HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-20, Page 1Vol, 32. No. 8 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903 W. H. KERR,Prop. New Advertisements. Carpets—R. Leatherdaie, Mantles—Moliinnon & CO. School Requieites—Jas, Fox, Hoare foraervioe-0, Eokmier, .144a* 1,4. Blanc BROKEN.—The ambulanoe woe oalled to the Stratford station on Monday morning of thin week to meet the 9.88 train from Goderioh, on which Thos. Thomeou, antler, foreman at Blyth, was brought there with a broken bank for treatment at the hospital. Thomson ie in a oritioal nondition and bat slight hopes are entertained for his recovery, ED) wits riding towards his home on the wagon of an egg merohant when tbe king bolt broke and the wagon tipped over. Thomeou was planed beneath it and enetained a fraotare of the opine, The G. T. R. physician for that dietriot, accompanied the badly injured man. Thomann is thirtyfive years of age and unmarried. He came out from Ireland HOMO time ago and when settled Bent for Ida nlotber and sister, who have been living with him. He ie their sole sup port. EHlereva.it-. Oliver Mille wan at Fordwiob on Mon. dg Mre, Simpson, of Ethel, visited Mien Laura Snell this week, James Grey, of Listowel, has been visiting at his home here, Mrs. John Gardiner is in very poor health we are sorry to state. Mise A.ggie Herbert was holidaying with Irieide at Seafortb, Mies Etty, of Mitchell, in making a visit with Mre, John Waxman. Mre. Bowe and daurhter, of Oliuton, are visiting at Robert Minion's, Mies Waehington, of Goderioh, was visiting Mre. Robert Musgrove. A H. Musgrove, of Wingbam, was a visitor in the village this week. Mre, William Sanderson, of Torouto, is renewing old friendships here. Mise Eva Duff was the peat of Mise Ina Bryane at Jemeetown feet week, Robert Musgrove has retnrned from e. very enjoyable trip to the Old Country. Mies Gladys Mod ilister, of Boiaaevnin, Manitoba, bas been vieibing relatives here. About 70 tickets were sold at this elation for the Excursion to Kincardine last week. Mre. James Robertson, of Belgrave, was visiting her sister, Mre. Robert'Shaw, this week. Fred. Waeman is home from Wingham tatting a forced holiday being confined to bed with a mild snook of appendioitie. Mies Tessa Anderson, of Haat Wawa. noels, was vielting her grandmother, Mre. Anderson, in the village, Rev, W. T. Hall, formerly minister at Belgrave, was a visitor at the manse this week and gave an address at the prayer meeting on Tnoeday evening. Among those who went from bere on the excursion to the Northwest were :— Dere. Adam Cleghorn, Mrs. Philip Thomas, Gordon Paterson and Clyne Higgins, Mrs. John Hing, while trying to get a oow from the woods to the baro, was ut. taaked by the animal aid rather badly hurt. It is feared that her spine is effected. Belgrave. Harvest is well nigh over. The lime works of Mears, Nicholson is ruehing work as hard re ever, Mies Tillie Wilkinson was a visitor with friends at Method) last week. Mise Annie Proctor is home on a visit from London, She will return shortly. About a dozen tioketa were sold at Belgrave station last Saturday on the Detroit Emersion, Rev. Mr, Goethe, Presbyterian minister, and wile are away for a month's boliday. Mr. Little will supply the pulpit. Frank Stratton jr., was over to Brae. seat on Friday aiding the juveniles in a foot ball tnetoh against Wr..xeter. Rev. Mr. Junes was mottle Ling with one of Jobe oumiortere during the peat week. Not agreeable oompanions either, Alm. Frank Wheeler is rolnewhal lint proved in health bat is not yet nearly as vigoron1 as her many frieude would wieh. Service has -beau cancelled in Trinity ahuroh for the pee titres weeks owing to improvements being made, The work is not finished yet. Wit.11rtxt. Sohoolre opeuod last Monday morning. Rev. and Mre. MacNab and obildren aro holidaying at Bayfield. Tuesday of this week Rev A. Andrews purobneed a fine thoro' bred Jersey oow from George Crooke, of Brueeele, for the earn of $60 00 Next Sabbath Robert Dunaanoon will preach in the Presbyterian church here and Rev. D. B. McBre, of Oranbrook, will officiate in the evening. D and Mre, MaCaaig have gone to the Weat oe it holiday trip. They took train at Bru'eele on Taesdoy morning and will be away for a few menthe. We wish them an enjoyable time. Cnanan Drunoxonv.-Walton otronit Metbodiet Church, Rev. Alfred Andrews, pastor :-Providence—Preaobing at 10 30 a in. every Sabbath t Claes meeting atter. Bethel—Preaohing at 1 p. m. ; Sunday School at 2 16 ; Class Meeting after S, S. Walton—Sunday Sobool at 2 o'olook ; reasoning at 3.18 ; Claes Meeting after preaobing service. Prayer BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. Meetinge—Tueedey at 7 p. m. at Frovf dance ; Wedoeoday at 7 p. no. at Bethel ; Tbureday at 7 p. m, at Walton. VV a'<)X H CHR'. II, Benson returned to Toronto on Saturday. Norman Barrie went to Manitoba on Tuesday, Mrs. T, Filmore returned from Guelph on Monday, Jno, Douglas reoeived another car of ooal last week, A Chinese laundryman is expected to looate bore this week, Mre, Chas. Stewart, of Arthur, is visiting her mother here, Tboe. Swallow, of Durham, spent it few days with J. Brethaner. Mies Jean Smith is spending her vaoation with friends in New York. 5liee Leo, of Peterboro', le the guest of Mrs, Wm, Sanderson, Queen street. Miesoe Walker and Howe, of Broaeole, aro visiting Viae Howe, of this vi lege, Mies Mary (gentlemen ie visiting her sister, Mre. Jas. Forsythe, at Toronto, Mrs R. E trleand ohlldren left on Mon- day for n visit with friends in Hamilton. Harry and Mies Grace Stewart, of Brueeele, were in the village over Sunday. Mre. A. Robertson, of Winghatn, spent a few days with her daughter, Lire. D. Rae. Jno. MaTavieh, of Parie, formerly of here, was loolting up old friends last week. Mr, and llfrs. Playford, of Heidelberg, Waterloo Co., visited with A. McLean, last week. R. M, Calder & Son shipped a new lathe machine to a firm in New Liskeard on Tuesday. Mies Mary Smith left for Brueeele last week, where she has enured a eit:aation in a tailor shop. Misses Agnes and Nellie Blaok ea onmpanied the Brueeele excursionists to Kincardine last week. Rev. J. H Hazlewood, of Hamilton, wife and children are visiting his brother, W. C. Hazlewood. Mr. Lewis, of Gorrie, preached in the Matbodiet ohuroh, Sunday, and Wm. Wattors in the Episcopal (March. Last week Robt. Farrell built a new verandah at the reeideuoe of Jno, Hartley. The improvement is gnite noticeable. On Pridey evening a number of the young people eeeembled et the home of Mre, N. Allen and had a very enjoyable time. G. E. Dane, of Hamilton, spent a few Jaye of last week in the village, Mre. Dane and danghtere will remain hero for some time. Oar buyers, J. Hamilton and R. Trench, ehipped 3 carloads of cattle and bogs on Monday. About90 hogs were de. livered by P. McEwen, giving a return of over $1,000. He is certainly the Hog King of this vioinity, 1 1 A New and Up-to-date Carpet Department has been added to our Business where may be found A LARGE AD VERY OHOIOE STOCK of Carpets, Art Squares in Velvet, Tapestry, Union and Wool, Line oleums, Mats, ,Mattings, Curtains, Hangings, &o,, that cannot fail to please. New Goods at Close Prices. Don't fail to see our Carpet Roof whether you waut to buy or not. B. LEATHEHBALE, Brussels' 1 111.14111 ►N01 RR III IIII''"( THE A I RECORD MAINTAINED. EVERY CANDIDATE PASSED. The rescue of Part II Junior Leaving Examinations have been given out and the Brussels Pablie Snhool SMARMS its high standard, every candidate writing peeing enoaeeefully. Following is the list arranged alpha. betioally :— Armebrong, Florence Bra:sale Bunbanin, Florence Eokmier, William Ethel Funeton, Eleanor, R. Brussels Howe, Beatrice McKay, Lizzie A Oranbrook MoKelvsy, Barbara Brussels Nioholle, Laura E Roes, Luella Rose, Ada E Skene, May Smith, Marion Straoban, John 6 Switzer, Theresa Telfer, Kate Zimmer, Russell Brussels Calder, John—Latin While the pupils are entitled to oon gratulation for their exoellent work not a little praise is due Principal Cameron and hie able aeeietant, Mise Ethel Scott, for the plan ,of campaign in the poet term's drilling. Oar eobool has maintained an admiral record for a long period, bat 1008 will compare favorably with the beet. In the Entrance class, taught by Miss Kate Wilson, every pupil wbo tried the examination name out on the winning side and 11 was oertaiuly a feather added Oranbrook Walton to Kim Wilson's Millinery adornment in her Bret year In the eohool. The people of this community have reason to feel pardonable pride in oar edaoational name and it goes to prove that a good public eohool ie not oat ranked by any outer educational institution in the legitimate scope of its work. It is a matter of oongratulalion that the oirenm scannas are so euepioiona and exemplifies the wisdom pursued in the erection of the oommodione eohool building, the care evidenced in the eeleotion of the teaching etaff and the good judgment of those wbo were thought, by some, to be too optimie. tie wbeo the advanced work was under. taken, The Fall and Winter term will no doubt see a large attendance al Bruesele eohool and new energy manifested by the encouragement of past records. School re opens on Taeeday, Sept. let and the staff will consist of J. H. Cameron, Mies Ethel Scott, Mies Kate Wilson, Mlee Downey, Mise Dora Smith and Miss Jean Ritchie. Several improvements have been made during the venation to the eohool prem- ises artd the trustees are determined to keep everything in apple pie order, in which they are ably supported by Janitor Mum. Trustees are R. Leatherdale (Chair. man) J. Skene, D. 0 Ross, A. ley,Jae, Turnbull and W. M. Sinclair, B. K. Ross is the effiofent Secretary. Treasurer of the Board. The Presbyterian church will be re. opened on Sunday next, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Toronto. Our juvenile football team claim that they ran up against too heavy a team on Friday at'Broeoele, but hope to redeem themselves next Saturday.' After service on Sunday evening our citizens were addressed by Jno. Mo. Allister, of Jamestown. He held forth on Main street for over ah hour. On Saturday night, "Tom Appleby", e race horse, wag badly kicked by a horse in the Union Stables, He was being taken from Oheeley to the Brueeele races. Lewie and Mre. Steise and family emit Sunday in Brodhegen, Mies Mary Molotoeh, of Toronto, la visiting at Peter MaArtbnr's. Joshua Attwood baa gone to Galt where he hue taken a situation. Mies Jennie Campbell, of Egmondville, ie visiting old friends on the 18th eon. Master Grant and sisters, of St. Marye, visited with friends on the 14th and 16th cone,. Mr, Greenway, of Orystel City, Mani- toba, wee a visitor at Trnemau Smith's last week. J. H. Goodwin, of Detroit, has been visiting his brother, W. J,, at tbe Cheese factory, P, Kelly and danghtere, of Taokersmith, spent Sunday with Alex, and Mre. Stew- art, 1611i eon.. Thos, 'letter has gone Weet on the ex. coercion of Tuesday last. He has been out before, Mieeee Frauoes and Libby Houston, who have been visiting friends on the 16th eon„ have retnrned to their home in Taokeremi ' h. Mies Maggie MaArtbar, Btlr eon,, has gone ttkingt0 the Manitoba excursionor on aTueeday Wait, y wen. ing et Bruggele, Our oongratuiations are extended to Mies Kate Taller, 16th oou,, wbo reoently passed Part II of the Junior Leaving. We wish her continued euooese, Mies li rnyl'ene MoQnarrie, of Detroit, and Mre, (Dr.) Hoffman, of Buffalo, are enjoying a holiday visit at Hector McQttarri0'9, 8rd 00n., for a weak or more. John and Sensual Hdueton lett for Tor- onto, Friday, to epend a few days, They start on Monday for the Weet. John was home 011 a holiday trip having event several years to the West, The 60 %ere farm of John Bateman, North half lot 15, eon. 6, has been gold to J. W. Steveneon, of Grey, for the sum of $2,660. Possession will be given on January let with privilege of working on the farm at ones. Mr. Batemen's health hag not been `very vigorous and he will take a rash for a time hoping to benefit thereby, We hope be will 'etude in tbie lleigbborllopt4, Alex. Will has bad is windmill placed at hiesupplied baro - 11, Fred. Adatns,gof Bruseele, Oliver and Mre. Harris intend taking a trip out West. Mre. Harris is not en well as her friends would like her to be. Wednesday of thief week George Ma Farlane, Flowed a ten acre flald of Fall wheat. This is surely the early bird. W. A. and Mre. Killongh and ohildren have been renewing old friendships in Grey township. Mr, Kiilangh'e health hes not been the beet but we hope lee will soon be fully restored to hie aoonetomed vig Aleor.x. McDonald and wife, of Odell, Idineie, a former resident of the 14th coo, of Grey, called on Alex. Stewart one day last week. Hie father and mother came out in the same easel ae Mr. Stewart half a century ego. We are sorry to state that Mies Maggie Stewart, l8th eon., is ander the dootor'e oars, Sbe reoeived severe injariee some weeks ago while returning from a (ionisers in Bruesele. A runaway horse oomiug up behind them in the darkness frighten. ed their horse and they were thrown out. Although there were three in the rig all eeoaped with alight bruises' but Mies Stewart. Mr. Stewart reoeived a alight shaking np. We hope Mies Stewart will soon be better egatu, 1VS eawait ee. Preparations are already on the way forFall wheat eowiog, A. McCall and wife and Frank Helly are away to'the West on a trip. The roan pony is getting a well earned rest now that the fair lady has returned home• Sugar beets are doing well in this local- ity. Other root grope are alga allowing up in good shape. John Jaokeoo, 0th line, has leased the Crozier farm in MoKillop townebip and bewill move to it after his Drop le tkreehed re, Mrs, James Petah, who bag been visit- ing bere for a few weeks, returned to Manitoba last Taeeday. He eon, John, a000mpanitd a oar of eettlere' effects ehipped from Braeeele this week. DRAINAGE DIOroTt1—A trial of a paee under the Ditohee and Watereoureee AP wart held in the Toweebip Hail, Morrie, on Tuesday morning before Judge Doyle.' The ease was the appeal of Samuel Irvine and others against the award of Jamal Marshall, P. L. S., in reference to a enr- vey for ditob on 8th eon,, running from Si Jordan's through W. 0, Proctor's, A. Gailiday'e, L, Williamo, Mre. Praetor's. and Mrs. Corbett's properties. There was also a small brawls in S. Irvine'e and J, Fergneon'e. G. P, Blair appear. ed for the aomplainaut After muskier - able evidence had been taken, the Court laetiug from 10a, M. to 1,80, the dodge reserved deolelon. Mre, Wm. Bryane, 4th line, is enjoying x holiday vielt for a few weeks with rata• time at Fairground, Ontario, The threshing machina is busy and in. teetering somewhat with the progreee of the harvest in some neighborhoode, A windmill baa been put np on the farm of Wm.T'hneli, Orb lino, by Prod Adamn, of Bruseele. It will be utilized for pump ieg water, George Bielby reeigned hie poeltion as teacher at Tiverton, where he did expel• lent worst, and bas other plape in view for the future, Mre. George Parker and Miss Luoinda left for the Weet last Taeeday for e. boliday visit, Tbey will visit in Win- nipeg and other plume, This is getting to be a great township without doubt. As a proof of this state• meat we report the birth of three Bone at the borne of Frank Martin, Sunshine, last Tuesday. Mao. TooiuoaN DooEAexD —Taeeday of last week at Hartney, Manitoba, the spirit of Mre. Henry Tiernan took its Hight. She had been ailing for the peat year, 0aecar of the stomach being the Dense of death and alis passed peacefully away as above stated. It is 16 years einoe the family removed from the South Morrie boundary to the Weet. Mr. Tier. Ilan died in 1876. The surviving family consists of 2 sone (William at home and Robert near Deloraine) and 7 daaghberl (yrs. Weidenbamer and Mre. Wright, near Deloraine, Mre. Childs, at Bins, Mrs. Marquis, at Belmont, Miss Mary, at Hartney, Mrs. P. Seo'leon, of Morris township and Mre. T. Al000k, of Gray township.) The two latter went West to gee their mother in Jane. The taoeral took place on Thursday. Mre. Tiernan's maiden name was Sarah Dobson and she was 68 years of age, Deceased was a mem• ber of the English aburch. She has a sig. ter, Mre, D. Patrereoo, at Linwood, On- tario. Mrs. Tiernan was a kind mother. ly woman. highly respected by all who knew her. 1C.eadburv. Wm. and Kate Beirnee, of Gray, vieft• ed friends bere Souday. Albert Duodae had a new binder badly wreoked by a runaway a few days ago. Dave Boyd and Louie Hagey, residents of the 12th line, have now each a eon and heir. A. W. Forbes, of Toronto, spent a oottple of days bere last week, Mr. For- bes taught S. S. No. 9 at one time but ie now studying dentistry. Wm, Rae, B. A., left for Edmonton on Tuesday of last week, Mr. Rae has been in the West for the past two years and to principal of the High School at Edmonton. If the O. P. R. bnild a line from Guelph to Goderioh it to be hoped it will oome along somewhere between Lesdbnry and Walton. It would be a more direet route they would be sure of a good trade with. oat opposition and certainly be very acceptable to c0 wbo are so badly in need of better railway aoeommodatton. arum We extend congratulations to oar young friend John Straoban on enooesefully pg assin hia recent examination. Taking out a Junior Leaving certificate in one year's work is indeed creditable. He will attend the Kincardine Model School. Box Booms,.—A very enjoyable time was spent at the Box Social held in Via• torta Hall here on Tuesday evening of this week under the aiepioes of the Sew. ieg Circle of Melville chants W. F. M. S. The program was a good one and is ad- dition to Breeeele Band was ae followe —Organ solo, T. A. Hawkino ; anthem. Melville aural] choir ; recitation, Mies W. McGuire ; violin solo, Mr, Kirkby ; solo, F. H. Gilroy i addreoo, Rev. Mr. Webb ; chorus, "Star of Demanding Night" ; recitation, Mies M. hitHaugh. ton ; anthem, Melville ohuroh choir; reading, T. A, Hawkins ; violin solo, Mr, Kirkby ; solo, Leslie Kerr. Mr. MaGreg• or 000upied the abair and fulfilled the duties very agreeably. Total proorede $10.28. The box selling and allotting of fair companions was a very interesting feature of the entertainment, Cir-ibtr ba -00.11r. Several of the sporting fraternity at. tended thoraces at Brussels, Mies Snean Mohair is baok from s trip to Goderioh and the "Soo." John Cameron left on Tuesday for Paeq.ue, N. W. T., where he will epend a few months. Rev, R. F. and Mre. Cameron, of North Eaethope, were vieitore i0 Oran- brook this week. Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Fisher, of Deloraine, Manitoba, will preach in the Presbyterian ohuroh, Rev, Mr, Mabee will 000apy the pulpit of Walton Presbyterian ohuroh In the evening. In the list of enooeeeful oandidatee who passed Part II Juniorteavingat$raeeele we are pleased to notice the names of Mise Lizzie A. McKay and Mies Therms Switzer of tbietonality. We congratulate them on their suaoeee. The 4 acres of land belonging to the late James Hogg in this village hoe been purchased by Anthony McDonald mar. chant of Oranbrook, for $260,00. ft lies contiguous to the purohaeer'e property and will make a nice addition to it, Mai tel. Grain ie turning out well 113 this local. ity'T.he new officio Of Township Clerk M.S. Intoeh will soon be reedy for ao0npation. 0. and Mrs. Rokmier and Grace were away to Shipley to visit Angnet and Mrs. Eokmier, Mre, 1I, Holland, of Toronto• wag a vieltor with Sirs, Spence toe a few daye this week, Rev, Mr, Fisher, of Manitoba, will take the sorviee in the Preebyterian ebntoh here next Sabbath afternoon. A oar of cattle was ehipped from hers filet Monday by Jho, McDermott and a oar of hogs 0n Tuesday by GeoBeet, We oongratnlate Will..Eokmier on big su00000 in passing Part II of the Junior Leaving examination, Be was apendiog Brueeele Public Sobool, A bhoro' bred Berkehire hog has beau purobaeed by C. Eokmier bred by T, Teasdale, of Concord, Out., who will keep him on hie farm adjoining the village, "Garfield" is the name of the new pees. melon and lie is a fine animal. He ie 22 months old. The make of the E hel obeeea factory for the firet 11 days of July woe sold at 05 dente per pound and the balance of the make for July at Oio, It was labelled "Unrivalled gilt edged obeose" and ship. ped to the Weet. Will, Spence, McBee Henry and colt Arthur, Wm. Buttery and George McKay were among those who took Horace Greely'e advice last 'Tueedey and went West. They will see sodium of Mani. toba the Northwest and Dakota before returning. BRUSSELS RACES. Good weather, traok in first olaee shape, large fields of horses, closely eon• tested ranee and a good eized crowd was the existing condition of affairs on Wednesday afternoon, the opeeiug day of the Summer raooe. G. E. Henderson, of Seaforth, officiated ae starter and the ludgeo were Dr. Stewart, of ()holey ; H, Day, of Walker- ton ; and E Livingeton, of Blyth, In the 2 60 pace there were no less than 9 entries and 2 241 woe the beet 4me made. The 2.19 pace bad 6 atartera and 2 201. hung oat as the top notob time, 6 horeee faced the starter In the 2 28 pane. Maggie L, was too speedy for the other representatives and took the and, 3rd and 4th beats. It was after 7 o'olook before the last race was finished, The summary for the first day was ae follows :- 2,00 Pace— B. Whiting, 0 Murney. 4oderioh 1 1 1 Jubilee, A B Turner, Hamilton 2 8 2 Kentucky Wilkes, W 8 Tolton, ?Wal- kerton 5 2 3 Luoy, WKuntz, Baster 4 5 5 Mergory Wilkes, WH Magian, Laok- 11 Kaplau Scott Jr Warwick, Brussels 7 8 4 blies Bay, T Brady, Chatham 0 8 dr Wild Bloom, W Briggs, Port Huron 8 7 de Minnie Ferguson, T Corbett, ,Tcee- wate Tlme-2.28}, 2.24}, 2,251 dal 2.19 Paee— Wal tar B. W Briggs, Port Huron 1 1 1 Dolphy W', A Leakey, at Thomas ,,9 2 3 Little Buck, T Smith, Milverton ....— 4 5 2 Blutoher, 1i T Smith, Toronto. 5 3 4 College Queen, D MoLauchlin, Chat- ham 8 4 5 Time -2,20}, 2,21, 2'201 2.25 Pace— Maggie L., TBrady, Chatham 2 1 1 1 Billie A., 10 MoGlrr, Meaford 1 2 2 2 Dora,MoOlarty Bros, OwenBound 3 a 8 3 Prohibition Wilkes, , W Brigge, Port Huron 5 4 4 4 Col. Hunter, J T Crandall, Brant- ford Time -2.28}, 225, 2 221,2 23} 5 5 Thursday's program is in progress se THE POST goes to ,prase sad will be re. ported in our next iseae. BRUSSELS 111NR WON ASSOCIATION MATCH. At the Lawn Bowling Tournament held at Goderiob on Thursday and Friday of last week F. Dawning's rink from tbie town won the let prize in the Aesooiation oompetition, after defeating five rinks, and received four extra heavy out glase fruit dishes. Downey, of Mitobell, took 2nd prize. The scores in Mr. Downing's contests were °lose in some oaeee bat one notice. able feature was that the Downey rink that knocked them oub in the Trophy competition wits turned down in tiniest game in the Aeaoolation ooateeb by 18 to 6. The rinks and acorea were ae follows ; TROPHY Mitohell Brussels Jae. Dougherty, Dr. Feild, R. F. Dewar, J. Ferguson, 3. R. Cole, H. James, J.L. Downey, Bk. 18 F. Downing, ek ..17 aseooraTron Brueeele Faild, Ferguson, Demes, Downing, ek....10 Clinton Taylor, Agnew, Hoover, Spalding, Mr .... 8 Brunie Goderioh Feild, McKim, Forenoon, Holt, James, Yates, Downing, ek....17 Elliott, ek 14 Brussels Feild, Fergpsoo, James, Downing, ek,...18 Brussels Feild, Ferguson, Jamee, Downing, sk....19 Clinton Wieeman, Jackson, Rattenbury, Oombe, Goderioh Diokeneon, Mattson, Davie, O'Connell, ek..,.16 Brunie Mitchell Faild, Dougherty, Ferguson, Dewar, Damao, Oole, Downing, ak....15 Downey, etc6 In the Tropby .Elliott, of Mitchell, won 1st and Pinohamp, of London, and. Two Beaforth rinks, skipped by Minors. Hays and Wilson, were in the finale in the Consolatiou and played off on their own lawn owing to darkness rendering it impossible ab Goderioh, Brueeele other rink, with D. C. Rosa ae skip, did not fare ae well as the quar- tette already reterred to from town. They made a good start hosting Bright, of Seaforth, fn the Preliminary and O'Connell, ofGoderfoh, in the firetroand but were defeated by Finohamp, of Lon- don, in the next bout. In the Aesooiation ()outwit Mr. Rolle' rink won from Wiieon, of Seafortb, and in the eeaond draw O'Ooonell'e rink got beck at their mon. ante of the previope day, and the otheg Brneaele rink trimmed them fa the semi. finale, R. S. Hays' rink beat the Roes rink in the Coneolation. About an eighth of an inch put Mr, Ross and bis trio one of the Trophy finale, and other finished Were oloee but not near enolgh to count. Tat Poncongratulate('Srueeete on their winning the Aesooiation prize, William Thompeop, aged 5oventeen years, living three ranee from Tatrlworth Wag accidentally eh*t and killed,