HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-27, Page 6_ 1,, . .
lRrj]ls 1JU�lyA1l SCOTLAND
BARD ON THE H�i73I]''.S. Lion was hosted up in ovety pollce tiro sant4 Baol, and 'to wifirese the
Lllil BONNIE IJP OTL N,U station nand gendarmerie barracks }n I° "1 utillost unnillilignons to go atony.
_ Ono of the first effects of a hot tilt country, Which Shows the Val- Penal labor is unitxtou•nand the
NOTES �� INTFIREST FROM iixve, particularly in towns and cit- ue of such do.wriptions in the pursuit I male prisoners are Loq&yed in such,
Ica, is a pronounced Increase is tiro of criminals, light and pleasing work as trood-
HER BANI£S AND BRAES., number of deaths of infants, Nven When H'laria Fellorat.h was murder- P oa•ving, Illutuinating, turning, and
•- in thu aper country ilia sulroring Of I ad and robbed it Pole \ver+ denounces[ , ( A 2a `" I lea thtr'dressin'g, va'ded by furtaing
What Is Going on in the High- tyle hOillless little wlas would move as liar niti.rderer, And 4he moral cer- .i, for those who prefer a utoro ntustin.
the hardest hcaert. Stomach trouble titude of his guilt tins cotllI)IMe 37, , lar, open-air life. A fair share of
loads a,ul Lowlands of orad diarrhoea aro the foes most to III the mhnds of tilt polico• ]ant they
Auld Scotia. Oho awnings gats io the workel•s,
wailled i• v'dA del-
Iba dl'c;kttlarl at tj11a tlllld and aYct'y I \i'elntl'li frit]{t`I"lei pl'aclta, {.lie;• kiA11 .d who circ t11lIR t nitblCd Lo ] 1 a 1
,',other should appreciate the nacos- Unless the SOa�3 S?011
-as a enprul
I. d hidden his r ihulnsnlic id
• t vv where lie lin it it 'C ciOs fo
to kI 0 S a r 6
H given
a thou- 1 lxu. t , fol 1} ' t sae tat ]oast
p c t ter e• d wo let bin o noel fc 1 "Ll axldilian !t o
French i L b rht cl t and O ' t n C
A P n 6 I5 ,
r' 1 t and attention t
sit of careful dd n o a
t is 7,d oc1
.las. gas th bra
' rAit ,.
�;'rI't'tLo � •, s]
alt ] 1 a' prison's, Are ur ala , r
'] s to C v• � u1 III managed, llawtvnr, tb 7 1 ul , uin tr! f x t r
send at.,d ,owed J i 7,t C k
Klonald Alenlbixal Fund rho ,lits, sign of these t,Oubles. Medi- tot ive them the slip, gAnd has not r !
,Jurnes Johnston, the x1.,17, who ,,a- cine should never be given to chuck 1 1' are Ettlrl the best ,],moat, Lunt a ilio ani ntha wall
UCOn heard of again. It is quite getting Uc more eomfnitablu inside than nut
colt broke i1,iu a house in Auer- diarrhoea except upon the advice of possible that a la4'.ar victim of Ilia side their wails.
cran,bie street. elasrl,ty and was tt. Pldy-Siciun, A liar limitod almost was 411,1 wonxat, Mario Jouin, who I _ AsU for the 00949011 Zftr, ;4tl In one ot• nillcn' of these. prisons
Soloed by a, OaIvYmaict enc. held fast Ontirely to boiled milk and the Ura was toted strangled in her ]tarot in - - --- Ilalmiclt Iioi,9lranu lxtis silent nn less
till "tho arrival of tlln police, plead- of Baby's Own Tablets will euro Al- ilia rue Condolx;et, This man ]sept than silt • yea's of Ills life, clulrin
ad -guilty before Sheriff Davidson on ulost any case and keep baby in )lis bond in two senses of the phrase. SIXTY YEARS A CONVICT the wh010 of whlvh period ho has
lfotnlday and was sentcuced to sixty health, Alrs, W. E. BASStull, of no Aggregated A stogie year of
ctitys' imnrisnkuneut, lUngstim, Ont„ writes: "'IMAU,NIFIOEXT DARLING,"
The fishing population of ilia T art "p'hen my little girl was about It was for the want of Similar MEN WHO CANNOT BE HAPPY braOd°z7,. As the chaplain of Dna
coast of �icotland have been much three Months old sire sufTOrcd with son froid that Pr•anzini lost his. of theca l0Nats iiftl 7 ci fele mnnthrf
Saddened b the clisaster which over- vomiting and had diarrhoea. con- g OUT O} PRISON. Ago 37, tiro National /citu[1P„'
y b r\ftw• a barbarous triple murder in 'Z bavq navtu• seat] n man ill any
tool, "the "Wonderful Star," of stant,ly. I did not find any medicine ilia 1lvenue Montaigne, he had nnnn- st:atimt of life so porttct)y happy iii
Pittentveodli. During iUe recent gaIo that helped her until w6 began giv- egad 4o make Band his escape. 1`hn A Wealthy Nobleman Who Passed
the vessel capsized to the south of lug her Baby's Own Tablets, Atter pollee had no Clow whatever, and Twenty Years Behind his l+ri: s 171bch Illi, Ito i' a elan
Ilio fair Isle, slid Ilve of the crew giving her the Tablets the vom}ting B Y of gifts which might ha\ -o rafted
g g ivortt ea•ee]•ia about C•Crnran altar the Bars, pian to an excellent pa itlnn in ihC
wore drowned. Skipper Aitken, one and diarrhoea ceasod and she began a curtain Gaston Geissler, whoa, world outside, but lie declares in
the S Suspected, 7 and t• Ul odd of those ilrowrtd, was one of to improve almost at once. ,.ince they wrongfully sus]ar.t.t, a iI I'}dlnnthropy £altos ninny o c Ino Uo would not• change plAcas rt•i't�h
AblOst anal best known fishermen till then whenever her -stomach is out nil ilio time, was fast in 100 -vas jail, forins; but (ilia would think that the {Ile I•in,perial Chancollol. lvhen his
r detained 9 w -
were es zein 1 a m s c 'c i• t lits folio
' wo n to t where he lana 1, £ enihusia. ] to ern : c
s l of ruler o • she is constipated w7, wh(.a L 1 is always UncJ \\ith-
tL^t I•'ife coast. t o I 1 ] 6tet•tn expires lie y ,
cued after a thrilling experlellcO• give bur the Tablets, and the result vagabond, lieanvhile, 1'til midi ,non world draw tho line tit Apend- in a few iveelos tit the ottis'ide, and
]]'race Kennedy> all old woman, re- is always All that we desire. T17ey who had fled to Marf4villts, could lug his whole, life 311 priS011 with the bo is as pleased to ace us all again
,v r to do for his •r 1 A'lid
t•dcen as ]tin better n n l lclitiu LUtax .
siding i:7, the city 7,l' Ann are 4hO very best medicine I have find nothing tlo ♦cola i 1 et g as any boy to return Jlame for the
present var}olts tiro- great, weniLlt
• (' rL o Tues than to t. t 1 n noUlmuan Of I at
Police ou a snot > t that in the P � t,
charged t ever used or a child." Pholidays,"
day,b before Mr. I?endersun, with a Baby's Own Tablets are sold by me" 'there with file jewels of which And gills, should chooso this nlothod _;�__
having sold beer to another ivomatt all dealers in medicine. or will be Ire had robbed has violins, jewel^ •at passing twenty years almost pass
without having a licaldle. She sent postpaid, aid, At twenty -rive coats a easily recognized, (It %t)ich the cies- is belief, Deafness apps Cannot Be Cured
)leaded guilty, and her Agent stated P P cription was in the ]:Wads of Ovoi'y q,loxtt ilio limo when Z was sent, by local nPpuca tons as they cannot
j B box, by the 111. 1Gilliams' Medic I., reach ilia diseasau portion u[ ilio car.
that clic offence had been comuxitted Company, Brockville, Out. pollce officer in the world. T'73s de- to prison for 'three months for coin- Theru Is only olte wo,Y to culla dan.filoss,
In Ignorance. It was ]ser habit to i fefse was a Eluant;♦" one., hut, he pvr- and that Is by conks, Lvtional rentedles.
purebase a shilling's worth of or- -+- sistrd in nrocla3.mir Ills innoCtrlice 11111 ting a trespass," says It q Ie ditionno .k causal ,y an inflamed til rnn-
P -TNN MURDERERS OF P RIS i liapp e I lIa never fait quite dation of rho mucous ]Irving of tho 1':us-
tel•, dny bit with i water, and sell 3t i:7, the end, attd dial cursing rile ]iaPpy ttnle.,s I havo been in gaol."{ tachian 'abbe. a rto this tube is br Ia-
in newly bottles. It appeared, how uingis¢rnifi who split hint foe tk•ial, ted you have a rumbling sound or im-
Dear, that the liquor still reinaixmd --- This ntnn iris the typical 'mein 7,1 During the next seven yenta, Uetaroif,nrfcct hearing, and when It is entirely
un -
Sufficiently alcoholic to require a "NEN OF PREY" GAT13En IN h0 had is Coad his twnut de bbkh- cloned, llla tn"n is tbo ruIlai t, and out
a s ; I. , , ha ,Ire] out
a t •Out.atl fo]I ea inflam l7,. pl Ent taken t %i It t ii v fern fila
re •' o
\ s
P d himself q 'cilli bad made cin' the Count 3, r c ••a.7, • t 7,l
ti , r1., t d to its nor n
and ns e
THE GAY CITY. v .� •,r the irlloi
To have Ent v
v •tixnr. T
Sale. i4
f0 its . a 110
license r r:hrrior of r• '
n Puaniliar adth iba i
Slains Castle, on the Aberdeenshire •-- touting as guide outside. the Grand condition A song will be n are ca to
coast, ivherO Irfr, std ]ttr.9. Asquith, Restaurants Haunted by Murder- Ill,taI nn tho Paris boulevards, one f(nt'er c'''lan twen4y prisons fn I1us- eve, Nine nes out, of ten are eau ed
sin, Rtms.ia, Poland, and T'.elgiusn, by Catarrh, winch is nothing but an
are to stay during the autunm, is a ers Seeking Women would certainly neva• have been im- tnRallied conditloxl of tha mucous ser -
place with itrtere fling associations, Victims, prest;erl by Win as a man of the Indy]hen he thought h0 would learn vices.
wa will give (7ne TTnndrorl ]lallars for
It belongs to 'ilia La] of stroll, There are in Pa2is," carate Aare- lcillor stamp. S'et a sheaf 7,I love his Continental asyhmtrs for u ,talar any case et Lratness (unused by catarrh)
1 nr3 he e nrcd b fate ato.rrh
•r • ie lift a cannot ! e 1 s U
T coiningO\ .I that e Y
S '
ins in good o.i col
Of r5 from ]ad t is
Constable. cit r . P
"ttu IIi h_ 1 6r
i II 1'edl11 or C7 cul. Ps a.
who s c v gli Sch Tran b, d t .c
Han Doll on the da • After Utn'e.
e 'rx is
ll'Cr pObl On
y teal•: in a Live I
r9 P
s in nn[ U,
2d 'n 113 70d 1 at ` i]•:N Y:1 ti L 1'o1CUo,
s at}lce Iva"
Coni ] J. i,l e
Scotland, thelld, and who filled flu. zini's conviction, 'about averyU y.
at the Coronation. 1411en Johnson dividuals ,who dont dice every clay, tbo tine of his arrtst, ha �cas actual- but found his environnlmalt so little z;el<i t;v ixruggJes, Inc.
untl Boswell went on tiles tour to but who take their cup of black] 13 '
eapaged to he. nranried 'to a young to his tosto that he was glad to 1ia11'e J,Amil.v 1'llls are the hest.
the Hebrides they halted for a day coffee, all the same✓ -in which lies' Aknorican gill. of great wealth and compe by payinent of his fxlle. Frollt
or two at Blains Castle. 'Dr. Jahn- Livei,pool be cominempfl a tour of IId LD UP BY MOSQUITOES.
their strength. They are fault beauty, Ilia prisons of Ireland, Franea, Spain
son,' wrote Boswell, 'obsorveed theersare Slue used to begin her letters t� While Item Olney was tlrivixig n
situation here was the noblest be q olm and all tewlIalnsuilelis 1 Ont hili'• "My Mngnillont Darling," curl ear crick, ti the Je streets at l of
Turi,ey, Greece, Italy, and.F.,gypt.
had ever seen -better 'plan Mount their 2)
-Ila. Thus equipped do the+set it. is suppasatl that it \♦cls in order never finding any difficulty in gt,ali- Brunswick, Now Jerroy, tt sit•arur of
Ed• cunxbe reckoned the first in I:ng- j i prey 7,,]r' to get the money with which to fol- lying as a tori], Ornay cr"111"ai, I' 01 niosquitoes settler, on his face. For
g gnu tuc 13uO1 birds of pity take their I lt, eJtere he found prison life
land.' Shins Cate rises steeply scats on the terraces of the fashion -I tow )tux to ilio states that he pian- 691 7 iiceuty winutes flit car was slopped
over the North ;✓•tea which Spreads able. bbalei'ard ra54Aurttnla, The teed And executed his ti'iplo nnn.rdec, ]ee+a tolerable even than at I.icer- until he had beaten oft Ilia asset]-
away • to the shores of north, ,Ilan of pre,. s In shite of his infain he rama]nrd a. pool, he wandered
to Incttn and anis
. y prey peake three or four y' t Japan, explorin various nrieons lu
.Orn Europe. languages, five or six if he be of •'ladies' ratan" to the and. '.Iho 6
con, 'L at his trial was crowded with each country 3n a ptla•t1y 1)"O ess3on-
The funeral took place recently Slavonic nic origin. lie has Jeno a 0.1 capacity, coxrclatin r his tour in I'ISHINO AND HUNTING.
From 8 High street, }•.'elinhmgh, of season at hlarienhad, explored all tasldonnhla dames, and aft 0]. his coo- I U
John Anderson, late of the 1st Bat-! I vietion ihn president of the rx, niAic A.kupraca, ivhero he found life in Den- I'ho Angler will find in Utah ample
the Seen Dieppe, places, and Iters 1 P
t I was tel}on Black IVatch, Anderson en- been seen at Die (teas nssailarl ,cilli lettere, in fern- vet Gaal so plrnstlnt that lie a opportunities to iadulgu 37, his favor -
at at rritz.11q at,
listed in 1S:i•4, and in the same year Vichy, L.uchon, And Biarritz , .. IT, Minn. \,ri•ifing, inl,plor3ng 111s ,iota- quite sorry whin flit oto sport. The mountain streams are
was sent to the Crimea, where he is usually a count or a ba•ou. Ili enev on behalf .of the mognJucent FINE CAME TO MOVE ON stocked with gamy trout and Lila
1 i s gamy black bass
I but little e
darling. IIs brae iv are n Icer U
7,d da i d t o t b
i 1 and three clasps, a f,
gained a Ileda n
1 P, tl ei+n •t] and 1• tc,s
,, i ad ]u I r.l Tum he n. r.. r
B r i
Y B I bas s 7, ]-I
A! r In n •cars 7,i t
to gt btu
Y S t • f alt Lake.
tile waters O 17t
P, rip } re. Vic- abounds in r
tho Turkish Medal, Ha took paa•t , as a 'chevalier.' In Fransn 'baron' (rut tilt photograph ] h of tis three c life the Count ltas conttnencad to
in the battles of the Alexa and Bala-' is to, nnin{nlum,,, tim cre of whom wn.9 a poor little in season good duck hunting car, IIP
clava, Anil was at the siege of Se- THC TR CJI1lAP.ACTFRTSTIC. girl-wIrleli was takrn 1-y the pint on record the story of Ilia Ox-
g police had on Utah Lake, the Jordan and
bastopol. if, then event through 3mrncxliately after the inurdow ? Ono duce V and ha a expected in lira- around the pools and lagoons of tho
the Indian Mutiny in I9t,7, Anil re- The distinguishingcharacteristic Of call hardly think so, duce o i•e`y reContinuble wottic at px"is- Salt Laice Valley. On the mountain
these criminals is rank cowardice, an-13to 37, four Coxetinnnta
nocalled the medal acid clasp for Luck- 1 LEAVES CARD FOR OFF'ICTIil,S. sides grouse aro plentiful, and la•g-
now. Ila next rata cervico in the Whey want to enrich t}lemselcts and I Bu't while one may undnrlvt.nnd and
Ashanti campaign, anti was tit the they do not Mi hik At Murder tel Arc to Go.oinny, Ono of the 'three, to,pli respect a man who martyrizes or gone can Uo found on the niour-
h And U11 -
f h• Uiuta a U
' in ranges o ill(:
battles of Anicaful a.ni, Drona, and Balli their cods, but the mxtrder must brave soldiers alluded c.7,, lie cans ]iiinr.Olt in this way from a, good, Colli l g
t,)ae capture of Coomassfe. Por his be all easy' one, without risk to their' obliging enough to ]cave Uy ilio side ] uhgre reservation,
hoivevel. Inistakex, ngotive, who can
services in this campai n, he wasjJ own ]r,Kiuus ;.trios, So weak incl( "f hn.9 viciLtis cOrl:sa ihn envelope understand the ,non wha SPOutls fro enol>]o people to reach ilu•5a
t dafcncoloss women are schicted Ly' oI a letter giv3fg• 111.4 naane ural Ad- ever osdblo favored localities without wuleres-
mentioncd with distinctionho in lea- ° i direm, a real visithi card for the y P Year of his life. in
patches. Anderson, who cans a ahem int Chair prey. They Lee the g prison from s}:cor loco of it, and say oxpenditm'o of Limp or money,
native of Fdirburgh, was soldier- ]oar Clay7poles of nssasAtint Ioil. pollee, ",lr. Full'enca Gecun:ay, Me- ti'llo only leaves a gaol with the oh- the UX.IONT PACIFIC has put fn ef-
seri^ant to the late General Ivan- Strangely enough, an il'e list of portal In tilt, Eighty-soven'tll line, St. Jit of gait. back to it yulukly as feet very low rates and splendid train
Cllope. A (ring party was provided killers of ivolnen 37, Europe are no L,;::ontin." ITO hnd flurclered an old he oan? service from Missouri River. Ac-
lef;s than tlu•ar soldiers, of uhol0 i I'�on,an, a wine dealer of nd"rly • columodations provided for all class -
from Ndinbuvgl' Cn.tle. Such a human oddity was hoary
one was an oflicer. In each cusp habits, "Mother Gironde," wh,7, kept as of passengers,
The recreation park at TaybriHge flit crime was plat I for ]ultrdm•, a lit On the boulevard St. GIs- Denver, Who died a few inomihs u6° P'ull idtormat3nn Eheerfnily hunisl,-
Tarrnce, generously granted to Aber- in Detroit prison after a rrx'ord
and in each case exceution aurin. ed on application to F, Il. Choate,
fold by tl;e forma is of BreacTatbano, ! "Atter I liar] killed t the
he safe], career as an ean•aeur convict, 3m f G A 1.0.8 Woodward Ave., Detrelt,
Ir.G., was formal] opened b the followed upon snuienca. IL
y p y should. be noted i,yr the way that I "T cans so frightened 7,t the sound of boy Of twelve o eery toted incl ssclf
lld'areblozlet's. Tile shops wero cloy- an imrlacn of Ilochc: lar Prison, and A4ich., or Ii. F. Carter, T. P. A., 14
ed during ilia afternoon, aria the these n,en died bravely, but that is }i the people walking 37, the .street out Janes Building, Toronto, Canada,
tr'11C Ot ntOilt Iriar(lgrar.4, ai'W7 the 31d1!, that T sank down all a Ebalr, .his CxpL'Y1nu,Ce tIlCI•e t\•It9 60 Agree- Janes
ceremony was witnes::eil by all)
opening that when 111.9 tuna for Mara- - -
a large number of ladies and gentle- inost colvardly. It is illi Fiance till colt, pr•rsp3raiion pouring down
B, +'nay' ince I ]ailed out. m haudlterchi tion came he positively batt to he. TIIL'' BANNER IlOUTP,
men. Prior to the ceremony there that this genus Clam-Ishes roost oni l y e ected, '•lever nt:ind." lac shouted
was a procession of the Town Conn- rile Continent, aid in Pais pa ]fent- If
o \,life St away. 7 suppgsa that j There, is nothing more assuring to
r wh showed s't c a
lady, but it is only fair to say that vnvedn}'o rutno out of my pocket as to l,ru tau, dors o the travelOt• tIlau his knowledge of
cal and local d Tripes, hooded by a determination to get rid of ham,
the majority of killin»; bf womr,lt in I tilt] so," the fact that ]le is traveling on a
brass band arutl pipe. Uatas, from 'Thus does hararcl often li ht tlla "I'll be back ill n Saw days": and,
tate Town Hall. Laity Brendalbane Franco are not Frenrhmpn. 'I11ey g true to lis word, Ifanry returned firm roadard, upon which is laid ttta
\vas resented with a siker key ben,- nsosi]y belong to that class 7,t far -I bakthl of society against crimp. Rut
P y el nern who are described in Pawls! for that. accident M -onlay wolild pro- within a wean and roru'mad a caner heaviest of slue] rails, made a train in
.ng a suitable inscription. Lady 6 Pran-
babl • ]le killing women to this day. Of prison exploration which covered till their curves, and ill, ilio ,.rain
Breadalhane said that she was al- as rast.aquouorn. Sucli ivern I ran- 5 _ ti�� y fifty -faits• year's and twenty -limo whiNt carries hixn is of the highest
ways ldelightecl when tile Provost of Aril and Prado, who were types of _ standard of excellence known to ruil-
Aborteldy And the members of ilia the class, 1 j1 E�7I7 j� roasts atter is being guider] to Its des -
Town blJ 51 As a coni at ha practised tnntting
Tawe Council invited bee mt an ac- Iia}P%]'S NP1IlVI: A1' TT17 PIA D. alt3natile by experienced hi minds, k'hep-
g- •] Ieathas in Miabigai; ha UnEama n
�t 1 queat bec,or a n r
ndiLio is r
c r he co !
qi I lrn T - c o t
ca. on a that sa t bet•Auao she talo w .
P as ui o (alai \then the
t or - rOwm
Y ..ce• cob, t
9 A 1, 1, TIME miner sI Tena; a , a g
know of tilt hearty welcome slit arourecl him b7, ilio into] ]t;urning in) iu Rlis.,ieefppi; a gaa•dencr in Texas: Parent to the freyuont trawler on
sliould receive, and was well awaro his cel] 37, LA Roquc.,te, Tiki deesti.-,T^ a saddler in Ohio; a sauolter in Dan_ The Wabash .Line, and which have
of the kindly And warns feelings that ad quietly and when the go%crfor of I ONE MORE S'OLi?,NDID CURE ronhora; and a rallway-cons•r ilctor mesio that Jino justly famous. The
,net her an every side, caul watch the prison cold him to take off A CREDITED TO AODD'S in Alabnm;a. In fact, when '.Ilonry iVo.bash has its civil rails direct to
were heartily reel rocated. It was flannel singlet which hr was wearing I'.MWE;; PILLS. Denver died, ns the rostilt of an at%- the World's fair Grounds in Saint
_ ithrough trains
'vrery unfortunate that Lord Broad- he. said, "of eburr:e. IE ,♦noir. be in cadent, 3h was sant that he cans an Louis. All 1VuUasl
Albano wait unable to be present that the tvny." ]Ilan he quietly wtnt Doctors Said Nicholas Maker Ilan expert fu more folxns of n>nwuai stop nC Warkt's ]'air Station (s An
Clay, but he diff not like to lar tvali- oi'Or his papers, cles1roy3ng some and Gravel or Bright's Disease or labor than syth) 311 order to give passengers an
ing la crutches, so she was taking Nand3ng others to the prlrs,t. kVJ;en Something Else-Dodd's kidney t opportunity to view from the trails
his place., they wero tying hint up, he said: 1Ti\Y' 22AIT I�, T.1i'p IV0T4LD•
3r Leave the a frond Stretch of rupe Earl Gane I3im the. Vigor of the World's t. P Buildings. J.
Uctwe+r7, the ankles." Early Manhood. During l.ha tilty-lour ,years of his Richardson, Dist. Para. Agent, To -
UNPREJUDICED 101MARICS• The crime for which Ira was con- convict life r'foary's conthto't Ivan ex- ronto and St. Thornns.
i.. Catharinos, Ont., Aug. 1 r, oropltw;v; In facts, he had no vicious
Peo 1e most car' fu f z vicled was ilia inurder of Muria Ag- (I4pv,ui t]),_1,lI,'lloIns I•.el:cr; the well- tendency tebmtever, and simply re^pAnt Stalls: "Don't yon think 1HLiss
P c 1 o tot stepping uetant 2n iiia Rile Carttnartut, but known farfner, living near St..Tohli's ]tie day's 37, guol boeuuse, as ho said, Shopper's bat' 3s a poonl ?" Bella 1
on other people's toes oftenest have he was nuspo ted, although only 34. p, O., on the +fividing Jinn of Z'clham "1 liko ilio life." "Nall, it looks to nil✓ more like a
,licit s a trite
g that
yr hma of ago, OI a laslg is par af!auf Thorold'townships, who has been Orin woul(} illink that filo li-of-vars. historical novel,"
It as a trite saying that the roll- cr'im0, IIn went. abort this partirnl- restored to hrult.h after Lwonty-nine as pictured by sonic of convict; life ' "-
ing stone gathers no moss, It is lar mtrrdar in a bushimmilike way,
equally true that the Ono which is made careful evict ro- years suffering front atei 7ntfordney ubbese 37, Siberia would ntlectunIly 1rIlI ally Igre Standl"tor"r: "Aly, husband Is
always sta{ionnn preparations, has givnil n statement for puUliva- desire to renew an exper3Onco . of a ,,treat invWba'," Airs, 'nvent ? 1
y gathers little else. hearsod the crime, all(] carried it tion It reacts: them. 131A this was certainly oat "Indeed 1 What does iIc invent?"
Laughter is good medielne, but out so succovigully that. it was only
some people so overdo the matter of by a nwre charier. that he wwi deter- "1 had been n sufferer from Kidney tine case with. N, PetArowski, who Inn's. Stant-a lot;. l:xcnses,"
following ilia preseription that he tad, funny months atterwardn. Cnruplalnt for twonty-nine years. I was donorted to Saghalien In 1855
who hears thele has illi doubt as to Ile was a nran of consaxnmato abil- hart ills blOrt distrL'a:ling l3nChaelN, fe't• a political offonce Coingitit'i'ed 9 & .s VIN LINIMENT 66 ppgT
the truth of the old aclaga. ity. When, in the ti ual formula, Irritation of the ;;pins, and ITead- whoa he. was a young Uni'votlsity ENGLISH Sig AVIN 66t0�1���68 9
,S'omn )lien who wrap thpinsn•I his advOCl,ta hplvhl made has a,av+ch acItas, cot.tpinrl at. Limes with all ex- s`tnttent, IN,irm,. a(tai• Ilya. yeaa•s on Reniorox ,all hard, soft or eA11011 od Iomps
] VPs v 1 u v frit n L]7, r in add tol your eructating circular pain about ilia that mord linat1:t'aritiva of all islands And blorniahes ham hasoa, bond sPavrn,
the, cloak er sell -righteousness have fpl a yr e yt x } ]owor fury nt, the had, , what Petrowtstci's friends procured his miri,a, mpltata, ring tont, slreenry, .,,rtes,
scaut.y covering, detenen? l.r, ananwprd: "I hair, to 1 Y t yaina,gort•and9.wullonthrOat, a,)11sh8, We -
IID who bugs a sorrow to his heart begin it Over again," and then Ire jI sutternd no ppn Can describe. In- pardon lin daC]at'cxi Ire was so In.isS'r: sure 850 by nag Of one bot5eiurota oc
crowds out of has life just so much gran All araban which lasted for two I KOinila ton Added its terrors and I able that lie Illust, at any cast, a Ila oamast Wonderful blends O v
of Gott's light and elltor. C hours And which donply' imvpremetliiv;s greatly reduced In (lash, turn to Siberia, Within six ka
Don't waste too much time fn ),e- illo court., bar, and public. Some "Phren different doctors Attended fllontltn ha was a convict at 1111LiIi'MAC.
wailing the stns of others until on Of the jurytnon wiped their eye✓, but ine. ono, said T holt] Gravel, Another ulldet' santonce of hard labor. and -- ! - ----_... _
Y later silent tion ,years Ill the ]nines.
are sure you are rid of your Own Inner ft doubt rad reled i. to ba- called 3t. Bright's Disease, whdle the IV -ban he got his freedom Again it
worst faults, lance. after they frail rpi.irrd to con• third salt] I was fit a dangerous can- ivas only tb commit an:IrLhtrr tlelibrr- I wns Curets of Acute. Bronchitis
IVa have seen soma shaggy dogs anal,, for ba was found guilty nn dilian. Nuhn of L)tnm gave mo cry ale olitietl orime and to find him- by MINAUD'S LMLIE7NT.
that were awfully ugly, but they aniniously, Un France verdicts aro permanent help and my friends self liransported to the Alexaldreff J. M. CAMPTIVILL.
given by a majority of voices. Yet tdtou ht I Could not live much loo
worn friendly and ive likacl £hrrn, 'l'he q e ) B B- Sky Prison, whore he spent the I Bay Of Islands,
Ilia d fartse 11ad lett s( ably that
is e d
n.] Neuralgia
hi. Ifo in ' { 7,t T''aci,
most, beautiful people r, ars of s 1 was Coved l p p 7,x this World tlovbp pili Aaad after his uam'ictioit m,aining chi ty Ye Z t a
are not always the most companion- B "AC .this siagr. Z gave, up other nhakin, bricks, Shoos, anti cigarotta- by MINARD'S LiNTATI'NT.
able and pleasant', in thr/ xninrls 7,t tiro attthuri'L1O:.. A j iaastnnpnt and sLarlocl using rindd's
chcinae wall given hill) to elucidntO Nichhay Pins, Attnr t.akin iivo box- the .prt, anti finalS. os a t the I in IvAt. DANI.1 L9..
Men wry ica r for son,n title Of Certain obscure. points and WIlln. B the prison to hi, Up {.o rho Inst Springhill, N. S,,
popularity is Carly them Into pub- P ey T focal t.hty were helping ma af`d Itis 7ciArws to ]tis relatives %Vere full I ivas Cured oC ChlbnfC RhmtanA
tinys before Ills execution a.7, aKilcial T continued ,311 I lint] taxon sixpe.n
Be, favor usually ruako shipwreelt of of enthusiasm for his Iiia and oceu- tislu b, MINATtD'S L1NTA4PIN'.C,
was ilirtpaiebed ley t.ha PrAsirlill) to 13 . when I was Again enjoying ilio y
their lives before they reach any inLemogata bier fu Ilia cell, rl'hnt lin g B patios, a.nrl expressed Ills delight a,L' G1T0, TINCI.Af,Y,
comfortablo haven, failed in satisfy this 0f1. T ices aplandid vigor of obarbor manhood," vici;s to loturn again find again to Albert Co„ N, 13.
proved by tho fact 'that tris execu- fila i "IV+here does Bella, Bat liar nor Over sixty Years
+ -`• tion followed good looks from; )tar fnLlxer or her ttnn, WINSLOip's Soo1ATNo Svxur bas born ugod by 1.60
POt)12 1\tO,LIf T3V ITl?l I'OZICP • ]no1;11br ?" Stella, "P 17,x7, her to{Is- nittlanaat morisxrx for their ablldran t'hrlo toothing -- "- �-
IIETI,v WAT.T.;It A;'3C7:NDg. Vadahle, who wars convieted of the e, Itpgothan4hgcnnd,r+aenxtinguma,annyipo"il ilio r ' o;r all i
er; ha keeps a 'drug ,.para." h{nanalla regdataxninaro ;onnnannwan, n do �"]s av,r,y hal i y i U n. lams
barbarous murder of a ilthie girl, ecntromelytor Inarrhmn, "� nntY•ara conte n Loth bmrd roar] is 7" "IrCs, +7,y ehilcl.'
lrt 1Vllito Cnuuty, 'Ga., theta is a sold nyd tgpler,r thrpnghont tha Worhl, Ile Sure nna B 1
h.ad asoapntl to Tlelginm, Isut brfn6 P. " IvMli, ](t ancTpn," shin Cha litf,la tat-
Inountaf'r stream which runs a bili T.,ivca 7,t snrne root, men remind us igktar" no,'wnSetetyeseordrsu nrnui;^ 0371
a i P , papa ' datYgj*,,A , returned on InOi in That wo Should, It tae are wiser int♦, as ha conprtnplater) flit, qr1
At a stop incl ue, far ahalost half it I. as is t:7, ,litro liitrtselt up. As ]la ihn pros out of ending ills t
mile, It Is srlppomd to DO thr. Con- told tiro police, he )fart bogged "Is Ia nd aur tnaico,t bahiarl lg ] T B days is a bail,] spot;, „you haven't got in,cicll of
tiauatio,o srl. a Siphon, which lifts its p And an.mancnco is `tttvcriisa. Sfbarian convin:t, a hrnri ter' i3guros,
a0 and the y night had halcrtl Tor t- PRISON V103, Ill PRVI3H'rA.
sonr•co in n Cprhrq at: n bib}cps' nlrva-'shaitar In the. harrarrks nf'tha mount- ; "�� ].
3i aid h i N ire lite and rt' t C 1 la rtivpatently nrado go agroonblo.thdt j a' r
tion, at ilia o)I os o o of. ilia ad poi co, . Now t d Y tl Wald's GirtNW In h How, . ,, IYll�ar� s.L��l�ur�t 4r�{����rr�an $ f r�E�d
lnountacxi;, wits out ttftol him and' i,is dascrlpY "��i' / ,t is gitiLo a ca�atlxosc �1iit+ty fon calx . •
1 'I'I 4
1 it r
I � . �,y 5 l ,• w
' zIV
4i~ r,
IV., rlyt , I
/ �: ' g'
1 l_ r
I ,
sa' d
V •' 7
' t�. f
f 1
I 'r
�i t,, r
�;;�i 'I }.•,•:,• �:
, II((g i 1 1 1 I
A C®>rh>fwisseur's 'lea
The tender tole shoots of the tea Plant, known as 11 Orange
Pekoe," are mainly used in 13lue ribbon Tea.
The r'crGme de la crime" of tea growthsi The most delicious I,
and t,isty tea in the world. I;
People who know,recognize this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon i'
i,'ea. The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel- I;
lence to them,
�i a ® .
B.. ('.
I 1�,Au,, I
on, �
� A
-0 & Ce,vlon Teno
IS3r cU, mi 0ex,rr+• S,M2.11 be AZT-, t%cr
CQ3,20= Lrlq aeri � 'l'.na 40AZT-,rifty rterl! Label
r.� ,.f.' •r.
W6 ` I A
__�t a
Take the Backache out of 0i0ani:aiff.;
They are absolutely the beat brushes money can buy -tile bast
made -'backs do not warp off-bristics do not fall out of
Boackh's Scrubbing Brushes, Your grocer sells them.
None Genuine Without ]`lithe 11 Roeciih 11 on back of Brush,
--xx aitl'�ik�"+T.Y."3rGa aC4'3.�,..dtir�aW'SFC.::'.Yee: :'1IY.tJNiu':i.a,,wKsiL�y.
w w -
u-SGN+.aYF::'..13��.-. M
�p fi t�
ONE fT}tODP,9dS3t'tN
Uso Lver's Dry Soap (a Powder)
p l�i�w?dr
Ill tich batt,• 11 A
xas3lioa t.1 bo 'I
by thein .i
linges for then
1/ ,Donn n
1 3
i1^ all $
Q }
these - ���
calor and
actio '"°'E,
.S F I\
U� , �:
s r
Bice ,C =baa
poptrigR101IT.and we r
1111 vieloria "
rant to start. another
thousand upward in the
next man h. Rill you
i\/'• . I
Ld i.a- tt3n nrasaaat rr
14$1I q.,,
tesota, OA'ugtut, Idaho, Waskilifftel
slssar.,:&,,M> .;urs. - ..cwexc--=
--,_....�.L-1 ----
"Da•hng, I can never forget you."
14B i ��t
INonsensol You did it on illy last
drthday without any trouble."
�p fi t�
ONE fT}tODP,9dS3t'tN
Uso Lver's Dry Soap (a Powder)
Young hien and viaman
:o wasR, woolens and flannels,-
To prepare for n
•du'll like it.
Ill tich batt,• 11 A
xas3lioa t.1 bo 'I
.lack Lover (exp'cdl3ng an out-
by thein .i
linges for then
tua•st of grief)' "And what would
these - ���
701,I Say it should tape your s1stc21
;rolll you ?" Little Helen (quietly
R1a �.�'St3e�$
xnd politely) : '•Than): you, sir."
front the a�
Central iy � ,
8398$o99�`SS l 111,
On August 15th, Also ScptOnibox
Lot and 10,111, 1908, round trip tial.-
•ts will be issued from Chicago and
poptrigR101IT.and we r
'.3t. Foul at single lira, -class
]lug $2.00 to points oft the Great
rant to start. another
thousand upward in the
next man h. Rill you
Yarthern icy. 37, 1110 tatn•Les of M.I
be cleat thein? Vil as
tesota, OA'ugtut, Idaho, Waskilifftel
are d1patunted BOY for
% ASat O All points in I)r' lIs11 0 lin
next thirlY days,s, 1Vrito
a t O10a for LL1d 7,11 ars.
cisreached via Great d.tt i,
Coryeer,ondonceDar't„ ,1,
To ritare validfor
passage wiaihiri 21 days f['ari chit.
Central Business caRamo1
Of Issue.
Null anloxm,at:ion as to stop Ovx•
privileges, ate„ by calling on C
tufting Charles \l, Graves, Digl'rlc
Passenger Agent, 6 Xing ,.tit., w69L,
Hae uoaurerliorn RESIDENTIAL IAL Crloltil for
Room 1•l, Toronto, Out.
,care; ondetutc, Mitrlo%lotIOU �I 6olod."t Coasts
H are. lCaaidinn C..nna,•rnN.xr xsh u�son
"I must say," I -O lMa`kad the phy-
V., .
6tgnosrup6r, Art•N;,�k lu,rork, G;., 13 VA llNDA3�
sician, ''your husband is in a bad
way, Any arr angenion•ts ,voll 211'ay
Aadl.-A."TEM LADY PnI\O(1'A .
may want to malte�-�--•" "Oh, doe-
Lor," she crier. "I could never think
Of marrying again,
p{ p j^� t Ii
Llalmaat 1S lly Fllysiclaa5
and faded suit; wonid look bettor dygd. 71 no agen0
of pare in your tom,, lnud dhaat htantnul, nos ISIL '
lil:laard's used
First Married Van "Women aro
1-44 _
rightful gossipers, won't they?"
4acoaid Marriud Aiall-r1Yos, blit just
_ _ __
pys p g reg
I��D9@ anuli UnS Steamships
;hlnk what a lot of entertaining in-
Montwai to Liverpool
'urination one would Aliss concern. ern.
ng tile neighbors walk they otter-
Oofoton t0 Liv,orpov1 '
Largo andjfa;bstoAlwkip;; Superior ompnninantiof
antoons anal af(nferaocma
or an.];acct o[pe,nengens,
r7, ,e,oidrhlpn, atbotofl ntl;ontlon hen h.,a Hg vial to chi,
5.14"i, Iron
! ,
�r D p
ask far m1flard s anti taxi; no Other,
arcM, F'ninnn and Th fl"""ats "POO, .....
;7,t €•r,f P;W.iia and 11 Imrtiall-d, nicety to any ns9•da
If Mg 0-1110Y, or to IM-100Ngpr -9'"w
i • T'I'VE ot-vion-31
7 51q:a a:,,'nebtaa• u st, go-l-ontst" htontran6
Reginald Lonpcoa;t' "Do you Over
dreann of fine., darling ?" lilts Ilin-
ay 6 iv A �:. L
Only 1 ll have •h
h ]1)u�tCar : U iv) C 1 7, tile
e y
saIT CbUF3TEllc$al
nightntztrc "
I rD. `41,7'U Ig �klirl ATTENsfON `
-.-..,.......__..�...-._ .., ..----,...-..,..:...:---
Billiard' Tables
yy�� ({.p ��`� 4ITIOATION,
t"9 ortidndh.
�D7 � Bond i ci
103 9rxy tk t0_NY0 en Pdf .._!!..,
- -�-
Tho Runt at tiro Lowest Pride
Writo for Terriro
-. ___.
""� "". _
t•1i11y 13 90%, ivexe l,' VQ; 9
We have 1 a
7ss ,Sing £at W
California Navels,
.-,- _. -,-•_ .--.
Valoncias, and
• � .M-�
Wo ora.gottlna them, totsof than• whcu no
njderr tIll ga Will llnld to-ro]liar ppon,o to 7,d.
• rbnhcdt is Win
t'arl'SAd every week. All tilt) above At
Alnrlrep pr3Ens, We EAnI naso itandlc j'/14r
' \i' 11t ) .gat a hall." ohP.at'n;t."
7hhie'; oar 1j,ak•nt rnNlmitlo pial it rano, If, 11o4'a
4I I' tpgalhor as fou ii I'rn fdr
" tt g �.y poultry.,
�>tf$tit9 Ny �.r-, So poultry.,
to odga8 11Vndn11
y1nY:It mltltllanl, Xoil may et tion; Yn,t ain't pot.
iro9do Fr din Y'ou lona, 1y. �rncunibla anl9 Jtnm
AIiioi* Syrupaiict other procitice to adVan.
'til la j`1TsL'C AND TittTs9 Lf Fa Ifernin
dialvo•„ n�1Yll�etg 9t,7h i1'�1�In A , 11 t,,..r",ms:a+ ee+r
tage for You.
,. -t�1
SIL IIA' ON comuladvoti,}tits Ortited;d
_W_ ass No. 3 f 0
• .l�&iP. WYOt Mt1n•[(Mt fa„k„'t0t.'t1A'Yt:N ;
�. la
+. ..