The Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 8Pickling Season is here and perhaps you didn't know before that we keep a full lines of spices upon which the.fiavor of the pickles depend so very much. Ours is a full line, etrength and quality unexcelled, and the best that can be procured. But it isn't enough for us to say Bo, give them a trial and be convinced that there are none better. Here is a list of some of them Bring in your next Recipe and have it `filled. Whole and Ground Black Pepper " " White Pepper Red Pepper Allspice Ginger Mace °G t` Cinnamon Mustard Seed & Ground Mustard if CC cc CC CC CC l.1 rt Celery Seed Curry Powder Tumeric '. R SMITH DRUGGIST AND DIBPENS7iVG CHEMIST. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S00THERN san818ION w. 0. & 8. Trains leave Braeeele Station, North and Booth, ae follows; GOING EOLITH GOING NORTE. Mail 7:15 a.m ; ,Nixed 10:00 a,m Mtaed....•....10.00 a.m ;Steil 1:17 p.m Express 8115 p.m 1 Express B:11 p.m EeLBS A obiel's amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ii. ANoma8a wedding is mooted, ADDITIONAL local news on page 5. TDaoDAY was a quiet day in town. THE Herald is holidaying thio week. EXCURSION to the West next Tuesday. PASSENGER traffic le lively on the G. T. R. Stamm Brueeelitee will attend Oheeley rages on Friday. R. GRAHAM shipped a oar of nate to New York *hie week, A CAR of heading was forwarded to Montreal by P. Anent, Bos wanted to learn the expreee bnsi- nee0. A. O. neon, R. HENDERSON is go1Dg into the coal business and is delivering two Cure this week. W. W. HARRIS shipped a oar of cheese to Loudon, England, from Brussels station, NmnEnoue enquiries are made by persona deoirone of pnrohaoing house property in Brussels. THE lost shawl advertised in last week's Poen wee returned on Monday. It pays to advertise in THE Posy. A. PNEUMATIC Gyred buggy of iateet design has been purchased by Dr. Holmes from Ewan & Co., Brueoela; U. P. R. Hurveetere' Excursion to the Weet will ton on Tuesday, 18th inst. $10 rate going ant and $18 forthereturn STATION AGENT MILEAuaEN hae mowed to the residence lately vacated by Mre, Creighton adjoining the G. T. R. depot, Prinoeeo onset. W. A, Celan, of Seefortb, has planed en order with Ewan & Go , Brussels, for 2 bread vena, one for Summer and an. other for Winter nae. ORMUZ—We stook the highest grade of Cement made, Price guaranteed. now placed n w wit I receive beet at tension, A. M. MOKAs, Brussels, "Baplin," the speedy pacing stallion owned by Messrs, 80ott and Warwick, of Braeeele, was shipped to Cheney on Thuraday and will be alerted in one of the races on Friday. TEE two nuke from town who went to Goderioh Bowling Tournament ate made up of Dr, MoNangbton, R. Leatherdale, H. L. Jackson, H. Jenne, J. Ferguson and Dr. Field, with D. 0. Rosa and F. Downing as skips. REef&VED To Eel:oNDviLLE,—Teeeday of this week Hngh Willlame and wife removed to Egmondville where they purports making their home. They are both old reeidenta of this locality end we wish them health and happineee iu their new location. LAST Friday afternoon the Executive of the Ooneervetive Association of the East Riding of 1100On met at the Queen's Hotel here. There was a good attend. ante, Voters' list revision, &o„ was discussed looking toward the coming Dominion election. A Come of touring ignite from Owen Sound played a friendly matoh with our bowlers here on Wednesday afternoon. They were short one man eo Postmaster Farrow was loaned to them. He proved of no email value in aiding their entre, Brnseele won by a few shots. TARS No Rim —Sneak' thieves have been paying nooburnal visite to W. N. MoOraoken's plum orchard behind his store and have been helping themselves freely. Ae some of them have been seen at very late home attempting to olimb the fetes in 'poet of a Winter's supply we would remind them that in foture absence of body in their case will be better than preeenoe of mind. TEE rowdyism and drnoken apreee in evidence in Bruee&e on •eeetest monotone ot late is no oredit to the plane and unless the Reeve enape this kind of oonduobin the bud the good name of the town will Stiffer. A good solid fine and a residence in the look tip for a'tight wilt greatly aid in oaring tine species of lawleteneeeIn abort etyle and it ehonld be done. The language peed on 'tome of these sprees would dispraise a Hottentot. Busmen RA0RRa,—Ae previously 000008• oed a program of horse races will be pre. sented by Entente Turf Olub on Wednes- day and Thursday, Aug, 19 end 20. For the first day there will be a 2.60 pace with purge of $200 ; a 2 23 pane or 2 20 trot, parte $200 ; a 210 pane or 2.15 trot, Wee $200. On Thursday the card will thaw ft 2 40 trot, for $200 ; a 2 30 pane or 226 trot, puree $200; a 260 trot for 8 year olde, puree $160 ; and Free.ror eli, not or paoo, for a $200 puree, The 9 ON nook le in prime siege, R, Thom Wed le Preeitlent, end W. F. Scott, Seore• tart', 0 oleo of eel* have been shipped from Bruasela since feet report. Bream at cost for 80 days. Very beat build. Eine & Co, Brunets. W. H. STEWART & Sox sent a car of flour to Aberdeen, nicotined, this week. Enos 14 aente, 100 tube Butter wanted weekly, Geo. E. KING, Wingbam. Farm term of Listowel Bneineee Ooliege will open on Sept. let, A good time to oommenoe. Rion Wednesday and Thursday of next week. See program elsewhere in thie issue. _ Lear plain gold charm with initials A. E, D. Finder will much oblige by leav• ing it at TRE Pon. Tan gravel "sidewalk" from Taroberry street to the G. T, R. depot is the laugh- ing stook of all wbo see it. A NUMBER of Brueeelitee drove to Sea - forth on Wednesday to witness the league lacrosse match between the home team and St. Marys. A OAR of hogs and a oar of cattle were forwarded by A. C. Dames, of Toronto, and a oar of hogs to Goliingwood by Geo. Beat einoe last week's issue of TEE Pon. R. Henderson anti Jas, Jones are at- tending the I, 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge et Hamilton and Epb. °ober was rendering simile aervioe at the 1. 0. F. Hirth Conrt at Galt, ae repreeentativee of the Moat lodges here. WILL Nom Be DEL008nbr.—Starting with the month of September all copies of THE Poem now being delivered to sub - Beriberi) will be placed in the postoffioe or given out at TEE POST as persons interest. ed may decide. The delivery on Friday forenoon will be diecontinaed after Sept. let. Box St oial under the aneproee of the Sewing Oirole of Melville church, Brae• sale, will be bald et Victoria Hall, Jsmeetown, next Tuesday evening. Braeeele Band and other mosioal and literary numbers will give an interesting program, This ie t worthy oanee. °on• veyances will leave Melville ehorob at 7 o'clock, the drive being free. iMIrs E. Sellers, of Morrie, presented i THE POST with a basket of harvest apples and a beautiful btquet of Dahlias on Thuraday. We measured a white Gloria Deloyn and: found its oiroamferenoe to be 14 inches, Mrs. Sellers takes a great iutereet in flower oollnre. Our beet thanks are due her for the kindly re- membrance. Annus and Mre. Smith, who have been at Leman for some months where Mr. Smith was G. T. R. agent, are visiting old friends in Brnesele and locality. Aeeooiated with hie brotber•in law, D. Stewart, Mr. Smith intends opening a general store in Wiarton, iu wbiob town both gentlemen have spent several years. Their many old friends here will be pleae• ed to bear of their e000eee. Mre. Smith is a daughter of the late Donald Stewart, a well koown Brueselite. JeNIOR BIor.Re.—Mooday afternoon a juvenile foot ball team drove to Wroxeter, with Milton McArter as manager and Gerf, Baeker for referee, and tried eon - elections with the youthful Woken of that plane. Neither aide scored in the $ret half but in the latter part of the game the Wroxeter lade found the goal onoe and the match concluded with the score of 1 to 0. The players and positions were ae follows WReXNTER Hamilton fielder McLeod Thompson 2nia Patterson Beet Sfuger Smith Townsend Black Bnvesnoe Goal Walker 1 %inelate 1 GOMIS Gerry Backe Wolman Jackson .,1Heudereon Far.,.arde Btretton ...».......... Nott Scott Backe Friday evening the return game will be played on Victoria Park, Brunetti' and the "Clippers" extend a cordial invitation to the residents to wittiest) the "hot time." A oolleotion will be taken et the Park to cover expeneee, BASE BALL,—The famois "Iriab Nine,' of Liman, oame to town Thuraday afternoon of last week and played a match with the local team., Game open• ed up in good farm but in the 4th, 6th and 6th innings the visitors piled op 11 of their 14 rune. Different times Brie• eels had the bases occupied but they only soared cute and that in the 6th innings. The Loren team put op a great game of ball and are well posted in the combine. tion and individual play in critical points. Their recent Indian pitober, hae left them to pitch for a Toledo League nine at $160 per month. The snore of Thareday'e gotta was ae fol• Lowe 1— Btusenr a R 0 LumAN R 0 Ballantyne, a... 0 5 Tripp, o .2 2 A'lnid, 1b 1 4 Murray, 1b 84 Boone, ea 0 2 Latng es ., 0 0 Hamilton, 81 p0 3 Tripp 2b 1 b Webb,2b 0 8 Porenean 15 - 1 1 E gleeton, rt ... 0 8 04530.111 1f , 8 8 Menoaufbiin, at, 0 ellbeo ne of 0 5 Serr, it 0 Gibson, db,..,,..., s 2 Arden Sb 0 ward 4 2 p ,P Totals 1 27 14 27 Luoan 1 0 1 4 8 4 0 1 0-14 Mussels 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-.1 3, Porte, Luoan, Umpire. Luoan bronneed Wingbam on Friday attetnoon in the !atter town by 4 to 1, TI1E BRUSSELS 1' OST 7" H E I EII'OIIDI113u BANK General Banking business transacted, Farmer's Notes Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection, Ix THE SAVINGS BANK—Depeeits of 8,1.00 and unwerds reeelved and intermit at the ltigboet Batik rate allowed, from dete of deposit to date of withdrawal, on the dolly balance, r1'Partiea holding Important papers, notes, &o„ may depoelt them in our bank vault for Sufo keeping—free of charge, Prompt. 'inn Careful Attention, flood Terms. G. F. BLAIR, Bolioltor. A. E. M&'LL/SH, Manager, BRUSSELS, Dominion of Canada Charter l'AP'1'r,11, lapid 1111 911,000,000 RES lt1f4E , $4000,000 intention WIZ n. R WARDEN, D. D , • PIIR8ID1tN'r S. I. 8100111: • - • V100•111R811)RN'r 0 D ARMY, 0. E. TnoAf8CN, ll., 0, Tnoa 9 0800080, 0. I, A. it11ti Bell till 1;Ft ES. - A. RL, Way, a Latter Day Saint preach - et, to working in this locality, Bonnier monthly service in the R. C. oboroh here next Sabbath morning at 11. Thuraday evening of this week Melville ohuroh young people purpose tendering 61r. MoGregor, the student eopplyiug Rev, Mr. Roes' pulpit, a reception. "Lessons from Paul : How to use tact in dealing witb men," will be the eubjeot ander discussion at the meetings held by the young people of Melville and the Metbndiet ohor:hee next Sabbath. "Paul's Vision" was the theme of Mr. McGregor in Melvflie ohnrob last Sabbath morning and iu the evening be dwelt on Phil. 3 : % a04 10, "Paul'a Baorifices:" Both aermo08 were good. Rev. Mr, Ball, of Gorrie, took charge of the services in St. John's dumb teat Sunday and hie sermons were practical and profitable. Rev, Mr. Webb, the incumbent, was eb Gorrie and Wroxeter. Rev, A. 0. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, preached two thonghtfnl dieoonrsee in Brnesele Methodist ohuroh last Sabbath, The morning subjeet was "Tho commie non ot Andrew," and in the evening "Witoeeeee and and The rever. end gentleman has a style peculiarly hie own in presenting Troth that is effeotive. SIMEON To TOES MACOAi0B9,—Next Sab• bath evening the anuuel sermon to the members of the Macoabee Order in Brussels will be preached by Rev. T. W. 0, sena, iu the Methodist church, at 7 o'o'ook. Members are asked to aseemble at the K. 0. T. M. Tent at 0 30 from whenoe the march will be made to the obaroh in which they will ocoapy the centre pews. At the meeting of the Offioisl Board of the Methodist (Thumb, held Tuesday even• ing of last week, the pastor's salary wae placed at $810 00 for this year. Local. preocber's license was granted to Erneet Meanders, B. Gerry was chosen repro- 'tentative to the District mewing. Ar- rangement') for the Harvest Home were talked over and the matter of enuring a preaoherfor the Sabbatn'e anniversary sermons left in the bands of Rev. Mr. Omens. People We Know. Miee Maggie Backer wee visiting at Berlin. Joe Beton, of Monet Forest, Sundayed in emelt). Mies Annie Beattie has returned to Toronto, Mre. John Thomson was visiting at Seaforth. Miee Minerva Jones is visiting relatives at Toronto. Ellis MoLean, of Seaforth, le visiting at P. Soobt's. Miee Blois Jackson is home from Tor. onto on a visit. Charlie Doan, of Gorrie, woe visiting Russell Brown, Mre. Deobow, or., is confined to bed and ie very poorly. Mrs. James er,,, is home from a vied* of a few weeks at Loudon. Miee Annie Roes is enjoying a visit with Kincardine friends. Miee Florence Buchanan is holidaying with relatives at Windsor, Geo. Omits and wife were visiting their daughter at Lnoknow. Miee Love, of Buffalo, is visiting her ooneio, Mrs. Watson Ainlay, Horton Solar, of Westfield, visited friends in town over Sunday. Miee Luella Roes has gone to Toronto to visit her aunt, Mre, Dugan. Jae, Stewart, of Woodstook, wee visit- ing bis brother, W. 3. Stewart, Mies Jo, Rose id home from her poli. tion In Toronto for a short visit. Mre. Geo. Roberton, of Clinton, is a vieftor with Mrs, Jae, Ballantyne. Iuepeotor Robb and Miee Addis are away to Kingston vi,iting relatives. Miee anis d t Rankin an W. Uoal ee, of Wing. ham, spent Sunday at A. McGuire's. Mies Mary Webb, of Elora, is holiday- ing olidaying with her oonein, Miee Argo Roes, B. Gerry attended the Conservative Convention at Toronto on Wednesday, Welter Jackson, Mre. Jaolteon and Mies Elsie spent Monday in Wroxeter, Mies Annie Bartliff, of Clinton, ie visit• ing in town. Mrs, Bartitff is also here, Walter Jaokeoa has been oaring for a disabled hand, blood poisoning following a out. Miee Eva Caption was on the sick list with tonsili*ie bat is getting all right again. Frank Quante, a teaober from London 10oatity, woe a visitor at Poetmaetor Far. row'8. Leslie Tnrnball ie visiting at the lake• side at Kincardine with the MoOoeh family. J. M. O'Connor is home from Port Stanley. Hie health in noneiderably im. proved, R. N. Barrett and %• Hanson, of Wing. ham, were bare ma Tuesday on a fishing excursion, Rim W. H. Willie and eons are vieiting at 13. Gerry')), Mr, Willie was also here on Thuraday. Thos. Bradwell and wife, of Clifford locality, were in town lost Friday galling on old friends. Ruveell and Mise Nettie Brown and Miee Luella Ross, were visiting in Gorrie for a day or 90. Miee Mery Roddiek, of London, is holidaying with relative* and old friende in Brunette and locality, Master Bobo and Mre, A. Campbell are visiting her daughter, Mre, (hence Almon, 108 Oxford street, London, Mies Ruby Plum ERS been on the eiok list with rheumatism bat we hope ale will ))ton be quite well again, Mies Maggie McMillan, of Parte, la here on n holiday visit for a few weeks. Mies Minnie Ardell, of Gerrie, was a visitor in Braeeele during the pest week. Mies Winnie Gilbert, of Southampton, and Miee 011ie VeoStone, of Wingbam, were vieiting 1n town this week. Miee Ettie Code, of Trowbridge, is visiting friend)) in Brussels and locality, She ie a stenographer iu Listowel, Mies Josie Buchanan and her brother Harvey, were away to Owen Sound this week on a holiday eating with friends.. Mies Agnes Austin, of Toronto, and Mise May Bort, of Listowel, are vieitore with Mies Georgialloee, Alexander ebreet, Braeeele. Jas. and Mrs, Turnbull and children were at London and Port Stanley last week eujnying an outing. Tbey returned last Saturday. Mies Amy Brett, of Seatortb, wbo is teaching taboo! at Huuteville, baa been visiting her sista', Mrs. (De.) MoNaugh• ton, Biennia. Oomnoillor Thomson and Len. Downing arrived home from Winnipeg last Tues- day. They had a fine trip and saw a number of towns in Menitoba. Stratford Beacon says :—Aid. D. M. Ferguaou arrived in Toront I cn Monday from Europe, and is spending the week with hie family at Windermere, Muskoka. Ivan Crooke is home for a short visit. He and bis brother Merry purpose open. ing a drug business iu Paris. They should make a strong team and will no doubt do well. Mre. Archie Scott and daughter, of Sealorth ; W. end Mrs. Govenlook and daughter, of London ; and Miss Govan• look, of Atwood, were visitors at tke Mathodiet Parsonage this week, Mre. B. J. Armetrang and daughters, Jennie, Gladys and Edna, of Burlingtou, and Itir. Service and Mrs. Beeoroft and Stella, of Iogereoll, are vieltore at F. S. Soot's, William street, this week, Editor Dation and family, are away this week attending the Eiroira Old Boye reunion. He will captain a base bell nine in a match "Young Dutchmen" vs, "Young Cannoks," and will reply to the toast "The Prase" at the banquet on Thuraday evening in the Moeioai t•osiety'e Hall. E'mira was their old home. M. Y. and are. McLean and Jae. and Mre. Young, of Ssaforth, were in town on Saturday en route to their home. They bad been off to Ayr to the Old Boye' re• union and had made the trip by carriage returning by the Northerly route, A very enjoyable time was spent by them in this very pleasant style of outing. W. J. and Mre. Norton, of Listowel, were renewing old friendships in Broeeels for a few days daring the past week. Miee Mina Norton euooeede Mies Oriels in the Listowel Public School. Bite and her sister, Mies Jennie, will teach in the Primary department and will given good a000uat of themselves we have no doubt, Tno Pose wishes them success, Canadian 141evalet. The Itondegnit won the cup in the yaohb race. Rev. Father MoOloaky, parieh priest at Oampbeliford, is dead, Senator Cochrane died at Compton, Quebec:, in his 80th year, The tonnage of seagoing veeeele from Montreal shows a record inarea0e. Ohee. Voeper, of Hamilton, shot and killed his wife and then committed mai oide. Montreal Ohinamen have formed a branch of the Chinese Reform Anemia. tion. Fire in the box factory of J. W, Barob. and & Go. did five thousand .dollars' damage. Employees of the Consolidated Lake Superior Company have eubeeribed for 070,000 of bonds. At Warron'o Landing, on Lake Winni- peg, John McNay beat en Indian to death with a cordwood stink, John Pollook, a moulder in a Gait foundry, was crushed to death by the falling of a 8,200 pound weight. • Frank Raison, alarm laborer, fell.rrom a ladder in a barn near Watlaoetown, Lao. toting Ilia skull and dying instantly. Five informations have been laid against the Grand Tr*nk for detaining mare of live abook beyond the legal time. One of the viotime ot the wreck of the Wallace Cirque trains at Durand, Minh„ has been identified as Charles Molloy of Napanee, Tbo eighteen-monthe-old obild of Capt. Wm, Chapman of Wlarton wae etrnok by the mixed brain Monday. He was badly hurt about the bead, Lord Strathoonehae aooepted an invita- tion to dine at the National Club after the opening of the Dominion Th6161ti018 on Saturday, August 29, George Rowley, ex. Manager of the E1 - gin Leen Company of St. Thome, was sentenced to twelve years in the peniten. Mary for forgery, theft mod perjury, rbe first wheat of the harvest of 1903 arrived in Winnipeg from Winkler, Sontbern Manitoba, was oonsigned to the Lake of the Woods Milling Company end graded No, 1 Northern, It is expected that the reignite of the departmental junior and senior leaving and matrioulation examinations will be mailed from the Education Department Ott Monday August 17th. The Allan Line mail enamel, Taulsian arrived at Moville at 9 p. to. Saturday, her time from Rimonelti, where ebe took mails on board, being six days and seven bonre, a remind pae0age. Premier Roblin, of Manitoba, sage that the order in Cnunefi calling for a reduo• tion of freight rates by the Canadian Northern will go into effeot on Sept. 1, and he dote net behave the railway will oppose it, Standard Bank of Canada :EETA7532,= 3R2o 1973 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS DSpatl'S Of one dollar earl nptverde leetdved and lett 05.1 allow. ed in Baviugo Bents et highest rate from date of deposit to withdrawal Interest PAID ON THE Daily Balance Lome Made, Notes Cashed, and every a000mmuda• tion afforded the res. poneibls borrower, FARh1Pat8' BALE NOTES Gashed Collected; or may be left for safe-heoplug only for which no al,00ge is matte• This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. MI:leery oonvealenoe afforded an5tomere living at a distance. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, Amu, A retie of the Andrea expedition was brought to Vanoonver in the abape of pieces of silk. James Woodruff, of Brantford, and John Biglow, of Rusting, were drowned in Stony Lake. A oyoloue chattered many buildings and injured four people Wed of the town of Rockland, Ont. An Owen Sound woman is eberged with rubbing oarbolio acid into the oyes cf Emma Boyoe of the nano place and ale m091 blinding her. Perth- County. Mr. Ferguson ie the new G. T. R. eta. tiou &gene at Sebringville. R. R. Gamey, M. L. A., Ilse 000egted an invitation to speak at a picnic, under the auspices of the Milverton Public Lib. rary, oa August 27. Rev. Geo. Jackson, of Waterloo. et. Methodist ohnroh, Stratford, and family have gone for a two weeks' visit to the the home of his son, Dr. Jaolteon, of Union. Humphrey Albert White, eon of D. G; White'of Granton, died July 18th at Cat, elle, Alaska. He was 84 yearn of age, and was the first white subtler to die in that vicinity. At the Met meeting of the Listowel oouuoil it was deoided to pay P. Pigeon, of Sebringvilie, $500 damages for not being allowed to carry out hie contract for sewers, A little Indian girl, one of the party wbiob nine from the reserve near London to pull flax for the Sebringvile Flax Co,, fell off a feooe at the farm of Mr. Kruspe, near Wartburg, and broke her arm. John Idington, K. C., Stratford, ie spoken of by some of the local lawyers as a probable appointee of the Government to a jodgasbip in the fourth 418181onhigh court, recently formed by the legislature. James Moore, Grand Trunk agent, who hat) had obarge of the company's bnsineen at Atwood, boa left to take charge of Luoan station, on the Stratford and Sar- nia branch. Mr. Moore has been in At- wood over two years, Wm. Blair, formerly poetmaeter at Stratford for 10 years, died at his home in that oity, on Saturday, aged 60 yeare. Deoessed was born in Lorne, (Runty All trim, Ireland, and oame to this country when 18 years of age. Miss Emily Atkinson, formerly of St. Marys, who left recently for Revelstoke, B.C. hae euoneeefully passed the teachers' examination for British Columbia, and bas been appointed teacher of the Gommp lio pubtio aohool at it salary of $000 per annum. I. T. Washburn, owned by Abe Dav• ideon, Mitchell, won the 211 pane et Rochester, fie finished 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, and the time was 217, 2.149, 2169, 216, 2 169 He finished 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, in the 2.14 paoe at Elmira, N. Y„ and reoeived third money. A new iuduetrtb The Stratford Omitting Company, will be in operation on the second fetor of the new cardigan overshoe factory, corner Waterloo and Albert streets, when the building is completed. The new a000ern will employ about fifty halide and will manufacture knit gloves, A serious nonidonl happened at the home of Edward Herrie, of Hibbert town- ship, a few utilise from Mitchell Saturday afternoon, Hie little daughter got into the mowing machine in some way and had her foot taken clean off at the ankle. Two doctors were sent for and hurried out to the scene immediately to attend to the little sufferer, While Mrs, Alex, Tree, of Hickson, was plotting berries the obber day, a rather strange accident happened to her little child of three years, which she left a short diatanoe from where ebe was working. A large dog bad attacked the child and WAS carrying it away when notioed, Mre. Tree carried the child over to a Dr. as soon to poeeible, and be dreeeed the wounds, In reproduoing a portrait of Ronald 1VfeNeil, of Stratford, aged 106 years, the London Free PreeS says :—This aged man, probably the oldest in Weetern Ontario, hae been a reeidenb of Stratford for many yeare. He was born et Berte, Semiarid, and in his early days was a sailor, Sine') be has oome to Oanada be has workeipe,d ae a seaman, Re still enjoys hie p While operating a hayfork on tit term of his brother near Stratford, David A. Ellie, aged 27, met a severe amid out. The rope Blipped from a pulley, throwing the machine oat of gear. Ellie stepped for. ward to grasp the trip rope in an attempt to swing the bundle of bay around, when a team of boreoe, operating the machine, suddenly started forward, the midden strain snapping the rope from whioh the bundle, weighing sine 600 pounds, was suspended, and allowing it TO depend with terrific fonoe upon young Ellis, inflicting injurieejin the beak and :molt Irons which he expired. The Logan aeeaalt case, in wbiob there were two defoodante, before Magistrate O'Loane at Stratford on Saturday, wan an inteteeting one. One of those inter. acted hod some of the furniture in the home alightly damaged, while another bad et tether odd looking reoe, A lady also complained that Ono of the men need ineniting language. The cello es a whole wan gummed ep by the Magistrate RS a result of ligaot. He gave them n, strict warning not to tomb the stuff again and bound one of them over to keep the pen0e on a $200 minty. Ho then fined eaoln $20 for assault, $2 of wbiob was ordered to be paid and the temeinder held over pond. bug {rand behavior. They wore oleo order• ell to pay Mists, which amounted to near- ly $80. yeoR1v. Ancon.—In Fordwiob, on August 403, to Mr. and Mrs, John Argue, a son. GDRaIE.—In Brandon, Man„ ou July 21, to Mr, and Mre, Nelson •Oarrie, __formerly of Brueeele, a daughter, .MA ZR=f717. _• FIsa8R—OAT,»Rs.—A9 the residence of the bride's mother, "Riverside Farm," Grey, on Aug. 11th, by Rev. D. 13. McRae, Rev. Peter Fisher, of Delor• eine, Mao., to Mies KateCalder, of Oranbrook, Go. Huron, Ont. LAKE-8ANnens.--Iu Berlin, on Aog. 4, by Rev. D. W. Snider, Mr. Jnstne Lek') to Mies Nellie Sanders, both of h, MoHeN'/Et,el1E—MOALLIeTen,—At the reel - drums: of the bride's parents, 2nd son„ Grey, on Augnet 5111, by Rev. D. 13. Magas, Mr. Alexander E. BoEeozie, of Soafortb, to Mies Mary, eldeet 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert IbtaAllister, of Grey. Qtn0N.—In Emit Wawnnoeb, on Angnst 7th, William G. Quinn, aged 32 years, '7 monthe and 4days. R0u'HERl'osn,—tn Wroxeter on Augnet 6th, Walker, only son of W, A, and fire, Rutherford, aged 6 301tre 3 months and 21 days. •v,m, -.:r ge G3=.'0.._. i0.t. RTG0 tee, Fall W]nee( ... • 67 68 Bert t' 37 40 Peas 60 Oats ............ 27 Butter, tubs and rolls „ 13 Eggs oe) dozen ..,,..,, 11 Flour par cwt. .. 4 00 Pole thee (per bus.) 50 Apples (par hag) 50 flay per to 5 00 Sail. per IN., retail t 00 Hogs, Live 6 00 Wool 14 Irides trimmed 0 Hides rough 8 Lamb skins each 25 Sheep skins, each 26 55 28 14 12 5 00 60 60 A1: Foods For Little Folks 13 19)3 The health of in- fants is largely a ;natter of feeding. So long as food agrees with them Nature will take care of them, A danger season for little people is at hand. If the food now used fails to agree seek an- other. Our stock contains all the worthy foods and we make spec- ial efforts to keep them fresh and in perfect condition. Our stook of Nursery Supplies ie alwaya complete at o Drug Store. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Fon 581,17.—A good lot on Alexander street. Near school and poeto2lee ; good garden. Apply to WM. MART1N, 51.0 Bruasela. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry Royal .Iain Steamers Pros Plum 7t'tonnmEAL Queues Pretorian Bat ,Aug. 15 Augueb 15 Bavarian 22 22 Ionian " 20 " 22 Tuulelan ,• Sept, 2 Sept. 5 Parisian " 12 12 RATES OF PASSAGE 1st Cabin—See and upwards, aaeording to steamer and location of berths, eta. 21d Cabiu—Livorponl and Londonderry— Buvarlau, Ionian and Tunisian $40 ; other 6 00 eteam')ra, $97 50. London 82 50 eats. Srd Class -525 and 626—Liverpool, Derry, 70 Belfast, 0laagbw, Loudon. 6 26 Through tickets to South Africa, 16 Montreal to Glasgow direst—Sicilian, Aug. 12; Corfu tbias, Atte. 20; Sardinian Mad at 6i Ord olase ant)) Sept 9. 1at cabin, $50 and 6 Upwards ; 2nd cubit), 605 ; 9rd cable, 025. 50 W. IL KE1110, 25 Agent, llrneeele. SATURDAY BARGAINS AT'" T ' S vonimeisameemsamoneszew "miliffr arrivals of Dresp Goods this week and to commence the season on Saturday Morning we intend offering FOUR GREAT SPECIALS in the newest Tweed Effects for this coming season :— NO. Fancy Tweed Effects, all pure wool, regular 60c, Satur- ( day until Wednesday ... •1--Av NO. 2 Fancy Tweed .Effects, all pure wool, regular 50o, Satur- day until Wetjlesday... • NO.3 Fancy Tweeds, all pure wool, regular 65c, Saturday until Wednesday price... •47 NO. 4 Fine Black Sateons, regular 80c, Saturday until Wed- nesday price - - + BOOTS & SHOES —1 ease (30 pairs). Men's Fine Bf. Bale. regular price 1.25 $1.75, Saturday until Wednesday price 1.. -l—1 case (80 pairs) Men's Fine Dongola Bals,, , reg.u.- . ar $2.00r Saturday until Wednesday price ......... —Z ease (80 pairs) Men's Fine Yid KM Bala., regu• - •2lar$8.00,Saturd Saturday Wednesdayprice —15 pairs Women's Fine Dongola J3als,, regular 1.39 x;2.00., Saturday until Wednesday price ,,... We want 75 Mon on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday to buy Men'e $1,60 Pants for $1.19 ; and $2.00 Pants for $$1.50. Come early. HARRY A. MATCHETT Garfield House, Brussels, .4 r, 4