HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-27, Page 5AVG. 27, 1908 ___.. BUSINESS CARDS. ivrONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cont, 1,',S. SCOTT, 1112 0 8 61 0, NATkI, MoO.RAOiZEN— leaner of Marriage Llounsos, Of- fice atGrocery, Turn berry street, tttassels. ARKS O'Olt SALE—Till, UN• 1/23221 21N50 nn luta 08farinafor sale nol to ranta 002100. 112 row,a 00 Morris and Grey, F S StiT1,Brueel Me MORRISON, .Issuer of Marriage Licenses WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIPI, —TDAOGER CV— PIANO — AND - ORGAN, earmoro'a =7.x,9, Q8'. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI tososeNea, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. E . Estelle Griffin TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE Pupil of Miss Eva N, Roblyn, of London, Pupils prepared for Ooueorvatory axame, f.Wlll vi Bit Brussels every Tuesday. Lessons given at Ole bode of W, 00, Herr, John street, J. LECKIE, LIFD AND FIRE INSURANOE, LOAN AND REAL DRTA'PA AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 91^ & s Per Gent. Oeloe over Hnrsiev'e Drug Store, Nov, 8rd, 1902, 80.8m Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 11122.1130001.1111 1040 Xnetwanoe tattoo on the Gash and premium note system atawrent rates. 131 fore ivaur• lug eleewhero call on the nudernig nod Agent of the Oompany, GEORGE 1100ERB, Brussels. ...e,6. AUCTIONEERS. 'j. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • sen, will loll for hotter prices, to batter men In lees time and less chargee than any oilier Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't °barge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at thle office or by personal application, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,— The undoreigued, who is well acquainted throughout the most part of the County and who hae lead business with a large oir- 01e of farmers la and nroun11 We locality, begs to inform the oommunity that he has taken out em Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers his seryle08 to all purposing to hold sales, THOS. N10WSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY, �Te D. WARWICK— S/ • Honer Gred0aro of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- anees of domeetioatod animals in a °mnpbt- ant manner, Partinular attention paid to Veterinary DentistryMlle promptly at- tended to. ()Mee and Inermary—Pour doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brossele, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ANT M. SINCLAIR— • Rarrister, 001101tor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, en. (32100—S tewart'a Block 1 door North of Central Rotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. l`1I'. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL— IOITOIt, &o , BRUSSELS,— Oteee over Standard Bank ; Solicitor for Township of Grey, 11 owlet. mutual aid the Metropolitan Bank. Private and Cotup400 looney to loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS, ✓. A. M'NAUGHTON, NI. It., C. 61., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College,Mombor College of Physlclauo and Surgeons,Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Ool- le a of Phyeiohouo and Licentiate of Mid. wl'lery, Edioburgb, 131 -Telephone No.14, Residence—Mill street,_ Brunets. DENTISTRY 1'P. R. P. FEILD, 1401010 9ST Graduate of the Royai 00110ge of Dautnt gorgeous of Ontario and Piret.olaos Honor Graduate 'o! Toronto University. Mae neat to llrewor's Photograph 0alierv, BRUSSELS. MAKE. UP YOUR MIND TO ATTEND Fall Term begins Sept. lot Two Oouroee—dommeralal and Shorthand, Sand for College Journal. 0. A,'FLEMING, A. Ir. MLINTY1RE, President, Secretary, SHINCLE8 British Columbia RedCedar Shingles AND -- North Share Pine ,and. Cedar FOR SALE AT TWI Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors aid Sash of all Pat tome o2 hand or mads to order at Short Notice. Estimates Fdrniehed for all itinde of Buildings. Workman. gjlip Opt Material G0ttrantaed, P't,"";""3 i"- t�"wf;;4tili*viu.'.Zr: