HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-10, Page 3I1
Qom -
Occurrences in clic Land That
Reigns Supremo In the Com-
]nercii World,
111710 cert' un of the thumb -going
pop01011011 of J..on()en shows that
only one pe00(1 in 10tH' not ends 1101' -
vice of any kind oto Nunley,
A mother and son who have for-
their nuntee and whore they
came from have been taken into cnls-
tody at. Brighton. The police aro
trying to flora choir relatives.
A CZowlnu;y poultry fanner moved
into note premises and the next
morning found that eighty-three
young chickens from prize birds, had
been lulled by a big rat, which he
cough t,
])tiring Solite (ax(`ayllt1O115 for a
new graving dock, at ifehburn-on-
'Tyne, on Thursday, a large body of
earth fell in, burying u. nnluhrr of
mel, :+oven dead bodies have been
At Rochdale, the other cloy, the
horses i0 an omnibus were frighlel-
rd b a 1(10(A' lorry and ran away.
The driver, Abrahnui \P111lrhea d,
Was thrums from Itis seat and killed,
and the conductor and several pas-
sengers wore injured,
Tho ancient ceremony of blessing
the fisheries at Folkston° took
place on Sunday morning, the Rev.
0, J. Itidsdalo and procession o
choristers marching from St, Peter's
Chervil to 1hs harbor, where the
eun.inl. ceremony rim observed,
Leonard Pntchoth, aged twenty-six,
was sentenced to death, at Lincoln
Asea es, on Monday for murdcring
his wife b strangling her in a field
neer Lincoln ou Slay 3(1. Accused
committed the cruse whilst visiting
his wife, from whole he Wets separ-
A. pool of the ratepayers was taken
at Southport on. the questionofrun-
ning Sunda trams, which has been
the subject of keen controversy for
S de-
The result 1vu
to n large crowd on Saturday
night, 011d showed that 8,6311 had
voted against, and 1,8:7 or, 10 e.
the opponents had a majority of
nearly 1 WO to one,
A touching scent. Was witnessed
cn'hlg the visit of Lord Roberts to
Colchester. An.ong the crowd was
an old elan wanting war pedals.
Lord Roberts welt up to slim, shook
hint by tho hand, and, looking n
the Inedthls remarked, "Afghan
March!" "Yes," replied the ratan,
"1 have root seen Your Worship from
That ny hu us,
9 has ordered
Tho Home Secretary etnr
the removal of the eight-year-old
ho., Patrick Knowles, to Broadmoor
Criminal Lunatic. ins-eu o
placing flim upon his -trial for the
murder of Frederick ug les, a oltl clot 1, by burying
Coe infant alive et S .lckton on May
An ancient coeplo have been die-
covered at Laughton-en-le-llorthel,
a village not far from. Worksop, says
a London print. Their united ages
total :1.1)4 years, the 01d man being
ninety-six and his wife ninety-eight.
- They )lave been married sl vOnly-live
years and have livod'in their present
cottage sixty-six years, They are in
receipt 01 ten shillings per Week out-
. aloe,• -relief..
Two swarms of bees took posses-
sion, one triter the other, of tho pos-
tal pillar -bort at Cruxeaslon, near
Newbury, with the result that no
one was abio to post letters between
a recent thaLurday evening and the
foilowiny Tuesday afternoon. The
• 1+ 1
postman had to call in tho assistance
of a boa -keeper to clear the box, but
the ,lees returned, and ho has had
to collect the letters from tho hous-
es of tho villagers.
'P110 turn of Fortune's wheel sent
John Hartshorn fro'nl wealth to
poverty and then promised luxury
again, but death iuttn'vened. I'n
forums days TTartshOr'e was a colli-
ery proprietor 110ar Wolverhampton,
but at ninety-five years old found
himself penniless in Newark Work-
house, Then a tray of sunshine
broko through. An American rela-
tive left him four thousand pounds,
and negotiations were going on well
When the clouds gathered again and
the poor old 111011 was taken i11.
n it race and the romance
Death won the L a
coldly dl ends.
y g g
l h Y
! 1
13 P 11 t
d until tl ' "
Asylum, L d f
1 g upon
tI i fif-
teen -months'
Tho directors of a hank had en-
gaged the services of a watchman,
who chine well recommended, but
dill not soma oven' -experienced. The
chairman, therefore, sent for hint to
post him top a bit, and began:—
"James, this is your first job
this kind, isn't it?"
"Yes, sir."."
Your duo
vlgilimee," y
"Yes, sir."
"Be careful
preach you."
"I lvi11 sir."
"Vo stranger must be allowed
enter the bank at night under
pretext Wilal:evc1•,"
"No, sir."
"And our manage' --ho is a good
num, honest, reliable and trustwor-
thy; but it will bo your duty to keep
your e•y0 on hits,"
"11nt it will ,be hard to watch true
men and the hank at the sane
"Two loci, --how?"
"WiIoy, sir, it was only yesterday
that the manager called Inc in for a
talk, and ha said you were one of
n London h
the burst mall i hat it
would bo just as well to koop both
erns on you, and let the directors
know if youhung around after
must bo
o exercise
how strangers ap-
SulTorer•-"Do you extract teeth
Without. ,tale?" Dentist --"Not itt-
Ways. I sprained my Wrist on alio a
couple of ti a.. t and $ hul'td
. 0(S''S gt i
Every Mother of a Growing Girl
Will Be Interested in the
Story as Told By the
Youiog Lady.
Miss Laura Dumontier is 1110
claughlcu' of a well-to-do farmer in.
St, Cuthbert., Quebec, The elleum-
stances under whicll she was forced
to discontinue her studiee and leave
school will ho of Interest to all mo-
thers of growing girls, and Miss 1)u-
111011del' 00115ents to make ,hent pub-
lic for the benefit her experience ratty
be to others. She says: ''Al. tho
age of twelve 1 was sent to a cool -
vent school in this parish. At that
tilno 1 was As healthy as any girl
of my age. At, the 11(111 of a couple
of years, 11111vew01', 1 felt my strength
leaving me. My appetite grew poor,
and 1 suffered from severe headaches.
1 nevertheless cout.intu:d toy studies
until October, 1001, when 1 became
✓ ery i11 and was forced to leave
scilool. The headaches that Ilan
bothered mu became almost constant,
I s111011red from pains in the back and
s1untech and the least exertion Would
leave 201(1 010101(0 breatllles5. A doe
tor was called in and be said 1 was
suffering from anaemia, end ,vas in a
✓ ery dangerous condition, Ito treat-
ed Jun until February without .the
least beneficial result. Them another
doctor was called in, but no better
results Iollovrcd his treatment, Illy
parents Were 11010 thoroughly alarm-
e d and two other doctors from. fit.
13su-t110semi were called in, and otter
consultatlon their verdict was that.
my trouble had reached 011 in0ueable
stage. 1 tvas greatly disheartened
and did not expect to live long when
one day one of 111,31 frien(111 asked me
why 1 slid not try 1)r, Williams' Pink
Pills, I had lost conlidemco in all
h,rdieines, lout was willing to try
anything that might help one, and
Illy father got 1110 a supply of the
pills. When 1 had used a (10(100 of
boxes it was v
rYTlainthat the
were doing me good, and after 1 had
'.aken them a couple of months I was
onto more enjoying rho 1Jle50111g of
good health. 1 feel that 1)r. Wil•-
1110ns' 3'inle Pills have save,, my 3t1'e
and 1 gladly give my experience h1
the hope slot it may 1m of benefit to
some other young girls." •
No discovery of modern 1im014 ]las
proved such a blessing to young
girls and women as 1)r. Williams'
Pink Pills. They act directly on the
blood and nerves, invigorate the
body, regulate the functions and re-
store health stud strength to the ex -
haunted patient when every effort
tho physician Inoves unavailing.
These pills are sold by all dealer's ill
Medicine, or may bo load by moil
post paid at 130 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.110, by writing to the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:, 131'Oeic-
v!lle, Ont. Remember that np other
,medicine can take the place of these
pills, and see that the full ]lame, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills fol' Pale L'oo-
plo, is cm the wrapper around every
Famous Resorts and Spas Are
Visited—First Relief Conies
• In Open Air.
For rheumatism outdoor existence
is the only cure. This is the theory
of B, 0. Henderson of Riverside,
Chicago. Putting his ideas into
practice, 110 has abandoned his resi-
dence of 20 roams in the suburb and
has moved his family into a tont in
the woods 11ea1' by.
11117. Henderson. is a vvualthy man,
T -To has vast mining interests in
California and business interests in
the I'.ast. Ho is a graduate of
Princeton, :Rheumatism, from which
110 had suffered for years, became
acute a year ago. Treatment for
six months 10 sanitariums failed to
relieve him. He decided to test the
efficacy of his outdoor theories last
Ifo rented a twenty -acre grove in
I7arle111 avenue, 11011 a mile cast of
iv rsid and .itched a forty -foot
11 e n n t
P .Y
wt ]l tent under the tf•eca 1 Then
t t 1
moved his brass beds and other in-
dispensable furniture into it and set
1(p boi)sekeeping for the :summer. The
bore a gasoline stove, a few easy
chairs, and a portable Russian bath
wore the only luxuries he took with
111111 upon his return to aboriginal
existence With his wife and five
children he has inhabited his tent
A Safeguard for Children Cutting
Tenth Tri Not Weather.
Tho ohne when children aro cutting
teeth is always an anxious one tor
motle'e and when this occurs during
the hot weather solicitude often deep-
ens into ala'111. So many ills that
often result, fasally aro liable to en-
sue that every mother will bo inter-
ested in a medicott discovery that
robs this period of many dangers.
Mrs. 11, Ferguson, of 106 1V1ansfia1d
street, Montreal, (nue., gives her ex-
perience for the benefit of ot110)'
mothers, She says: "My baby has
always been small and delicate, and
suffered so much last slimmer with
his teeth that I: did not think 1e
would .live. 'a'ho me.dteine the doctor
ordered for him did not do Stmt much
goer,. Than he Wn,s att
1 ckced with
dysentery and a very hot akin and
cough, I sent for Baby's Own Tab-
lets, and they did him a Wonderful
amount of good, and lm is now get -
Eng on splendidly."
Baby's Own Tablets aro sold by all
dealers in medielllo or Will be sant
post paid, at tW011y-five cents a boil,
by the 11r, Williams Medicine Com.-
pan31, ' Br'oelcvlllo, Out,
nines, and now pronounces his ex-
perlxncnt a praelleal success,
Ilil1F1AINS i1110 11l" 10111'11.
"When rheumatism, from which 1'
had suh•ered most of my life, became
acrid -c, 1 st1111 out many of my busi-
ness Interests anti resolved to devote
les time to my health rather than to
11.3 Purse. 1 (1lu(1lyd. Lite. question of
beneficial conditions and carne (.1) the
Oout10sio0 that 1 must get out of
doors. Since living in a lent 1 have
regainer, lay hrall.h rapidil',
"1 heat11 18 the greatest problem of
elvillzal.ion. .triches are a curer, to it
person in ill -health, bemuse he
spends hit. time and money in doc-
toring and staying at 'curve' and
sanitariulnts, "1f he would rough it
in a tent he would get well, The
horrors of inferno aro nothing to
what I have suffered. 1 have 5prnt
thousands of dollars doctoring anti
have vis!i:ed toll 'the fatuous spar; and
health resorts, liut: 111,y first relief
was experielieed under these oak
"A spring bubbling Isom the car111
nrlu' oar tramp supplies us with pure
water, and 1 insist that pure sprint;
water in 0memo remedy for many
i11s, I lounge Mesta metes the trees,
react, take, my siesta. If I feel a hit
aipennons 1 \ohs) up en ala: not!, Wil-
l:J.1g 1ntr, the woods, rut down e.
do„ 'tree,
"In the morning my wife and 1
Dorn our children loose barefooted,
end the rest of the day they run
wild 1hrongh the woods, They aro
so healthy that 1 believe contact
with poison oak would not show 1)p -
o11 their skins. 1 have existed iu
luxury all my life, but tha two
mouths which 1 have passed in this
telt have been tile two happiest of
my career, 1 mightadd that by this
tootle of life we have 130111011 11(0 ser-
vant gi1.l question. \Ve aro wild
fere, have 110 work, and do not need
servan t5,"
"The novelty of camp life was not
fascinating to she at first, 1 must
confess," said Mrs. 1 [encierson, "but
It grew upon me, (11111 (10W 1 thor-
oughly enjoy it, Tho children romp
among the trees lila little red In-
dians. 1go i comfortable
asabout bout n 111
wrappers, Wo Mario the experiment
for the sake of Mr. llonrle'9on's
health, and the results have amply
repaid us for all the inconveniences
we have been put to."
1"or the two eldest girls Mr. ITnt-
derson has ntado leather sandals.
The other children run barefoot. The
grocery man visits 1110 camp every
day, and Ili'. and Mrs. Henderson
collaborate in conking the meals,
Shortly af1101' the Ilenclersons went
into camp the Berwyn village board
received word that gypsies had pitch-
ed their
itch-edtheir tents within the village. The
marshal rsht l welt over to unvestigate,
and remained to dinner. The village
board passed a resolution welcoming
the new kind of gypsies and giving
them permission to camp where they
Young Wife (dreamily)—"Stow
lovely it would • he if all things in
this world Wo0ltl work in harmony."
Husband (thoughtfully)—"Oh, yes!
For instance, if the price of coal
would only go up and clown with
the thermometer."
John Fletcher Hatt Lumbago aad
Kidney Disease and Could Get
No Relief Till Pre Triocl the
Great Kidney Remedy.
Granton, Ont., Aug. 31 (Species:),
—"1 am glad to let tho public kaov
that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Ino
of Lumbago, and 1 am now perfect-
ly sound."
These are the words of John Flet-
cher, a well-known resident of this
village, and similar tributes to the
great Canadian Kidney remedy can
be heard 011 0,017 01(30.
"I hod been troubled for 1a ,year
with Lumbago and Kidney troubles,"
Mr. I''leteher 001111000cl, when asked
for partiClllal'S. "My twine wtta of
a very bad color and 1 could got
nothing to help me. 1 consulted the
best doctors in Granton tuni 1St.
Mary's, but got no relief. finally I
box of Dodd's Kidney to Pills
and commenced taking them. They
helped nm almost from the first, and
1 was soon completely cured.
It is cures of this .land that h10110
given Dodd's Kidney Pills their po-
pularity. You can't ihnd a neighbor-
hood in Canada where Dodd's kid-
ney Pills aro not 1(noW0 by their
cures. Il' the disease is of the Kid-
neys or from the Kidneys, Dodd's
Kidney Pi11s never fail to cure it.
Experiments ,Aro Being Made With
Greasewood or Chico
If experiments being secretly car-
ried 00 in Akron, 01110, 010 0110009s-
fui, the rubber industry will bo re-
volutionized, the price will bo reduc-
ed by at least 110 por cent., and in
all probability the result will be to
give the company the exclusive Corl-
tl'o) of the 1nar1(et.
'J'hhs now preparation, which is
said to equal the best rubber, is
made from the s0( or the m e:ow:wood
nln n fn 1 l c p t g
or ellic0 brush, width is so plentiful
111 the s0athwrat, and Wh1011 has
heretofore been consideree, a great
nuisance. Most of the brush has
Mouth -
boon shipped to Akr' ors uth
f rom o
er11 CJalifoelia, and upon its arrival
at thee rubber colnpun,y's expeeilnelrt,
al station is crushed 00 ea to bring
otlt the stip, Which is 01(0311leally
treated and produces a 41(10)nous sll.b-
11.,'X$7 ,N,St"1.'r
u 5 431 tge� nelklaVd w!11. be paid I
YYii g Laver prathers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
Gan prove that this soap contains
key form of adulteration whatsoever,
er contains any injurious chemicals,
Ask for On Octagon Pear, ((g
stance with all the quail Lies of rub-
As usual with experiments of the
corepaay, their operations are being
kept as fur as possible a strict
secret. Beyond the fact t it. is
first thoroughly boiled and all the
impurities removed, little has bran
learned by the puddle. In its melted
condition the substance can be ren
into moulds and will rcindn 0(131
shape in wi•'lr(1 10 is nlluwed la hard-
en A curious face. is 114(11 whole this
sub•aum:11 has most of the pecllliari-
t.i'e •+i rubber i1 cannot bo Lined us an
The '•sprnec 01 rubber is such that
there in a grOWis1g tendency on the
part of rennufacturern to introduce
impurities in order to lessen the cost
of production. With the new sub-
stance, on account of its cheapness,
this; will not be done. /thither in its
crude form costs at present 93 cents l
to $1,30 per pound, while, at most,
Air. Tullis says, the greas0WO0d pro-
duct will cost only 36 cents, with
tate probability of,ihle being reduced
as improvements are introduced.
There is a largo quantity of
gr'easewood on the We!? 1,01.11 01051(1 of
Colorado, but It reaches ito most
luxurious growth In the south-west,
It grows best in 01001(', arid and
sandy ground, and is very hardy.
The highest lushes aro about ten!I
feet tall, and b1 some places only
grow to a height of one or Lwo feet.
1 Ut
As soon as tato new product is
Proved to be an absolute success,
Mr. Tullis says, It 18 the intention
of the company to start a plant
SolneWhoro fn the heart, of the
greasowood country so that t1,o ex-
pense of shipping the slacks to the
factory can bo saved and the fin1911001
product sett to any place desired.
3 -lo says that experiments in growing
the brush in the oast have been tried,
but the shrub does not do ivell. The
largest trunks seldom reach to, dia-
meter of over four inches, though I parent to the frequent traveler 011
with cultivation it is hoped to ,sake The Wabash Line, Hud which have
them grow much larger.
'r . s W 0 hasbeen used to some
Geae coalb 201 s o
extent in making the 10(01130 01171e9
which were fashionable a few years
ago, but beyond this 110 050 101' it
has ever boon found. The stalk is
very hard and brittle. In the SUM -
11101" the branches aro covered with
short, pulpy leaves, which are quite
salty and aro eaten ravenously by
cattle in tho spring. During the fail
these leaves drop off and dry up,
and the cattle eat then in the win-
ter, though they make very poor
What London is Doing Tor Its
Growing Population.
The work of pullit(g down old and
insnultaly dwellings of tho laboring
c'lnsees and the provision of brighter
a lid son il.(cry 1(0120014 is making good
prngrees ir1 1,0010(1,
A return just issued by the I,. 0,
C. shawl that !u Lha district north
of the Thames, with a population i11
11(111. of 3,88.1,015 I, 00 fewer than 4,-
660 tenement, house; were provided
e.t. an Cbe1'11)le weekly lent. of
2Id. per room, :38,418 persons being
i hue provldr•d f
:,iou0h of tit 1'hor•
nlues, with a 1101nu-
lation of 2,0)13,3011, tenement Hous-
es l0 the number of 4,74(3 have been
built, at an aVel•an( rrnl of 90 2d.
per room, pl•0vld!ug for 33,733 per-
Tho number of houses demolished
was 1,092, and the popahltou there -
(31 displaced (3,409, whereas the new
dwrllings erected provided for the
housing of 1315,11,7). persons.
Inquiring Stranger : "11 hat branch
of educuh.ion dace y(111• teacher 111'e-
fer, my best 9" Boy : "Ile dTon't
acne nu brt.l:r h, sir; he 1:111' cls with
the 1, 110'."
Catarrh Cannot Be C11r11t1
with 1,00A1, Al'('l..1CA1 •s, as 1Yny
r,1(11Nt natal rho sent c1 ll,n eise1lw,
ent,uerh Is a blood or 0.,, )itutlm,nl
disease, and in order to curd 11 you
1110:,1 take, lntornul remediea. Ball'=
banal ('oro is Laken internally, anti
at.ls d ]reel ly nn .1110 I0o01l foul c,lucoas
surfs .s. 11(1(1'11 enta1rh Cure 11 not a
quack 1110(1101(10. It 01(1:1 prescribed by
One of the best pilyelcinn5 10 1Ius('0(1(1"
try fed 30015 a1it1 is n r0gular fu ctip•
tion, It is combined
0l tltc b( ( l lutes
known, ,.untimed neitb rho hent blood
sur111e1'0, 10(4(1(1 direr tl;' on tioraucous
l.ur(cmc1. The ('5TIC01 1100 prod1011 01 (1111
1W0 01 nil ,alts iy whet produces such
000(1(101(ul results In 1)111(1)4 Utttarrll.
bona fortcsl,n(nnhlls. 1,'eo.
S. J. 0111•:11151 & OU., Props.,
Toledo, 0.
1 t ,
:fold by tir0lfg("i0, prleo
Ball's Fatuity fills vara the (1000.
Wile' --"Did you like the minister
this morning, dear?" Ilushand—
"Not in the least." "Poor se' -
mon?" "Dreadfully so; I could
have preached us well myself." "In-
deed! I a111 sorry it was so ball es
Theve is nothing more assuring to
the traveler than 11(8 knowledge of
the fact that he is traveling o11 a
firm roadbed, upon which is laid the
heaviest of steel rails, made true 1n
all their curves, and that the train
which carries him is of tho highest
standard of excellence ]mown to rail-
roads and 1s being guided to its des-
tination by experienced minds. Those
are the conditions which become ap-
Its Character Was at Stake, and
it Prayed to the Judge.
In ono of tho Prague 'district courts
recently, a foreman named :Dae tych
sued a manufacturer named Woiuort,
alleging the latter's dog had bitten
him, thereby rendering hint unfit for
work, Tho dog was produced in
mart, anti the services of a veterin-
ary surgeon wore 1•Cquish:iooted as
expert evidence.
Herr Desensy, in the itresence of
the judge, did his utmost to irritate
the dog, and oven struck it, but all
to no purpose, The dog remained
calm, and finally, finding tie pro-
ceedings monotonous, crept under a
"Quiet as a lamb I" was rho find-
ing of the veterinary surgeon: but
"011, no," said the foreman, "the
dog behaves itself becauso its master
is present."
So the clog was taken out into the
corridor, among 11111 311.1b1 to, this
time muzzle'!, and the veterinary
again tried his best to irritate the
animal. Doggy wagged t his i9 tai]
offered first ane and then the pow r
other, and, it9 advanles being rude-
ly repelled by the unfeeling veterin-
ary, ran back into the court sat up
on his hind legs before the judge,
and begged. Not: oven tho 110,(1
heart of tt judge could resist `ails
appeal, and the animal loft 1110 court
without a stain upon his eharacto'.
A certain grocer enjoys the unen-
viable notoriety of selling tie worst
goods in the district; but he les
not recovered from the shock he
got the other clay, when a little
girl nano into the shop and said 1—
' 01y n:0( sent me for two 0(11(0os of
yea' best tea for to k111 rale wi1J1,
sat' a, pound of yet' finest he.10, an'
be sero to crit it in thick slices,
harems() it's to solo an' heel my
dad's boots."
C. C. 111CSTA RDS ,4 00,
Dear 11.11, --For some years 1 have
had only partial use of my nom,
en isorl by a madden strain, 1 have
need every remedy without effect, 1111-
I.i1 1 got a sample bottle of 1)111-
A11.13S LINIMENT, The bonnet I
received foto it caused one to con-
tinuo its use, and now 1 am happy
to say my arta 10 completely . rester"
Glands, Oot, It, W.:1110111311ON,
Jthclio (star (111)'The sex'' per -
seri 'mho interrupts 1(0 procereli1gs
will be expelled from the eour't 1"
The IPrisoler (el,th:u11a5tically') :
"Hooray 1 Now I've 'clone ft 1 Lem.
me go 1"!
made that no justly
t us. 1110
ldirect to
'sown mile e c
Wabash has its
the World's Fair Grounds in Saint
Louis. A11 Wabash through trains
stop at World's Fair Station (For-
syth) in order to give passengers au
opportunity to view from the trains
the World's Fait' Buildings. J.
Richardson, Dist. Pass. Agent., To-
ronto and St. Thomas.
A paper, in pofiing a certain soap,
says: "It is the best over used for
cleansing a dirty man's face. We
have triod it, and, therefore, w0
110001.35 all Hard, salt or calloused future
told blemishes from horses, blo'ld spavin,
sorbs, splints, ring bond, swoonzy, s1l40",
tenable, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc,
heomostlywonderfulub) ml h 0,100 oval
Jules : "Brown is an ululutiky
ting." 4mfth : "How's that ?"
Jot es : "11is object in marrying was
to get out of a boarding house."
804it11 : "Welt ?" Jones : "Now
his wife is running one to support
the family."
%he nights aro cool without damp-
ness from dews. The air is pure
Without undue moisture, There is
no excessive heat in summer, the
average temperature being SO de-
grees. There aro no 00111in1101(8, sat-
urating rainfalls, but rather briof
showers, which pass away quickly,
leaving clear skies holtind them. The
summer nighls are invariably cool,
inviting rest and refreshing sleep.
Splendid ' train service with nccom-
luodationa for all classes of pnssen-
gors, and very lots rates, via the
'Union Pacific.
Ask or write for pamphlet, "Tho
Rockies, (trent ;tall: Lake and the
Yellowstone," describing in detail
the attractions of the west.
1, 10. Carter, '11. 1'. A., 14, Janes
Toronto, Canada. F. 11,
Choate, 0. A„ 126 Woodward Ave.,
Detreit, 111ch.
"1: proposed to Miss Gladys Bcau-
tigirl last night.."
"Alt, And 0110 accepted yon?"
"',Voll, nn -0-o, not exactly; but she
came so neo' doing so that a great
deal of the sting w118 taken out of
her refusal. Silo said sho W01(111
Have accepted mo it' .1 had had plen-
ty 01 looney and a perfect disposition
and 1ny ryes were brown 1115)1201 of
bine, and my hair curly, and I wag
two inches teller, and was Winning
fauns in my profession, and possessed
personal magnetism, atnrlcone of nn
old and blue-blooded family, and
Would. always let her have her own
way, and never smoked or wanted
to Stay out late at night, ctrl did
not 1101ong to racy lodge, foul would
keep a stylish turn -out and p10(11y
of servants, and really wallt.c(1 her
m t lino with us and a few
mgm a u ,
other things '1 have forgotten. 'nut
if a fellov must fail in 1011 imdertnlc-
in4, it is encouraging to hint to
think that ho e0Jne Vey nen,' Wht-
hives of fisherman remind (1s
Wn may strive for prizes grand;
And, depnttfilg, leave behind as
Tales of Atli Wo failed to land,
&mall not Water for Dilute Ribbon Tem
Not merely simmering — must be fresh and must boil
Then it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from
Blue Ribbon ---take all the good out of it.
Let it steepat least six minutes—eight if' possible—in an
earthenware teapot, and you'll have the best cup of tea in
your life.
]Encu, 9'lloced �, Co Ceylon. Creams y .r
Should nue
Ask for the
Bed Label.
t -a
E7 .
ging Edward
f" Headlight"
rt ?Cagle n
"Vint .rin n
"Little Co00oit"
NULL, Lg -3
ether and
If 80, you should procure the best
faint Brush on the market, abso-
lutely tho most satisfactory Paint
Brush made to -day.
BridledBOECKK'S xible
0( Brush
The bridle can easily he removed or
replaced. It is not affected by water,
oil or paint and works on a pivot,
thus keeping the 'bristles elastic. The
name "Boeck)," is branded on each
brush. Sold by all reliable dealers.
ottegliggl,tt UZEIWRI me ^•
"Wo solicitors," 110 said to his
101011d, "are much anlunniatcd. I
have now been at the business for
more than ten years, and I never
knew but two solicitors who deserved
the name of rascal." "And who is
the other?" asked the friend.
tttlaara's Lmlmaai cures carpel is Caws.
Figg—"You have seen Jones' wife;
what is she like? Should you call
her pretty?" Fogg—"I might if I
were talking to Jones."
Mluard's Liked Cures Distemper,
According to latest returns there
aro 702,083 paupers in England and
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove th0 grease with t110
greatest ease.
1u Franco there ars 4,000,000
acres devoted to the culture of the
Por Over Sixty Years
been mod b7
I e
Kos. IVe Aw's s0or
r e.
while teething.
mothers dor
their children en h
piltionsaf m
nlln sin
Massone Rene 1'ep
the child 0(o Ha
kind tone, far Dite the nomads and bowels, cants
ane, 0 the
ars, comedy tar pinrrll,gl, a Twenty -Me th0cants a barna
!old bydilas. tio e8tow'set the xorid. er euro 3.4
!Actor" Sit toe. wl:laLOP-s S •lo�ln.\W Steer," :3.71
"Is Brown happy in his marriage?"
"Well, 'I think i1 l-b'own were to tee
Mrs. Brown to -clay for the first
time, he W011ldll't evert ask for an
is1tagttl tltiOD±i DOOM IO*1:101Ei+1ik
Mind Thie.
II mekes no deference
whether it 11 chronice
neute or 101101 tnairsy
Of the mas0les or lolela
ores and cures promptly,
Price° 26g,,*slod 1+IQpa s
*MOM C1:,19iftSn'YhN1t:FLeul
t -f
"Poor man!" she said, stooping
over the victim who had just been
dragged out from under her car.
"Havo you a wife?" "No," ho
groaned. "This is the worst thing
that ever happened to ole."
Mluard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
"So Alice has decided finally to
marry an officer?" "Yes; sho Cap-
tured him in what she positively de-
clares to be her hast engagement."
MInard's Hutment Cures Cliphiherla,
Binger : "I •ulidol'sta11iri you called
me a liar behind niy back, sir ?"
Differ : ''T didn't like to lam your
feelings by telling you the truth
right to your fate
"E . wlhtt9 6t�rlvl.,
tiro ore getting them, lots of them, When ne
other truss will bold th•m they come to e1.
whet w0( get se field." ' Thebret is the o(,onport.
Tbatb our stint pn,umaao and Trues. It halde
the edges of the wound together 50 lint with tar
play It moat hent. Yoh luny , el wall ;you don't get
woreo white You x611? 11. Procurable 0031y from
311(3 BELT AA -11 TI1Ug9 r1s O, CO., ,torero
dt Aye. Toronto.
�([� • rN Ar_L
1� tl�Ub~a'PlTIE""
� d
D+•'1 U T lLWh� aTifdkYT10N
LIT IHan book
Sand forr H
103 Cay St„TORONTO on patent', &o.
Cimning end 01,10 ,sun 11C1ti Olo,en cleaned Tbnsq
008 bo coat by pwt, 103,8001. the rest place le
BRITISH A113EildeAti QY3U13G C@e
Dominion Line Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool
neaten to Liverpool
Large and Past Stoomehl0e linpeolor aac0tmmodation
br ell chases of 1l�n,rsnitors. Saloons not 9totoroocma
re alnidshlps: 9orlal ,,nestles has ban given le the
Salo01, end '1'h1rd.elnss accommodation. Vol
'8t0.0111aseage, nod all (x11(011 am, aptly to 105 oMe
It015 Oom1a0y, or to passenger ngallt• e•rf
30111N0(011 0111711 01717103,1
7 5teto51., Banton. 171st. 5io .aunt 51., Mnntseels
P&iit9'Y51 ftLL RODS GP
And Darin Piro•
duce' genorallye
consign n ` to us
1 It
anti:, we will get
you good privet'
i a1on et
C�9��iiiS ,
5.15 x+r:1 Mtge