HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-13, Page 1Vol, 32. No. 8
New Advertisements.
Loottl-Mollay & 00.
Wessels racres-W. F. Scott.
Pickling aloon-F, R. Smith,
Allan Line fiailinge-W, H. Kerr.
Saturday bargains -E, Sdatehett.
trizt 4.1; tht.
r *Lab r o le .
Bobcat' re.opene next Monday.
Mien Mina McRae is visiting at Elea -
forth this week.
A goodly number from Ole locality
were at Kincardine Ina Tuesday to the
Mrs. Jae. Danford, of Lintowel, is
visiting her father, John Brnalltion, at
A. meeting of all interested in the re•
organization of the Palmerston Pork
Factory will be held in Lonpte Ball,
Oranbrook, Thureday evening of thin
week. A oanvaea for ktook le being made
and meeting with fair sithoess.
MATRIA/ONIAL.-A very quiet but pleas.
ing event was solemnizsid at the residenoe
ot Mtn. Calder, Grey, on' Tuesday, Aug.
llth, in the marriage of her eldest
danghter, Kate, to Rev. P. Fieher, of
Deloraine, Man. The ceremony WAS per.
formed by Rev. D. B. Mattes, of Oran.
brook. After Inneheon was served alr,
and Mrs. Fisher left for a abort trip.
'Upon returning to "Riverside" for a few
days they will then leave for the West.
EA le ea 1.
Our Public sohool will re open next
Aliases Ransom, of Detroit, are villa=
hare with their parents.
Lent Monday the Township Connell
met here and gob through a large there of
The Bons of Temperance intend holdiug
their annual pie nic in the Dilworth grove
on Labor Day.
Arrangements aro being completed for
the anneal Harvest Home eervices and
supper in connection with the Methodist
church in Ethel. The dates are Sabbath
80sh and Month* Slat. A. big time is
counted apon.
Dr. Bali, of Montreal, was a weloome
vieitor bere during the past week. He is
a clever young man who is destined to
work to the front iu hie profesaion. Dr.
Ball in a grand eou of R and Mrs. Ron.
sem, of this plaoe.
IVATRIMONIAL.-0a Tueadny, 4th inet„
Rev, Mr. Snider, of Berlin, tied the
matrimonial bow between Justus Lake,
of Ethel, and Alias Nellie Sandere, formerly of this locality, but recently of Flora,
dale. After a sojourn among relatives and
friends they purpose teltieg up residence
either in Illeoltoba or Minnesota. Their
many old friends in this locality wish
them a jeyfal and eneoeseful midi over the
tea of hfe.
Etattemerm.-The Hanover Poet of July
201d thus refers to the marriage of a son
of Mrs. Ildaloolm Lamont, of Wingham,
and a °attain to the Lamont Jamaica West
of Ethel -"The ubiquitone little chap
"Oupid" with hie bow and arrows hem
been getting in some telling work in this
neighborhood of late, At high noon
yeaterday at the reeldenoe of F. and Mra.
Sutton a ceremony was performed which
united the lives of William Lamont, a
young Hanover man, and klieg Mamie
Sutton: The bride was daintily attired
in white silk and looked particularly
charming. She wag asideted by her tewn
frieuda, Miss Ida May Kneeltbel and Mies
Sarah Sebaefer. The groom was ably
supported by Flank Gottwale, of Wash-
ington'D, 0., and the bride's brother,
Frauk Sutton, of Harrietan. Rev. J. E,
Howell, M. A., paetor of the Methodist
eiturob, was the cflioiating clergyman.
Only the intimate friende of the eon -
treating parties were preeent. When the
young couple bad been cinerary con.
gratulated after the chrome* the party
eat down to a fine dinner. Mr. and Mre,
Lamont took the afternoon train Borah
on their honeymoon trip which will be
spent at Wingliam, Listowel, Toronto
and Niagara. The Post offers its oon.
Joan osato win
Those who went to Kinoardine on Tnes.
day's Exeuraion say they had a fine time.
James Strachan finished eutting hie line
grain crop laet Saturday. He's a good
D. L. Sanction will return to Gorrie
for the opening of eohool, of which he ie
Prinaipel, next 14onclay.
Several front this locality attended the
MeAlliater-MoKerizie wedding on Wed.
neaday of laat we
Last Sabbath
ekand report an Al. time,
evening Robt, Shaw
preached at Victoria Hall and next Sab.
blab Wm, Hunter, of Morris, ie expected.
David Ramsay has been on the Mak liat
from an abeam tin hie neok that gave him
considerable tro
at hie sister's iu B
uble. He was stopping
russels for the past week,
Alex., the 5 year old eon of Aneon
Shaw, who was lathed by n home a few
weeks ago, is getting along very nie.ly
being able to sit
him in the temp
np. The blow caught
le and hie ear wan Lath
split. About an 'nail of bone bad to be
removed. We hope the lad will won be
all right once m
The Harriet
n Tribune says: -Lorne
McKelvey had ab
while riding thr
ed fall from his wheel
ough the towoobtp the
other day. He rode down a hill and earl
doily amine on 0 bridge in course of oon-
strnotion. Be was thrown violently and
badly hurt, hie wheel a wreck, and lied to
make the hest of hie way many miles
from town.
Tuesday evening of next week a Box
Social will be held Jo ViotorinEfall,Jemee-
, town, under the et:apices of the Sewing
I Circle, of Melville rhumb, Beneath], in
. , „,
B , „....,
„,,, •
W. .,,
4 g ,
: 4 • it•
,c ,
s ,.,.,.
$1,400 in Purses
2:50 Pace - - - $200
2:28 Pace or 2:20 Trot - 200
2:19 Pace or 2:15 Trot - 200
240 Trot - - $200
2:90 Pace or 2:25 Trot - 200
2:50 Trot (three -year-olds) .. 150
Free-for-all Trot or Pace . 200
Tiro Day s of Groat Sport Prornixect
.•01••• *101.•••••••••••6•MMIMMAN•11M0110....N.INIMOMMA.IM
R. Thomson, W. P. Seat)
4 onmesrawsom,
aohneetion with the W. F, 11. 8,. A.
good program will be given and the Bruce
tele Band will be in attendanoe, Beery.
body in eordially invited and an enjoyable
time assured.
Wet it I cost.
Rev, and Mrs, Andrews were vialtore
at Ifinoerdine this week.
Rev. Mr, Hall, of Gerrie, preached in
St. George's Church hot Sunday after.
Mime Crittenden, of Dyer'a Bay, who
have been vieiling here for some weeks,
returned home this week,
Mre Jamas 00101ougb has been on the
ethic list but le somewhat baker now and
we hope elle will soon be all right.
W. Neal di Bo have purobased a very
suitable 3 spring wagon from Ewan & 0o.,
of Brussele, to be ntilieed in conveying
freight to and from the depot.
Dr. Frank Neal has gone to the Old
Country 10 18110 epecial whines in the
leading College° and Hospitals. He took
the St, Lawrence route. His many
friends here will cepeot him to do well
and with him success.
Thuraday of last week i5 -v, T. B. Wall.
vvin,13, A„ of Seaforth, preached two good
attaining in the Methodist Ohtani) bere in
eon:action with the Quarterly Cowman
ion. Rov. R. Paul, of Brussels, otwapied
the pulpit very nooeptably on Friday and
the pastor took the other servioee. The
aervions were profitable and will do good.
Methodist Church, Rev. Alfred Andrews,
pastor r-Provideuce-Preaahing at 10 30
a m, every Sabbath 1 Class meeting
after. Bethe'-Preaabing at 1 p. m. ;
Sunday Soho& at 2 15 ; Claes Meeting
after S. S. Walton -Sunday Sobool 01
2 o'clock • Preaching at 115 1 Class
Meeting miser preaching servita. Prayer
Meatings-Tueedey at 7 p. m. at Provi
deuce Wednesday at 7 p. m. at Bethel ;
Thursday at 7 p. m. at Walton,
Ali -a Tina Rae has returned from Tor
Mies Van Every, of Rochester, is visit.
the Mrs.. W. Diokeon.
Mies E. Jackdon, of Brunets, vieited
Mies Howe all Monday.
Miss Janie Stobie, of Sealorth, is the
guest oi Mrs. 0. Smith.
D. DI Walker, left for hie home in
Niagara Falls on Monday.
Mies R. Patriolc, of Boissevaiu, Mao.,
is visiting Miep M. Harris,
Mien Ada Morrison is spending a week
with her brother in Kitioardine.
Mrs. Maine, of Gerrie to the gneet of
her daughter, Mee. W. 5. Johnston.
Harris Hamilton, of Picton, is Emend.
ing:hie holidays at hie home neat here.
Mrs. Hudson, of Wingham, is spend-
ing some time with her Dieter, Mies 0.
Misses Ross and N. Brown, of Brussels,
were the guests of Mita Nellie Black on
Rev. I. M. Webb, of 13rneaels, occupied
the pulpit in the Epieeopal church on
Misees Nettie Ewing and Merle Mann,
of Teeawater, are gutets of Mrs. Geo,
Allan at the station.
Mrs. (Bev.) I. A. MaKetvey returned
from Montreal last week where ehe has
upset two mouths,
Mise Sara Allan accompanied bar sis-
ter, Mita Elaie Allan, an her return from
Cleveland and will speed a few weeks
Won. Laohie, ROOOMpanied by his
nephew Otarench Campbell, went to Lon.
don laet week where they will visit at the
latter's home.
A junior Foot -boll team from Brusesis,
met our juniors in the park on Mouday
night and were defeated by a score of 1-0
G. Butter, of Bruetiele, refereed the
W. S. MoKereber and family have
moved into John IInutmon's residenee,
Ann street, and John Bray will shortly
move to the house lately vacated by Mr.
Harry lideLeod, of Eatevan, Man , a
veteran of the South Afriean war, ill visit.
ing hit brothere and mother here. It hi
five years since Harry left the village
during which time he bee vieited three
Geo, end litre. Spotter), of Arthur,
care in the village hat ffituraday. We
tincleretand they are to beoome residents
of here again, Me. Spotton having given
up teaching wheel, and taken an agate*
for a life ineurace company.
A, I3. Pieray, porteur for the Tipper
Canada Treat oiety, hae left Wroxeter
for Millintuic where he lute's& to puma
hie missionary work as oolporteur. Mr.
Piercy hart availed himself of the op.
partunity to fill Rev. J. W. WeaVe pulpit,
Bluevale, during hia holiday time oleo
Iiev. M. 0, Oanthron'e pulpit ot Knox
church, Efarrieton.
We can now indulge in a walk on a
cement eiclewalic without having to go
out of the village. While a number of
our good citizens have been laying down
wake in their grounds and in this way
beautifying their places it never seemed
to enter the heads of the Oity Fathers to
make the elighest attempt towards inn•
Droving the streate by the use of oement.
Their whole cry theme to be, beep down
the tax to 10 mile or we will be put out
01 1110 attuned!, but a break is made at
last, Thos. Rae (pat how he ORM PrOillid
the Oounoil no one knowe) perenaded
them to pnt down cement in front of hie
biopic Mr. Ran bearing a large part of the
thet. It ie to be hoped that the good
example eat by him will be followed by
°there and that in the near future the
main walla will be of oement.
Disendiseme Autumn -From the
.Wroxeter Star ; "The meet dietreseing
event limb has happened in the village
for a long time stemma on Wedneaclay
evening about 7 o'olook, when W. A.,
Ruthertord'o little fivelear old eon,
Walker, was accidentally run over by
leaded wagon, end the young life mashed
ant hi a recnnent. Geo. Paulin with
Mr. Appleby were bringing a load of
hay jute town, when the little boy, an.
notieed by them, went under the load,
arid wail play f all y pulling man few streWe
Of the hay when the hind wheel of the
Wagon Inmat' him down on hie tam and
paeood overoJooll.ahim oruoblng r: bittbt:" and A GREAT EXCURSION.
wag broken in and his face and
n 300 bruised by the donee on
the hard road. Thos. Hemphill ar.,
who was sitting on the platform at the
waollen mill, near which the oceident
happened, noticed the danger and called
out whoa, but toe late to stop the horees.
He pirated up the little mangled form,
bet the life was ornehed ont. He start.
ed to carry the boy home lint wet met by
111r, Rutherford, when feeling° over the
ead wed of hie only little son, can be
butler imaginedthan deseribed. The
shook to little fellow's, mother and young
sisters wart terrible, and opening so sud•
den and untxpeotedly made it all the
worse, That Mr. and Mra. Rather.
ford have the sympathy of all in the
village over the ead mourrenoe need
scarcely be told. No blame attaches to
anyone es those on the load could not
see the boy Red were not aware of his
presence under the load till it was too
late mad all was over with poor little
Walker, who a few minutea before was
full of life and Inn.
Morrie townehip awe of the Oo. rate
thio year is $2,381,
Milton Watson lost a valuable colt
owing to it getting its leg broken, It has
to be ahot.
Richard Proctor hae been appointed
Tax Collector fur 1903 at a salary of
885.00. This is hie Zed year aa Oolleotor.
treat Sunday 'afternoon Mra. Wm.
Wright, stater to NCB. George Jackson,
of thief townehip, died at her home in
The tax rate for this townehip was
struck et the Council meeting laat week.
For local purpoeee 1 4/1.0 nails on the
.dollar and for Oo. rate 1 8/10 mills.
J. T. Curtis, n former teaoher in
Morrie, bite gone to Michigan for a couple
of weeks. He has aceepted the school at
Glenallen and will begin hie duties there
next week.
The reeidenee of Allan Adama, West of
Breathitt, 5th liue, will be briok veneered
this aeason. He ham the inlets on hand
now. It will make quite an improve.
ment both in appearance and comfort.
We would like to have all live etook
kept off the road as a lot of damage le
being done to mops by threes, cattle and
hog° getting through and over the fences,
Surely every farmer has room enough on
his farm to keep his live etock.
(5 re,.
Township 'Donnell met last Monday.
Mies] A. Noble, of Toronto, is vieitiog
at 0. Kerr's.
Geo. and Mrs. Hanley were visiting
friends in Stratford last week.
Rev, D. 11. McRae held a prayer meet.
ing et Bethel on Wednesday even ing of
this week.
Wilson McKay, of Maryborough, is
visitiug relatives and friends in this
Mies Ethel Cobbine, of Se. Mary% is
visiting relatives and friends in this
Mies Ruby Harkness, of Sarnia, virrit.
ing her grandparents, Geo. and Mrs. Mo.
Kay, 10th con.
Report says that some enealc theivea
were at work at the party at Duncan
Mollay'e last week,
15 ra,Slatik and children, of Palmereton,
have been visiting at J. B. MoLauabliu'a
daring the peat week.
Miss Simpaon, of Orangeville, and
Miss Ayr, of Toronto, ware visitors at
W. J. Goodvairde thie week.
A large limber from this township
patronized the Sunday School Exoursion
to Kinciartline last Tneeday.
0. Willa, and F. Grant, of Sharpebnrg,
Pennsylvania, ware spending their each.
tion et R. Dilworth's last week.
Mrs. Bobt.Robertson,lith oon., and
daughter, Miss Florenoe, are visiting
relatives and friends in Blanshard, '
Dorman Malay had a suottegeful ditch.
ing bee Friday of last week. The party
at night was also a encseee, the young
people say.
Jno. and Afro. MoNaught, 17th con.,
and hie stater, Mre. Thos. McPherson, of
Logan, started on their trip out West
legit Monday.
Mrs. Jae. 0. McKay, 16th oon., and
Mre. Wm. Peet and Mrs, Geo. MoKay
are away visiting James Malley in Strat-
ford Hospital. We hope he will aeon be
able to come home again.
The rate of taxation for thle year MS
struch at the Council meeting last Mon•
day, It will be as follows :-Co. rate,
1 5/10 mills on the 0 ; General eohool
assesernent, 1 and 2* tenth mills ; and
for township purposes 2 4/10 tnille.
Tina threehing outfit owned by John
flioTamgert, 15th cam, bag been marches.
ed by Daniel and Wm. Maohan, of this
township, svho are now in poasession and
attending to the wants of the farmere.
Miss L J. lideLanohlin, who has been
visiting under the parental roof for the
past five weeks, left on Monday for Salt.
emits, Ana., where she will resume her
dutiee ei tesoher of the Jnnior depart.
went of the Publio seltool of that town,
There were six tenders for the eon -
Battalion of the Lamont drain in Grey
and Morris preeented at the lest °entail
Meeting. Andrew Elielop, 14th non.,
Grey, was awatided the oontreet at $8,000
thie eurn including the necersationiverte,
Other flguree may be read in the minutes
of the Council in another column of this
The 100 aore farm of R. E. Goatee,
advertised in fast weekle Poor, halt been
purchased by W. 5. flamingos*, of Time -
water, who will get possession on OM. 15.
Price paid WR13$13,000. it is three years
since Mr. Conte; bought the plasm from
B. Bail pitying $5,100 for it but he baa
made improvenmete in different respeote.
Final declaim) has nob bath arrived at as
to what Mr, Coate will do. He may
locate in kleaforth or perhaps in Flint,
Mich, We are sorry to lose he and Mee.
Coates hem thin aommnnity brit then.
niatiem bothering the former he wee
determined to ttvoid out deer work that
would tend to tetrad reoevery,
1,11E niuuEsT OP THE
Tueeday of this week the annual ex.
oursion to the lakeside at Kincardine was
run over the W. G. & B. from Pelreeruton,
Wang 011 the intermediate points. Oiving
to so much rain and ohangeable. weather
this treason theta particularly in'erested
in the management read up the forecasts
and predietions very oloseiy for August
11th but the evening of the 10sh with the
overcast sky and light showers wag not
of a very comforting eharaoter. To the
joy of many, old and young, Tuesday
morning arrived with a eanalany hate
and aa a result the way opened for a large
A train of 10 coaches pulled ont of
Peltnereton at 7 15 a. m., in charge of
Oonduotor Kee with Engineer Horning
palling the lever. The various statious
were represented in exoursioniste as
follows ;-
Pal in craton 49
Thstowet 43
Aiwood 90
Henfryn 8
Ertbuselaele 580
Bluevale 70
Wingham 10
Whiteohurah 75
Lueknow 208
This did not meant for the youngsters
5 years and under, no email contingent,
so that about 1000 people were visitors to
the breezy town of Kincardine on that
day owing to the excursion. On account
of the large turn ent at Brussels, it being
the OiVIO holiday, the supply of ordered
paeteboarde ran out and the train was
held a half hour to wait upon the hun-
dreds anxioue to go, in seciariag their
The mulles were jammed to over-
flowing.whert Whitechurch was reached
and athertaining, that over 200 were
waiting at Luoknow-, the engine wan
separated from the train a mile Emit of
the Sep* town and ran in aaoompanied
by the Conductor to state the case and
with a promised speedy return for them
and the Ripleyitem from Kinearcline, the
iron borne was once more attached end a
dash made past Lucknow from the heavy
grade. It was "whiel) and tether
whether we would gain the day with the
heavy freightage of humanity but after a
few °lipping wheals the brow was atteined
and by 11 o'clock Kineardine was reached.
Before many minutes a eurging, merry
throng had alighted and were making
their way ho the conveniently looated
With a thoughtfulness and kindliness
for whieh Kincardine la noted Mayor
Ruttel welcomed the excursionists while
the town Band played a number of
stirring airs. The dray on hand wee
loaded to overflowing twine before all the
baskets were conveyed to the Park, Brae
eels Baud leading the way. An onlooker
would have thought we were fitting out
an expedition Inc a week inetead of er day.
Het wetter wee found ready for the tea
and coffee making and Policeman Ma.
Gaw took charge of the checking of the
baekete iu the large hall on the grounds,
Before very long the visitors were busy
investignting the contents of briskets and
boxee and they drank iu the ozone and
watched the whitecaps in their merry
abase as they upholstered the interim
department. It was well on to noon
before the Luoknow and Ripleyitee.
The three rinks of bowlere and the
racquet wielders from Benumb' met in
friendly combat with the sturdy repro.
sentatives of the lake town and the
oatoome was a victory for the visitorg.
The afternoon at the Park was well
filled in aud nobody had time to get
lonesome. Firet oame a junior lamosaa
math between Lueknow and Kinaardine
but the home team could hardly be said
to be in it as the whirlwinds from Look.
now won by 7 to 0. Following tbie game
was the presentation of a flag drill, with
patriotic song tatoompanying it, by e
company of young ladiee from Brussels,
wearing triple oolored Bathes, They
did their part very lithely and were loudly
applauded. The Park Wee cleared for
the event of the day viz., an exhibition
game of lacrogee, Kincardine ve. Mount
Forest, The game was fast and well
oonteeted with enough shisbing at times
to muse the spectators to feel in a tharthe•
giving mood that they were at a safe
dietanee, Honors were fairly evenly
divided although the score was 0 to 4 in
favor of Mount Forest.
Ripley and Lueknow juniore crossed
bats in a five innings game of brae hall
with a close soore favorable to the former.
The program of ranee did not materialize
owing to the unwillingness of persona to
compete but a needle and thread race
wag run in whioh the whalers were Mise
Roberton and Mr, Diann ; Urea Forbes
and rar, McDonald ; Mum Etablcirk and
Mr. McTaggart ; and Mies Taylor and
Mr, Smith,
anppet time bed arrived after the
eports and Inrush was ogee more brought
iuto requisition before a forward match
to the depot Was nndertalien.
To meet the regniremente of the situp.
Hon an extra brain was arranged which
left SO 0 15 running 00 fRor 19 Beuseele,
Both traiee were well loaded, the latter
DOI, gobbing to Brussels anti! 10 o'olbok
owing in Urethrae delays at Wingbaro
and Bluevale boo0000 up going taint.
10001,0 PRIMER EROM 0110 /3E/1011.
The biggest exoureion of the Harlon.
lic lake teeth hal an upao•date learosse
Kinoardine intuit have profited to ne
email extent by the visit of the hundrode
of exotarlioniate on Tueralq,
"What's the matter witb Kincardine 3"
It's all NIA.
The grata ou the Southerly park ita of
a, very slippy variety.
We a euution how much baskete look
railer, when it mimeo to a massieg of them
at an exeursion.
We heard of no Rondonia to mar the
phaeure of the day, barring a few wet.
tinge by the surf,
Heavy ?bowers of rain fell on the
homeward trip but tile day wise line even
,f stiplaly bieezy.
The gray whiskered joke about the
"annual bath" was still in evidence and
yet nobody wee killed..
Kinearditat wore a holiday appearance
with numerous Rage flying and a large
lama:rut of its population at the Perk.
Mayor ROtel performed the amiable in
a moat diligent manlier looking after the
intereete and pleaeure of the exenrsioniate,
Not a few of the baskete were well load.
ed with pebbles, thelia end sand on the
home trip. The G. T. R. did not agree to
haul gravel bat we guees it ie all right.
Good music was supplied during the day
by Rinoardine and Bruseele Bands. The
tatter serenaded Mayor Rattel and the
Reporter and Review newspaper oftieee.
Lemma ebould be played with the
heads, of the players enclosed in au nil.
breakable wire mask judging by the oarv.
ing up of some of the Mount Forest team.
Rineardine ham not only the water bot
the "annd" Re well and the latter with
more than one interpretation. Their
HOIWITALITY is well deserving of capital -
Mee re. Sinolair, Fox and Mellish
repreeented Bruseete in tennis. They
won from Iliticiardine in the forenoon
and in the afternoon hi a mixed game
with Ripley and Kincardine they lost.
Many noticeable improvements have
beau made in the Parksince !eat year aod
it will 5 et bean ideal spot. The terracing
of the hillside, a good underground drain
amoral the "aerate and a few row boats
would set it off in tip-top style.
The lawn bowlers from Brussels were
D. 0. Ross, Rev, L M. Webb, Dr. Fella,
R Leatherdale, Dr, MeNaughton, F. H.
Gray, H. L. Jackson, Jno. Hewitt, G. F.
Blair, EL James, F. Downing and A.
Ochtaley. In the total Brussels won by 4
Gray Council Meeting.
Council met at the Township Hall,
Ethel, on Monday of this week,
pureuant to adjournment; members were
all present, Reeve in the obeir. Minutes
of last meeting were read and aonfirmed,
On motion of W. Work and J. Grant By
Law No. 200 fixing the rates for the year
1903 Wee read three times and passed,
the rates being BB follows :-For County
purposes, one and five tenth mills on tbe
dollar, for General school assesement one
and two and one half tenth mills on the
dollar, and for Township purposes, two
and four tenth mills on the dollar. Also
Bylaw No. 207 to authorize the levying
and collegian of &hoot Trusteee anti.
melee for the °arrant year was read.
Moved by William Pewter, seconded by
Adam Turnbull that the agreement of
ooutraotor for the Hanna drath as execut-
ed be aceepted, sod that the Reeve be
authorized to sign the mune 00 behalf of
the corporation, and that the corporate
teal be attached thereto, and one copy of
eaidi oontraot be filed with the Olerls.
Carried. The following tenders were
received for Lamont Drain :-Lotris
Longeway, $5871.00 ;B. Foga!, $5999 or
06117 culverts twitched ; Nioholeou
liege°, $7535 ; Andrew Hielop, 06,000
°Diverts included ; Connelly & Waters,
$7491 ; Patrick Bohan, 56225. Moved by
John Grant, seconded by William Fraser
that the tender of Andrew Hislop be me.
oepted, his being the lowest tender. Car-
ried. A nnnther of commauioations were
read and filed. On motion of Turnbull
and Work the fallowing amounts were
ordered to be paid :-
William MoNeeland, team on
grader 0 8 00
Hartwell Spriran, grading and
gravelling S. R. 6, 000, 10 22 50
W. M. O'Beirne, advertisment re
tenders Hanna draio 8 00
W. 111. O'Beirn, advt) re tendert
Lamont drain 2 04
John A. McKay, assisting engin-
eer Beauchamp death 1 75
John Matey, assisting engineeer
on extension Govt drain No. 2 1 75
Harrison,Wtllieoo Restatiqg engin.
eta on extensiou Goat drain,
No. 2 50
L. A. Mason, gravel 4 68
John Brandt, onlvert Eletfryn road
Grey's share 2 00
Ira Taylor, gravel 9 44
A. IttaDonald, spikes for culvert4 12
MoDonald, spikes 14th non
drain 3 33
Holger) Plant, gravelling Grey &
Howiok Bay. Grey's share26 00
A. Raps:men, two enlverte I4th
oon. drain, lot 18, 000. 14 26 00
Sandeman Dunn, gravel end
gravelling 12 81
Thos. Davidson, timber for Mit.
obell's bridge 2 50
John Brown, aommutatioisetatute
labor G. T. R. and Mre. Banal -
ton -7 00
01, 10. Moillister, two gallons octal
oil 50
John Roger, Bowen award 100218 00
s• " Aroh. McDonald
award 16 50
John Roger, 5. K. Baker award., 24 00
William McAllister, tilt drain S.
It 2, acin.17 2 00
Robert Goths, gravel 9 80
Alexander MoKay, graeel .. 22 48
George' Coonthe, aid to wire tench 2 00
Henry Bateman, gravel... 8 40
Francie flfibler, gravel...". A 44
Thounce.Davideon, eravel 20 80
William Zeigler, Farm bridge
• Kreuter death . 10 00
George Speirtin, geavel 14 50
S. COM timber and plank 149 41 16
con. draln... ....... .*.
S. 8. Colo, anther for bridgee100 48
George Oliver on oonteact Beau-
champ drain 85 00
W. I.I. Kerr, on Priuting eminent 15 00
Robert W. Laingston, carving
Bolter) drain Bylaw 2 00
John AleIntogh, preparing Bolton
drain Bylaw No.109 20 00
Moved, eetionded anti parried that tine
Coattail do now adjourn to meet at call of
Reye. J not BEICINTOOS, Clerk,
The Soots Won In Close Game.
The anal rnatchfer the Intermediate
ahantipionship of the Ontario Asemiestion
Football League watt played at Berlin
last Tuesday between the Smite, of Tor.
onto, ohatnpious of the Eastern distriot,
and Selassie, obarapions of the Wooten)
dietriot, and was won by the faecal after
a hard etruitgle by a enure of 2 to 1.
Brunets won the first goal ehortly tater
the game etarted. Tee Soots took the
neitb by a fluke and before hall time was
np Psrk scored for the Booth again, In
the last hal neither side mimed although
&mete had rather the better end of the
play but could not land the ball. Our
boye, some of them in particular, were
not up to their usnal form and the won.
der was that their fleet footed opponent°
did not make a better reeord. Atiqint.wari en
there was little room to orow.132.30.,.
The sterraa were made tip as folloBwrecrw:-.
rroalro Iolt:51 4:Bei:eacekto. Wheeler
" °Cie 117oeued
31.0:er: o n
Beferee-B, W. Brown, of
This praotioal y winds opthe tong drag-
ged ont season and the champions will
hold their laurels until next Summer an -
disturbed. Brunets has nothing to be
ashamed of in the record attained by
their Intermediate and Junior teams.
In oonolnding the season'a play it
would not be amiss to acknowledge the
ready and valuable ateistance rendered
both clubs by Wroxeter players. They
did their pert most effioiently 10 the
varioue matches and tended in no email
degree to the gaining of championship
honore. The very friendly relatione ex•
iating between the two villages ie worthy
of note and is the etate of affairs that
should prevail among neighbors.
Wedneeday's Berlin News Record gives
the following report of the contest :-By
defeating the Bruasele Football Clinb-W.
F. Intermediate Ohampions-the Tor-
outo Soots on Taeeday evening won the
Ontario Assooiatiou Int, ohatupionehip.
The game was herd sud fairly fast and
the better team won. The moon was 2
to 1. The Brussels Club with a few sup-
porters, were quartered at the Wolper
and the Toronto boye et the Grand Oen.
tral. Both were given an early supper
mud were ou t the grounds in good
time. 8.1 11 36 Referee Barry W. Brown
had the game in progress. Neither at
the start nor at any time throughout the
game was the play as fast and aggregate
as In the Junior game it week or ito ago.
Both teams failed often to cover their
oheche at the critical moments, though
the Soots as a rule followed up the ball
closer and more effectively. Contrary
to their imam the boys from the North
indulged in a lot of high kicking which
was not at all effective owing to the
strong wind -which was against the
Soots in the first half. The oontest gee.
Hawed for about ten minutes without
either side having any partionlar advan-
tage. Qnerin, Roche and Good oar-
ried cue hall down and when
quite IN way out Good that the ball along
the ground. Holmes ran ont to meet it -
hesitated -then enacted again- stumbled
over the ball and went down under Beebe,
Good and Rae, the ball slimly rolling
into the goad before either of the Boots
beaks oonld reach it. An easy shot like
that would not vault in a goal once in
hundred. Then the Toronto boys
took the bit between the teeth and mail
they scored in eight minutes-ootarolled
the play. Their tomer& worked well to•
gather and ont.cheoked their opponent° as
well as out sprinted them in abasing the
bail. When the Bremen) forwards did
make a run, they were repulsed by Per-
sil! and Marshall, the Toronto full backs.
They had the oppoeing defenoe faded.
Marshall covered a wonderful big area
and WAR sure as dynamite. He made a
long drop to Park on the right wing,
Park dropped it onto goal, almost parall-
el with the bare ittoPhereon did all he
needed to-tonohed it -and the some watt
a tie. The village boys aeon had two
chances to get back their lead but Holmes
flayed both allots. La a sorim. Capt. P.
sill bad the wind knocked out, and after
about 20 minutes play Querin, one of the
Brussels half haulm, was sent off for a few
minutes for a foul charge. Ele Ives the
only Beneath' man who showed any in.
olination to rough thinge up. After
another eight minutes' session of play
Bruesels was compelled to give a corner
to WIVE) the goal. But the goal was taken
jut the same, Park converting a pretty
drop. Soon after, a water WWI eRrn•
tid oil the Scioto bat there
was nothing doing. The eeoond
half was pretty much on the Soots' favor
hat they were held down from noting
again. The Toronto boys' victory gutted
quite popular with the epectators. They
pot up strong, determined effort and the
athletes are good spasms well. They gave
three °beers and a tiger for their oppon-
clts and the referee, and the vanquished
returned the oompliment. Speoita
mention mud be made of the strong work
of Capt. Gerry of the Bruseele half beak
line. He ie not a ebowy playee but ha
gate there every time.
The eteenaet, Manehester Trader, for
Matieheeter, is agtotind on the southeen
shore at Antientsti Island,
5, A. Lamb, Seeretety of the South
true Farmers' Institute, has reeeived h
Statement from the Grand Trunk in 000.
neotion with the late exonreion 10 the
Model Farm. &wading to thin state -
Meta the amount coming to the 'Institutes
is 5226. There Meet, therefOre, have
been about 900 titikets sold. After de.
cleating expenees had dividing up with
the other Itatitutes the amount coming
to the Booth trooe Inetitate will be
Shoot $75,