HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 8PicklingSeaSala is hare and perhaps you didn't know before that we keep a full Ines of apices upon which the flavor of the pinkies depend so very much. Ours is a full line, str.-ngth anti quality unexcelled, and the best that can be procured. But it isn't enough fa , 11s to say so, give them a trial and be convinced that there are none better. Here is a list of some of them Bring in your next Recipe and have it filled. W hole cr it CC ri if it and Ground Black Pepper White Pepper Red Pepper Allspice Ginger Mace Cinnamon Mustard Seed & Ground Mustard Celery Seed Curry Powder Tumeric et it ft it F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND DISPENSING CHEMIST. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN. EXTENSION W. 6. JZ B. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows : Goma Soomo Gorse Nonra. Mail 7111am I Mixed 10:00 a,m Ali od.........10•00 a.mMail ...... 1:17 p.m Olxpress a:16p.m I Express ...... &17 p.m Km" Refm Iters, A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent la. BR095ELe Fair Oct. 1 and 2, POTATO rot iS on the inereaoe. Uux the weeds before they seed. A. 0, U, W. Friday eveuiog of this week. Toxsurrle is still troubling a good many people. THERE has been a big run on binding twine this eeason. BUGGIES at oast for 30 days. Very beet build. EWAN & Co , Brussels. BLYTH Standard has jogged past an- other mile poet and is in good trim under Bro. Bradwin, A O000ert or other poblio entertain. meat is spoken of to relieve the Foot Ball teams of a 930.00 shortage. INSPECTOR ROBB has purabaaed a driving horse from J. D. Warwick, V. S , peeper. story to starting out on the semi•annnal inepeotien ofsoboole, JOHN Snail has purchased the i acre lot on Turnberry street, North, from ane. Leckie and expecte to erect a residence on it next season. Mr. Smith owns the property opposite. The Liman San of last week in speak- ing of the base ball tour says :-"The boys speak very highly of the treatment they received while is'Brneselo. Nothing seemed to be too good for the Irieb". Joule ROBB, 6th line Morrie, brought Tete Pon last week a sample oat straw that measured 6 feet. It was pulled from an 8aore field of the same kind. Barring a little rust the,oat crop is a fine one in this locality. Tun Grand Trunk should Mange its time table on the paseenger trains from the East ae they don't arrive on eobeduled time once in 90 days and are often an boar late. Easterly connections are said to be the cense. SILVERWARE AaRIVED.-The Junior Football Championship Cup has arrived in town and will bs in the keeping of our champions for a year at least. It is on exhibition as a oompaniou to the Ioter- tnediate cup in the window of Mre. Fietober's Jewellery store. Galt held the Junior app last year. SUGAR BEETS. -H, 0. Kennedy, a rep• reeentative of the Wiarton Sugar Beet Feotory, is here. He has been visiting various plots in this neighborhood and reports the proepeote as exoellent. Mt. Kounedy says if nothing interferes with crop between now and lifting time the returne will run from 20 to 26 tone per aorta Doe of a sample lot palled on the farm of Samuel Walker, lith line, Morrie, measured 14i inches in oironmferenoe. Wiarton factory bas about 2000 some under prop dud draws from the Islands North of ft as well as the surrounding country. This i0 the 2ud year for the fnotory, THERE was a oarnn5ing party on the go Tuesday of Met week ending up with a couple of fietiouff enoonntere near the Queen's Hotel, Tuesday, eveuing the parties were summoned before Reeve Wilton and J. Leckie and W. H. Kerr, J. P,'o Merged with being drunk and die. orderly. S. Lookridge, A. Kerr and B. Edwards were eaoh fiord 93 and $2 26 mete to be paid forthwith. An assault Daae in whioh Geo. Edwards was the plaintiff end A, Herr defendant was die. mieOed after several witnesses were beard. There was another row oo the Main street lase Satnrday evening that may yet muse the partiaipanbs to contribute to the town's exuhegaer. This kind of conduct will not be permitted and its repetition :Mould be met by doubling the fines and attaching a short vexation ab Goderioh. A word to the wise should be enffioient. Menet, 003IPETITION -The Bowling eon. test for the gold medal offered by the President and Vice Pceeident of Brueeele club is creating considerable interest and at the present the more stands 00 fol. iowe :- D. O. React... 7 wins J. Ferguson 6 r, 6 n 6 ,r 4 " 2 u 1 ,r F. Downing De. Feild H. L. Jackson J. Hewitt Dr. MoNaughton G. 1'. Blair.....,..,... 1 ii T. Farrow 1 " The medal hae arrived and may be eeeu in the window at H, L, Jackson's jewel. dory More. It is oiroulat in term having the entwined lettere 13. B. O„ standing for Brugsele .Bowling Club on the one nide and a abatement for what medal wee given cel the reverse side and pfaoa for winner'e name. Contest will not be goon. pletad before clone of season, • Tono0TO Fair will commence There• day of next week. Ems 14 mute. 100 tube Batter wanted weekly. Gno.E.Him, Wingham. STEADY boy wanted, 14 to 10 years of age, to learn the printing bnefuese, Ap• ply at ones to THE Pon. Juer received a full assortment of Lia• towel yarns, all colors, 2 or 3 ply also mitt yarns. Koitting done to order. MRS, KIax CES/ENT.-We stook the highest grade of Cement made. Price gaaraoteed. Orders platted now will receive beet at- tention. A. M. McKoy, Braeeela. A RESIDENT of Brussels has 5o ahaioe and variegated a supply of sweet peas that he hue bad his oofleotioo drawn on from a number of towns and villages near and far. THE new commodious residence of John Grainger, Mill street is ready for the brick veneering. It will be a fine addition to that section of Braseels when it is completed. ENGINEER ROGER, Of Mitchell, was in town We week taking levels for the pro- posed extension of the sewer on Turn - berry street. It will be taken Southward as far ae the corner of E. 0. Dunford's property. SHIPPING N,.TES. - Shipments from Braeeela G. T. R. during the past week were as follows :-A. 0. Dames, oar hogs ; Geo. Best, 2. oars hogs ; R. Graham, oar of oats ; A. Beaker, oar oats ; P. Ameot, 2 care heading; McDonald Bros., Wel. ton, oar beading ; Salt Works, 6 oars of salt. Inwards there were 2 oars coal for R. Henderson ; oar of tile for Ronald McNaughton ; oar cement for McKay & 00. ; and oar ooal for W. F. Stewart. Fen Tan WEST, -Thio week T. Farrow 0. P. R, ticket agent at Brussels, Bold transportation to Winnipeg to the follow• ing who took the excursion train on Taee. day morning :-Joetae Lake ; Albert and Mre. McCall ; Mre. Parr ; Mise Agnes -Campbell ; Miss Clark; Jno. Cameron ; Wm. Spence ; Miss Sinclair ; Wm. J. Good ; Jno. Pratt and wife ; Robt, Barr ; Frank Kelly ; Maggie MoArthur ; P. and Mre. MoOuaig ; Mies Annie McNeil ; Wm. Battery ; Mies Whitfield ; and Mrs. G. Parker. Return may be made before November 30th. Some of tbosewho went purpose remaing longer however. Sever- al titillate were also eold by the G, T. R. agent for the same excursion. We hope all will have an enjoyable and snooessful stay. BRUSSELS WELL•TO THE FRONT: Some towns have been doing a little mowing over what they have done along the line of honor winning tbie year but we think Brussels will compare with the best of them as the enbjoiued list will indioate : -Gold medal from Veterinary College, Toronto, Frank Lambie; let Prize in Oooeolation oonteet at Seaftrtb Bowling tournament ; Junior Football champion- ship for Western Ontario ; Intermediate ohampionehip for Western Ontario : let prize in Association Bowling competition at Tournament in Goderioh ; and we mast not forget the Wardenehip of the banner Oouuty of the Province of Ontario. The year has a clear four months yet to achieve further glory to be added to the above. MRs. (Da) DAVIDSON DECEASED. -We regret exceedingly to report the decease of a former highly esteemed resident of Brueeele iu the person of Mrs. (Dr.) Davidson, of Woodetook, who paid Net- nre's debt last Monday, at the early age of 26 yearn. Deoeaeed's maiden name was Jennie Oooniogham and she was a Deice of Mrs. 3. G, Skene, Brunie, with whom she lived for several .yearn prior to her marriage 4 years ago. She was pose. eased .of a comely appearance, genial manner and had a large airole of friends who will be enrprised to bear of her ttn- expected death. Dr. Davidson and a little eon survive, The funeral took plane on Wednesday afternoon and woe largely attended. Widespread sympathy will be teudered the sorrowing husband in the removal of bis helpmeet. YOUNGSTERS CHASE THE PIGeI;IN.-Tile taunt match between the juvenile Foot ball teams of Wroxeter acid Brunets woe played ou Victoria Park in this place ou Friday evening of last week. Neither slab played ;motif the game "men" ae on the former meeting, the visitors play- ing Gibson, Wells and MoKelvie ioetead of Calder, Patterson and Moir and 13rue. eels put on Wilbee, Bishop, Bloomfield, Armstrong, and Avery in lien of Gerry, Davie, Walker, McLean, and Holmes. In the first hall the home team eoored 4 time through the faucy foot work of Hen- dereon twine, Avery and Sinclair. In the second part of the game Cline Soott did the trick twice. MOLeod found the goal once for Wroxeter, the remit of the match being 6 to 1. Hugh McLeod, of Wroxeter, Wad the Referee and elect ooaoher but he did not get his lade in their best working please until the time was well gone. W. Good was ooaoher for the Brussels team. The orowd fent a helping foot 00 the vieitore whooeter op- portunity afforded and "rooted" in good style for the boye who were behind. It was en amusing game and in a good many oases not nnsoientiflo by any means. J. Beet, of Seafortb, and Goff, Thompoon, of Guelph, for the Northern• Ms, put up a great game for little dodgers, T Y H E Meirouolil�u BANK P tf Atli 00 INS A 11(,: it t* 'atkitrafe" Peat!400 O>xw fh'.rr wiv r rxp?a Dominion of Canada Charter CAPITAL -Paid up 91,000,000 111,S Eft V El r 91,000, 000 atireeIere Nev. R H. WARDEN, G. n , • PREemsNT 0. S. NOME - rfi'E•I'RRemENT 0 n, HASSET, 0. E. THORIUM, x. 0, THOS. ERAn0nA0, D. 1, A, General Banking liminess transacted. Farmer's Notes . Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection. IN THE SAVINGS I:ANK-Deposits of 91.00 and uuwarde reoeived and interest at the biebeet Hank rate allowed, frons date of deposit to date of withdrawal, on the daily balauoe, 1 'Parties bolding important papers, notes, &o., may depoelt them in 0411• bank vault for safe keeping -free of Merge. Prompt and Careful Attention. Good Terme. G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS, and Jimmy Bloomfield and "Soup" Bishop, ae baoko, preveuted the sphere from bothering Orris Wilbee many times in goal. Although a trifle one sided there was not an uninterested epe0tator ou the park. The line up was as follows :- WnOXETER BnnasELs Hamilton Goal Wilbee McL eod) Bishop Smith Banka Bloomfield Gibson .. 3tmetrou g Wells t 13aoke Stratton IdoXelvie Hess Bost Jackson Singer Henderson Townsend Forwards el uulnir B lankAvery •ThomP eon } Scott Two Frac -The fleet one is from the Wingham Times and says -"The Luoan Leith Niue baseball slob won from Bros e els on Thnreday last by a eoore of 20 to 1." The more was 14 to 1 you wicked einuer. Our boye soared identically as many rune as Wingham did when they were up against the Irishmen the next day. We had the same umpire too. - No. 2 appeared in the Wroxeter Star in reforenoe to the juvenile football mutat]. Here is what it remarked :-"Although the Brute/els boyo were a much heavier team, and among their number had one young chap who has played in several ohampimehip games this Summer, our little boys pat up a good smart game and won a viotory againet odde." That championship story is a regular whopper, Bro. Townsend, and if you eau prove your statement we'll treat your citizens to ice cream. PERSONAL PARA(iibAi'HS, Wm. Duncan was laid op with tonsil• fife. Gus. itloLauohlin expecte to go to Reeina. Mlae Beatrice Howe was visiting at Wroxeter, A. Sample is here from the "Soo" for a holiday visit, John Beattie, of Wiarton, took in the ranee in Brueeele. Mies Mary Rose, William Street, is holidaying at Toronto. MieaEva Gilpin was on the eiok list, toneilibis being the mum. Mise A. Wing, of Berlin, ie visiting her aunt, Mre. George Baeker. Miss Lizzie Bird, of Detroit, is visiting bar sister, Mrs. Jae. Cooper. Mise McAllan, of Galt, is visiting her oonein, Mre. George Thomson. Barrister Blair and femily are taking a vacation at Goderioh for a week. Mies Kate Harbottle is book from a visit of several weeks at Wiartoa, J. Bailey, of Goderioh, was a visitor at R. Maioprize'e during the past week. Miss Lizzie Ferguson ie away for a holiday visit to Hamilton and Toronto. Miee Mary Lynn, of Howiok, was visit. ing Mre. Watson Ainlay for a few days. Mre. Watson Ainlay and Mise Vera visited at Atwood and Trowbridge this week. A. Koenig, of Mitchell, was renewing old friendships in Brussels for a few date. Rose Beattie has taken a position in the finishing room of the Wiarton Table factory. Mre. Nichol and Master Russell, of Stratford, are vieitore with Mrs. George Muldoon, Brnesele. Mies Sara Forbes has returned to Detroit after a pleasant holiday visit at her home here. Mrs, Edward Dunford and daughters, Lusa and Meoota are away to Detroit on a visit with relative,, Mrs. Jno. Hewitt and Miee Rhoda are enjoying a vaoatioo with Mrs. Hewitt and family of Hamilton. 3, and Mrs. Walker, of Wingham, were visiting their son, G, L. Walker and fam- ily in town for a few days. Joe. Caber has reached the Pacific coast in hie jinrneyinge and wrote Toon Poem from Vancouver on Aug. 13th. Mre, H. L. Jacket= and son, Lloyd, arevisiting Hamilton relatives and friends and taking in the Summer. Carnival. W. H. McCracken took in the Exour- ciontrip, to Port Huron last Baborday and visited with London friends do the home Mrs. A. M, Kay and Archie, of Strat- ford, aro holidaying in towu with Mrs, W, H. Kerr. The ladies are sisters in. law. Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin, of Michigan City, Ind., paid a short visit to his parents this week. He is well pleased with his prospects, Mrs. J. G, Bltene was oiled to Wood - steak on Tueedav to attend the funeral of her neige Mre. (Dr.) Davidson, who died on Monday. Barrister M, G. Cameron, M. P. P., of Goderioh, was in Brueeele on Tuesday oflloiating as an arbitrator on a dispute over an eetete. Mrs, Frank Oliver end grand•danghter arrived home last week from a visit to relatives in Portage la Prairie, Man., and other plume. Blob. Roche, Jan, O'Leary and Willie Rooke, of Betroth),, were vieitore in Brae. eels this week, They talk of going Wesb 0n a prospecting trip, Roy Ainlay has taken s situation with A. Ooneley in the American Expeese Cos. office to fill the piece of Jno. Comity who recently went to Toronto. Mrs, W. Grayson, of Moose Jaw, N. W. T„ and Mre, R, Babb, of Mitchell, were vieitore at 13. Gerry's this week, The former wag formerly Mies Ella Babb, of Mitchell. Mien .E1. R. Little has returned from a pleasant visit in Wingham and LOndee• baro', and Immo fob Toronto on Monday att to end the wholesale Millinery Open- Inge to pnrohaee her stools of Fall millinery. W. Lookridge made a business trip to Wiarton. Dr. Feild was holidaying in Ha milton this week, Mise Georgia Rose was on the eiok list with toneilitis. ]Mee Nellie Bleck, of Wroxeter, is vieitiug in town. Jas. Beattie was to town last Friday. He is living at Wiarton. Chas. and Mrs. Bartliff, of Clinton, were in town for a few days, Mies Rogers, of Muant Forger, is heti- (laying 1(b home for a weak. E. G. Eggleetoo, teller iu the Standard Bank, is awry for hie vacation. dire. McGarry, of Suatt Ste. itliirie, is visiting under the parental roof. Walter Smith does not show very much improvement we are sorry to stets. Miss Nettie awl Joe attach, cf Gorrie, were vieitore in Brueeele Met Solidity. Mine Bertha Dowding, of Toronto, ie visiting Mies Mary Rose, John street. Miss Kilgoor and Mise Scott, Mt. Forest are vieitore at G. Rogers', Frederick street. Miss Jean MoLauobliu bas goue to Obeeley where elle will visit relatives and old friends. Bert. Hiogoton had a finger injured while tadetiug in the beading faotory of P. Ameot last week. F. McGuire and Mrs. MuGtire, of Wingham, and lilies Bonniok, of Toronto, spent Sunday at G. Rogers'. Barrister Uriah McFadden, of Sault Ste. Marie, was revieitiug the old home soma during the past week, Max Gobi, of Brueeele, was married to a Toronto Jewess the other day in a Tor. oobo synagogue. We extend oougratuls. tions. Turnkey Henderson, of Godericb jail, diad last `Monday. Pio had held the office for a good many yearn and was a fine man. Mre. Parr and eon, who have been visiting at R. T. Hiogeton's for some menthe, left for their home h Manitoba ou Tuesday, Mrs. John Goff and eons returned to Torontoafter a live weeks' visit with her father and mother, Jas. and Mre.Dudley. Peter Dudley, returned with her. We are pleased to report that Mies Jessie M. Grant, of Winuipeg, formerly of Bruit - eels, won the Gold Medal -in her mneioal examination at Wiunipeg College, Mrs. Douglas and the Misses D ogles ie turned to town Tbursday of last week after an enjoyable visit at London, Prior - path, Ridgetown and other pleoee. Paul Milloy, of Teunessee State, is io town for a well earned vaootiou, The Warm weather of the South has not aaueed hint to wilt very eeriouely. Jerry and Mre. Walker and daughter, of Pennsylvania, were visiting his uncle and aunt, Jus. and Trus. Dudley. Mr. Walker was a former resident of Grey township. Mre. John Sinclair, Priuoeee street, is home from an extended visit with her daughter end other frisoda at Bimetal],arb Ma. Mies Tens Sinolair left Bruesale on Tuesday for the same point in the West. Mre. Frank Smyth and son, of Loodou, are vieitiug at Thou. Bone's, Turnbanry street, Mre. Smyth and Mre. Bone are Dietetic. Mre, Phippen and sou, who was visitors at Mn, .Bone's, returned to Woodetook 011 Thursday. Mise Paul Sample ie here from Regina, N. W. T., for a holiday visib with her eletere, Mrs. A. Coueley and Mies Teeoie Sample. She Wag aocomponied by Miss MoDoagall, of the same town, who spent a few days iu Brueeele. Mrs. S. H, Jaakeon, Olive and Jean have returned home from Mt. Forest where they were visiting friends, a000mpanied by Mies Leillie McGuire, a niece, who will visit for a few weeks in Brussels before returning to school in Bellville. Among the vieitore to town with the "Irish Nine" was W. A. Tripp, formerly teller of the Standard Bank here, now in the Luoan branch, "Silly," ae hie friends sometimes Dail hfm, ie not only a good ball player but a deoelet bead who was well liked when a resident of Brus- sels and is alway welcome beck to town. Last Tuesday W. J. Good, who hae been on Tun Pose staff for several years, left for Emerson, Man„ where he tapes a 90011100 On the Journel of whioh W. B. Ballantyne, formerly of Brussels, is Editor and Proprietor. The Foot ball team loses one of .its beet forwaode in his removal. Will. ie a good printer end will do well in any office, THE POST wiehes him eneoes0, 1;IIUIt(111 Cil 0J1ES, Last Sabbath morning n missionary disoouree was preached by Mr, McGregor in Melville church on "Tho Great Oom• mission". The two leading thoughts emphasized were (1) The world needs the Goepol ; (2) We hove it and [Mould send it. The topic in the evening wee "Tempt. Minna". Next Sabbath will glove Mr, MoGeegor term of supply. For twosuo. oeeding Sabbaths a oiergyman from frinekoka will exchange work with Rev, Mo. Ross, after whioh the pastor Will resume hie own pulpit, "The Ring's Highway" was the pastor's theme at the Methodist oburob last Bab. bath morning and in the evening the dieoouree was based on the 11th Oom. mandment and Was directed to the Maooabee Order. They marched to the chnroh from their Hall about 100 strong, 20 ladies, membe,s of the L. 0. T. l01., being in the number. The 1L.0,'1'.14, Band headed the proc0eeiog and played appropriate oeleotionc'to and from the ohnrob. The eermon was very ttppnopni• ate to the 000aeicn, IStandard Bank of Canada�g0 19 3:1�'0:'.h.£7rT;lS-i'A27 1971 S,e ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of Doe dollar and npwaride 00001901 end let•re.,t allow• ed In Savings Bank at highest rate front date of deposit to withdrawal, Int Brest PAID ON '11731 Daily Balance Loans Made, Notes (Ruched, and every a000nemoda• bion afforded the reg. ponsible borrower. imiusianw 5,0137 NOTES Gushed, Oon0Oted ; oe may be left for safe -keeping only for whioh no charge 1s made. This Bank offers Unsurpassed .Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. MM -Every oonvenienoe afforded customers living at a distance. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. 11. GRAY, AGENT. Thursday evening of last week a gonial was held io the school room of Melville (thumb end every pleasant time was spent. The chair was 000npied by Barrister Blair, who performed tltefaootione of the ofliae most eatiefaotorily. A short, varied, enjoyable, and well presented program was given ae follows: -Opening Hl tin ; Chairman's Addrese ; Quartette, Y. P. S. 0. E, members ; R:oitetion, Mies at Mc. Naughton ; Solo, Mica Taylor ; Romarke, Mr. MoGre gor• Quart tt a e, Mesere.Strach an ; Bolo, R, J. MoLauchiin ; Lunch ; Doxology. The annual report of Brueeele Metho- dist O.burob bee been issued. It gives a good portrait of the highly esteemed pastor, Rev. T. W. Omens, and a oat of the March in addition to interesting etatist foal and historical information concerning the ohoroh. The first regular minister was Rev. Jno. Hough, who located here in 1869. Ohurah membership total is 235, 37 of this number belonging to Oran. brook. Total oontribotionefor all porposee was $2,218.85. Of thio amount 9308 went to lfiseone ; 9810 to the pastor ; 9100 to oaretnking of the aural ; 925 to Seam taryTreasurer; 9100 on ohuroh debt. Over 960.00 Was on hand at the audit. The ohoroh and Personage are very oomfortable and a prosperous 000dition ie evideoaed in all the departments of work with cheering proepeate for this year. CLEANNINESS I3 N5VXT TO GOIILINIESS. To the Editor of Tan Poem DEAD SID, -The eitaation of Brunets is all that could be desired and our Alain street is admired by all visitors. It is not easy to find another town that oan compare with it. There is one thing that mare Brussels and it ought to be remedied at 000e. The bash streets are teeming with foul weeds going to seed ; meant Tote the same and an endless lot of rubbish piled up in every corner. This is a shame to the town. Ie there not a law to remedy this 7 If not the Commit ought to matte one at once. All vacant lots ought to be kept clean and the moat charged to ibe owners. As you enter the town look at the two corner lots at the 300oliou of 41111 and Turnberry streets, There is on one a growth of underbrush equal to almost a forest and weeds and rubbish immense. We hope our Rulers will look after thio in the near future. CITIZEN, SUGAR IS KING. The beet sugar industry is rapidly coming to our notice. Sines it has attained aaoh great proportions in Miolt• Man where the Peninsular Factorypaid two 10 per oont. dividends in 1901 and the seine in 1902 ; Bay City factory, Michigan, paid 01 per gent. dividend in 1901 and the same in 1902, with po stock for sale ; Watrooville faotory, California, paid 117 per pent, in four years and their stook is firm 8.0 300 cents on the dollar ; Michigan Sugar Oompany's factory paid 106 per aent, in two years ; Holland factory paid 16 per Dent., bob it must be remembered that beets in Miohigao only overage from 11 to 18 per Dent. et eugar while in Ontario the general averaue is 14 per Dent„ and every one per pent, extra means 20 ibs. of sugar to the tonof beets, In Wiarton district beets averaged 16;j per oeut. of auger. This is explained thus : The farther North baste will mature, the butter they Leet in anger, Wiarton Oompauy'a beets are grown on North Shore, Oookbnrn and Manitonitn Islands, Brune Peninsula, Oollingwood, Thornbury, Meaford and Owen Sonud, all of Northam territory and approaohable by water, thee affording cheap tranapor• team. From Manitoulin Island -beats tested as high as 19 per cent. of auger, The rail territory is down to Palmerston, np to Walkerton and Cargill, heroes to Owen Sound and on the line up to Brus- sels. Many ie this motion are growing beets this year whioh are showing a proepeot of from 15 to 25 tone per acre. One orop of two aores grown by Samuel 'Welker, 6th line, Morrie, has been prnnonnoed one of the best orope visited over the beet territory. There are between twelve and fifteen hundred farmers holding Monk in the company, this being a guarantee of beet supply, whioh is the greatest neaes• say of a eager house, Ooal can be brought from Oieveland to Wiarton by water, thus saving $100 per ton over all rail routes, and os 40 tone per day are ueed it means $4,000 saved every 100 days, Sugar is 90 pante per cwt, higher in Winnipeg than Montreal (Cemedo's great eager supply centre) bot the Brat two thirds of the route from Wiarton to Winnipeg is water rates, less then ball that of rail rate, whioh means a met amount saved by this fanbnry whioh id capable of turning out 10,000,000 ibe, of sugar per season. The faotory ie built of stone, steel and omelet, thaw affording a safety against fire, ,8,o from 8,000,000 to 5,000,000 gallone of water le required per day the bay affords ample supply of the purest, without expense of a filtoree whioh wets thoneaade of dollars, Wiarton has given a bonne of 925,000 and a loan of 925,000 as a demonstration of their oonfidenne, The German export bnnuty, which has exieted for over 60 yaats, fa abolished on Sept, 1st, 1908, whioh means a permanent rise in Canadian engar of j) cent per lb. The reaent surtax pinned on German goods by our Fedetel Government means o groat aseiontec0, while the bounty given by the local government of 71 0001 per Ib, adds to our prospects. We have an Our superintendent Mr. Miller, who operated the taotory at Holland, Michigan, teat year, whioh paid a 16 per sent. dividend from 16,781 tone of beets, that tested only 11.2 per oent. of sugar. He etatee he oan make our factory pay 30 per oeut, molar beoauee our beets teat on em average of 16 7, or would furnish 90 pounds of eugar per ton of beets more than Holland heats. H. 0, Kennedy will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Brussels, for a few days and parties wishing information on the sub jest or to take stook in the company will be oourtecuely reoeived. �orxv- 001nroEu.-In Howiok, on Aug 8111 to Mr. and Mrs. William Grainger a de tighter. MARTIN. A.t Sunshine, on Aug.. 18, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Martin triplet 901(5. 3DxEla. DAvineoN.-In Woodetook, on Aug. 17, Ltzzis Conniugham, beloved wife of Dr, Davidson, aged 26 years. Mueanovo.-.In Wroxeter, on Aug. 11, Wm. Wilford, infant eon of J. and Mrs. Musgrove, egad 6 week and 6 days. TIEnNAN.-In Hannay, Mao., on tang. 11111, Sarah Dobson, reliot of the late Henry Tiernan, aged 68 years nod 1 month. m-ti:e"eetexe'1 7 Trh.:M 7=mus, Fall Wheat Barley Fears Oats -. 13nIto,', tube and rolls .. Eggs i'or doeen Flour per owt. Pota men (per bus.) Apples (per bag) Hay per ton Salt liar bbl., retail Hoge, Live Wool Hides trimmed Hides rough Lamb skins eaob Sheep skills, eaoh • 69 36 50 27 18 11. 4 00 50 60 6 00 1 00 6 25 16 s 6 25 25 70 118 60 28 14 12 6 00 60 6 80 BOARS FOR SERVICE.—THE 6 26 Lot 22, um. s, Grey, the Moto' bred Berle Our stook of School Suppliee is complete and will be kept nom. plate throughout the sohool year. We Beek quality in School Supplies ae in everything else, endeavoring to bay the most desirable goods and to Bell them at the most satisfactory prime. Oar large buying counts for us and for yon, Our new Snribblers and Exeroiee Books are very fine at oxo Drug Store. Following is a list of the dates of some of the Fall fairs whioh will be of intermit to people in this district : Dominion, Toronto....Aug 27 -Sept. 12 Wooten!, London Sept. 11-19 Wellesley Sept. 10-16 Palmerston Sept. 22-23 Milverton Sept. 24-26 Mitobell Sept, 22-23 Listowel Sept. 30 Kirkton Oot. 1-2 Atwood pot. 0-7 Stratford Oct. 7-8 Wingham Sept. 24--26 Goderioh Sept. 29-30 Blyth Oot. 6•-7 Brueeele pot. 1-2 Ripley Sept. 29-80 Teeowater Sept. 21-22 Walkerton Sept. 28-24 Mildmay Oat, 6-7 Luoknow Oot. 1-2 Gorrie Oot. 8 Barrieton .. Sept. 24-26 Dunpanaon Oot. 8-9 Guelph Sept. 15-17 Exeter Sept. 21-22 Zurich Sept. 23-24 Hamilton Salta 15-17 STOCK FOR SERVICE 70 undersigned will keep for service on 16 67i 5 30 26 shire hog, Garfield, with regietered pelf. gree, bred by Thos. Teasdale, Concord, Ont. Terme, 8100, to be paid at time of service With privilege of returning if necessary, t also keep a thorn' bred Yorkshire hog, CHRISTIAN ECEMIER, 64 Proprietor,, Ethel. SATURDAY BARGAINS TO E TT'S New arrivals of Dress Goods this week and to commence the season on Saturday Morning we intend offering FOUR GREAT SPECIALS in the newest Tweed .Effects for this coming season :— NC), Fancy Tweed Effects, all pure wool, regular 60c, Satur- day until Wednesday .., •e—Pezi NO. 2 Fancy Tweed Effects, all pure wool, regular 50c, Satur- •30 day until Wednesday... NO. 3 Fancy Tweeds, all pure wool, regular 65c, Saturday •47 until Wednesday price... NO. 4 ' Fine Black Sateens, regular 800, Saturday until Wed - needs y price •21 BOOTS & SHOES — 1 case (80 pairs) Men's Fine Bf. Bats. regular price 1.25 $1.75, Saturday until Wednesday price —1 case (80 pairs) Men's Fine Dongola Bale., regu- lar $2.00, Saturday until Wednesday price 1.50' — 1 case (80 pairs) Men's Pine Viol Kid Bala., regu- 5 lar $8.00 y Saturdauntil Wednesdayprice �•� —15 pairs Women's Fine Dongola Bals,, regular 1.39 $2,00, Saturday until Wednesday rice ... 1• y Yp We want 75 Men on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday to buy Men's $$1.50 Pants for $1.19 ; and $2,00 Pants for $1.50. Come early. HARRY A. 11ATCHETT Garfield House, Brussels,