HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 3ttr .
Threatened Breach of Promise
Suits and Other Causes
Kelp Hatters.
A 1)Itle wholesome fear is often
useful in helping the tardy lover Lb
a decision, though it is generally
supposed to have the reverse effect.
The sante lemnrk applies to the
ladies 10110 10011't.baes, from a dread
of lifelong spinsterhood, or the dread
of doing Worse la1ul' on, accept a
partner fur below their ideal,
Mon have before now accepted tiro
shackles of matrimony with inward
reluctance, rather than risk the con-
demnation of the girl and ler rela-
tives, the ridicule ol1 their friends, or
the financial danger of the brooch of
pir01nfs0 t>ourt. Apprehension of the,
Serious mental or bodily illness -of a
sweetheart discarded has, in sono
cases, been the means of prolonging
courtship till the matrimonial win-
ning -post is passed.
A quarrel between a young Kentish
couple a few months back was the
result of etu•ofui finesse en the part "Fagged right put," is an appro-
of tho repentant w000r. Finding pl•lato way to express the feelings of
himself in a worse position to accept fenny people during the hot summer
the responsibilities of marriftgo than inonths. No strength, no vigor, no
when the engagement was entered in- (nal), no ambition, too weary to
to, ho sought to bring about an es- j work and too languid to lake any
trmngemont by moans of a deliberate i 1;00n pleasure in life. 'You need a
quarrel. With the intuition of her i tonic for this, summer fag, and tho
sex, howavorm his (lancer) saw 1 ^'103' best summer tonic in the world
through his little game, and brooded .'is Dr• 1V'illlams' Pink Pills for Pale
over his disingenuous conduct 00 .People, Every dose makes new rich
much that it brought on a S ihl0odt tones the nerves, sharpens the
b I LINT -Otte; stimulates the liver, and
illness, When the young fellow saw
the effect of his unwise action he bis- banishes weakness , la weariness,
cane alarmed for her chances of re-;in.adachos, backaches, languor and
eovery, and hastened to repair 111 )uesponelt'nis The only tonic that
mischief. Ile frankly laid the whole f'ia da this for you is Dr. Williams'
facts of his altered circumstances be-
Pink Pil)s—it's a 0y111wasi.e. of money to
fore, her. The result Was that sho r.outo vont with anything else. Nfr.
quickly forgave his duplicity. She )-o is Boucot, Grand Etang, N. S„
egreel to share his poverty, as she rays' "I was very much run clown in
}tad hoped to 811010 his wealth. health and was weak and cosily
• Fear was of great assistance in the tit cid, lafu appetite was variable,
adjustment of the love affair of a a, nerves unstrung and I often felt
a complete indisposition to work.
Berkshire yeoman, IIs has volun- After trying severalmedicines with-
trerodfor the front soon after the otrt belit, ]; decided to try 1)1'. W11-
outbreak of tho late war. To 1110 ]latus'nnPink Pills, and after taking a
this he gave up a comfortable situ- few )foxes I felt bettor than I had
alien with good prospects. Tho step
at the indifference shown loin by the
girl he wanted to marry. When he
Nothing 1s more faro than a really
perfect. (008133 that is, one which
mn1Les harmony of form, correctness
of proportion and proper affinity
with tho other features, 'I'110 follow-
ing are, according to the rules of
art, the conditions requisite to the
beauty of this organ: Tho nose
should have the same length as the
forehead and have a slight depres-
sionat its root. From its root to
its extremity it should follow 0, per-
fectly straight line, and 001110 axact-
ly over the centre of the upper ILp.
The bridge of the nose, parallel on
both sides, should be little wider
in tho centre. The tip should. be
neither too thin nor too fleshy', and
its lower outline neither narrow 111/1'
1.00 wide. TIlo lobos 'must bo grace-
fully defined by a slight depression.
Seen sideways the lower part of the
nose will have a third of its total
fro Vim, No Snap, No Energy,
Exertion Dreaded and Work
no for months, and equal 'to any
exertion. I don't know anything to
11(00) 11r, Williams' Pink Pills when
ono, fuels fagged out."
You can got the pills from any
announced to her the acceptance of dealer in medicine, or they will be
his oiler of service she quickly Chang- sent paid at 50 cents a box, or six
ecu her trne, She discovered that boxes fol. $2.550, by writing direct to
sire was deeply in lovo with him, the Dr, 11'illianls' 'Medicine Co„
l.ircckville, Ont. Be sure you get
the genuine with the full name "Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple" the box.
pre" on the wrapper around
Avoid the Appearance of Age in
Every Possible Way.
People who appear old must ex-
pect to be considered so; and, if
they apply for positions tvttit every
could not honorably refuse to listen aP artetnce that senility has struck
fear tient he aright never return
possessed her, and she tried to per-
suade (lint to back out of the en-
gagement. v Confessed •ssed that she
1, J,
nx.nt. SI) c.o1 c
had really loved hint all along, but
wishing to reinai0 free and unfetter-
ed for 801110 time longer, had put
him oil and disguised her real feel-
ings, Now that she had revealed
theta, would he stay?
It was too late. He explained
that after offering his services he
to the call of duty, and so he de-
parted with his company. Fortune
tovo'011 1110 brave, however, and
about eighteen months later 110 re-
turned to wed the girl whose affec-
tion had been revealed to him simp-
ly through her fears for his safety.
Parental fear for the well-being of
their daughter led a Leicestershire
couple to consent to her marriage
ttclhaving bitterly oppo
sod it for
several years She bad 110011 fescin-
elecl during her schooldays by a
young num in a lower walk of life.
When, later on, he proposed marri-
age, us nothing could ho urged
against his personal character, she
refused to give 1111n up at the bidding.
of her parents. As she had no fancy
for en elopement ns a way -out of
the difficulty, there were several vio-
lent scenes between the obstinate
daughter and her father and mother.
At 1011011 8110 evolved
for the purpose of Oompolling their
consent to her matrimonial desires,
Knowing their ultra-l'roteetant views
and the horror with which they re-
garded everything Roman Catholic,
she got In communication with the
mother stipetio' of a convent. The
idea was to secrctely allow the im-
pression to 101118e in the family circle
that she contemplated entering a
nunnery and taking the veil. Tile
neither; weeke(1 admirably for the
cunning slaughter's plans. klei' par -
them, they cannot expect favorable
consideration. If grey-hah'cd appli-
cants for positions would only ap-
preciate the value of appeal'anccs,
and would "brace up" W110n they
seek situations—go "well-groomed,"
with elastic steps,- showing that
they still possess fire, fume, and en-
thusiasm—they would eliminate an
O19t..o-13r0atar than thelr� grey
Wo thinkourselves into incapa-
city by looking for signs of ago and
dwelling on them, and the body fol-
lows the thought. We should, there-
fore, avoid the appearance of ago
in every possible way, by dress,
carriage, conversation, and especial-
ly by our attitude toward people and
things, It is not difficult to pre-
serve the buoyanco and freshness of
youth, but it must be done by con-
stant effort and practice, A musici-
an who expects to slake only one
or two important appearances a year
most keep up his practice. Youth-
fulness cannot be put on -for a day
it' old ago has a grip on you for
months. It is important to preserve
the lire of youth as long ars possible,
to carry freshness and vigor into old
age by keeping up a hearty interest
in everything that interests youth.
Hinny of us 50e111 to think that
310u011(1 sports and pastimes a1.0
foolish, Mt El, before the know it, WO
get entirely out of sympathy with
1111 young life, and consequently real -
en La, almost distracted of the real-
ly old, whatever our years. Wo
thought of thele girl tarring such a must think ,youthful thoughts, as-
gave a hasty assent to her tin._ soviet() with young people, and inter-
im),- and the mal'J'iagc took place est 1(10111. Wren a person coast's to
shortly afterwards. interest the young ho is showing
In the' autumn of last year a dry Signs of old 1350,
goods clerk obtained a good berth
in the 11'ost Incites, He married
three years earlier than ho intended,
through anxiety lest his prize aright
escape him at the last. He had
talked over matter's with his fiancee
and- hay people respecting his ap-
l)oilnt111001, and arranged that at the
and of his three year's' contract ho
should return to England to bo
A hilt from the brother of his n-
anCCe, however,, to the effect that
there W115 another Richmond in tho
field, caused him to alter his plans.
Fear of the possible 8uceess of a ri-
val suitor possessed hi111. And in
consequence of the doop cogitations
whlrh the warning caused in the
mind of the discreet lover a hasty
marriage followed, and the yolnng
caliph.) sailed togothee as mal) and
wife: I'oarson'5 Weekly.
In the I2;i-(01110 Walking match be-
tween Berlin and Dresden the first
six arrival's were all vegetarians, floor, My doctor advised me to try,
Karl Morin, the winner, was 28 Baby's Own Tablets and in twenty.
Cholera infantum is one of the
most dreaded disbases of infancy. It
is prevalent during the heat of sum -
nem in spite of all the caro mothers
may tanto to guard against it, and
jt sometimes progresses so quickly
that death occurs i1( a faw hours no
matter what care is given the child.
The fi1'st thing to do is to stop feed. -
tug the child and give bhp plenty of
110811 air and pure water to drink,
Clive Baby's Own Tabl015 to carry
I if the ]Poison In the system, 1)o not
ender any circumstances give a moth -
lino to check the diarrhoea, except
endo• the advice of a doctor, By
Ruing Baby's Own Tablets :the cause
of the diarrhoea will he renoved,
end the disna , will thus be eh0(31(od
in a natural manner. Proof that,
the Tablets cure this too often fatal
trouble is given by Mrs. Herbert
Burnham, Smith's Falls, Ont„ who
(lays; "When my oldest child was
15 W0055 01(1 he had an attack of
fholera lnfautuln and was at doath'e
years old, and has boon a vegetarian
foe ten VOA'S. He Was deelarod.
chasnpi011 pedestrian of the world,
]til'. Carncgio's gifts to c01ntri0s.
other that the U1litod ;orates aro
recorded to the 0,0101mt of 86,861,-
850,, mttktng Mfr. Carnogit s . total
gift to ifhrarioe 844,808,0504
foul' hours baby was better; the vom-
iting and purging 00a8od and he 1'o;
gained strength rapidly."
TCoop the Tablets in the 110uso•—
their pr0n1p1, use may save your lit-
tle ogre's lite. Sold by medicine
dealers or, sent postpaid at 25 oonts
It box by writing the Dr. Wd11iaunJl'
MOWN) Co,,, 1#;'bokvitl0, Ont,
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels,
Ae11 for the OCOaeon Alar
SNARES IN 131t1;1'AIN.
The ring 8111%1(0 Is found most often
in. Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and
some of the Welsh counties. It is
perfectly harmless, although it is in
the habit of emitting a powerful and
unpleasant odor when disturbed. Tt
grows to a greater length than eith-
er the adder or the smooth snake,
the average being front thirty .to
thirty-six inches. The smooth snake
is the rarest of British .species,
though commnon enough on the Con-
tiltent, Its favorite countics in
Engluail are said to be Dorset,
Hants, Surrey and at ono time
Berks. The adder 1s more 00111.11100
in Scotlaxad than the ring snake,
and it is frequently to be met with
in both 311151and and Wales. The
markings of the adder are vary well
defined, and servo to distinguish it
from the two 1111100110115 serpents,
but the V-shaped mark to be found
at the tack of the head is a vel'+;
varying one, as are also the side
Markings. The place to look for
an adder Is the hottest sot in any
particular district where it is known
to ho. Many sheep perish annually
from adder bite.
A wonderful similarity exists in
the sayings about wo111011 current in
the various' nations,
Tho Spanish rhyme has it: "Were a
woman as little as she 1s good, 'a
pea -pod would make her a gown and
a hood."
An old English saying: "If a man
lose a woman i111d a farthing Ile Will
be sorry 1(0 lost the farthing."
The French adage: "A man of
straw is worth a woman of gold."
The ScotSlt say: "Honest men mar-
ry soon, wise men never."
TheArabiandeclares: "Words are
women; deeds are meas."
The Ilindo says that a woman's
wisdom is under her heel,
The Gorman states that whenever
there is mischief browing a tvolnan is
at the bottom of it.
The Persian asserts that woman
and dragons aro 1•
0 best out Of th
The 'Corsican says: "Just as a
good and a bad horse both need the
spur, a good and a bad woman both
need the whip."
Reuben Draper's Gravel Cured
Three Years Ago—It Has 11iever
Como Back.
Bristol P. 0,, Quebec, August 8 —
(Special) :•-dleubon Draper, well.
known here, tells a story of his cure
of a bad case of gravel that would
be considered miraculous if similar
pores by Dodd's ICidney Pills .were
not being reported almost daily.
"'About three years ago," says Mr.
i)raper, "I was taken ill with what
} thought was gravel. I was suffer-
ing great pain, and the doctor I
lent for gave mo but little relief.
Another doctor I tried failed to cure
,dp, and I was getting wreaker all the
"Then a man advised me 'to try
podd's Kidney Pills as they had
fared his mother, and I did so. In
(u.t ono week after I started using
(hen I passed a stone as largo as
p. small bean, and in four days after
pa8801:1 another about the size of a
rrain of barley, That is two years
ego, and I have not had any 'trouble
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all ail.
pleats of the bladder and urinary or-
Tells His Experience on an At-
lantic Liner.
Life among tho stokers on board
an Atlantic liner is described in the
Royal Magneine, by a contributor
who put in a voyage as an amateur
coal trimmer.
As coal trimmer, ho says, I had to
hvhoel my barrow through to narrow,
tunnel, 1111 it with coal from tho
bunker, wheel it back again, empty
it at the stokers' feet, anti keep on
until the Watch was over; but this
apparently simple occupation was
not without its perils. The glass
cylinders which show the depth of
water in rho boilers may burst 'twice
a day, but save an occasional scald-
ing a man is not often injured by
t11is. Far 111ol'O serious are the eon -
sequences of his opening• the doors of
1115 furnaces . without first shutting
off his fo•c0d 'draught. A careless
mart perllap5 ono who has boarded
the ship the 0501,80 for liquor—may,
011 starting his watch, forget to shut
on, the three ("hocks et the side of
the furnace which regulate this de-
tail, On opening the floor, a blind-
ing draught will fly tato his face,
and probably scorch hila frightfully.
There is no limit to the number of
minor casualties. As I trimmed at
11131 barrow the ship would give a
sudden lurch, and 111y spaiclo Would
fly out of lily hand, If I Wheeled it
through tho tunnel 'Without knoelcin'
my head against the side, I consid-
ered myself fortunate,
With the roll of the ship 'tools
would fly about in all directions. A
rake, Which had been lyingidle at
ono side of the stoke1101d, would
4,01110 violently sliding tOwa.rds one,
If you 'stood in the 110ig11)0i'11008 of
A 1'iat011 1tnytlla01.5 might mile sad -
dimly down o)t to your head. Per-
haps a shovel has been mislaid some-
where (01(0700, so clown. it would 110111e
With a o'atoh, ihu'ing a galo it was
no unusual titling for a miniature
Niagara to rush (10)01 111c, veitl.i1ltt01'
(tnd drench any 0110 W110 1ntp'ponad'to
110 51a1111i1g near. A sea, too,
will Stnnetllnes alight on a 10(188 01
clinkers, and sate the trimmer his
task of extinguishing (hent, futaiiiing
11((01 and his neighbors the tv113re by
an upward rush of steam,
The stock dinner dish in tile stoke -
hold is "boodle," a mixture of
meats, potatoes, and soup. For
breakfast, ]lash; for ten, meta -•-of It
kind—•and breed. At eight, every
night the c'hief steward sends this
111011 on the watch just over a huge
tin containing the leavings 1'001 the
saloon pa801nger8' dishes. ft is 1'0-
001 yell front the steward by a tr1111-
1110r—who no doubt gels his first
"whack" at some dainty morsel,
Meat, fish, mayonnaise of lobster,
green vegetables, pastry, tarps, fat
from joints, are all jumbled together
in a mixture of gravy and soup. As
to who gots which Is a matter of
pli,ysieal contest. The "hiacktes"
simply rush for thepan, and 001110 -
times topple av11. the trimmer in
charge before ha 1)1014 had a (1111011ce
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot:
reach t1,1 diseased portion o1 the ear.
There 1s only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed eon-
dll.Lon of the tnusous lining of 1110leus-
tacldan Tube, When this tulle to rnanm-
ed you have a rumbling sound or Mi.
perfect bearing, aad who() it is entirely
closed, Deafness Is the result, and un-
less the Inflammation can be talrein out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, ,nearing will be destroyed for-
ever. Nine cases out o1 ten aro caused
by Catarrh, whic11, In nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous ser-
We will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot bo cured by 11a11's Datarrb
.0010. Send for clrculnrn, free.
1'. J. CI•Tl✓51170 4: 00., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, (15.
Hobl's 'leamlly Pills arc the best.
A Pair of Grey Geese Make Ef-
ficient Sentinels.
Having discharged the family
watchdog in disgrace, a fanner has
installed two enormous grey geese as
guardians of hire home, They aro
more offieient as sentinels than the
best watchdog that ever lived, be
thinks. In addition to which they
have the following points in their
favor. They do not hotel at the
moon; they do not mance friends with
visiting burglars and bite the par -
5011; they do not transform the front
garden into a depository for ancient
Like most big ganders they are
belligerent. Tho minute the front
gate elides they come rushing around
from the backyard with wings out-
stretched and napping, 1o010ug for
a light. It is no 1150 to say, "Good
doggy, nice doggy," to them. They
cannot bo flattered or cajoled. Moral
suasion falls futile.
The average burglar who )rears
about these geese will doubtless be
of the idea that one has only to
say "shoot chicky," to s011c1 them
scuttling. Any burglar who knows
a goose will know bettor. A big
grey gander is not afraid of any-
These two will attack anything
that comes in the front gato with
the savageness ofabulldog.
they are able to do about as much
damage. They take flying leaps at
the intruder, boating him about the
head with their wings and punching
in the face with their bills. All the
time they keep up such a hissing and
noise that it is enough to scare
away the stoutest -hearted burglar.
The workmen of Germany aro not
the greatest European beer drinkors.
Their average consumption por day
is two quarts a head, while in Ieng-
land the averego among the same
class is slightly larger.
Customer (to printer) : Yon pro-
mised to have nay woele Bono yester-
day, and ;you haven't touched it
yet." Printer : "My dear sir, we've
keen so busy in this Wilco that you
ought to be 'very thankful that tee
took the time to make you n 131.000-
i50." -
Jenkins : "Then you mean to toll
me I have told a lie?" Chaanbe's:
"Well, no; I don't wish to be quite
so rude as that, but I w111 say
tilts --you'd 1110,1(0 a very good weath-
er propliot•'' r^
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant, — )s
strongly reco0unended by the medi-
cal profession as a safeguard against
infectious diseases.
"Whose little boy is this, I won-
der?" asiced the old gent, "There. is
two ways you can find out," said
the small boy, "How so, my son?"
"You might guess, or you might in-
quire," replied tho small boy.
Minardi s Liniment Lu
mharmao1 sfrlend
Frank—"I've got even with Jim at
last." Ned' --"Trow slid you do it?"
Frank—"I gave his girl a pair of
pretty vases and ho will go broke
keeping them filled with flowers,"
Minard's Liniment Is used by Physicians
Thorn aro 22.7 lead pencil factories
in Germany, which employ 2,818
persons and export each year 1,614
tots of pencils, worth $2,000,000.
Wife i "George, this hurting of the
candle at botth ends moans an un-
timely grave. It is nearly twelve
o'clock. Como to bed. 0c00ge r
"DUI,, 1,m doing this night work hl
order to find money enough to bey
you a birthday present." ?Wife 1
Niel], if you will waist irz work.
"-.,. ``
�RI:?6;9'!;t. c •1. ;�?k+F#' '�,.Y�.`ba:,
ft„alrrcb`1T.�''iTirl`,!sstroWlei&tiWii1r.�'r%o:'rraS,7iY2;:rMe'r+i++" ri1�1'tII
Each chest of Blue Ribbon Tea is lined
with Lead — the tea, poured in and a
sheet of lead placed on top and soldered
down. No air or moisture can possibly
e y 1
lately unimpaired.
all there to cheer
Ceylon Gees
The taste and aroma
are retained abs o -
The richness, deilicacy and creamy taste are
and solace every moment if you want.
F Tet 37 Cents As/N. for
Should be Fifty Red
of ,,scalma+ir.
".Mere 1" called the impatient
guest. The obsequious waiter came
to his side.
"Scants to 111'0 that soup I cnldered
is a lung time getting to 1110."
"Fes, site but you must remem-
ber, sir, that you ordered turtle
In the course of a lecture in Lon-
don Sir Harry Johnston reproduc-
ed, by moans of the phonograph, re-
cords of many of rho native songs of
Uganda utilized in their war dances,
festivals and orgies, as well as
many of the dialects of the various
I Was Cured of painful Goltro.by
Chatham, Ont.
7 was Cured of Inflammation by
Walsh Ont,
I was Cured of Paisle! N
eural La 1•y
Parksdalc, Ont.
"Yon should sleep 011 yotir right
side, madam." "I really can't, do
it, doctor. 112y husband talks in his
sleep, and I can't hoar a thing with
my left car."
100010508 nil hard, soft or calloused luo're
and blemishes from horses, blond apav111,
DFucta, splints, ries lone, swoon0y, surras,
bRavo n410"1'.11y.0 41100 0710001 bo lde. cW anon' ed.
1110 most wonderful blemish Duro over
known,. —_
"Sweet are the uses of adversity,"
quoted the philosophical friend.
"Porhaps," admitted the prosaic
man; ''but I'm not hankering for
that kind of sweetness."
Per Over Slaty Years
Dna, Wrxetow'a 500.191150 501400 sea been used by
05110511 of =there for their children 111110 t0e0hing,
Remold= Oa child, halftone the num, altar,, poli( aurae
?dud olio, regulates rho =mall nun bowels, anal Is the
,eatr0nwaiy tar Diarncr0. 'r 01t11r•5va cants n bot(a
Sold 1,9 d,vgg1eta throughout Ike world, no pun nod
,nk lar "Nos, Wiltstow's Boo(0ulx0 srnum" 11.74
Mistress (greatly scandalized): "IS
it possible, .Mary, you are making
broad without having washed your
hands ?" Now Kitchen Girl c "I.01"
what's the difference, mum 1 It's
brown bread."
Keep Mioard's Liniment In the -Nouse,
Missionary -='Oar situation was so
remote that for a whole year my
wife never saw a 0513!10 fano int my
own." Sympath:tic Young Woman—
oman"Oh, poor thing!'c
Toronto To North Pacific Coast
and Return Via Great North-
ern Railway.
Effective dally from July 8101 to
August 18th, inclusive, round trip
lrst-class tickets will bo issued from
Toronto to Seattle, Tacoma, ;Nish„
Portland, Ore„ also to Vanoouvcr
pled Victoria, B, C., via Great North-
ern Ry, at rate of 864,80.
Proportionate rates front all pofgte
in Ontario, Tickets will be valid for
return until Weber 1•5t,)1, 10.08,
information ass 'to tato) over
privileges, time of 'trains, sleeping
car rates, ate„ on Application to
;(.homes 'W, Craves, District Pessen-
a ger Agent, Great Noiihern , xlye 6
ing, 01' course, (3 can't sto) it, iia street west 1100311, ;2 :Am*
1 & a r
r;odad ytigltt, dens'," tr.n. chit.
Take the Baokaohe out of Cleaning'.
They are absolutely the best brushes money can buy—the best
made—backs do not warp orf—bristles do not fall out of
Boeckh's Scrubbing Brushes. Your grocer sells them.
Mone Genuine Without Namo "8oeckh 11 on baok of Brush.
141 Edward
"Eagle "
"Littie Comet"
other and
Good 1'"ItiogS to Eat olti the Lawn
Polled Elam, Heel and Tongue, 0.1 Tongue
Beef, (SlicVeal
d Smoked 5101. ed nam, Brisket
All Nature! Flavor Foods. Palatable and
wholesome. Your grocer should have then!,
851,4 dvo lo'(amps Cor Li baht big Atlas o€Oth3
World. ))nndaome Booklet 110510btak0 oo
(btnae(o ,0.4"—rr0a
Libby, NiaNcill S. Libby, Chicago.
Dominion Line Steamships
Montrdal to Liverpool
Holton to Liverpool
Largo and Moet Stomusloas. Snootier neeemn,0d1tlon
or oh 0(0(080 of gpn'nnnggora, Bdloons And 8lstor000ms
re aaidsblpa, sp0oiii�nlntfnntto»hnn iso' gclvun to ;Or Isoag,d Snlom, and 11eartloaso a nredr tdauon, 1304
>idlef 005(050 nod Mt pnionger 1'o, Apply to any ngana
1'1 rho Oompnny, or to o omongor Agent, 1-0
7 State St., Boston. 17 St, 5n,ram8nt 81„ MonlroJ
Suitor—"Your sister and I were
just talking business out here on the
Her Broth r—
verancta." IID Little e
"011, no, ,you weren't. When a fel-
low begins to talk business sister al -
Ways takes him into tho conserva-
Ash for Minard's and take no other.
A paperr refusestie publish 0nlogi08
grants, but adds;
d 'V publish
, ,, 0%5 Vo Will
the simple Mn1011neemett of the death
Of any of 0113' f4eit11 tvlth pleasure,"
I. It eolentine principals count tor anything
the potent inflated air pad trues should be a
enceens. Rhoads the parts in such position
the t with fair play they must heal. It to ll>rht
and comfortable to wear, and your eon Mena.).
in restored the moment it in adjusted, You
con az enure it only from the Belt and Tr1140
Mfg, Go,., Hernia Specialists, 413 Spadluq
Aro„ T,rooto. Write (000522.
Oyeing IWeaning 1
Bar tb• very bort rend your work to Owl
Look for agent In your {own, or rood 41,04.
Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec,
-1DOUT fir
6.:` 'BE,
C®R IEtr
Bond. for Handbook
105 nay St,TOlON TO on Patent'', &o,
We have Mexicans,
CAliforn'ia Navels,
Valencias, and
Carload every week. All ilio above at
market prices. We can also handle your
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Maple Syrup and other produce to advan-
tage for you.
01111 3AWSON COMMISSION CO,, LImit(d.,
Cor. West Market et,, TO(1oNT
Itf" KFA ;T '
err` -ELI KIT
T net So "err p
Best for A test for
Big folks Little olits
301,114 TAYLOR .ft 0(1
Perfumers and Soap Makers
r'mg- 0,001 0'.0'.