The Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 5a Atm BUSINESS CARDS. " fONEY TO LOAN A.P 6 P1;lt cent. F. B, BUOTT, Breese's, "{AT H. MuOBAOKBN-- dTooat .Gr008ry. loouor of Atnrriltgo Liopnepa, C!- , 11"1 )burly r•traet, ltrnaepla, 1.41ARMS 1001i l3ALL-511'11111 UN• .A. DnnergNE» hassovnral good lianas for sale and 0 rout n tomo n 1 bi Nle t nay e t 1 Ynel 1 atsJprtltland Oiu 1' Brue t s' H 8t1U1 apt M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TB &OHE1i OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 13RVaSEX+N, omoT . ROBERT CUNNiNGHAMI Iile0HAN08, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TEACHER /1F 1'INCF, l!IIL'rifittt Pupil of Miss Eva N. Roblyu, of Leedou. Pupils prepared for Ooneorvntory exams, 131's ill visit ler0s0018 ovary Tuesday. Leeeono given at the home of W. H. Kerr, John street. _ J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FINE INSIIRANOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, df d 5 Per Cent. Oafoo over Horsley's Drug Store, Nov. ard, 1902. 30•Sm Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire lusurguec CO., EeTABLiernlD 1810 Insurance taken on the cash and premium lnno sewllilere call cornet the undersign ed A1gent of the Company. GEORGE 010GER8, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. Til S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- 1 • BEM, will sell for butter prices, to batter men, In less time and lees (Merges he won't clharg anything, in toa aast nd Hurorn can always be arranged at this office or by pommel application. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,-- T110 nndereigued, who is well 00quainted throughout the mist part of the County and who hoe bad business wttb a large Mr - ale und lttetabegs of the communitythat taken out an A1101101100r'e License for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing t0 holt sales. THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. R U. WARWICK_ 1CK— W Ontario Vet- erinary Honor fe, ndprep I the n V E • r dis- eases y College, it prepared to treat all 1et0- domesttuatad ierattte In a compet- ent Vet ri nryr, PertisnDaphne!. r 1118 pion paid t - t Veterinary . 01 0loud Cans-amptiy at- tended to. OIDOe and Iuarmttry-Four doors North of bridge, '9o1'nberrys ., Snivels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. YXT M. SINCLAIR ` V1' Barrister, 801111Mr, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Eco• Of11oe-8 towart'e Bleak 1 floor North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for tho.Standard Stank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- I0ITE10, Bre , BRUSSELS. - ..Marie over Standard Raub I Solicitor for Township o1 Grey, Rmwlo lc Mu teal and the. Metropolitan Bank. Private )let Company money t0 loan 181 lawaet 110108. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON. M. 0., C. 05,, Trinity Duiyoralty, Follow Trinity Modioal Celine, M cher College of Phyeiolane and tjpr0aope ht. Licentiate o! the ItoynlOol- logue of C' yaiptane and Licentiate o! Mid- wifery Edinburgh. Of-TelephoneNo.14, Re0itlonee-81111 street, Bru0eal0. DENTISTRY . DR, R. P. FEILD, 1685195095 • Graduate of the ltayal Collage of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and First Masa Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Ctlloe next to Brower'° Photography, BRD88EL8. MAKE TJP YOUR MIND To ATTEND Fall Term begins Sept. lst Two 0001'000-Cmnmerclol and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. C. A. FLAMING, A. $. MOINTYBE, President, Secretary,. CLES British Colombia. Medi (.editor Shingles AND---' North Shore Pine and Cedar FCB SALE AT THE Brussels Planing 11i11s Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made toorder at Short Notice, g,tes Furnished for all {�jptl'm 0j [3giltiiniic. Workman• Ship and Material Guaranteed. P. r ENT s3t'r"Si TSxia3P:=41 Fall Torm opsns hsps. 1st CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, Krone ttf noisiness Colleges have applied to its for Our graduates, to a0t 190 t0aoher their io e in ole i h o0 le, P1150to o r n n the 1151 i ' oo qO era loott 1 .oras g - Y K 1110 of our SOHO to defend. Thong- Ando en now aide of our neuter students are now ^yjlit(i` fl ell g l r 1 Y In. business Jiro. Write for our hied•P some eatalneno. W. J. BLLTOTT, Prtnelpal• I Mrs. T. W. Conon. aril dliseos Liao'a Forguaon and 19 h 1 Orel...Ilion ft •ware, Pira, 11, L. 1 -1. 111 Plied C:trrl0 llingetnn. The net nr steno totalled anent $38,00 au•:I rl I la n lmrrks,s ement ' of a feud to he dr,a".d to toe ;merman of an individual o •tninunioll get 1.151 the Methodist Chtlr0h, undertaken by a Mint. b •r of lading 01 the oongrogalion, Ips 1 111, A. Waltbt't'er end Ws Malt mvlsd three car u f brielc that were elf) 101) to Ta via• n f t a L1 took, D. 141.. 111u13eath hoe purohaood the handsome brink residouuo vn Wostinore. land area belonging to Capt, 13. \ Toro DL..2e -,> tm�Iv dE'�db Bance, of Uitnton. Harold Edmunds, of the Cane ion Bank of Oommoroe staff, 0.ttown, was a visitor at the home of hie parents, Rev. and Mtg. J. 19 Imondo. Prat etc :tele l A lawn social under the auepioea of the Ladies' Aid :moiety of St. Andrew's church was hold on the ohurah grounds r Co L weather for August. L1an1 frosts hove made their toppear- 0nue, A. 0. U. W. will meet Friday evening of next week, Roam, eohoole open next Monday for the Nal! term. QUITE a number of oases of Toneilitis in this locality. EAST HURON Fall Fair at Breese's on Thursday amd Friday, Oat. 1 & 2. F. DowOINo wort the umbrella in the howling competition on Brnesele lawn. 1.181ty0551 will be well in hand by the middle of next week Crops tore good, THE Soho ,1 Board will not meet on Friday evening as there is no epeeist business to transact. Too profits from the Union Fermate' Exouroion to 'Guelph on the Kiuoardfuo branch of the W. G & B. amounted to $267 25. Bnueeor,s Maooabee Tent sent repre sentatives to the faunal of W1n, G Quinn, of Hebb Wawnnosh, a brother Knight, teat Monday afternoon, In ternlOnt wits made at Blyth. EMI= H. one of the K -age of the Oaoadien 11151!, formerly owned in Wing ham, won the 2.04 olaes, parte $1,000, at 13et/olo, on rl'bur0day of last week. He was driven by Ed. Goers. The time was 21%208;208}. 1t. S. Pi1TJN, formerly editor and proprietor of the Atwood 1380, and a ou0 time member of TUE poor stall, is awl dearly taking a lively interest in the -firths of Ir, (note, 0.et., in which plane he ie now publishing the St, Lawrence News. Fla has been appointed 8earetary• L'reosnrer of the Iroquois cheese hoard, RAozs.-The roan at Brussels are to be held 00x1 Wednesday and Thursday, August 10114 and 20th, and they prom se to be first Mass, the beet ever seen in the County. The treat ie fast and 11 1are entry is assured. The alaesee"Mre 2 40 trot ; 2 50 pace ; 2 80 paoe or 2 26 trot ; 2 23 pace or 2 `LO trot ; 2 19 pace or 2 15 trot ; Fcee.for•all trot or pace ; and 8 year old trot. A GREAT Bono0L-The Oenlral Batri• nese College of Stratford is the eahool that enjoys a great reputation for planing Its gradnales as teachers in outer buoinesa I ea'n o a large patronage and colleges.t o 1 Y g p 6 F young men an to placing g man y yon a and women w in good business poei.ione. Write to the College for a oatntogue. W. J. Elliott, the Principal, will be pinged to seed you one if you are interested in to business adulation, Bowr,ioo.-The Goderioh Bowling 01nb ham decided to hold he tournament on Thursday and Friday of this week. In. vitatione were issued to alube throughutit Western Ontario, end there will be to Targe and distinguished gathering of the men who pursue the kitty in atteedance. The tournament is being held on the club's green, West street, whish is one of the pret'iaet greens in the country, and is in flue ahepe thin year. There are trophy, 1 toosooiatlon and oonsolatinn matchep, end the following benutifel prizes are Offer• ed :-Trophy match ; 1.1 pr've, four handsome cane, each containing a half- dozen silver knives and (arta with peat( handles ; 2nd pr'zo, four heavy oat glass berry bowls. Association match 1 let, four solid leather snit gteeo ; 2nd, four extra heavy out glass water bottles. Ooloolatiou metol ; lot, two dozen cut gleno tumblers (preeentnd by the ninon ante of Geduld) ,• and, four superior quality Wedgewood plio9ere. Diu:mete is represented by two rinks, Paoaiowopo Oostoiner.-O.ving to the cool weather sant Friday evening the Garden Party announced to be held on the gr0n0ds of W. F. Stewart, James street, was transferred to the Town Hall, and took the plana of a 13ronenadg. Oon• oert. The program presented wag an excellent one toed aoneieted of choice gramophone eeleetions under the direotfon of Mk. W. H. Stewart ; well rendered instrumental 0rloe by H. L. and Mre. Jackson and W. A. Grower, with violin, piano and garnet ; a line trombone solo by W. A Brewer, toaoompanied by Mies Jean Ma.Lauoblin ; reoitatione of a high order by Mies Winnie MoGnlre, Mien Nora Maundsre and Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton ; solos by Mies ()aerie Bing. Eton, "A Japanese Love Song" ; Mies Nora Ho rime, "The Star Tide" ; B. J. MOLan0hIirt, "Por the Kiug" ; and Leo. lie herr, "The Troubadonr". °Little Dorm's Soliloquy," 'a chortle by Hazel Simmons, Minnie E Iwarde, Vera Ainley and Stella Gerry ; "The Trio" by Pearl Baektr, Clara Simmons and Frank Gerry. There were also two drilla presented, the first being the May Pole 1n which Peall' and Laura Lea'herdole, Barbera Mo- Eelvov, Maggie Blair.uohlin, 0 lie Moon• sy, Eva Doubow, Carrie' MoOraaken, Nettie Brown, Luella Rose, Beatrice Howe, Myrtle Thompson, May Watt, Argo Roes, Jessie Cunniegharp and Win• ni01410Quire took pert. The gene was little Mise Margaret Cousley, The otos. ing number wan a flag dri,l in whish the Naliouel song,"We'll fight for the grand old flag" ie sang. The young ladies talc. ing part were Mie'ea Carrie ldineaton, )?ostia Mitchell, Lizzie and Hattie Down ing, Minnie Walker, (Jerrie Slaeir, 11, and M. Roast!, 111. Caution, Luella and Georgia Roes, Lillian Mooney, Nora Maunders, Mildred Soolt, Mabel Zimmer, Maggio MoLauohlin, Clara Hunter, Tena Sample, Mamie and Addie Cardiff, Van. Mie Thompson and Leo Onrry. Rev. T. W, Gonne taaitoted a0 chairman in a very aoaeptable manner. There were 6 departtnonts of business oarried on during the evening under the direction of the following ladies ;--See °roam, Mrs. W. F. Stewart and'Mtg. T. Nicholls 1 dandy and bananna table, Mrs A. Orme. ley end Mine Hattie Downing; tea table, Mrs, Watson Ainley and Mre, Gordon Mooney ; peanuts, Migoee Li2Efe Down• ing and teems Sample ; aprons, t@a., on 1 ridgy eveuiug of last week Jas, end Mrs. Mala able, a000mpan led by W. and Mrs. Brydone, of Clinton, left on Monday of last week, for Atlanlio City, Now Jersey, where they will (pend some t'me hi enjoying the ocean breezes. Nitholes Ctiming hue sold hie farm, lot 1, don 8, Blume, foetus sop John, who will take poseeesioo next Spring. The farm contains 119 acres and is one of the oboioeot farms in Morris township, The Bale pried was $7300. John Oum'ug is at pre. ant residing on a farm in GOdniah township. Niaholae Coming will move to Blyth when he quits the farm and o.j ly the fruits of an indnstrious and frugal life, 1'3'oriiwicIs. A. W. Moots, late editor of the Record, left for Toronto. 74 boxes of butter was ohipp d to Tor onto from Springbank Creamery for mold storage, 0. W. Riley, of Ingereall, shipped a oar of eheee° frotn Fordwieh factory to Ingersoll. paid Price p c id wne 9 5/16 cents. At the last regular meeting of Comet Elowiok, No. 84, 0, 0 F , Custer Ed wards was appointed Reuordirg Sone tory, The bridge jun Weal of the village whioh has been in an unsafe condition for heavy train: for a line time has been repaired. The Royal Template have started a literary content, whioh i0 to teat two months, Misses Lizzie Brown and Della Gibson are oaptaine, Blake Cook, who has been clerking in a drug otore in Toronto, was home for a few dept. He left for Norietowo, N. J , where he has accepted a situation in a drat store. O. Plaunlz had a narrow escape at W. Hamilton's quarry on the 8Th don. He woo engaged in blasting limestone. He lit the fnseand threw the metol bohiud hit) and i0 is supposed it fell into a pail of powder, whish he bad set down. After ligating the face he turned and ran away with the pail of powder, but had not proceeded far when it exploded. His left arm was badly burned so that the outer akin wee pealed off ; hie trousers and shirt wore burned on the left gide and his eyebrows were scorched. Mr. Phillips, who was standing near, hurried to hie rescue end it was not long before Conrad was out ofdanger. Yltrisehhttin. Flax palling o mmeuaed last week, Ort Bros., the new landlords tot the Dingley House, are:in poseemeion. Mrs, (Dr.) Towler was seriously ill for a few days during the past week. Geo. McKenzie has returned home from Manitoba, where he has been for the past three menthe. Jim, Walker Imo purchased the brick cottage on Joho street, opposite the Baptist church. Nearly 700 .tickets were eo'd at the Wingham et Won for the Sabbath School Exonrsiolto Kinoardine. 1 0. F. excursion to Detroit on Satur- day, Aug,. 16th. Return fare on boat from Sarnia to D. troit is 50o. - Rev. T. and Mrs. Reiland Master ]Earl were spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Owen 'Boned, Minford and other points. I nr amen atr i Thos. gteg y has work on his lot opposite the Town Hall, 1aking out earth preparatory to bnilding the fogad ati0n of a block. R 0. Maguire, of the let line of Morrie, has eol11 one of hie 100 tore terms to Wm. Clegg of this town. The new proprietor will get posseesionlon the 16th of next Mpruh, ' t8l ,t `, L1 The Donnell is ongniring into tl e aMobility ,.f purrs, „ ¢the plant of 1110'SVinghan, I9•eotrie1,:ht lu Wesley WValk'-r has a,.d his laude and 10'- 0.1 P drink sorsa! to ,1•t , 4Va r, 051., of (d'0attnuan, lir, }Nair ,a rete ril.g from farming and will move to town is the 00851 fotmre, Bylaw No 488, 1903, woo wood at the lee O',anolt meeting ilxiuit 1110 rata of taxation at 21 mills on the dollar, made up tie It foltowo:--,1'nx•n rates 14 1 5 mtllo ; ecu riy rate 4,6 Iii I ; oohool rate, 6 mllle. Geo, U Manna attended the Western Ontario Travellere pion[) tot Port Stanley and, won the first prize in the two raen in evhioh visiting merchants were allowed 4a'oonlpets, He a so played in the game of Rounders with laoud01, team against a Toronto team and had the honor of nor. ing the first run, •- - (grows. in, - Mrs. J. D. Hinohley, of Constance, wee the guest of Mrs, John Mlleon, Mre, C. K. Willmott, of Apple, was visiting her parents Jno. end Mre. Evans for a few days. Rev. I. M. Webb, B. A„ of Brussels, °rumpled the pulpit in St. Stephen's airmail on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid, of Gorrie Methodist ohu•ab, gave to Musicale -at the home of lire, G. W. Strong, on Friday. 0. W. Plakford, of Washington, D. 0 , is 'visiting hie 'rioter )°.law, Mre. Wm. Earngoy, of the 8th con, Howiok. P. P. Ayleowarth Bald his 150 Isere farm South of town, to John Hyudmen, of Minto, for $6860. Mr. Hyndman wfll take poeoeeoion on March let 1904. S. 0. Rothwell, having Bold out his boot,and shoe -business ie Lietowel, ham returned to town and will have oharge of the shoe department far T. Andrew's, A oar loaded with coal jumped the Did ing on Wednesday evening of last week and gave the workmen some trouble to replace it owing to the immense weight. Clioeton. 23 mills WI the duller is Clinton's tax rate. The proposed Waterworks apnea will 00st 0•inton $53,700. Tuesday ccs Otvio Holiday. An ex. elision to Port Dover was one attrautiou. Arranpemente are in progress for Clin- ton Gun Club tournament to be field here Oat. 7 and 8 Clinton bowlers have received a special invitation through W. Jkokeon to attend the Niagara bowling toarnumeut. Several of the threshers in this district are using the wind etaoker, whish is proving to be a great saver of labor, au important oonefderation these times. J. Roneford and W. Jackson, two of our moat aotive business men, attend the Chambers of Commerce meeting to be held in Montreal from the 18ht to the 22nd. "MELOTTE" CreaM Separaloll 75,000 LN DAIL Y USE Ball bearing, with frictionless, self. balancing and enepended bowl and spindle. The "Afelottt" has taken the highest honors. It yields $10 to $26 extra profit per cow each year. It sane time, labor, apace, Marmite, ice and water. Gat information as to other portion. Ian from F. SPARLING AGENT, BRUSSELS. joaj't Scold Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain, Maybe they were not good ones! Inspect aur line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tear—good, stout leather, flexible soles, strongly stitched, good appearance. - Moderate in price. Lasting quality. ' Here are a few of our many convincing prices:- -Girls' Shoes from "0o upwards ; Boys' Shoes from 80o to $1.601 Ohildrea'o from Ade to $J< 00. Alec fine stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes at Popular Prices. -40 our Harness Department tv0 are offoriug Speoial Itodnoed Prfooe in Ply Note, Duetere, tilos Single I3arnoes at prim that will earprise you. Remember we handle no Factory Homes and we Moo guarantee every set we put out, team or single. Good assortment of Trunk. and Valises. Ilwsoomo1030o,uD wllig 0. R1CHARDS . 0 A pinch in aonnootlon with St Joseph's ellen 1,, ••„ the gronndo of Goo. h•trquher, 11[1.1, 11 be lfald on Aug. 20,h. - 0 ,• a -. a reported that for oho fix riot t/, tor 1,..9 June 80th there wore 1.1 n1,1u15. S- births and 16 deaths Tho quarterly board of Wesley uliureh has granted Rev, Mr. Manning 8 ,01011113'O holidays, to taste effeo0 daring title month Ten coaches tool( filled creme ap from Novella Thursday 1 g 11 , o the u rut n rl n n ti dlwsoniu Excursion, Thera were 27 tlokele sold Isere. Mise H. Combo, who hue been orgapiot of the Ontario otreot Plumb for some time has rooigned. She ie euooeeded by Mies Carol Newoombe. Robert Shepherd, brioklayer, has sour. ed employment on the pew Armory building in London, and has dealded to permanently reside there, A.t1,4110va'001. Monday was the town's 01vi0 holiday, Arrangements aro being /Pads for a oouoert, to be bold in the Methodist Church, on the 17th of August, Russell Taylor left last week for Mon. treat, where he hue secured a positive with the Dominion Express Co. Wm. Coghlia left for Iiia home in Maui tuba, after emending nearby two moths visitiagfriends in this neighborhood, Mies J, 1o1. Green, milliner, of Brandon, arrived home last week, and wi.l opeud a Moon holiday with her mother in town. Mies McAllis(r, missionary, is spend ing a short time at her home in town previc00 to leaving again for the armee of her former labors in Liberia, Africa. Rev. A. J. Saaudere has returned to town after enjoying a mouth's holiday trip in Manitoba and aha West, and re• sumed his dntiea in the Baptist Ohoroh on 50uday. Bylaw No. 437, to prevent the use of all publio streets and lanes for private drains and sewers, for the draining, car. rying and conveying of refuse, filth or anything injurious to publio health, was passed through the various stages and finally adopted by the sown Council. Constable ;Kay was appointed special officer to see the provisions of the fore• going by-law oarried out, ' J. R. Grant and Co , have claeed their business on the Thompson oarn0r and are removing the stook to J. K. Briohor'e Fortner stand on the East side of Wallace street, where they will open out agate. John'1'hompson and Fred. Wright have entered 1000 partnership and hen per• abased a new stook of dry geode and groceries, and will open out a genera' store on the corner a0 soon as the im provemente whish they intend making in the building have been completed. The Medicine HatNews of July 301h, furniohee the following particulars of the drowning of W. J. Gilkioonn, of Elmo, in the South Saekatobewan river on the 26th ult. :-"On Sunday a young man named W. H. Gilkioson, who was working at J. 1'. Bell's ranch, up the river same twenty miles, was drowned while bathing. He went into the river alone, and getting into the current was carried 'off hie feet and drowned. Oilkineon mould nut ewim, and it might be remarked that it is a very foolish thing to do, to go into tho river being unable to swim. The young man was aged 23 years, and hie home was near Newry, in Perth County, Ontario. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 14 30 from the Salvation Army barracks, to the pub- lio cemetery," Oft tin .Mau N0w,a. John Heppler, of New Hamburg, died suddenly. A Hull Que„ physician was fined $25 for pramiei0g in Ontario. The epitome in Plympton and Warwick did about $20,000 damage, The Ontario 0111850 of Ph annoy has a balaooe of assets of $61,969 89. Plympton township was swept by a oy. alone. Hail fell to a depth of 3 inches. John Abell of Toronto, weB•known ma ahinery manufacturer, died Friday night. John Oroolq an aged man, slightly, deaf was run over by a train at Colborne and killed. The report that a syndicate is negotiat- ing for three Hamilton breweries i0 re- vived again. John F. Maokay, of Woolatook, has been appointed beelines manager of The Toronto Globe. • A new steamboat company is being or. gonized at Hamilton to put on a boat be. tweeu Hamilton and Toronto. A furious squall of wind etrnak the boiler•houso in connection with Fraser's lumber mill at Desohene, wreaking the brisk but ' -ding. and killing James T. Campbell of ;Ottawa. Several other men were hart. Walter E Spero, who Yeas tooting as agent at Paris, Ont. for the Hobert Hay Company, Toronto, was sent for trial by Police Magistrate Jeffs, of Hamilton, on a oharge of stealing $975 from hie employ• er. `VANTED.—FAITHFUL PER- BON 10 travel for well eetablloha1 house in a tow counties, calling ou rotali merchants end agents, Leant ter,ltor Salary $1084 ayear trot exp011000 payable $19 90 a week to cash and rxp00000 advano- ed• Position permanent. Business moose - !el and rushing. Enoloae self-addressed en- velope. BTANDAH1 MANE, 410 0081011 Bldg„ Chicago. 40-10 FARM LABORERS WANTED Farm dab orars' Excursions Second Class Will be rain to stations on Cut. rue. In men. ion,andAesinibnfa, Nest,. South-west and North west of W iunipog Ise at 0.0 1009419 JAW', ES't'E1',3N $40 and 1iORKTON e On 4111011ST 18th from stations in Onteri°, Main Lino of Grand Trunk, Toronto to Sar- nia, and all stations North (except North of Cardwell Jot. and .NOrth of Toronto on North Ray Seotlou,) One-way tie$ots to Ninuipog only will bo emu, with a oertitleato °atondinf the trip, bolero Atheist Met, without additional coat, nether pointe in Manitoba and Aeeinibola as above, If pnrobanere neap ea farm hob - orate at Wtunipeg, Iprovidee enol farm lab. omen will work not loss than 30 days at hat, vesting, aid produce oortifiOate to that et - feet, they will bo returned to original start- ing point at $18 01, on or before N ow OO,1008, P30100ts mal 14000 on °tmporlal Limited." For further partioufaro and tiokete apply to neare0t railway agent, A A. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 4.2 71'rouge St„ Termite, Summer Goods Must Go .0.0000000.001000.,0 Our Great ()leering Sale is oreating quite a elle among (dose sae buyerser a who know big bargains when they see them. `Phis week we offer spooial d Neu in every dnpertcont throughout the store. Our span will not permit Ise to (plate all the rednotiune in grins. We will be pieaood to have .yon nail and iaol through our immense stook, es we intend to make this sale a record breaker. Below w0 quote a taw prioes that may interest you. -.A. traveller's eamples of Whitewear, in Corset Covera, Night Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, ate., at one quarter at -Children's Navy B1ae Serge Dree080, trimmed with while braid, good value at Ior $1.00• -Men's Straw Hate, new shapes, worth 600, for 26o. -A travel!ere' samples of Misses' and Children's Ferrety Cape and Tame, at hall - prfoe to clear, -Lidlee' Summer Corsets, made of strong net, worth 86o, far 250. -Remnants of Alf•wool and Union Oorpoto, in 6 to 15 yard lengths, at a big reduction in price to clear. -Lace Curtains, 2h, 3, 851} and 4 yards long, in fine laoey effeote, at very low . prices to clear, -Fancy Drees Masque, worth Be and 1.00, your choice for 50. -Mania Wool Pante, good value at $1,75, for $1 25. -Men's Suite, in (army tweed, worth $7, for 94 95. -Boys' Suite, in all ofz•e and styles, 20 per cent. off. -Ovid lines and sizes in Boots and Shoes, for Man, Women, Mines and Obild• 000, one obit d off. McKinnon & Co., Blyth. Strenuous Objections YR IGHT are never made against feed snpplicd by AIt. Beaker. All stook like it and thrive 0o it, and it is pronounced by all Intel. Iigent breeders to be i00ompariably the beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything bat our Kaffar emu end oats. Alf. Baeker. NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS The (test 1011 around Family Newspaper. An exponent of applied Obristianity; In- dependent in Politico. Has something of interest for every member of the household.. Farm and Garden Department ; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Prods, Rte., Etc. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. THE WITNEno and THE Poor combined, only 8105 a year. SABBATH READING. .4, Slxteen-1» firm Weekly Paper. Solely (tel !Mous In Okarstcter. No News' No Politioe. Stories' Poetry ; Sunday Soboal Lesson' Christian Endeavor and Epworth Longue Topics' Mothers' Sab- bath Afternoon witu the Children; Miscel- laneous Religious Matter, ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR The SAaoATR REAM/90 and THE POET combined, only 51.05 a year. SPECIAL OFFER The Wirimoa, 0503108TH REAPING and TIM POST combined, only $T 05 a year. Those three papers combinedafford a liberal home education, 1 The Post, Brussels. emsimanummines HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of • - -All-wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, —Fancy Shirtinge, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's " —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LoCKRIDG-E BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 200 BUGGIES Must be Sold this Season, Buggies, The Finest line to be seen in any town Carriages in Ontario will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TURNBE'RRY STREET. BRUSSELS, —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing. Satisfaction assured. Prices right. SWAN 8G O"ota BRITS SELS. Manlike-