HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-27, Page 8T tli;'Ut38 EL Piuiir.1.' • LUG, 27 1R08 SCI%a6L OP NINO Metropoh!tak Tuesday next—the iiret day of the new school year—.wild be a Bed .Letter Day for the School Students ab least. We can help you to get ready for it, as we have been preparing for this occasion. A. visit to our store will find us with a full line of NEW TEXT BOOKS, NEW SCRIBBLERS EXERCISE BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS SLATES, SCHOOL BOXES, PENS, PENCILS, 4.,e. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 00veneas EXTENSION W. e. & B. Trains leave Brneeele Sbation, North and South, as follows Goma SOUTH GotNG Nelms. Mall 7:10 a.m 'Mixed 10:00 a.m Mrse3.........70.00 ami !Mall 1'17 p.m Express...... 8:26p.m 1 Express 8;I7 p.m ata'. Dttos ins. A ohiel's among ye tak(r' notes, An' faith he'll prent ice. Plans are a good Drop. Batmen Pair Oat. 1 and 2. Tug showers this week did good. THE POST will holiday Maxi week. ALT. Bagmen shipped a oar of oats. Lenon DAY, Sept._7tb, will be a public holiday. ROUSES to rent are a scarce article in Brunetti. R. GRAHA1I loaded a oar of oats and a ear of wheat this week. A great many Stammer visitors in this tie00ion of country this season. TENNIS is reoeiving considerable at- tention in Braaeele by the raognet wielders. Tax overhauled hoose of David Heist, on Albert street, is about ready for roughoaeting. STEADY boy wanted, 14 to 16 yea re of oge, to learn the printing business. Ap• ply at once to THE POST. Waal about a Skating and Orating rink for Brussels ? Itshoaid prove a paying investment even if building material is eepeoeive, BRUSSELS Pablia School will re -open for the Fall term next Tuesday morning when the classes will be formed up for the season's work, CEUENT.-We stook the higheet grade of Cement made. Price guaranteed. Orders placed now will receive beet et• tentiou. A. M. McKay, Braaeele, Bennett was represented at the horse ranee in Guelph on Wednesday by F. 8. Scott, P. Scott, W. F. Scott, J. D. War- wiek, V. S., Counoiilor and Thomson. Tan County Board of Examiners, of which Ioepeotor Robb and Principal Cameron, of Brussels, are members, will meet at Clinton on Saturday of this week. Allotting Model Sobool pupils will con- stitute pare of their work. MRs. PETER Blsaor, of Braaeele, brought a White Elephant potato to THE PosT on Tuesday afternoon that weighed 2 pounds. She says elm has plenty of them that will scale a pound eaoh, This is euough to make any Irishman's teeth water. A OAR load of honey will be shipped to the West by onr Bee ging, G. A, Dead- man. He will take a trip with the concentrated eweetoeee and attend to its diepe.eal. Mr. Deadman has had a long experience in beekeeping and has profited by it. We hope this trip will prove remunerative Mao. WILL Nor Be DELIVERED. -Starting with the month of September all copies of Tut Pose now being delivered to sub• scribers will be plaoed in the postofdoe or given out at Toe POST as persona interest. ed may deoid's. The delivery on Friday forenoou will be dieoonlinued atter Sept, tat, Tam Goderiob Signal says :-Goderioh Old Boye figured well in the bowling tournament. 1'he skip of the Bruasele rink (F. Dowaiuf,) whioh won first prize in the a550aialiOn metals le a native 'of Goderieh, a gen of the late Joins Down. ing. Major R. S. Hoye, who skipped one of the winning Seaforth rink, is another Goderiah boy, and still another of the elect is Major Dudley Holmes; who captained a Wingbam rink and who, though he did not capture a prize, was well up to the contest, A Beeem ruo, FLOWER. -Many persona celled at the residence of D. 0. Ross feet Friday evening to see a eomewbat rare bet beentifol flower viz a night blooming Ceram, or known as "Queen of the Night". Although its life is very brief, ending with one night if left on the stank, it wet nert8inly a beauty with its white wax -like petals,. enair0led by a wreath of gold and some of them attaining a air. oomfere0oe of 2 feet, The perfume of the Omen is moat fragrant, To a lover of the Multi/el no adjective le too etrong in deeoribing the beantleo of the transient gnarl. Da, SCOTT HONORED -The Peoria (III.) Rerald•Transoript, of the 28rd innt., says of a former Bramealite :-Governor Nitwit hie appointed Dr, John Scott, of this arty, a member of the Veterinary Exam• inieg Board of the State, and the first Meeting of which Dr, Scott will be a part will be held Friday of this week et Spribgfield. Dr.800tt is an old time Pearian, a staunch •Repeblioan and Aderman of the Third ward, Prof ea, atonally, there is not a better veterinarian in the world, He Maeda very high in his bnsinese, He will make a valuable member of the Beard. He wag notified yesterday by O. E, Miller, Secretary of the State Board of Live Stook Comoie. eionore, who approved the appnintinent deolgnnted by the Governor. Dr, Scott, with bie oolleaguee, will attend to the lioeueing of veterinary praatitionete thronghoit the state, /,asides attending to muoh routine bee/neea, Holiday Next Week. Following our amine' custom Tau Posi' staff will take a holiday next week and next issue will not appear antil Sept. 10th. The offioe will be -open to the receipt of sabsoriptione and job work. Dere are shortening rapidly. Bei:roms Fall Fair OM. 1 & 2. A Dentist's sign -Drawing, anemia and dancing. LARGE shipments of stook from Brussels this week. Ntxm Tuesday will usher io the month of September. FOURTH Division Oonrt will be held on Wednesday, September 9111. P. AISENT forwarded a oar of heading and hes a number more to follow. BUGGIES at Dost for 30 days. Very beet band. EwAN & Co., Brussels, FOOTBALL will be kinked an the Main street until some valuable glass is broken and then —. R. Gentian shipped a oar of new wheat. It scaled about 60 pounds to the bushel and was a tip-top sample. THE I, 0. 0. F. Degree team contem- plate a visit to Wingbane this Fall for an exemplification of the initiatory and degree work. Just reoeived a full assortment of Lia. towel yarns, all colors, 2 or 8 ply also mitt yarns. , Knitting done to order. Mas. Rumx. Grain fe commencing to more to market and the indications are for an early delivery. The Braaeels market will pay the top notch print' as osnal. AN old baohslor said he Daae fell in love with a young lady, but abandoned all idea of marrying her when be found that she and all her family were opposed to it. THURSDAY evening of this week a .con. tingent of three linked brethren from Wingbam are expected to pay a traternal visit to Western Star Lodge, No, 149,, I. 0.0. F., Brunets. They will be ao- corded a oordial greeting. Toe Toronto Fair opened on Thursday. of thie week and will close on Sept. 12th. Single fare daring the Fair, and epeeist excursion rates on the KitOardine. Palmerston line on Sept. let, 8rd, 6th, 9th and 111h, when the return rate will be reduced to $2 60. This Model sobools of Goderiob and Clinton will open on Wednesday of next week, Sept. 2nd, at 9 a, m. Candidates should make eppliaation to either of the iuepeotors on or befor Aug. 29th and elate which school they prefer to attend. Miss Mabel Zimmer, Mies Laura Niohols and Miss Flo, Buchanan, of Brunette, will attend. BOWLING. In the looal gold medal competition the scores stand as follows on Thursday H. L. Jackson 16 wine D. C. Roes 11 " J. Ferguson Dr. Friid Dr, MoNanghton F. Downing J. Hewitt G. F. Blair T, Farrow 1 " 77 it 6 2 1 " THBRE'e Leaf re ODD NBtr8ERS.-Tues• day a quilting bee, that rather throws those even of oar granamothere day i0 the shade, was held in the school room of Melville church in whioh about 60 ladies took an active part, soder the anaphase of the Sewing Wrote in oo00BOtion with the W. F. M. S. Snob vigorous work wag done that some 18 good comfortable quilts were oompleted. They will be forwarded along with other goods to one of the Indian Missions in the near future and we have no doubt even an Indian will appreciate the kindness which prompted the gift. Foe Mer. -Last Friday the Editor of 1'nE Posy received the following letter from Ottawa whioh speaks for itself 1) &a SIH. -At the regaeat of Dr. P. Alum Donald, M, P., I am forwarding to your address, for the nee of Brussels Public Library, a copy of the Targe Dominion map recently ieened by this Department and trod it will reaoh you safely, Yoore very truly, Jag. A. SMART, Deputy Minister. Ottawa, Aug, 17th, 1908. The map name duly to hand and was placed upon the wall of the Reading room. 11 is a epiendid one and the Board io very grateful to Dr. Maodonald for hie thooghtfuluese in the valuable gif t. WON THE MEDALS. -Some mootbs ago W. H. Kerr, of The Post, as Warden of the County, offered a gold and silver medal to the pupils standing let and god fn Huron at the High School Entrance Examination. The awards were taken by Carman Hall, of Clinton, with 852 marks to his oredit, oloeely followed by Mies Stella MaQeserie, a pupil of S. S. No. 4, Grey townebip, who took 840. .Cale Posy very heartily ooegralnlates the winners and begs leave to intimate that the medals!, appropriately engraved, will be forthcoming in the neat future and the donor hopes to have the opportunity of promoting them. Other pupils who ranged np well were Mary Jobneton, 826 I Gtffard Crich, 887 ; Arthur R. Spobton, 814 ; Annie Domaine, 819; Jas, 8, flayer 816 ; Grano Avleewortb, 820 t Thee, G. Wilson, 819; E,bbel Capiing, 829 ; Cbaa. 13, btoNair, 831, ,A N K Dominion of Canada Charter exr1TA 1,—•Pith tip $1,000,000 REBERYF. - 81,000,0.00 Piro/tars B100.10 n w40P101, n, D., ElorstDltNT 8. J. MOORE . VI01a•PRIa8117EN'r 1•. D. 00,105510, C. E. TH001000, R. 0. Tn00, D UAD0HAw, 7'. 1, A. General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. ,Sale Notes bought or heli' for Collection. IN TIIE SAVINGS BANK-DepOsite of 81,00 and upwards received and. interest at the highest Bank rate allowed, from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, ou the daily balanom, Ma -Parties holding important papers, nbtee, 00,, may deposit them in our bank vault for safe keeping -free of charge, Prompt and Careful Attention, good Runtie. G. F. .131. -AIR, Solicitor, A. E. MELLI'SH, Manager, 072113981008, TIME oars of Beit were shipped this week and several more loading. Enos 14 oente. 100 tube Batter wanted weekly. GEO. E. ICING, WIngham. A OAR of abeam Ecom Brussels factory was forwarded by W. W. Harris and Ooinoillor Thomsen shipped a oar of batter. A bittern was shot by Herb, William eon on the Maitland last Tuesday. These birds are not very frequent visitors in this locality. BRUssELs Band have engagements at Ethel on Monday net and on Labor Day also, Wedaeaday evening of next week they play ab a Harvest Some Soolal at the Methodist Pareonage, Walton. THERE were 9 oars of etook shipped from Brussels during the poet week an follows :-Geo. Beet, 8 oars oattle and 2 oars bogs ; A. O. Dames, oar eaoh of oattle, lambs and bogs ; Joseph Clegg, ear of oattle. GEORGE BARKLEY ie veueeriog the new hones built thea season by Z. Leokie, on. Queen street, with otmeute blooke. It is going to look very nice wiled completed, Mrs. Walker bas purchased the new residence it fe said. PUPILS taking up High School work in our aobool are urgently regaeeted to come in at the beginning of the term. Where pupils are late in taking up the work it iv very 0neatiefaotory to the teachers and M themselves. Sebool opens Taeeday, Sept. 2. THE Allan Steamship Oompeny bae now ander way a trans Atlantic liner, destined for the Canadian trade, whioh wilt be both teeter and larger than any. thing now running between Montreal and the old eoa0try. The new vessel, whioh as yet has not been named, will be 20 feet longer. than the Bavarian, the Allan Line's present premier eteamabip, and will be one foot wider. She will be oap able of averaging seventeen knots aorose the Atlantic, whioh will laud the mails between Father Point and Neville in about five daye and eighteen hours. Ourm's Wats,-Wedding invitations are oat for two very happy events out. minating next Wednesday be whioh well known lrnaeelsitee are interested. At high noon Ubae. Dodds and Mies Fannie W. Thomson will join bands and hearts in a matrimonial Witham et "Aberdeen", the home of the bride's parents, William street, and at 1 p. m. John 'Sinolair will Wain] Mies Maggie McMillan an the queen of his household. Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A, will perform the interesting core• m00ien and tbe happy.°maples. expect to leave by the afternoon train on their wedding tours. Taos Poer antedates the events owing to next week's holiday and extends very hearty good wishes, Mr. Sinclair is a resident of Paris. ARAM]) SArELY.-Mies Maggie Cathill, who sailed on the Allan steamship, "Corinthian," for Glasgow, arrived safely. They had a emoobh passage but rather on the cold side, The vessel called at Liver. pool and the paegengers also bad a view of the Iele of Man and the Irish Coast. In writing home Mies Cuthill reports enjoyable visite to the Covenanters' monument at Bothwell bridge, Blantyre, the home of the tate oeiebrated David Livingstone, when after olimbing three fiighte of etaire Raw the apartment where he was born. An elderly lady now lives in it. At Ayr, Burne' monument, old ohnrob and oharoh yard where hie Tela• hives are buried, was the historic ground travelled over. A trip was made to bie old Eatabliehed church at Kilbirnie. The pews are painted bleak ; a lot of fine osk carving is noticeable and coats of arms ornament the #rout of the lairds' gallery. A pair of jugs are still attached to the outside wall of the cherub oommemora. Hee of the long ago. Peon, Glyngarnooh and Edinburgh Oaetlt'e were planes of no emelt interest, at were the Forth bridge, Halyrood, Cannon Gate, High Siteet, John Knox's house, &o. The (inmate le oold this season i0 Sootland with 000eid• arable rain, Miss Omhill will return to Brussels this Fall after she bas bad a visit with the relatives of her father mad mother. Tato Year Boolr of the Ontario Bowlers' Association for 1908 is out and is a very iaberesting volume containing portraits of onions and prominent membere, notes of tournaments, prize winners, &e. In oon. neobion with Brussels a good club group is giveu accompanied by the following reference : -The history of the Brunelle Lawn Bowline Olub dates beak to the Summer of 1899, when it wee organized chiefly through the energetic efforts of G. Neil Gordon, the Moat manager of the Standard Bank. The first two years of the life of the iolob woe certainly "the day of email' things," al its member. ship wag fast the round demo and Eta grounds a private lawn. The members, however, had e. true eportiug spirit, and did not hesitate to visit other claim, and take part in some local tonrnamentn, thus "getting in the game." One rink during Met season took part in the Loudon boor. Dam001, winning first prize in the Ooneo. latioi' Series. The club has now a membership of about 80, with groan& of their own, whioh will goon be exoeheut. Interest /n the game has eteadily inoreag. ed, aided to soon degree by looal cordate for prizes given by members of the club, No history of the success of the oleb Would be Oomplabe without reference to the zeal and energy of our village poet. remoter, Thomas Farrow, who has been limiting in his efforts to ptomots the inteteste of the club in every way and who is now its Honorary President. The present year premien to be one of the 0051 Bfooe0e11il we have yet bad, The Web le officered as loliowe ; Hon, Proof. dent, Thomas Farrow ; President, G. 8'. Blair ; Vioe President, b'. H, Gray i See. Tress., J. 11. Cameron, Lou Mum: trotted a mile in 2 minutes at Boston. BRUaaleLB Tennis Chili expect to play a match in Winghem on Friday !Methuen, Jae. OoNN1NGHA7 ie oompleting im. provemento at /lie apple evaporating factory so as to be able to oommei00 operations in the neer future, HARVEST Exaureione will be run to the West on Sept. 15 and 29111, good until the 16th and 30th of Nov. Return fares from $28 to $40 according to locality. Tae POST exteode oougratu atione to Frank, son of H. Ham, of Luoknow, formerly of Brunetti, who tucoessfully passed Part 11 of the Junior Leaving Examination this Summer +401(1 was the only saooseeful pupil out of 7 from Luok- now. He wrote at Rinosrdine, Frank is a bright youth nod we wish him continued suaoesa. He's in a Luoknow drug store sow. DEATH o1 E, CAntrroN, K. 0. -There died et St. Joseph's Hospital, London, early Monday morning, a prnminent and well known resident of Gotlerieh, in the person of Edmund Campion, 11. 0. About three weeks ago Mr. Campion had what was then eousidered a slight attuok of k ng• ream in one of his toes, whish kept gradually increasing, resnitblg in hie death as above stated. Baru in Ireland in the late forties, he Game with bie parents to this country when a mere child and resided in Heron (minty for upwards of half a dentary, where he was educated, and afterwards studied law in the offioe of Judge Doyle, the present Judge of the ao0nty. He wag in his 65th year. MAnaz&N's AWFUL Wonx.-Friday nithb, Aug. 14th, a demented man named Gilbert Twigg fired a storm of ballets into a crowd on the streets, 0f Winfield, Kansas, reeulting in the death of 10 or 11 people and the wounding of 22 others. The Baud was giving their weekly con• cert and a large company bad assembled to hear the meelo when the unprovoked attack was made about 9 o'olook from an alley, 10 shote being fired in all. Each shell was loaded with twelve No. 6 back - shot, the shots following one another with intervals of 2 or 8 mi00tee. A double barrelled abut gun was need. Sheriff Day and Constable Mark made a dash into tbe alley to stop the deadly fueilade and roped Twigg just dying with a bullet through his head from a 32 Smith & Wesson revolver. The murderer was a bright young mein, miller by trade, 33 years of age, had travelled a good deal and(' served io the Phillipine war. He was not a drinker but had been observed to be acting strangely for some time, 1avi0g the Caney that he was being wronged and did the terrible deed in vengeance. He was very deliberate about it as he reloaded the gen four times. The street corners ware oovered with pools of blood, Among the dengeronsly wounded was Olyde Reed, a nephew of Dire. (Dr.) McNaugbton, Braaeele, a young man 01 about 20. He was shot through the thigh. Mre. MONaughton left for Winfield Wednesday morning where her Sister reeides. Mr. Reed was a visitor, in Brussels a few years ago with bie mother. 6 of those ghat died almost instantly. Winfield was a sad spot for many m family that night and the terrible deed will never be forgotten. CHURCH 0I1I3INItf. A Missionary topic will be on the pro. gram at Melei le'Young Peoples' meeting next Sabbath evening after the regular preaching servive. August affords people a good oppor- tunity to get to church RE there are 5 Sabbaths in . the mouth. The same will bold true in November. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Bain, o! Mos. leeks, will officiate in Melville oharnh morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Boas will be home for the following Sabbath. Next Sabbath Rev, C. 0. Koine, of Whitesburob, will preaob in the Motho• diet obnroh, Rev. Mr. Omens will be on the Whiteohurob oirbuit preaching an• niversary sermons. An At Home will be given under the auspiose of the Epworth League of Brine Bele Methodist church ou the evening of Labor Day. A tbort program will be ar' ranged gad a enoial time 0010708. Rev, R. Pani occupied the pulpit in the Methodist ohurah here teat Sabbath. Hie text in the morning was from Rev. 22nd chapter and 14th verso mod in the evening the Fidelity of Daniel was dieanoeed. Both were good 00rmoue. The patter was away at Weet•minisler e1r0011 attend, ing the funeral of an old friend. 00 SabbathSeptember, 271b, Bev. 0, P. Wella, B. A„ 13, D„ of Ethel, will ooaupy the pulpit of the Methodist cherub, Bruseele, at the morning service and will preaoh is sermon to the members of 81. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M„ Btuseels, at 10,80 o'oloak, The reverend gentleman is a member of the Masonic Order. ANNUAL SEaatoas,-On Sabbath evening Sept. 18th, the membersof Count Prbooese Alexandria, No, 24, Bruesele, will attend the Methodist obnroh at 7 o'clock whoa Rev. T. W. Coons will preaoh the annual sermon to them, Brethren are asked to report at their 194411 iu the Blaehill block as promptly au posetble ut 6,80 o'clock e0 as to maroh to the church. Lash Sabbath concluded the term of Mt. McGregor, the student who was cup plying for Rev, J. Ron, B. A„ in Melville (shards, Hie discourses were liabened to with uo email intermit, rIhe morning theme wee "Tereoial Service," the t(xt being "To every man bis Work.' In the evening the text was "Render onto Caveat the things that are Oaee0Ps &a." ]vin. MoGregor left this week for his home in Gtsy 00. where he will sojourn until College °pone at Toronto, Be le in hie Standard Bank of Canada 0707 1..93S.YrSZ.Bw D 10772 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN I1dILLION DOLLARS Of one dollar and upwsrde reamed and !merest allow ed in Savings Bank at highest rate from date of deposit to withdrawal. Interest PAID ON THE Daily Balance Loan Made, Nolen Oashed, and every a000mnloda• ties afforded the reg. pooeible borrower, FARME113' BALD NOTES Cashed, Collected; or may ho left for sate-keoplog only for which tea charge is nada, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. tSt'Every convenience afforded customers living tit a distance, BRUSSELS BRANCH F. Il, GRAY, AGENT. 8rd year in Arte. With health a bright future is enured Mr. McGregor and his many Brussels friends will be pleased to 'lave him back again. Sabbath. Sallooi anniversary rermane will be preaohed on Sunday, Sept, 6th, in commotion with Beninese' Methodist aobool by the pastor. Morning discourse will be to the pupils specially and the S. S. Or. eheebra' will lead the praise service. Monthly Miesio0axy program in the school in the afteenoou at 8 o'clock, and sermon at 7 p. m. t0 parents and adults. The thumped district meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Winghnm, on Tneeday, September 1, at 10 a. m , A convection in the interests of the Wesley Bicentenary will be held, oommenoing at 8 9.10.; "Bioentenary linanoes," Rev. G. J, herr ; 4 p. m. "Revival of alms and prayer meeings essential to promoliou of personal religion," Rev. O. P. Wells, B. A„ B. D. A public meeting will be hold at 8 p. m,, Rev. Dr. Goody, pastor of the obnroh, presiding. "Revival of the family altar and home religion," Rev. Joe. Philp, B. D. ; "The measoreof the Holy. Spirit's anointing whioh tbaminietry and members of the Ohuroh may expect to receive," Rev. J. W. Holmes. A full attendance of minietere and layman requested. Rev. D. RooEas, Chairman. Env, G. J. Ken, Fiu. Seo, Perth County. A ten per cent. advanoe has been made in the Floe of furniture during the past week. The enmity of mechanics, and the increase in the price of raw material are given as a reason for the rise, With the steady advances that have been made in furniture daring the peat three years, retailers say their profits are now very email. A Milwankee paper has this to eay about a son of Jas. Pringle, gr., and brother of Jas. Pringle, jr., of Stratford. "Oct of the rather large list of 0000008 that have been suggested in 0onneation with the Republican nomination for mayor, that of Aldermen T. J. Pcingle, of the sixteenth ward, seems among city ball visitors to meet with as mach if not more favor than any other on the list. A MYSTERY U,:i000voD.-tin interesting incident, whioh. serves to throw a vivid light on the straggles of the early eettlere in Western Ontario, ie related by Detect. ive Nortbgravee. Ie the year 1838 a settler named Robert Hornby, of Blon• shard township, finding it mammary to procure a new logging chain, put a bag of maple sugar on bie back, and aborted on toot fp London, some thirty miles dietant:r The roads were abominably bad, and of bridges there wereabsolotely none the result being that Hornby, heavily burdened ae he was, bud toford numerous etreame, and undergo other privations. Nevertheless, be reached the town in safety, and bartered big sugar for the coveted ebain. The latter wee eighteen feet in length, but in spite of its unwieldy proportions, he returned home the eame night in safety, having accomplished a difficult and dangerous journey of sixty miles. A few years later Hornby myeter. iously disappeared, and.the oases remains aneolved until this day, but foul play was 0uspeoted. Ptrrsa.-At Bellevue ave., Toronto, Ou Angnet 17, t0 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pepper a daughter. Hour. -In Grey, on Aug. 22, to Mr. and Alm. Wm. Holt, a daughter, as.a.mmaxemr. MOLEoD-11(i(iaDoos on, -Ab the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Grey, an Aug. 19, by Rev. Mr. Heelewaod, of Ram• ilton, Mr, Raney McLeod, of the N. W. T., to Miss Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mre, Donald McDonald, 2nd eon., Grey. • L me. r^.l = -vr.A.£+v X9'0$, Fall Wheat............ 69 Barley 37 fens 60 Oats 27 Butter, take and nolle ., 18 Eggs per 010901 .. 11 Flour Por oat. ... 4 00 Poboloee(ear bag.) ..,,.. 50 Apples (per bag) 60 Ebay pert0d 6 00 Hpt' 'nisi., retail 1 00 Haltogs, L' eive 6 26 Wool 15 'idles trimmed 6 Hides tough 5 Lemb'elsins Gash 25 Sheep ekinn,eaoh 28. 70 38 55 28 14 12 5 00 00 60 6 00 70 6 25 16 6 80 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OMFORTABLE HOUSE AND ) a ao'e lot for sale loo Etboh There be also tt bank stable, fruit trees, &e. on 101. Property in good shape- JAB. 081361,1107, C. O. 3'. Court PrineASS Alexa"drla, $0,24, 0, 0.10„ Brussels, meets to their Lodge Room 'flee• hill 'floor, on the 2nr1 and last Tnestlaye of email month, at 8 o'eleek. Visiong brethren always welcome, Wdi.IIIJI (4N(8T/lC,, It, ,S. T11O1tO' 131EED S%I0i01T IIO.11.N Belle for sale, One is 1year old and the other two younger, Also Several resist. -- bred do and liabl3ors. Apply to JAMBS BPZ110, Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris Twp„ or Brus- sels P. 0, 22.11 VOUNG SHORT HOBN BULL for mule. Eligible for regietrabiou. For pride, tame and; other nartbeo lore, 011 - ply to Lot 2., Oou, lBray, Oubrooye T..POUR STRAIGHT SCOTCH Short Horn Bulla, from imported stook,fur sale, Also (lows and heifers, 3m• porteand home bred. 72 head to select from. D. 81ILNE & 90N, Maitland Bank Stook Farm, Ethel Out. ' 8041 VOR SALE—THE ELIGIBLY LLQ situated 2•stary frame building, 60 x 80 feet, formerly occupied by the Colter Oar nage Works. Itis suitable for sash and door buttery, planing m111 or carriage fac- tory. A bolter ilea enginewill also be sold if desired, saw to building. A good bargain will be given. 5 mare 01 land in commotion. bbl' further particulars apply to 2.10 G. W. POLLARD, Ethel. BULL FOR SERVIOE,-TBE undersigned will keen for service on Lot 7, Oen. 0 Grey, the thorn' bred Short Fiore Bull, "Huron Member"Pedigree may be seen 001 appltoatfou. Terms, 01.00_, with privilege of returning if necosoary, 7jndee. signed also bag an Improved York Boar. Terms, 01.00, with privilege of returning. 2.8 It. J. SOY, Proprietor. VOR SALE OR TO RENT,— The undersigned effere her 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, !for Isola or to rent. (1omfo•table house, bank barn, or- chard, wells, &o. There 040s 80 acres in grams, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 20 sores of Fall plowing will be done. Farm is only b mite from the stirring village of Ethel. Present lease expires onidarob 13, 1804, hitt a pur- chaser or tenant may goon and plow, 00., at once. For f0rbher portioulare se to price, terms, &o., apply to MISS SPE N(OE, Ethel P. 0., or write MBB. S. HOLLAND, 73 Shatter 91., Toronto. 7-2m NOTICE I N0TI0E is hereby !given that a By -Law known ms the Lamont Drain liy-Law, was passed by the Township of Morris on the 8th day of June ,1008, providing for the issue of debeotureS to the amonob of 84445 B8ior the purpose 0! drainage, and that mob By-law was registered in the Registry 01Me of the ()aunty of Huron on the 20101 Edey of August, 1000. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three mouths from the date of regis- tration and annum be made thereafter. Dated the 24th day or August, 1008, W. OLA11E, 010001. School euuisi(es Our stools of Sobool Supplies is ootnplste and will be kept nom. pieta throigbout the school year. We seek quality in School Suppllee as in everything alae, endeavoring to buy the moat desirable goods and to sell them at the moat satisfactory prices, Oar large buying manta for ae and for you. Our new Soribblers and Axeroise Books are very Line at Pc mCs Drug Store. f'A.x.., F.a.xmas. Following ie a list of the dates of some of the Fall fairs which will be of-i0beroat to peapleIn this distriot ; Dominion, Toronto..•.Aug 27 -Sept. 12 Western, London Sept. 11-19 Wellesley - Sept. 15-16 Palmerston Sept. 22-28 Milverton Sept. 24-26 Mitobell +..., - Sept. 22-23 Listowel Sept. 80 Kirk ton Oot.' 1-2 Atwood Oot. 6-7 Stratford Oct. 7-8 Wingham Sept. 24-25 Goderiob Sept. 28-30 Blyth Oat. 0-7 Brussels Oat. 1-2 Ripley Sept. 29-30 Tesewater Sept. 21-22 Walkerton Sept. 28-24 1ltlldmay Oct, 6-7 Lnoknow ,..Oct. 1-2 Gorrie cot. 3 Harriabon Sept. 24-25 Dungannon Oot. 8-9 Guelph Sept. 15-17 Exeter Sept. 21-22 Zurioh Sept. 23-24 Hamilton Sept. 15-17 STOCK FOR SERVICE BOARS FOR SERVIOE.—THE nnder'eigned will keep for Barytes or Lot22, Con. 8, Grey, the Otero' bred Berk- shire hog,"Garaeld," with registered pedi- gree, bred by Thos, Teesdale, Oonoord, Ont. Terre, 51.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary, i oleo keep a thorn' bred Yo 110(1(re hog. OiRIBTIAN 26 01080 016 19, 6 4 Proprietor, Intim]. SATURDAY BARGAINS AT ATCHETT'S- New ETT ' S arrivals of Dress Goods this week and to commence the season on Saturday Morning we intend offering FOUR GREAT SPECIALS in the newest Tweed Effects for this coming season :— NO. 1 Fancy Tweed Effects, all pure wool, regular 60c, Battu- 3J day until Wednesday ,„ NO. 2 Fancy Tweed Effects, all pure wool, regular 50e, Satur- • 30 day until Wednesday... NO. .3 Fancy Tweeds, all pure wool, regular 65c, Saturday 47 until Wednesday -price... NO. 4 Fine Black Sateens, regular 800, Saturday until Wed-21 ed-'j nesday price • oo°rs & SHOES —1 ease (80 pairs) Men's Finn Bf. Dais. regular price J. "j .25 $1.75, Saturday until Wednesday price - - GJ —1 ease (80 pairs) Men's Fine Dongola Bals., regu- lar $2.00, Saturday until Wednesday price 1.50 —1 ease (80 pairs) Men's Fine Viei Kid Bala., ,regu- 8.00 . 25 lar ,Saturday until Wednesday price -15 pairs Women's Fine Dongola Bale., regular ".0,.7V 2•00 Satulda until Wednesday price ..,. ,,., We want 75 Men on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday to buy Men's $1.50 Pants for $1.19 ; and $2.00 Pants for $1.50. Come early. RIMY A. MATCHETT Garfield House, Brussels,