HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-9-10, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 8 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908 W. H.KER.R, Prop, New Advertisements. Local—A. Cunoley, Loath—G. P. Blair, Coming—T. P. Smith. Hpeoial--Mol oy & 00. Local—Jno. D. Ronald. Pumps, &c,—A, Reymann. Farm for sale—Thos. Moore. Local—MCS, W. al, Sinclair, New Poll Goorle—McKinnon & 0o. Apples wanted—John Cunoingham. Golden opportunity—EI. A. Matobett. z t�z,e .ebos, .7itrnao town. Last Sabbath evening Robert Pearson preached in Victoria Hall in title plasm, He team ahortly for Vattorle University, Toronto, to ragtime his studies.. We are pleeeed to hear lbat Jae, M. Breckenridge, a former readout Of this looality, hem graduated and has aooepted Coming I Coming! T. P. S�91TA EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia sod Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at Fox's Druo Store BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday, Sept. 23rd Call early and avail yourself of hie valuable services. EX,IMINATION FREE. an appointment ae Soienoe Maxtor at Aberdeen, South Dakota. Hie many old friends here will be pleased to hear of hie /Continued promotion, Wn1e.utr. " Mrs, Neal ie visiting at Harrioton. A number from thio locality attended the funeral of the lata Mrs, Jno. Long, er„ at Brussels on Wednesday forenoon, During tbe past week James Blaebill and wife, of Ypsilanti, Mioh., heve been visiting the fortnor'e parents in this vii• lege. Mr, and Mre. Blaebill returned to their home via Toronto and took in the Fair. Wednesday a 'ergo ahipment of oattle was made by Diokeon Bros. at Brussels. E. Watson, of Blyth, was the buyer, $4 06 was said to be the pride per cwt. and the result was about $5 000. It was a dandy bunch of cattle all right, Cnmtori Dxuioaooax.— Walton oirouit Methodist Ohnroh, Rev. Alfred Andrews, pastor :—Provideuee—PCBaoblog at 10 30 a. m. every Sabbath 1 Oleos meeting after. Bethel—Preaohing at 1 p. m. ; Sunday School at 2 15 ; Olen Meeting after S. S. Welton—Senday Sobool at 2 o'oloclr . Preaching at 8.15 ; Claes Meeting alter preaching service. Prayer Meetings—Tuesday at 7 p. m. at Peovi dense ; Wedieeday at 7 p m. et Bethel ; Friday et 7 p, nt at Watton. Email (lb rigig Mise Bella Davidson will go West on Tueeday. Isaac Bolton has cow another son to provide for. Frank and Mire Bella Haokwell visited friends in Stratford ao Sunday. J. Crozier bee rented to hones in Sea - forth andill remove arses there this Pall. J. J. Irvine is taking in Toronto Ex. hibition, Several others will go from here this week. Mrs. Wm. Davidson is again almost well. She baa bad a trying time having to sobmib to a murgioal operation. Geo. Dundee ie confined to his bed at preeeut with eppendioitie. We hope to hear of a ohenge for the better soon, Robt. Bell ie kept busy drilling svelte in this locality at present. Robt. attende to kis work and is doing a good bgeineee in this line. Thos. Davidson has had a very pain- ful experience with an abeoeee of the throat lately. He is reooveriug we are pleeeed to state. Mies Roee Smith 1110 gone to Clinton to attend the Model Sobool there. hose his aiways been a clever etadent and will no doubt make a s000eeeful teacher. A E S Apples will be bought on and after September 15t1a, at the`' BNUSSELS EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest dlarket Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JOHN CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. maimMa 1 SPEc ..... i. . in . -,ir TI 300 bbis. of Hanover Cement yet in reserve as per contract. One grade 'only and that the highest manufactured in Canada. The best results can only be obtained by using the best cement. Price guaranteed, 12.65. Ur 147 8 only New Enfield Rifles left. Said to have cost the Government $18.00 each. They shoot shot or ball. Price complete with bayonet $6.50. We can't get any ' any more of these splendid guns. .41 9 bbls. of LampGoods, imported direct from the manufacturer, now in stock. Our Lamp trade for the past two years has been gratifying. We have the right goods at the right prices. To convince you of the superior value of our Lamps you must see them. Prices from 25o, to $7,00. A. M. MoKAY & CO. The onterp.ieing firm of Munn Taros, have made ouother acquisition to their already well equipped mill in putting in a turning lathe, Tho boys are hustlers and do a big boeineea. PO Rev. E. A, Shaw, of Kippen, was a reoent visitor in our village. B. 8, Oink is nioely recovering from injurlee received from an upset a few weeks ago. Our furnil tire fautary sold shoot $800 worth of furniture to Wiagham factory last week. It has received orders for more. t(3al,'.",a'ave, Mrs. Frank Wheeler is improving iu health. A granolithio platform has been put down in front of the pooloffioe, Belgrave Fall Fair will ba held here on Wednesday, 23rd inst. The Directors are buoy pushing the arrangements along. 1Ylxeex000ez—The W, M. S., of Bel• grave oirouit held their meeting in tbe Methodist church, Belgrave, Thursday Sept. 8, with an unusually large attend• anoe. After the opening exoroieea and devotional meeting the following business was transacted :—That the box of cloth- ing contributed by the ladies of the Oirouit be seat to the Deaooneee Home, Toronto. All present volunteered to aid in supplying finite and jellies to 'fill a case. September being the olooe of the Missionary yeas the present officers were re eleoted with Mrs. (Rev.) Jonas ae President. Some new members were added to the list, enlarging their number to about 40. The mite boxes, with a few exa i a were apt on ,handed in and found to be quite a successful plan as it gives those who are not able to attend an op• portunity to help the /Cause. Tice aaxil• iary is now entering upon ate third year and is helping to promote mutat needed 10 000et and knowledge in missionary work, IBtlt el. Township Connoil was held hexa fast Monday. Quite it number intend going Weet on the excursion next Taeeday, R. and Mee. Dilworth are spending a few days in Toronto this week. A goodly number from this lodality at• tauded the Toronto Fair during the peat two weeks and report favorably. Rev. 0. P. W011e, B. A., B. D., will read a paper before the Theologioal Con. Doreen held at Victoria Uaivereity, Tor• onto, on Friday of lhie week. The topic is "The life of Christ". Tuesday, 22nd inst., is the date named by Judge Doyle for the Voters' list Court for Grey. It will be held iu the Hall here commencing at 10 o'clock, There are over 40 appeals in the Olerk'e handle. William Mines has perches/ad the vil. lege property of Jae. Osborne and will get possession in a month. The pride paid was 6600, Mr. Osborne and family will remove to Pommel) where the former has epeot several months. Their many friende in this looality with them pros. parity, Rev. D. B. McRae preeohed the anneal Temperanoe sermon Iso! Sunday at 2 30 p, m, for the Ethel Division Sous of Temperanoe taking ee hie text Prov, 28 81, Members of the Division met at their hall and marobed to the church and occupied the front centre pews, The Obttrob was /Crowded' many having to remain outside. The Sunday school service was withdrawn in order to hear Rev. Mr. MoRae. He handled the sub. j:at le a masterly and practical way. The rain interfered somewhat with the phonic arrangements on Monday wbioh was to be bald in Dilworth's grove under the anepioee of the Sons of Temperance. But as a goodly number bad Dome to the village in hope of it !airing up and enjoy ing a pleasant time, the membersaesemb• led in tbe Hall and as the outside attrao• tions were not Doming off on account of the rain it was deoided to hold an enter. tainment in the Hall in the evening. AL ter lanai, which was served from 6 to 7 o'clock a short but excellent program was given. The following are the numbers ; —Mogen! oortnndrnme,;Alive Jean Ma. Lauohlin and Mies L, Spence, the /Com- pany greasing the anewere ; recitation, Mies A. Mason ; instrumental, Alicia Jeer) McLanahtin ; violin selection, R. Mo. Kay ; solo, Mies R. Spence 1 inetrumen tel, Miss M. Slemmou ; solo, A. Lemont ; PU, 8 WINDr c&C. A. RAYNIANN, Oranbrook, who has had 30 years' experience in the Primp business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden Pumps, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. He is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill, This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and get prices. A 8 11 P d MAN , a Pump Maker, Cranbrook, violin Motion, R. MoKay ; iaetromen• MI, A. Derr ; inotrnmental duet, Meeare, Brown and Lamont ; speech, R McKay, After the alining ext•re1000 the company operated feeling satisfied that they had spent a most enjoyable evening. A vote of thanks was tendered those not in con nation with the Division who had 808. tributed to the program. Mae, (Ray.) Won= Dean. — The people of title looality will be sorry to !earn that hire, fiuideh Waddell, wife of Rev, W. J. Waddell, of Shedden, former• ly pastor of the Methodist church here, died at Victoria Hoepital, London, Mon- day of last week. Deemed had under. gone on operation. She was 37 years of age, and a daughter of . Geo. and Mrs. Miller, of London. The funeral took place to the Grand Trunk station on Tumidity morning at 815 o'alook, In• Lament was reads at Exeter. The deoeaeed was a tine spirited woman whoa demise will be sincerely regretted by all who knew herd !rt -- gra ig e ^(rare p. Township Connell met on Monday, Mise Kate Remelt was visiting Mre. N 13, Gerry at Blyth. Townehip Council minutes may be read on page 5 of this issue. H. W. Avieou spent Labor Day at the Parsonage in Harrioton. A large number of Greyitee are attend- ing the Toronto Exhibition. Mies Addie Willeon, of Milverton, spent a few days last week at Chao. Kerr's, Wm. Laing talks of taking a trip to Wieoonaio. Be le away to Toronto this weak. Mr. and Mra. MoLarty and children, of Westfield, were vieitore at J. Hoover's, 9th oon. n A number of young folks from Biueeele spent Thorsday evening of last week at Robert Dilwortb's. Judge Doyle will hold Voters' List Court in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Tnesday, 22nd inst., at 10 o'dloek a. m. Last Sabbath morning Robt, Pearson ',copied the pulpit at Roe's ohuroh. The pastor was preaching on the Trowbridge circuit. Mise Annie Smith, daughter of True. man Smith, has been quite ill but f0 much improved now we are pleased to state. Mre. Young, of Eemondville, ie vieiting her dkngbter, Mre. Jas. Lindeay, 8th on. Miss Kate Young is holidaying at Ea, mondville, POSTPONED —The Anniversary Harvest Home sermons were preached in "Union" church, 1211, on., loot Sabbath by Rev. A. O. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, to large and intereeted oongregatious but owing to the downpour of rain on Monday the Tea Meeting wee postponed until Taeeday evening of next weak, 15th inst., when a big time is expected, They always have a good time at "Union" and next Tan. day eveuing will be no exception to the rule. We regret to hear that Graeme eon of N. M, Richardson, 7511 oon., who had hie left arm injured by a fall at eobool and has been at times oorety.botbered with it, is not making the progress his many friends hoped for. Some time ago he went with hie mother on a trip to Mani tuba and was feeling very well bat a letter from Mre. Richardson, written ab Moesomin, says three doctors operated on the arm and removed one of the bones from elbow to wrist owing to the disease end feared that amputation would be compulsory bat we hope this will be obviated and that be will soon be oonval. reoent. Graeme is a bright youth of 17 years and many eogoiriee are made son• oerniog hie welfare.. The Wiogbare Advance of last week says :—On Friday last ue Mrs. Gallagher, of Salem, and ber daughter, Mrs, Edward Bryene, of Grey, were driving on John etreet, near the Oongreeational ohorob, the horse stumbled and fell. The result was Mre. Bryane :woo thrown ont over the dashboard, but fortunately she map ed severe injuries. Mre, Gallagher was not so fortunate. She was thrown out of the vehicle t one knee was Oeriooety in- jured and the email bone of the leg below the knee epiiotered, AseietanOe was epeedily at hand I Rev. Wm, Lowe, M. Walker and Allan Wheeler conveyed the injured lady to T. Jobb'e, where she ham received oareful attention, The accident la likely to lay Mre. Gallagher aside from aotive duties for some time, but we hope no permanent injury will be the result. )ria Ot• sated. Township Council next Monday, Mies Aggie Spear is vieiting relatives at Oshawa. A good many from this toweehip are takiug in the Toronto Fair, The and line supplies both groom and bride for a September wedding. A, Ulark's new brink house bas a fine appenranne with the elate roof. Some oats ere still out in a few looal• flies. It don't pay to sow late varieties. Mre. John Manning was away et Har. rieton attending tbe funeral of her brother in•law. Owing to the greet rain falls the laud is rather wet to work properly. There ie a lot of wheat to sow yet. filmdom Holl and William Cantina left on Monday of tale week for Winni• peg. We wish them 0080800. Thursday of lhie week lt•Cro. Wm. Brytone arrived home from a mouth's visit with relatives in Elgin County, Some gay the rot is making its appear- s -me on the potato Drop. One thiog certain is that the longe is on the turning. Jay Clegg, B. 8„ has gone to the Old Country with a shipment of oattle, Re will be book in the aourse of a month or e0. Monday Ernest Maunders left for A,Ibert college, after epending hie %Moa. tion (n lhie looality, We wieh him a eueoageful term. litany Taylor, who luta been employed et Jelin Mooney's daring tate past year, has telten a situation in the Leathordate furniture emporium, Bruoeeela. David Walker, of Tuaneeo' lle was a visitor with ale parent0 d other friends for a week or so. He is aeon of 13. Wal. ker, 0th line, and has developed into a fine young man, It ie said that I. Ferrtend will nut drop bis objeotiorr to oertain oonditions over drainage matters and legal redress will be sought. Good programs 18 being made by Oon• tractor Hislop on the Lamont drain and by the end of the week ever a half mile will be covered. Man and team labor is being used. Jamea and Mro, Stewart and daughter of the "Soo" were visitors at Thos, Miller's, 5th line. The lady fa air. Mil- fer's mister, It it 89 years ranee she moved away from Morrie. Romer has it that John Badd, 3rd line, who recently had his barn end orop burned by lightning, will sell and locate in B:nadelo. Mr. Badd bas not had very vigorous health and will take a net from farming in the hope of bettering it. Mira. Allred Button peeped away on Saturday evening last at her home on the 7th line. Dropsy and heart trouble was the cease, She was 80 years of age and leaves behind a husband and a baby a few weeks' old. The funeral took plane on Monday afternoon. E. Pease is threshing on the 6th line and Wm. Shoebottom on the 4th. Some are wondering if Nioholeoo Bros. had more grain off 20 aores than their neigh boa R. Mallurrav, had off 40 ores. We all know that grain !e tuning out well hot 800 bee. off 40 acres is nothing to blow about. BARE Bn ueen.—The barn'on JohoiPow• lee's farm on Bloevale road wee stook by lightning on Saturday night, August 29 th, about 11 o'oioolt and was Som. pletely destroyed. With the asoietenoe of people who happened to be close at hand Mr. Fowler s000eeded lu saving most of his implement,e, harness, eta. The horses and obit e o e *were in the Oeld at the time, but eleven young bogs were burned. The threahen had just left Mr. Fowlor'e that afternoon and all the grain, hay and straw were burned. The baro had just recently been enlarged and pieced on a stone foundation. The lose will be a very heavy one. 'There was a small insurance on the barn and contents. (.ret. trbrootr, Moe. Sno. Hunter was visiting relatives at Toronto. Bev, D. B. McRae 10 8 visitor at the Queen pity. Among vieitore to Toronto this week are A. Reymann, W, Ballantyne and D. McNair. Mise Teeeie Switzer has gone to Clin- ton to attend the Model School. We wish her 0000800. Mre, (Dr) Turnbull, of Goderion, was home for a eltort vieit. She was ae. companied by Mies Shaw, of Langdon, North Dakota. Leet Sabbath afternoon Thos. Farrow oonduoted the eervioe in the Methodist church. The pastor will ocoapy the pulpit next Sunday, A number from thin looality will attend the postponed Herveot Home sapper to be held ab "Union" church, 12011 con„ next Tuesday evening. There wne eahool in the Junior depart• meat Mat Monday, Labor Day, as Mies Campbell wishes to take advantage of art extra day at Thanksgiving instead. This weak Athol MaQuarrie went to Brusoelo where he has taken a situation on THE Post staff, We expect tome him make good progress in the art preserve,. tive. A weloonie visitor to Cranbrook is David McNair, eon rig Alex. McNair, of this plane. Re has bean in Idaho for the past 2d years sheep ranching and le here on a holiday. The West evidently agrees with him. A Cunxoaxrx.—OA the farm of John Knight, just Eaet of the village a natural enriosity was observed this eeaeon viz for growth of two heads of oats on a eingle straw, Tbie ie eurely along the line of getting two blades of grass to grow where one formerly did. Megaton/ie.—The O'Brien Co, (Iowa) Bell, of Sept, 8, glen the followiug in. tereeting account of a wedding at Pring. har in which the bridegroom was a former Oranbrookite and will be the recipient of may good wishes :—Married at the home of the bride's unoie, Wm, and Mrs. Welch, in Primgbar, Weldon. /by eve, Sept. 2, 1908, Blies Ellen Thyer to Henry Simon, Bev. R. H. Beroh assisted by Rev. F, 0. Lewis', ablating. Wyman's Wedding Bella Meech with Mise Lettie Pbelan, of Oherokee, at the organ, aenounoed the apvoaeh of the bridal party who took their places anat. tended, in the front porch at eight o'clock and the ring ceremony wan performed in the presence of some fifty goeete n0. gambled on the lawn. The evening was ideal and the r000n shone brilliantly. The roeme were neatly deoorated with. green and fragrant Sommer flowers, meters predominating. The bride was attired in a aream white e 00010010 of Persian Devon and carried a boquet of snowy fringed caters, The groom wore the eooventional blaok. A five ooaree luncheon was served, Many valuable and elegant gifts were made among them a eat of Realised plates from the 0, E. society of which Mr, Biome is president and Mre. Siemon an active worker, Miss Thyer Dame to Primgbar a year ago with her aunt and uncle, Wm. and Mre, Weloh, bringing the dignity of a pore woman- hood, the zeal Of an earnest Ohcietion and refinement wrought of high morale ; hoe coming bee been a blessing to ohurcb and sooiety alike and her friends ate muob pleased to have her remain with no, Mr, Siemon, a Canadian by birth, same to the U. S. about three years ago, we op. pose to enjoy that boaeted liberty of which the world -famed play speaks with dignity nmong the nations ; but he ie ought in the toile of that sweet dependence which winde like amine of gold through all the nivllized worlds, tatting souls Captive and binding them to triumphal mare the rutnble of whose whole make echo in the geared baffle of home. 11 he Binge "A.merioa" with more vim, "God Save the King" with a now meaning, "Roma Sweet Rome" will be the oong of hie triumph hereafter, Mr. Stanton ie anion 0f subetaatiability and morel integrity and atm being employed by Hinz & Spears' hag made for himself a large place in the (rigedaltip of are people, A. moog the out•of tower geode were Mr. and Mre. 'Payer, father and mother of the bride, and Bert. Welch, a eosin, all of Woodburn, Ill., Mise Lottie Phelan, of Oher:'kee, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford, John and Mra, Sanders, Wm. and Mre, Bur - tett, all of Hartley, and Rev. and Mare. P. 0. Lewie, of Gaza. Faroe have been kindled in a new hearth, feet have droned the threebold of a new home, another Slier been builded for the amities) love brings to altars and the dawn of a new day risen on it new world. People We Know. W. Ii. Salter epent Sunday in Blyth. Mies Alias B tee is tomo from Toronto. Mise Alice Jewitt le visiting et Ethel, Mre, Fred. MuOraoken visited in Tor- onto. Willie Bell ie back from a holiday at Atwood. Mise Etbei Spading, of Whiteohureh, ie in &owe. Beet. Gerry, of Listowel, wag in town on Monday. Wm. Jewitt and wife are visiting rela• twee at Mttobell. David Moore talks of going Weal on a prospecting tour. Mise Jennie Grieve was holidaying in MoIiillop, for a week. Mre, Geo. Rogers is visiting relativee and friends le Toronto. Mise Eva Gilpin was visiting relatives in MoKulop for a week. Alex. Straaitan end sou Willie were away to Toronto this week. Mre, Inman, of Toronto, le the guest of Mrs. Jae. Wilson, Breese's. M. G. and Mre. Rinbardeon spent Sun. day with frieudo el. Kincardine. Min Olar8im e a mo was visiting in Toronto with her grandmother] a Everett Heist, of Kinoardine, is visit- ing kis grandparents in Brussels. Miss Mabel Colvin has returned to her millinery Rhaetian at Londeaboro'. L 0. Richards oombined business and pleasure in a trip to the Qneen'e Oity. Rob. and Roes Beattie, of Wiarton, spent the Labor Day holiday in town. Mies Roby Smith, of Winnipeg, ie here on a visit withher aunt, Mre. Fletcher. John Carter and wife have returned home from a visit nmong Auburn friends. Mrs. Gillespie, of Ripley, was visiting under the parental roof for a few days. Mies Mattie Stuart, of Listowel, was a visitor of Mra. Jae, Fox, at Sunny Brae, F. Milbaoeao, of Elmwood, was here for a few days vieiting hie brother and sister. Mre. Walter Jaokeon Bae gone to Tor- onto where she will visit for several weeks. F.l H. Gray, Agent of the Standard Bank Brussels, is ee sedang a few days at Toronto. George and Mise Nellie Irwin, of Tor. onto, were holidaying with old triode in Brussels. Mre. W. H. Kerr and Leelfe were holi- daying for a week at Toronto, Hamilton and Dander. Mise Edith Reid, of Cottam, EssexCo., was vieiting Mise Josie Boohaoan, 'Tarn• berry street. Mrs. Bell, of Carlingford, was vieiting her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling, Choreic street. Mre. Sana Loakridge, Mies Lillie end Violet Cooper spent a few days in Tor• onto teat week. Mre. Wm, Hewitt, of Hamilton, was vieiting her eon and old friends in Brue• eels and tonality. Mies Porter, of Toronto, has been visit• ing her aunt, Mre. John Ooneley, for a /Couple of weeks. Misses Lena Beaker, Lottie Blown and Mary Beattie were vieitore to Toronto during the week. Mre, Fergoeon, who was vieiting in town for the part few months, has re. turned to Toronto. Mier Miriam Jonee, of West Shefford, Quebec, is the gne0t of Mre. Jas. Fox, The ladies are aooeine. Jura Calder, who hes been in J. Fox's drug store here, has gone to Sarnia where he has secured a position. The engagement of Goriield Vanetone, of Wingbam, to Mise Martin, of the same town, ie annouuoed. R G. and Mre. Wilson and eon Frank, of London, were renewing old friendships in Brussels for a few days. F. J. Gilroy, of the Metropolitan Bank, was to visitor with bis brother, Rev. Mr. Gilroy, of Toronto, for a few days. Mrs, Harry Holtzman and her eieter, Mise Minnieeatb II of Trowbridge, ware vieiting Mise Sarah Baiat for a few days, Mre. Bell, of Guelph wne in town for a ew days last week in connection with the fitting up of property owned by bat here. R. Leatherdale hes been quite ill due - ng the past ten days but ie improving now and will aeon be nonvaleooent we hope. John Bono bee an i E U d Mre. itch e t see tl 11 a I has gone to Seafo th � Isar g r n he haruees•makieg trade. He should 11 the bill. Mime Merle and Zalma, danghtere of B. and Mre. Gerry, of Blyth, are bribers in town while their parents are 'Biting in Toronto. Dr, J. K. Gordon and Stuart Pritobard, 1 Ripley, were in town on Labor Day ntouding to piny Tennis with Bimseela lub but the rain prevented, Mre. Leokie and sone arrived borne afely from their extended and enjoyable frit to Winnipeg and the further Weet. r, Leckie met them at Toronto. Mre. P, D. McKinnon and eon, of Win. ipeg, and Mre. Thompeon, Of Thesealon, re here on a visit with their parents nd other relative° and old friends. Min May Smith, daughter of John mita, is attending the Model School et linton qualifying for a eahool mean, and 0 teapot the will make a good one. Chas, Debate. of V9eliesley, WAS calling n old friends in Brueeels. Heber pur. mama a 100 sore farm near Millbank and ill be moving to It ere long, We are eased to haat of bis prosperity. 1. D. and Mre. Roneld are the gnats their on•i ds s n wandd a hie a e Bar. g Mrs an star d ° ,. Sinclair, and will be tiara r a few week°. They perpoee retdrning California for the Winter again to as complete the restoration of Mre, olaldo health, B fl N n 9 0 0 v M A a a a 0 w 0 81 w pl of ki fo to to Mre. Ohae, Mitchell spent a few days in Ethel tont weak. Frank and Norman Smith book in the Exhibition at Toronto. Mre. Walker and Mies Verne are en. joyitg x11011107 at Toronto, Berlin nod other points. Mre. Andrew Currie, er. of Seaforth, who spent several weeks kern renewing old !amidships, has returned to ber haeme. Mre. W. Ii. McGauley nod daughter Tialin, of Sault Ste. Maria, left for home on Saturday after a plangent visit with friends in Brussels, Wingbam and other pointe. Mica Maud Ooeenc, of Trowbridge, and Mies Campbell, of Belwood, were visitors at the Metbodiet Personage. The ladies were accompanied by R. G. Code, of the Bret named p'aoe. Mrs. John Doig of Fordwioh, is visit- ing at Jas. Turnbull'e. She has been taking in the lake breeze et Kincardine and looality for the past few menthe with beneficial remits. Mre. Harry (Matta and /Children, of Ohioago, are here an a visit. lie. Colas le a daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Menzies, William otreet, Brussels, and a sister in•Iaw to Mre. Geo.'l:homson. James and Mre. Blaohill, of Ypsilanti, Miab., former Braseelitee, were calling on old friends in town daring the past week. They are doing well under the Stara and Stripes we are pleased to hear. Mr, and Mre. Sinclair returned to Brossele from their wedding trip last Ssturday, epent a few days in town and left for their home in Paris on Monday attern000 followed by many good wishes for their future. Lorne Danford returned from hie basis nese and pfeasare trip to the Whet last Saturday nighb. He made bay while the sun shone, figuratively speaking by taking numerous orders for clothing whiob are now being manafaalared by E. 0. Dao - ford & Son. Lorne gained 10 pounds. He Saye Henry Mooney, formerly Reeve of Morris towoabip, ie named ae one of the moet progressive and prosperous farmers in the Weyburn looality. CHUlteil OH1MES. Large andienoee are attending the Hunter & Oroesley revival services at Seaforth. Wingham District Epworth League Convention will be held in Brussels on Friday, October 9. A splendid program ie being arranged. Rev. Dr. Macrae has been elooted Moderator of the Loudon Presbytery and will till the position well. He ie e eon of Jahn McCrae, Brunets. Rev. I. M. Webb is away for two weoke holidays. The eerviaea in St. John's oburohillbe taken w by Mr. Powell, a student of western University, Last Sabbath afternoon the monthly Mieeionary,day, was observed be Brnsoele Methodiet Sabbath School. Barrister Blair, Superintendent of Meiville Sabbath School, gave a very interceding addreee. Ooileotioo was 55.64, making a total c[ over 53100 for the past five months. Eleotria lights will be put in St. John's ohuroh and the eobool room also, to be ready for use on the and Sunday in Ootober, the Harvest Home Anniversary. The young people of the /Congregation are finaoaing the inoandeseent light move. meat, having a tidy enrptne in the bank towards that objeot now. Melville /Congregation was pleased to welcome beak their popular pastor, Rev. John Ross, B. A., last Sabbath after his variation. The text in the morning was "They ebell mount op with wings as eagles, &o", and in the evening the theme was "Elij th at Darnell' Rev. Mr, Boo derived great benefit from his holiday in Muskoka and is more vigorous now than for some time. LESSENS Rernx.—Ori Tuesday eveoing of last week the Epworth League held a Rally that proved quite enjoyable, The pastor ooanpied the chair and the follow. ing entertaining program was present. ed :—Opening Hymn, "Standing an the Promisee" • Opening Prayer, by B. Gerry ; Obairman'c addreee ; solo, "More, and better work for Jesus", Miss Thane Gerry ; reading, Miss Josephine Boob/elan ; dnett, "I shall see Him", Mies E. E. Kerr and H. W. Avian ; reading, "The Lift Up Club", Miee M. MoNaugbtoo ; solo, "If evil eball befall you", Miss 0. Milhaoeen ; address, "League Work", Pteeideot, W. H. Sal. ter : quartette, "Bally -Rally", Misuse Cl. Hingetone and El, E. Kerr, F. J, Gilroy and 8, Milheneeo. Benediotion. Saturday, September 5th was the 2011i anniversary of the union whtah eetab. liehed the Methodist Obnrah of Canada Oh its present battle. it was the ultimate outcome of agitation oommenoing ae far Muck ae 1820 among the people of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In 1870 it began to assume tangible torn, and in 1888 it was Effected. The union oeuvre. handed the Wesleyan Methodists, Meth. odiet New Oonnexion Ohnrob, Epiecopal Methodists, Primitive Methodists, and Bible Onriotiane. On September 6, 1888 the first union conference was held. Dr. John, A, Williams was president, Rev. S, D. Rice, 0, D„ and Rev. Alb. ext Carman, D. D. were elected general superintendent. Today the Motho. diets of Canada own 8,418 oborobes, 27 nniveroftiee; colleges and sample, with property worth 62,060, 000. Last Sabbath was the 45th anniversary` of Brussels Methodiet Sebbatb eobool and daring tbat time there have only been 4 Snperentendente viz B, Gerry for 20 yore ; Dr. Watson for 2 yam ; Dr. Ball for 1 year ; and W, H. Kerr for 22 years. The pantos, Bev. T. W. Oooene, preached to the children 41 the morning service on Don't, a0 follows :—(1) ripo't Tease ; (2) Don't get Angry ; (8) Dont be Ptottd ; (4) Don't Swear ; (5) Don't tough strong Drink ; (6) Don't rejeetJeeue; (7) Don't be ashamed of the Saviour. In the even. ing the addreee wag to the adalte Josiah being the theme. A very imitable die, course wee given. Mies Oampbell, of D9Iwo d, rendered the Salo ',Happy ayn with plea/beg affect. The floral /Cons tribution by the pupfle were beautiful and a number 01 bogaett were pent to the aloft and aged of the bongregntion. after the evening eerybea,