HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 4Pees...get:i.e.—se...L._ is :lege eessieiggegereg&eseig•eseeteette=est,—*-fletee (4--rlotiz -o51. THURSDAY , AUG.. 20, 1903, • IT.. le 'mid hem (JampbePI O. of Winnipeg, has been offered the vacant 4udgeohip on the Court of Kittg's Benoit Ili Manitoba. He will likely theept, PREMIUM= arrangements are aireedy on the tagas at Toronto in arranging exhibits fee the big Fair to open on • Thursday, 27,12 Met. It is expected to be A record breaker this yeer. In London, Ont,, a very intereeting competition has been parried on thie sea. eon, Prizes are to be given for the nioest turn and the hest kept backyard. A. atm• mittee was delegated to visit the various premise e competing and make the awards. Mayor Beok is the donator of the medals, Tan Ontario Press Aseoolatiou find difficulty in keepiug an annual exoursion going but the Western pressmen oontinue to toot the oonnery almost every year. They were in Ontario during the poet week. These yearly outings are very peasant and are of an educational oharaeter on well, EAST TORONTO honored the Little York Junior Football Ohampions by giving them a complimentary banquet at the residence of M. Lloyd. After supper a program of toasts and musical numbers was presented and the boys complimented on their enecese in winning the Distriot and Provincial silver oupe. domes and died on Sunday, Deeeatied, who Wee aged twenty years, was popular ad highly reepeoted end held the pogition of corporal in the 29th Regiment. Ann Hume, aged six years, daugliter of Peter Hume, a:termer, living near Ark.. ell, wee sue:Mentally shot by her brother, George, aged twelve, Friday moruing, Inveatigatiou 'hewed the !shooting to be puyely aeoldental, Toe oarreepondent of the Telegram met Hon. Edward Blake in the cable Mlles. Be said be was out against the dootor'e orders. Business, however, oompelled, but hie being out did not neoesearily say that be wae resiovering, He went to the continent on Saturday, LORD Semennetre health ie not at all good and hie demise would not be em tam expected event. He has been a busy man with a heavy mental strniu for mauy years. The pressure brought to bear upon public men can hardly be oonceived by those of as who leave never had the ex- perience. Tug Voters' League is the latest phase of proposed temperance advanoement. Members pledge themselves to nee their endeavors to secure pledged tempers -nos men ae Parliamentary candidates and to oppose the election of anti i'rohibitioniste. Quite a number are taking hold of the movement and the indications are the League will exert an influenee for good. The party caucus le where they will get their work in. TORREY is giving big orders for military equipment and in the near future will be beard the boom of cannon in a sanguinary oombat. Tbe record of the past few months as far ae the Turks treatment of the Aleeedonians is concerned ie a black one indeed and little sympathy will be felt by oivilized nations if the Ottoman government is well trounced. It's too late in the day for any country to live in the dark with so much light around them. Independent Forestry. Plight Coned tweets nt Gall. T13.111 iilitlOS,ELS POST .e....-eseetegreee•ge*'•- 'reesgee. the precent 8888100. Tho ()Moore were duly installed into their went oheire by Peet Grand Mester Cowan, immediately after whioh the Qrand Lodge adjourned. From a speotaoular point of view the most interesting feature of the L 0. F. High Court meetengs on Tuesday was the band ooneert in Dickson Park. The pro 0888200 that led front the market agave to the park was indeed an imposing one. At the bead was the splendid band of tbe 14111 Regiment of Hamilton, with the veteran Bandmaster Robinson in own - mewl. Among those appointed on committees were the followiug Distribution, John 12.. Devldson, Stratford; J. W. Ward, Mild. may ; Appeale and Petitions, Jacob Kamp Atwood; Samuel J. lined, Car. thief -'rd; Constitution and 'ewe, Jae. Sharman, Stratford. A. K. Goodman, °eyrie'', preeented the report of the finance committee. High Chief Ranger Itlerryfield was recommen- ded for the Graod Cross of Merit. The report on new business was of a brief oharecter, the ol airman, R. H. Fos- ter, reporting the committee's epproval of the work done by High Chief Ranger Merryfield during hie term of effice. He bad been a sincere and hard working offieer, hie efforts being of a oharaoter that was duly appreciated by the oomenit- tee, The report also intimated a desire to have all High Court officers who may attend public' meetings during the year, give a detailed report, prioted, of their Yarling visits. It was unanimously deoided to hold the next High Court meeting in the- town of Sarnia. The degree of honorary member of the High Court was conferred on Mayor Oant, on motion of Arohdeaoon Davie, of Lon don eeoonded by J. A. Davidson, of Street. ford. The businees of the High Court was conaluded Thnraday. The follow. ing High Court officers were eleoted for the ensuing year : High Ohief Ranger, R. A. Harrington, Chatham ; past high ohief ranger, 0. H. blerryfield, Monkton vloe.bigb chief ranger, It D. Cameron, Lucknow ; high treasurer, Rev. Evans Davie, London ; high secretary, F. E. MoCormiok, St. Thomas; high physician, Dr. D. Buthanem, Galt ; high counsellor, George 8 Kerr, Iaeuilbon; high orator, Rev. L. W. Diehl, Ailsa Orale; high gem eral secretary, A. M. Hunt, Lambeth ; high aenior woodward, W. J. Gnrney, Merlin ; high senior beadle, J. H. Lang. ton, Parkhill ; junior beadle, Charles M. Conway, Southampton •, high marahal, N. Watt, St, Marys• high conduotor, Jae. Laurie, Hamilton ; 'high meseauger, W. D. Purdy, Aylmer •, high sesistant mes. Henget., J. Jutin, Loncion. SOME lively debates have been on the program in the Dominion Parliament over the proposed Grand Trunk Paaifio railway, 0. good deal of the opposition ie ot a factious character more than from the result of good argument on fair grounds. The proper safeguarding of the people's intermits ie one of the chief • points needed to be oarefully watched. Is the road a neoeasity for the future well being of the Dominion If so it should be pushed through with despatch. Toe whole routed world will now watoh the Emereld isle in their management of affairs under the new Land Bill which le now the law of the land. If the promises tnede prior to the ;peeing of the law are fulfilled then Ireland should see many lumpy does which should prove a de- lightful ;Mange from the turmoil and etrife oft, n indulged in, Some of the profeeeional triad slingers will be out of a j,le and may have to earn their bread by the perspiration of their brow rather then that of their jaw. GRAND LODGE, I. 0, 0. F. Increase of 1500 in AlembershiP• '111 11 KI iNUA It DINE EXCURSION. by the Prop' of Mal town. The Reporter says :—The large crowd wee reserved for Tueisday of this week, chased the patter, Little Buelt, from 20 About two thonaand people Erma Ethel, T. Smith, Toronto. They also own Bens:eels and other pointe came oft two Plying Sid, trttius. The Breeden' people had their The Twenty•Eighth band of Stratford, be re brass band with them. They proved to bee a letter netting their terms be the life of the company es far ae for au engagement at the World's' Fair, BLouis, next year. mule went. After dinner the good boys t. with the horns, serenaded the Reporter A. Stratford citizen who has subscribed Offioe, the Review Office and Mayor 0600 to the new Y. M. 0. A. he donated Ruettel, A large nnmbe, Ihtened to the another $500 in order that a plunge Meth exeellent mush renamed. The weather may be installed iu the building, this time was 00 tl.E. a001 side and the Franklin James, of Mitchell, formerly stiff Northweet breez , lathed the writers teA0118, at Manitdwaning, and a recent graduate of the Central of old lake Huron into a fury. Those Budinees Oollege, not 880088120300 to the water enjoyed Stratford, is now a teacher in P1. Wayne couemiliok Luta° Hord, of Mitohell, left Perth County. R. T. Harding, berrieter, of Stratford, hue beep appointed essieteut greed secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ifiaeoes of Canada. It will not be elementary CO amputate the finesse witieli Willie Pearson had so badly out 18 linahlielet's furieitnre factory Stratford. Orme& Bea' of Milvertoti, he ene• watching the spray washing and splash- (Ind.) Bushels' College, ina over tee footo._flog. mo pa,.. Andew, of \Vette", Lend formerly pastor for Montreal, to attend the meeting of the Kinoarditie 'Methodist church visit- of chambers of oonemerce and boards of ed 10 toms this week.—Mr. and Mee Earl trade of the Etnpire, Mr. Hord purpoaes and children, of Luoknow and Mrs, beiug away for a oouple of weeks. Engler and two grand childen, of Hen Albert Miller, who has been en em• ploys* in the T. S. Ford &Oo's store, at fryn, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Smith on gmoloy,_ogori„ and Blitehell, for the past few years. has re. signed his position and accepted Bites, Norman Pollard, of Brussels, spent Tuesday in town, the guest of Dirs. Pol- Bon as a traveller for a wholesale Arra in lard, the former being a brother-ithlaw and the latter a nephew.—Mrs. Slemmon, of Brussels, was the guest of Mrs, T. Leckie, thie week.—Mrs. Thompson no- oompanied by her son, Muir'of Brunelle ia the guest of her mother, Ntra. Andrews, Queen street. Mr. Thomson hag also arrivece—Bev. 0. P, Wellp, B. A B. D., wife and eon, Carleton, of Ethel, were guests ef J. S. and Mrs. Gadd, on Teem day. The rev. gentleman is an old friend of Mee. Gadd, having been her teaoher number of yeare ago.—Wm. Welsh wile favored by a call on Tuesday from sea old teacher, deo. ;Johnston, of Grey tp. they had not met for 12 years. Also Mre. Hiram Smith, of Wingharn, and las. Turnbnle ex reeve of Grey tp. who wets a guest of hie brother, W. Turnbull. The Review remarks :—Henry Delion, editor of the Bromide Herald, is a member of the Brunie Band. While in town this week be gave the Review &call. —Brussels hae in the K. 0. T. 01. bend a splendid mueioal organization. The leader J. G. Jones is a fine oornetist and a capable bentimaeter. The boys hare neab blue uniforms with gold braid and are not a bit stingy about their music.— Editor Kerr, of Tun Banssaus Pose, o41. ed to say "We had a good time. Your Mayor never deserted no. We'll be here again." And off be went to look after the oomfort of the crowd. Many delegates were in attendance at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Oddfellowe whioh met in Hamilton last week. Grand Blaster Cowan, of London, opened the 'onion, Addressee of welcome were made by Geo. Britton, 13. D G. M., on behalf of the Hamilton Oddfellowe, and by Mayor Morden, on behalf of the citizens, whioh were replied to in felioitons speeches by the Grand Master, Moet complete reports were preaented by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. The membership of the order on June 50, was 28,041. The are 293 lodgee. The report- of the Graod Treasurer allowed the reeeipte for the year amount. ed to $13,594 99 ; the expenditure, 13,074.. 45 leaving a balanoe of $520 56, The report had been audited and found °pe- rmit by the Grand Auditors. Bro, J. 13, Zing ie indeed a veteran in the ranks' of alma! Oddfellowship, thie being his 38th year in continuous service as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, and bee the honor of being the eldest incumbent of this important effuse in point of service of any of the seoretariee of grand bodges or encamp. mantes under the jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, A grant of 61,862.62 was made to the Oddfellowe' Home. The salary of the Grand Secretary was fixed at 02,000 a year and an allowance of $300 for °lethal aswietanoe. The Grand Treasurer was voted $260 foe extra eeivicee in commo- tion with the Oddfellowe' Home. It ie proposed to have a tent at the Dominion Exhibition, .A. grant of $500 was made to the Grand Mester. It was reported that the membership was 28,000, an in• orease of 1,500 during the year. The Grand Lodge voted $5,066.15 to meet the expenses for the seasion, inoluding mile. age and compensation. The proposition to make the Independent Oddfellow the official organ was laid ever for a year. A donation of $100 wee made to the Grand Lodge for the Oddfellowe' Home fund by J. E. Farewell, Supreme Mon. arches of the Supreme Orient, 0. 0. H. and P., as a free.tvill offering from that august body, whioh was reoeived with mach warmth, Following WAS the remit of the eleotion of darters i—Grand Master, 3. B. Turner, Hamilton ; Deputy Grand Mutat, E. B. Butterworth, Ottawa ; Grand Warden, 13'. R. Blewette Listowel ; Grand Seoretary, 3, B. King, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer, W. J. BloCornesok, Tor. onto ; Grand Repregentativee, 0. L, Lewis', Chatham, and 0.0. Tyrnan, Book. ville ; Grand Manliest, IL 3, Guppy, 01. Mem ; Grand Conduotor, Dr. 8.. Cameron, Owen Sound ; Gretna. Guardian H. B. Dawson, Port Arthur Grand 'Herald, Theo, Parnell, St. Catharines '• Grand Chaplain, Reg. W. E. Norton, FlOrente ; junior Peet Grand Blaster, It K. Cowan, London. Tonento was seleeted ete the place of meeting for eat year by the Grand Lodge, The the,nke of the Grand Lodge were tendered to the brethren of Hamilton toe cloartesiee received during Oven $02,000 were taken as gate re. otiple at the recent Jeffries—Corbett prize fight. Tbe moral is not far to seek and the ortieh to the two Muggers pound one another is no credit to the oft boasted enlightenment of the 20th century. There's evidently room for a great work to be done yet in reaching a more stmt. el plane than that tharaoteristio of countries 100 yeare ago, The individnal citizen has hie pert to play in this moral reform as the standard of the Nation is the standing of the individual. It le no use either to expect the advancement in great sweeps but rather to oontinue the petsonal work with a steadiness of prim pen that never pauses to think of failure. Manlinese moat be proven to consist in somethiog above oat and dog life. Can. adinn laws are down on the prig yet here and there so called boxing boute are held that are prize fights under a milder name. The civil authorities' (should wake up, — — An Rooth:Int with fated regatta occurred en the farm of Mr. Ilyelop near litres. burg on Saturday afterneon, the victim being Erect Bleb, son at Wrn, Blab of Berlie. The young men had been raking grain and in driving from one field to am other the horemrake etruck a post throw. ing him from hie seat and under the horee'e feet, Ile was kleked in the ab Honor &aided that he ehonld go to St, Joh nee induetrial Sobool, near Toroato, for a year. ClLeo"*i081a IN es4. The London Evening Reeve metered publication on Saturday, alter an exist. tense of nearly eight years, Frank Wood, of Port Hope, heath 111110. ter p1 the poem achnolo and prinoipal of the model Relent of the united countiee of Northumberland and Durham, is dead. Death Sunday night, Aug, With, ended the troubles' of Alexader I1', Pirie, editor and publisher of The Dundas Banner, He died at 10 onalook juet a week from the time when be fired the abet through Sia brain, He had regained oonsaious. nese suffigiettli to speak, but did net sty anything about the tragedy. The de Miami was born in Guelph about fifty one yeare ago. His father Wan the publi her of the Guelph Mercury, and fur a while atter hie death the widow oontluoted the paper. lt wan in The Moretti y office that Alex F. Pirie became imbued with the Nee of being Et newepeper man. Ho showed gelatine ability in early life, and in oeurse of time he beeame editor of the Toronto Telegram. This position lie ooeupied for about twelve years, and then he went to Tile Montreal Star as editor. After editing The Star for o year and a belt, he purolunted The Dundee Banner from Roy V. Somerville. That was in the Fall of 3899, and he continued to edit T°and manage The Banner until the time 1;rvi.°.1fir. Modefey, of Mitchell, with of hie death. He was very entheestul his wife and family, left fur 0 trip to and at his death hie financial Haire were VaneOuver and California. Dlr. McAuley in good shape. III health and brooding ww hi I ilabhettsee ep, rue, pb,obn ‘tv vi ow oetpdieudr bnyg bbs come so cleapondent as to t•esult in his over hie witele death °tweed him to be - students or lease men. sheeting himself. Hie sad end has onnel While Dire. Jacob Kakeig, of Newton, ed each deep sorrow in the town of Dun. was teething, her little son, Courted, a lad des as bar not been known in many yeare, of 3 years of age, he fell into a pail of and in Hamilton there is a general feel. boiling wetter end was so severely scalded • ing of sympathy and regret. Four ohild- abont the heck and hip that he died survive h next day. He was an only child. I ren him --Fraser, Goldie and Jean. There ere three Mitten—Mrs. Word hes been received that Rev. M. Bleck, Detroit ; Mrs. MeKay, Pilot L. Leitch, pester of Knox ohnrah, Strat. mound, moo , and mr.. mardook, who ford, who is on a visit to the old eountry, resided with Mr. Pirie in Demise. There are two brothers—Charlee N., hae typhoid fever. He 008',opposed to have sailed for Canada on Saturday last. Teronto, and James, who is cionueoted Tbe attn.* is said to be a alight one. with The Banner, and reeidei whit the A Iooal syndlottte will commence the cleoemed. erection of 25 brick homes in Steatford. 'Ube recent influx of population to the oity, as a result of inoreasiog industrien, has taken up every available house, and ie some oases several families are living 1 in one dwelling i&t'WOO(I. The Preebyteriane will bold their an nivereary serviced on Sept. 13th. Elmo. Fall Fair will be held on Tues- day and Wedueeday, 001. 6 and 7. We congratulate Miss Effie Robertson on passing her Part 1. Jr. Leaving exam• ins tion. J. A. Klump was the representative of the heal I 0. F. a oiety to the High Court at Galt. Jno. Roger was the local representative of the I. 0. 0. F. to Grand Lodge, whioh met in Hemilten, Bliss Sadie Moore left for Smith's Falls, where she bas erionred a eituation in the store of her uncle. T. G. and Mrs, Ballantyne returned home from a month's holiday hip to Manitoba and North Dakota, Thenbald Grubber moved hie houee bold effeote to Elmira. He and hie fern ily will take up their residenoe in that town. Mr. Grubber has been a enemies fill farmer and oan now take things setay for the reef of hie life. The annivereary servioes in connection with the Baptist church will be held here on Sunday afternoon and evening, Sept. 611. Rev. B. E. Greig, of Tilsemburg, will preach on Sunday and on Monday evening following e missionary meeting will be held, to be addreseed by Mr. Groig and the resident miniaters. A00EDENT.—An &resident, whittle will probably result in the death of Henry Campbell, a section employee, oaourred in the G. T. B. yards at Atwood Mothay morning about eleven o'olook. Campbell, who is somewhat hard of heariug, was working atoms the track not far from the station when a freight train backed down to go into a siding. He did not hear ite approach and as his back was turned did not eee it. He wag struck and injured to such en extent that hie death ie expected et arty time, The aoalp was almost nom pietely torn from his bead, while one of his lege was broken in two Malawi and be reoeived internal injuries also. Both the village doctor." ware called to attend him. Campbell is a married man, but has no children. He is about 50 years of age. In recognition of the very efficient ger. vioea of the firemen in Raving the &belle bleak on Wellington et. during the burn• ing of the Ontario House Mentes, Strat- ford, Mr, Scholia presented the depert- ment, through Chief Myhre, with a fine whip and a ten dollar bill, Sheriff Hoeeie, of Stratford, has not yet reoeived any word from the Lieutenant Governor in regard to the case of Mrs. Brown, of Listowel, who am peered before Judge Barron a few days ago on the charge of setting fire to her house. There is no doubt that the committed the deed, but the judge found her not guilty on the ground that ehe was influenoed by hums delusions. Reuben Seeders, of Mitchell, met with a severe elandent in Beaforth, He teamed a well drilling machine from Mitchell to that plane and ae he was driving over a crossing the front axle broke, upsetting the load, end Mr. Sanders Was °aught in some nuathountable manner and severely ornebed. Be WAS carried to the Queen's Hotel, and later removed to the station and taken home on the excursion train. Andrew Falk, of North Eaethope, who hae for 31 years, oonseentively represeut- ed hie township, as ommeillor, deputy reeve and 00. oounoillor, was presented at hie home in North Ettethope with on addiees and &handsome watch and chain, upon his retiring from public life. A large number of people.gathered 81 his borne to honor the retiring oflioiel, Mrs. Full was presented with a purse oontain• ing a handsotne sum. Judge Barron peened sentence on the boy Devlin who pleaded guilty to stealing a watch from D. a. McKay a couple of weeks ego. It will be remembered that the timepiece was taken from MoKay's vest at the Name' Home, Stratford, at whioh he was' employed as Et mason, Tbe thief was detected through ahoy who afterwards par.:abased the watch from him for fifty oents. Devlin is a litile chap about kindergarten size and His - Clinton. The choir of the Ontario street church pionioked in Hayfield. There baa not been very much building going,on in town this Bummer, but repairs and jobbing have kept one oonteactore and oarpentere hosy. Cooper, oontreetor for the new post offices bnilding, will in all likelihood have leis contract complete within the speoifi. ed time—the 21st of. August. The Hada & Cullen Milling Company, of Stratford, have leased the Stapdard elevator from R. Irwin for a term of years and engaged W. G. Smith ae buyer here, During 1902 Clinton ie credited with having 10 oases of ',caddied and 4 canes of typhoid, by the report of the Nevin', ial Board of Health, No deaths from tbese sourced R Graham, who for the past three years hie been landlord of the Meson House, Mee sold to A. Brandenbarg, of Listowel, who takes posseasion ou the first of September, The little rat terrier belonging to Jog. Rettenbury wandered upto the top flight, of the Viotoria Bleak with eome men ten days ago and got looked in a room, end was not discovered for a week, when he had been without food and %waste. A epecial meeting of the council wee caned for Monday evening of last week to oonsider the tenders for a new heating apparatus for the town hall. TWO were renewed — one from Harland Bees. at $114 and Davie & Rowland at $125, the latter included the betaking in of name. Davie &Rowland's' tender called for whet wee thought to he the best eyetern by the oonnoil, being a larger for/lime and the bricking thought Kelvin:Me, they Were awarded the job. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. /101.1.FORTABLE HOUSE AND 9 acre lot for sale in lithel. There is also a bank stable, fruit trees, &a , on lot. Property in good aliape. JAS. 04 10121010. ' VOR SALE,—THE EAST 45 -1-mares of land, being Lot 14, Om 10, Grey. For further information apply to the undersigned on the premises, Tiff/DIAS LEARMONT, Oranbrook P. 0. 51-0 yOUNG SHORT HORN BULL for sale. Eligible for registration. For price, terms and , other particulars, ap- ply to J. D, 7IotO411t, Lot 22,00n. 18, Grey, or Oranbrook P, 0. 86.tf Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Oourt of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of John McCartney, late of the Town• ship of Grey, in the 0ounty of Huron, farmer, deeettsed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised. Statutes of Ontario 4807, chop. 129, Bee- tle, that all ereditore and others having claims against the estate of Join) McCort - nay, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, deeeased, who died nn or about 1129 101 day of Auguste A. D., HA at the Township of Grey, aforesai(l, are here- by requested to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to James McCrae or Robert Ellie, Trowbridge, 0,0 , the Exeoutors of the es- tate, or to G. Blair, of the Village of Brunets, their Solicitor on or before the Mat day of August, A. 13 , 1008, their full Immo, addresses and description, and the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the seouritiee (if an)) hall by them And notice le further given that after the said last mentioned data, the said boteautore will proceed to dietribute the assets of the said deceased among keener. SOIVI eubibled thereto, having regard only to the olahne of whioh notice shall have been given as above required, and the ease Exeoutora will nob be responsible for the assets or any part thereof, ao distributed, to any person of whose Malin noble° shall not have been reeeiVed at the time of such dis- tribution, G. P. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont., Bolieetor for Executors. Dated at Broasels, August 511.1,100.3. T.TIOUB. STRAIGHT SCOTCH A Short Horn Bulls, from imported stook for sale, Also COWS And heifers, im- ported and 120018 bred. 72 bend to seleet fro= D. MILNE & SON, Maitland Bunk Stool, Farm, Ethel Ont. 80.11 POINTO11.4 C. 0. IE. t4 20. 100 STRICTLY ONE PRICE Ignifa11.• HE LOWEST 0 st. LIST OF BARG I —6 pleoes large check tenehion Giugharn, beat 12ie qnelity, clearing price —5 pieoee 86 inch Art Bluetits, worth regular 10o and 121o, clearing pride 10 8 80.pieces best Engliab Print, 21 ibis seasOn'e pattern, swath Is 0 123a, for (Mutt Prineess Alaxo dritt No 24 0 0,1' Brune's, meets iu their Lodge Room, Blas - hill Block, au the and last Tuesdays of each month, at e o'olook. Visiting brethren 010000 08(001116. 110. BURGESS, 012. WALTER SMITH, R. S. THORO' 1313131) SHORT HORN V Bulls for sale. One is 1 year old mid the other two youueer. Also several regiat- °rod Cowe and Heifers, Apply to JAMES SPELII, Lot 80, Con.% Morris Tw p., 021•08.0rfue- eels e. 0, FOR SALE—THE ELIGIBLY situated 2 -story frame building, 00 1080 feet, formerly occupied by the Clober Oar riago Works. It is suitable for each and door factory, planing, mill or earriage fan. tory. A boiler and engine will also be sold if desired. now ta building, A good bargain will be given. 3 wire of land in cronneetiou, For further particulars apply to 2-tf G. W. POLLARD, Ethel. -PULL FOB SERVICE.—ITHE 1-.1 undersigned will keep for Bervioe on Lot 7, Con. 0, Grey, the Gino' bred Short Horn Bull, "Enroll Member " Pedigree may be 0980 ,00 application. TOMB, 01 with vrivnego of returning if neonsary, odor. eigued also hall au Improved York Boar, 'darina, 81.00, with privilege of returuing 2.8 ROY, ,Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. —500 yards Printed Dress Muslims, geed pattered end ooloea, regular value 129e, clear ing priue —3 pieces 17 10011 Pure Linen Toweling, regular 1 price 9.1, Special at 15 yds, for ijoR SALE—LOT 207 AND 1. Tingliegeig:ettoghzaot -corner W114101a.bniae J. LECKIE. —25 pieces extra fine Printed Organdie Muslim!, good patterne 18 and Delors, worth regular 25 and 85e, clearing price in light end clerk colors, worth 8 —12 pieoes extra heevy Print regular 100, Speoial price 50 —12 only White Bed Spread'', well worth 80e, Sp•oial price.. —12 only Black Satin Under Skirts, made from good quality Sateen, bright finish, will wear well, full width, wide frill, worth regular $1, Special Olearlitg price 78 —4 only Ladle& White reque 00. Skirts, trimmed with colored braid,. worth regular $1 90, 50 (Nearing prim. 'Willits Waists at Sale rrice 6 only White 'Waists, worth 75c " $1 00 6 " " 1 35 9 " 200 12 " F011 SALE. — VALUABLE property itt Ethel known as the Methodiet Parsonage. Apply to JNO, 00BER,Brunels, rilARIVI TO RENT, BEING LOT I.: 20, Con. le, Grey. There ale 100 acres, 20 under aultivation. Apply 20 30000111 F REDMOND, on the premises, or liConarieff P. 0. 21.12 Clearing Price $0 55 78 1 10 1 50 J. FE OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 1 on Turuberry street, Brineele, known nu the Somerset propeety, situated, immediate p008801100.For further partio- niers ae to plice, tonna dc,, apply to D. McOTYPLIREON, Lot 10, 001I, 15, MoRillop, or Limedbury P. 0, 011•11 .111110•"' GU 0 ON et co. Dry Goods and Groceries. ••=as,,,,,,==.011.101111031129R SIORIFIOE IN REAL DS- TATL-08000.00 will buy the Malan. alley Block in the Village of Bromide, 'Phase two One atores moat be aold to alone nut the dloCaughey Pletate, intending purohnera should itiveatigate at once. Apply to F. 8. SCOTT or 0.10. BLAIR, Bruseele, Ont. , 36t11 Annual WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Sept. Ilth to 19th, 1903. Entries Oiose September .(0th An exhibition of merit. 13iggee and better than ever. A splendid array of Mimeo. Wong—Tony Ityder'e celebrated troupe of performing Monkeys—Balloon athensione, a peeve:butte drop from e parapheto, and the best Gymnaets, Aerial Artiste and Aorobate to be bad. Fireworks each evening oonolnding with "be Bombeedment of Alexemdrie," a great triumph of modern pyroteolmy. Extra Waled and Speoial rates over ell Hoes. Vriza [tete and progremrge 001 application. I/1`..60 L. W. 8I. (jtUTSIIOIII28 a. 1IiBI.L1N, P21181010139', 0150R1STAItY, P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear. T gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. WAG -ONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING- HORSES, WHEELBARROWS, CROQUET, &o. - "THE POST" BOOKSTORE. 46,