HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-27, Page 7E SE VANT QU An Appeal to Housekeepers and frleads of Families Everywhere %Enforce According to Act of the feta to be el autentliol ic wl tit her 1 roubles, nament of e.o.m.,. 111 tee year Un#, Whounest 800 Demerce. and 'roma 1•11"11 toe nousehsePer must- '-s) Ulu"' se' wita Male, of l'oreete, at tire anthetie with theme, Ger know- nepartraene of earteuna ie, uttaweei A despatch from Chicego says ; Bev. Frank Ile Mat hedge of her 801'V1111 18 ought. nut Lo be limited to their service. She - Afltame , . . Lae . an ° eilevest ]rt their t Talmage 111 per - ed from the folIowitier text : Psahn . Ronal converes and site 0.10.111 e01111.- 0XX113., 2, "As the eyes of a maiden eel and bell) in their dielicultiee. unto the hand of her mistress." Trials axe the common lot of our reire, The ti•ials of the bousehold That the housekeeper as well as tvill be all 1 he easier to Io' t' if the the servant can bo negligent in bei' housekeeper and her servant. merit duty thorn is no doubt, The psalm- them 1,0(.11 eiesped bande, each cell- ist, as a spiritual diagnostician of leg the othet• lier sister, the heart's wealcnesses, aseetee it. De figuratively seems to place the DUTY Ola TIES lLIOUSET•Slelerlillt. mistress as a, proLot,yee betore her Seenpaeliy, God giten, practjeal domestics. Then, as a young arta»; sympathy, can break down many a crosses the seas to tautly at the feet barrier wilich to-eirty separates tho of the old masters anti sits day In leilehee front the 1180100. 'The luntee- and arty out coming a Repluters keeper is the servant); model, also "SIAM° Madonna" or a Paul 1e1'0- 111 110 1'0 1071 1..0 t110 1701170. The 801.- 0108e'11 "La.et Supper" or ee Iteubens' "Destent :them the Omen" 00 a Michael Angelo's "Last .1,1c1roneut," the psalmist ralsee the mistress 111) - 0)1 a pedeetal as a model for the servants. Day in and day out the actions of the parlor are being ceta Solna plicated In the kitchen. Adam The name of home ought to have Clark, the great commentator, in- for eveey true housewlfe a charmed torprats these words of my text lit leound. It ought to be epelL by ho.r, the following way : •eies serVatite an her grandmothers toed to spell it, Saab to their masters and inieltreeses hi many letters of gold. IL ought to to FOO hOW they do their work. that be spelled In longues of flame, glow - they may do it in tho same way,".i»g above Ihe heartbst tine. It so may we cort'ect some of the evils ought, to be spelled in a weed of found in the kitchen by exPoSing the:eleven lettere, "opportunity:" in eti- olate practiced in the Parlor. Alt other word of nine letters, "1111PPle virtues are not ch. 111 eel in bread -I ness." It ought to be spelled In cloth. All feminine tinfaithfuiposs ;two words, the one of eight arid the and injuatiee do not • we"' 1.10111-I other of 11120 letters, "Ina ern al 0'11 1111< 10111 Mee itably fall to 11 11111'8 Hale the dignity and nobility o donut:41e sore It•e, unless their 11118- 1108808feel that 1110 1114111081. 1101100 woman can have Is to preside oxer and deelicate her life to her creep into their bee(() and make your interests their Interesle. `1`111S elleleVANIe Gla 011, mietresses1 011, housewlyne and u hosekeepois, y0U1' (101.1.1 190 WI your 9('l 14 rimy you reveal 8. gentle Clbristian life to your household. 'In your prayers, 11) 410111'ronsecrellon, in your family al- tars, 111 tho Nulty of your life, may you 0110,1511, help your household ser- vants to took beyond the grave anti 1,0 look lip Then, when e pe' (10- 1(101<11014,ehrough your Christian ex - amide. Walk Mud in 111111(1J nd with esus Christ. there will be no "servant 11110S( 1( 111 ," 001151? The (4111.111 lie no unfaithful and 1111)1 111111 domestics. Itoliffewives and bousekeepers, heed Well 110 iinpotertnce of eonierrating your Bete to Chriet, eel, only r fo your own sake, but ether for the sake of your 14(10111(10. 11011101111)01. that 1 1, 18 for 000101' for you 1.0 001171)11 1. a sin egainst those tellotri you suppose to be lower then you then lo agat ins those 10110111 yalt sua pposo re above you, 11; Is easier for a parent to sill 041811)131. it 111ng. And m reember to defer a parent. 1 is easier for a. 1111141'lo do an open wroner to a, sub - eel. than foe it subject to flagrantly yin 8411111101.a king. Itied remember further, that God judges our 'actions r just as 11111eh by how we treat our cattle ae our mestere, our underlings 115 011r employers, our Servants 118out 1111011011118 1(1)11 wives, May the Spii•it. inspire every housewife to live en 8 0' 01 mitt" : oy."fgh,tobespe1 lIn a stupid and stolid heed I jtouted in ma • . • eother wool or seven letters, "libel' fish heart of thew girl ho, *h; Y t''' The tree wire 81.101,14 nev" a nerse's apron, p1151105 the baby's .101(1(1 10 be aitywhere but under the cartilage along the avenue. If tilos;,81-1:1,110, NV of her Milne. But though head of the house wishes 4,00 -`" y Anderson, 1110 coven of the vents tio be faithful and true to her:American stage, gladly abdicated hor then she must first set an eXatnple 'theattrietta throne in order to be falthfUlaess„ she meet he 11.110 'queen of her domestic: fireside, a clan - and kind and loving and Christian- :geroxis tendency of. this ego is for like to her servantS end to all the i wives end mothers to vaeate their people with whom she comes iri (0)3- 110<808110 thiones. They want; to tact in her domestic walk of daily !hand (Wel' the kitchen to their cooks, life. They want to leave their children INCULCATE FI0pNrte:nurses. 1,1s,ySTY BY P....-- ,under the exalusive coetrol of the cE went to be sellaVoled from their husban0s, on account of moTdheol. 11°Tusheakteeiin)1c1ClieL5s thltaLt f Guile clubs. They wept to be liber - trees 01,11,1 bo 1,ojit 11411(18 f any educated in everything on earth, hoe setrants to be honest. Plato„ except in the old fashioned wey of the plfilosopaer, once tried to con- learniug how to be a good housewife and mother. ITONORABLE P1atiP1,01(11,11eNT. cs it a disgrace, as many women thought by the story 01 the fabled seem to think it is, foe a mother to ilyges' ring, 00101(10 104)14 make the be 140011 wheellug; how baby carriage (also actions of the wearer 0101sible 41101141 the :greet with how 01V11 flesh to 1.510 naked eye, "Thus," wrote see 1)11)011 i„ that: 101.i,18800 Fm, PM to the Greek, "Gm truly honest, part I think such a public sight 1051 man is the one who would be hon- I I of a wire and mother Is a far more est at all times when he could be fhonorable one than for such 0 woman illehonest and lits dienoneely never he rotund out." mit is such (011 to be seen caerying around a pet dog to be, seen out (bevies with a tiagency possible ? Who can ever ..°0 is selme Feench poodle by her side. You may be sure that his dishonesty hathiee .The e3.05 01 1.1 0.1,, 8111110 ir you will at the figure I have (1,10 eeee drawn, but I say unto you, oh, subordinates, of emplyees, and see more than we know. They wives and 1)101 1010, 1 ha L you can ore apt to imitate, too, both the , acre'. gul Your Ran/lets 0 8 Plwrria 10 .gocel and the bed, so that (me 1 the 11011111151 of a domestic calling until e 011 )'11111'31.'1 1' folly reallee 1)1111. wrong,doer may cense deterioration ; through whole circles of las social :the grentest work and the most 11011- ieferieee. 111 the home, (IR 111 bus- 01111110 100110 you earl have is that ineSS, the example of dishonesty has which is to be found within the four alwaye the tendency to reeoil on the ; wells of El. C0110Cerated home. eyeongdoor. The Merchant 01•110 roll- 1 Th 0 h 0 usekot.199. 19 1101' serrants' elites tit his cleek's cheating of tile amelel. Theft she Must give to them •c;uslaneers in his intereets must not her love es well as her sympathy. be 141 ('p118011 if the clerks cheat 111111 "Oh, no," 001110 housewife answers, in th.eir oWn interest. If a fanner ;"T could not tom Iny serValitS. -knowingly Fonds false weights to 0111(1 ((11 11180 wit 11 there In their market, and 0111,09 he is packing a troubles, but I could not love them, barrel of apples places the good 'Why, if 1 loved them 1 :Mould have .apples upon the top of tho bearer to receive 1 hem into 1110 .110151 er earl a lower geade of fruit beneath, • holies' of my heart, I should 111 one that farmer is teaching his farm sense have to make them part of my hands 1.0 be deceiLfta in their rola- own family. I eannot place; my 80 s tions to him when they are gather- 01015,0 51111' 1,y side with sw 0111111- ing the fruit. lie is teaching his 1 (‚011,'' Yee, my 8181". yoi, (Am 1000 nien to lie as be has lied and be dis- ,114 woi (111 symputhizo you,. (11)- 1)011(4001. as be WaS If the 111051,1, YOU can give -them yotir bank 0.111.00415 criminally misplace heart as well as yot.ti• hand. You can the inattention's t•rast funds, there is meet, 5111011 part of your household. likely to come a time When 0110 of You can look upon youy elontesLIc those bank employees will default, help in Lite same way that. Xing Hol - end in the emptied safe or that „see 1001(011 horde the sins of 'that lin andel in-. hall; 1181111111geli(j),1,1 Vise,' 1 lelee,11710,1101.0:.1, stiOrtion will, like the proverbial his home when he wrote, "Alai had 01010110118, come home to roost,. 801'0'011t8 bon; in ruy home." That A step further I If a 110050001114 sever means, as 1 take it, that the tier - will bid her waiting maid an 001118 were part of 1111110811, if any the front iloor bell and toil the trembles eliouiel 101110 those servants ,evviloottilldstmbeisertilnicr thatittatnitssilenalss oft, wcilic cling 10 him and love 115(11 on :teaching her see.,„,ast to e„ oar en aceount of the love with which be I a loved them. You can lerern to love all things as well as in part. servants just the same res your set - 'wife is false in her (1001111418 with ants can work for you front a high- boy gyocer and butcher and washer- v Woman and false in her financial er motive than 'that or getting men - dealings with her servants, she need ay. They can learn to love you, riot be s•urprised if tee laundress CORDS Ole ANISISCTION. /teals the stray handkerchiefs anel Housewives, if you Will only eaten collars and the cook 01111811)' wastde the butter and Maims the cupboard, to love Your SerVallts anti make heed perhaPs gOes so Rev as to sell their Interests your interests, that I love 110111(1be returned to you in a the. potatoes and the eggs, U a houeowite, to protect, herself, is nra tbousand blessings. 'Wo Vall 3)1000 10 her servants, end Larne this by the silvey cords of affeetion there 00 et a moment's notice when sho is leaving for the countaw vaca- tioh, then sho should not grumble if her segvents treat her in the 891110 tV9r rey the Mee that an ovil man's deeds could be concealed, at least. TOr a time. 110 illustrated this such (0 holy life that her servants can well take her (LS Spiritilal 11101101 and can sea 111 her Mee a 1e- flectIo11 of the loving smile of Jesus Christ. who willingly became the ser- vant of all. THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATAI.00.110SA. L30. LESSON, 'I'ext of the Lesson, I. Sane. xxvi. 6-12. Golden Text, Luke vi., 27. 5, 6, Then auswered David an sale, * * * Who will go clown wit me to Saul to 1110 camp? And Al) ishal said, will go down with -thee Afire' the parting of David. an Joeathan in the last. lesson David i den time made Itte headquarters 1 the C.I.1.111 Adullam, and, having lilac ed bis father and inothee Under th enre• of the king of Moab, he hecoun captain at about 400 disti•essect and diseonten•ted men who gathered unto him. Ilia own brethren Were 1811)0 111110(1g 110111 (Chapter xxii., 1-4). Saul In. his auger having, by the hand 01 Daeg, slain eigh ty-li me feat not• for 11 that I life seeketh thy life, but. with me thou shalt be in safeguard" (xxii. 123). Probably many years of David's perseentious aro covered by the words, "And Haul sought him evere day, lett God delivered him not into 1159 heed" textile 1.1.), But In the twenty-forwth chapter, as well as in 0110 leSS011, 81111 1 151 soen in David's power to (10 with 118 110 Will, and it h time Devid returns good foe evil David having been 888111.0(1 by $pies that Seta had ein very deel come egain to seek hint, having 11,000 chosen 111101 with him, he asks fei? a toilful eel' 10 acc011ipally 111111 to Safil's (meeting Idece, and Abishal, the sell of Jeremiah, responds. 7, 8, Then said Alfishat to Device God hath delivered thine enemy into thine heed this day: now thererme let me smite him, pray them with 13(1' spoor, even tho earth at once, and f will not smite him the second tinle. 111 ing come 50 Where Sn111 and his people eere by nigh"! they 1111(1 them sleeping. mal Abishai thinks that this is David's Cod given epportun- Ity to slily his 011011151. and he wil- lingly offers to he the executioner. Thls Snow Abishai warded to take 8!) 110('i bead off when he cursed David end throw stones at him. lie i I Was else who delivered David neen the giant lshblhonolt and slew 11(111 (11, Sane xvie 5, 6, 9; xxi., 16, 17). lie WaS valialll, natural man, but did not seem to know much of the retocious long suffering of Jeho- vah. 9-1 David said furtherinore, As the Lord liyeth the Lord shall smite 111111 bis day shall come to die or he shall descend into battle and per- ish. Tho Lord forbid thett I shoulel stretch forth mine hand against the n1101110(1. Stich eonfidence had David in his (10e leal. he mead tereve oyery 0110 Ind everything hi 113s hand without anxiety, Side that the counsel of tlu; Lord would stand and the counsel of BM enemies be brought to naught, Phorefoye he eould saY, not as a more theory, but from his own ex - oedema: "Prot not thyself heentiSe of the evildoers, for they shall soon. let cut ()owe like the grass and with- er as the green herb, Itest in tbe Lord and wait patiently for Mini" ' • 12. They were 4111 aaleep, became', a deep sleep from the Lord WaS fel- on upon theme D id'. • • that they tale° the taperer need melee from Saul'e head, which theyedid, and going a good 'distance away cried out to Abbot', the captain of 11.01's hoet, that he was tr, Valiant MOP, bill lied nal; tacit gO0t1 011.r0 01 1148 ma/4er, far he might hare been elan1 by one who took n.weter the :pear end e1080 /peen his 11/11S- totoe hood. The Vett8011 of their lichee able to do this wag that the 1,ord Wad caused special sleep to come upon them, Lete Then sued Saul ; X have ;sinn- ed. Return, my son David. * * Boholel, have played the fool and have orreel execotermay, 1.1awicl's loirelattes to him Whetti he hIad Itini in his povvee seeens to bare tolichod his hand heart:, ante he said he Would no 211,01ril tie hien harm, But he heid ttleo seemed penitent when David spaeed 11011 the Meitner time (xxlv, 16-19), Ile Was Unreliable toward God and Matra tine atable, dietehedlente self not willimg to he controlled hy Ced fund therefore modrolled by the evil one. 212-21. Behohl, ars thy life was Inetch get by lads day In mine eyea, so lot, riev life be 111101011 Bet by in the ryttfl Of the Lord gee let. 11,1111 dolly - or me out of all Laibulation. Divehi rocergirlyed the Lord's bead in Simi being placed in hie powor and aleo in Ills being kept from t(1 1011511141 Propll bin 0.3111 08 - peal 01X00 lie wrole, 'Mut meek Will lit guide in hetegteent and the meek will Ille teach Mas way" (Ps, xxv. 01. Cif trolowes covers so netch gefeweel and te h 110e0Seary the woe( 53,1; be /Tete vied we 1.11 meekness eerie being eavael by Ills word, evi 141'01 k.1,1.Pe 11,10/11 1/9 yeke 105100 needle and lowly in heart and fol. low Him (Jas. a 271; Matt. xl. 29) Datiel's rhoire for fell (31131 1'('I'03)(' brims to 114 Ili(1 111108e Wench; of Paul. "Tee Lord thall deli -tor me Mon motet evil work QM Cr. will prigary me WTI 0 1118 heavenly kiegdoni., 11 whore lm glory for ever end ever Avian" (ar Tine iv, 38). OIL Time Soul said to Dated : 111eded be tams scut Dalvid, Thret /Malt both do greet things end nlso Anal', prevail. So Da.vid went on Ids way, and Sao rolkirlleil 10 lift( place. Whether Seal withed what he Rai( of IMAM 00111e true oty not we cenntat say, but tbey did come trite, for Gera had so perposad and David wont on mai grO1N, great, and the Leto] Clod ot Hessen NVBS With 34111 (.1)1 Seen. 1,, 50). The rempose of Gold coneerning Deeift's 1V111. 91111,11 gam he per f of lie fed , ;label 1 leaned:Mg all the 0eri(100 of the enemy, even of ;eaten_ hieneelf. ,'dc(' lea. ix, 13. 7; .TCake i, 32, 33. David and Saul 80011 goieg Me own way ateggeels She only two wayee-the way of the rigleteous nal the way of the wiok- ed, . ; FOR HOME THE o , & Recipes for the Kitchen.• tlyglene and Other Notes a (9 for the tionsekeeper. 333 esttelle ceticleceacfeeeTheeenea WAYS WITII CAULIFLOWER. Cream-of-ceilliflower Soup. -Cook in a double boiler until perfectly ten - one pint of finely cut cauliflower , with ono quart or milk, then press 3 through a coarse eieve, and return 8 to the nrei eleteall 10 talite With Salt - and pepper, anel add one tablespoon- ' ful of butter, and one dessertspoon- ° fel of corn -starch starred emootarly 01 • a little cold milk, Cook, and stir 1 until perfectly smooth, then servo a e once with small oblongs of Mateoe brown bread. • Boiled Cauliflower. -Pick off th outer leaves, and cut MT the sten close to the Llowers. Wash thorough ly cold water, and allow to ma with the top doWnWard in cold salt, water, allowing tablespoonful o salt to eacii gallon of water. This 1 wilt draw out all hidden Ineecto. Then tie it in a piece of cheese -cloth to keep if, whole, place stem down- ward In a kettleful of slightly salt - ea boiling water, and let cook, close- ly covered, until tender, When done, lift from the water, 1.0111000 the cloth, place it in a heated dish with the flowers up, pour crealit Sauce Orel' It, and serve. Cauliflower au Gratin. -331j the cauliflower, Melt ono ounce of but- ter in a frying -pan, and stir smoothly in it one taniespoonful of flour; thin wilh one half pint of milk stir until bottom, then arid four tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, one half teaspoon- ful of salt and a dash of creyene, Stir and cook for a few minutes longer, then pour It over tbe cauli- flower, and serve hot. Baked Cauliflower With Cheese. - Boil the cauliflower until ender, break into small pieces, find put a layer in the bottom of a buttered baking -dish, Cover wit h. cream sauce, sprinkle with grated Parmes- an cheese, and add another 'new' of cauliflower. Finish with a layer of tl e, anc brown deli- cately in a rather slow oven. Savory Cauliflower. -Boll the call- liflower, and set aside to cool, Pre- pare one pint of egg -batter, and add it one teaspoonful of minced pars- ley and one tablespoonful of mild gratorl cheese. Dip each sprig of t ewer in this batter, and fry in hot butter. When they are done, place 1.1101)) 011 a hot dish, and. serve immedintely. Mashed Cauliflotver.-13oll the cau- liflower with one whole onion. 1Vben tender, remove the onion, and thor- oughly drain the cauliflower. Mash well, press through a coarse sieve, then add a lump of butter, a, few tablespoonfuls of sweet cream, and salt and pepper to taste. Cauliflower in 13Lit Mr. -Break a firm head of caulittower into sprigs, and cook in slightly salted boiling water until about half clone. Take 1111, drain, and put in a saucepan with two ounces of melted butter, the juice of one lemon, two table- spoonfuls of chicken stock or cream, a. dash of cayenne and one smell cup- ful of water. Cook until the cauli- flower is tender, taloa up, strain the rav add t ' p' 0thick white sauce, pour it over the cauli- flower, and serve. Scalloped Caulinower.-Break the cauliflower into small sprigs, and cook in boiling salted weter until tender. Place the pieces in a butter- ed puddlug-dish, and pour over them O 941109 made es follows: Mix well one hall pint of bread-crurabs, three cupfuls of sweet 011111, one beaten egg, two teempoonfuls of salt, a lit- tle poplier and one cupful of diced cooked chicken, veal or tender beef. Baku in a moderato oveu until deli- cately beowned, Ceuliflower Salad. -Stand a firm white cauliflower in salt -water for thirty minutes, then cook it in boil- ing water until tender, but not quite done. Drain, cool, cut into sprigs, and arrange these neatly in a salad - bowl nned with crisp, tender lettuce - leaves. Mash tho yolks of four hard- boiled eggs, and cut the whites into Petals; arrange these over the cauli- flower in imitation of daisies, and pour over a Wain French dressing. Cauliflower Fritters. -Cook a head of cauliflower until half done, then take up, and drop in e.old water to keep it white. Break it into sprigs, and dip each sprig in rich white sauce slightly Want, and lay aside to cool; then dip in rich egg -batter, and fry delicately in hot butter. Drain on unglazed paper, lay in a plInearstieedv.dish, and garnish wiLh fried Cauliflower Croquettes. -Chop two cupfuls of cooked cauliflower quite fine, add one half cupful of fine breed - °lambs, and one cupful of evain 901100, Wili011 is made by cooking to- gether ono tablespoonful each of butter and flour, thinning' with one cupful of milk, and jttst before re- moving from the lire adding ono beaten egg. Setason to taste, mix all well, and set aside to tool; then orm into croquettes, egg end bread - rum% and fry in butter to a deli- aCteaublifi7a)!Or Minee.--Allow ono cup- ful of finely chopped cooloecl thicken. or veal to two cupfule of (11101)1)00 cooked eaten flower. Moisten with chicken or cream settee, season to taste with salt and pepper and a lit- tle finely minced onion, 90001' With blIttl,red 01.11111b8, and balm for teem- ey minutes in a moderato oven, Creamed Cauliflower ott Toast, - 'Deceit a firm, wittle head or cauliflowe er into sprigs, soak in salted water thirey minutes, then cook in boiling salted wator mail perfectly tender, Tetke tne carefully, drain, and bey on smarms of be 11 e rod i mot . Pour ereent 99,1100 0001' the Caulnlower, and serve. great came to reject every bit of tho e When it will be 101111d ready Nr 1190. ti0, and Cover It with ateoltol. Cork tightly and set away for three 100148, Off t110 White, whielt ie Very bitter. Pour the grated rind lido a bate isTEw cAlizroby nerieT eentwe yellow rind of a 1041011 um,simEsTINg. oF RIJN BIBRI 8. TItEBLE CLIARGES. ... ..... To make the oxtract extra /drops', Heavy Eine to Sell Any Firearen drain the alcohol from the rind alley three weeka, and pour 11, over freeh- or Gun -barrel Not Dilly rind and 1180 like any lemon extract. just as a. 14110(41ofor elites ly grated peel, rejecting the first, Instead of clear alcohol, one Oen Bee jewellerY la known by Oa hall -mark, 0qUal parte of aleobol arei slogao 80 is a firearm known bY ite ProOfe veep, usIng ill the reeIpe the atone mark, By an Act, of Parliallient, 11.13 101, 11.1001101. 11 0110 cloonat eare to make the ex- 11n1aagel0e0Cleonoipluollsiogry"O01) i< shal 0181a3-111111aLetwuar8- 1.reet In thie way, 11 is still possible ers of firearms to have their gen and to make a eubstitufe for the store rifie barrels tested, saya London An - article, which Will felte goad 1%11011e ewers. Other Acts ot 1855 an/1'1.868 at 11ttle exP00140, Tharintee of a drug- made it an offence punishable with a fMe of $100 to sell any firearm or gue-barrel not duly tested, and mak- ing the forging of proof Marks a misdemeanor, entailing as Much as two years' imprisonment. There are only two proof -houses in orange peel in enough alcohol to stolibet.foctout:t.oryof-oc'tnree win,roly.onnudinonb,ortedlue. (.0(:).:1a.nigte, aenxtdreiehter-ii.saldudef,dieg 1:ylvss°teriediorli!,1 other in Birmingham. Gun -barrels use of orange and lemon flavoring in The The pante of their maker is not oil- ed 5111(10 of one huge orange, the same cake makes 11. pleasing possible opporLunity for spite or fay - graved 011 then], so there shall he no Vanilla extract, is more expensive oritisin in the 'testing operation, ch 0410, to make than the others but it Is A TRIPLE CHARGE. also much more difficult to purchase barrel's diarneter is first of all tested( gist five cents worth of oil of 1110100, and tele It by the single drop, in 1. recipes where a teaspoonful of lemon cl extract is caned tor, cry dilute the oil by addles simple syrup until it EE‘ SENEEnti OS Weak CtEi Ordinary 1011100 021,- 1 tract. l'ISYSIQUE OF ENGLISPINEN. Government Will Find Out What Chang•es Are Occurring. The inquiry which the Government is abottt to address to the Mies of 11 the medical profession as Lo the h phyeleme of the I:eight:et people is only justeflable, but 111Ual WiEe, TWO 111411101180 changes aro paaelng d 0001. 0.111. population, and it Is Hama- n teary euteettain in V. delimit° and, 11 for alio time, final Way what the effect of those chaugas upon tho O health of the population realfy is, e says the Landon Specf6tetor, The people are'rapidly quitting the couptry tor the town" It, is not mereiy that the great cities are Ercetving till, -to take only one in- stal:co-It Is bneOltring a F00101.15 air- s Meaty to simply alum With goad )n10519, Abi rt th ti 1" escaped and. 101(1 anci to him David said these memorable words; "Abi(10 1,11011 With water, Int ale 111111)or towns aro growing till in other counttles they would bo ne.counted "Where- elea," mid the Earl of Meath. in the, Loma; debate of Mouday, "in 1863. the Wrilall population of England " and Wales was 8,990,000, out of a total population ot 17,92'7,900. or 50 per cent., in 1891 it was 25,- 060,000 out of a total popeeation of 5e2,000,000, or 77 per cent." That is an enountons change In the 00114111014 of Br•Itiolt life, Lind It en- rolees by a eort of necessity other changes, the full effect of width It • ' is needful for ot, wise community to lonow. Then there le a seemed whieli has passed over the people tend which for good or evil, must, one would think, affeet tem national 110112.111. We limo metered every boy and girl during nine years of the growing time to go 1.0 what'll -that Is, to sit quiet few hours, to Lend over datees and to use their minds instead of their 1 hat tda and feel, That *the effect 111,011 the intelligenee of the new gen- eration is, on the whole, most ben- elleial wo should be the last to deny; indeed, we on/y wish that the period of aclawatior could be lengthened by two years; bu1, do we know anything with t•ote at n ty of 1111 effect, upon health ? Many observers declare that it is not at all gond; that even when tho echools aee perfectly ventilated the confinement is too great and is in part the cause of the neurotic ten- dency, the craving for momentary excitement, welch, they say, morks tier younger generation of the 01Vvenet eat min /y do not 3101100 that effect or that tenderizer among the chiktren ol the well-to-do; but then they leave home 0 little later, they are perfectly fed, and they obtain when out of doors the equivalent of O sound gymnastic trainieg. At leaelt, they are as healthy little aninvala as could well be wished for, moreover, nano of the coxes which at that perio'd begin to preen upon those who have to earn their living, The effect of sitting for six bourn, the effect of Yearn of reading -upon 0, race witoee fore -fathers could not read, end the ettact el menial de- velopment upon the ill -fed aro all effects with a material and direct benring upon health, and hare bean far too carelessly studied. aVe 'do not feel at all sure that they aro wholly beneficial and -trait that they will 130 11108t carefully examined, am If the decleion lot that they are PartlY lahrtions the remedy ia 1)1 0.111' 01111 hands. It is 011141 at this period of their lives that we have Rill control of the massee of child - reel, and it thould be 115 1111(1)41 5,0 the nfter.108t fo promote the welfare of NV111C11 1101100 ‘11011/0 01 tho 80111,119111 1/11.111t0I'S to 1.11011' blaca slaves. Did not those slaves return their nets- ters' Iola by a noble devotion? Theta was matey alai many a 100111811 111 the DISHONESTY IS CONTAGIOUS. 80101.11 who, after 1161' 110511994 liad Dishonesty is contagions. Dishen. been shot la the civil war, would have Ill n 100 10 death had no the eiay iS on immoral 41(3(1)1 00111(3) is strong limbed 4104110145who worked apt to 14111100(3 through EL whole for her as "slaves of the laW" cone ranrilSE 111 the diphtheria gem) often in 141e olden times used to eleattem tinned, en their Own free trill, to all the children of 011,3. 11011081)Old. WP1'k 10r (101' es "sieves, of i(Sve•" The maul 1)21041110 01 di d T11010 W118 many 100111180(1 Comoder- untruthfulness and unfaithfultiess et° soldier who Would have diecl had doos bot always enter a 1101110 bet loot his 110(1)', 00I10 eesilY the back door, 11 is sometimes 001,1(1 have escalled kilo the noathe tonefortably installed in the boudoir elm lines, gladly and willingly atel long before it aPpealis in the FOP- Prayerfully nursed hien hack to health valets' quarters, and ite first nap in and strength. There Is 1119.11Y 0, Set, n. housethold is taken upon the par- vent woeking to -day as a hireling bt lot' eora, rota not by reefing 501119 1101110 100 if 8110,1011$ 100.011. by .W1,011511 chair, The nfistress, in her inisteese would return a wealth /Mite of horself, le an- exeroplax to or affection and devotion such 09 1,110 the d0111139ta4. V017 often when the herself (Mee not believe herself rap- boasowlfe la Andiree fault with her able or givieg, The true inform-eta- sorteutt sho 18 denouneitm the teal- lion of Mete means simply this; 'Tr termed vomits of her My» ovil life, you love your servante, you will take Mhe housakeepee es the domostic't them Into your 11fe and make then' Model elete In the matter of 541111» 1111(110858 your interests. Anti by ;wetly, Se sae wildnes the sortante lemur toying thane they Will let, 51011 their bodies as well as of their 4 - VOTING 11Y 113LISCTIIICIITY, Members of the Liverpool ToWn Council will shortly be able Lo vote Whilo sitting in their seats. They aro adopting a novel system of tak- ing divisions. Each councillor will hare two electrical buttons in front of him, One of those will 1)0 mark- ed "Poe and tho other "Agairot." As he puehes one of the lonobs small disc will appear ngainst his name on an indicator placed promin- ently on the wall of the council ehantber, Tho clerk will thus be able to Collet the votes from his seat and they can easily bo checked bY aby moneber, for the record remains entli another' division is taken, On arrival at the proof -house the vanilla flavoring, a very lIttlo of and the result stamped upon it. Than it is passed on into the loadimp room. Thls has three compartments, separated with heavy brick walls, se explosion. as 1,o minimize the danger in case of pint of alcohol; boll and cool one- odTlvvioithloadthe: lt, with other ingredients, into a bot- :roaspesrometestifinigtV ceit7rPge: half pint of clear water, and Put for the various calibres. The charge measures before him, which are markt two weeks. 111011 arid one-fourth of es laid down for rifled exam are for a first proof three times the stand- tle; cork tightly, and sey away for ard service charge of powder, and O pint of water, boiled and cooled, for a second proof twice the charge. and ono -fourth of a pint of alcohol; The bullet of leaden plug is ordered set away a week longer, strain, bot- to be thirty-five per cent. heavier the and it is ready for use. Use only than the service weight. a little at first, until by using it ono finds out how much should be used. When the powder has been poured THE CA.RE 010 CLOTHES. ed down on top of it with a copper into the barrel a wad of cork is fore - rod, and after that the barrel 41009 TOO much cannot be said upon the to the second compartment, where airing of skirt and waist after being the leaden plug is inserted and top- ped with anotheY wad. In the third compartment of the loading -room the charge is primed. Thence the barrels are passed on to the firing -room, 10401 is a large come pertinent lined with sheet iron, and having great shutters or iron, which can be dropped over the windows. Several dozen barrels are arrang•ed on a sort of grooved rack in the cen- tre of the room, their muzzles all pointing the same way. Behind them is a large ban!: of soft sand, which is meant to save them from injury by the sudden recoil. A train of imowder is laid along the barrels connecting all the breech vents, and when all is ready the taunted by a hammer working on a pivot. train is fired by a percussion -cap, de - the made flavoring will 'laver a pud- ding, cake, or a freezer of crea110 and when it Is once used one sees the ad- vantage of making it at home. Purebase of a druggist one-fourth of an ounce of vanilla Minas, one-half ounce of tonka beaus and one -hell worn. When removed they- Should be carefully brushed and mended, if there aro • nny repairs to he made, and then hung over EL waist hanger or the back of a chair near an open window, with the wrong side out, For I thln, Rudy waists, or those of hand- some silk or satin, it is an excellent plan to stuff tho sleeves with white tissue paper and put the garment away on a hanger. A charming receptable for surnmer shirt -waists, which should always be laid their full length and very light- ly one over the other, may be ob- tained by taking an ordinary wood- en box about two feet long by three deep, and covering it with some pret- ty cretonne, with the inside covered to match or in contrasting goods, and the) covered lid attached by two or three fancy hvass hinges. MOST EXPENSIVE ITAIR, BARRELS THAT BULGE. ... The noise of the almost simultane- Every year, two or three days etre oils explosion is tremendous. When ter the fete of St John, a market al it is over the barrels are usually human hair is held at Limoges. Girls, found almost buried in the sand 6e - matrons and old women, from the hind the rack. Some are found to country around, bargain to obtain be burnt, and many are bulged. But the best price for their tresses, even the best of barrels will often winch are shorn off la the market- bulge at a first test. These aro sent place. White hair always fetches the back to their makers, who put them highest price, because Lhe color can- to rights again, and send them up not be produced with dyes. It is for a fresh proof. Mr. Greener men - often 100111141125per pound. (Ira; -Lions a case of one barrel which hair comes next in market value, then bulged eight times, yet eventually atlialectenci-actoklorberioewn,goillielet Lto aubll-dne'r.11iellitehe light ie ttest, and proved satisfac- chtemest is black hair. -4.--. A LADY 8II111 DOCTOR, Mlle Sarah Profile, 0.3<817041 lady doctor, has obtained a professional engagemecircumstance is to bo noted as of each is plugged with a• lead stop- int on board a steamer ply- aIlle Broido is the flint French "doe- er, ais put in the barrel filled with boil- Tho11 g between Marseilles and Algiers. p toress" who has been engaged on ing Water. Then another lead plug board elup. 1111.11(1110 slops' doctors n the muzzle and forced down has it all their own way, but they is for the purpose of detecting weak by striloing it with a hammer. This the doctoressa Already 11111e 13roido's spots in the barrel, lf there is the example ix being followed, and two tiniest pin hole the steam will burst hate now to face the competition of others of hey so:e are applying for needical berths on other steamers registered at thetort of Marseilles. 4--- ITUGle BLAST. The quarry at Dalmeny, on Lord ilOSOberry'S 091 01e, 111 Se05111.001, 100.5 recently the scene of the largest blasting operation which has over been °melted out in Scotland, if esti- 11141,044. by the numbee of holes which 7 best of them is so brief that to bee wore fired at one time. Tvrenty-sev- gin it by firing treble charges would en holes, tarrying In depth from. 6 greatly shorten that life, and pos- it,. to 17 ft. were bored, and those were charged with 300 lbs, of blast- ing goiatine, All the holes wore eon - fleeted up and fired simultaneously by electricity, the blast bringing down altogether about 4,000 tons of 'whin - stone, an unusually large weight of stone per pound of explosive used. --...4 tory. But before the proof -mark can be stamped on the barrels, even on those which have satisfactorily with- stood .the powder test, there is a further test to undergo. The breach through It and betray it. The cost, of this •-is about fifteen cents for each barrel, and is largely on account of its enforcement that English gems are deservedly beld to be the best in the world. The only • other country which insists on a test for her firearms is Belgium, 13elgie um guns aye proved at Liege, but the proof is not so 8000103 118 ours. CANNON ARE TESTED In different fashion. The life of the old 111411. "You love my daughter ?" said the ON,111 WIAS ENOUGH. "Love her ?" he exclaimed, pea- sionately; "why, I could die for here Tow' to forty-six tons breaking sweet Oyes 1 would Wert myself from strength for a piece of about ono - Paw one sott glence from those yonder cliff and perish, a bleeding, quarter 111011 diameter, The einstieity of t bruised 2)0085, 117011 the reekS two he metal before twealeing is an- other important point which is eare- hundred feet below 1" fully noticed. The best steel stretch - The old Than Meek lriS head. es considerably before it bands. "I'm eenerthing of a lier myself," Special Weapons rent sebMitted to he said, "end one la enough for a Special teal.S. FOr infdanre, a elltert- email family like mine." ing gun hes hati tem bemired shots a, day flred from it for a fortnight on end to test its endurance, Other tests are Made for eloseness of pat - Owing to the inereasing favor with tern and penetration. But those de - which the English pipe and tobacco Scribed 111 thla article aro the only are regarded in Germany, Baden ones that all firearms made te tide cigarnialeers experienced a falling off eountry have been submitted to. of traAdoo,pt lasitte;xI we nw Wan, In future eight-leeling opticians ere - to be known Lta "optologista." Tho itsh 031t3a1 Aasociation bears 3881 'el's"- eltd 1 119,..",".°r,,V154 91'8 0 tesponsibility of treating the new and Valmutsbed equal alas), Doth mug ed, 0,500 men. . sfbly ruin the shooting powers el the gun. The steel of which a mode ern cannon is made is tested before it is used. The "forging" from which the weapot1 is to be built is made a little larger than ueeded, so that test pieces can be put in. Eight pieces are taken, four from each encl. These aro heated in lead baths, and hardened by plungleg in oil. Then they aro tested by et great hydrandie machine, specially constructed for the purpose. Good gun steel must give thirty- LIINE ISN•CILISIT PIPES. TIOlit le Ar EXT11 A CTS. llr Lenten extrac1 is made by gritting 100 The battle of Fontelmy is the only large battle ever fought In whIch tho opposing sides Were eque.leeeaelt 70,-