HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-27, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 7
VV. HLKERR,Prop, ,.
New Advertisements.
Notice—Wm, Clarke
School opening—F. R. Smith,
Ferro for Bale-111re. K. Holland,
Ladies' fine shoes—I. 0, Rioberde.
Boots and ehocs-4IoKlnoon & Oo.
Furoitare and earpete—Lsatherdaie &
. Son,
Cotritt gam
Beige -ave.
Rev. J. Edmonds having returned from
hia holiday!, there will be eervioe next
Bunchy in the Foresters' Hail, Bolgrave,
at 2.30 and every Sunday until the re.
paire on Triaity ahuroh are completed.
Vtr ma Cort.
F. Broadfootwas the guest of. Lewis
McDonald on Wednesday.
Quite a number from thle laoelity at.
• tended the raoee at Breesela Met week.
Tbie week the stable on the Parsonage
grounds has been nodergoitlg repaire.
Oben, Oaee bee tbe j b in hand.
.A. camber of the A. 0. U. W. members
attended the funeral of the late Thomas
Thompson, Blytb, on Wednesday, being
a member of Blyth lodge.
Regret ie expressed over the lose Mrs.
Murray (formerly Mies Rath Jones, of
this locality) enetalned in the burning of
her hotel et Brucefleld. The lose will be
HARVN5T EOM.— A oiroait Harvaat
Home will be held en the Methodist
Parsonage lawn on Wednesday evening
of next week. Bruetals Band has been
engaged for the occasion and other Inter.
eating program will be provided. Dant
mise it.
Owing to poor health Fletcher Roe, at
Matiltop, hae disposed of his farm to
Nie brother Edgerton for the sum of
04,250. There are 83 aoree. Mr. Roe
will remove to Brae'ele and take a reef
for a while hoping tp regain his former
vigor. He may not move for a few
months yet.
Gnome DwormTan'. —Walton aireuit
Methodist Oburoh, Rev. Alfred Andrews,
pastor e—Providence—Preaohiag at 10 30
a. m. every Sabbath 1 Ohms meeting
after. Belbel—Preaohiag at 1 p. m. ;
Sunday School at 2.16 ; Oleos Meeting
9 l#fi
Ball bearing, with friotionleee, self•
balancing and euepeuded bowl and
The "Melotte" has taken the highest
honors. It yields $10 to 025 extra profit
per cow eaob year. It eavee time, labor,
epee, ntenaile, ice and water,
Get information ae to other partion.
Mrs from
after 13. S. Walton—Sunday Sabool at
2 o'oloelt ; Presetting at 3.1.5 ; Olaec
Meeting after preaohing aerates. Prayer
Meotinge—Tuesday at 7 p, m, at Provi
dente; Wednesday at 7 p in. et Bethel ;
Friday at 7 p. m, at Walton.
Mies Lizzie McKey will attend the
Model Sohool this term and thereby
qualify for a public eohool teacher, We
wieb her euoeees.
A fine bunch of cattle, 22 in number,
was bought by Geo. Beet from Alex.
Perris and shipped last Saturday, The
seller received 01200 in return,
Talk about your hindlue maohinee they
are not in it with Rev. D. 13, Vienne.
He hoe tied up over 200 ooaples during
hie paetorabe at Orenbrook and, judging
by appearanoe0, le able for 200 more.
Lust Sabbath afternoon Rev. R. Paul,
of Brussels, preached in the Meths•
dist ohurob here in the abeenoe of
the pastor who was attending the funeral
of an old friend. Rev. 0. 0. Keine, of
Whiteobnroh, a former pastor, will take
the service next Sahhath and will be wel.
Domed by olid parishioners.
L81aeevet tee.
W. Telford, of Wiugbem, visited at
John Bursas' this week.
Mre.Sanderoon hat returned to Toronto
after epetiding a while here.
Mrs. Ira Barkley, of Climax, Michigan,
is vieiting her father, Wm. Messer,
Mrs. John Pagb and Miee Edna, of
Brussels, were vieiting here this week.
Chae. Coulter, from near Listowel,
spent Sunday at hie bomo in Binevale,
lEIre. Christopher Thornton, of Wing•
ham, has been vieiting ber mother, Alt o.
John Gardiner.
Mrs. Ashton Mason and children, of
Stratford, are vieiting relatives in Blue -
vale and vicinity.
Mieeee Maggie Henning and Ethel
King, of Wingham, were visiting Mre,
George McDonald.
Word has been received that Mies
Maggie (hutment, who, accompanied by
her father, is holidaying in the Weet, is
lying ill with typhoid fever at Carol,
Township Coattail an Monday, Sept.
7th, in the Town Hall here.
Mrs. Justus Lake will leave shortly to
rejoin her husband in the West.
ali-s Lizzie Fletcher spent Monday
witb her sister, Mre. Ritchie, of Atwood.
The tinemtthe were here last Monday
from Brueeele putting the metallic roof
on Ole, k McIntosh's new office.
Rev. Mr. Wells hae been invited to
preach to the Free Masons on Sabbath
morning, Bapt. 27th in the Methodist
church, eels.
SnorBCU dandy grope of sugar beets are
growing in this locality and the travel.
ling agent, Mr. Kennedy, of Wisrton,
wbo was through here last week, wan well
Thee. Davidson purohaeed from Ed.
F,etaher twin oalvee, (that being the
fourth pair of twine in 4 years) for the
emall Bum of 05, Get a oow that will
beat that if yon can.
Pater Erb, who teased hie 100 acre
farm last season owing to f 1 healtb, and
moved to Ethel, hae rented Rory Me.
Nichol's 60 aoree, on the 4113 can., and
will move there shortly, He woe recent
ly offered 0500 for his black team he sato,
but will not Bell as be asks 0600.
HAnvzeo Bolla.—The Annivereary Han
vest Home Servicee in connection with
Ethel Methodist church will be held on
Sunday and Monday, August 80 and 01,
Oa Sunday Rev. J. R. Gandy, D. D., of
Wingham, will preach both morning and
evening, Maes meeting of the Sabbath
School at 2 80 p, m. Special meek' by
the choir. There will bo a epooial thank.
offering at each of the wireless. On
Monday a eugeptgou0 supper will be
provided nod served from lj to 8 p. m.,
during whieb time music will be eepplisd
by Brueeele Brave Band, The program
will begin sharp at 8 o'oloak and will
consist of solos by Mies B. Spence, of
Ethel, aid J. Jenee, J, L. Kerr and 13.11
Brewer, of Brussels ; choruses by the
them you
£ctdiks' Fine
andsonle to the eye
Artistic fn desi.
First-rate workman,.
Made to wear and
keep their shape,
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
want another "It st like the last ones."
our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying..
Here are a few:--
.-Seventeen pairs reidiee' Dongola Oxforde, eine 8 sod 3}, vegetate prioe
wee01.25 and 01 .6 , g oleto clear, pera
aa X O now,a ar at it L'
—All the balance of our Summer Shoes at reduced prioe0 to clear to make room for
Fall goods now arrivieg.
—IN OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT will be found Hemmer of all styles all our
own make and Bold at Lowest Priebe. 1 13elanee of our Fly Nate at coat,
Bargaine in i1'runite and Satohole,
ta"Two dwelling houses for sale, a halt sore of land with eaolt.
Ethel Choir; reailetione in German
diolrot, hutnorone and otherwise, by H.
D°lion, editor of The Breseels Herald ;
a speech by Itev A. 0. Tiffin, of Tree,
bridge 1 mixed numbers by the Brussel°
Band, ooneieling of quartettes, iuetru•
mental mueia, &o It will be as good a
program se wee ever placed before an
audience in this part of the country. The
church will bo beauifally decorated with
all the prodnete of the•0eeeen, W, 11,
Kerr, of Tee BpnoanLe POT, will 000npy
the chair.
Arrangements are being oornpleted for
a brat glace time at the annoat Temper-
ance Pio•nio to be hold in the Dilworth
grove on Monday, Sept. 7th. Gabor Day.
Brueeele Braee Band hoe been engaged
and all may rest assured of a good day's
et.jlyment. Thome attending are asked
00410 forget their baeki te. A refreshment
steed will be in the grove. Keep the date
%V rox(ec(eo'.
Geo. Kaake returned from Shanty Bay
on Monday.
liobt, Knox, of Wingbam, spent Sunday
in the village.
Herman Morrienu, of Kiuoardine, spent
Sunday at hie home here.
Mieeee Tena Smith and Lotto Rezle•
wood are vieiting in Clifford.
Lightning struck the ohimney on T.
Sage's Meuse early Tuesday morning.
Mies Sarah Al et returued fo Cleveland
after to few weeks visit et her home here.
Mise M. Stewart, of Wingham, spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Goa.
Harris, sr,
Alvin Hemphill returned from Little
Oarrant last week, He spent about five
weeks there.
Misses Louise and Alioe SEokee, of
Toronto, aro the guests of tbeir eiater,
Mrs. Jae. Forsythe.
Jno. Adams and hie gang of maeoue
commenced work on the residence of Jao.
Patterson on Monday.
Misses Birdie Gibson and Jenny Moron,
of Molesworth, were tbe guests of Aire. A.
Sentience ou Sunday.
Mrs. T. W. Gibson and ubildren, of
Termite, are spending a few weeks with
relatives in the village.
Thee. Singer and Mies Wettleufer, of
Walkerton, spent et few days with the
former'e uncle, R. Black:
On Monday, Hamilton & Robertson
shipped n oar of cattle and one of hogs,
and R. Trench one mixed oar,
On Sunday the Presbyterian church
was re opened, the services being in ()belga
of Rev. W. T. Hall, of Toronto. Both
morning and evening the church seas well
filled, and the excellent dieooureee rend•
erect by Mr. Hall were mnoh appreciated
by the bearers, The congregation
responded liberally to the call for a large
collection and little indebtedness
o Y
now remains. Mr. Hall will have (Marge
of the parish until the induction of the
new pastor, Rae. Mr, Perrin.
train tam
Grey CM:moil will meet on Monday,
Sept. 7tli, 10 a. m.
Don't forget the Harveet Home at
Union church, Sept. Mit and 7th,
Mrs. R. Cleaver and Mrs. Wm. Peet
are tbie week vieiting at Hamilton.
Miee Annie MoNeil, 14th ton., has gone
to Eetevan, Man., where she will epeud e
tew months,
Rubt. Oootte and family attended the
wedding of Miee MoDooald, of James.
'town last week,
S MoOallow and Miee Lue Kay, of
Listowel, were tbe guests of Mien T,
Buttrey Sunday last.
Grey Township 'here of the County
rate this year is 02083 85. This ie $469,
60 higher than last year. •
Work will be paehed on the Lemont
drain this Fall by Oontraetor Hislop,
The dredge will not be used.
Miss Greve McDonald and Mise Aggie
Taller, of Walton, were visiting friends
on the 12th oon. last week,
Mre, Uriah, et'rgclean: iib, has been
vieiting her eon Eaees Oriob end wife at
their home on the fleet gravel.
Miee Tena Buttrey left Monday for
Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara where
ehe will spend it few weeke bolidaye.
Mre, Moak and daughter, of Montreal,
and Mre. (Bev) W. A. Smith and baby
girl, of Booknow, are nuking a holiday
visit at Pretence Smith's this week.
Last week Fred. Ward, teacher, and
hie mother of Boruholre, Perth Oo,, were
visiting old friends in Grey towdebip.
Mr. Ward is teaching tbe school at Burn.
George McKay and . Harry Montano
left on Tuesday of last week for (errle.
vale, N. W. T. The latter wee home a
month from North Bay where he had
been employed the previous tour' months.
During the peel week James and Mre,
Williamson, of Clarkson, '1,'jr were 010.
itore at Thee, Willlameot'e 14th oat).
The vieiting gentleman ie a brother to
Obarles Williamson. They bed not met
for 85 years so that it was a very pleaeant
ANNIVIotteARY. — Anniversary Harvest
Rome eervicee will be held' Sunday and
Monday, Sept, Oth and 7elt, in Union
Methodist :hutch 19th eon, On Sunday
Rev. A, 0, Tiffin, of Trowbridge, will
'preach et 1080 a. m. and 730 p. m.
Maes meeting of the Sunday sehool at
2 80 p, m,, to be addressed by Vleiting
brethren. Special uncle by the choir,
There will be a epobial Theok.offering at
each service. On Monday a sumptuous
supper will be eerved from 0 td 8 p.
Brussels Brass Band will be preeent to
play dariugthe nerving of supper and
take part in the program, They will
siva the famous selection, !'A Day on the
Plantation", which 10 partly vocal and
and partly instrumental: 'PIC number
alone will be worth the price et edmis-
eiott. They will oleo router quartettes,
&o. The celebrated Muleewortb Iodise'
quartette will Ging several nnmbere, and
soles will be rendered by the wall known
singers, J, Leslie Kerr and H. R. Brewer,
of Brussels, end others. Miee Winnie
McGuire, who ie rapidly establishing a
reputation as 0 fleet -class eleoutioniet.
will recite, Bev, J. I3, Oliver, et Veto-
wel, than whom we bale none mote bril-
liant, will give one of hie abaraoterietie
adereetes, Seleotione by the oboir,
Thiel will Ibe the treat of the Beason
Union last year had a great gathering and
a grand time but they are determined
this year to carpus last. Do not mise
"the time", W. H. Herr, of the Breccia
Vose, will take the chair. Program be.
gine 8 et p. m, Joseph Whitfield, See.-
eo:Tress, Trustee Board,
Robert Young, je„ its improving slowly,
We notice a goad many fields of cote
out yet,
Townehip 0000oil will meet) on Mon-
day, Sept. 14th.
Mre. Jae. Sharp left Tueedey on a
vieit to Landon and Smith's Falls,
Rev, and Mer, Keine and ohildren, of
While:Mutoh, were vieiting in this
A good many talk of going to the
Toronto Feir next week. It stens rather
early to snit the average farmer.
Mies Lizzie Kirkby, wbn ban been
vieiting with relatives for the past few
months, returned to Toronto on Wednee
Dr. Roe ie home from Philadelphia on
e ehort visit. He is a welcome visitor.
The Dr. ie doing well we are pleased to
Mr. Penfold, of St. Thomas, wee a
visitor at James Sharp's, 5th line, for a
few days, He was here for the good of
bis health.
The bricklayere have been busy veneer.
ing the resideuoe of Wm. Wilkiieon, 4tb
line. He will have a very comfortable
place when finished.
Mrs. Jae, spier, 6th line, who ltae been
ill for the past two weeka with bronchitis
and pneumonia, le improving nicely now
tee ere pleased to state.
A great rain storm, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, passed over this
locality on Monday night. A big tire
was seen in the direction of Jamestown.
You will travel a long distance before
finding a home with tbtee children the
same age. Morrie can boast of this.
Visitors have Dome for miles around to
eee the trio.
Rev. Joe. Holmes, of Blyib, wbo
preaellee at theJaokeon appointment, will
take a few weeks well earned holidays
and bis pulpit will be supplied by others
We wish him an enjoyable vacation,
George Bielby paeeed in Lela ab the
recent Departmental Examination, writ-
ing at Kineardiue. He purposes attending
Toronto University where be will pnreue
a course in Science. We wish him success.
This week Miee Maggie Bielby spent a
few days in Brueeele going from there bo
Grand Valley where she will viola for a
while before taking op the eoeetou'e work
at the Normal school at Toronto. Mise
13ielby will no doubt enjoy the work in
the Qu»en city.
are eorryto hear that Milton
Jermyn, a young man of 18 years of age,
of the and line, is not in tbe enjoyment
of good hearth. He naught cold at a pia
nie and it has settled on hie lunge. Hie
many friends hope a change for the better
will speedily ert
Last Monday morning Basil Wallaoe,
a lad of 12 or I4 years of age was attacked
by three doge at Andrew Laidlaw's and
was pitten on the lege and arms. The
child Hof a nervous temperament and the
naniuee apparently knew it. We hope no
bad results will mane.
Dearing the past week Mre. Jeo. Ames,
of Wingham, daughter of M. M. and Mre.
Oardtff, 5th line, Morrie, hae been at
Toronto ooneultjeg a epeoialiet relative to
her health which hae beau of a very in•
different oharaoter of late. Her malty
friends hope the treatment will prove
Arthur Jackson, a former operator at
Blyth station, and eon of Jemee Jolene,
of Morrie, is now Grand Trunk agent et
Hamilton Beach, and hae entered upon
hie new duties. He was laid off duty for
five months, owing to illness and a bad
leg. The greater part of hia lay-off was
spent in Hamilton hospital, where hie
leg was amputated three tiples, the last
time at the hip, Arthur'e many Maude
hereabouts are glad to learn that he hae
so far recovered from hie remit miefon
tune to be able to resume hie railroad
duties again. May be have good health
and proeperity is the wish of all his
AacmeNT.—Ono day lest week as Coen
oilier George Jaekaou, 8th line, was aid-
ing a relative in hauling in grain, in
Hallett townehip, he met with an asci-
dentthat although eerioue might easily
have been worse. He was on the load
driving up the gangway to the barn when
a hame strap broke, the team banked np',
and upset load over the gangway, Mr,
Jackson fell about 20 feet, we understand,
and had hie limbs injured so mnoh se eee
to reader locomotion impossible. Me
bones were broken fortunately and we
hope he will soon be as well ee ever. In
the meantime be le taking nndeeired
holidays at hie home.
OeITtala—Thailand of dentb ban fallen
heavily upon the home of William Wright
of the OM oonaeeeiou, Tuokeremith, and
removed from it a wife of but a few
mouths, after en ilium of seven weeks
duration, from n complication of diaereses.
Mre. Wright'! maiden name was Isabella
Lahtlew, daughter of the late George
Laidlaw, and a Pieter to Mrs. George
Jaokeou, of the 8th line, Morrie, She
was only married to bey now sorrowing
husband about four or five months ago.
The deoeaaed was jn0t blossoming into
yoneg womanhood, being only 25 years
and eight months old. The gad occur•
ranee hue oast a gloom over the whole
neighborhood as she was highly thought
of by all. The eincereet sympathy of all
is extended to the young husband, The
funeral took place to Meitland.benk
BARN Bungee BY LIguToeo q.—Abont 3
o'oloak Todeday morning the bank barn
of John Budd, Brd line, wag etrnok by
lightning and in a little while was a mase
of smouldering rains. It wee built only
about 8 years. ago, 800 bushels of Fall
wheal and the balance of the eeaeonte
orop were burned, alto hie beet horse,
wenn, reek, harness &o. Had it not
been foe W. Heaney and W. Woodrow,
the lose would have been even heavier.
They were sleeping et Mr. Budde while
employed at 0, Campbell's naw bongo,
and rendered valuable aeeietanoe in re-
seeing all that wee possible from the
devouring element, Mr, Budd had $500
inearan00 on the barn and $500 on the
contents but he will still be a heavy
loser if he ie paid every dollar of the in-
eurauee. 130 is sympathised with in hie
to e, The lightning ie oleo said to have
attack Mr. Davidson's Immo an the 2nd
eon., but fortunately little damage wan
attxnerlito Woe.
A new bank barn ie being built on the
farm of Thee, MoDonold, let sou., to re.
pleat the one destroyed by fire leet Bea-
Mre. James Simpson is away on a
holiday visit at Durbem. Her health le
considerably improved we are pleased to
A baby daughter has come to the home
of Wm. Holt and that a0000010 for the
extra pleaeant smile he ie wearing these
Grain is tenting out well where thresh-
ing bas been done and the forming com
munity should be happy. Fall wheat
sowing ie now attraoting attention.
John, eon of Maloolm Fraser, wee in.
jeered Thursday of last week by the team
running away when returning from the
field while hauling manure. The loose
boarde on the wagon crowded on the hon
see frightening therm:A. doctorwascalled
and the patient ie doing all right and will
Boon be as well as ever. Hie head wee
out std he wee otberwi'e sicken up.
MLTIMEONano.—The home of D.tnald
and Mre, McDonald, 2nd 000, of Grey,
was the scene of a pretty wedding on
Wednesday evening of last week, at 5 30
n'alock, when Rev. Mr. Hazlewood, of
Hamilton, tied the nnptlai bow between,
Retry McLeod, of the Northwest, for.
merely of Wroxeter, and Mies Jean Me
Donald. The priuofpelewere unattended
exaeptiog that Mieeee Gieece and Mary
Walker, daughters ofJoo. and Mre. Waik.
er, of Brussels, performed the part of
flower girls very nicely. Hearty congrat.
ulatione were extended the happy twain
after which the jolly company eat down
to an elaborate Ennead of the good things
of this world. The presents were nom-
eroae, useful and valuable. The healtb
of the bride wee felicitously proposed and
retried to. Atter a short vieit among
Iriande Mr. and Mre. McLeod left this
week for their home in the West followed
by tnany geed wiehee fur their future in
whioh Tan Pon heartily joiue. Mr. Me.
Leod wee a member of the Canadian con.
tingent to South Africa so has eeen a
good deal of the world.
Furniture Emporium Enlarged and
It will be of interest to the readers of
Titin Pon, especially those remote from
Brunets, to read a few notes on the al.
terntione and improvements made in the
promisee of Messrs, Leatherdale during
the peat few months.
First of all the plate front was remote.
ed and new and more modern windows
were eubetitnted with fanny glees above
the plate. The stairway was taken down
and moved to the rear of the front store
and the office enlarged. Above the latter
are fitted up anbinete for window ebadee,
rollers, glace, &e.
The undertaking departmeut formerly
upstairs over the main store, was planed
in the 20x32 annex et the rear of the
blook where it ohoapiee the whole room,
arranged in a very convenient Corm.
The apace between the two buildings lien
been enclosed and in this hallway ie
stored mouldings, folding chairs and other
A very eouvenient and satisfactory
working elevetor has been put in, running
from the cellar to the top fiat and it bee
already proven He ueefnlnese in moving
etooir. q'he elevator wan mannfaotured
by the Aylmer Iron Works and works
Some lien of the proportions of the
emporium may be arrived at when we
Mate that the main buildingv, two stories,
is 25e85 feet and the annex 20x82 giving
5225 square feet of fl or epee°, plus a
large nellar, and the differenoe in
the ability to show their large
attack is both eatiefaotory to the
firm and often favorably commented
upon by their ngetomere and public,
generally. On entering the front door
two large plete mirrors, eaab 7x101 feet,
etre 'enticed along either wall giving a very
fine effect to the store. The show rooms
have been papered and painted throngh-
ont and are well illuminated at night by
Mestere of electric lights.
A new department bae been added to
the boeiueee to the lite ot carpets, art
equeree, liuoleome, mate, matinee,
curtains, hangings, leo. Bpeoial &how
room hae been devoted to three goods
where, in a very handy form, the intend.
ing perchaeer may he show the large
atoek now on bend. Messrs. Leatberdele
have purchased the entire stook of oexpate
harried by J. Ferguson en 0o. an they bad
not room for them and thio with the
large new array will give a fine aaeort•
mentos the very nineat in the market.
The bosinees heretofore run ander the
name of R. Leatherdale is now ohangod
to that of Leatherdele & San, by the ar•
rival of Will, Leatherdale from Seater*
where he was interested in the furniture
bueinese for several years. They are in
better shape than ever to do business] and
with their enlarged and remodelled prem
fee&, big stook of furniture, pianee,
organa, undertaking, oarpete, &o„ will
have a wide field for operation. Modern
and rip to date methods of keepiog stook
Mole been inetitnted and the mentt is
very notioeable.
Their large advertisement on page 4
ot this teem will repay perusal.
TICS POST takes much pleteeore in wel•
coming Will. Leatherdale into the
bueineee eirole of Brueeele and wishes
the new thin of Leetherdale & Sou many
pleaeant, pr0aperoas soma in business.
It ie reported that masked robbers se.
Oared fifteen lholleaad deflate front sluice
beteg at Attie,
J. 13, P. Gibson, of the Auditor Goner.
al's Department died at Regina.
James Hendry, 0. P. R. engineer, of
London, was killed lu the yard at
The Toronto & Hamilton Railwey bill
was introdpoed and read a first time in
the Senate,
Thursday of last week, the eeeend day
of Brunch rime, was a delightful one for
weather and eee a result the atteudaaae
was mob larger titan on Wednesday,
the gate and grand stand running over
$280 00. The lodges were the same as
the first exempting that in Dr. Stewart's
absence Robb. Wilma, a well known Sea•
forth horseman, officiated, Renee were
well oonteeted, especially in the 2.30
Following ie the summery :
2 40 trot --
Brownie, R McGirr,Meaford 1
Jimmie Muck, J Rankin, Stratford 2
Magni° Darmugh, P McDavitt, Lueknow 3
Dr. E. J Bootie, Alylnetou. 4
Time --2,41, 2.878, 2.061, 1.30!.
2.20 trot or 280 pane—
Jubilee, A 8 Turner, Hamilton — 1
WiIlia m H., Beattie Bros, Wierten 2
Kentucky Wilkes, W LToltoo, Walkerton 8
Maud M., Bebee & Jamieson, Little Cur-
rent 4
Time -2.2t1, 2.288, 2.26.
Magglo Usher, it T Smith, Toronto 3
Walter B W Briggs, Port Huron 2
Dolpby W., A.Leakev, St. Townes 8
Ootlege Queen, .D A1oTsauahlin, Ohabham 4
Time -2 28, 2 29, 2.20, 2.28.
President R. Thomson and Secretary•
Treasurer W. F. Scott attended, with
ability and punotuality, to tbeir duties
and the Committee was also on the alert
00 see that everything was properly et.
tended tee. The Aseootation earns out on
the right side of the ledger and will have
a small bttlenoe on hand after all expenses
are met. Friday the majority of the
horses lett for vedette pointe where other
evente were anuoanoed.
A oommeue 10 the Stratford Beacon of
lest Friday lays : "Jimmie Mack, a big
black gelding owned by Jos. Rankin, this
city, win second muney in the 2 40 trot
et Brueeele races yeeterday. Maggie
Usher took the tree -tor -all trot or pace,
with Walter B. tecoad and Dolphy W.
third. The time was Blow, and although
the treok and weather were excellent foot
heats were required to decide the winner.
The former Hayeville mare oanuot beat
herself at all, for at Stratford she won
the 2,10 pace and travelled one heat in
2.153 and another. in 2.16."
A Truly National
A quarter o1 a million dollars has been
spent in new buildings, and redecorating
and removing old ones, on the Dominion
Exhibition Grouude, Toronto. The Ex.
eoative now boldly declare that the
Exhibition property is the very 'finest in
America, and they challenge oomparieon.
Ail theee buildings, which embrace
between 40 and 50 aerea of floor apace,
will be full to overflowing, with the in.
duettist and agricultural produote of the
whole of Canada. There will be no fewer
than 9,000 auimele on view at the one
time; something which the Dominion
Exhibition anthoritiee hoaet do other
fair in the world Oen show.
A unique feature ie also the Prooese
Building, in which between 30 and 40
different industries will be exhibited in
motive operation. Although ibe Fair
is celled the Dominion Exhibition
it is really an Imperie] Exhibition, for so
exalted a personage ae His Majesty the
King hag gent a number of exhibits.
Among then] are preeent0 reeeived by the
late Queen Victoria at the time of her
Jnbilee in 1887, and the Diamond Jubilee
in 1897. These gifts ere from all parte
ot the world and are valued at severe'
million ponnde. In addition Hie Majesty
is rending some 100ee0res presented to
him during his tour in Iudie in 7875 '76,
These comprise saddlery and many
trophies of the abase. The Sing her,
further Bent a number of pictures front
hie places in Sandringham, London and
Edinburgh. H, R. H. the Duelists of
Argyle (Princess Loniee) is seeding some
of her paintings, and the Dowager Mar.
obioneee of Dufferin ie forwarding many
preeente received by bereelf and her late
husband during their residence in India.
These comprise some of the moat preoioue
gems in the world, end it lot'of artialee of
rare value presented to hie late Lordebip
by King Meehan of Barmab when be
was yet on the throne.
A.e well ae these material artiolee, an
exhibit of live stook will Include animals
bred on the King's estate at Bandriug•
ham, Lord Roeeberry'e plane at Meutmore
end Herefords bred by the late Queen
Victoria. All the wealthy men of Canada
have eentribnted lomat of pioburee or 01
prize animals bred en their respective
In the way of ataraotiens the Exeontive
have arranged for a brilliant epeotaole by
Boloeay Kiralfy, entitled, "A Carnival in
Venice." Other high price features make
up a program that ie well worthy of e
National Exhibition.
Single fare and exoureiou rates have
been arranged by every line of travel eon
emoting with Toronto.
Loa. Collins, dentist, New 'York, who
is on a visit to the borne of hie father,
Edwin Collins, Stratford, was nutting
grave en the lawn when the maybe Blipped
and etrnek hie lent foot, severing au
Buearne.—Alfred Huggins, botelkeeper
of Monktou, took his life by shooting
himself on Saturday. He left home in
the morning, and was seen entering a
bump by a man 'ploughing in a field.
Shortly atterwerde the plowman heard
a shot, but paid nee attention to it.
Afterwards e party was organized to find
Mr. Haggles and they were directed to
the point whore the shot was fired, and
Huggins oven found dead, with a revolver
in hie hand. The Mottle was d moat
deliberate one, as it ie reported he bad a
bottle of oarbolio soil in hie pocket and
he bad drunk a portion before shooting
himeelf. The general opinion is that Ile
Imams despondent over selling hie hotel
property, whleh he wished tp get beck,
but oonld not.
People We Talk About.
W. H. Behar was on the Mk list last
Mre. Skene and Mies May ere holiday.
log at Toronto.
Mies Eva Me0raaken will visit text
week in Toronto.
Rev. Mr, Maldrew was a visitor in
town on Monday.
P. and Mre, Stott spent a few days in
Seaforth this week.
Mre. Israel and eon, of Seaforth, were
vieiting in Brussels,
Mre. F. J. Baines was visiting friends
at Beaforth this week.
Mies Jennie Edwards, of Toronto, ie
home for a holiday visit.
Mise Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, fa
visiting Mies Teeoie Sample,
Mise Jean ioloOullongb, of Seaforth,
vieiting Mise Fannie Sample.
Mies Maud Alison, of Galt, ie the
guest of Mre. R. Leatberdele.
Mrs. George Lowry and Leslie were
vieiting in Beaforth last week.
Mre. Edward Lowry and ohildren are
holidaying with Beaforth friende.
Mies Nora Holmae ie enjoying a holi-
day visit with Wingham relatives.
Johnnie (Tod!) Mooney arrived home
Saturday from an ontiog to Michigan,
Mises Florence and Violet McKenzie
are holidaying at Guelph and locality.
W. 0. Thompson, of Wingbam, was a
visitor under the parental roof tbie week.
J. F. Mo0rae, wbo was visiting here,
left for Toronto on Wedneeday morning,
Mre, G, A. Deadman and Miss Teethe
are home from a pleasent stay fn Mae.
Mies Maggie MOArter, of Toronto, is
home on a visit with ber parents and
Samuel Laird and daughters, of In-
Rertoll, were renewing old ftiendebips in
Inepeotor Robb wee at Mount Forest
one day last week attending a eohool
Mrs. Hem and obildren, of Luoknow,
passed through Brussels on Thureday
going to Lletowel.
Mrs. Joo. Downing arrived home last
week from an enjoyable visit with friends
in Moekoka and Lindsay.
J. R. and Mre. Burne, of Wingbam,
and Alias Hart, of Perth, were visitors at
Mre. Dooglee' on Wednesday.
Bob. Witbee left this week for Glad-
stone, Michigan, where ho hae taken a
situation. We wish him seems.
Mre. A. McKee sod Miee Milne, of
Ethel, were the guests of tbe Misses
Grainger, Queen street, last week.
J0 eeltd M
Jam re. Harris,of Wroxeter,a d
W. R. and Mre. Belde, of Moleswrth,
were visitors at John Grainger's, Broe•
Miee Bella Habkirk, Miee Little, Mies
Colvin and Miee Livingston are Away to
Toronto attending the Fall Millinery
Miee MoKellar, wbo bee been vieiting
Mise Minnie McNaughton for a few
weeke, returned to ber bome, in Saginaw,
this week.
R. H. and Mre. Green end Mies 21411.
lipa, of Trowbridge, were visitors with
Mre, Harris, Thomas etreet, Met Bator.
day and Sunday.
Mrs. R. Bleck, of Wroxeter, a000mpan-
ied by Mre, Paton and Mre. Leech, of
Philadelphia, paid Mre. D. 0, Rose a
visit on Wedteedey.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Tbnrea
Meadows ie ill with inflammatory rbeu•
erotism in London but we wish her a
speedy convaleteeuee,
Mieeee Della and Lynnie Gillespie, of
Beaforth, were visiting Mieeee Pearl and
Laura Leatberdele and other Mende
during tbe petit week.
Webster Stitt, wbo learned the photo.
grephio art with H. R. Brewer, Brunie,
is now in Monroe, Mich., where he ie
laeeoing the (Marlowe with enaaeee.
We are pleased to bear that Miss Luella
Holmes, of Blyth, who hae been In pear
healtb of late, ie improved considerably
and her many Brueeele friends trust that
she will soon be fully restored.
Miee ElizaMoKibbon and Miee Blanche
who were vieiting relatives at Brussels,
Walton and Leadbnry, have returned to
Toronto where they reside. Mre. Wm.
Armstrong, East of town, fe Mies MOKib.
bon's eiater,
Rev, E. A„ Dire. Shaw and daughters,
of Kipper, were callers on Brueeele friends
on Tuesday while en route to Mre. Bbaw'e
old home in Howiok. We were pleased
to eee them in the enjoyment of so large
a degree of good health.
W. B. Ballantyne, Editor of the Emer-
son Journal, and a forme resident of
Braesele, was .shaking hands with relatives
and friends in town for a few days.. Fie
bad name East on the Prete Excursion
and wan having a good time.
J. H. and Mrs. Cameron arrived home
on Batorday from a meet enjoyable trip
of 7 snake to the West. They were as far
ee Moose Jaw mud Prince Albert and saw
agreat deal of the oountry in driving tours.
Of oonree they were delighted with it.
Mise Ethel Cameron, a tteioe, of Lnokuow,
aoeompenied them.
Mise Edith, daughter of Alexander Rtid
Mre, MoLauohhn, Turnberry street, le
home on a visit from Bohrieber where
she boldo a good position. She hae al.
ready filled in one month of her vacation
and will spend another with relatives and
old friends in t11fe locality, before Mum-
ing to her eitaation.
Ton Pen bad a pleaeant Ball Thoreday
evening of beat week from John Halliday,
of London, who was here on a abort visit
to hie father and eietere. He informed
nee that hie eldest daughter, Miee Agnea,
1a away at Chicago rinse last' March in
training for a terse. We wish bet spa.
oeee in practising the healing art.
Tale Poweie pierced to beat that W. R.
Btretton, the O. P, R. engineer, wbo waa
so eeriouely injured some time ago, has
enffioiently recovered 00 go to hie home ea
Bobrieber where he will spendoome time
reetmerating, We understand he will
resume hie old position as engineer, Hfi
many Minnie here will be glad to learn of
the progress he fe making,