HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 6PilAiti(ETS
mend, Consequently Gila class suf-
Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres.
Toronto, Aug, 11.1-1Whean-The
nuarket i 11101, with only a limited
dentate' for Ontario wheel, No, 2
'whit 0 C1111 0111 'W 1111 er, old, quoted
at 741 to 7be; oalv tit 72 to 7:4;
low rates to nettle, Manitoba
wheitt is gamer. No. 1 hard quoted
at 01 107 tioderielt, and No.North-
ten at 0018 God,,, -;.83,„ ;No. 1 bead,
97 ,le grinding in trattsit, lake anti
rail, and No, 1 Northern at 4ifi41c,
Ilato-The market is quiet, with
fair onlerings, No. 2 white quoted
at 30 to 84 L'' high freights, end No.
1 white at 512,0 01101,
.1311,(1TC1100 111 (1,11 111)., No, 3 ex-
tra quoted a•L 41k: middle freights,
tura No. 3 at 40 to 41e.
Ityg-The market is quiet, with
export value tet 4,8c middle freights
for No. 2.
Peuek-Trade dull, with No. 2
white quoted nt high freights,
and at liSe 011114..
Corly-...krat(1101; ia unchanged. No. 3
'Aeneeloan „yellow quoted at 01c ;on
Veneta Toropto, and No, 8 mixed rst
(40 e, Torooto. Canadian corn 11ore-
Floter-aNinety per eent patent
qu'o'ted to -clay at -$2.813
freiglite, in liltyons7 saeeks, for ex-
port. Streight rollers of special
bran* domestictrade quoted al
$3.25 to $3,45 in bins. Manitoba
flour steady; No. 17 patents, $4,20
to w.:10, theta barkers,' 83.90 4o $4,
and strong bake's', $3.80, Toronto.
Nillfeede-ellran steady at $17, and
shorts $18.50 here. Alt outside
points bran is quoted at $15 to
$1'5,11(0, and shorts at $1 7; 1Manito-
lea bran, in awake, $18, and S.1101tS
110 _$21. Imre.
Butter -The receipts of butter con
thole good, and prices generally un-
alratiged,.. The demand 144 chiefly for
Gnash grades... We quote :-Ctoice
1-18, rolls, 15 to 16•e: selected ;miry
tubs, uniform color, 14 to LiHOC-
op,clury grades, store Invielted, 1.1 Lo
1t8c; secomitary prints 143 to 19e;
aolids, 1 71 to 18M.
Frgg.e-The market is quiet.
(jiloto' SLrictI nSOW 1114, 14,to
3i5c; fresh Deandled stotka Dee; sue -
oxide and. cliecelses, 10 to lle.
Chasse -There is very little doing,
wit h prices inichanged. WO quote;
-14Mnest, 91 to 1,0c; seconds, 21 to
Dressed hogs firm. Caved meats
are steady, with a good demand.
We qu-ote a-acticon, long clear, 10 to
1.01e, in ton and case lots. Pork,
mess, Step to $20; do., ohort aut.
Smelted ineatat-,Hame, 1.3 to 1.4c;
rolls, 11 ic; eitatildere, 104c; backs,
15 to 114o; hreakfast bacon, 14. to
Leiria -Market • lo unchanged,
Ticaces, Olt tube, 01c; palls, 1 Oc;
cantpouncl, 8 to 00.
Montreal, .Atig. G8c
high freights 724c here; rye 5'3a 1411104.,
584o afloat here; bnciktvimat, 481 to
ciale; oats, Ho. 2, 118 to 881e, in
Store here; flaxseed, $1.15 on tractle
here; feed burley, 510e; No. 8 barley,
821,e; Coon, 600 for No. 13 yellow
annarican. IFIcaer-teatenitobrt pa-
tents, $4.8;5; t et:ands, ifel to $4„05;
strong bakers', $8.45; Ontario
atireight rollers, $8.00 to $8.60, in
hags (41.70 to $1,75; patents, $8.75
to $4. lOggsi-Candlecl, selected, 10
to 17c4, seconds, 14k to lie; Straight
receipts, 14 to 141c; No, 2, 1,24c,
Ececit-rganitalm bran, $18; shorts,
VI. to $22, bags included; Ontario
bran -in hulk, $17 io $18; Shoots in
hulk, $20 to $21; raiddlin.gs, $21.
Provisions -Heavy Canadian shott
cot pork, %A to $20; light short
cut pork, %ID; Compound refined
lard, /34 to 0c; pure C•anaclian lard,
04 to 1 Oe; flineat lard, 10) 1,0 11,1c;
hams, 184 to 14.4e; bacon 14 to 15c;
live hogs, $6.25 to $11.50; fresh
killed abattoir hogs, $8,110 to 88.75;
Prue -lean clear backs. (411)72; clear
shoulder pork, $18.40, Claveso-On-
tart°, al 'to 94e, townships 9,4 to
e ire; Quebec, 9)c. Butt 0.14,-TOW11.-
0114/11 (1'0/111101`3', 1l14 to lee; Quebec:
liSke; Weatern dairy, ilia. /Honey -
White clover, in Rectifies, 11. to ile2e
per station; in 1.0-1b., tins, 8c.
Bu o, Aug. 11 a -El oun-lsi ren.
Wheat -Spring, no demand; winter,
Strong for rod; No. 1 white, 80';
No. 2 recl, 81c. Corne-tiatrong for
yellow; No, 2 yellow, 5.Tke; No, 2
corn, 564 to 561e. Catete-Fairly
native and steady; No. 2 white, 11(0.0,
371.c; No, 2 mixed, 85e, .13arley-
Nothing doing. layea-No, 2, 58 10.
Canal treighLst-Stoacly.
9/Iiirneapolist, Ang, Pt 010e -
ode -47010; December, 711 pm on track,
No, 1 hard, 871e; No, 1 Nomiletto,
8:61e; No. 2 Northean, 444/ to 85e:
No. 2 Northern, 81 to 84e.
Duluth, Aug. 11 0-Wheet-T41 ar-
vive, No. 1 hard, 861e; No, 1 North-
ern, 864t; No. 2 Northern, 844c;
September, 81e,e; December, 831e,
Toronto, Aug. 1 1. -The export eata
tle trOdC 11,104 dull at the Western
Market to -day, and stales W01.0 slow,
and in most instances at hover prices(
than laet week.
Tho heavy deliverie44 of export eat -
Ale are causing a slight congestion
thereof' in the market, and hence buy-
ers Were not inclined to operate un-
lese they Mild got their wants: sup-
plied on a cheaper baste than 441')"
'0041141.1 kat week. So drovers did
not quickhe ott,t. and ca tety loade
40)11114(11441 unsold till the eleire ot the
day. There were a fairly large num-
ber or exporters' or excellent quality
Offered, and ne high as 0,15 1V/41fi 011..
10,10ed for at least one load, by
Crete/ford and TIUnniteett, ae May be
(teen by the list of tratteactions
The lint/eller trade was quiet, mid
the qrality of thie oleos of cattle
fered most severely in the decline.
There was little enquiry foe feed-
ers and elmelters, and a few loads;
Fold 111 current quotutions. Values in
t Twee are inclined to lie easier in 45,1(1"
4)11.14(3' with the Melbas 10 tho local
export market,
The values of sheep kept up well,
and despite the large deliveries all
01.101.5,11 10(,1.0 0010.• 8101 1114 111 1113)$,
110001 1,1% sold considerably below last
weeke, minis, and the prospects are
that they will rente in low.
'I'II)' run enuinnted to 81 cars, C011-
(1141111114 1110 1.111 11)', 2,308 Himeji, 1,-
7ifir hogs, anti (at calves.
'rite market roe exportets' was; dull
at (44,4)) to 85 yet. cwt., with to or
184. extra pate in a few instances.
There was little change In hotel-
Prn' to report. We quote OH l'OHOWS:
Pleked lots. $4.40 to $1.6o; good
loads, $4.85 to $4.50; fair to good,
londs, $8.75 to $4.80; common, $3
(4:3.70;to a 011( in 1.1 to, Sam
tc, 83; eannere, $2 up.
The enquiry for feedero and stock -
/es was light. Quotations follow:
Feeders. steers or good quality, (310
to 1,000 lbs., at S4 to $1.50; stock-
ers. 1 yam to 2 -your -old sterna 400
to 00 lbs.. $3 to $3,311; off -colors
and poor breeding qualities, stone
priee: $2.4331 per cwt., and upwards
About thirty mach coos sold at
1125 to $414 each,
Tho sheep trade was quiet: and
lambs were dull and 1 to 4 3e lower,
We quote: Lambs, $8.50 to 84,00;
export ewes. $11.50 to 83.611; bucks.
1S2,50 to $2.75 per cwt,; cullo, 82,01)
lo (48.00 181141.
Calves sold at 4 to rat per lb,
Roo 0,400 steady and unchanged.
We quote: Selects, 1 60 to 200 tbs.,
$6•50; fats and lights, 115c less.
Seventy-five Fanners to Fight
Against Aut omobiles.
A Chicago despaith says :-SC,V011-
ty-44.S*0 101111101'S 114110 14154) tO tile weet
of Hennst en have formed an anti -
automobile League for the purpose
of peeveneing scorching at ; t mobil-
, Tho dirtwt 0111)1.5101) for tlw
forenation of the Magee WON an ac-
cident which rc,coutly happened 'to a
afea, Johanna Still 11' 1 t,/, 474) 0, 474(41
her child, wet; injured by being
theown from her buggy through the
horse she was (451 ring shying at an
1111111'0110111 fig 00 tomobile. Not with-
standing Mrs. Schwitre's cries to
stop, Dm automobileiret Or0111 011 Wt.
FL furious speed.
On the following cloy a. number of
farmers of the thetrict, hearing of
the accident, gathered and waited
for a sem:cher, 011 tho approa,eh of
whom they ran an endrty waggon
across the road, forcing him to torn
into the chtch, where his machine
was wrecked,
"iVe have decided," said John
Wil -
11015, a member of tho league, "that
this sterching business moat slop.
1Vo are going to use force 1 memo -
sane, T CS:C.Cy 11 sbotgun rneettale
and I know of Mimes who 40. TIM
other day the same lean came 104112: -
zing past me twice. The 0(104. 4.4(08
I steered my team out of the way.
bet *Hie second time I didn't hurry
much. I guess be thought T was
going 40 give hint the whole of the
road, but he mirealcula.ted and had
to take to the ditch. I guess he
w'ould sell his automobile pretty
cheap new."
Ottawa Valley Mill Destr oyed-
Men Killed and Injured.
An Ottawa (Impeach says O --)V ter-
rific storm passed clown the Ottawa
N'alley on Thartecley afternoon, carry-
ing death and cicmtroolion in its
train. At Boachenes, tax miles Spat
of Ottawa., a big lumber mill be-
longing to Fraser Bros. is just ap-
proaching' completion, It is one or
the finest mills in Canada, and spit -m -
a1(/13' equip:ord. On the east Side
was the engine and boiler -house, a
0110 1111(1 one-half sttorey brick build-
ing. In this structure there were
*working when the storm broke,
James Campbell, 3110 32-ye451'-1,lcl
son of ex-Ald. W. J. Campbell, and
his helper, ./0003 Valiquetle, Erom
the mill site straight 0:01'0115 the
river Is a, distance of three miles.
The wind stVeeping with trentencleus
force acroes the lake struck the
front of the engine -house, carrying
down the front wall, and burying
Campbell and Valiquotte miller a
masa or bricks rind molter. 'The
Storm in he wild careee streak the
contre 4(01111 of the engin e-11 MC.
whith 11131 on a lineman of the 1 1 el I
liDeofric 00, named Joteph Chugg,
who happened to be in the engine -
room. The north cool of the build-
ing was also blown down, but th0
side vvalle were left, stanchest'.
An altirm WilS inetnerliestely raistecl.
and a mimed or Praser's employes
mottled over to the w.reck, After
halt on home's digging the three inen
were extricated, Campbell and
(melte being tom hilly tett:died, The
Mitered were placed on an eleallide
CSC, 3011. young Ca•noibell expired
just AS 11111 711,14 14401/A11114 1 1111 1.
'1110 (1)1113 0)14 stay Valiquette will not
live, but Chugg will 100.01.01'. The
aceldent created quite a gloom in
the vita', The Campbell family being
well knotim,
Ming Confers Titles in. Connection
With \Heil:.
A London despatch Hays. A long
Het, or honors, conferred by the Ring
in connection with the Royal visit to
Ireland, was published on Wednesday
night, Sir John Chroilee Reedy Col-
ordb, 11.1l„ end - Thomas Andrews,
chairman of the County Down Coun-
cil, have been mado Privy Connell-
C/r$4, and Sir Daniel Dixon, :Lord
Mayor. 0( 1101111144., and EdWard Fitz-
gerald, Loed Mnyor of Cork, haat:
been created baronets. Other honors(
eye distributed to the officials of
thepribuipal toWns Visited during
tbe AM/al tiallr,
Drouth Is Likely to Cause a Re-
duced Yield,
A Toronto devatch says :,.--" am
1•301'1'3' 41> Pay that tho press for the
most part lotto 345011 holding out a
Imo prondeing view 01 tido yearlic
orop in Cot ninehweait," Said 111;o, 0.
V, 11. 111/4110'111, OSS.103 11111, manager et
the •Ounada Permanent Loan & 1u-
1) (0'1'0)41.1t Company, vehtl 1101, illSi
returned from a arty through ;Lilo
north v(va), palely to aseertain crop
condi ; Ions 111143 proopectst ' ' ln my
opinion," he added, "the total yield
will not 'be larger than lasit, year;
in Mote it will not 0(00 be equal, In
spite of the increased acreage. When
I left Winnipeg* on June 154.11 the
crops luster Malted bettor; Gm plen-
tiful rain in the early spring had
given them a splendid start, and
they were paogreasing rapidly. But
when I returned four weeks later
their eoPectrauce had completely
ohanged. The stmaw was :Mort and
the grain had only partly handled
out, and WAS scraggy. Three weeks
of deamth had done the damage, and
I now throughout all of sontinem,
i entifihwastorn and. central Manitoba,
1 whieb is the groat gettinisroclacing
district of tho weed, the yield -will
not average more than from 12 to
15 IneehelS to the acme, where as
ilast ',1001. the a.verage yield per arm
W'1111 26 bus:helm, in :mane isoletted
(notelets there will he 110 (Top at
all. It Is true, there la a larger
area ttnder cultivation by about
1 (831,000 mi)'es. But in a corraidor-
I able portion or this the grain was
; stagily eelashed in 011 the Stubble,
' and most or it has turned out very
poor, Indeed, on account of the
dirou•th. Where It VMS 111-01/011Y
seeded on Summer fallow the yield
will be all right. While Mardi_ oba
will, without doubt, have a Short
crop, still 1 do not know that that
will lie an, manixed evil. In fact.,
our company 11.1111 lificuleiers 4e14101a1-
ly OR, inenned to regard' it as a
good thing for the country, as it
will adeve to 1.1108 too geent a
boom, At the prettent 1(1(1(4 values
have been hellated to an enormous
extent in certain parts of the W010,"
American Authority - Gives Statis-
tics on Infant Mortality.
A. Washingt on despatch say's e -Dr.
I W. 0. Woodward. the Health °Dicer
of the District of Columbia, renews
his recent critiieisen of the practice
' of feeding infants on condole:oat milk
and infant food. Dr. Wbodevard
says that (luring the amok ending
July 25 twenty-one children under
two yeare of age died from clatter -
booed diseaaes. Two WCCO breast-
fed and nineteen botetle fed. 01 the
latter !Wanes he SOTS that 111110
were fed 00 COW'S milk, boiled in
five iostances, pasteurized in one,
and used withdut special precaution
in three. Eight were fed 017 11011 -
(lensed milk, and two on materials
whiell the utanufacturens claim to be
healthful food, for infants, Dr.
Woodward emphatically states that
attifieial noutrislmient is necisary,
and says there is no better food
than cow's millc pooperly cared for
or modified to suit tho demands of
the individual infant. as determined
by its ago and general condition of
health. He adds
"Cow's milk, moreover, forme the
nitwit impel:tent article in the 'diet-
ary of chili:Irma especially after
weaning and In the seeond year of
life. No salisfaotory subseituto
110,1 over been found for it."
, -
Mom Murdered in His Sleep and
Son is Accused.
A Barnesville, Ohio, despatch ssys:
lm Dwight JackSon,
aged 98, a laborer of Barnesville,
111.114 111110'd03'011 early Tuesday morn-
ing. .0.13 the OM 111011 slopt in his
bed his artattilant struck him on th
head, ('malti)1g his skull. So quietly
was the devil planned 1/11/1 exenoted
that Jackson's young' daughter, who
WOS occupying the saute room with
Man, 1.1.115 11 Ot awakenexl. IC was
this daughter who finst discovered
that .1 ea kson liad been inturcletrod,
A,t 110011 Fred jackson, son of the
inorklered 11111.11, WEIS arresled
Ofl .5)15-
3)3010)) 01 being the nantleree of his
fothee The old man had reproved
the eon a day or so ago and the
boy is ctIleged to have been angered
at his father.
Fifty Million Feet W- ill be Export-
ed This Season,
A Halifax, N.S„ despatch says; The
export of sawn lumber this year from
Newfoundland is expected eo redch
50,000,000 reet, for the Several con-
(er)1e ini masted. The Timber Esti-
mates; Compary of which Henry
Whitney, of lioston, is the head,
alone hope to accpunt for 25,000,000
of this, and the other 115 will con-
tribute file remainder, The former
company will hove 20 steamete load-
ed with the product at Lewisport bo' -
(01,1 81' duet' or navigation, and the
other shipmente will be transported
by moons of schooners and barques.
There are said to be over 2,000 >nen
getting a permanent living in this
colony 110W through lumbering, and
many more could secure employment,
Rich Strike of the Yellow IlIetal
on Polly River.
A Fort Selkirk, Y,Ta despatch
saYs strike is repoirtecl from the
Pel ly vvirioh in t1rnn May
rival the Elonellke 121 nicheesee. 014
• 14.4.11, Robert Henderson, the
original dimoverer of the Klorallko,
found pay dirt on a 'tributary of
litoote Myer, a tributary of the
Pelly iliver, What the sifrike
amounts to bus not, yet been deter -
rained, but 101,0(1 Flnovoldson, who 313
a, partner of Henderson, Says that
In one day,s shoVelling lac cleaned
up Seventeen dollars,.
Notes of Proceedings in the Can-
adian Parliament.,
On the motion for the third read-
ing of the Grand Trunk Pacille bill
Mr, Fowler 3110V041 (hilt 1310 bill he
referred back to the (ionunItt ee of
the Whole, in order 30 nmend it 111
110001',3111100 With 1118 1)0(14)1) or motion
by providing that ir 111t Orand
Trunk Railway acquires any of the
eommon stock of the company the
Grand Trunk shall pay for such
stock its par -value in earth.
Atter some debate Mr. R. 1101',
den usked for a statement of the
policy of the Covernment on this
subject, and also a et atemeat wheth-
er the Government replotted the tic-
quisition of $25,000,000 worth at
etnumon stock by the Grand Trunk as
of any advantage to the country,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier said the (lee-
)'minent placed great tionedence 111
1110 01.11.11(1 'Prunk being concerned in
the scheme, and everything that
Ivould help to bring them Into it
would be of benefit. Ile did not see
why the Grand. Trunk should be pen-
alized in this way, 871 stock
would be sold at the 00111111011 mar-
ket value, of course.
Mr. Barker said that there was no
reason why, under the1VOCC11/41`, of
the bill, the Grand Trunk Railway
Company might not lm allotted the
whoie of this stock in return for the
granting of terminal facilities and
traffic arrangenionte.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier pointed out
that in the computing of freights the
actual amount of money put into
the road was to be considered, so
that if only twenty million dollars
W115 pai(1 for the stock that only
would be considered.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. 11:e81p moved the amendment,
standing in his mune, providing that
niajority of the directors of the stoat-
pany shall be British subjects.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that he
was iirepared to accept the amena-
ment, .but he thought it would bo
better to insert it in the bill con-
firming the agreement between tile
Government and the company.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier laid on the
tabhe plans of a short line of 1 111 1 -
way between. QVIebec and the Mari-
time Provinces. He also laid on the
table copie44 of the reports of the
Ontario and Quebec Government en-
gineers on northern Ontario and
northern Quebec.
Mr. Borden asked if these WM the
mountains of information of which
Sir Wilfrid had spoken in his ad-
Sir Wilfrid Laurier repliodt.-N),
only some of the hills. (Laughter.)
The House discussed Mr. Pitapat-
rick's resolution providing for the
compulsory retivement of judges over
130 years of aga and proportionate
pensions for disabled indexes 'and
others retiring after slit:oiler periods
of service. The resolution brought
forth many eriticievne as to the sal-
aries of judges. Mir. Osier pointed
out that the salaries of judges were
muole too low, to Seth an extent
that ninny of them haid to engage
in other purstuits for which they
were unfitted. • IlIn thought t50 re-
solution did not go nearly far
enough. Mr. Fitz:pahriek agree'd
with many Of Mr. Oakes remarks.
Tinder the resolution the judges in
Ontario who would be alle,cted were
Messts. Elliott, 7-h9ghe44, Deacon,
Lazier, O'Brien, Nett:Mom and
Woods. These wore all Om (interim
judges who would be affectel. Judge
ffilliott was 80 years or ago, and
had served 84 years on the bench;
Ju'dge Hughes, 8111 yeare, 48 yeams'
serviice; Judge Deepen, 79 years,
1354 years' service; Judge Lazier,
21.4 yeatual service; judge 011rien.
SG yeatte, 184 years' service; eftidge
431.4314)0101, 75 yowls, 144 yeaos' ser-
vice; Judge Witted's, 434 yeeest, 174
yews' 5001,105.
Mr. Kendall was inforined by Sir
Wm, Muted: in the House that Alex,
Wright, the Conservative organizer
of Toronto, WaS 8 18911 appointed
a coininissioner to enquire into the
sweating system ht Canada, at a
salary of $5 per day, 'The total ex-
pellSOS of the commission was (4004.-
1)0, mado up of $4.40 tor Mr,
Wright's services, $260,50 his travel-
ing expenses, etc., and the balance
for clerical and miscellaneous expens-
Mr. Earle was inforntod by Sir
Mulock that the commission ap-
pointed to investigate the labor
troubles in British Columbia had pre-
sented their report. As soon as this
report was printed 1,4 would bo laid
on the table of the House.
Mr, 001.SCO 11011 WAS informed by
Mr, Sift on that the Government had
forwarded an invitation to the 1,0t01,
DOW 1 011 al Congress of Geology to
hold its next meeting in Canada in
1908, and would make suitable ar-
rangements to receive them. Dr. Pell,
acting director of the Geologica/
Survey, has been authorized to at-
tend this yeare oongress al, 'Vienna
to represent the Canadian geologists
and the Royal Soeiety,
Temiskaming •ItailwaSr to Be
Double in Length.
A Toronto despatch says t--iThe
Ontario Government has deeided
that as sOon as tho route of the
G. T. 3). through Ontario is de-
finitely known a, connection tvill he
made with the Temiekaming
104.13'. .An immediate survey frorn
New Lisknard northerly has been
olrdered with that purpose, The line
from Nerkh :Bay to NOW Liskeard
will bd completed 801110 111.00tha 1)0..
10TC 010 00111.1.03)t expireeo The o'.
4.0)141013 nerth to the 0, '1', 11, IL
will probably be abotrt 80 inilea.
This will Mean ta GoWsterrnsht cone
shrtleted and owned (Wart° retiltway
nearly 200 miles Yong,.
Hnocked. Out qteeper and Wrecked,
Amusement Booth,
A New York despatch says
George Brown, 42 years old, keeper
of Tommy, an elephant which was
1,matorttal recently, is 01 the Recep-
tion 1104)1(111 at coney island ent-
feeing from internal injuries inflicted
by Tommy. Ilo bas been under
Brown's care since his nittival (14
Coney Island, whero be was seat by
the (4)10"( (((15 appraitters pending the
Covenant))) t's decision aa to the
aniatort of duty the importer shall
pay. "Clue big beast broke from
his einteldee early on Wadocesday
moaning 111111 11,1.111.1010 the intectior of
the Flea Beach palace. With ono
swing of his trunk he knocked
Brown into a ('0 11104' 101 11104011-
131110115* heap. During the excite-
ment attending his rampage half
the trainers an(1 managers of the
elbow were enclenvoring .to capture
the beast and chain Min up. Same
one in the eticeileanent pulled the five
alann aml the appraoch of two
engines added to the excitement.
Brown was knoviked out before he
could do an eet hinge Stevet,a1 at-
taches or the show, aenned W 111
pitchforks, finally drove the elephant
(Ill 11 trapdoor, which dropped ltim
into a pit seven feet deep. Mare
he WOO chained up.
He Denotes Sum of $2,500,000 to
A London despatch says
Andrew Carnegie will give Ae500.,000
111 11.11 3 1C11 States Steel Corporation
bonds to 11313 711.111VO Town of Dun-
fermline, in. addition to the neigh-
boring estate of Pit teneriela 11/111C31
110 recently botight, The inlerest
on the bondo is to be applied to
maintaining Pittencrieft as a public
pleasure ground, to endowing a
thealre for the production of fleet -
closes plays, for promotin.g exhibi-
tions of arts and ecienves, for en-
couraging horticulture among he
wmecing people, and far acivent.ing
technical calucatio.n in the disitrict,
which is the centre of tho ScThilish
linen incluetry. A *matt is to be
created to administer taw gift, and
the trustees will receive considerable
liberty in the disposition of the,,fund
In the inteeest of tlus town.
Dynamite 'Killed Surveyor Cald-
well said His Son,
8. Vancouver, 13.0., despaireh says:
-A. terribie tragedy occurred near
Macaulay Point on Tnesday. Two
men, believed to be Henry Caldwell
suaveyor, and his son, went to a
small is111114 about two miles Prom
Victoria, and off IltracomItty. Point,
to dynamite fish, Their dynamite
exploded, and the bodies of both
wire torn to straall pietas and steal -
tared ovee' the rookg,
Hamilton's Great Carnival and
Reunion of Old Boys. r
Thousands are sure to attend the great
Carnival and Reunion. It is only fair to say
of the people of Handlton, Ont., that when
they undertake anything 41 14 always well done.
They have that reputation, and this coming
ninth, with their monster Carnival and Old
Days' Reunion, they are going to eclipse every
previous effort. The dates are August teth,
rtith, oeth and zoth, and there isn't a minute
of the whole time, according to the program,
when there wont be something doing. On
Monday, the first day, the Old Boys will be
welcomed home. There will be athletic
sports, massed band concerts and boxing
tournaments. On the second day, the Old
Boys and Veteran Firemen will parade. There
will be sailing regattas, and grand feiryland
illumination 04 4310 far-fatned Hamilton Beach.
In the city parks, and at.night in the Armory
building, there will he band concerts. On
Wednesday there will be a monster floral
parade of carriages, a Gymkhana parade and
Gymkhana eports at the Jockey Club grounds,
and a reunion of Central School pupils of the
past fitly years. ;On the evening of this day
there will be a mngnificent fireworks display
in Dumbest and Harvey Parks. Thursday,
the last thy 01 1410 Carnival, is Civic Holiday
in Hamilton, It will be a great day.' There
will be a Trades Parade in the morning with
decorated floats, and a work horse parade and
.cohmetition. In the afternoon there will 410 11
grand Military Review in which American
Regiments will march with the soldiers 01 4.410
; King, and artillery ancl Infantry of many corps
will join in producing a spectacle, the like of
which has never before been seen in this Prov-
ince. This will take place at the jockey
Club grounds, and will continue all afternoon
ing, closing the Carnival in ablaze of
Added to the attractions.named is the lifid
1(5.3) 111(43 Street Fair, held in the centre of the
el(', in which there are no less than fifteen
wonderful 5110190, at follows;
Trained Wild Anitnals in a Stec! Arena.
The Streets of Indirt.
The House Upside DOWD.
The Ferris Wheel.
Dog and Pony Circus.
• Getman Village,'
Down in Dixie.
Aztec Twins.
Carden 0( 1415 Cods,
The Girl from Up 'There,
Buckskin Ben's Wild West.
Trip to Meledia,
Aquatic Circus.
Moving Pigmies.
Night in the (Meet.
3(3(011 101111 (0 forget rpm freebies; ir you
‘11(1111 10 renew your youth; if you want tohave
0195(14 of unadulterated, pure enjoyment, yoe
will visit Hamilton during Carnival week,
The railways are all iseog return tickets fox
the area/. show At siogie Tito 1,
Doininion Department of Agricul-
ture Issues 80100 13110.0 -
The following practtical poultry ad-
vice 14< given 44. 1113'. 11,
Chief of tho PonitD 1)31. 14511,1) of the
Daminion Dopartnagin ui /443010411'
8le of Fowls -1( 151 most profit-
able to dispose of olit hens before
the moulting 344.14( 0(4. 111111.' 18 then
a 1'0)(1Y 11001(01 101' 1'0101/4 011 actiount
oC the se:Amity of chickens. At the
present 1,1010 5144 emits 0 31011110 11'o
11'1,1 1011, iH offered for hens by a largo
Matinee cohnocuty in l'orontcr;
cents a pound 'Melted 11010,t is paid
in Montreal. .4(1 3101"01' Et 1 1(1,0)11 1113
live chickens 01111 he bought. by the
produre merchants for tho above
rates, or for ti cattail Increase in
them. If the hens atm hold moil
fall they 41131 not 01,0 11,(0 41.100.1
a profit as . .they will this mouth
owing u..) the recitation of the Mar -
Rot pace f01. 1010.18 1100 381' 1004 0 1
110911 111 11)9)) 1.1(4)4. Ilene Humid Ito
sold when they are! two years old
All male birds .shoold be sold in the
1411011* and cockerels • areal foe
b reeding t ho folIowlng reetison,
l'ullets for Layinge-The advan-
tages of retainin43 the early pullets
for fall anti 47(11111)1 .144)1 1)rodu0.110n
have been 1',31/0(110(113' 4411114444, 'Marty
pullets will ley in their 11111,11 3'0111.'
13(0 11111010 1111 many eggs as old hens.
'Pilo coat of feed '((111 114 practicality
the mune for the pullets as tor the
hens. 'Pile profit from the aullete
will be commepondlogly greatest', The
/omit promising 1/1 (144 3'43' int pallets
shoul(4 lie $elected now, fed libeeally
Ho that early winter laying only be
encouraged, and later on plarod In
comfortable winter quarters. 'Preps -
'erring mature pullets to a, setrange
pen (toren.; egg product ton,
Rtilbty-typc.,. Yowb44.1--10or poultry
rimming the utility type of breeding
fowl should be selected. This Wm
of fawl can lie had in the proper
breeds, Plymouth necks cool Wyatt-
doter's, utility -type fowls 41081c4
be broad, blocky, 110 a 1110011110
SiZO 0110 weight (mature weight --
cock seven to eight 111111,11 half
patinas: hen five and a half to seven
pounds). The breast should be
full, broad and carried well On' -
1011,1(1. legs should be set well
apart , short , wit; t e or yellow in
color" and without leg or foot feath-
ering. The utility -type fowl corres-
ponds to the shoethorn type in cat-
tle : a square 0,1111 broad -bodied low-
setSarl(erwl' of Chickene,-Pront eleven
cents to twelve ciente pee 410111111 live
weight Is offered in 'Poronto and
Montreal for chickens weighing over
one and 11 half pounds each. The
prices correspond approximately to
futreteen cents and fifteen (Tilts per
matted plucked weight, ond twenty
cents and twenty-two cents per
poulfd drawn weight. It is evident
that an increased profit will lie real-
ized by selling the earlier and heav-
ier cockerels pi' thd 13ocic ci.t once.
Thi*; profit corremponcls to the in-
creased revenue derived by 311011101
gardeners and fruit growers who
place staple articles on the market
befort the roguler supply is avail-
Crestearatted Chieleetta-The increas-
ed. consumption of chickens in Can-
ada is dim to the improved quality
and appearance of the chicicans that
ere offered for sale, This improve-
ment has been established through
the Mistiness of crat 0 -hitt ening thick-
ens introduced by thig Department of
Agriculthre, and to the methods of
killing, plucking and shaping 'the
chickens before they are marketed,
Every fanner in Canada shonld be in
possession of the details of the
crate -fattening business. It, is a
business that can be managed 1),v
any 100.1111b01' of the lioueehold; the
required member of crates 111.11 0013113
COnSitt'll'OtCd; the chickens wile gain
fram one and a half pound14 to three
pounds each during the twenty four
days II/Atoning, and the coot of food
per pound of gain in live weight will
average 11'001 five cents to six o.nd 11,
half cents.
Fall Mfrs. -Fowls that are to be
exhibited at the fall fairs Should he
shaded from the sun during /omitt-
ing. This will prevent the 110W
feathers hawing a faded or mottled
fl.PPectrance. Breeders of fancy fowls
are very particular in this respect
and cover the tops of the ;salads used
by tho moulting Maids with old car-
pets, Itsatber, ote, The fowls art,
given liberty during the late atm,
noon and evening' 01117. All i 11101
toad and vegetables are netestsary
for Innelting fowls; the animal food,
such as waste meat or raw bones
will increase the supply of protein or
olbanien for the growth of feathers;
the vegetables aro useful in regulat-
ing the syatem.
AY, A, CLIf133I04341,
Publication Clerk,
A Man Travels --From Ilalifax to
A 'Winnipeg despatch H11`,VS 1, --When
Winnipeg &boaters opened a C. P. R.
freight refrigerut or cur here on Wed-
neaday they found a, man roamed
Roney .7011111401) concealed therern,
.101108011 1005 hidden in the car at'
Raliftix kind came through with the
car on a passenger tram, Ife haci
been four days without food, but
Fie watt charged' at the police sta-
Mtn with 11. warning,
ticket:, but the Magistrate released
was nut 101' 4413)1)',Hon with 1>4>111(1143 his way without a
Alaska, mounaory to Ix Settled
Next Month.
A London despatch says tr.-The
nrst 0(1 14)14 of the Aittska :Boundary
OonIndssion will take Ware tnt Sept,
tembor B., It will probably take
place at Burlington House,
Telegraphic 17171-eFS From All
Over the Globe,.
Six Guelph hotels will lose 1 111,1 17
18ai05u8 if they do uot comply with
the request of the ('1' (11011014i0)14'114 to
increase their tteconntiotlation.
11 18 81)111 that 100 1403 1 W11V 00131
'Araks of (341(1 (('41 vicinity are being
,thildowrid by ilidectit re es a result
of a rotten'. 11(041 011 1110 Brockville
Robert Stewart, 0 young 11100 of
the Cypress Meer dietrfid, elanitolav,
hanged himself Daday et. his fatiuttos;
grointry, 114' was crazed with reli-
gious excitement,
A memorial to the memory of tbo
Otto Lieut. Borden, who died In
South Africa, will he erected by til0
C4t1150118 of Cannington, er, end
will be unveiled by Lotal Strathcours
thlo /all,
John Lyle end Thom Thomas havo
completed fifty years' service with
the Waterous Engine Co„ at. Brant-
ford. They were given volnablo pre..
MOM (1 by their fellow-omployes 0,0t1
00 eacit by the manager of the
Teterboro is to havo a street rail-
wey, a franchise having been lot to
1111) Teterboro' cool Ashburnliftra
Electric Railway Co., which is the
same as .the American Canal 00.
Five miles are to be ready for oper-
alien not' later than duly 1, 11101.
Fifty-two olieep have been worried
by dogs in ono night on a farm al
credit on, Devon.
The Earl of Ancaster made a ro-
tarn or 10 our coat, ou the half -
yearly rents of 31411 Lincolnshire ten -
coley al the audit.
Thn 11188 has approved the ap-
pointment of Mr. A. B. Aylemworth,
K. C., to succeed the late Justice -
Amnion' 00 the Alaska Boundary
Methodism in. Engtend "i's 2,000
preachers, 1 8,000 lorei pt,a, li.ers and
an army of Sunday school teachers.
Yet its increase iS but one tem cent..
.0)11111Sola1eilth 0,1%1 bi£111101.1. '"Ihey kill
prayer ineeting,s end spirit 4ality,'",
says the conference president.
Pl. R. Tlionum, the youthful turf-
man, has made $3,000,000 since
Jaimary by bearing the New York
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
pany will spend $5,000,000 in build-
ing DOW shops at, Altoona, Pa., to
employ five thousand men.
Two deaths attributed to ('1501851 150
8010.1414 or cigarettes ()vetiver(' at
'Philadelphia. on Wednesday, nicotine
and arsenic doing the work,
Reprinmoded by her parents, Miss
lIlIa 43,1003(14 01 St. Louis, Mo., aged
20, satorated herself with coal oil
and then etauck 11. match, resniting
In fatal burns.
Kansas School lloarcls aim insert-
ing clauses in contract% with tho
teachers that prohibit either court-
ing Or marriage by .tho latter dur-
ing the school term.
A. five:mile range is clahned for tho
new model Springfield tinny rifle
which will be the deadliest small
arm yet designed iu the United!
Stateel or IOu•rope.
Joseph Borne Misted, of 0200»-
4(14 1011, Conn., a. former Wall Street
broker cold once owner of tho farm
now the property of Wm. Rockefeller,
has gone to the poorhouse, having
10154 111H fortune '111 stock gambling.
/401 015-810.1508' organization at Mem-
phis has passed strong resolutions
condemning the northern press for
Its attitude on the negro queetIon,
and thanking the Southern news-
papers for their stand in regard to
the recent lynchings in Not•thern
Ten striking workmen 49010 shot
clead and eighteen wounded by soldi-
ers on the Piflic; 'Batman Railway.
Members of religious orders recent-
ly expelled from France, nue apply-
ing for permission to reside tempor-
arily in the diocese of Metz until
334')' can arrange to emigrate to .fign-
erica or Abyssinia,
Oon, Rodrigues, • Commander -in -
Chief of the Rural Guard,, has ord-
ered the mobilization of all Rural
Guards in eastern Cuba, and the
Governor of Santiago Province hes
been instructed to enlist as many
volunteers as may be deemed 11me5-
8/117, to co-operate with the mount-
ed troops. Trouble has arisen with
revolutionists who demand arrears
liffie death is just reported from
Nov 'York of Mr. George Gilbert
Williams, president, of the Cherntetar
Bank. This concern, whoee
shares are now quoted at $4.500,
has a cerious 11151.013'. For years
the businesa has been 11 banking one,
with just tv little bit of chemical
menufacture to again Its charter.
In the fine eetablithment on Broad-
way a small shop is apportioned to
a manufacturing ehemist, who pot-
ters about mixing ingredients. Ile
is not mueli tronbled with business,
but now and again a New York
citivem will startle a visitor by tak-
ing him into his fine bank and 11814-
Oig 11 dinitlist-Worth of castor-oil
-Which is auppllecl,
Thousands of elephants tiro slaugh-
tered every year to supply the worl(1
with ivory, rind ono -fifth of the
whole number goes to the markets
of Great Dritain, The average
weight of ivory obtained froi a sin-
gle elephant is about 5011,. Tusks
wtighing 100/11. each have been
known, but these Ilte very rale. The
most expensive tusks usually cost
about 0550 per hundredweight. The
hardest of all ivory fig Obtained frdni
the hippopotamus. This will emit
sparks like a piece of flint 'When
strut:it with steal, 14 is usocl prim,
eipally for making 11041(111 8,l 'teeth.