HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 5At* ze, 1008 BUSINESS CARDS. ONEX TO LOAN AT 5 EER sant, 8.33. BOOP}, Bruouola, • EL MOORACKEN- • I uo of i rr c Fool 1 v as , Tr 11 I o 0 lose, Of - 41 en at Groo0ly Toruborrygttr0ut, Brussels, id1ARItI8 FOR BALL --'1 LIR UN• .A. n8138108ltn bleb several good ;'alms f 0r male and to rent, easy berme, in. Tow0814e 031 0100!18 (03111 Uoy,L• 33, SOUPY, Graeae' M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL,TON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCRKIN, -T AO GE it Oi- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, DRaBS}7Z'S, OSrT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM! IN9a4AN017, FIRE ANO MARINE, GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TRUISM OP VOICE CUL'rultE Pupil of Miss Eva N, lioblyn, of Loudon. Penns prepared for Conservatory dxa.ms. gig. V4I11 vlolt Braeeel0 every Tuesday, Le0none given at the home of W. H. Rorr, Jolty street. tl, LEOKIE, LIFE AND EIRE LNSURANUE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 4. Jo 5 Per Cent. 00100 over Horsley'% Drug Store, Nov, 91.41, 1001, 30.913 Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance 00., nommedemen 1840 In008a1100 taken on the cosh and premium note 0y810m atam'rent rates, Melees I nom'• ing elsewhere call on the nndersigood Agent of the OOmpatiy. GEORGE R0013118, 33ru800l0. AUCTIONEERS. T.N•1 S, SCOTT AS AN AUCTIO 1 • Han, .1011 8011 for better pricoe, to bettor myon, in leo Gino mid less charges ron be w000''t °borne 003801ng.other Amitioueer Datessan uorders can always 110 arranged at this 00100 or by personal application. ----- TO Y - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, - The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout the most part of the Oouuty and who has 110,8 buoivaft with a large °k - ole of farmers In and around this locality, liege to Worm the community that he hoe taken out as Auotfooeer'e L1o01188 for the County of Huron and ofrorm his services to all purposing to hold sales. THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. T D.w ARw ICK- te • Mari Vet- erinary e,iepre of 111 ()Mario dis- easesOomoo01 it prepared to treat 011 die- entoe of nee. u rtis animals to n paid to ant r naryr. Parti^.alar ally too paid t- toudxfnmo, 10oolat d rmo, promptly at- tended to. bridge, and Tud7 0ary-Four doors North of bridge, Tor/Merry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VV 14I. SIN CLAIR . V 1arrl0ter, Solicitor, Oonveyaneer, Notary Pnblio, kis, 0ll1oe-Stewart's Block 1 floor Nor til of Oen tra1 Hntol. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk, (1 • F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- Vf I0ITOR, t@0, I31RUSSELS.- Ugloe over Standard Bauk ; Solicitor for Town0hip of Grey, Hnwiok mutual and the Metropolita1113auk. Private and Oompany money La loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 1/., C. ar., Trinity Uuiverei17yFe11ow Trinity kfodioal Collage, Member ColloRa of Ihystoiana 0nd Sulgeone, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Om - lege of Physicians and Lioonliato of ktid- wlferytEiiluburgll. l l Telephone No.14, Iioeiclonoe-Mi11 etreot, Srueeels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, ret rwrisT Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Piret-aloes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OfIloo next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, MAKE UP YOUR MIND 10 ATTEND as/TOWEL Fall Term begins Sept. 1st Two 0o0reee-Oommero,01 and Shorthand, Bendier O011oge Journal, O. A. FLEMING, A. L. MaINTY1tE, Proeidont, • Secretary, SHUWLES k31°.a1,ish Col uinbil. Bed Cedar Shingles 3180'•—' - North Shore Pine and Cedar 's)li SATIE T310 Brussels Planing'Mills Also Doors and sash of all Pat tutee on hand or made to order bit Short Notice. i, 33b matoe Furnished for all tinde of B ildihpe. Workman. obif and Material Guaranteed. ,i, kT 471 11 dA, 1i•' t7 Fr •ell I, 17 L" ( S t -t+ :a.. 2, .p,,.,w.,t.,w..a. .,.:1. ,:.. 4,,.,, _.,.:.s s+.,,rw.ea.. r,. ,. "441. ;wt „ - ._.. _ A •:'!C`- _....:.}r G'=1'1oo T -01.11097 rail Term spend eptt 1s i CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Heaven of Business Colleges have QQ applied to n8 for our g1'aduatesto amt Ott as tesehers in their schools, 'This ie ' I the evidenceyou are locking for as to the BEST BOIBOJL to attend, Thous• ands of our former 0tudeut0 arc now III [21101110801i(o. write for our band. seine catmin ts°. 'La W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. i,[ e,;; --s5 ..'fit =',,.... e% dK kb iSitit:i l..eivs, Zito /111'yes . 00Ire, ,Ice. Longmire visited friends in Toronto last week, Mid e N dile, of T'or'onto, is vi8hing her friend Miss Lizzie Barr. Mrs. Burrows, (t( Detroit, ie visiting her slater, Mrs, E. Oollie. Quite 8 number tools in the excursion to liinoardino on Teesday of la81 week, Tum Porion, of Gotham, opens Sud• day with Mr. awl Mre. Wright. Mice Winnie itleGuire i8 spending few days with friends in Haotryu. Mrs. Gaynor went to Guelph to visit her eon who ie sick in the hcopital. C. 13awtenheimor has erected a new windmill, the Ideal Brentford melte, Mee (Jerrie Mulligan, of Dungannon, ie visiting Mies Jenny Bawtinheimcr. Mrs, Stoker. li let tuned home after a pleasant visit with 1rie0d8 in the West. Mies Susie Rowland, of Newry, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rowland. Frail, and Vine. Portstfiold, of Mitobell, are visiting their aunt, Mrs, J. W. Row• land. hIro, MCQnage, of Marney, Manitoba, epeut a few days with E. and Mrs. (hemp bell. J, and Mre, Maar, of Bru80el0, event a few days with their son 30138, of the G, T. R. Hon(ryn. Mrs. Fletcher, of Toronto, returned home after spending a fete days with Mr. and 6'Ira. Copts. E3xetor. The laying of granolithio walks for thio year has been lluiehed. Main etreot Methodist church Saudey School piooivked at Grand Bend. On Thursday afternoon the high wind blew the:omokeotook off the grist mill. Richard N. Oreeoh has parohneed a hal( interest in the Exeter Advocate, and the buainees will be sweets pied under the Dame of Seeders,t;Oreeoh. 0. H Merry fit Id, H. 0. R , of the High Oonrt I. 0. F., aesieted by G. E. Anderson and W. A. Balkwill, of town, estab'ielled a nun of lady Foreetere at Farquhar. Willie Powell is sin with typhoid fever. He was taken to London hospital o0 Tuesday morning of last week. Just ono week previone hie mother was bnried, having died from an attack of the same disease. Min Elizabeth Wynn met with a very painful accident on Monday of last week. She eras standing on 8 box pioking some plume when the box tipped, throwing her upon her 1008 on the ground The force of the fall buret a blood vessel in (ler head. A. P. Smith, who has filled the position of teller in the Sovereign Bank since its opening, was ogreeob'y eurprieed to re Oeiee word that he had beau slated to assume the managership of the brenoh of the name bank at Marmara, E. W. Ilene, accountant at Milverton, will talcs 8318 place of Mr. Smith in the bank here.—._-_._.. t;,0(leriot,. Civic holiday lash Wedneeday. The Grand 'trunk employeeehave near. ly completed the 1,•330ire to their dock. Stewart Lane returned to 'Toronto to enter one of the leading law firms of the city. The prize lis/ for Ilk Fall Fair, to be held Sept. 29 and 80 In Godetioh. ie 11ow ptiuted. Oonduotor Stratton hue been appointed to Condemnor Algle'e former position on the G. I. R. here. The grass plots with their cement bord- ers, greatly improve the Grand Trask pro. perly al the station, Max, Robinson, formerly proprietor of the Oolboruo house hes bought out J. Math iday'e livery business. Many will hear with regret of the fn• tended departure of Judge Maeson'o tam. ily to Toronto this Fall. Jae. McCracken, Violoria street, who is still oondned to the house by 0 f800121 ed thigh, 3a getting better slowly. el, D. O'Connell hay puru1aeed the lot between A, M. Polley's and Mre, Ooltin- Bente on North elven from the Kiely Imitate. Robs, Henderson is very low, mad we are entry to have to report that there were no signs of improvement the past few days, Rev, Dr Daniel was at Varna lash week whither he was (tailed by the midden death of the wife of the Methodi-t minister there, Rev, It A. Miller, Dr.Turnbull is with his 1000108,10 IOW, now the owner of a eIW mill and 2110 mires of good bush in Perth oonnty, and in two or three weeks 8130 mill will be running. Fred J. Shannon, of Godetiob, hall been oppoiuted to a poeitiou iu the Railway Mail Service as slenograph•r and type. writer, succeeding W. 3, Pa90m0re, who recently resigned• Joseph Goldthrope i8 now.th0 owner of Point Parra. The new menet intends to put the house in a thorongh elate of re. pelt', to lay silt Ennio 8011rt0, bowling green and croquet lawns, and have it all reedy for grand opening; next Bummer. On the 28rd of May blot, the fishing tug Sea Eing (Oopt, Daniel Mo11ey) left Goderioh harbor and 'did not return. Great anxiety was telt for the 08fet3t of the crew, wed through the eff.trte of May. or Leval, the tug Huron wan promptly deepatohed t0 0.0aerlal0 if possible what had happened the Sea icing, and if with in Unman poeetbility to gave the lives of the (teem The 002,0rnment have proper ly neon fit to recognize the five heave men who risked a greet deal to save the lives of others. Howson TOa0NASt0NT,-The bowlers at Goderioh bowling 10ttenam8nt Thltrsday of last week were favored with perfect weather, Hud a large emoted 01 epootabore Witno00831 nomO magni0Oon0 play, The x i AMEN r ( py. restphy the deet day were a8 follow!' in- +.1 6,,::..IL,..1 .:'.. t.j{,„i E.LL.. T. ,b mntuh - t'reliminar F,n• 8111tm(', L004011bent 1'. ,t )bo::t, Go le 2,1011 ; Mon, 13, umetee. beet Brain, Bea forth ; O'Qonno 1, t.oilvri,rh, boat 1.'(orve, 10(8302,11)3 ; Huhn'•e, VV 1 ghom, heat Mo Taggart, Clinton ; J. fru t y. Windham, beat Dougleo, Rumford ; l(vbrfle, Sea. lnrtl, beat Hunter, God iv laye8, Beuforth, beat Galt, Godes, ioh ; Hotels - loon, Hutto:Ale heat liltatt, (3oderleh. Firer, round ---Downey, el1Ndlell, beat f)utvning, 1$1ua0(1ia ; Wilenn, Eclat/Mt, bent fipaltling, 0,3nt0n ; Monter, Gnde. rioh, brut Comae, Cllut0,1 ; .1311ilott, 11111. shell, beat Lougir, OdOton; llnimee, Windham, beat Jeffrey; Wingham ; Havre, Beeforib, beat It .boli',, Seaford) ; hose, 131u0eel0, bout O'Donnell, Goderieb, Hewed round-Fiuoharnp, Landon, beat Rose, Brn0B0's ; Downey, Mitchell, beat Wilson, Realortb ; Elliott, Mitchell, beet Hunter, Goderi0h ; Holmes, Wingham, heat Heyes, R0ttforth, A0000lation - Firnt round -Elliott, Goderioh, beat Proudfout, Goderioh ; Peeve*, Beafortb, heat Bright, Beaforth ; MoTaggart, Olin ton, beat Dongl08, Stretford ; Galt, dodo. rioh, Leat Hunter, Goderioh. 2000nd round-••Elilott, 00408)oh, boat Pearse, Beafortb ; Downing, Bruooele, beat Spald. log, Clinton ; Combe, Oilman, beat Lough, Olinton ; Oalt, Goderioh, beat MoTuggart, Oliuto,1 ; O'Oonne'I, Godo. Moll, beat Hot ohineon, Beaforth t Jeffrey, Winghanl, beat Roberts, S'aforth, lIlo ttr, The telephone poles for the new system between Blyth and Auburn have arrived. Prank Metcalf harvested end threshed half an aero of barley last weep which betted him 33 bushels. Rev, J. Edmoude is enjoying a well- enrued month's vaoatiou with friends at Simooe, Port Dever and Toronto, • Frank Metoa f was in Galt hist week attending the High 0ourt for Ontario of the Independent Order of Foreetors, A garden party under the anapioes of Trinity (Much A. Y. P. A. will be hold on the 0110x031 grounds an Friday eveoiug August 21et. A government refrigerator oar service has been inaugurated on the London, Heron and Bruce branch of the Grand Trunk railway, passing through Blyth on Monday of each week during the sea- son. The lawn octet held nu Si, Andrew's etheroh grounds under the auepioee of the Ladles' Aid society of the ohureh, was a very enoaeoolul affair. There was a large turnout of people and the total proceeds amounted to $86. John Brigham made a capable and efficient chairman. Al the regule.r monthly meetingofBlytb eohool board the mombera present were Chairman MoOommino, Secretary Plum mer, Trustee Wettlaufer, Trustee Potter, and Trustee Bradwin. The reaignatioo of J. J. Bailey, us principal of the sobeol, was read and aovepted. Twenty•eeven applications were rested ved for the vaoanoy. The board selected G. Summers, of Win chaster, a teacher of nine years experi inn and ono who was biphly recommend ed, Hie salary will be $600 per minium, Gory i vs. H. 8, Evans left'for Glen Rae, Lambtod Go„ where he hoe been engaged to tench eohool. Dr. G. Ernst Holmes, of Clinton, paid a flying visit to his parents at the Meth- odist Parsonage. Dr. W. G, Montgomery returned home on Tuesday evening of last week from Graveohurab Sanitarium. We are sorry to report that the Dr. has not improved mush in health. Mrs. Ed, Janne and Rioh. Roes left on Wednesday morning of last week for Sod us, N. Y. in response to a telegram stating that Mies Jennie James, who has been visiting her sinter, Mre. Seaman, for some time, is on the sial list. Amu TAIcew OPy -Geo, Ardell, a lire. man on the G. T. R, at Allendale, arrived home on Monday of loot week with the sad news that his brother, Harry Ardell, had his right arm taken off at the elbow by being mixed up in a wreck on the road near Penelang, on Saturday previous. By the de.oripton George gave of the aooident the wonder ie how Harry was not killed outright. .Harry has been on the road for 01;100 18 months and was a trusted employee of the acmpauy, and rep to liatorday had 80oaped without e ecretoh. He hart the sympathy of hie many friends hero who all wish him tt speedy recovery. Below is on account of the aooident ae recorded in the dailies- Ae the remnl1 to a freight train near Penetanguiohene Satardey eveoiug ext. a fireman Andrew Doogoli sustained fat- al injuries. Engineer Cartis had lour ribs broken and his back hurt, and brake. 1118 ;Henry Arden ).,et en arm 11' reel of tion crew 1N0/1 1/011 W1(11 eli',,.1 n.ju• ice. The unone jump'd the tr' mt 1„0041 1(1n a sharp v.; 1',• at 1n,. , ,.,I ni :t 1(8x330 (1(1100(114!1.1 (••111'oC0i•-. th.'!,,,olt, t1eeking 9el'l)ral oat D1agah wee caught between t , ( was b 1 the engine unci tender nod e ad y crashed, fie was taken to Penetangui. sham) lr•:apitelwl,err he died Hatt;ida3 night. 11. wee 90 years, old, a eon of Jae. Dougall, Or., of Barrie, and was mak. it g a trial trip before being given a per• enemeat p teib,ou. tV 1 oui l l t e ret . Mies Edith Benner hi et new employee et the G. N, W. Telegraph af(100, S. Young and 0. J. Reading were in Ga't attending the high Court, I. 0. F. W. F. Va08tone has disposed of hie butchering hurdling to John Taylor, of Ripley, Algia, Orr, of the Brunswick Hotel, is reeking for tendon for the building of a briek barn. Wm 'Robertson nod J. A. Morton at. tended the Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0 T'., in Hamilton last week. Dr, J. J. Elliott, who went to Brandon with a oar of horses a couple of weeks ago, ie improving in health, D. McGregor, who parohased 1be Gil ohriet property near the river some time ago, in oommeno#ig to get it in shape for 090. Arrangements are being made for a baseball matob between the Ingersoll nine and the local team on the park here on the 2tnt ;net, Chas. Kneohtel will move his harnent Stook to the new etore in the Vanatoae block cm the let of September. He will have a comfortable shop. Harry Day, of Walkerton, formerly of town, has eold oat the livery part of hie boeineee to Harvey Riohardoon and Dr. Jermyn of the frame town. A.'ex, Stewart is away for a few weeks holidays. He will take a trip down the St. Lawrenoe river and visit at Caney I land, Brooklyn and other points. Alf. G'over, formerly of Orangeville, has parohneed John Anne' interest in and good wi'I of the ageuey for the Dela• braced Maseey•Harrio farm implements at Winghttm. OL Fixter, who has been fireman on the L. H. et 13, freight train for some time has' been promoted to the position of engineer and left for London to autism his new duties. In the Bnwlbag competition among the members of the Ions! olnb, W. 1'. J. Homntb euooseded in winning the Bilk nmbrelia, which was given by the Presi• dent to the beet bowler, James A. Cline hag resigned the man. agement of the Sun Portland Gement Company, limited, Owen Bound, after holding the office for one year. His reeianolion was accepted by the direotore on July 20, with the understanding that it would not take effect nutii the end of "M F'LOTTE" CreaM Separathr 75,000 I N DAILY U Bell bearing, with Motioning, self• balanoing and suspended bowl and spindle. The "Melons" has taken the highest honoree. It yields 510 to $25 extra profit per cow snob year. It eaves time, labor, spade, uteneile, ioe and water. Get information as to other particle - tare from F, SPARLING AGENT, BRUSSELS, Poq't Scold Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain. Maybe they were not good ones. inspect our line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and t9ar—good, stout leather, flexible soles, strongly stitched, good appearance. Moderate in price. Lasting quality. Here are a few of our many convincing prices:- -Gide' Shoes team 700 upwards' Boyel 811000 from 80o to $1.50 ; Ohlidrenle from 25o to $100, Aleo ijne Stook of it adie9' and Genie' Shoes at Popular Prions. n oar Mornoes Depmen ortt we are offering 8peoial Reduced Prises in Fly Nate, Dusters, also Single Harness at prices that will surpr300 you. Reneem11er we handle no Faotery harness and We also gnar0nt00 every Det we pot out, teem or single. Good a000rtm0nt of Trunks and Valises. Two o0mfeetableD wollldg v Mousse ler sale, re 0, %'/CHAINS, ' ham"+1, Preeire9tothe ei•esb01pr. le. 11 31 ey, Mr. Cline bud le ea et ora• tar; ' --ter of the aomput.33, a pnstti"n whit 1, )r 111 31 aids until the Bret of the 1'1...•1: - h. Mr, Cline, when asked fur a am:. went as to the 011049 of hie resignation, deoined to make a detailed j etalomeot, He meld generally that tate I direol•.re were satielion with whet he had , Ile hod dime, bot that the 10ea.10 bad not soma up to the expectations of either 1 bin:obit or the shareholders, and for this tea's,, be had decided to step '.at. I3(e rltgta l 1, D Urquhart is ever making improve - wenn in hie oat mill. Jambe MoFarlaue le steadily recover• log from a .dight stroke of paralysis. J. kl. MoDonell uontemplatee taking a trip to the Old Country Dud will start in a few days. O0r hardware firma have disposed of seven pare of °oat to one n3l0oue during the pest month, Alex. Mo3Se,'z`e lett for Lindsay where 110 hke taken et position 1n a harness maa018010ry ae foreman. The rate of taxatiou was fixed a0 fol. lows :-Village purposes, 6 mills ; county rate, nine tenth mills ; school rate four and six tenth mals. T. Murdock i6 overhauling the interior of hie livery stable, putting in now natio end taking out the plank d for and subeti• tntiug earth which is eaid to be butter for thehorsee' feet. G. C. Petty waited on the Connell ask ing that a loan of 52,000 be granted to eotabtieh a machine shop, payments to be made 10 ten annual leeta{me0t9 without interest. Aotion was deferred. The Presbytery met in Beneath on the dthinst., when Rev. B. J. Henderson nooepted the pall to 81, Andrew's (thumb, New Westminster, The Presbytery, while regretting the toes it will sustain by hie removal, and while eympathieiug with the congregation of Oarmel cherub in losing a peter who hoe 8o much en• deared bimeolf to them by faithful ser. vices for nearly 15 years, agrees to hie translation, appoints Mr. Brewers to de Mare the charge vacant on the 23rd in0t., and act ae Modernbor of the Seesion dur- ing the vaoanoy, Masers. Fletcher and Servers to prepare a reso'ntiou rasp" otiug Mr. Heodareoo'e translation, On Monday evening of last week a very sad event 000urred at Varna in the death of Mre. Miller, beloved wife of Rev. 11. 81111er, paetor of Varna 011011 t. The deoeased died after a brief silos',,, of a few hours and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved bueband and her parents Mr. and Mre. Fitzgerald, of Obieelhnret. The fo0eral, was largely attended. The deoeased, who had just entered on her 35th year, tva0 a devoted church worker from childhood and greatly negated her husband on the various 0harge9 to whish 110 was appointed. They were married about six years ago. Leet year awing to Mr. Miller's health being poor they took a trip to the Weal with great benefit to each, 1,110030.000 W. Will, Taylor, of Paris, is spending a. few days with hie anus, Mrs. R. W. Matheson. D. D. Tole and family have gone to Owen Sound where they will make their future home. The Sunday School pio•nio to Einoar• dine on Tuesday of last week, Civic holiday, was largely attended. J, G. Anderson has purchased the handsome briek reeidenoe on Havelock street in this visage, from D. R. Mao. Intoeh. Mies Lizzie Graham left for Laoriam, Mich„ where she will emend a few mmithe with hen sinter, Mre, D. A. Breton, and other friends. Frank Oain, of Luoknow, Wm, Hunter, of Asbliold and F,ed, MoDonald, of West Wawanoeh were attending the High Court of the I. 0. F. at Galt. Oar oongratulatione are extended to oar citizen, R. D. Cameron, in his election to the oi0oe of Vice Chief Ranger in the I 0. F., High Court. He's getting there all right. Rev. John MoKay, of Moutreal, per• phased from G. W. Berry his beautiful residence on Oatram street, for hie father and mother, Hector and Mrs. Mo11ey, of this village. The other day a team of horses be. longing to Thos. Scott, of Ripley, fell into a well containing 20 feet of water. One horse was saved. The drowned animal was worth $175. At the recent Entrance Examination to the High School, the Luoknow Public Sohooi, made a Olean sweep, ail the pupils sent up, 22 in number have enooeeofully pained the examination. The oommuuity on the boundary East of the village, where several death» 00. enured during the past year, as well ae the whole neighborhood, were startled at the 7th inet. when it wee learned that Mre. Robert Purves had dropped dead that morning about 9 o'oloolt. Although elle wa0 alone when her final call come, her daughters had not been out of the house three minutes when they returned and Toned in a kneeling position, the Melees body of their loved one who hod so short• ly before! been oeafoling them in their morning work, One of the saddest dentin that has ever taken place in the village ocourred at the home of D. R, and Mre. Molntoeh, Have loop street, on Sunday morning of last week, when their second daughter, Mies Ethelyn passed away. She Ind been in poor health for several months, and not until a short time ago was the slightest thought of the oeri0us natureof her 1011000 ever entertained by her parents. Five weeke ago, however., Aire. Maumee' took her daughter to Toronto to commit a Dr. of that oily, and after a careful examine, Hon the eminent 1by030ian pronounced the trouble to be tuboroolosie of the lunge, and that no possible hope 000ld he held out for her recovery. Funeral took place on Tuesday, Deoeaeed was only 20 years old, Nine hundred to m Ihousond people at- tended the pionio to Sotttbampton of the Eneobtel Fnrnit112,0 Oonepany of Hanover and Walkerton, Several casae of smallpox of a m31d type are reported from Sandwich East, above Walkerville, The patients have been quarantined in their home,. 'rX ANTED.—FAITHFUL PER- SON to travel for well eetabliebed house in a tow counties, galling on 16811 m0rob01180 amt agents, Looa1 ton item Halm" $1024 ayear and 8xpou000, payable $10.70 0 Week in bash and expenses &avauc- rd, P001ti011 ,i0rtr0an0nt, 11u0h1000 s1,8808 • . 1111 and rushing, T4001 OAR 0olt•addr0oeed oo- velope. Sa3 it TAAan Hovop,915Oaxtoo, i 1 1 'g 1010088I0 0 TT 1RJ IT V7' MA We Have received oar New Fall and Winter Mantles, Jaokete and Capes, and they are really eaperb, We show all the latest stylus in the market, Every garment is up to date. A wadid invitation is extended to the ladies of Blyth and vicinity to oall and impost one new and stylish M111tle0, whether they are prepared to buy or not. Every lady regniri0g a DOW Mantle eltoal31 see oar stook when it id at it8 beet, We show exclusive styles, widish will not be shown by any other house in Blyth. We hove them in short, lnadium and long lengths, at all prime from 52 50 to $16. NEW DRESS GOODS Our New Drees Goode have also arrived, and they are magnificent, We show all the new deelgne is Homespone, Vienne», Cheviots, Venetiane, Voiles and Fancy Flake Goods, in nil tba new shades. Owing to the great 100rea00 in our Drees Goode trade wa have bought the largest stook we ever ',littered, and as there ie a growing demand for better goods, thio season we have imported a 1311011 finer olase of goods than ever before. Oar lint shipment of New Fall Waist Goode has arrived and they are beauties, We have them in Frenob Ftaoneis, Silks, Opera Itlenueie and Bilk and Wool Milstare9, We have a few Sommer Goode left whish will be sold at half prior end less to cleats McI i11noE. & Co.., GESIMMUINEEMESSE _...03,., Strenuous Objections are never made agaiuet feed enpplied by Alf, Beaker, All stock like it and thrive on it, and it is pronounced by all intel- ligent breeders to bo i0oompariabiy the beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything bat our Kieffer corn and oats, Alf. Baeker. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry Royal flail Steamers Paola Faure 08000RRAL Qnnnteo Pretorian Bat , Aog. 16 August 15 Bavarian 22 22 Jordan " 20 " 29. Tunisian " Sept. 5 Sept. t'arielan " 19 19 RATES OF PASSAGE let Cabin -700 and upwards, aceordiag to steamer and looatiou of berths, ate. 2nd Oebia-Liverpool and Londonderry - Bavarian, Ionian and Tunisian 840; other Steamers, 897 60. London 32 50 extra. 9rd Olaee-325 and S' -4 -Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Through tickets to South Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direct-Sioilian, Aug. 121 Corinthian, Aug. 20 ; Sardinian (2nd de 8rd °lase onlyl Sept. 0. let cabin, $$10 and upwards ; 2nd oabin, $85 ; 9rd cabin, 821. W. IL KEIIR, Agent, Brm,sels. HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sbeetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, —Fancy Shirtings, —Ladies' Wool Drees Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's ie —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ;WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 20 Buggies, BUGGl Must be Sold this Season, The Finest line to be seen in any town Ewan ES Carriages in Ontario will be found atm'' & Co.'s Warerooms TURNSERRY STREET, BRUSSELS. • We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs, —You can save money by examining our stock beforeurchasin , g —Satisfaction assured. Prices right. EWAN & 00., RB V/ SSELS.