HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 4gealeteente Trit1liSO)A 1', A UG. 18, 1908, -. BUYOUTS any that while the harvest in the West will he fairly good it will not be nearly 00 large ae last year. Thee la owing largely to the want of rain, Trumpet. of leat week Lord Strathoona, the world wide known High Commieeion• er, celebrated hie 82ad birthday. He ie expected to arrive in this country this week. THH steamer Hamtltou, with 80 pas• aengere, bound from Hamilton to Montreal ran against a rook in passing through the Long Sault rapids at 5 a. m. teat Sat• nrday and had to be beached. No one suffered but floe navigation of the rapids is a trifle too risky to snit many people. Fon the first seven months of 1003 the number of immigrants arriving in Can ado totalled 94,000 ae against 54,000 for the same time in 1902, 28.350 name from the United States, eo that we are gradually annexing Uncle Sam's people after all, AUGUST 15th is the date set for the Liberal nominating Convention for Muskoka bye election in the Provincial parliament. It is expected that Dr, Hart, of Huntsville, will be the standard bearer. Election will take plane this Autumn it is expected. The late member died a few months since. NOTWITHSTANDING the adverse oironm. etaneee in connection with the Alaskan tribunal in the death of Justice Armour and the resignation of Hoo. Edward Blake, owing to Meese, it is expected the Commissioners will meet early in Sep- tember. Sir E. H, Carson will fill the p'aoe vacated by Mr. Blake and Mr. Aylreworth, of Toronto,anooeeda Judge Armour. A datermiued fight is to be made by the Agricultural Department to annihilate the sow and Canadian thistle. It every municipality did its duty in looking after pathmaetere or • other otSoets whose bn•iuees, in part, is to eradicate the weed growth, the question of curtailing the i spread of tbietlea• and other nox o u[ weeds would be aeon solved. In many cages the Statute ie a dead letter and the careful farmer is handiopped again and again by this neglect. Issue= of rednoiog the number of rail way accidents appear to be on the increase and it should be the duty of somebody to mzke diligent enquiry into the canoe. The dismissal of an employee or the orieiniem of a jury et a ooronor'e inquest is no atonement for the enarifice of life or limb. Something must be radically wrong or every day's papers would not be called upon to chronicle the story of oelliaious sed pitch ice. We have been toad that the railways in the Old Land ren more trains and on faster schedule yet aoaidente are very rare. Of 000ree we are aware no railway is laving theee collisions for fun but the question of proficiently manning trains and filling the offices with efficient men of experience must be demanded by the travelling public. Some people affirm that the roadbed in many oases as not kept up to the high standard required by the largely inoreaeed pas. Bulger and freight traffic. The Bargain Condensed. The following synopsis of the terms of agreement under wbiob the Grand Trunk Pacific Transcontinental line is to be built will be found oonvenieut to busy people, wh a have not time to go over the entire details. The interests of the people are carefully guarded at every palest : Government will guarantee 60 year bonds to three guertere of the Western eeotion (with limit of coat fixed.) The old Grand Trunk Company is to goaran tee to eeoond aeries of bonds to raise the last quarter of the ooat of oonettaation— theae bonds to tack second to those guaranteed by the Goverument aa a oharge on the property. The oompany is to spend 920,000,000 on equipment, of whioh 95,000,000 worth is to ue assigned to the Eaeteru [Motion to ensure its efficient operation. The 8801100 oonetrnoted by the com- pany mnet be of a standard equal to the Grand Troak line between Muutreal and Toronto. For the first seven years the oompany le not to pay the interest on the bonds guaranteed by the Government for the mountain section. After seven yeare the company aball pay the iatereet on the above If the earn. Ingo are aoflioient to provide the three per oent, intareet whioh the bonds will b ar, If the earnings are not sufitoient the Government will ply the interest for three years, bit it will be recouped in this way: The amounts e0 paid during theta three yeare [hall be added to the amount of the first mortgage on the road, wilioh the Government will receive in consider. ation of having guaranteed the bonds. After ten years from the issue of the bands, the Government may foreoloee its mortgage on the road if the oompany feile to pay interest at 3 per cent, on the bonds, and en any aooumulatlon of in. tereet unpaid during the period between the seventh and tenth years, On h ��prairie eeotion the company pays all e interest from the issue of the bonds. Regarding the Eeetern emotions the Government builds it and leanee it to the oompany for 60 genre at the rate of 8 per cent. per moment on its oost. 'Xi , it >ri H E 106 P t3 �'sFrd+«ua' tv'a. . _ ..elle. t �,. �. .. ..., ....-�.p'�:f#Xiis4'44?Y'a+*,�.:t• ;-s�a•_4a,'it:1�+B' w'r _ The road is le be built by a, tont igi ' 910 67 i M, Belly culvert $9 ; Jae. Bolger pion, and in Ito oonetruotioq the company le to have joint auperviaion end lining), tion. This ie to humeri e00nomy the nom• pony being intereeted iu seeing that the 8pet, On whioh, whatever it ie, they must pay interest, ie kept down to lowest pose. Bible point. For seven yore the oompany is exempt from rental. For the next three years, it the earn• inga are not eulilaieut to pay the rental, the defiuieucy shall be added to the original net of the road, and upon that increased amount the rental of 8 per pent. must be paid for the remaining forty years of the lease. The lease reserves running rights over the Eaeteru notion 0n equal rights to any other railways that ser- for them, on payment by the Government of a reason. able charge. Running rights over the Western see. tion ere also enured to any railways desiring them, upon terms to be fixed by the Government in nage the oompaniea cannot agree. Government shall have control of the rates over the whole road from Mouotou to the Paoifio. Gnaraateee of performance must be put up by the oompany. The coat of the road In the mountain sections will be $18,000,000, and the total interest for seven years will be 93,780 000. This is what the Govern• meet gives toward a road from Winnipeg to the Pacific ocean. The total meet to the oouatry of the whole eobeme from Manatee to Winnipeg, will be $12,000.000 or 918,000,000—end not a cent more. WILLIAM LITIOGOW DECEASED. Hamilton Advertiser of Sootlaod, makes the following reference to the death of William Lithgow, who was for many years a resident of Wingham and who wile be remembered by tetany of our readore "We are sorry to aonounoe the death at Grandin, North Dakota, U. S. A., of William Lithgow, who was for many years a teatber in different pimp in the Upper Ward of Leuarkahire. He was born at Baruwath in 1820, and brought up in Biggar, where has fatter David Lithgow, shoemaker, was one of the leading inhabitants, a man of great intelligence and p0blio spirit, and an ardent politician, ter in advance of hie time. The eon William Lithgow, was educated at Biggar Parish School, fleet ander Mr. Scott and then Mr. Gray, atterwarde reotor of the Grammar School Lanark, two of the beet teachers in Scot- land at that time. After studying at the University of Edinburgh he devoted hie life to teaohing, and taught with moot semen in some of the higher educational iaetitutioue in Edinburgh and Liverpool. He then taught for many years in various. plaoee in the parishes of Bigger, Liber. too and Carnwatb, and wee well known to all the people in these three parishes as an enthusiast in his profesaioc. Be had a peculiar faculty in gaining the affections of hie pnptla, end inspiring them with his own enthusiasm for learn. ing. It was the uniform testimony of the parenla of tie scholars that their children made more rapid and eatiefao tory progress with him then with any other teacher. Some years ago Ile ami• grated to Canada, where his father and mother, and all the members of the family had preceded him, and there devoted himself to teaching the higher branches of learning. He acted for tome time as librarian of the Mechanic's' In. attune of Wingham, in Huron County, and eooaeeded in making the library one of the beat in Canada, by aeouring vain. able contributions of broke for 11 from some of hie old pupils, among whom were Dr. John Thorbaru, a member of of the Geological Department of the Government of Canada, and John Tod, of Lnaewade, who has written several popular books under theename of John S.tratbeek. While in Wingham, Mr. Lithgow exerted influence for good over a large part of Western Canada, by high. toned literary artiolee in the press, and by poems of superior exoellenee whioh ha published. So popular was he that pub. 110 testimonial was presented to him in token of the high esteem in whioh he was held by the cammuntty at large, and he was asked to sit for his portrait to one of the risingartiste of the Dominion. He had a great many relatives in North Dakota, where he was spending the last years of hie life, when be died on the 12th of May, aged 83. Mr. Lithgow had al ways a warm attachment to hie native land, which he retained in all its warmth after he crossed the Atlantic, and he wished it to be known that he often thought eip to the last, of the many friends he had in the, places where be taught, and the kindness he had received from them." Demented frequently visit. ed Jamas Calder, 121h non., of Grey. Morris Council Meeting. The Counoil met a000rding to adj turn• meet on Monday, Aug 8rd. Members all present Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Oban• alilore Shaw and Taylor reported having examined the locality mentioned in Mr. MoLauahlin'o application for aid towarde building a wire fence on East boundary and stated that they would consider a wire fence a neoeeoity for a distance of from 20 to 25 rode. The Treasurer pre seated his half yearly abatement showing a balance on hand of $12 23 on the 30th June, On motion of Shaw and Code said abatement was aooeptad as highly setts. foatory. On motion of Code and Jackson the Clerk was inetrmoted to attend the next meeting of the Grey Council in reference to issuing of debentures re Lamont Drain. On motion o1 Taylor and Shaw the Reeve wee inetrooted to ender with Barrfeter Vanolone in refer. enoe to Ieaao Ferrand'e claim re Lamm ])rain. A oommunioation was received from the Conntv Clerk stating that the amount of 92,301 will be required from the township of Morris for County par. posse for the onrrent year. On motion of Jaokeon and Oode the Clerk was inetruob• ed to levy a rate of 18/10 milia for County porpo0es and 14/10 milia for townehip purposes for the current year. On motion of Taylor and Jaokeon, It, PrOotor was appointed oolleetnr for the current year at a salary of $86.00, on furniehing aatiefaotory eeonrity. On motion of Shaw and Oode, Bylaws Noe. 6 and 6 ware duly read and plumed. Aa. aoant8 were ordered t0 he paid 40 (ol. Ai000k gravelling on Bast Boundary 998 03 ; Doff & Stewart repair• ing Martins and Ferboe' bridges 911210 ; jive. McMillan gravel 914 ; P, Kelly gravel maim/tine on East Boundary 95 76 ; A. Lanndy gravel 910 08 ; Te, Lanndy jr, the diteb at South Boundary $8 10 ; Wm. Forrest gravel 98 18 ; G Maxwell gravel and repairing bridge 95 06 ; Wm. Kearney operating read grader 919 37 ; Wm. Tay- lor gravel and Impacting work 919 04 ; A, Suoldice grovel and g, availing 938 30 ; Mr. MuOullooh repairing bridge 95 50 J. Smith gravel $7.00 ; Jnn. Barr gravel 90 18 Alex. Great gravel $1 ; D. Jordan material and putting to oulvert 6155 ; Wire, Bryane wire tenon on East Boundary 910; A. Proctor damages hauling gravel 91 ; A. Cantelon part payment for digging ditolt 910 ; M. Watson tile ditch 98 ; Jou. Oololougb gravel 94,95 ; B. 0. Stokee gravel 94 20 ; S. Walter gravel $4 50 ; Beattie Broe, gravel 92 52 ; Wm. Abram breaking stones on Weet Boundary 91 87; Jae. Sherrie gravel 91,50 ; D Agar gravel and damage 96.85 ; G. W. Proctor gravel $546; W. H, E'er part payment for printing 915. On motion of Jaokeon and laylor the Council then adjourned to meet agate en the 14 h September next. • W. ODOR, Clerk, !Metall OF .51)11N Alllif.l., One of the patriarchs of Canadian in. duetry paseed away Friday night in the pereou of John Abell, the founder of what is now known as the American• Abell Engine and Thresher Company, Limited. His death occurred at tie residence, 5 Madison avenue, Toronto, about 9 p. m. He had been in ill health for some years. He teat in hie eighty. second year, having been born at Chart. ton, IIf• ge, Glouoester.hire, E'tglond, in 1821. He was trained in mechanical pursuits, and while still a very young man, Dame to Canada and eettled at Woodbridge, where in 1815 be started a small faotory for the menufaeture of plows and wagons. Theu he -branched out into reapers and mowers. In 1847 he built one of the first separators in Oan oda, It was then operated by horse power, and in 1863 and 1864 he neaeufao tured the first portable threshing engine built on thin oontiueut. In 1864 he con. meuaed to operate threshing machines by steam power, being the drat in America. He met many obataolee, having to execute a bond sgaiuet loss by fire and eoou,e the farmers before being permitted to thresh by steam engines. Iu 1874 the drat Abell three/Aug machine outfits were snipped to Manitoba, having to be transported by wagon and back from St. Paul, Minn., into the Manitoba territory. Iu 1874 the plant at Woodbridge was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in the same year, In 1886 the faotory was removed to Toronto, and in 1894 the firm was iu- oorpora'ed under the name of the John Abell Engine and Meanie° Works Com pany, Limited, and capitalized at half et million dollars. Ou May 15. 1902, the company was reorganiz d as the Amer' can Abell Engine and Thresher Company, Limited, with a paid up capital of one million dollars. Of the latter oompany Henry Abell, who come out from England in 1886 to join die brother, is aeeistan - manager, The late Mr. Abell had been a justice of the peace einoe 1870, and president of the Vaughan Road Company sinew 1875 From 1863 until 1876 he was president of the Vaughan Agricultural Society, and from 1874 until 1886 president of the Weet York Agricultural Society. He was ale° the first reeve of Woodbridge at iteincorporation in 1883, and held that office until 1886. C.wo0(t. Messrs. Roe and Thompson, who for some years have oondnoted the Atwood livery, bees sold out to A. Smith, of Milverton, who it; now in possession. John Sanders hae been on the sick list for some time, being troubled with some uffeotion of the stomach. The safe formerly in see in the Bank of Hamilton, Listowel, was brought to Atwood and planed in position. The local Omega Society held a Fpooial meeting , when the members presented Wm. Moran, who is going Weet, with an oppreoiatively worded address and to gold beaded Dane. Rev. Mr. Legatt, of Burford, 000upied the Methodiet pulpit on Sunday evening. B M. Ballantyne is having his house veneered with red brick. Ben. Candler has the contract. George Gordon has arrived home from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Manitoba. The Atwood flax mill will not run this year. Robt. Cleland, who was injured i0, we understand doing al well us could be expected. Dime Cheese CO. shipped 502 boxes, of July cheese at Atwood ou Tuesday morn• fog of last week, MoLaren Bros. Inger- soll purchased them at 99 cents a Ib. Mrs. 8. Peter tell down the ostler etkire on Tuesday of last week and suffered a sprained ankle whish will neoeesitete her being °enlisted to the house for a week or 80. Exeter. Czar Rollins returned to Detroit atter spending hie vaoation with his parents here, A. Q. Bolger will hold hie anneal pie• pia at Grand Bend, on Thursday, Angaat 20th. The usual program of sports will be carried out. The granolithia walk on the Boot side of Main street has been completed from James Reagell's blacksmith shop to the public school grounds and also the piece from Mears, Htwltina' store to Huron street. Jahn T. Weetoott reoeived a telegram on Tuesday of lent week, staling that his son Edgar, who went to Winnipeg some few weeks ago, 1e lying quite ill at the hoopital in that oily suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. Miee)Peori Lovett, of the Grand Bend Prfrlt, met with a very painful remittent. She had procured some kind of acid lo barn off some waste on her hand and in ,baking the battle the writ flew out, a quantity of the Contents spilling over her hands and lace, burning than quite Bev ,rely. T. Aeheoon, proprietor of the Central Hotel,0uooeeded quite nnexpeotedly in Crapping a mdokrat in hie sellar. A trap had been set for ordinary rate and how the maekrat got into the cellar is some Whet of a mystery,It is anpposed that it mi must bate made ts way pp the email creek to the West of the town, 1000 the sewer end that into the caller, II wag let loose in the afternoon and Oho doge given a (Silage after it, bat being on land and oat of its element it wits easily and quickly obJlght. Death on Bendel', 4,ag• and, removed another of our roepcpted ei1iz.ue in the person of E hatable Willie, beloved wife of Stephen Powell, in the 5let year of her ago, The d000asod we etrloitan with typhoid fever ab tut nine weeks ago and after a brave struggle assisted by the best medical eltill and attention the theme sapped the life totally, Lend0idge, the five year reltl 000 of ,Robert 6w,•et, harneosm.tkt'r, met with a painful meadow, midgut, while at Grand Bend, whioh might easi,y have resulted in Ida Beath, It appears the little fellow was riding on the hind end of a light wagon, Bitting on n box, oudthe driver, Turning out sharply to avoid a mud hole iu the read, oho lad wee thrown from his Fent on to the wheel of the wagon, from whioh he sustained painful injuries on the head and face, the most eevere wounds being over one of hie ears, whioh required see eral stitches to close. G,:o(7(eriefa. There are over 100 guests at the Sutr. mar Hotel. The dredge Arnoldi has been at week at the harbor entrauoe. 1liayer Lewis hoe decided upon Wed. neoday, August 19th, tie the date of the Civic holiday. The addition to the big mill Balt block iejabo0t ready for the planing et the iron- work of the pane,. The steamer Long hag been Bold by the Goderioh Bioyuto R laugine Oompauy, T. Sims, of Little Current, being the purchaser. Thos. MoGilliauddy, of Toronto, wi'l give h e lecture, "Our Heightens," under the auspices of the Gndorieu Baptist thumb, on Monday evening, September 7th L,. E. Daroey, who had gone udt with Judge Holt to Main Station in advance of the rester the party, fell -from the roof of a 000k Meuse they f ere bu ldiug. He had a drop of about eight tett and dielocated hie left elbow. Mr. Danoey returned on the t0: Evelyn. Beetle '.Phe ni80u is the winner of Miae Skimu,ga' prize for the leisheet marks et the Entrance examination in the English subjeuto, literature, grammar and coin. pre,tiou. Tee prize, a nett paperweight, will be presented at the oomulenoement exero1eee next term. John Thompeou, foremen at Rideewood Park, met with en accident that will lay him up for to while. Ro was stepping from one pile of lumber to ateother at daltford when the board he wets etauding on elipped and Mr. Thompson fell and broke the thin bone of his right leg. The Hon. William Proudtoot, former Vine Chancellor of the Ontario Court of Chauoery, died at hie residence at Hontil• ton Tuesday morning of last week. De. ceased had a fall ou Fri lay and that, with hie very old age, woe the cause of death. Deceased was born in Berkshire, Scotland, on November 9 h 1828 He camp to this oouutry when a mere boy, and studied iu the Toronto Bobouls, end took np law in Chancellor Boyd'e cffioe afterwards. He -watt appointed to the bench in 1854, ander the MacKenzie administration, and retired iu 1890. Demand was a brother of Robert Proud• foot, of tbia towtt. The Detroit Encampment, I. 0. F. were preeetted with a beontiful silk flag by Dr. Oronhyateka, the illustrious Su- preme Commander. About two tone of carp were caught in the drydock in Detroit. A steamer dock• ed for examination contained Dorn, which fell into the [look through a ho'e in the boat. This served ae bait for the fish and when the dock was pumped dry it was ft and to captain a school of flab. Some eef them weighed at much ae fifteen pounds. RAth,AI Wneox —The Listowel Dray ton Uuien 5. 8,. excuraion, to upoeed of five °oschee and combination bauf'age and passenger car, containing about -200 pasaengere bound for the Fall collided with yard engine No. 666 at Niagara Falls Saturday .forenoon. Both engines and the baggage end of the eombinatioo oar was tele'ooped, injuring Wm. Mo. Millan and Ray Graham, of Palmerston, and Cltae, Weloh and Ezra Welch, of Moorefield. These boys, were In the baggage oar and all were more or leve oat and bruised. Hugh Bright, of Wiarton, a medical student, wee badly okaken up o b and out about the face and body. The other pleeengere eeoaped with some few braises. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of John McCartney, late of the Town• ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deoeaoed. Notice le hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statntee of Ontario,1797, 0143.129, sea - 08, that all creditors and others having olafms against the estate of John Mooart. ney, late Of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, deooased, who died on or about the let clay of Augnet, A, D., 1909, at the Township of Grey, aforesaid, are here- by requested to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to James dloarae or Robert Pirie, Trowbridge, P, 0 , the Exeoutore of the es- tate, or to G. Is, Blair, of the Village of Brussels, their Solicitor, on or before the 2100 day of August, A• D , 1903,their full names, addfoesee and descriptions, and the full ,pat'tioul0's of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) )told by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date, the Bald Exoautors will prepeed to dfetribute the aeeete of the said doeeasod among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard 001y to the olalms of whioh notice Minnlhave been given as above required, and the said Executors will not be responsible for the ae0ete or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person of whose oaten notate shall not have been received at the time of such dis- tribution, G. P. BLA11.3, Brussels, cant., Sul tet lox for Executors, Dated at ltruosels, August 6th, 1900, William Steloklmtd was atruolt by a falling eltirnnoy et 0 Ore that destroyed Mr, Varey'e house at Southauepio,t and very seriously injured. - A man named Henry Johueon was found in a C. 1', 11 freight ear at Wined. peg, having travelled alt the way front Halifax, leaked np, without food. lOire. Sydney Gnflinger and her throe nephowe, minted St. Pierro, are in jail at Cornwall charted with petting Ore to the t.'aid„11o0 of aloe. Algciro, It neighbor at Newington, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CIOMFORTABLE HOUSE AND l 3 aor01ot for sale 1n Etbel, There is also a Dank stable, fruit trees, deo , au lot. Property in good shape. JAS. 01100101E. T1OR SALE.—THE EAST 45 woe of laud being Lot 14, Con. 19, Grey. L'or further Information apply to the undersigned on the premises. THOMAS LEARMONT, Oranbrook P, 0 51.8 I0 S 7.',—A BLACK AND J White Plaid Shawl 1pct on the 0th obit, of Grey 0/1 8atu clap August 100. The tinter will mush oblige the uoaer by leaving it at Tut Poor Publishing House, Brueoele. °UNG SHORT HORN BULL 1 for Bale, Eligible far registration. For prion, term, and , other particulars, ap- plyr 0rp . 5), ,1 Dip AR, Lot 22, Oen. 1�. t0rey, FOUR STRAIGHT SOOTOH Short Horn Bulls, from imported stook for sale. Moo cows and bolters, int. Ported and home bred. 72 bead to select frau. D. MILNE & SON, Maitland Bank Stook Farm, Ethel Ont. 30.11 0. 0. F. Court Princess Alexaedria, No.24, 0, 0. P., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, 131ns- hillBlook, on the 2nd andlast Tuesdays of. snob Mouth, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always weloome, 586'. BURG7;88, 0. R. WALTER SMITH, R. S. QTHORO' BRED SHORT HORNY Rolle for sale. One is 1year old and the other two younger. Alae aovorul regist- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAM108 SPEI11, Lot 50, Con. 0, &fords Thep., or Brite• eels 30, 0, 92.11 � OR SALE—THE ELIGIBLY situated 2•story tr,tme building, 60 x80 feet, formerly 000upied by the Oober Oar. riugo Works. It is suitable for Bash and door factory, planing mill or carriage foe - tory. A boiler and engine will also be 001d if desired, now iu building. A good bargain will be given. 9 acre of land Iu commotion. Por further particulars sung' 00 2-tf G, W. POLLARD, Ethel. BULL FOR SERVIO +.—THE iJ undersigned will Itoep for service ou Lot 7, Oon.9, Grey, the thoro' bred Sheet Horn Bull, ',Huron Member ” Pedigree may be seam on applioatiou. Terme, 01.00 with privilege of returning if ueoeesury, Tinder• signedalso has au Improved roved Xork Boar. Perms, 81.00, with privilege ego r,f returningR 28 . J. HOY, Proprietor. NOTICE -! NOTICE is hereby given that a ny-Law, known ae the Lamont Drain By -Law, was passed by the Township of Grey on the 15111 day of Joue,1909, providing for the issue of Debentures •,to the amount of 8955790 for the purpose of drainage and that ouch By - Law was registered in the registry aloe of the County of Huron, on the 24th day .nf Jttly,10o3. Any motionto quash or cot aside the came or any part thereof must be made within three months from the date of regis- tration and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 2800 day of July, 1008. 11.8 JOHN Me1NTOOH, Clear. NOTICE!^ 170110E is hereby given that te By -Law, known se the Hanna Drain Ry -Law, was passed by the Township of Grey ou the 15th day of June, 1903, providing for the Penne of Debentures to the amount of 9980850 for the, purpose of drainage'and that snob Sy. Law was registered in the registry office of the County of Huron, on the 04011 day of July, 1962. Any motion to qutth or set aside the Dams or any part thereof must be made withio throe mouths from the date of registration and cannot be mane thereafter. Dotted Oho 28th .boy of J01yy, 1009. 3.8 50118 McINTOSH, Clerk. REAL ESTATE. pea SALE—LOT 207 AND L dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels, 40-tf J, 1t101TIE, — VOR property at EthelVALUABLE known as the Methodist Parsonage. Apply to JNO. 00BEB, Brussels. TARNnORN,BINoDOT29, 0oGrey. There 20 under cultivation. Apply to JOSEPH N. REDNIOND, on the premises, or Monorieff P, 0. 'tt 2141 MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Turnborry street, Brussels known aa the Somerset property, eligibly eltuate& Immediate possession. 1001' further partio- uhu'e as to price' torme, &a,,'apply to D. 10001`013110N, Lot 18, Oou, 12, MoHlllop or Leadttury P. 0, 90.00 ASAORIFIOE IN REAL ES– TAwn,-00000,00 wi11 buy the Moban. gkey Block in the Village of Brussels. Those two flue stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey Estate, intending IerchaoerB should toveetfgata at 01100. Aptly to P. B. $001'T or G. D'. BLAIR, Bruaaols, Ont. • VALUABLE 100 ACRE FARM ter gale,. being Lot 4, COIL 00, Grey township, Suron Co. A11 Metered excepting 9 sores and in a good state of cultivation, (food brink bouae,bant barn, drab turd, wells, &a, Farm well fenced oud 10 leas than a Mile rem the Sent -Ming vllinge of Brits- tolo, Poeeeasidu this Pail, 70 acres are seeded down ou the place. If not hold will be rented. llasydormo of payment to par - abuser. For further )lartionlars apply on the promises to 11OBB. 1t. 006TE8, .Pro- praetor, Brussels P.O. 8.11 36th Annual WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Sept, Ilth to 19th, 1903. Entries Close September IOt%t An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever, A splendid array of aamva°. tions—Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of performing Monlieya—falloon a0000010ne, O parachute drop from a paraahate, and oho boot Gymnaoto, Aerial Arleta and Aorobato 10 he had. Fireworks] aeon evening concluding with "The Bombordmont of Alexandria,t' a great triumph of modern pyr'oteohny, blxtre, trains and Spooiel rates over all fined. Prime lime and prcgretnme on appliooti0n, 1,'1'..001',. IN, Xr (Alt'1;9I101if1, - .5. 4. NI i iJ';v, . • PlatSI010NT, flEOPl6'RA1tV, .rt 1.8 MO oda —rte atertaZabaaltaYerasitat...igaigetigaresatei 6 STRICTLY ONE PRIDE THE LOWEST A ':'0!!D LIST OF BARGAINS —6 pie000 large °heck Cuebien Gingham, beet 12dn guilty, clearing price ..., +. .. —6 pieoee 86 Mole Art Muslin, worth regular 10o and 106o, clearing price 10 8 80•piecee boat English Print, 101 this Beamed patterns, worth 2 Hit, for —500 yards Printed Drees Muslims, good patron's and adore, regular value 120, clean ' ing gripe —3 pieces 17 fool Pure Linen Toweling, regular prion 9,, Spaniel at 15 yds1 0 for 'White Waists —25 pieties extra One Priuted Organdie Muslin,, good patterns 18 and colors, worth regular 25 and 85o, clearing price .. —12 pieces extra heavy Print . in light and dark adore, worth regular 10e, Special price —12 only White Bed Spreads, well worth 80o, Special price,. —12 only Black Satin Under. oldie's, made from good (polity Sateen, bright finish, vein wear well, full width, tondo frill, worth regular 91, Special Clearing prioe 50 78 —4 only Ladies' White P qua Skirts, trimmed with oolored braid, worth reenter 9190, �� Olearing prim at Sale Prices 6 12 6 9 only White Waists, worth 75e 't$ 1 00 r' 1 35 " 2 00 Clearing Price $0 55 78 1 10 1 50 J. a ��,,vv�� ��i2 4:1„, ,rr a - J Dry Goo -ds and Groceries. S. W. P. Before you begin . to Paint -your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the seine time give Best satisfaction and longest wear, ile Slierv!ll—!11iaMs Paim gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint; thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better' results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. • For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. WAGON S, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, WHEELBARROWS, CARTS, CROQUET, &o. 4.T "THE POST" BOOKSTORE.