa- ther, who loved to peeach about the "celestial eity,” 118411 to say he felt when 111) described 0. -that lie Was looking through "a glass darkly." il'het is tre. No huln ind can r e d e e e d but 84 a p er- ,!) for 110 r- ..!n,,,mlu..!n,,, a n flt f r , e 'j toh rdough, land,r; tuontil o448eiierfect ear, a 1).r1etai.141 114 the trinity fel,. d 1 eguea fect fool. a Perfect 44111910101' 4444 1l1 1111114404144e144441) 1.1 qtof fruit; vook s l b . t o , losow y h a n d l rii s . bodes hall , ecol Thenallout* 1:leakier;standieg Mee to face with Christ.abou5 hoursit•ring thoop Omi;t pare e of And then on11014-14 shall be so 4t11 wco.avorererks ed 'tho.us ekreepe•r has, dhl Site bat 4MM 11nd the oely faultwe 111140 to find Melt women that, 1418 a 1010, t110y do not use their couches half enough. erlien distacted by Ili,) julhibt e of 111e household and worded hibill and that it WoMan should hare a plce Ahern she can 111oW 110444411 ((1)4444 rind, 141 44't4411('11 at ewe', allow her (roubles to etraight- en themselves mit or their own oe caret. Iiy thse means hysteria s avoid- ed, 10114 114 Preservedand 14111110111en8 chances for el meal salt a- ' (1- 418111 are. helped treineillionsly, .11111T DIET. s h a l l mlci c t 1 stit•king'thiclelleions, mit o Fruits are eatu(1l foods, 1111(1 ca - . . 4 ysI' aowtu1a0t0h, iebcuat.y tahned %eveorrirntiepstteioEnmiel lir110141.111 eribceeet c4)1et ntsee a:ttotleptsreaitsoawal inh10 rrts; 11 w111ill tne... .• osw1rt1. ron.0iat. shirnill etlpitlea' n. feromTrytheit satrenrdn etotrud cnoomt poneastiibolnys bweitprodthuectifve d(1s1 h'Pawhrieetm ad1uSttnent of intimrt alitY• V11°1'1f0rustht(1141°308111)4 v10never make it any other way. 'Mien disturbance resulte, it is nort hall livanti conliturto 1444 11 e. and tongues ehintltwiiI notbe81.11n,t4 Toroatoes-wioe ata rdoe bto the fruilbut Iimpropeer T HE S. SL ESSO.N. INTERNAT/ONASON, SEPT13. n .t , 01.t" t Tet of the Lesson, II. Sam, ii 3-10, Golden Text, Ps, 1141441,1i1., 1, 1. And it calm' to pees 4111(11' 411113tha, Devitt inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up itetu of the ellies of .1utlah e The 11 LIP or our 10,6014 is -tmid 114401111.14 441044,'' emit11wouldse,. as if the 1141I1 ('1111)1(141' 1411(1(1111 1.1411 ee:ied tin der 41,,, Crorw.Itoli- EAT SP 4 DECRITIOor HISTORIeC INEXWORTIL m eSePl i The English Country Residence o- - f Hs Lordship -An Old Place, 111r. lioderick 1.-1,1-1., of BushyHeath, 814140114)89Emileth, Lord eetteitheyen's 1101140, 10 11)11044144141 the tine' of the conquest this Alamo' 1(1: ('014011 b 1141 1144)1111 uf the fee endo Papifete 101111111 ill Ca, i , been chosen 11)14)01881 of this one, 'is ime 1.1101'0 1/110111 114 anointed 1411144' re all d, 100, 111 1110 110011110th 0,110 Or levee!, whilthis lesson be 0 1,011 Kis_ °,4,:'4' anointed eing or Judahlint as 014111- 404,n 61:101078;; )118 4)411104' ter vis suggested OH ti Slady111 ofK,,,tarat,1, • I •11 r • YI .'' of1,:tiwudivIAA ayw"daunteiweeenemy,teworhip 1,41 intercesmon or o10eamTake outhe areoeoplowho hl otherstoonoee.h h , ohateFaris limmshrend Pembroke .sept1leoaodainl gIifio0 r iit0e0e1. pardon of sinnd buotf se p 'eis, k t shall be detroyrd." ,itfh,t1,tanc. a,il), Sift pulp, inany-course finishing 1111 how Davidwith such re revind 110 ht. 1(1111) n 011,1 1)4411)441)0113 8)1 Heaven it; to be a ,,1.,,14",, 8' 14)0)14108. 110 WOrsliif aat4i1(some 1)118 of cold Meet, c.udiit'd with fruit to counteract the ill effects has is srsittnreco,"etc,'k,111111,11Ineliworth. Then in IV), ley the sivi)ri1i0S1°"118If11)),1.11r"ietoontsisms fS,TRATI003' gellriStlan friendI fineend some bread crumbsthen of the beterogenotis mass that preftmatattere081 14 0wo1mut!. 1 1(1 1111(44 of eilThoin11(4111(11141beam is 30 be alrt it must hoshavetriodn,nnenfory„„14mei,asn with 4414 ad IleiTnand ceded itIll urh a enSeir411(114 sai„;mi14)Acts 141(1 .1(1) 4)( 10 114 4)l Countess (4)1)1 2,1 of 0 uuamsomething to feed uponSo omwrit the gatof the glorious city fill the 1,110118 heloing fullplacngapparn 10 dagreei Is 001to bthee ere at ea8t two rues r 111011\011.1111Sold 11 hortlafter bits 01 butler on lop of caell. Bake wondered at. ley far 1110 better 111)1)011eels, 0)81. 1(4 emu; (10 evil le ;Wards to Sir Reber' I.:4 (ten; then gonceive, tut 1)1(11(111 voice or ',um can writers have predicted that in the 44 tie redeemed " I have fried to is to make one or two meals of Davide; ore tette ehe (,.„„11,1,1 10„, ,101 followed mice, feet -0 general tees of ylepict, the beauties of the ceivetialT "heavenly city" We Shall 14000 one ,,,.,e,11,4. hitid ,4,8„. lite), et oe, tea i,,,.. littera -0 111inut...., 1..ggs with Nets -Boil a sepicient Ireits exclusleely, and the remainder ., kingdom. '11:,•re are, h„w"„ie pee.. music halls and libieriee and nnts,"- eee.1 al " nee, of et„. 4, ed, tete, eau ride, foul life other Is that it i this Mildly- Ie., She Cowland. end pearly gates; a little way, so that %se eon vetch a glimpse of the suie•rnal grandeur of that city of celestial glory. We can, as it were, pluck a rose of Sharon or a lily of the val- ley and learn in mins:titre what. the fragrance of the luiavenly gardens shall 110, W1101.0 every hil'side mid aneaelowland is vovereil with perpetu- al flor a . Through i be twee ice of which will most appeal to the dent- I will rest with th, 0 . 'With thee in. I ' 4 a •-• 1 . that. gate we can, 118 it WP1.0, for a s110, ie mid yolks of 0 eggs seParate/Y, then ary. Peelle aro ideal summer foods, 'I'lle first is in Clirb.,1 stall 1 rise again." moment vote") a sight of the redeetil- zens of the skies. combining not only 'diuretic tine lax- ed, whose garments are 110 wbit0 OP Sittdying the wonderful 101(14)) (111.100 tee gospel ineplurey fer all .wee lova stir tegether ile ,), novo Lied ada e 1.141113 10)8)10 Wa0111 water and a 11 ale (11100 qualities, but germicidal ones the drieern snow and whose 4) .1 are . . of the celestial cit11. enh,•• en- 10 111 lfervir.intorli teia,V1`1111;,111-11g10(10110issi,e1ansv7 tali. Place a lump of beil.ter in the also, and their liberal age under the . ' • . ef, vete 81V000 1,01110 0110, "I li.11.0W now what in ! Heaven ' foregoing limitations cannot fail to be beneficial in t_he highest degree. USEFUL If1NTee, ,.„ , e ,. ,• is., e. ninirliee of eggs .1.4 ininetes. tool .10 of the meals of 0411er foods, if it is le'll the " 1 't e 11 ' '''''. '1 "' 's f 'r 111" ' ,. i,, la 1 'a was in the nuttier of the kiegelom 1(111 litue and Willium 1411114401, Lord sages in Gotre worel which 0 remove shells rind sly 0 deemed 11000RSLICy. rilin ni'i'll'i. of 4.4 and Ills rename:0 upon aud olsdiellee., 141, 1 11,1wer, the famous 1)14')'] ('31,, le Homan: as well as epiritual ;toed- pr„„,,,...,„•• 11111' y011 eclat in no to 1c0-walme Take out the e Wks nutritious (the opulent. 1 lee•sottally take no ex- ei,e,,, to ,,„1,4,1. hem ei„. -strait lengthwise. 11 '4 in l'rol•orlY von1- IQ, (loci that, he was it nem :atm. ; down to the preeeto 1,0rd Ire -Hee, nitwit and mix with an equal quan- toning foods; biet simply pitch -fork- y, , 3 .. ception to this thought. 1 belime train,- Alai 11 10 the ChriStian 4.401.4S 11011r, gee 1101V iler0 01111 11 1-!'llio ancient Manor . of lepelevoreefe of ellopped nuts. Season with ing• all sores of foods into the stom- 1,,,,,,e„ 1(14 411431)14 he 1„1„,., „„ 111>) 1,,,,y,b.,/,,,I. „„, :,,11, u ,11,.14. geethey the musieal desire is a itod given teeeet Vi,,,,oila 'nay you hopefully 11 13' • ' itch indieerlininalely, cannot. help but without inquiring of tee Lord CI: ••of a lure, pile of Meet, with a fair Sam. rexill, 2, 4, 1•0-1 32; Nee, et; 11 quadrangle in the middle of R." This Same V, 19, 23). ft W0111.11 110 well building %vas parley 10111011 (10141) in for us if we all lived according to the year 1 8 1 1, and 11 handsome hum - Prot,. iii, ts, (4, sloe ereeteil iii the oothie style by 2, 3, So David went up thither, the Lyttons, nearly 11900 the site of * * * and his men that Were wit 11 the building removed, wide>) was (in- itial_ did 1/avie bring up, eyery man imbed in the y001. 114-1(1. With his 1101U -01101d, and 1.1)0y El 10014 T110 011111111, W111011 18 (11411i.lit011 '10 In the cities of lIebron. st. MarY, eonsistri of a charwel. hav- Not only him 01011 '1011E0110111, hut ing a chapel on its north side, a 1111V0 all his falehful followers and th(•ir and a square embattled 1 0 W01. a1 11 18 lumeeholde, share with hint Ids rest west end. In the 241)11121 'lis of 11)1' nn'il 1,Is 11,1 ne11101111 sie $hall 11 11° wtirn yiech of the doorwae, on the south. the Son of David (Matt, i, 1) shall sido of thr nat.,. Lir, the 'wee, „r desire. The celestial harp or the and triumphanllo he Mile lo write , • 4 I 1 1 . celestial canvas or the celestial sta- the mew kind 44 en epitaph upon 1 110 cavities, then join the halves, tue is not a degradation of the word tee 1111(1118! 0(4001 a Nom. loved iiriee taste -ming 'together with wooden celestial. lint, though there may be ne see ciiiseled upon'. the mausoleum skewers, RolI in beaten egg, then many intellectual enjoyments of hea- of 1110 dtparl ed prince coneort 4 in beead crumbs, and fry a delicate brown in deep boiling fat. von. I believe there shall be two "Farewell, beloved. ifywo at last . invite disaster. In Ile general ((s- port digestion is a chemical process, and as Om chemist avoids the et - tempted union of incompatibles, so the individual should avoid mixing Incongruious substances in his diet - to enjoy the happilleSS provided for is the formation of 4)14(114en. 1 is a Ilea% en of tee Christians who are 44( 044 • 140011 4114 1 1801)4 g „.„,e.,.,..„.1,, 1 ; 1 ;envie), °item,' and Ifot, pour in the eggs. As scum as Ifuen hy their abnighty and all lov- great walled town. Acid the length 1.,,,, rethee. et ie fm. such a glimpe, and breadth and the height of il arc 111.000 elldieg Ilea' 011 1 1 they begin to thicken, add 1 onion, of this henven, to whit•h all Christi- equal. And the city is made of Imre 3 well pepper and 1 boiled potato, tins nee beading, that I would open gold, and the foundations of the - 4 - i ell chopped. Turn the omelet care - my 13 ibi, 11 14 :, arid speak teem the walls of the city are a 001100.1 1011 Of D. 1 1 R 01 I fully, and when acme flop over into a telxt, "AS We have borne the image Precious stones, and the twelve gates EVI S1110 ILL:, IN RA IGI, . . , cotubired with Tornetoes-Seaeon of the city are twelve massive pearls. of the earthy we shall also bear the — I with salt mid peeper 1. pt. eooked Why, the book of Revelation do- ELEMENT GIVES OTIT Kor.:r.., theiatees, stir image of the heavenly.•' 1(1 1. 411113 meat gravy scribes the city to its minutest tie- HEAT WHEN COLDEST. dence. What does that imply? tnll Heaven is a place of immortal rest- I or stock, 1. 'tablespoon huller rubbed vele news sorer one. 'it ha i means we shall live on millions tip - on millions of years.•' It. means that long after' this earth as a burn- ing etar shall flicker and go out one spiritual existence shall continue. It merles a conscious life extending to ages which dwarf Into brevity the longes4 term even of the inanimate relics of the most remote past. 110 NEED OF ttEsr IN Ile:AVE:3e menu platter. Servo at once. Perfect adjustment of 1.110 Ci.SIIITOCt- NI body to its c,•lesdial 4serroundings proves there is 0 lie an fight for an IMmort at exist enc.'. 11; by does the physical Imily grow tired? Because it is 1404 in perfect amend with its physical surroutidings. In order to make the heart pump mese breathy!. let every time I inhele the air that oxygen buries up part of etre: physical being, 44111011 must. bo replaced by food and physictil nourishment. Why tlo the greet clouds el smoke ascend from the 1010101;4 of the locomotive and. the chimneys of the factories'? Because thmee form component pails; of wasted energies. Impeefect conerimption of fuel implies that the coal must be continually shoveled into tie" ferneces or else the machin- ery Will :Amp. Ina in that heavenly lend there :dual be no need of sleep, because the redeemed bode, per•fectly adjust'd to its celestial surroundings, wIlt - never know fatigue. There shall be no need of physicians, ble cause pain, Which is the warning sig- nal of infirmity. shall never have any of eer joints 141 its twist. There shell he no need of recreation, be- cause Ofan all thiege shall be, [nice foe all, perfectly created, We marvel nt the perfect adjust- ment in the nateral world. We %yon- der at. the vast. resources of power which (.011 swing tlw stars in their courses Eifel make whirling constella- tions mat•shal themselves upon the benvenly plying and yet have 1114 confueion paseing Once 411 nwhile nt, honer struck when some of the elements seem to balk and the lightninge, es Tract 1 0415 ,4o1 111, kick over the traces arid stmt. smash things, We stand aghast • smooth with the same amount ol Do you truly mem whaf you say ? -- Metal Subjected to Many Temper.' flour and hist of all, stir In 9.-3 cup Do you affirm that the elreets of heaven are to be literally mede out, attires, From Summer Day I stale bread crumbs. 4 Put the sance- pill) where the mixture will buil of yellow lwicks and tee eity to be a , to :Liquid Air, f briskly while a. number of eggs are walled iu town with a loi of precious Radium has been a somee of con-' being broken into a dish. Slide”the stones: for founclat ions ? Why, the 4 , apostle in the boot. of Revelation is world; 1,141 the staid surprises to the selentific eggs from the dish onlo Ihe boiling merely telling in 11:3-uratise language :a1 1 is le, 411 ((('.1.14 . great est '81411(1 14 of .1 ()mat oes. .104 the whit es sl i nen , Unit tee 10111, 111(1 the yolks with a fork, dust en in 1111 anguag o ea' 4 '• y ' : t 1 e t 1.401,0a tura to which radium. 48; lightly \nth salt and teepee, cone n giving us a 118 ((11(4011 of 'heaven In ! figures '44411b1 4) We Call 00111p3.011011d. 110 1 i greater its muisHion few, moments longer and pour over „ subjec ied the slit ee of buttered toast have streets of gold any more than 4 illiS f.extraordinery property of ra-, A Delleireis Pudding -Ono pine 1011k does not mean that /leaven ter to 4" he literally 1(1 11114 that hell is lo be 4 `lima is told in a communication 1 el 2 slices bread, 5 tablespoons sugar, a place 01 five. Fire is a symbol of :the French Physical society by lirof.1 2 teaspoons groionl cocoa, 1. egg, 1 toetere, Gold and prec101144 010110S 1'"1.-.. 1). 'Was only. in March last; teaspoon Vanilla. Put ia 11 411111 the yire 11-0 syna,018 of 111,1111,11,1 14.1,,,, , 111,111 eminent men 01 seierge refused i bread, segue and carom then pour ries. 'Thus the apostle piles togeth-4 10 ivr'11t l'ia. )-14t14111 41 re irrecon-1 over all 1 ;teacup boiling water. Let er a great mass of diamonds . and cileii1e 10 icientitic exPeeience as the 'Mond rive minutes, then Wi'ai potato incl. ti at radium pos-: masher crush 11; to a, emooth pulp. 01 1120 011.11 011100‘dds and topaves'a'1"1:4',i1)44 and anterhysis rout says 4••Ifeaven is s'"i'rs trr property of maintaining By this thee it will he cooled all to be like that. Heaven is to be Ilk it'.1 OW11 'temperature at a point thre)9! sufficiently to add the egg, which. pearls. like manslues of white, We degrees higher then that. of its 11110- 110$ 110011 well beaten, while th golden lroulexards. Picture to your- 1 ouralirgs; bet tee fact that, In ael-. bread \s'as spa -long. Lastly stir it :elf the brightest piece y0,1 p 0 s,.,1 I, iy d i i 1011 40 th V 111 a I'Vel DVS radio -active the mile and vanilla and put ya. .0,11, and heaven is to be mullipo- i 9•11;14 physiological properties already; once into a Wry hot oven and bake triode-, Windt ely. 11,41111444012410111114 1 deeeribed from time to lime, radium' 1)14 mintites. This makes a pudding 11101.0 boa((4.11111.'' yet ‘0100 el lam. , bas this unique and imprecedentorl, large enough for four perrons, Servo „.0 re„h heat.e„ all win he :en new, 4 pewee of ertti8sion of heat 11ELS 110011;1011 11 a vanilla sauce or CW.001, MS so strange, that out. minds Oirougli "ii °linked 140Y0Wil 1110 in'ssil'ilitY 04' lireCerred. all eternity win eever tire of explor- '1(11") idll' Unfermented Polls nee the poreee ing tile grandeur. 'We shall . tal(e;I'li()F. (11 11 11:',XPERTMENTs. form of bread and are easily mad0. wings of the morning and fly away I , . They are nia.de by mixing any de- , estietwous effort SI have 1)0011 nmde as a bird, anel every plate our eye sired quantity of whole meal evith lighte upon shall offer Inosisstauldfc, to obtain 1.11:01.1011t0 mensurenients of cold 4 4 4. notion mid to doter_ wmer eteo a etiff dough, adding • ,1 Iliii 110at 10.011 fields of investigation. !mine 11 14 effects of external condi- A i'LACE Oe' SURPRISES. •Ilione in promoting tie retarding it. Decree is to be a place of 1110.11i- .Prof. Curie has found that the heat rested gratitude, 11 place %there we ;emission remains unchanged theough can thank those whose self sacrifices 4a wide rang° 04f trailleratarr' there helped sate uS when WO 11 01'0 111,0n '1"111f; 110 1101.1...1,1 11110 aviation at the 1118) earth. 11 will be a place „here:temperature of a summer day, or we can lay n't the feet of our beim-, 111(11 of liquid niff 1elt that if e. Meters the 1•1014 golden sheaves of g downward stride is taken from our lites came ne ft 1,1,11.11t Of !the temperature of liquid air lo that their seed planting. It shell 31' of liquid hylli ogee radium Shows Waco where others May rejohe !that 11 is eot 5411041y8 anafTected by 0,11. wiepei i.om,3110,44„, eamese their :iorterral tenfeertteure. 'fere 1.0,110:1 ‘001.110 Of adtlee and -their preeers I th,' amaxing nett, fart that the and their examples were tee means change in the rate of heat entiesion of first leading iis to the foot of the ! "'film, Within 141 colaParulivele' ;Toss and etartieg 1.10 forth as gos- short els-twice of absolute vero is in emicile 1114' opines le eilLet on to pot messengers. salt to taste, Mold into pieces size and sheee of a turkey's egg, and bake slowle between two calm tins for three-fourths of an hour. These are sweet and wholesome and good for sound teeth. COrl'AGE 44 make cottage cheese of thick mile, which becoines so by souring, writes Mrs, E. 0, Lee. 14 is then SCaldt.d by setting a pen ar it over or into a, vee-sel of hot water, SLie frequently; but gently, E.0 115 not to break up the curd too fine. When ELS liot es the hand will bear (I do not know hOW 11(/10y degioes) lurn it -through a cloth str•ainer pieced over tit „lett. of another pan. I let 1 stand in the "leaven must he serer a place. Why? what might. be expected, MOO Chrietians I(044'(' 11,0 11.0 effect of lempeeateres on whey uutil about blood wenn, thee gather up the corners of tho cloth ordinary chemicel melee, for at the long eriongli on earth to see the fun and let the whey min "teens at their ei.rt tete, fur tho 31,s; letrVerutM 0 of liquid hydrogen the Strain°r, -----------------------------11141011444, squeezing until quite The curd is then mixed with a little (Team and 11111.1C, flaltOd to taste, thoroughly mixed and then formed into balls or preesell into molds. AS e000 as cold IL is ready to eat. It shoidd be 111 CI C moist enough to form VOadily Lo bathe lf too dry, it will be crumbly. A little (31419(0" 1044(0 is a. better' guide than any de- ste•iption can give. In mord to the ecaliling, if 41 is not scalded enough, the Whey will not separate, and the yule] will be Micky or clam- my. scalded too much, tee cbeese will be cretenly ned eaetelees. There is a point which is just right. My hu.nd is the only thermometer I use. CODCIDES AND NERVES, Couches have sae•ed more minds and nervous systems than all the doctors and medieines put together. It is the best refuge that the over- gos1,1 wc,1•1,1,18 c,„ 11001 01111.,8 when the dark garments of a torna- ice. But few do svfeep past we, or two storm Say, es did Simeon of old, "hone i•cing toduced, is 11,11411,V1110‘1• 110W leitest thou thy 1144-4 4404 depart II 09-1.1"EST 14 1 fiele CoLrmsT, in peace, ricer -felling to (11,1' \V(' '11, for 1 I ti simple language, 0. substance 011110 ey1.8 11000 1101.0 illy Salt 011011 which (10,0 1401 (.11,11go 148 lieue bn which thou hest, nrepared before the ate.' end ail temperatures, from that face of all people," When me' father oi• ordinere- room to ehat of clouds collide end the heavens aro ablaze with electricity and the enr is startled With 1110 crashing of the thender and the freshels come and the Mitten ale •swtpt away. But all the time When .these ceereents are at wareere 4111014 of the greater pow- er which holds the 1110011 and 11,, 01111 44r001 tim earth al 1)4401 '11 length, We think of the greater power of the laws of evaporation, which with golden pulley:4 lifted -those Waters in- to the clouds. Neer third< of thc law of eolieston or of sperille gravity, which holds this old earth together in ri compact. ephere. We think of the power inherent in vegetable and animal life of sucking up the waters which flow by their skive, We marv- el at the great atelostenen1 of name -marvel not only because it works like the wheels of n perfect entente - ton, bet beenuse it seeme to work 'without friction. - (111444 ATI'AINMENT Ole Now, ely friends, if we wonder at nut seeluitigly perfect adjustment of the reendene eleinents, can eve- not the morn niervel et, the perfect ad- justment, of .t.110 redeemed body with Ds heavenly sorroundinge? Shrill me Ina 00,101e5 OV00 UP! 1110111.1311 that 4111 V..t1S 11111.11 lu• WIAS 1110 :V°111.1ge of liquid ale, tikes our gi•eater heal 1.11il't 000 child0011. hey grandmother when eubjected 10 11.0 greatest colki as well 0.110 011 ced in years. Soon te.ieedistsi envy. yet reached. after his birth Sta filmed to hee Mrs- These eieveriments with ,liqUid hy- band and said, "Oh, David, inn so drogee eteo led to ale mittotis sorry that we will not in all Prolea- emery 'that freshly centred salt or lathy live long enough to see little solution of- (minim has eemparatiVe- De Witt, our 1014)3', grow Into strong J. feeble power for giveng . heat manhood and consecrate himself as all (11414(111(4(11 011, but that the a laborerin the vine:vale] of 1 110 Lord power etemilly hue MISOli 11111.1 i about Jesus Chid -8W' As with "V gT"122-1,-; a lilt ,111 11, MUM it leaches the (((011' 11(0111(14', the 10444401 W411011 110ally all 1,1,11„, 101,10, 1,011 Christians have is that in an eitrthly tai„, „riateeneiy indent -01,1y. 1,01.180 WO Eball 1I0t live long °110111111 Theft, remarlyelfle resells; do not to S00 the beeves:flings of our go$18,1 throw tiny light mem the process sred Wo 1hat 1 ii°1 11v0 whereby radium maintains its ('1,1))" long etaeugh to see our boys and girls, fol. 44110111 Wa have reityed and 811011 ('(((188101) el heat aed worked and prayed, groW 111 10 Christi!, 01e11 and worten aud see them as teachers in Christlen Sun- IT WAS A "1' ('('1"' trey eenoms Rad leaders in evangelise A yieleg lady wbo engages largely tic Meetings and verbatim elders and itt clenelt and mistsion work was ref:- ders alum 1 the communion table eel iy 1 he moving spirji, somo nf tile Leicil'S suPle'r• 1"1 11, anutteer theatricals which were got WO 811411 1:110W about 00 glor101.10 00- tip ill 114(' itl."01•0111 m of a deserving 0011.8 of' yew Chris:Linn lahors. lo,('1101')! 3', ileftvel) r"i1rumea mattrr 11t1011 WuP, and the performance was not. naly Nee lier children, but bee dilly given in the town -ball, But Sonwhoiv or other no 1101 100 01118 1 11.1'c - el) of in the local newspapers, A few days n friend met the young holy queetion, when Gm e 0 n vere 1 1 1.01 111441104 1-0 Ile 131001 ei- vale. "Wee u"v"r'Ir:dien1111 11(1111< it ems," replied th8 lady, WI 111 a 811,i1o. “Why, Igo O;01. 0001. 4>11(1,,'' "is that :fee" e.nid the frieml, "'Hien you 11111li1 Ilt100 bad ft large all(1101100?" W011, no," elle replied. "We only took fie rente et 1)1,1 door. lett fa- ther emve as eheque for 1$1(1(1 ff we vay ',tee? 111 well doing. lint in pray 4.0 him and never (eats) to pray would promiee nueer to do it again." allild1.011 01111111 MI, W110 11000 1/04.11 0111. 100 811011 1/0 eldill'g0d anti saved through her prayers null con - developed and yet lyeeo on milarging e„ereilote fn ho '41')) 1101.0 8111411 and developing and novee grow tired? ho ('l',101)'4 ''44 everyvehere, become we Aid 1 lYnown that tee Needle of 0110 bilfolef the "dead afe alive egain foul the lose; are found," TIrle SAIN'PLet" MEN OF We have read flint 101' 0001. fifty years John 'Wesley preached on lin average fliXtO1111 S011110115 POO WO1'1‹, 00 411•1111y three. 001.1110103 per day, How vigorous Inuet Intse 110011 114)1 001011 i- t 111 1011 'hat C011111. perform. {hat task; 1 111 1 in hearrya we efliall all Inweer melts cone Lit u 11 tins. 011, the replete Or that b01,1110 101421 111 Mitch the 801.0101.14 WO 1.011der will 7104401. Wt,01.1110814 (111)' 111(1 In- finite re114,10ette that will engage mu' attellelcm 01 er cause satietvi Cur litmde geeefi Neale', even 410411444) thee, OLD, leut tile 44114411', ('(41,' celeeLitd Joy 01 all T have reeerved until the Ito 1, thee'. lin to be a place of perpetual wor- ship, "Pees that 10001:," 1181,Z5 801110 oue, "leetven Is 4(1 b0 grC11.1. cal itedral or (lynch in Which ail the inhithitanite of the Now Jer eluill armemble end pray to hine-and the entree ninment. a sue - A bit of vanilla makes palatable the cup of chocolnle. When cooking feta always add. re pinch of salt, al3 greally i111111.0 1'08 the flavor. Apples for Dumplings should not be coved, for the flavor of the pips greatly improves the cooked fr•ult. The wee child jurt 130141101111g. to talk enjoys hearing "elease" and "thank you" perhaps EIS much ELS big people. To preser-ve shoe soles -Melt to- gether 'tallow and resin in the pro- portion of ono part, resin lo 1440 of tallow, arld apply hot to the soles, as much as they will absorb. This I have fopral keeps out wietee and makes the soles last much long - TWO MEN STOLE! A slur. As Scions of Noble Family They Girdled the Globe. It is the fashion, says the London Chronicle, when a famous judge 00 detective retires to give a list of his most rem/lie:able cases. Sir learlleY 44'll! 14111111, the retiring senior puisne judge of Victoria, has been the sub- ject or such a retrospect. One of the first cases he had to ivy was a very rave offense indeed -stealing a steamship. A. couple (if audacious 110.N.0 ennin 4° HiS 1.714444(3044. 1411 'lethal, carved in stone. Over ths. communion table is a painting ire wear 13-11)1 Moo. 14 v. 9, 1(1; xx, Da.e•id's 000 10001.1 1101: 11,1Way8 '17TE LAJ-1T SUPPER" ("1-111 4" 10 111"1 r " (1). nnd 1111011 101/101; 111S0 brass monument of were is there among the diseiples of shuts, nacho in ow oh0000t Ills fai tided followers reign Christ who can truly say, "SurrlY rhurch. And lastly, a benmactioa 1lle Urlirmi 11 ?" thus: "William Johnson, by his win, but. will ratter eelf will ever tale: of his faithfulnees, Illuice 1" 1 °qr. 1' the parish foe the time being 1.0.00, the rector and the chin•chwardens nIl 9; re, 1)11; 11 'Ewes. Y. e4. 4, And the inen of Judah came, 14111:130,1petrruc,,01131.toconsolithellel 111111111 1(1.S, 00(01l Hie 11-11,1,..S1, 1111(1 ther° thrY 99,)! (411(1 IlaNia and dividends thereof; and pay and distribute the same, on the 301 h Jan - u a Ley in te yew yea unt o and king over Israel. In 1 Elam. x\',, '111, amongst eight poor hous,‘keeperre Samuel anointed him Mug in the 'Imbitanta of Knelevorth, gitinee pro - midst or his brethren, 00 4.1 111, 10 Willi 1'01.0000 10 1310140 44110 0011StalltlY at - three 'times anointed, Mil' 11(0 (Oil 011(1 sertice," light upon this we must wait till There is a. monument consisting of Ile of whom David was n type shell a sat•cophagus of black -veined 114111,- 110,,V0 C01110 (0 tug king-dow. while ble, tri front of which are three in - David 101.18 Mag. AA liehron over Ju- rant figures playing with 11010'- 114.1h ono of Saul's sons Willi Iona of glass; skull, mut seepent with its Tvi.a01 and resisted bum, 1011, the tail in its mouth, the emblem of house of Saul waxed weaker and morality and eternity: beneath, tlui- weteltee, and .Ditvid %%axed stremger figures of a (v41110111011 and lady 01111 steollteee• DaNid tvant 011 kneeling on cueltione in the attitude (1(4(1 44)044 141.1)400".*frgol:1;11; .1 0( 5.0 oi131' 141 rao'elegt41(31"ev 1)11 g0.11P•01111;la17311.1.10(18VbT13.0 11 ‘‘8.011111(-1.11-1Oli11 .cualcuru;:e1 111y - him (yeeses r1-19; eimpter Y, 3, 1-0)• diment, surnannited by a shield, on. '1));h°1.111gehlt•001111(113(714e.(01. 1118' t) Q.84111,111 10e5(‘M.V'itli;(1,41(1'";-11 rind 4th, Argent ; °rid and iird, (1 ides: iyhich toe three 111.1118, 11UtIV101.1y---1 84. No one who knows anything of him- Augma, 4,1 1, in,(101,10h 10 king over! the house of Juitall. In chapter v, 3, we rend that all the eldets of Israel mioinfed him ly come to 11 s 1,111g(1010 LIM a fret Or: over all a fess keine. I1011 - scoundrels named Lenderson and :throne for God has said "I 0.1,1 OV01.>0800 - Wallace stole a steamer from the , team overturn 0V01q11111 it, and 'L 2aci, fLY1 0° 11r1t, Straile 'Itt• On an inescutcheon, Pt 11108, fill anehor SI1H1 130 110 111000'11111.11. Maui whosie Clyde, disguised her very skillfully, Or, on n. chief of the last three right it i8, 01111 will u'iN0 it 1-111,1" 00(1 Went 011 a pleasure Nedra around fil.e is saw wane plates, Heysham, crest on wreath, elezek, xxi, 27). a bird a rising Sable, beaked and the emelt!. At Melbourne, 01110111 111031 ing on His rather's throne (Rov. ill, posed as scions of 1)7,1441104) nobility, ear, ye. eei, -14), bin ter tom as truly legged Chiles. Underneath the sar- casm to Ins awn throne as 1)435111 1(1141)44 Latin Inscriptions too did, (ler. lie 17), many to quote. I feel sure that it will intet•estr 5, le. And now the Lord shew Canadians and Scotelt alike to blunt that this ancient and historical place is the English cotintry residence of the Right 'Hon, Lord Stratheona and 1401011 11 twat , (1, (3, 131. C4., 111411 and :received much social attention, the fraud MS deteetod, They were areested, convicted nnd sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Steal - mg a ship is like stealing an kindness and truth unto you, and will also requite you this kindness phant, vevy unprofitable form of beetetiee h„ve (lane this thing.. (1( 1410, The risks ore anorritoos, and „1.0 some ot tee words ef it is difficult to got rid cif the stolen properly or convert it into cash. David concerning the 111011 of Jubesh PEATI-T inee'013.1(3 PINNER, "Sir," said the tromp, "I have not tasted food for 800011 clays; an- other half an hour nf fasting, and I must die." "Then," exclaimed 4110 phi lent h ro 9- .ist, "you shall live> Take this icer - et: it will admit you, in any stead, to a atimptuoaa bancalet, couree after course, meats, wines, and dessert -a feast three hour's long; glovious coin - Pally,' Mr. leteortee Mee Toofew, Air. Longyarne and other eminent num." "Will there be tiny arloi,dinner speeches?" asked the etarving ono, "Columns of eirn," said the phil- anthropist. And the trump bemired back the ticket, and crewlet+l_wearilY away in- to a silent therbereyntel to die, THE, LARGEST BOY, In a certain Paris establishment the hirgest boy in the world is ex- hibited, 1148 name 18 Anton Nearly. Ile weighs 1110 901;11(18, and is ten yeare old. 1 140 breast measures 45111, fro114 armpit to armpit, end his head is 221n, in diameter. Natore gave Anton six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand. To his village they call him "the rubber ball," on account of the rotundity of his , "Graclousi 1)tlb you eat very awklvardly." "Well, yer, see, ladyitel. had Much practice lately." Commissioner of Canada. in London, 1>114)041 who Madly buried the 4)0(11(8 Of 811111 and llis 80118 (1 Sane xxxi., and (40,701130r-in-Chiet of the 'Tea - 1 1-1.3). Our Lord has leinieelf assor- sores Ilay Company, in which ser- vice ho once occupied the Inuable po- sitioft of 1/141011 CLERN at Fort Itigoulette, in the wild, linr- rem cold and inhospitable regians of Labrador. Not' is him Scottish estate and resl- deuce in the Western 'Highlands of Scotland nny less in tet•esting and histot•ic. The McDonalds or (Demme ate descended (rem 'Pain French, brother of John, Lord of the Isles, ed us that not even a cup of water givee in Ills eine1110 shall lose its re- ward and that in the IMO of recom- penses, the resurrection of the just, He will reward every 0110 according to his worit (Mark ix„ 41; Luke Xit',„ '14; Rov. xxii„ 112), Since these men are so kindly 89014e11 of because of their 14i0d11e88 to theSe dea14 bodies, rot -letting thent from fur- ther dishonor, wind shall be said of Joseph and Nlecalernas, who rescu- ed the boiler of (me Lord fruni the grave with the wicked and gee%) it a place of lionolable burial? (Isa. 7, iPherefore now let ;your hands be st tengt ntl be ee valiant, leings filo, circumstances change, friends, health and wealth may all fail, but One has enid that /le will never fnil us nor forsake us, so -Gin( we can (4144143')) 81431, '"I'holl, 0 Lord, 0O1111(i11081 fOrOVOr'' (1404). 1 1 11., 1i; 11; 1.4111, V., 1)). 011 1,V 158 WO 1400 111111, 1111, illg 14)110 110441'1' (1108, van we be strong and of gond coinage, Let us lay to heart the following among many of t he 01100 Ill'aging words of Scripture foe all believers: Josh, i., 7, 0; 11 Chron. xv. flag. Ylf 1 Cote 58. .811100 it hi Writt011 filflt "510 f31111 1104 fail nor be i semi r(iged" (lem , xl I )., 4), t here 18 no good reafion why any of His redeemed should ever 18' cast doWn (rs, x111., 5, Pk 241111,, 5), 44-11!. Soul, 1811-h0818't1) and 011 other enemiers or (1011 and 1Titi peo- ple nem Cain onwerd are forerun - em's of Lho man of sin, the anti - (heist, the inst great enemy of God and man, Who shrill with 1118 5(11)44 minion be cast (diva into Ihe Inke of flee Whee the Lewd .Teserl colne poWee and glori to overthrow all 1 11s unienles alid (nee kingdom 11100, xiie, 13-12-1). Al 1 stieh enerni- yee are emilrolled end possfeesed 11(1 the devil, the first one Who ever questioned OM word of Clod and turned 1111111 0WIly 1'1'0111 1111'0, 11111 1 110 devil and n11 Iiis worlis, neve death 1 1 1;0 1, shaIl bo swept off 1 be face or 1104 earth, mai .1 ('8(118 shell reign 1> floe, ;eV, 25, 241>) in ills 11001 earth Whereln clwellelIe righteousness, 4 All 1 110 World'e a stage, bed many of the 11411.0118 ere only understurlion. The misfortune(3) that are berthed 1 o beer are thotee thee 110001' 1MP-4 Pet* who flourished in '111414, and who ric- (mired Glencoe in right, of Ms wife, a. 110,01411100 or the brave otat renowned [Jogai letchlenring. As I strolled among the beds of beautiful flowers at Knobworth, and es the sun lrflO far down in the (Western eke', 44 stood still, looking in that direetion, and the thought came back vividly memory of over 113 years ago, when standing behind a, grotto of rebel leaders at a mass meeting at 0141 Fort. Garry, when Rite addressed his colleaguee thus, he tt language of mixml Oree and Sault- eaux;-"Afee-na-gria, a tree, nan, Smith, Icarge0e11-a-44'aW-go0-13.00.110n- la-800, Noo-goni-nee ha iinklio gaw baska-a-seelt in' '-( " Evident ly this man Smith knowe everything. the darknies of the eight let, him be 01101 or simud(ed,") ltiel was not ytware bo WEIS underelood by ony or es, eVreltleA/PIN'S L0NT14 HEIR vi.cm. The Lord Mayor of leteeepool (Air. Rutherfo(d) 001110 111»1. ago invItcel cultplOyes 441111 01.1. LWV)Ity yeans' 0011(1)1 11 0118 SOVVico to 001111 11011' 11110105 to the `Town Trail, Nearly 10,000 responded, awl 14(1)111)13-1! 440 of these, With ovee iffey yew's' fecorde, were ('('4411('(1311>with approprinte gifts d cue 1 tic ales. rep resell (11)1 meny different. 1111(1(8, Two tool siety-six ,venete sereice, fourteen be- tween 111! 314411' rind ifixty-two pews', and fifty-nine between fifty and fifty- five yeorre sevviete When stone' eavaleymen wore going through a ridieg Mill, ono of men's Imesee bolted '514>1 11 him, rind Was ninkline his Way loWards the etables when an officer nwe 11111), 0::',(A,1141(1":13,:fiinti3:001410n,4,.:4101,11‘01,e(111:((s.$)n10:41114,141411,;k: 0,11f t,Iftly' ,f,r1;111,(1,311::iul ,e.,',41111)14,111m11111e: