HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-6, Page 7fl TOWARD OM There Will Only Be Tears of Joy and Not of Sorrow hi the Welcome irnisren aceoreins to Act ot the neue Leman or emirate, in the ante tine w,rw..".117, r!Vgg„te 4hrza agricuiture, utteavaa A. deal/Meth from Chicago saYs: Rev, Frank De Witt Talmage preach- ed Mom the following text: Psalm Give, 28, 'There go the ships." I always feel sorry for ono who has not beert lullablod to slam by the low moaning song of Ute sea. 'Fenimore Cooper loved to write about the mountains and woods and etreams and waterfalls and rivers, to whose deer licks the fawns and the does came clown to drink. But there Is a beatity,, too, in the sand dunes and the ecabeach and the broad expanse ef the mighty cicep which we can love also. Sometimes the sem becomes as wrathful as the wild beasts in the Spanish arena, stung with sharp darts, before which the attendants wave the red garments. It rears. It plunges. It lashes !Mali into fury until at Met it, is crimsoned with its own blood. The blueing pines- phorescences make it look like the river Nile atrucle with the Mosaic rod in the famous Egyptian plague. The seashora a monotonous place to peen the summer? it is eel -Merest - lag only. to 'those whose love of rut- ture is so undeveloped that they cannot 'understand the language of the sea. THE HUMAN SNIP. But, after all, ono of the most absorbing diversions of the summer tourists living by the seashore is to watch the passing of the ships. For ,over a quarter of a century my pri- eitega was to spentl every slimmer by the Atlantic coast. My father's country home was near the end of Long Island, nt a small town called East Hampton, There, upon the sand dunes, I used to lie hour after hour watching the great steamers and the sailing craft heading toward New York Narrows or starting upon their long taps to the distant har- bors of the world. 1 used to watch them just as the psalmist, did when be cried out In tha words of my text, "There go the ships." Row like those voyages axe, with their unknown incidents, their calms and thole stortns, their successes and, alas, their wrecks, to human lives! Who can tell as he looks at an in- fant calmly sleeping in its cradle whether the voyage of its life will be like the ship Skillfully steered safe intoeharbor or like the slap careless- ly navigated that strikes the sunken rock or by conission with another ship is shattered and sunkinto the depths of the sea? Let us see this morning what those points of resem- blance ere -what kind of a ship each human being ought to he, what kind of a cargo he is carrying and toward whot kind of a pert he should be heading, The ships! The ships! There go the ships! There go the ships! A VALUABLE CARCO. Each human vessel always carries a verSe•valuable cargo. Have you stopped to consider why a great Cunard or White Star traneatiantic steamer spends as much time by her doek as in traveling the high seas? 'Tis true some of thas time must be given to cleaning up the ship, but most of it is spent lo loading and unloading cargoes. 'The- massive walls of a building rest upon deep foundations. The huge meats and upper decks of a great stentner must have a deep hull. 'Thie hull must: be filled with ballast, or else the ship would soon topple over. This eballaet. is composeti ,of boxes filled with mercitanaise or hundreds ef, ,• hags of mail, or steel (rem Berming- • ham works and 'Melte front the Irish mills, Silks froin Franco und whims , from Italy, ,art treaSures as well as imponsive• -furniture and clothes, Then 'food .niusti 130 pravided •fort the passengers ' and the 'maw tend huge ettegoes at coaltokeep the en- gines in motion. One is amezed at the thousands of tons of tmal whittle a ship like the Kaiser Wllholin n, carries at the beginning of its pas- sage across the Atlantic, The gavot stomachs of the furnaces seem to be Insatiable. Their hunger Is never Noddle& 'Relays of dust begrimed stokers are sboveling the coal day In and day out, But what about the enormous masa of food which Meet be provided for the hungry human passengers and crolv? Those who live above and below a great ship's deck are not to be Membered by the scores, but by the hundreds. On the Mena . ecavage .1 made Trona 'England theta were nearly 12,000, hu. 100(1 beings aboard. Then there may lie millions of dollars' worth of bullioe aboard: The clearing houses of the two eontinente are continuala 3y inlateting elaiens. Money from America going to intirope, Gold and silver from Europe coming to Ameri- ca, The average steamer plying the Atlantie Is not to lie despised. its successful voyage means life to leen- deeds, its destruction may mean death rink° to passengers and erew and destreetion to all tho freight. SAISESDARDS Tniii VOYAGE. Does not each Minnie eraft carry n valuable cargo? What about the money which Is irarusted to a mann; cane? If the Oehler of a bank ttb- eeonds ma the bank has to close its door wile wafters? Is it not the poor Widow tuil oephen, tho old man Who luts tresteilly platted In the bank the mettle of a lifetime so that he can tinny something in his old age aral Money enclUgll tO Imer him it. ectaket and it genet When ho is dead'? What happens when a human ernat Mend- ota and Melts lnio the grent, sea of ein? Does it, Hot hearty obvert de - (stray 100e31 1'3 ,!`tro3)1 lives Whieit are cidentnent, linen eittleteme? What beettnet of aieartia all the tailed crews and paSsengers Whieli were nunken et sea?? Oh, I know 11n:- boat1 and life preservers are pro- vided by law on every boat to witted agnInet LtrliIdlJ1Ill 11111 me a 11113 they do lett Ilene good. liy the time the hurrivane haft completed its work the lifeboats are splintered, and by the time the Loafed() of si n has wreckecl a human craft it not only destroys a. 'father end a hus- band, but n leo all those whoee ex- ietences are depsnclent upon Ms life. Orin of the braveet scenes. over wit- tieseed was that in Sumoa harbor, when a few years ago the famous cy- clone desthoyed many lives, When an F.nglish mau-onavar was able ti get up enough steam to head out 111 Sea, the American sailors of a sink- ing ship begun to cheer their Eng- lish cousins, Tt was a brave cheer. What tbose sailors cheered they knew they were on a sinking ship, and therefore mosli of them would bo droWned. Let us, as human Crafts, beware how yen allow our- selves to sink into the an of sin and destroy those loved ones who are standing upon our upper decks. VIE SIGNAL OF DISTRESS. " The human vessels Should be will- ing to slop and help those sister crafts which are lifting their signals of distrees. Why ? Because dis- tress arid need give a man an inalienable claim on the help of his brother. Nowliere is that claim 1.000011W so surely and so prompt- ly as on the high seas. A. sailor on the ocean will lamer turn a deaf ear to a botanius gum or shut his eyes to an inverted flag et to a white lamdkeechief ei. cloth flutter- ing wver a raft oe a dealt& No sooner does the leokout cry, "Ship on etaxboard bow, and 1 believe it a wreck I" than Hie emit 0111 and the mates and the boatswain/, fuel the coalman sailors will tlien tl.eir exc.. tons inces toward the Meek object floating Main the edge of the hori- zon. if there nhould be but one human being abetted that doomed meek five. Leo, Meow -aye, rl believe practnially all the member 8 of the crew -will be waling 11 HA 111,, .11, (1,1,1,17,1 „to feed his father's sheep at lives to save that One life. .1 er' ""'"°"(.1',t 15). The Phil's - yet read of a ship upon the high_ l'nou gatnalno agninSt Israel ender ways of the tea that would nui ao, their cettrapion Collett), who dwa- rf possible. 1.0 0180114 011 „me or Memel lertal to send a 0100 Lo fight sitactng ship. r nonce ;vet heard „1 WW1 rind -he deflect them to do any sea captain compelling his sail- so, so enettl und all Israel were (1i8 ors to go to the rescue. All that mayed and greatly afraid. They re - the mates have to do tinder netted the Lord and chose fe man for aneh conelitions is to call for velem- a king, a great man physically, and Mem and every lifeboat will be now' this is what comes el it, When inanned and every oar heicl in a the people of God adopt the world's Onm grip, Ways, the world can always proauce patem for ite lee DO 31011 1 47. And ali tine naffenbly /hall woneler Galt I chtelared 1111,3' know lhat Ilie I era vatetit not with voteel filioula be ender the dominion' tonna! HIM ;Tear, for 1131 battle IS of dental tartest ? lanente arid Ile will mete you jeeep (fa -PUN VC/VAC/1S. Mao tete needs, Ste how 1,04 id IS nothing and ticsi 111110, my done friends, us vonagere in et itet (01' P01114) 11111 1$i mem the meet faa of life, roalay great WordS, -Noi Nit greet you, 1 /lintel you with the "Noi I, hut the Men,' of tinil" tettienent believer of illreietien joyi ;am 1 Cor, xv. Concerning' etirring tenet, I feel that it. Is Cm, 1 I fighting for I 1 Is people rola dile to the provitionee of Cod. Littia the math, being !ins re.° ecie, Ave twee bee» brought. Ingeliem forl Ill, 14; fleet. 1, ate Jean x. '14; 01 (1113.181111» 1111111080, The Sea of life (nevelt. ex, 1 7, Mr, rec. Consider 114 ro wide that mane of tit; only, the deliverance from legye 11,' 11,11 Ineet earil Olther thle once before WeOen, 340 J oaten, 1(1 14110 mei let, sail loto the lowboy of peace. IViien; 00Ver 1,111111, 1.» tbe week is mire a reseal h000111es Nereel: and floras nor quefition God's pewee, about the :40115 OS de'nllie1 it flonm-i 48-50. So David prevailvd over the lanes takta months and oven yearn l'ililikA11111 With a 1jing 01:', 11 fOr 11 10 be fon 11d aild cleat royed.I stone nal relent, the Inailletine and it mny take all that. limit, no met- 1410w )11111, ter }LOW Many !-,1,0 »8 1110V be Ittotting1 \taint 14 terimera. of int eine Inter - for ii. Therefore, who!. aill to era ie Was to tile thollatinda of both my to you I roast, Hay quiclily. 1 ' armies us their chunipions iircw near man vessels voemecing ovoi. the sea to each 0(134 P, Goliath in ell the of life liever allow cuev einful currene ;Might and Inejoety of Ids great to turn your prom' fr•oin your Obriet- frtune and tinplate -1 heael, ami the ly doetinat ion, Never allotv yoiir 001(1 11(4)41 laud, the eery picture of reekotinig to 1)1 mane tame. any eine nelpiesertmes 111)311 11 interest but that which once gleamed 01 or would deepen »I, Davfel (alt p4 to the ilethiehent manger. And %ewer ran townxti his enemy aral will) an - feel, f'bristian voyager, time the erring aim aral setae molten power storm 01 persecution will founde tenns Lim stone front his sling into Yon 01 You have Christ in the hinder the enemy's foreltead, blot to 140 1. of the ahem Clineetittn voynen the earth ! The tieing (100 of 1. '1', if we elunthi lamer meet again reel did it, end David weer the hap - this side the barbor of llenee, py »1St 11Ped by God leteatiee Fend mat my Christian salutation his aim wus to magnify Jeteivala and love-"Ifail and farewell I" As this great 'defter of Cud lose Iris lead by his 11Wil SwOr11, No We load ('0(11. ('11111(7 las master, t.he 11, ema tae Sen of David that through death Olunat will deseroy him who 1/05 the power of death (lfeb. 1, itt). THE S.'S LESSON . 1, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 9. Text of the Lesson, 1. Sant. xvii. 31--49. Golden. Text, ROm Ariii,, 31. 88, 39. And David said onto Saul, cannot, go with these, for I have not proved tame. And David Curious people are the Zunis, lie - put, them off him. inicist of his brethren he seemed to After Samuel anointed hem in tho elig1701:1‘:sietv.holict(t)ei'll,lalictin.gacei,lsooLo.:1,1'sacinift,c4,1:1111oien,l't"moisultil have 'T0.2111011 to his boille and to his father's fie/eke unlit Saul, being naming their children, Until he 331'. troubled with an evil spirit und rives at the ago of four yenta, the needing some one to comfort 1111/1 little Zuni boy is known as "baby and bearing of David's skill with boy," "little boy," "older the harp, sent for him and found 10‘,11c1i,chafltwert,eavrhrlicet. 111.errte jeteeie,a.esst a oirelniitse 111111 so accepteble that he made him his armor bearer (xvi. 18-(73). him The (laming of 'Zuni children After this Ile returned nom Saul, ,,o,,c,0xteiorisi oonrcegminatfousrmyttivaietsy,, atlide icsore_a. monies lasting several clays amn with mareks go from house to house asking if there are any un- named boys there. These men are supposed to represent tile heathen gotis.of the 'Zunis. There are six of theta who represent the cardinal points of the compass, north, south, oast and west, and the heavens and the earth, The lament live in houses of Atone or adobe (baked clay) and in the village are six ecterod houses called kivas. The entrance to a Rive HOW BOYS RECEIVE NAMES CRUEL CUSTOMS - AMONG THE ZUNIS OP MEXICO., Prickly Shrub L- aid. on Small Backs But Not a Cry Was Heard. Oh, my dear friends, why is not a Intinan being -upon the lead ready to answer signals of distress rased by his fallen brethren, es the mil - stronger and greater flesh and blood methods, David, -having his three is .through wimp -door in the roof, oldest brothers in Saul's army, is After spending a week an various sent by Jesse with some good ceremonies in the kivits, one of the ma upon the sea try to help thoSe things Trona home for the absent actors in this strange performance who 003 ill distress ? Do not the sons and to see how they fared, takes a whirlwinds of disaster shriek and Sliming the situation, he makes in- STUFFED RARI3I3I' SKIN howl and sweep up 0.110 streets of a quiry and is deeply stirred to be- in his hand and pokes his head up greet city as well as urnong the or- hold an uncireumeised Philistine do- through the trap-door of the Idea eitipalagoee of a Mediterranean ? fying the Lemnos of the livng Clod0 flale north. The. rabihabttts, hol- W When, m , soe years ago, a dank-, fun- . „Leis won into 1130 prescnce oflow reed thlmugh ite body' and the nel shaped elood swiftly )1 monal a performer calls out through it: - St. Louis and in ,ten inetant broke -taie •---te- Saul he offers to light, Cluliatb, as - little grandfather is hungry; and destroyed whole etreets 11041 1111111 that the Lord who delivei'ed ',your lain froln the -lion and the bear bring tam aom„to„,ed ,e„ta. , 00n- "Then one of -the actors, who calls burled many a carpet, under the debris, 41(1 it wreck any more lives ee,iiiiig, 3001114 give him victory. S -1141- I himself the Ko-yo-me-shi, goes to than do the cyclones of sin whiell ' arms David with his armor; aro daily dastroying the hundreds • but, beimg to hini 800031.11111(7 untried, the 110)3505 of each ofethe little boys ' ' '11 tib each one a mune. In return the and thotteauds of young men and he pots • it from Mum for 1 e who are to be initiated and gives le W011100 ? Every city has Ito two Lord's eervIce and battles we ean ettiesr-its light side and dark side; its pure side and itsmorally dis- eased side; its Christian side and its infernal side; its happy side and its deepairful side. Shell we who pro- fess to love Oen ancl are living In 1100101 and Strength have nothing to do with those who are flying the signnia of distrers ? LONE-NAVIGATOIt'S' FRIEND'. ' . , Strililarly, in reference to its soli- tarineets. . ,Whert ,WO start, out - we have plenty of anemia. But ifwe determine to de right, if we uro sot in our -purpose to follow the -Worse taltitai Cheist has lalcl out for us, We shell find tllat obr fait:lids • will often leave us, one by one, AVe snail be 115 for marly years Christopher Columbus wits alcsee in his attempts te prove the circumnavigation of the globe; as William latenvey, the celebrated, London physician, phy- eiologist arid anatomist, WaS alone in believing the circulation of the way and 1318 thotighis ttee always blood; en Cietiege wati Unlike ours and as far above theta alone, eaten, ,as a. pulpiteete he was as heaven is above the earth, yet looked upon as a mountebank and they often 9C0111 foolish and ehild- an eiteleniastical 11.10W11; 0.5 Paul was like to huinan reason (Tea. 8, 9; alone when ho had to flee for his life 1, Cor. He 14), over the Datil/U(00S wall, and as 41.44. And the Philistine said nn - 3 coats Ohrist 13115 1110110 1011021, scar- to David, Ani a dog that thou ed and spit upon, he WaS beetled comeet to me with staves? And the up the rocicy hviante where he was Philistine cursed David by his gods, te be entwined betWeoll ewe thieves. Similar in refeeence the head winds and Hide OUrrell 043 Wh1C,11 ha,30 to be fought. agteinet. It wound not be so Med 1.1 -.In the voyage of 101. the human meted 'had to mane its journey alone; 'and tbat was all, But no seoner do' our friends begin to leave our sides Huth the huari- canes of abuse and She anderctua route • of .slatedee begin to ' werk against UN, 11'11011 a Doled reformer at the end of his life wee givon at.eat populate demonstration of ((1)' 13104)111 and presented with a, beautie ful gold watch he stood looking at it With embarrturemont, Than he said, With 0 Smile, "Friends, If it had been. a M1010)11.1 or a bad egg hurled at me I would know what, to do, telt this beataittil watch In my hared abaolutely taltet away any breath.'' All, my Christian breth- ren, with Ruch 1000101(050 tvlach meat be endured and with stroll himricalles of abuse which must lie ftetight against, no human craft trying to folloW the right nourse is safe tine less &onus Cleie.t, as the divine tape 050 only what WO he,ve proved, „ parents give the KO -ye -me -sin food, 40, Anti lio look his start 1,1 A'S 11,11101I 110 .carries back to the kiva. hand and chose him five smooth After eating; some of the actors rush stones out of the brook. * * * *And . out into the village with bunches of his sling Was in his hand, and he drew near to the Philistine. - He know Cod, but not nian's de- elem. . fie was not a Warrior, but ask to be whipped with It on eheir simply a .sherthera, and he goes as bare backs. All the aetors, It must mein 'under no false appearnmet, Ile be remembereda wear mesas, mid the had •proved 1115 Slilig Ortd stones and at mildren think they ;are spirits, axid the God of Israel, whose glory ' he me afralca though -they try not to soeglit am' od whone he•aelled."The Ilibie river is full oilstones, preciouS In the evening, the priest .of. the atomises and anshrahees, -each ot san (for the Zunis, are alln worship:: which, boa fIrnan. and" told fortha in, pore) goes , • to the plaza or putala the power Of' the Spirit, is. capable Sonars and eprin.kies there a line of of killing any giant of Unbelief or sacred meal. The men who are to fear Or proud defiance. David's sling act aS godfathers of the boys to be and Atones, HIM Moses' rod or (lid- initiated then take their little 0118 torches and trumpets, were in charges on then' backs, holding th'em the eyes of lemon or common sense there by blankets, which they dralv* perfeCtly ridiculous instrumente to accomplish the end in view. ne'-de'S along the lines while all the actors, tightly (ironed them, - They walk with bunches of Spanish bayonet 111 their Maids, take a whack at 'PRE LrrimID 'FELLOWS, a prickly dwelt called Spanish bay- onet, in their hands; and people who desire to raise good crops that year Coin -rant these two men represent- -11m Cod and • the devil -David, , youth shepherd's dress, unattend- ed, witir sten and sling and stones; Oeliath, at Meat 'Mite feet high, evith at least 150 intends of coat of mail, a smear ,. like a weaver's beam with an iron. .head, and an attendant bearing a shield. But the giant comes 8trong in tbe Pride 'Of. his oWn strength, eebile David comes steong in the Lord and in the pow, or of His miglit. 45, 46. I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Gm annals of 'Israel, whom thou haee tinned, * * * that ell the earth May thag there in a ao'd 111 Israel, David was the meseenger, 'tale re- presentative of the God of Istuel, fteeking fame or honor for hare eelf, but only that (loci might be 1011000 and gloeilled before Israel anti the Philistines Hod there been in David's }mut ally thought of bimeell or desire for hie taim 'honor lar count not lutve gotie Cer- tain is guicli»g it told (Meeting 31.01' ward With autat confidence, When 0(1 iite illarteedeek. nhe Inman ttain we ge in the Mune of the T.ord, it ean even bo Sailed safely ow, the is never it WM:40011 of What we eel, treuhlea sea or time into zt tartan' on tanned' de, hat e011n11331 et What of a blestied eternity aniese it hail ffe elm de, and ttleed to as is fele tee,,,eetrate needle orane cross 1.,31. -Tieliovest thou that / am able to contentsa and tlar gem:a herbal" of do theta a" This hurta unmercifully, but it is seldem that a boy showe any signs or the suffering he endures. All In- dian children are taught that, no matter how badly they ere hurt, they must not show it. In spito of themselves tears will flow from the eyes of the boys na they are whipped (thing the line, but they never 11111011 or cry ottt. Tiro godfather then taaes his 'boy te the itiva of the north, where the Ptieseeof tho geeat lire order Atka him, "Who is your IColcico?" Tbe man gives the boy's name and the pelest replies, "'Choose Neer plume." The godfather takes a- loather from a pile of them which han been pre- pared mid stitchee it in his boy's eealplock. Thee he carries hint back to the plaza, 'where the little follow nntiorippes stworld Whipping. . Ife clams hie gedfathena knees an hard as he con aect the blenket 15 drawn tight around hint, while the blows of the Spanish bayonet are laid on good and bard by tour piny - ors, who teice Care that there IS no- thing except a single blanket cover - Ng the boy's baro skin. This is to .00 that the godfather, in pity for the boy, dOca not sfip in a pinee of loather undor the blanket to Neve the Rile brotne book from the force of the bloWe, The World (twee every mail a ltr- trig, and 1)1 11.0114)1' /ilea in. neyieg It to 0 geed 'eollectan 4,1 eia'ef4m$aelleaS0800.14110000a0a of bleat beans in cold water over et night. Ery in4e-11(ir0 pound of Salt pork eat in slices, mid u Mired On- ion and beown. 1111 Stir ill 11011 a potnid of rotaiti facet], oft in small J114'(1'14 , Add tho luaus and COVer Willi flee ttearie of cold water, Cook slowly two end inicalutif hours, add a amen moan. Mired tad fotir doves 01111 cook anoilier lit).11.. Strain and saetaefaeeeeeaseaeee,,,aieneeee.oe lettere 10 the kettle to beat. Set 0 ItAN ifelAne alCliAlaihn , rira11,1C1e7flo1114011114.31111r1gi.gfart:fit a(111111.11'1111'lltatriinV-r Clotilts and Pantriee.-All eitteeter, 1,1+ tile 101111 tureen, Pour the hot after being tam Mighty deemed, toll 11 over and raw\ 0, olkotild hare a small tiay of altiek- --- lime placed where 11. eannot bo ap- A. SERIOUS MATTER. 'i solIl )if4ltjla('0A Y:l ra''ssvre340315 310)11. th1111,0,1.ieTtefeteP:tett.t 0veetl171fthenetelest bore ly, tallittnettelle-A whitewarat that is gooel for cellar wells end will net 1111 oil' iS 11411110 by lening te pailbil of lime mixer! Nab water rainy to 1011 cel the w:111; then In 123 oneamaxter pin1 of flout' with a lit. - .t mono to your:ale and think how 1110,.70 ling e"tv1171',Ire 'it'll' t' !lc eri $317-141/1",11111 :',;(111:11,s 13140)11.(11(iliwi I ktoe r ilothnrmor 1 ft byeotliti uclu- I(714)0 t while hot. to the Ilene 1-30 Ir woll ilent 1V11 0 I terome, goi.d food told aivord t,,,,,;13.11,eik‘eweiewe1(91131110(7 011(4' 11)0131 (11(31 11100 31014 will 1.3tioarlsedw,illanrdestf7r the first time for a Lead. Mount atepthein one of the 'tabling halt a °naiad of Ihne in a Murex is to revelments etrengtben eult, balf a potencr of ifirliebute of !patently if they happen to be tielie eine and gallon of sweet, Malt. oate The child must be temated. Dorn in Scotland, his lordship, who Eiteniture 1.'olises-ineeelve roma haw seen them turn away from mutter; mange Men lac in 01,0 quart their emelt unable to eat a 11(00(18' 01 nmety-flve per cent niece:al to this raid one moot of limeed oil and 1frienti would Mara them 1111 apple, or 'fel When serno kind hearted little a fortune as a merchant. During One pint Of tiwountinei v hen thor- peana,„ from the peat few years he has distribut- °treaty mixed sad four <mune; of .1,31,1, 11141, thoch000, or a, little niee jelly ed nearly a million sterlirtg for var- marina:He ether anti four ounces of \alien we consider that their (P111'tuaalloan?unjeu,"aniasi 1-11A41/4th)1Y11 'El4.111(114aaceclno•et:lhl haere0 11101 traengtiottehtt:tilled. Ibnyin• gt1161eiarnfemer14,At'llietfIn 17.) '1,U HOME Recipes for the laltellen, ltygitne cote Other Nolen for the Housekeeper. 13 1'b 13 41 PERSONAL raINTERS, otea of InteraSte Aboiet Senn/ Prominent Peeple, For the first Llano in the Motors, of Spain a, WOr1(1111; 151f111 boo been, elected et member of the Cortee, 1 WS 1103110 is Jaime A,ngles. is a cooper by trade, and he reprenente Ualtreeiniut71'd of the afferquin Ito, the Premier of Jajran, that, when a youth. he wandered about Me streets of London pennileta, ragged,. funsi htlzujellignrgeee lazed. starving alien in a Mies Alice Itooeuvelt, the daugh- ter of the President luta broken alai imolai, is tieing the lentil bees- duwn after an reeduous year of social het fOr her two ehlith'en 10 gee° engegorreents. Oop. maculation of to eahool et...pm mottling, 811° au-- fifteen months' work putt,/ the num- 1 I en'n ''1*.14.0111' nu.)' thingn new,i nr.1 bur Of dinners she attended at 408, 04411 »air, 111.4) dear Young In0aler bosides 680 teas and 271 recep- it is a reviews nettles Just talte _anus, sae paid 1,643 eaus, walla to lari (Mamas, end, shook hands with 32,000 persone. Now, under the (looter's ordeet, dhe conAndd two Cana.dian peers, has just, cote - be re el, mai one 1" (114 of t ommon , and 11,0 le, wws, hrsted his sevsaiy_f 01..4.h birthday. received his title in 1891, began hie as a dre,per's appretice in Aberdeen. Then he sailed for Canada and mode until the poliolt appears. 11t node much thought. Perniture-To remove marker front eormenn alcohol camphor and apply 'isniea1et°.1senttn 8Vm°liutres varnielled furnitem wet a sponge 21:11lde<itiietecte111111Ieetnotr- inV1. You have plenty of leettly, roll" with a clean cloth rich cream and milk foal eggs, chick - been put, wheats of home inane bread and (01.481001 world, and was a remark - just died, was wen known. in the nn which 1) very little kerosene hart ens. etc. Then make nice sand - To ternoVe White F4411115 131001de Shamed meat or eggs, for filling. abla man In me-ny ways. Ile -was 11111,011001705of flannel. flip the (1000 little ea., „nes 01 wafers wife, a abeolutely self-taught in hie trade, firet one in linseed oil alai rub well; antes or joy end a bottle of rjch bUt 00 proficient had he become wet the second with alcohol towl ap- milk. A cup of custard with a. that the market value of his anstru- ply to oils, memo, then quickly rim, or eaouge cane, tn. &gar manta ranged from n,,18 to 41130 Mead is good, Versa fruit is al_ each, He carried on his business . single-handed for over thirty years, polish with third cloth. Milk and CoSee Stains -it is ;men ., wave desimble Study to have ilefletaroloroci or finely finisaed natter- the Inteket attractive. Do not for- neater having a difficult to remove 1,110110 stains from n apprtaitice or any ads. la :stained material ie 4("1l1')1 18 a napkin or two. If the basket asaistenwe whatever. BverY Part of or mixed gOodS, 111,1011011 wi 1.I, 1,1X- 18 Willow, 501(31) 1t SnOWy white an instatement leas made by his own every ween with warm suds. made of hand, even to the shaping of the parts water and one part aqua ante it so nicely nagi a. dingy, wiled bas- remarkable tools of his own invena tate of one part glycerine, 1i11.,• i;ine rain water and pearline. It cleanses monis Apply with betuni aed el- ket „„iii iako ,,,,,,y ,:ehild., ,pp,.. lion for use in the making of obotte. low to remain half a day. ranee:inn tate. Some &Minion can eat any- Sir Lewis Morris, whose poems the moistening occasionedly. Then thing varier any eirekintstnnees, but are so well known to all lovers of Mb With a clean cloth and prone stained pieces between cloth, if material hi 'silk, use five parts gly- eerkne, five parts water, one-fourth part ammonia. Allow to remain practised for a member of years at six hours, then remove remaining "Did you see the Man Who just the Chancery 33ex, chiefly aa a cone ary substance by means of a knife, went out?" asked a barber recently, \Wanting counsel. The drafting very clean water and preps between 5 01„ris not usually es . arthy individual left the and perusieg .of • documents of title teemed a. ex - rub with clean cloth, bruin) witn es ,e sw loue enaritable objects. Ills lord- ship resides at Baocket Hall, near riatifield, which has the distinction of haying been the home of two Prime Ministere-Ifelbourne and l'almeraton. Mr. John Sharp, oboe and Elm- linh horn matter, Pm:hay, who bus tome can't, hence steely to servo neela -+ FACES l'ITAT BLUNT RAZOItS. warse, Is another inatesme of the cloee aSsocia.tion of literature Lund law of which the hietory of letters offers so many examples. Sir Lewis cloths. no restore fourth, brunh the silk lightly with a thin solution of ,... - e• 1110 'Yes? elWell, he spoils a razor gain amebic, dry anti press 00101111131.Ih•li., d ties here twice a week regularly. lie is soft water tvithout soap before gm- seonally mane 0004005 a brilliant Unintereseing though eon - Grass Stains -Wash in clean coal a stonecutter and' the grit and dust • , . are so ellibedded 111 the pores of his fleede” ham -Ming occupation, although one old conveyancer, to n-biten this yeas once hinted, remarked that be ocean veyancing may in general be, it did not provent Sir LONCla Morris culti- vating his poetic muse with mudh Mildew -To remove mildew stens face that it Is like drawing a razor over the nide of a stone. T. always from cottten, 311.6.501m two 01111c0.3 115e the best instruments I have up - of chloride of Ilem in one quart of boiling water; add three quarts of cold water, Serain enrefully so as no 1ua13p1 of lime will remain. Soak milrdewed spots in this liquid for six hours, and thoroughly rinse in clean water. Mildew may some- times be removed Morn linen by wet- ting spots, rubbing on chalk and exposing material to the sum, pl 111- tod inertsborn eeill take spots out of woolen. materials. Paint Staino-Paint may often be removed Mom the mast delicate fa - brats by patient, rubbing with chlor- oform. Cleaning Preparationi-A mbcture that is excellent for cleaning black eantonere and other woolen devenee, ooats and even felt hats, is made as follows : Dissolve one ounce gum camphor anti one ounce borax in om quart boiling wetter. When cool aked one qoart of 01(0101 pat in a were perseamingl bottle and keep well corked. Before the first time?" on him, but they axe not 81.0110 twee's"' proof, and a dull razor Is the result "The Angel of Charity" is the when his beard Is removed. Ile is name given to the Queen of Palau - a customer upon whom T lose mon- gal in Paris, so conspicuous is gibe ey, and I am glad to say that he is for Iter good works._ She has reVIT- the only stonecutter who favors nie ad an old euatorn for concealing With hirl patronage. a often wonder oluatty. It is that of sending gifts t1111.1ea t rairLusbtordi Idceesd a isnot; (In foafcee taonnde how it is that be doeen't wince when to the poor concealed in 'flowers. This custom had its origin in a bounds olf, but it is probably be- Portuguese lady of long agn-a St. Isabella. Of the Orroans family, icrfeosnoi eehisski111s 1 eirfecatos.,1,1ardeneel that queen Amelia is one of the most vigorous of Everopean Queene. She is a splendid swinuner, and not ao HE WON TIER. very long. ago reamed a drowning + "She has proinised to marry v e°11boy at the risk el her own life. Jt she? Did she accept you right - ' it Was Who imintled 'him to pardon .aa genet favorite of King Edward, she four tiniest' t Due d'Orleans; ' her younger her, so that he could again visit Chet Britain. Uff?” "011, 110, 3 had to propose, to her brother, "Four times! The vaierart shipowner, Sir Donald Currie, although 'a perfect Scotot - man, careful, cool, and calm in everything" WaS first educated in 33elfast. Even in his boyhood ships attreeted him, and he camfesees to having then had a fleet of toy beats. - almost as 111141101'MS aS his fleet of' liners. • At the age of fourteee he entered a shipping office at Greenock, Only to leave it four years later for the Oxnard Company in Liven/not:, • 21.1. the age of thirty-seven he with- drew from his company andeatarted for hineself t,he Castle Lino to the Best Indies. The development of , South Africa led tam to transfer his energies to this field, Which haa proved e. veritable gold -mine to him aa ' to so many others 10 recent years. Ono of the busiost of peorts is Gm Earl of Stamfoed. Re ie a dioce- san lay reader and preaches a great deal, but has lately had to refuse, regeests to otficiate on Sanday be- muse, he says, Sunday is literally the only day he is able to intend in his country house among hit OWn alaldren. His apecial aubject irs that of I-Matra:ens to the native ranee. anions' Whom he hinualf tattered in South Attlee, Mr several years no - fore be inherited ant family honons. One atm -smolt, when giving an ad - cleans at a roisaion church in a. poor pant of Sootb-West London, Int was unwittMgly the source of naiaa, dl - appointment to a large congrega- tion, The cbildren in the diatrict, who heel seen the postere atunotenc- ing las appearttnce, persuaded their fathers and 11301.1)e18 1.0 00,111e tO eallurch 011 Vile plea, thiSt they wotild see "n real live earl" in tate3)7(111311 As the peeple filea out aftee Parente a W01114111 WAS 1)0011(1 (0 observe, "Ire doe't look a bit liko 0 lord; he only looks like a e1e1ty1:11a21 With nothiug rented his tioelca asing ethane well, apply walt 44 Aponge. Another prepexation that can he »Red 110011 t110 mast delicate mate- rials and will not affect any color, is made by tandem -orie part ether and one part cbloroform, Tins mast be Vont tightly corketae • -Heakieehea-A•raixtvre of Me owl etratan proportion of one to one: hate, tied up in a linen cloth- and , ' Inempla And the third time?" held to the need, will often give T1 11111(1 Hard time she asked ine if Iror sick heacleede take a wonted to tease the life out of her." glans two-thirds full of finely -shave "Hal hue hal And the fourth ed ice, the juice of one lemon and a. time'?" teat41300111111 o1 mans Tine "Ch, the fourth time she said if I ture, eaten slowly, will allay fever- insistecl upon ii. sho supposed she ish thirst and quiet the distenbeel would have to Rey yes." stomach. Gracious, but you What did she say "She said if there wasn't another Man in . the world but me, 'she wouldn't nlarey me." "That was' pretty strong. What did she say thaaecond time?" eaShe said she liked me -pretty leen, but' die couldn't think of marrying me, for see might see someone she, 111)131) 11011) 1''' 4 Bilious headache may often be re- SUBMARINE' 330AT. nevelt by dainking two teaspoonful Two very ingenious inventions of of firiely-xolcilerOd charcoal dis- awseppe Pinta an engineer, Of Mil - solved in half a gloats of water. A , promise to be of great import - militia& powder should be taken one 40 anc0 ill the work of salvage, (inc hoar later. of these, a boat for examining the DEL1,0101.38 SOUPS, • bottom of the sea, has been tested Cream of Toilette Soup.-Atal one by 011(7001 Inno before the Italian dice of onion, a sprig of parsley„,ee In 706 011- cal'ithorities, with the greateet S110- 0110 etalk of celery, ft bit of Mare an large as a clove, orte_oaloyter illacended in hie boat to a "‚ depth of 29'2 ft., and ascended in teaspodn of salt to two aims of (31014)13(1 01' canned tomatoes. Sim- len 0,11314(148 with a 1"10" "argil° 'which had mien 8111111 there. Divers mer ten 111141U1105, Scard roux cups , of milk in double 1)01101' and thicken "11-0" Vl'k at - gr7at0V (1(11)111- --- with three level tablespoons of but- thirty metres thbout 100 ft.) on ac- tor „lad nom, to6.01,,,,,, cook mail emelt of the great presaire of the ereanme Strain the meth; end the '10(5(01,1110(11at forty Metres ia about "asimirittti Irtwil the ttinwrt°• walti 1e2stellobs‘f tSoig11111001'8111flinno"c-t 1(113133 but ile one level teaspoon of simear, a salt- v spoon of soda, stir well, add the 011111 Pneesure, and eaneetatentlat ean thieltened milk anti serve at ogles work at 111137 del", Like all tomato amps to which milk 111,1141) MATIM1 'TO SE111. in added, the tomato and milk meet not be riliXed 'Until flit soup is ready e er e „,„ e„„, to serve, ns11 le Habit' to (104itle` de-701-13To-1.1101-cl. i'S..»;;;101011 7M-e.seds'.'frO.-; Carrot niolip.-Wateh yotieg corneae Fiance. A professor apPears 030 Inwe nemapo and cook in boiling wafter itet- tfaoinlivrticoohn'Icpltes,tie,,,o) Prees titeoligh a ricer rirt/titteed an anPayntna hW W111°11 he range, allicken With tato level tea- lon In middle life, but even those elutilk0at nticili6seetel'or0nt atidtc! t',011slYertiS.110(she(' Avblittondhe\Vaiell.10911570t,:(11.11,Meluidi,'llie11101:: tietlo0tre: 54,1)1111,,r0.1111,,,;(.;:eitee owwa;101151 la)be 1.1 es °lion ‘svelem WiecielT" 1c)e0rrt1a1 t., al red con- till:tons With this appmatus apoon Of pepper. Arid the beaten 'Cage Says that be can go into a to - yolk of one egg and pour into the taller dank roOm and See every ebject timeen fee soon Rs the tterg is molted, na clearly as 1 11 cleylIght, it is dee Sprinkle with a little finely chopped seribod as being 011 the same scien- plioavorosi'llyn,g 1311105gyt,0)4,(ei 0o11)100111,1,001031 baynetiletante.. tifie basis as the telephone, and It Mg boll to olden eliten 111. the 11)111, 131110 Paten S. ompaaSeerat 1.e/0 Ottela theristnits ligla to e. evelein (tart of hrteitt 113 tlie sterile Way 1114 a tele - MOTOR POSTAL SERVIVII. Inaperinients to eomieet Jobeenee- burg ated alatnektrig by motor earn' have proved very aueceitentl. In the trial run te Tetenelt cal' aterted front. :Potchefstroom at 7 (tan. Mai reached ainfeking et 4.20 pan., n distanre of 100 mites Tit conAtquerete, a 1'4'(7l( - )r Wren° to Maieldeg has been re- titian:heel for carrying end (3 wiretap jor Krugers(loep 011slon- 1101(7 and Zeoritea has tilsa Anfau ar- 1).110,10 transmits soon() le ebe ear, eatteced,