The Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 7THE ARKETS
Prices or Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres,
Toroato, Aug, 13.enWhea1e-The
Meek:A is quiet, wielt only a limited
demand for Onutelo Wheat, No. 2
.wheille and red will tor, ohl quoted al
7e0; new tie 70 he 71e, low rates
to Mille; No. 1 Northern; 1.11.eo Geed-
.milielt; Nee 1 hard quoted at i)Ue
GtOdeetiele No. 2 haird, Bele gtrinding
In transit, falco and rail; and No. 1
Nortehoen at efet...
Oetet-eelle market Is quite, with
offeringe. No, e white quoted
ilt 130e Ingle freighes, tend No. J.
whet° at 32c. eaet.
Barley-Tratie is quiet; No. 3 ex-
tra 'quote'l at 43e meddle freights,
and No. 8 et 40e.
heyo-The intarket le quiet, with
exemet value at 48e Meddle freights
foe No, 2.
Peas -Trade duel, with No, 2
White quoted at Otte high ft•eightee,
and at 613e east.
Clora-Market is unchan.ged; No. 3
American yellow quoted et Ole on
timok, Toronto, and No. 3 ruexe,d 01
.004e, Totronto. Canadifin cow.
pl.hrelY 11.010tinal.
Floor-tNinaty per cent. palettes
emoted to -day at $2.83 ereiddle
insiglues, in buyers' seeks tor ex-
port,. Stratignt rolleee of epeetal
brands foe clot:acetic leado queled at
$$.25 to 83.65 in bids. efareitelea
Ilene efteady; No. 1 pateenee, 24.20
110 $14.80; fleet bakerve $8.00 to
and Eitrong bakers', $3.80, Toronto.
lliellfeed-Bran Aunty at $17 to
$1.7.60, and ohorts at $e7 to $18
here. Al. °Meld° points bran is
elueited at $12, and shores at $17.
Manitoba bran, in eaules, $1.3 and
:shots at $2t bere.
73canee-Tr0f0e' is very quiet, with
perces nominal. lerenee white axe
emoted at $1.75 a busbet.
inneket s quiet, with de-
mand slow. No. 1 old tittnoeby is
wealth $11 on track, Toronto, and
ureethem. grodete, 89 to 810. No. 1
new ie nominal at e9 here.
Stiocae-The antenkee is quieli at
$5e25 to $$.50 por ton for caT lots
on eurnek.
Hops -Trade dull, wilth. prices
adreinal at 37 to :Mc.
leolitutmon-The offerings are fair,
wad prices aro easier. Loads
awe quoteld at Rele per bushel, and
.straatt lots at 55c per bushel.
Pottleane-The market is Kenny.
Chickpea 60 eo Tem por pair; duelist,
TO to 90c per pair; tutikeys, 12 to
19:3 por lb.
THE DAIRY MiteletelieTS.
Meteen-The receipts of butler eon -
Matte good, and juices generally un -
changed. The demand is chilly for
fineet geodes. We quote e-Choico
1-1b. rolls, 15 to nee; seletted dairy,
tubs, uniform color, 11 to 15e; sec-
ontlivy wades, More paolced, 12e
to 13e; creamery leriatis, 18 to 19e;
174 to 1Sr.
anerket is quiet. iWo
quote-Strintly new laid 14e to 15e
fresh (candled stook), 1 -it; seconds
and cheeks, 1.0 to 11c.
ellemee-Tne market is higher. ele:
quote :--Minesit, 101 to e.0,3e.
Decreed hone item Cm.eil mottle
nee seeuely, with a good dornand,
Bacon-Soug clear in good clentured,
with tElkIlly below requiremente. We
geoto e-ellalcon, long clear, 10 to
1‘01e. in ton and CA,80 loll, Pork-
efteet, 810 to $20; clo., shunt cue,
Sineohced ineate-nettems, 19 to 1.4c;
rellte, Ilec; elratildeen, 101c; banks,
15 to Lilo; ilroaltfaiit bosom, 14 to
Lthell-niarket is unchanged. Tlerc-
en Ott; tubs, 91c; mita, len; Corne
leonine 8 to etc.
BuarNiKss AT ATON'InelheAl...
111'oatreal, Aug. 18. -The local
markets continuo fairly active, wheh
pnlicen eteady; these wag nothing.
0111011 doing in the grain market to-
day, but prices reannined etenny.
Grain -Peas, 613c high -fteighlts, 72c
alma bele; rye, 53e eira,
afloat here; bueltereemet, 48 to 40,c;
0.ete, No. 2, 38c in store hove; flax-
seed, $1.1.5' on track tore; teed bar-
ley, 50c; No. 8 barley, 5nee; open,
60c tor No. 3 yellow Altnerietun.
Flour -Manitoba patent's, $4,35;
vecontly, $4 to $4.0.5; strong baketee
$3.95; °Marra straight rollens,
$8.60 to $8.70; in hogs, 81,70 to
$.1.80; radenits, $3,7,5 to $41 extras,
$1.50 to $1,60, leggsl-Candled
seeceeted, 1:61. to e7e; No. it, tide;
sleeted; recelpee, 14e; No. 2, 1.2e,
neeiciesIVIleni lobe bran, $3.7; Aorta
$18, begs inchnled; Orneetio been in
bulk, $1,7 'to $18; slionte in Inalc,
$.20 to $21; Middlings, front 1$211 10
$22.50. . •
Beene), N.Y.; Aug, 18.-Flotire-
1<1ing ,Wheati-Spring, el:voltam' foe
new. F.lopt., 851c; old in sitore, c.i.f.
931c; whim., setrangetsfer rote white
'dull. No. 2 rod, 81,1 to 82e; leo. 1
whete, 80ec.. CornneSeently tot. No,
2 yt'llow, easy for mixed. N.o.
yellow, 68.2e; No. 2 coon, 57ea.
Onee-etleelier ter white; :Meow for
mixed; .318, 2 while, 38ee; No. 2
mixed, 811. .11neleyestNew choke",
55c bleon track. Bye -ego, 1 on
track, titeough billete 500. Canal
Mi1<witit'knc' Atg. 1Se-teeheett--
E1mo., No, 1 Noetheen, 95e; No, 2
Northeen, 013 *to 985e; 8olit., 801e
bid, Rve-Finme No, 1,135, liar-
ley-Fiem. :Noe 2, 60e; eaMple, <18
10 Seic, CtorniSepte 561ece
Thittetb, Minn., Aig 1.8...-etheatt-
Close is -To anriveeine. 1 hard, 875c;
No, 1 Northern, 875,v; Ito. 2 Nora -
86c; Sepit'
, Pelle; Bea, 78e.e.
letinneepolls, Minn.'A
ug. efe-
tithene"-Sest„ 84.5 to
eetle.; Doc., 8.71.
to 873e on beeek: No. 1 herd., 051
to ON c; No. 1. Nontheen, 01.5 10
95,1e: No. 1 Noteherm,. 91e 'to 0.111e•;
8 Nee:eau-inn 32 18 871. Flour
'OM pettentee $4.60 'to $4.70;' -ec-
&Bid patentee. $4,50 10 g4,60; fins%
elates, $3,05 to 68.75; soma: 62.60
to $2.70; bran in Milk, $le to :Ms
Toronto, Aug, 18.-Theee was 0
fairly gooe run of mettle at the
Weetere Cattle Market to -day, com-
mitting 134 loads, A largo proper -
floe of the catele offering, however,
wore mixed lots of eastern steckers,
with butabere and a few exporters,
for whieh there was a vory poor de-
maree. The quality was not at all
satisfactory to would-be buyers,
There is a very goott nmeket for
good butchers' cattle, but there were
very few to be had, There is a mar-
ket for good export cattle at the
right prices, The :movers, however,
hams got to come down a little more
than they aro at present willing to
do. Prices aro et to lowee level in
the British markets, and dealers say
they have got to come down in pro-
portion. So far as the larger ship-
pers are concerned, there seemsto be
no difficulty as to vessel space, as
they have bought up pretty well all
there is, so that the outsiders fled
but little available. For the general
run of expert cattle now °fleeing,
prices are decidedly Me. They aro
215e to 35e oft to -clay as compared
with a week el' SO ago. One load
sold at 84,80, but most of the sales
. were from 84.65 to $4.70.
$4 70 to $4 80
Export, heavy
Export, light 6 50 6 60
Rune, export, heavy,
cwt .„ 8130 375
do light 3 00 3 50
Feeders, light, 800
lbs. and upwards . 3 26 8 35
Stockers, 400 Lo 800.
lbs. 800 826
do 900 ibs 8 00 3 40
choice cattle,
.... 4 00 4, 00
do medium en.- 3 50 3 90
do pieked ... 4 25 4 50
do bulls ri .95
do rough 3 00 0 00
Light stock bulls,
ewt 2 25 8 00
Mach eOWS 80 00 40 00
Hogs, best 6 50 0 e
do tighL 6 215 6 211
Sheen, export, ewt 3 25 3 50
Bucks . . ...„ 50 8 00
Ottlls 9 e5 9 fie
Celvee, each ..„ 2 00 8 00
Spring lambs 4 00 4 50
'Extraordinary Spectacle on a
Berlin. Street.
A Berlin, Germany, deep:11th slays:
double suicide which cateuelred
recently in Lee -teeny Sterasee, one of
ehe main steeets of the West -end 01
Berlin, lute created a profound sen-
Two eiseens, named Geiteeneeht,
one 43 end the otter 45 Years of
ago, took 8, roam one afternoon M
a wellekructeem penelon. (Inc eves a
teacher cued the other a portrait
'relator, and thlags 'lave gone ill
leith them for some time pamt. The
exottee they .irraide whea the lady of
the houee atikett for money on at: -
count mode her sturpicrams, and hear-
ing exottecl talk in the Main latter
nt the evening she teicel t<o get
Mk found the door locked.
lefeanwhile tl:e sietete had excited
the attention of the people in the
sitireet, bereolanibering on the window-
sill. A crowd eolledted, and fearing
wend, Might happen 0 the ladies fell
three georees into tho Strome some-
one suggested stweading out some
beds on eho pavement. Bede not
not being forthcoming the house
porter brought ouit a, carpet, but
the enowel ha.d .not the courage to
hold up the four cornees.
Tho police telephoned for a lire-
erteope, but the fact that the ladies'
door could be broken in was over -
Molted. An amelous quarter of an
hour ponsed, during welch the sise
tors manifestly best:toted, when at
hitt the firo-oecape appeared. Ono
eietter then juin-tend mit of tihe win-
dow, and the other immediately fol-
lowed hor. They foil on tho gran-
ite pameguent :tido by side on their
faces, one being killed. atibrigen,
while the other died vilat,tay tater-
wmcits. emend iniurics being receiv-
The fact that the lthego cemeed (114
neething lo prevent the eneeteitemphe,
wheat foe nearly enlf an hour they
SAW was pencleng, is severely com-
mented tleon.
11 Has Been Picked up in the Car-
iboo Gold Fields.
A Vancouver despatch says; The
local assay Oleo is now ttrating the
clean-up for the season of the Con-
solidated Centime Hydraulic
pane,. Owing to tho shortage of
watee the run this 8000011 was very
shoet mid the elean-up is thus ex-
ecrated not to exceed $00,000. Gravel,
however, prOVed as rich as in form-
er years, aud amongst gold obtained
Was a nugget worth $150.
Hurricane Paralyzes Rosiness in
Eastern Part,
A Mingstou, Jamaica, despatch
says: A illirrien110 streak Jamaica
with its full feral early on Wednes-
day 'nor:this, inflicting damage which
it will take Valli 1.0 l'Opair, leveret
',cement plantation in the eastern halt
of the Wand is devastated, The loss
Will reach mulliois of dollars, No
deco Were Mit.
Verna Approved by the Ontario
A Toronto tic:Beaten says: The On -
Melo Cabinet El I; yesteeday's meeting
deetcled on the form of 'tense to to
isseed ender the bill ensiled at, iho
Met session of the Legislature emu-
lating the speed of motor vehicees
and providing 'OM, all oweetet of
machiten twis1 tale' ont n. Tieense
front the 1'1'0\111CW Secretary And
tray a n0121,e1 ogoeirntion fee. The
act 0011108 in force on September 1,
Canadian Exhibit Brings a Lot ol
Business Here,
An Ottawa despatch says: The
Cennullan exhibit at the Othtita, Jae
pan, lexhibilloe is crealing a great
impression, and is likely to result ti
o considerable increase in tract° witb
Japan. The Commissioner of Ex-
positions ham received a latter from
the Ogilvie Milling Company wherein
they Male tbat as a result or
exhibit they have alreedy recelved a
nunelter of good steed orders, and ex-
pect, that the iuiliing itidusery of
Canada will bo greatly belpecl by in-
even/deg trade with Japan,
Tho United States Government 151-
00 have received a latter from their
Consul, S. ei, Lyon, from Kobe, in
which he deplores the lack of Inter-
est shown by his Government in the
Osalca Exhibition. The Canadian ex-
hibit, ho declares, reflects great cred-
it on that country and will undoubt-
edly prove a groat stimulus to trade.
He adds: "One of tho principal Mae
tures inside the Canadian Exhibition
building is the great 1.11811 be the Jae-
:1310Se each day at 4 p.m to purchase
biscuits and loaves of bread baked
in full view inside the building. Hun-
dreds of these people then steed with
their arms over the railing and mon-
ey in their hands, ready to purchase,
all clamoring loudly to be waited up-
on. The bread is maclo of hop yeast
and is in much greater clomand than
the supply. It, is expected that in
future Canaclian flour will be in great
demand, as the bread made Mum it
is of most excellent quality."
Population Increasing and Every-
body is Busy.
A Toronto despatch says: NM.
Thomas Southworth of the Colonize -
Gen Department has just returned
from au extemted tour of the Temis-
kerning district, where he found
everything in a most satisfactory'
condition. Most of Lhe settlers are
from the older pales of Ontario, and
he estimates the population of the
diserict at from 8,000 to 10,000.
Front inquiries nutde he thinks the
peeplo realized about $175,000 on
timber which they had ready foe stile
this spring. There are several saw-
mills going up, and the class of
houses being erected is very good.
Haileybury and New Liskeard are
busy towns. The Dominion dredge
has already very greatly impcoved
the Now Liskeard harbor and four
steamers are kept busy with freight
and passenger traffic on Lake Tem-
iskaming. All crops me excellent
and many settlers will have from
their own lands 3nost, of the actual
necessaries of life.
Boy Picked Up By Steamer 200
Miles From Land.
A New York despatch says: The
Morgan Lino steamer Eldorado, Capt.
Prescott, which arrived here on
Tfluraday from Galveston, haci on
board a 12 -year-old boy, who was
found adrift in an open boat about
100 miles ofe the const of Georgia
on August 10. FM was naked and
almost dead from exposure. After
the lad had been revived somewhat
he told Capt. Prescott that, with
two other boys, he was fishing out-
side the harbor of HaVana when the
boat broke adrift and they wore un-
able to row it ashore. Two of the
lads, seeing the land rapidly reced-
ing, plunged into the water and
swam for shore. The other boy was
unable to swim. so far and remained
in the boat without food or water
until picked up by the Eldorado. 17<
says he was adrift for live days.
Capt. Prescott thinks the boat
could not have drifted 530 miles
from Havana to the point where it
WAS sighted in less than six days
and possibly longer.
Three Railways Have Decided on
an Increase. •
A Montreal ciretstiech ease :---The
C. P. It., G. T. 11. and Canada At-
lantic Beltway Companies hano de-
cided to inerease the cent:ago rate
on Preight tegoughout theie steetems.
Preight Traffic Manger J. W. Louie,
Ft.eight Traffic leatragel• W. 11. Mc-
Innes and Freight Traelic Manager
C., J. Smith, Imve agreed upon the
following notice e-"Thot the cent -
age arrangoment Les in effect at care -
ago points on lines east of Font
1\1l11 an, wh1ei woolen:: at present
for the colleotion on immed teral
outterand oartage freighe of a role in
addition to the freight chargue When
cartage is peefotened of le cents
per 100 pounds on Peeighe Mastery-
iteg fleet to foureh, one cent on fifth
clnee, minimum theme ten centre
in addition to the roilwny 50411-
pan10e rates, be blet eneed to 11
eent's pee 100 pound's, ol) claelees
Melt to lath, inclusive, minim:wen 1.5
cents, and that lhe nelelional Owego
of (Wo rer 190 pounds now
charged on freight elneelfying sixth
to tenth, ineluelve, witen the cartage
15 undertneen or perhertmed by the
railwey companies ceorge agents, 1:e
inpreNmii .334 cents per 100
Will Be Largeet and Fastest Boat
011 .Atlantic Itouto,
A Mouthed despaech nye,: The
Allan Steamship Company has now
under way a trane-Allantic: liner, do -
Mitred for the Canadian 1e5do, which
Will be both faster and larger than
anything DOW 111 011ing between this
poet and the Old Country. The tune
vessel, which as yot eas not born
mono& will be 20 foot longer than
the Bavarian, the Allan Line's pres-
ent premier steamship, and will be,
ono foot wider, She will be capable
of aveteming eavoefeen knots Weiss
11o, Atlantic, Which will land the
mails betWeee rather Point and lefo-
vino in about flea daye And eigbieon
Bow Surplus Labor in Villages
Nay be Utilized by
The follow ing letters regarding the
beet, segue industry, OLIO cif Whieh 18
Written hy Mr. .101110e Wallaeo,
leadlug agricultueite, In the eeevn.
ship of Dinefries, Coeitty of
Waterloo; and the other by "Yam-
er," taken from the Perna papers,
wbich <hos how any ‘illugo or
town tratiletins more or less available
labor, wheel nuev he readity ame-
nd, as was the cam. In the Town of
elitceell, will he of interest to farm -
Mr, s1<13" r 15> the 0 tilt
Reformer: -
...In so:meow with Dr. Sh u We -
worth, 1 drove through the ToW11-
ship of Waterloo, on july le -
stinting the sugar beet crop. f was
del ighted With the appearance of the
crop and the are and skill clisplae-
ed in the management of the tunny
fields. Tim first fernier We ealled up-
on (a 311r, Jacob Shantz) near the
town of Benin, lots twenty-five neros
under cultivation, rn•esenting a lux-
urious growth, and not a weed to
be seen in the whole field which, 1
may say, In passing, was the char-
acteristic of all tho fields Melted, be-
ing a marked contrast. to the ap-
pearance of the flelds at this time
last year. Mr. Shantz being amongst.
his crop as we drove by, we availed
ourselves of the opportunity cef in-
terviewing him in regard to Ids modo
of cultivation, etc. We Wers inform.-
oce by him that he is the inveittor
and patentee, I believe, as well, of
machine for blocking the beets, which
reduces that pare of tho work to te
minimum. The whole cost. of thin-
ning tho crop of twenty-five acres be-
ing 863.00, or about 82,25 per acre.
We also met several other fat.mers
who had used the machine, and who
spoke Insider of its merits. I meter -
stand, the machine will be placed
upon the market the following sea-
son, and will no doubt meet, with a
ready sale, But in every case where
the whole work was done by hand,
found thee: after last year's experi-
ence, the cost of thinning was very
eoneiderably reduced with tho excep-
tion of one patch of five or six acres,
whore seed failed to germinate for
abOut a month after it was sown, on
accoent of the drought.
The same remarks of a luxtu.ratis
growth and careful cultivation would
apply to (di the fields inspected. I
was very much pleased also t o ob-
serve, that in every case, that canto
under my observation, tho fields
widen had a crop of beets last year,
followed by barley or oats' this year,
produced an abundant crop, evidenc-
ing that the sugar beet not ex-
haustive upon the soil, which science
has alecady declared. One farmer
upon whom we (gilled, had a, feeld of
oats which was in boots laat year.
le.ith the exception of a. strip in the
cottlme whicb had a crop of corn, I no hesitation in saying that
there will be double the cmantity of
oats upon the ground which was
cropped with beets last year, and
very marked was the contrast. 13e1n35
anxious to obtain by personal con-
versation, the opinion of farmers in
regard to the feeding value of pulp,
we called upon several who have
been leeding it throughout the sum-
mer to their cows. The invariable
testimony was that the flow of' milk
WAS considerably increased thereby,
and that a stoppage of the feed was
always et/flowed by a shrinkage of
the millc. I saw cows fed in several
stables, and pigs as well, and they
ate it with evident relish, and the
united testimony of those several
fanners was, that as a milk' and fat
producing feed, it was superior to
corn ensilnge.
In conclusion, IVIr. Editor, 7 hall
with satisfaction, tho evidence of our
ability to grow sugar beets success-
fully, as the establishment of this
Indust ry in our country cannot fail
to benefit, and that largely the con-
dition of tbe farmer, and through
him all classes of the country."
Yours truly,
Galt, 'Aug. 8, 1903,
The Town of Mitchell in the Coun-
ty of Perth is eurrounded by a soil
splendidly adapted to the production
of sugar beets. ,It is also a eonven-
ient and economical point from which
to ship beets to the Beelin sugar
factory, because 11 is immediately
surrounded by sumo` beet land, and it
is within the fifty mile distance from
In March last, I spent two days at
Mitchell and among the farmers with-
in n, three miles radius of the town.
Every• farmer had the ono complaint
of the almost entire absence of farm
labor, The Mitchel/ authorities and
leading citizone believed it impossie
ble for the farmers to procure any
help on the farms. Therefore, one
nncl all Raid "while it mitelte be a
vory good thing for:Mitchell and her
farmers to grow miser beets, the abe
settee of labor melees it impossible."
On April 2113 following, William
Weir of St, Mary's with hie etuagetic
foremen, 11, swnt,,s, wont: tboro
30 rtsnthulnt on whirl) to grow eugar
beets foe the Berlin factory, believing
that, Mitchell pee:tossed a eertairt
enema of labor which could bo Mil -
Ned, lie was told at elltehell that
it would 1m impoesiblo to procure
help. Nevertheless, he prove:Mori to
retie laticl to the extent. of :text y acres
which wen prepered for Nees, ftllti
on wheel sowing began on May 6111,
end concluded on efune thel. When
thinning Wes commented, May 28e(1,
ho ems able to Iffie7 15 mon 111
Mitchell, Emit clay the number 131-
(<<'11135 lo work increased, until be-
tween 50 and (30 hands worend
end alill more applied l'oe work, but
worn not. needed.
13eelde Mr, eVeir's acreage, 801110 tell
reenters teking 'courage, sowed 'ffieni
1 to 13 acres each; yet there wore
Mende enough to clean all the beets.
I have given theme few faets to De
tustrato that in overy village and
town, there are Many people who are
neither employed in r(.gulat trade::
nor el:wised to do heavy work, but
Wilt/ will reaclity hou in the beet,
field:: when they once know what the
11,011i, litid pay aro. Alm Weir paid
Me labor at Mite:hell fuethightlie,
which payroll seltlom amount(•d tu
less Olen $125,00 weekly. The labor
bream:. most and more skilled 1n tho
lam, fields, and approcieted the work
and WttgliS. ire is a firm believer in
the ultimate :success of 'fugue boot
eultivation, but ch.arly recogniv,e<
that beet growing for the pt.oduc-
lion of smear la a profession, which
by practice only can be learned. He
himself is an (interpreting and ex-
tensive farmer and bueiness 111011,
whose methods of growing sugar
beets, and denionent'ating how they
may be grown, are original and wise,
lie thieks the fainter meet first See
and ledleve that the sugar beet earl
be geowe, and that 11 pays better
than other crops which lie grows,
Upon the facts that the crop em-
ploys labor Arai will pay for it, Dim
leeir's confidence ite the mop as one
which will better Old Ontario's con-
dition, Is based; always regulating
the acreage to be planted by the
available labor. St. elo.i•y's,
Tborndale and Clera's Hill, aro
nueb centres. In each of these plac-
es Jabot., Meal label' Is being educated
to earn money in the beet fields AS
they go this year into Mr. Weir's
t.ented fields; and so it will become
in Cu. course of 8 few years a com-
mon peaceice for 'village and town
hands to go out mild work with 1E11111-
(414 who cultivate sugar beets.
W. le. Shanez, Berlin; S. S. Der -
wailer, of ereeport; Louis Ritz, of
eiew Hamburg; 'Herbert Weight, of
Mosborough; Alex. Peterson, of
Itawkesville; J '0, Borst, of Cones-
toga, and 151e115' others have in a
similar manner educated and develop-
ed local labor in Berlin, Preston,
Hamburg, Baden, Little Germany,
St„ Jacobs, lelmira, Conestoga and
other villages in the County of Wat-
erloo. This kind of work among
the unemployed villagers that has
been so well begun by the above-
named parties, and many others not
mentioned, which is of mutual good
to farmer and villager, and of gen-
eral benefit to business, should bo
heartily encouraged throughoue all
tho countries where sugar beets are,
and can be grown.
Excellent Reports Received by the
Three hundred meetings attended by
farmers' wives for tho purpose of
receiving and giving instruction in
better methods of house-keepingt
Such a series of meetings has just
been held in this Province under the
auspices of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture. Sixteen ladies were
ongaged for this work, and .the most
;excellent reports received by the De-
ipartment of the work done, quite
ljustilled tho expenditure involved.
I The objects of Women's Institutes
as statexl in the rules and regulations
1 "The dissemination of knowledge
!relating to domestic eConolny, ineltid-
'1111; household architectilre, With
;special attention to home sanitation;
a better understanding of the mono-
) mic and hygienic value of foods, with
a view to raising the general stand-
ard of health and morals of our peo-
We are pleased to soo that the
farmers' WiV0S and daughters are
taking readily to the work. As an
evidence of this I quote from a let-
ter just received from one of the sec-
retaries in a northern district;
'I have much pleasure in present-
ing the annual report of tho Insti-
tute. I think 'we may fairly claim
for our one -year-old Institute a suc-
cessful start and a prosperous year,
In june, 1902, wo organized with
but a handful of, for tho most part,
doubting, indifferent members, and
at tho close of the year Ivo have a
membership of 74, most of whom are
active and zealous, and all very
much interested ie this latest and
much-needed method of raising the
standard of tho lives of the wozuen
011 the farm.
For a new departure our winter
meetings wevewell attended, many,
no doubt, attending through cutiosi-
ty, to find out what the: now tad
meant, but I one pleased to say that
after nearly every meeting, the multi -
wont expressed ems one of genuine
respect, for the Institute and those
taking an active part In the work.
At4 might have been expected mis-
takes wore made by reason of the
entire newness of this kind of work
to meet of us, but I think we may
congratulate ourselves that the mis-
takes were neither maey uor serious,
But for all that we feel that then+
is a grcat work ahead of us, en big
in fact that oue is emetically temp-
ted to shirk it, but it he hard to
sit still knowing the trememente dif-
formic° there is between whet is and
what, might be in the conditems of
Cnnadian 11515 life.
I 1101 I:lensed to be able to report
that We hove a capital complement
of 'Brarteh officers, and: if um can but
keep this kind ot Helmet in working
ordee for a yeae or 1..80 MOM you
utny anticipate, groat results,
Personally, it has been ono of, the
geeatost plensures end surmises of
oty 1110 10 the 811011; 155peri1'nvo while
at wolet 01 our Winter evoitege, to1
meet and make so many warm:
it is impossible 10 tam earl in
this work without getting n broader
teed more cheerful view of 1111', and
for this, 11 for nothing else, tho lit-
st I tut Shen 1(1 r0e0111111end [Mt t
arery woman.''
The popularity or Pope etetelo's
oteetion 10 Peri:: is duo to the fart,'
that it is considered a defeat Col'
Itemnurnenclatiou of Royal Com-
mission of Immigration.
ft. London despatch says: The re-
port of the Royal Comutissioa on
Immigration recomMends (hat pre-
visions largely similar to those in
ithe United Statee be enactenl for the
regulation of the entraeco of aliens
into Britain. There at'o certain
;minim of difference. No educational
toot is applied aud Immigrants who
May be prom51 to be undesirable
within twe years of their landing
cart bo deeot•ted, the vessel ‘vbich im-
ported them having to bear the ex-
pense of their deport:Mon. Allene
may be debarred from entering cer-
tain over -populated :teems. If eta
immigrant i< convicted of crime,
deportation may be part of the pen-
alty inflicted,
Prospector Brings Part of Balloon
Silk to Vancouver.
:A. Vantouver ilesnatelt says e-
Vetnet is undoubtedly a roll< of tete
ill-starred Andrea expedition to the
North Polo, was brought to Van-
couver by a returned prospeotor and
miner 100 M00% leht four year,s
in the wilds of Innekenzie
and districts unknown both nottle
emit anti west of the Rooky Moun-
tains, A, 13, Reeler, who four
years ago see out by way of he'd-
monton to follow the great water
coursee of eferakennie River to the
Beetle Circle, has errived in Ges
city, and brouglet a nortion of 'the
sine such es used in. the coast/ruc-
tion of Atadeee's balloon.
me -ems -
Live Stock Fanciers Attend Sale
at Hamilton.
A. Hamilton despatch says: Sir
William Van Homo, Non, John Dry-
den, and many prominent cattle fan-
ciers attended a setIe of thorough-
bred Shorthorns at tbe Stock Yards
amphitheatre on Tuesday afteruoon.
Sir William bought four of the best
animals for his Selkirk farm. He
paid 81,000 for orie, $800 for an-
other, and big prices foe the other
two. The cattle all belonged to
the herd of Hon. M. A. Cockrell°,
13.411hurst, Que. They brought $17,-
390, or an average price of $805,
Man With Gun Killed Three Peo-
ple and Then Suicided.
A. Wichita, Mas., despatch says; At
Winfield, Man., on Thursday night, a
man with a revolver and a shotgun
fired both Into the crowd attending
a band concert and killed three peo-
ple outright and wounded eight or
ten others. Ire then killed himself.
He is supposed to have been dement-
Raised an Old. Soldier to the
Rank of Sergeant.
The czar of Russia may not be
able to do all that en autocrat
would like to do, but, be knows the
Way to the hearts of his subjects.
His greatest dlifliculty is to pierce
the hedge of which surrounds
hien day and night. Sometimes,
however, he is able to do a good ac-
tion with his own hand. Such an
occaeion came to hint wbile wanking
in the perk of his palace at Tsarskae
Selo. Striding backwards and for-
wards 'deep in thought as is his
habit he wee surprised to hear a
voice over his head calling to hing
"Your majoety-little father t"
Looking up he saw a white-hairod
old eoldier cleaning a lamp. An in -
glary AS tO his wants brought oat
the fact thet the old man had been
thirty-seven pewee in ehe service
without having merited punishment,
ansi that '1111 willsmalV'laelatonit1101't
g13. ho
woulcl (1<500 toe
the day of his death. The near told
him to ask the oille-or about it, bu1
the old fellow refused, saying it
would only earn him a beating. Once
tho officer bad been mentioned the
emperor was scant:My able to induce
the voteran to give hill) any parti-
culars, Only after crossing himeelf
on a premise not to mention any-
thing to tee onicer did he elicit euch
facts as led him to sign the soldice's
discharge after raising hint to the
rank of sergeant. Mather iuquit.y
showed to the mar quite a, number
of veterans awaiting pensions W11,0
had been overlooked. Nieholas 11 of
Russia is (me of the Most domestic
of European soverigne. He is never
so happy as when able to withdraw
10 his family circle and spend 801110
gniet hours' reading and talking
with the czerina.
150 a costa of the strikes and lock-
outs in 1110 building trades of New
York city, during the tannmce', rents
of dwelling houses and the lu.tter
class of apartments are to bo in-
creased from ten to twenty pee cent.
Townsond elillor, the 'oldest man on
Long Island, celebrated his olle
hundred and fourth birthday Tues -
tiny, lie is an Incliao of mixed
blood, Ms tatbor having been a Mo-
hawk and his mother a' mixture of
Spaniard and Indian,
terrible nett occurred between
tramps arid the crew of Erin freight
train 82, on:Abound between lealcort-
er end 'Kennedy, at an early hour
on Theirs:hey, during which Jack Al-
len, a brakeman of Meadville, lete,
WAS badly stabbed, and one of the
tromps iell between Um ears of the
train, and wa8 ettt two.
At the International Apple Chem-
ers' Assoeint ion, at Nittg.are, Falls,
N. Y., it eves, reported that the crop
Camnia last ;vette was estimated
at 16,1'20,000 barrels, mad for 1008
ett, 1:1,300,000 barrele. elm estimate
for New 'York Is 80 'ter cent,: fair to.
elmiee, Ontario, SO per retie poor
to choice, Nova Scala, 50 pee
Telegraphic BriefS PrOM AU
Over the Globe,. -
A Hull, Que„ physician woe
625 for prontising in Coterie.
Of 2,000 books taken from Oalt
library in July 1,310 were fiction.
Amer ieft n cap I tae. (s 0114ra te
in the Hutton nickel district.
Toronto public school teachers 'are
talking of organezing a labor mien,.
Montrealshipping mea aro pleaSed
ovor the nowe that Sydney is to
have a dry dock.
flea IT. Bayne, a wealthy' ROSS»
land miner, died as the result oe
juries received in an encounter with
a bear,
Tho iolaod revenue colleetions
the Windsor district for the mouth of
July amounted to $88,028.
Pot:nits for buildings t'epeesenting
$8,417,300 have been issued in Win-
nipeg during the year.
The inlaud revenue returns at
Hamilton port fOr last inonth wore.
$73,038.80, an increase of 65,317.55
over the same month last peat'.
The Government hae decided that
the salary of the chairman of the.
Railway Commission shall be $10,000
a year, and the other two commis-
sioners each $8,000.
The Manitoba Construction Com-
pany of Winnipeg has secured the
contract for extensive shops and im-
provements to be made in the Caa-
adian Pacifie yards at that place.
Mrs. Sydney Gallinger anti ber
three nephews, named St. Pieree, are
in jail at Corawall charged with
setting fire to the residence of Mrs,
Alguire, a neighbor, at Newington.
Residents of Brantford are very
much excited over the re -opening of
a soap factoty there by a Teronto
firm, Dr. Bryce, Provincial Health,
Officer, was brought to the city and '
stated that there would be no nui-
sance if certain improvements Wars
According to returns brought doWn
by the Dominion Government there
were 1„522 Intercolonial freight cars
in use on March lst, 1903, as com-
pared with 1,012 at the same time
in 1902. Seven hundred and seven-
ty-one cars belonging to connecting
lines were ia tete on. March lst,
1903, as compared with 513 on
March lst, 1902. Between the 300.
of June, 1902, and ist of April,
1903, 175,4.38 ties wore purchased.
Between the 303<8 of June and 1,st of
April, 1908, there were 543,721 ties
used on tho Intercolonial.
The noted English caricaturist and
illustrator, Phil May, is dead at
London. His chief work was for
Punch and the Graphic.
The British Board of Trade mid
Treasury permanent officials have
meanimously advised against Itten.
Chamberlain's tarift proposals.
A London daily says the King's
visit to Ireland will result in the
appointment of Archbishop Walsh,
of Dubltn, to the Privy Council.
Owing to tho great demand to learn
typewriting in the London eveniag
schools, it is now te rule that no
pupil is allowed to commence 1.111 a
speed of 40 words per minute .has
been attcdned in shorthand.
Judge Parry, at Manchester; decid-
ed that the corporation should pay
£16 to the owner of an ox which
died after drinking freely front a
petroleum barrel standing in the
street. The judge said that the cor-
poration should have guarded the
At Matowan, W. Va., wbile shoot-
ing at his wife in a fit of jealousy,
Wm. Adair was Mutt, dead by her.
An Atlantic cable costs about $I1,-
500,000. Mr, nlarcouns installa-
tion costs less than a tenth of that
negro, Amos Jones, was hanged
by a mob at Hateiesburg, Miss„ for
shooting and mortally woending
Jailer let M. Sexton.
Tho total loss to the timber owners
Of Maine by the forest fireS of' last
spring was $1,041,210.
W. E. Corey, the newly elected
president of tbe United States Steel
Corporation, will receive a salary- 01
An earth -quake lasting nearly sp
seconds, but not violent, was experi-
enced at San Francisco Sunday af-
As a result of tho Builders' League
Lockout, at Pittsburg, 18,000 men
aro out of employment and 6,000
111D0rueri11111gustthePliesti thirte.. titty'S of the
present year the Posioilice Depart-
ment et lYasittngton established 2,-
455 rural to deliveim routes.
The schoorter Emily Cooney WAS
attacked be a sword fish in South
Channet, Gloucester, Mass., and had
pinnie so badly shattered that she
had to rue for port,
A vest with $85 in its pocket, Was
Oaten Ity a cow at Akron, Ohio. The
owner of bought. the cow for $50,
sold it to a butcher for 6125, and
recovered $75 of the eaten money.
Heavy feast 1:1 seethins of Orange
and Stillimn counties, New York,
Friday night destroyed a large alien-
tity of bucleivbent and injunel meaty
acres of cern,
The will of the late John Perlette
of Pittsbueg, Pa., a formes stance
shesion;Wtse ,t3,11111:ttwrilte /01a1d$tteu)70(1)ulsaittiect16 ahfot
gained his freedom to 18358, Ito was
72 years old,
Strikes aro epidemic in southem
Five Chinese ref:netters have been
arrested 153< Poldn,
Over -exportation has rausrd groat
dearth cif sheep in New V,caland,
The Colima volcano hi Illrxiro con-
tinuos in a violent slain of activity.
The King of Portugal has 13
names; his oldoot too has 1/, and
his younger 8011 10.