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The Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 3
THE won OF SUE KINGS SULTAN OF TITHICEY'S LIFT ONE OF DREAD. Ring Otto, the Mad King of Bavaria, Is Confined at Cas- ette F•urstenried. ,'As happy as a king" is a saying well Illustrated by many exceptions. To say nothing of the gleet cares and responsibilities, tho intricate systean of conventions and court restrictions of m king's life, there is his average human nature which is subject to the vicissitudes of tickle fortune, as in the case of his hum- blest dependent, A oontem)o'ary gives an account. of two very striking instances of royal woo. One is that of altered, the imbecllo brother of Sultan Ab- dul II•anrid, who, on amount of his lunacy, was deposed twenty-seven years ago, after reigning only a few days. I•io is said to be incarcerat- ed hl the Tshiragan palace, near the Yildiz XCiosk, Somothnes it is whis- pered in Constantinople that Abdul has had the "bow string" applied long ago to his unfortunate broLhdt'. It is certain that AbduP's life is well-nigh as tragic as that of Mur - ail, by reason of his Suspicion and dread of 'those about him. TILE DIAD ICING OF BAVARIA, "Another. royal prisoner is King Otto, the mad monarch of Bavaria, who is confined at Castle Fuesten- ried, while his kingdom is ruled by a prince regent. King Otto, by the way, has never been dethroned. A Government commission, composed of the highest officials of the Bava- rian court, recently waited upon the royal captive to congratulate hint tepon his fifty-fourth birthday and the sixteenth year of bis 'glorious reign.' When the great lords were allowed to see the King, after sev- eral hours of weary waiting, they found him wearing a long purple gown, over which his luxur'innt white beard fell thickly, Be wore, as decoration, the star of the Order of tho Black Eagle. 14'e seemed blind and deaf, although his face was the picture of rugged health. The members of the commission were informed by the court phy-si- sian that they had been so 'unlucky as 'to arrive on one of His Majesty's 'o0' days, when ho forgets every- thing -who he is, and what he has said and done since he lira became insane. These 'off' days snake -up about ninety per cent. of the poor King's existence; on the other days BE IS ALMOST SANE. SPRAWL AND SLEW. If you fem. a sleepless night, un- dress In tho dark. Light stlmlulates and arouses the adtivitios, Dark- ness is supposed to produce drowfli- nesn. Put some chopped ice in , a 1,*uhbor• bag, and place it at the lower extremity of the spine. This is paitioularly quieting to the nerves 1)o not use a pillow. Relax every yniutslt0 as far as passible. Sprawl oveiL' the bed with annus and legs Stretched out. Take a sponge bath with 'tepid water just before going to bed. Lie on your face instead of your back. That is the way babies sleep, and their rnothods are s,cariee- ly 'to be improved upon in this par- ticular. All pressure is removed from the spine by this means, and a dolielous feeling of restfulneete en- suee. You will drop asleep im>ned- iatolyr, At intervals, as the mood seized him, he stalked round the room or dashed frantically about, while the nobles wisbed themselves anywhere lett where they were. Finally Prince von Oettigen, their leader, asked leave to withds'aw for ]himself and his suite. The King first of all insulted him, and then announced that not even the rats a.n:cl mice in the room should leave until he gave his permission. Meanwhile the poor courtiers were hungry and tire", and their dimer 'vas spoiling below. Af- ter an late -real the coue't physician again asked his royal master if the comae Mei on alight withdraw. 'T don't know who you mean,' replied the Icing, 'Never saw them, never heard of them. Idiots dare they have names While their King is without ?' Shortly cft01 1iefell into a 1)1'O- 109111 e!'le')1', end the members at the sorely tried deputation were able to escape front the presence of the mad King, who, although a close prisoner, is still their ruler," ARE YOU A MOON -BLINK? What Io Believed to be the Cause of Night -Blindness. Night -blindness is a condition in which vision is perfect, or nearly so, In daylight, but fails with the setting of the sun, and is not restored under ordinary conditions of artificial il- lumination. The sufferer from night - blindness can usually see the light of a candle or lamp when he looks di- rectly at it, but he cannot real!, even when the light is thrown directly on the page. Usually, however, he sees well in a room lighted brilliantly With electricity, the degree of illum- ination then approaching that of lunl]ght, The cause of slight-blinclaoss is be- lieved to be an exhausting of the power of vision by Loo great light, 101' It occurs mainly among soldiers and sailors in the tropics, who are exposed for many hours to the glare of the' sun; and among Arctic explore ars, whose oyes are [tattled by re- flection from the snow, On 'hoard, ship it is often assooiated with scurvy; and persons who are depress- ed physically or mentally, 01 in any other way "1•1n down," aro more likely to sullen. than tho strong. Sailors have a superstition that the trouble is duo to imprudence fn sleeping on clock in the moonlight, and this belief is embodied in the term "moon -blink," by which they call it. The tropical 01001 le prob- ably as guiltless in this respect as it is in the production of insanity, ex- cept that it might act as, tho sun does, although, of coers0, in 0 min- or degree, in dazzling already weak- ened oyes. Tho only treatment for night blindness 1s keeping away from bright light, or protecting the eyes with goggles or a bancluge until the exhausted retina Inas recovered its t0110, KIDNEY TROUBLES CURED BY DR, WILLIAMS' PINIS PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. Sufferers from This Disease are in Great Peril ,and Should not Ex- periment With Other Medicines. From 'the Sun, Seafor'th, Ont. The kidneys are the most impart - ant organ. They inset filter every drag of blood in the body. If the blood is weak the kidneys cannot do their w'o'rk, so the blood is left unfiltered and foul, and the kidneys ere left clogged with poisonous im- purities. Then come the backaches that man fatal kidney disease. Don't neglect that backache for a memo alt. Strike at the root of the very first aymlptones of kidney *ou- tdo by enr^iehing the bleed with Dr. {Vfiiiatns' Pink P1.110 --the only medi- cine that neakes the blood rich, red end health -giving. Mr, Wan, Holland, of Seaforth, Oa., has proved that Dr. William's' Pink -Pills will cure the most ob- r'tMnatq ease of kidney trouble. To t reporter of- the Sun he freely gave (he partirulnais of his case : "a have puttered front kidney trouble for about two years," said 3d', Holland, "SCVmotllnees the backache which ac- lo'mpanied the trouble would be oo paver that I would be unable to wank, and I have often suffered sev- erely for wades at a time. 1 `Dried a number of medicines staid to be a pure for kidney trouble, but I found nothing to help 1115 until on the ad- vice) of a Irionol I began the use of Dee Williams' Pink Pills. These pills soon began to nt,elce their good work felt, and after using them for about a month every vestige of the troulblc had disappeared, and I have not since had a single symptom of She diecaeo. Dr. 1Vnlliaans' Pink pills have proved a great blessing bo me and I am always glad to say it good word in their favor." A's a cue'atfve medicine In. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have never yet bean„equalled. They build up 'fhc blood and neves, give new strength and enable the body to eressest dis- ease. Among the comp'lain's cured by these pills are rheuarzatirml, ner- vous tddsordars, paralysis, St, Vitus' dance, indigestion, anocnnia. lung troubles and the troubles theft make the lives of so many women rn'iser- a'bte. Sold by all modioine dealers, or sent poet peed at 60c par box or six boxes for $2..50, by welting dlli ect to the Dr: Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Don't take a eueeetituTte at 'any Price -only the ees tilno pills can o11Ge. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only 8n lead packets. }BIack0 Mixed and 'Green. 'apaa tea drinkers try "Salado" Canon ea% } t -•-f ter, srrAm +••-_- .r,.. PROSPECTING THE EARTH ^ INTERESTING}FACTS ABOUT TIlE NEW SCIENCE. Men of Science Differ in Opinion As to the Ago of the Earth. The earth hos been regarded as spinning steadily round a certain fixed axis, so that the Poles remain- ed in exactly the same spots, Quito recently has come the discovery that the North Polo executes a sort of complicated waltz, always moving, but never straying 17101•(1 than thirty feet from its mean position. It is I'l'ofessor II. IT, Turnor, 1'.12.5., who suggests the alternating accumula- .tlons of snow and ice as tho possible cause of this phenomenon, and it is said the Royal Astronomical Society is about to establish a number of stations in high latitude with the object of testing this phenomenon of the waltzing Poles. hardly any two scientists agree as to the ago of the earth -that is, as to the length of time which has elapsed since the earth's ct;ust be- came solid, Considering the very slow rate at which rocks are deposit- ed by water, and the immense thick- ness of the beds Of those "stratified" rocks- as they are called -it seems that at least ono thousand million years have passed since the globe evolved in its present shape out of the whirling plass of incandescent matter which it must once have been, REIT BLINDNESS. Inability to "see red" is the main form of color -blindness from which sailers safer, Last year thirty-four officors and would be officer of the mercantile marine failed to pass the color toasts; and of these twenty- three were more or less completely( rod blind, the rest more or less un- able to dlstinguiah green. The 4,- 600 candidates for certificates were also submitted to a test for form vision, and twenty-two of them fail- ed to distinguish the form of the object submitted. Oil -cake le, the most valuable form of food for stook. Three pounds of oil -cake aro equal to ten pounds of flay or five pounds of oats. T13;11 INII.ATIFPED SUN, Au astronomer has propotutdod 1310 sitartling theory that the Sun is in- habited, Ile believes that away in the centre of rho sun's brilliant crust, and far separated (roan it by n. non-contineking atmosphere, lies a beautiful planet having all the 711)0(0 (Imitable cliai'ac'terisltics of Dur own earth. rt'11e United 5Ci11gdoin, 111oluding the flhaim& 1,0108 a11'cl the Isle of Man !Jae 1011 alae et 77e 1111111011 ream f this etit m4tiiotr cloves taro under )Ultiyat(ogl BABY'S SEOOND SUMMER: wf4 TO W'1'Af''ITES, Everybody curries a watch now-a- dayt 1ue11, women, girl:n and boys. J'rices ruug1* from fit to as uu1r1Y tlloueends ns (111(1 Cnl'1`0 t.n expend 1n jeweled 1st tinge. The $1 wattle of- ten keeps ju111 as gaud time as Ulf) 0,000 1)111'. slid you 1'1 in' rua:ridel' 111,, enema of labor p'•rforlu''d by a good wnleh in it:, lie tin(' of fifty years? The bn1111ee vibratos 18IslO The satisfaction of having the 1114405 an bout i ",Oub limes a day, washing done early in the day, or 1 , genome times a yens. '.Cho b Ila.11' pl'Inl` n1t11.1.4 '111 l()'lai numb,,v and well done, belongs to every of 011, at(11(0, Ieud thorn is the same User of Sunlight Soap. LD8 member• of ticket from the weeper, g �� p MPH(' Alulliply IL7,1;t30,000 by 50 endy'nl1 have 7r,Pd-41,000,1100 pd00- iione. Yet the watch is in good Arctic explorers appear to be of (1)0rnnrAli(11) :d. the earl of half a tem" opinion that the flattening in $0'111 Y tiny of labor. at the North then at the South Pole. Another rather startling fart whirl) 11.5 recently been demonstrated Is that Ole equator is not a peened eir- clo, If youcould drop ce phenieline from 1(0lend through to New Y.,•n- land, it would be somewhat. longerUeaflless Cannot Be Cured "1Vhant do you tela. atm., Beetle •--your pa or your Ina i" "Neither of 'eut. Ara un' me takes 105101lu•l•. Pa gits eel's 1'11'1 -if there is any left, than another which cut the earth at ; Ly lucai u;.phcattures as 1.(113 'ton ee reeuh tltu m0oased t'y to' n of the car. right angles to it. The diffetenne has ' g7t0re is only mlo way to euro deafness, not yet been ascertained with Mem- atm that 10 by ceustitut;uual relnedlcs. lute accuracy. - 11leafncss ;e caused -y un inherited con- y dition of this tnac0415 listing; of the Eus- tachian Tuba When this t oho is Inflam- ed yon helve a rumbling muted or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, (0, 11leen in the result, and un- less the inflalnma Linn can he 1. akeu out and 1his tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be dnst.rayed for- e1•er. Niue case. out of ten are unused inflamed by Catarrh, condition tvhfel1 is nothing but an L`1aciO, 145151 008 C myl©ct 6i.xo®ua "SEA -LEVEL" A MISNOMER. IVo are accustomed to talk of vette level as an invariable quantity, ft. is positively startling to land how very far from level the sea is. Not, of course, merely from the passing influence of tidos and winds, but there aro great and permanent ele- vations in the sea -positive moun- tains, otrtains, in fact. It is calculated that in the Bay of Bengal the water Iles at a level exceeding that of the Indi- an Ocean by fully three hundred feet, and that the Pacific Ocean along the coast of South Alneriea may be heaped up as much as Iwo thousand speak English. Besides them there feet higher than the water in the op - :1)•e 72,000 Indians, The majority of these are Ocrmans. ROUND TRIP HUafll0-SILEICF;RS ExOURS1oNS. ii ue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea. The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountain air and obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant can extract from a soil rich in these properties. A nerve -nourishing tea—a sense -pleasing tea—invaluable for brain-workers—solacing and comforting. �Co3�ors8ffi bm AaF0 eor t71ag1, ,/ 0,0Criff1V }Ret Label. 1 ewe..- ------ we will glare One hundred Dollars for ally case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) --� that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. `lend for circulars, free. q Ti 801,1, by Ilruggists, Tec. r: BRANDS. 14431's i•alttily l'1118 ere the Bost. OUR D. J. CHEN1•.Y k CO., Toledo, U. ' a ffiirl?l oth There are in the U3,- 'United States , to:pees 47(1,000 people Over ten 11170 eannot posite Atlantic, These water moun- tains depend wenn the attraction of great mountain masses, the Bay of Bengal upon the Ilinnalayas, and the South Pacific upon the American Andes. The height of Dur highest 1110110 - tains has been measured to within an inch or two, and we have accur- ate information on the subject of the great depths of the sea, .But we do not yet know with any certainty how deep is the atmospheric envelope of the earth. At ono time, twenty- seven mile' was given as the limit. This was increased to forty, 'hurl soon even this estimate was extend- ed to 0110 hundred, WEIGITING T11F7 GLOBE, But Lord Kelvin; arguing from the known rate of loss of heat, declares thatnot more than ono hundred mil- lion years is the limit of time which has passed by since firm rocks ap- peared and life began upon the earth. More recently, Professor Tait has shown )reason to believe that a tenth of Lord Kelvin's estimate may he nearer the truth. All geologists, however, declare that the latter esti- mate is Loo tow. We know with tho utmost exacti- tudo how heavy our little world is. If you put down the figure 6, and follow it by twenty-one noughts, you have it within a very few mil- lion tons. Roughly speaking, this implies that the earth is five and a half threes as heo ry as a globe of water of the samf, size • But, in spite,., '1 this accurate know- ledge of the h's weight, we have 110 real i1) ., of what is the condi- tion of things inside our planet. Thousands of experiments made in all parts of the world show that the temperature 1'ises on an average about one degree for every sixty feet below the surface. If Lhis rate of in- crease Continues regularly towards the centre, that part of the globe must be at a heat so appalling that imagination is unable to grasp it. 1'Vben this fact of increase of temper- ature with depth first became ascer- tained, geologists got the idea that we were living upon a thin crust of Brut rock which coated a furious fur- nace of which volcanoes were the escape -pipes. WITAT 1S INSIDE TI31) EARTH? Why it is a Dangerous Time For Tho Little*Onos. Baby's second summer is co istd. eyed a dangerous time in tiro life of every infant because of the disturb- ance to the digestive 'emotions caus- ed by cutting teeth duping Tho hot weather. Tn slightly lot's degree every sunnier is a time of danger fol' babies as is shown by the in - (reseed death rale among 'them elute ing the boated totem Of great inter - eat to ovary mother, therefore, is a. cdnntpteratively recant di:jcovery of which hies, David Lee, of Lindsay, 00e., writes as follows 1- "ley little girl 11ax1 a hard time getiting her tooth. She was fever - 1511, her toa'guo was coated, her breath offensive, a.nlcl she vomited ewrciloilentitle. On the ad1'1 c ,0 of our dceiteer I gave her Baby's Own Tab 1011 and silo began improving at once. She had not slept well at ndgil:it for about tlu'ee 111jonths, and I Was abm0e't worn out caring for for. Nothing did for any good un- til I gave for the tab151;0. Now bee food digests properly, leer.broo'h is (tweet, her tongue clean arid Elle le quint and good. I can strongly 1m- 00115tkatf1 the tablets to 61,3101' moth - els as they cured my baby 1v11on nothing else would," ilahy's Own Tablets are sold by all dealers in medicine -o' will be son'' postpaid at tw0l1ty-five coots a bonfr by the Dr. Williams Medicine CampanY, Brdckvillle, Onit, Paris has now 57 women doctors out of a total of 0,600 medical pray titioners. In 1882 Parte had only Seven women physicians. Ask iter Minerd's and take no alherl Otis• only means of measurement 1s by the meteors 411(1(111) spring into an incandescent blaze through friction when they strike our atmosphere. As man cannot live at a much greater height than five miles up, it may be that we. shall never learn exactly how thick is the atmospheric, ocean at the bottom of which we crawl about. Now We know bettor than that. Wo have found, among other things, that an earthquake in Japan is able to register itself in England. This actually happened in the ease of the disaster in North Japan four or five years ago, when 80,000 people lost their lives, A tremor of this kind could not pass unless the earth had a rigidity approaching that of sten, incl observations of tides, and the attractions exercised upon us by 8011 and moon, have made it pretty cer- tain that our world is just aboutas hard and solid as SO much steel, This docs away with the liquid in- terior theory, and makes it fairly certain that the earth is solid all through, with poi/haps occasional ac- cumulations of fluid rock here and there in parts whore, for some rea- son or othat', the pressure is not as great 09 its is in others. It also upsets the old theory of volcanoes, and tho modern idea with regard to these mountains of death and destruction is that water from tho surface finds its way through cracks down into the heated rock Masses a bow miles below the sur- face, and those, being suddenly turn- ed into steam, causes an explosion, or series of explosions, like boilcr- 11ur5Lh1gs on a gigantic scale Every , se110olboy knows that rho Shape of the earth is an oblate spheroid -that is to sa.3r, that it is flattened a little like an orange at the two Poles. The Polai• diameter HE COULD NOT LACE HIS SHOE 0. C. RION-CARDS & CO. Dear Sirse-T• have groat faith in IN(LNIARD'S LINIMENT, as lash year I co'o'l a horse of Icing -bone, with fi'vo bottles. Sit blistered the horse but in a month there was no ring -bone and no IsInon05S. DANTI L MfmcFIIISON, Font roma, N. B. .GILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DROVE AWAY 13IS RHEU- MATISM. Story of W. J. Dixon has set the Rainy River Settlement Talking. Barwick, P.O., Aug, 10.). -'(Spacial, -Among the settlers here the cure of Valliant John Dixon of Rheuma- tism is pausing much talk. The sjtory of the cure, as told by Mr. Dixon hfanyelf, is as folio'tvs : "Daring the summer of 1003., I had an attack of Typhoid Fever, and after I got over it Rheumatism set in. I had pains in my back and in my right hip so bad that I hied to use a stick to walk and had no comfort in sleeping. "a could scarcely dc'ess myself for nearly two months, and for three or four weeks I could not lace my right shoo or put any right leg on my left knee. "My brother advised me to try Dod'd's Kidney Pills, and after tak- ing three boxes, I began to walk, do my work and lace up my slhoes. And the best of it is, 1have 11'ad no 10011m -titan since." Dodd's Kidney Pills take the uric acid out of the blood and the Rheu- matism gods with it. . 7•X0 of the earth is actually t\VOnty coven tulles less than its diameter at the 0gnat03'. But it is as yet )101 ahso- lut'oly ascertained whether the flat- tening 10 sinner at both Polos, Sotto' No fewer than 208,418 certificates of conscientious objection to vaccina- tion of children were received last year by the vaccination officers of England and Wales. ENGLISH SPAV1I LINIMENT On August .18'111, x150 September 1st and'1>i,til, 1903, round trip tick- etrl will be issued front Chiertgo and St. Paul at single fir: t -class fart plus 12.60 to points on the Creat Northern Ry. in the states of 1LLi1 eaeota, Oregon, Idaho Yea.=ening-t e also to all points its British Calm: hie reached via Cl•reat Northern lt, Those tickets are valid for rerun passug5 within 21 days Iron del of 1801((1. Teuli intanruat.ion as to stop o',, privileges, ore., by calling on c writing Charles FV, Geteves, Distric Passenger Agent, 6 Bing St., wee. Room 12, Toronto, Out. Removes all hard, entt or callnnsed lutes. sad blemiabos teem It 1, 000 11 o+d epavnr 111)'41), splints, ring hone, swoon yr, stifle sprains. sor,, add swol14n 1,00,11, cough.14, e 1140 most1yw031derful ob1 blemish Cure known. _. Il 1004 the pay of the private in Y the British Arley will be raised to 1s fid, a day for Wren who 310v0 serv- os ttvo years ormore, Por Over sixty Veers. Was, 17118tow'0 8/10011158 88' 11r has been ruled by millions of mothers for thaw children 0(41(0 triathlon It soothes the ohlld, *often* th• g,une, sew nein Oslo; rind collo regulates the et math nod Vowels, anti is the tint remedy for Diarrhoea. Tnonty. lire cents n bottle gold by druggists throughout 1ho world. nn euro nod ,ak fur "1tn0, WINatOW 4 soorn1110 01'111sa" 21.74 Professor Jaeobi has bequeathed 10,000 .narks to 111e University of Merlin, with the proviso that the money shall not become notifiable un- til two departments are open to moo- 111011 students, ONCE MEANT AUTHORITY. Origin of Custom of Wearing Rings Lost in Antiquity. u Hteadlight" 0103 "Engle " al Victoria" "Little Cornet" Experiment with other and Inferior brands, U3E c NULL, '; CANADA irS r i m e �H ®fill The custom of hearing rings to adorn the hanki is of such remote date that n11 attempts to trace its origin aro ]oat in the obscurity of antiquity; but the primary ini0n- tion of this practice, in early ages of the world, appeal's to have been as an emblem of authority and gov- ernment; and this ons symbolically camanuni1a.ted by delivering a ring to the 130(80n on whom they 'yore intended to be conferred. In confolunity to this ancient usage the Christian church employed the ring in the ceremony of marriage (which was first adopted by the Creek church) as a sy'n1bo1 of the authority which the husband gave to his wife over bus hou000hold, and of the earthly goods with which he thus endowed her. Under the Roman Consuls, rings were at first manufactured of iron, and worn only soldiers, and that upon the third finger of the left hand, hence denominated the ring finger. Inct'oasing wealth soon su- perseded an ornament of this infer- ior metal by introducing rings of retire ca:5tly materials, and these made of gold were afterward 110 very general that it is related after the celebrated battle of Cannae Hanni- bal sent a bushel of them to the Senators at Carthage, of which he bad despoiled the slain and prison- ers. Under the Entperors, the common soldiers, and oven freedmen, wore gold rings, nithongh they were ori- ginally prohibited unless personally given by the FEm'pero:r. The peti- tions soliciting this privilege be- came, however, so numerous that Justinian was 'tired of their impor- tunity caul ultimately pe('lnititcd all who thought proper to bestow then!. Rings have very long taken 0 con- spicuous part as love tokens. Of all (1,e sorts of rings which have fre- quently been despatched 115 11 entell- gers of love, that kind of Suable - hooped one (half of which Was often W0111 by the lover, the other half by his "soul's delight") railed the grinrnOW, or grim11101, ring, stands pre-oubinent, Upward of twenty in- stc.ners might be quoted from Shakespeare mentioning the use of this kind of ring, Lever''s Y. -1i (Wisp Head) Disinfect- /telt Soap Vendor is a boon to any. home It disinfects and cleans ei the same time, Not 014111050 but Japanese are the greatest rico eaters, Faith Jap eats 011 an average (100 pounds of rice in the 000(1140 of a year, Keep Mivatd"s Liked In the; llouse) ROUND TItIP ItA'i T35 VID. UN- ION PA1',T1iIC, v n m'anYP oinks in the Mates Late. of Col - 'undo, Utah, California, Montana, tiregon and Washington from lVSia- ouri 11iver Tomei nled-Coutwit 1110(85 to 'Kansas City ilttloseve. $'17.50 to Deriver, Colorado eeprings and Pueblo, daily to Sept, 100, $80,150 to Ogden and Snit bake City daily to Sept, 30. $44,50 to Spokane Aug. 4 and 18, Solite 1 and 15, 4(12,00 to Portland, Tacoma and leettlle A8g. 4 and 15, Sept, 1 and S•1'li,•0o to San Francisrn 11n(1.'Los 1104401es Akl'g. 1 to 14 inclusive, $45.00 to Portland, Tneoma and 9aaltle Aug, 1 to 14 inellhsivo, $50.00 to. Son I!re.luisco and i,os Annnolee Oot. 11 to 17 inclueeve, For full infolrnnntiol midterm H. F Charter, T,P.A„ 11 3'anes Duil11015. 1'o•olltO, Caalada. Toronto, Canned,, 11', D. Choate, (3 A , 126. 1Vootll1Vard Ave,, 1Dabloi,t4 Mileit, «OSEPH ��r{,Byhe, t . AND THE MASAI WARRIORS. REMARXA,BLE INC 'DENT. On the occasion of 11r. Joseph Chamberlain's recent Molt to ltombeea, last Africa, a torchlight war dance by the pletureaque Masai warriors was given in his honour. In this connection a striking inci- dent, as ebowing the world-wide need Ilelloway's famous remedies, le Illustrated by the accompany- ing photograph, taken on the spot by a 4orreepon- deut of The Sphere. Indeed, 110 r X AY'S PILLS AN D OINTMENT are used wherever the white man has set his foot. The llasoi warrior enrrying his grease pot along prom Lha lobo of hie Aght ear. Thepot in tbtp 0041 was a Ilottuwhr•4 0(5011050 Jar, end the 1060 of the eon had been etret01006 to getroundlhc pot. THE PILLS are a wonderfully prompt nod effectual, but gentle and benign, remedy for ell disorders of the Liver and ilowala. They cleanse and thor"ngbly regulote the swear, Female. should eater be without them. TILE OINTMENT is the greatest healing agent known for Old Boras and all Ishii) affections. ltheumadem and Sciatica yield to ite Innuannc quite meglcally, ne also most throat and abut unable.. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street), London. •} 13-33 Amy : "Thor \fr. Billion bus beonl t1MITH a oafaea0I in a railway smash and is aflrking tfolioit it or °A stents Canada L'fe Itelld'0, "Deer • r etc . How sad. • le „ Bella.: .. pATENT ftrbt. 1 0 And T only refused !tint last April 1" esemetemermenseastreten writ ince pariah "Bridget, did the dog eat much *-A-ha when lie got into the pantry?" - a s "Shure, mum, he ate everything but Tables the clog biscuit." Billiard Minard's Liniment Is used by Physicians A slow -match is made of rope steeped in a solution of saltpetre arid lime water. Nerd's Liniment Lumberman's friend An excellent and pleasant disinfec- tant is made of 0 per cent. essence of thyme and 18 per cent. essence of geranium mixed in alcohol. Ole aro getting tum, 'otr of then,, When no MAW anon will hold am they 0amo to 110 what mos to t s 0 hold," ' Theta et In tlr , ahead ext." That•n our pot nt pie *matte pfd Truee, It 1o1's tho '400* of the waled tog0110' ha ten) with frir ela,prt must heal. YOU 14404150) n oll 1 you -ne n't non *51004 :MAT Sots 10012 It Prv,•n,ob(o 0011!y tram TI411 130:0.3' A\D T111FS (f80. Ca., Idorntn .. LA Di VW LL E Ma 5c 0npxiar RESIDENTIAL echnol for ase ,:,, .r,....3..ab Ie. 01(10. n)ven Aon<lo,nie, lialrla,lnbinu aro t 8110410.1 Courses. For l Arb eitl,rooilcrka nr81.1i C)AL11o1NDAolt Stenography, SEND FOR CALENDAR. Addroe0, rm.. LADY11MIN OTPAL. mxia x10iT t{w .._.eeeMtle 1i q4 t T ' GMT Ta 4#li a Best for Best for Big i elks Little Folks aarical'ki��Got-* do CO. tl'OIiN '1`.('IYLOR 1?eritullers and Soap 1Talter0 TO1tONTO. The Bost eat thin Lowest Prier) Write for Terme REID BROS., 1149f ' Co.'y 755 King 0), W. Dyeing i Di aning I For the vary beet send your work W the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Oen' Look for agent In your to¢c, ae used 41,4.4. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. El A CDLJT IN ALL C lill�lf l s itSPECIAL ATTENTION TO PATENT 1 It LITIGATION, r t AY BEE send for eanebooll les Bay St,i080NTO on patent!, tea ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencies, and 1 HE Scvi(les, }BEST ilimr Carload every week, All the above at market prices. We can also handle your utter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advent tage for you. Rig DAWSON COMMISSION O0„ Mentor., C)od. Wcet Market tet„ T04Ohl'r't) eeeee -,peceette: ss D s inion Line Steamships ® 1l heontroal to Livorpool Beaton to eiveeponl tans and bast Stoaltslnpa Superior neenin n50a160 Or 111101(%41 it 4re'005gers. 5al000s 41(4 Statereeem oar sdnldehinl. Credal atlentiinhaa 110015p1204( to t)A 5e0rt�a•tid Salem nod Thlt1.01n00 5l0om1140840dp, Eel 1 0)4)41n0lethane or to e 011 namel 00ly td ANh ag0.00 110141E10N 1,0ar8 01410E011 f State 5;,r Garton, if ht. En anMentlt., bMon1t e1 Issue NO. 3s-03