HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-10, Page 58y,:'~r'. 10, L903
mint, L', 8, S00TT, Brueeuls,
UT 11. NioC1i,A0KEN-
1 9' • Issuer of Marriage Liaeneoa, Of -
8 re 00Gr000ry,'Lunberry Elmet, muse] s.
nutieldxaB one ooveral good Yawns for
Vale and to rout, Gray terms 111 Townships
of Morrie and llr0y, 8' 8. SOO'1P.Bru0aol
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-2:E11UHER OF -
$R, 78S>=12.,S,
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Mho Eva N. Roblyu, of Loudon.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams.
I1 -S9111 visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Lessons given at the home of W. 80, Kerr,
Jobn street,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 4>• & 6 Por Cent,
Mae over. Rorsloy's Drng Store,
Nov. are, 1002, 80-8m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
nnTABLIa0N2, 1840
000uranee taken on .the mob and premium
note system at current rates. It, fore hear-
ing eleowhere °all on then nd ersigned Agent
el the Oompasy.
GEORGE ROGl'11RS, Brusoels.
• WMs, will Bell for better prices, to
than any other Anotirnear impd less charges
East Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this Whoa or by
personal application.
The undersigned, wile 1s well acquainted
throughout the moat part of the County
end who has had business with %large Mr -
ale of farmers in and around this locality,
begs to inform the community that be has
taken out an Auotioneer'a License for the
Oouuty of Huron and offers his serv1000 to
all purposing to bold sales.
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
J• D. WARWICK_ • Honor 0raduace of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domoatloated animals in a compet-
ent manner• l'artioular attention paid t0
Veterinary Dentistry Calle promptly at-
tended to. 01800 and Inarmary-Four doors
North of bridge, 7000118117 et„ Brussels,
Rarrlater, Solicitor, Oouvoyanoer,
gictarvPpj'lip, ala. oitioe-S tewart'e 131ook
+i doer Nor til of 0000051 Hotel,
Solloitor for the Standard Batik.
1 • IGITOR, &o, 1311USSELS.-
Oflioe over Standard Bank ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the
Metropolitan Bank. Private and Oompany
{popsy to loan at 1aw0et rates.
5I. G., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physioiaon and
Bnrgoone Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Ool-
lege of Physiolans and Idooatlato of Mid-
wlfery,Ediubuxgh. 1B'Telapboue No.14,
Reeldouoe-Mill street, Brussels.
lain 7NST
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Fb•ot•olans Honor
qq aluat0 of Toronto University. Chios
nett Ep Htrpwarta P.liotograph' Gallery,
-' - - - $RGSBE}lS.
®4, L/STOIf E"L
Fall Term begins Sept. lot
Two Courses-Oommorolal and Shorthand.
Send for Oullage ,gournal.
if, 4. rb lkltgo, 4. T.,. MpINT'gRE,
emit P11) 0eerotary,
British Columbia
145ti Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
100, 8.40 eaT TLIE •
Brussels Planning dills
Also Doors and Bash of ail Pat
torn' 012 band or made to order
at Short Notioe,
Eob:tnatee Furnished for all
kinds of Build1ng0. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J not alike. A 8011001 with a reputation
like ours le a rare ono to patronise. if
you want to get a. Arlt -claw position,
then get a 'Orob•ala,s unloose einem-
Hon. O;tentimes studoute elute hen•
a tirade of mous solely to attoud this
11 College, Our Oataloguo le true, 1911.
ter now.
W. J. IILLIO'P'1', Prtaaipol.
r °moi Zvi.- a• -a .- r. 9
i.striaReit) 5,
Most auo0esaful revival serving hove -
been oouduoted for the poet two weeks
at Mayne. The pastor ham had nu a
helper a most winning anti able worker
in the person of Mies A, B. Af oaeip. The
ahurob has been quloltsned and a number
of converts commenced in the good way.
'The meetings are being continued in
Fordwioh this and next week,
Geo, Burton took u business trip up
John Pattete00 'pont Saturday after•
noon in Wiughntn.
Inspector Robb, of Brunie!s, visited
our eobonl on Friday afternoon.
Chas. E Leppard has been re engaged
to teaoh one school for 1904 for $450.
John Dolg and Orlando Wade, of
Fordwioh, were iu our burg on Saturday
Rev. 0. P. Writs, .,f Ethel, preaobed in
the Methodist °lineal], hero on Sunday
Mies Cornish and Mies Hartry spent
Libor Day in their reepeative homesiu
Stratford and Seoforih
Mrs, Smith, of Str0throy, who has
been visiting her sister, liIre. W. T. Me -
Kee, has returned to her home,
Stewart Bros. are separating the grain
from the straw thie weather. Their
straw nutter ie wonting all right thio
There 'tame 0. tramp to our v19age
Wednesday of tact week in the capacity
of a beggar with ono leg, soliciting help
for the purchase of another. After oh
taining his patinae to a 000101/1 extent he
got drunk and after be bad abneed every
person with hie vile tongue he was Wand
in the village "coop" where be had a
ohenoe to sober cff, Next morning he
left for parte unknown not oaring for the
hospitality of Molesworth, Why, eh. old
these vagabonds be allowed to beg when
we support a Refuge for them nt Clin•
ton 7 The Co, jail is the proper home
for those lade -Editor.
VV roxao Lew .
Wm, Kaska spent a few days here last
H. Snell is renewing old friendships iu
John and Mre. Robertson are visiting
in Biuevale.
A Munro spent o few days with friend,'
in Milverton.
H. and Mre. McLeod left for Eetevan,
Asea., ou Friday.
!Wee A. Allen and Mre. J. Allen are
vieitiug friends in Galt.
Chas. Stuart of Artbnr, spent Labor
Day with friends here.
Mise Jean Davidson spent lent week
with !Benda in Morrie.
Alias Mary Smith, of Breesele, was in
the -village over Sunday.
Mre. J. Stephens, of Teeewater, is the
guest of Mre. W. M. Robinson,
W. S. and WI re, MoKeroher were visit,
ore on Labor Day nt Whiteohnroh.
G E. Brown, of Ottawa, is spending
his vsoat;un with relatives in the village.
Henry and Mre. Allen, of Wiugham,
were the guests of hire, John Bray on
4.1101,y. Rae and Geo. Pao'in Resisted the
Gerrie base ball club at Pennon on
Geo. Spotton, of Arthur, formerly
',rumba here, has again taken uphis
residence in the villege._
Andrew and Mre. Brown and children
are visiting at Geo. Barnard''. They
are now living at A:mberelbut'g.
Mre, Stokes nod daughter, Alioe, who
have been visiting Mre. J. D. Forsythe
for some time, left for Winnipeg on
On Thursday, Sept. 17, at 2 80 p. m.,
the iuduotion of Rev, L. PerrinB. A.,
into the PresbyteriRn church will take
place. A Tau, Meeting will he held and a
good prograrq rendered, 0on0ieting of
epseohee from the varioge milliners and
toleotions from the choir.
A number from here attended the Tor.
onto Exhibition among them were, Mre,
T, Miller, Mre, Green, Mies Mabel Pat
tereon, Min 0. Lawrie, T. G. and Mrs.
Hemphill, Dr. Brawn, Peter Smith, Bert.
Mutoh, Jno. Douglee, Jno. R. Wendt,
Jno. Puttereon, je., Leonard Brotvn.
ABNlviensnnr. - Anniversary Barnet
Home services will be he d in the Salem
MOthgdiet ob0roh, Wroxeter oir0uit, on
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 18 & 14
Sunday, Sept. 18011, Rev. 2t R. Gundy,
D, p , of Wtughaml will preach in the
afternoon at 2 Ai), Speoinl glAeio by the
Ohoir...li$onday, Sep. }4, a eumptgons
Supper will be provided and served from
0 to 8 p. m. The program will begin
'harp at 8 o'oluak and . wi'l ooneiet of
von' eeteotione by Mist Belle Smith,
14, W. Avieon, P. J, Gilroy and 2 Leslie
Kerr ; Recitations by Mies Minnie
MoNenghton and Readings by Mie' Josie
Buchanan ; and inetrarrlerntal0, violin and
organ, by H. L. and Mts. Jackson, all of
Bruerele. Choruses by the Choir, Rev.
Joseph Holmes, of Gerrie, will give an
address, The (thumb will be deomated
With the produate of the' Beason. Do
not miss the trent of the nation. W. H.
Kerr, of Tire Battens a PnaT, will op.
appy the ohajr. A: 1 Moltelveyi S, t L,1
ie the Pinter,
Blight ie destroyingthe plume ill
Stratford di0tri01,
The date of the British Columbia 'leo.
Mon 1100 been changed to October 8
A. A. Mahaffy has been nominated for
the L'egieleture by the Ooneervativee of -
William Pearson, of Hamilton, wan
found dead in bit barn where he had
taken abetter from a storm,
Manitobe, Libe,ale have petitioned for
the unseating And diequalidcatdon of
Hon. hinsorn, Campbell' and MoFadllen. i
TRIM 13R!11 B.iCLis 1'08T
The lire tin+rwrildrn have rtl.ed "t:ulAC'3fT
the ineurau00 Owes et Linde') 10 per ' EAST
Albert 1'1'801++1 N'eboile, aged 16
pars, of Herniltt•n, ;,•'ui'entlyahar;ilio.
self dead while ono hunting.
William Ituy was ollarged at Owen
Sound with unlawfully pr000ring the
Obeenos 001601ma Boyoo from the trial hl
wbinit Ro,y'e wife was ohorged with
throwing vitriol in Moe, B,voe'e lane,
The ease was ad)01100ed for a week.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Connell of the Town•
ship of Gey met at the Townohip Had,
Ethel, Sept. 71h, pureuent to adjourn•
ment, Membere all present, Reeve in
the obair. Mi.utoe of last meeting read
and confirmed, Moved by Grant, second-
ed by Turnbul' that the Engineer's report
on the Mittman Municipal Drain 00 read
bo adopted, and that a Bylaw be peeper.
ed and served on parties intereeted.
Carried. Moved by Work, untended by
Fraser that the Agreement of contractor
for the Lemont Drain as axeouted be
accepted, and that the Reeve be auth..r
ized to toga the same on behalf of the
oorporatmn, and that the corporate eenl
be attached thereto, and one o,py of said
agreement be filed with the Olerlt. Gar.
ried, Moved by Work, amended by
Turnbull that Bylaw No. 209, known as
the McLean Municipal Drain 13y.law be
read 1st and 2nd time, and be provioiou•
ally adopted, and that 85 oopiee of same
be printed. Oarrted. On motion of
Work and Grant the following Rec ants
were ordered to be paid :-
Robert Close, gravel 6 4 24
Wm, Miller, oaleen Elam bound'y
Grey'e 'baro 8 87
Huron Expositor, advt. re Lamont
Drain tendon 2 00
Janne 00101000, "ravel 15 24
Nelson Plant, culvert and tie ou
Howiok Bdy, Grey's share 8 76
John Doneaueen, repairs to river
bank and gravelling S. R. 2,
con. 11 6 50
J. Dnnoaneoo, malting road eoroper 8 00
Louie Steins, form bridge, Looking
Drain 10 00
George Dunlop, attaining Engineer
S. R 4, cone. 16 & 17 1 60
Peter McNiff, farm bridge, 14th
Oo11. Drain 10 00
Robert Lowe, team on grader 8 00
13, Alcook, grading S. R.8, eon, 16 16 10
W, M. Sinclair, oigning deolora.
liana .Henna and Lamont By.
lox.] eve 1 00
Rabb, Blair, repairing ou Ivan S. R
4, and shovelling gravel 6 00
John D. McNeil, farm bridge, 14th
Oen, Dain 10 00
Janee Ferguson, gravel 41 80
Gorge Kerr, gravelling Grey and
Morris bey 45 00
Jno. Campbell, burying dead oalf 50
Moved, seconded and married that the
00110011 do now adjourn to meet at mall of
JOHN MOINTeen, ()lark.
Perth County.
Mrs. J. H. Gunther, of Listowel, who
recently underwent au operation in
Chicago Hospital, is progressing favor.
ably and her recovery in now entered.
One of the latest additions to organized
labor in Stratford is a parcel sod delivery
boys' union. Eighteeu of the little chaps
have banded together and made 81111)10)0.
0011 for recognition by the Trades' and
Labor Council,
John Way, Thos. P. Quirk and Frank
J. Goodwin, exe00tots of the estate of the
late Michael J. Goodwin, o1 Stratford,
appiind at Osgood' Hall fot an injunction
restraining the Grand Trunk Railway
Co. from laying its traoke along Faletuff
street in that arty.
1'. K. Weber, of Berlin, 0entraotor for
laying the mains for the Liet0w,el water-
worn, has a gang of nearly twenty men
at work, and is taking on others as feet
as he eau snare them. He expecte to
have the mains all down within six
weeks, Herb. Johnston, aesietnnt engin
ear, is in ohurpe of 'be force.
Alfred 0. Monteith, sou of Jno. N,
Monteith, Go;e of Downie, died in the
Stratford hospital on Sunday in bis 25th
year of lung trouble superinduced by
typhoid fever. He wan well and favor.
ably known to a wide oirote of arquaiu.
talons, The funeral tot k place Tuesday,
afternoon from hie fnther'0 residence to
Avondale cemetery.
A pretty wedding wee oelebrated at
the "IEfawthortteo", the residence of J. H.
and Mrs. Thompson, 6th,00n,, Eima, ou
Wed,eeday of loot week when their
daughter, Marguerite L., was united in
marriage to Mottles] M. Stewart, of Van,
oouver, B. 0,, formerly of Atwood, The
officiating tginieter woo lin. Mr. Pen.
hall, pastor of the Atwood Methodist
chnrah, 150 guests assembled to honor
the 000Oeio0,0 The happy parr left for
Stratford eu route to Toronto and Nia•
gore; thence to Vancouver, B. 0.
The four yoar•old daughter of William
Wood, who Iivea n few miles op the
River Thames, near St. Mary'e, bad a
narrow neaps from death the other after.
neon, It appears that their promisee
were infested with rats, and Mre. Wood
bad prepared acme ntryOhniue in a mune,
She had Moo ant some email slime of
bread, and had left the butter dish on the
table prepaeotory to spreading eons on
the slices of bread, Having to go to
another room for a minute she did not
ohserva her little girl in the room she
Ielt. The 01111d undertook to have a
pine of bread and butter, and had, when
thing the batter dropped a piece in the
macer where the poison was. She than,
childlilta, piolted it up, and observing a
piece of bread ate it. The mother on her
return noticed the child turn deadly eiok
and observing a piece of butter in the
poison moon, knew what the mutter waa
at once. Home remedies and powotfgl
antidotes were applied whiob anted
the child, but it was a very narrow eel"pe
from a fatal eediug.
iMIr, Tarte'o Liberal oopetitoeete 41{ay
ee meet bin' tpo ppsign,
on. 38 A. Davidson, of Manitoba,
is In a oritfoal popditiob.
Daniel Churchill, of South Norwich,
died while sitting in obhroh,
lobo S. Polloolc, of Gerrard street
Toronto, wee drowned in Muekoke,
Southampton ratepayere voted to
raise $6,660 to extend the waterworks
Max Kelt has been again p'aeetl un•
der arrest at Montreal and the shooting
of George Greenly will be investigated.
St, Andrew's Obhroh, Beaverton.,
founded seventy•ono years ago, oaks
brated a number of interesting anniv0r.:
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1 & 2.
The Outlook Very Favorable,
East Huron Fall fair has won a front plasm among the County Agrioultural
Shows and ha0 been growing in interest au the years have gone by. The Fair of
1908 will not be inferior to any of its prodeceeoors and will no doubt attraot many
In addition to a splendid regular list of prizes the following opeofale are an-
nonnoed that will oall for numerous entries we have no doubt :-
F. H. Gray, of the Standard Bank, offers $5 00 for the beet 15 pounds of roll but.
ter, the same to become property of donator.
W. H. Kerr will give Tau PoS'r for a year for the best 2 loaves of home made
breed ; and Tsa POST for a year for the best 6 pounds of butter, boat artattles
to become his property,
W. H. McCracken offere to purchasers of seed froth him as follows '-6 Swede
Turnips, 1st, 60e. ; 2nd, 25o. ; 5 Long Rod Mangele, 1st, 50o, ; 2nd, 25o. ; 6
Yellow Globe Mangele, 1st, 60o.; 2nd, 25o.
011Painting, Original Sketch, not lees than 10x20 in., from spot selected by the
Secretary, to be limited by metes and bounds. Intending oolnpetitore may get
full information from the Seoretary. lab, $8 00 : 2nd, $2 00.
Postmaster Farrow offers prizes for beet specimens of map of Huron Go, by
Public School pupils, showing outline of Townehipe, one village or town in
each, Co. Town, the rivers and railways. Size of sheet 18x20 inches. let
prize $1 00 ; 2nd, 750. ; 8rd. 250.
Plucking contest open to farmer's sons and daughters on the afternoon of Friday
at 2 o'olook. Birds will be anpplied. Farther particulars will be announced
later. 1st prize, $1.00 ; 2nd, 75o. ; 8rd, 50o.
Four prizee will be awarded by the Society to boys and girls under 16 years of age
who man name the largest number of varieties of apples on exhibition at the
fair. 1st, $2 00 ; 2nd, $1 60 ; 8rd, $1 00 ; 4th, 60o. Competition takes place
at 4 80 p. m. on first afternoon of Fair. No eutranoo fee.
Bost half acre of Mangols, 1st, $2 50, donated by Geo. Thomson ; 203, $1 50, by
W. H. MoOraoken ; 8rd, $1 00. There must be 4 entries or no competition.
Eutrance fee of 50o to be made at the time of making entries. Entries to be
made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not later than Out. 17.
Best half acre of Turnipe, tat, $2 60, donated by Geo. Thomson ; 2nd, $1 50 ; 8rd,
$1 00 Must be 4 entries or no competition. Entrance fee of 500 to be made
at the time of • making entries. Entries to be made before Show day and
prizes to be awarded not later than Oob. 17,
Dr, J. A. McNaughton offers $5 00 for beet roadster, horse or mare, owned and
driven by a farmer. Style and speed to be taken into consideration. let,
$8 00 ; 2nd, $2 00.
The Secretory will present a box of Croquet, valued at $1 50, for the largest
assortment and nicest arrangement of leaves of Canadian woods, the same to
be atbaohed to a lard not exceeding 24x06 inohes, by a Public Sollool pupil 1
2nd prize, Photo. Album.
Alfred Beaker offers $1 00 for the best ohfoken hatched from eggs purchased from
his pens.
A. E. Mellish, of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, will give three prizes, viz. let,
$8 00 ; 2,1d, $2 00 ; 8rd, $1 00, for the three best collections of Winter
apples exhibited.
Arch, Hislop, M. P. P., donates $5 which will take the place of the Society's prize
for Roadster Stallion with progeny. See page 3.
G. F. Blair will give $10 00 in prizee of $6 00 and $4 00 as 1st and 2nd awards for
roadster and outfit. In the competition 40 pointe will be allowed for speed ;
40 for style and 20 for the rig, harness, &o. Any other partioulars may be
had from Mr. Blair.
,lddltloull Retries 111110), be tootle with the Secretory
fur the above Special Prizes.
To provide a program of interesting features for the 2nd day of the Pair has
been the endeavor of the Directors and that they have euoceeded is beyond
question. This year the pard will show :-
TfIHE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, at Ottawa, has instructed Mr.
J_ F. O. Elford, manager of the Poultry Experimental Station, Holmeeville, to
visit East Hnron Falr to demonstrate the work being done. He will have a
orate of ohioks showing desirable and undesirable types for fattening purposes
and will also show how they are fed, killed, plunked, dressed, &o., ready for
the market. Don't miss this ab 2 o'olook Friday afternoon as it will be of
practical value, and Mr. Elford will be glad to answer all enquiries.
FOOT RACE, 100 yards, boys under 18 years, 1st, $1 00 ; 2nd, 50o. ; 8rd, 25o.
BOYS' RACE, under 14 yeare, 100 yards. 1st, 75o ; 2nd, 50o ,; 8rd, 25c ; 4th, 25o.
GIRLS' RA0E, under 14 years, 50 yards. let, 750 ; 2nd, 50o; 8rd, 250 ; 4th,
BOYS' RACE, under 8 years, 50 yards, let, 50o ; 2nd, 260 ; 8rd, 250.
GIRLS' RACE, under 8 years, 50 yards, let, 50o ; 2nd, 25o ; 8rd, 25.
JOCKEY RA0E, 50 yards each way, for boys under 18 years. 1st, $1 00 : 2nd,
500 ; 8rd, 25e.
BABY CARRIAGE RA0E, 50 yards. 1st, $1 00 ; 2nd, 75c ; 8rd, 50o.
For the past three years Concerts have been held in the Town Hall that have
proved of real merit and hundreds were turned away last Fair night unable to
get even standing room. This year's Concert will be up to date as A 1 talent has
been secured in the persona of Mitts Estelle Livingstone, reader and vocalist, of
Potrolia ; A, N. Large, the well kuowu baritone ; and Harry Bennett, of Toronto,
who will give many oppor'tnnitiee of enjoying a good laugh. Watch out for the
program. Plan of Hall will be opened in Fox's Drug Store, on Saturday 19th
A program will be rendered by the town Band on Thursday evening at the
Agrioultural Hall, on the Fair ground, commencing at 8 o'clock.
Further particulars as to the Fair may be obtained by enquiring of the
President or Seoretary. Prize lists will be mailed on applioatione to W. H. Herr,
Mark down the dates and prepare an exhibit an the larger the entry list the
better the Fair,
£crc%ies' Fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
lyl` r comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another "Inst like the last ones."
Then Alar prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying.
Here are a few:--
Seventeen paire Ladies' Dongcla Oxfords, sizes 8 and 8}, r0gular price o
was $1.25 and $1,50, going now, to clear, al per pair
-A11 the balanoe of our Summer Shoes at reduced primal to olear to make room for
Pall goods now arriving.
- IN 011R HARNESS DEPARTMENT will be found Harness of all styles all oar
own make and sold at Lowest Priam larBtlanoe of Otte Ply Note at ooet.
Bargains in Penh and Satobole.
ifieTwe dwelling lumen for We, a half acre of land Milt each.
(AVE New ball Goode are arriving in large quantitieo. We expeot,10
V have ouc stook complete in every department by the end of this week.
Our pantheon for the Fall trade are on a mob larger anile than formerly.
Our trade is rapidly increasing and we have prepared for a large trade this
Fall. Our oink of Drees Goode is larger and more varied them ever before:
-We show great value in Snow Flakes in black and oolored grounds,
Venetiaae, Homespun, Friezee, Viounas, Broad Clothe, Cheviote,
eto., from 36o to $2 per yard.
-Our New Mantleo, Jaokete and Oapee for Ladies, Misses and Children are
j now ready for inepeotion. We 'bow savant new deefgoe which are
confined to ourselves ; the prioee run from $2 60 to $15.
- We etruok a greet snap in Flannelettes and Wrapperettee when 1110
market broke last Spring, We bought huudrede of pieces, enough to
do n0 till 'text May, We are now offering good wide Flannelette,
worth lo for 5o, and new patterns, fa Wrapperettee, worth 12io, for
-Oor stook of Men's Underwear fn Wool Fleeced, Scotch Kuft and Stan.
field'e Unehriukable goods are all in stook.
- Ladies' Fall Underwear in great variety, in all prioee from 15o to $1 per
garment, just received.
-We do a Targe trade in Waterproof Ooate for men and women. We have
them from $2.50 to $10.
- The oelebrated Rook Feet Drills for Shirts now in stock.
rw 1'wo Smart Apprentices wanted in the Millinery Department.
McKinnon & Co..,
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed supplied by
All. Backer, All stock like it and thrive
on it, and it ie pronounced by all Intel.
ligent breeders to be inoompariably the
beet eold. Try a sample lot and you will
never feed anything but our Rarer corn
and meta.
Alf. Bae
1.1 verpo0l and Londonderry
Royal .Mail Steamers
Pretoriao....,. Sat , Aug. 15
Bavarian..•... 22
Ionian " 20
Tunisian " Sept, 5
Parisian " 12
August 10
Sept. 5
let Cabin -80$ and upwards, awarding to
steamer and location of berths, eta.
2nd Cabin -Liverpool and Londonderry -
Bavarian, Ionian and Tunisian 540 ; other
steamers, $97 60. London $2.60 extra.
Ord C1ase-806 and $26 -Liverpool, Derry,
Belfast, Glasgow, Landau.
Through tickets to South Africa.
Montreal to Glasgow direct -Sicilian, Aug.
12; Corinthian, Aug. 20; Sardinian (2nd 4:
Ord class only) Sept, 9. 1st cabin, $50 and
upwards ; 2nd cabin, $95 ; Ord cabin, 626.
W. 11. ,GEEK,
Agent, Brussels.
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of— -
—All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Sheetings,
—Plain Flannels,
—Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Ridings,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
I—Underwear for Men and Boys, •
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
—Ladies' and Ohildren's r'
I—Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
Sold this Season.
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
—We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
--You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prices right.