HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-6, Page 5Ana, t, 1908 BUSINESS CARDS. yOY TO LOAN A'1 G PERNE(tont. 10.11. SCOTT, Iiruesole. II. MoURAQKEN— • Iosuer of Marriage U0010108, of. IS a of Gr000ry,Tnruuorry terser brunets, LL1'lAk1Ml3 k'01.1 SALT-1'LIE UN. DIODBXONED has ileveral good Forma for sale and to rent, easy tonne, in Townships of Morris and Grey, 1 S. 8OOTT.,Bouosel M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -.TblAQR1e1t OF— PiANO - AND - ORGAN, 33R,1:760701,S, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. E. E.I;stelle Griffin TEACHER 1►p VOICE CULTURE Pupil of Miss Eva N. Roblyu, of Landon. Pupils prepared for Conservatory drams. 13'1?,111 Visit 13rusB0ls every 'Tuesday, Lemons given at the homo of W. it. herr, Jobu street. J. LEC PCIE,• LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL EB TATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4.1, 4f & G Tor Cent, Mae over Eursley's Drug Store, Nov, Brd, 1002. 10.301 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Inaurmtce Co., EBTABLIeOOtD 1840 Inetwanoo taken on the Dash and premium 'ote , fore Wenn fug elsewhere eat oll on the nt unders. signed A gout of the Company. GEORGE 1100NRs, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS, TS. SCOTT AS AN A'UUTION- BBB. will sell for better prices, to bettermen in less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer In Nast Puma or cbe an alwachrome s begarrangednat thin Debut and or by personal application. -- O WHOM IT MAY CONOERN,— d. who is well acquainted Tho pout 0 h throughout the mutt part of the County and who has bad busiuoee with a large Mr - Me of farmers in and around Ibis Ipoulity, begs to inform the community that ho has taken out an Auotfoneer's Lioeneo for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purpoelug to hold sales. THOS. NEWSOME, Brutaele. VETERINARY, J D. WARWICK— • Honor Ora,tua.o of the Ontario Vet- erinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all die- eaeee of domesticated animals in a cr mpet- entmanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. OMUoe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, T00nbe100 et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT M. TM. BINULAIR— • Barrister, Solioitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Ullice—S tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Rotel, Solicitor for the Standard liauk, Gl Ie. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- . ICITOR, &o, BRUSSELS.— UBtoe over Standard Bank ; 83110100r for Township of Grey, BOivink Mutual mid the Metropolitan Bank, Private and Company Money to loan nt lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. i 119, 1►., O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medleal College, Member Collogge of Pbysiolaue and Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of the Royal 001- lege of physicians find Licentiate of Mid- wtfery,Edlnburgh,l 'Telephone No.14, Residenoo—Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 8'irot•olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Chloe next to Brower's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. MAIM UP YOUR MIND top ATTIC'0ID F1a11 Term begins Sept. lett Two 0000008-,0ommereial and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. C. A. FLEMING, A.L. MOINTYitE, 1 resident, Secretary, SH INCLES British Columbia :iced Cedar Shingles 053--- Ntnlh Shore Pine and Cedar 14'Oli SALE AT Tli;s :Brussels Planing Mills. Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to ordet et Short Notice, • Eetimateo F arnfg ledfor ail kinds of Buildings, Worltman- obip and Material Guaranteed. '.• AMENT. Fall '!'arm opens Saptl 1st, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Soirees at I1u sineaa Callegle have+ applied 10 us f0r our graduates, 10 00t M1fl t0aeliara ler their 8000018, Tlll0 la the 0 100080 o3) aro looking for as to �� the PEST SCVBO.)L to attend, Th nus. apclo Of our former students era now IP business.0eat 1110, Write for our hand- 4Y 1301000n10 Ulltalegll a. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, il ISI. .1', tStric:t atm 001 t.l.. Civic htliday on Tuesday feet• Benj. Mason ie slowly recovering from hie reoeut illneee. Blyth defeated Winghan at baseball on the Agricultural pork. Rev. 11, J. Floody 000upied the pulpit of Blyth Methodist dwell Sunday even- ing, Rev. Mr. Floody is an old Biy tL boy. Alfred Cole, who had his book broken at a barn raising in auliett 10 years ago, along with two other young men, died at Pierson, Manitoba. John A. Taylor, 13. A., principal of Dutton high school, aeaompoaied by Mrs. Taylor, ie vieiting with re'ativee and friende in Blyth and vicinity. Thos. and Mrs. Brown left for a two mouthe' holiday outing. While away they will Welt with friends in Iudinuna, Utah, Oalifornio, British Columbia and Manic. ba. R E. and itlre. Waugh, of Guelph, are visiting in the village, being the guests of J. G. and Mre, Emigh. Mr. Waugh is the Grand Trunk ra,lwity agent at Guelph and was at one time agent at Blyth. Or )'140. Prof. Earngey now twee a rubber tire buggy. W. A.. and Mre, Edger, of Ingemelt, are renewing old acgnitintanoee in fhieviuiuity at present. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Cathcart, of Dee Moines, Iowa, are at prrseet voibore at the home of Mrs, Henry Perkins. Mies May James left last week for Winnipeg where it ie reported she will be married to Robb. Dongtop, formerly prinoipnl in Corrie Public eohool. Mr, Hsrkuess hoe Bold hie fern at Rs& olive to Mr. Diekett, of Howlett, for $10,. 000 Mr, Diokett ban sold his property, lot 27, oon. 15, Howink to Jacob Waltz Before leaving Port Stanley Rev. J. W. Holmen and family were entertained at a farewellsocial in the Lecture Room of the Ohoroh, when Mise Clara Holmes was presented with a beautifnl eat of five volumes of the Standard Poets and an address expressing their appreciation of per serviette as lender of the church oboir and first viae president of the Leagnd, and also their heartfelt regret at her re. metal. Mies Holmes is an undergraduate in vocal oultare and theory of the Tor. onto Conservatory of mueia. flan eal9. The Observer ie taking its aminal holiday this week. The Sovereign Bank ie putting in a neat paying teller's cage, whish is an es. gantlet to every banking office. Some person living on or near the Londou Road, meet have put out poison for dogs, as five animals have fallen victims to the bait, A,thar 1loAlli ter but be n engaged by the Kinburn Srhool Board as tsaoher at a salary of $486 per year. He will vommeno0 hie duties on Aug. 1013. A reward of $10 will be given for knowledge of the person, who put out the poison by which so many dogs in the Eset end of the village recently lust their lives. Thnreday, hog, 0,1118 Hensall'e Oivio Ho'iday. Quite o number oontemplate taking in the big Diatonic Excnrelon to Kinoardiao. Others will go on the Bun• day School Exoureion to the Bend.. It is with much regret that wo learn of the contemplated departure from Hen. gall of Mr. McKenzie who hats been offered a good situation in Lindsay, which ho line oonoluded to accept and will leave in it few days for that pinos. An electric railway between Herman and St. Joseph will fill'a long felt want and ie a scheme which all Hensel) people can heartily endorse. Oontine states that the project will go through immed• lately and dee le a man wino always bathe a 0000803 of sooh undertakings. 1,iwto vw eel . Mies Vivian Clayton of town is to be oongratulated upon her 000oese in pout. ing the Commercial epeaioliote' exemin anon, upon whiob obis recently wrote. J. 31 Bricker has relnroed to town after a three weolts' trip to Manitoba and the Nnrthwett. He woe Weet ae far ae Calgary, nud tip the Edmonton bronob, Mee Kate Maoltetzie, tubo left here a few weelte ago to gredante ae a nurse at the Galt -Hospital, hue been quite 311, bob her friends in town are glad to learn that ebe is improving rapidly, An exoursi rn will take plane to Niagara Poll on Saturday,. Aug. 8111, starting tram Liatnwel.. The fare from here is $2 05 for ndnite, and $1 05 for ohitdren. All tinitete are good to return Monday, Aug. 10111. '1'we fir,, 00otirred in town last week whiob look very mooh likeivarndiariem, Ori Taeeday morning about 6 o'olock, the brisk nonage on Mill street occupied by Mrs. David Brown was discovered to be on fire, some of the ueipbboro giving the nla,m, By the time the brigade had retwhed the seems nod got the water on, tho bonding teas past Raving,, and woe soon oompletely. destroyed. The feet 111rit on the evening previotle Mre, lirOwn had removed a ponoiaarablo ,portion of her houeehold geode from the bowie, and the ending of a coal oil clan on the carpet in the front room, are oiroametaneee which look very suspicious, Tuesday nl.bt,. shortly before 12 O'olook, another fire woe discovered. 'Thio time it was S. M. Smith's stable, Main gives, East, that wet f001,id to beon fire, Some delay 00 oared before the fire brigade got down to business, end the fire made each rapid Headway that the building wan quitkly 000snmed. So Boras wee the fire that Mr, Smitli'u house wee in great danger of going Also, and other btiildiuge for two or three blames OWN/ were mor0 00 lea iA1 04004 Ta.r$ B )3; 13 8 8 JCLis POST perillea by Oyler. A mw„red buggy, storm vii 1 ,w t, a 3)00)4. t.;. ;, 101111 other artielee ite. id in the twit were berried, and 9etete1 of 1l•. Sm1'li'e fruit trees ware deetroi..l Nn .,' ,:f the family Intl bane i3) the born for tame previous ];,teller that avei.ieg tome suepioioae oharnotere were noticed in the vicinity, and f 18 113) light 11111 may have had something to do with the fire, The building nod cent11110 were insured for $1100, net An. J; Hildred hoe retired from bueineee. The tioutiuel is holidaying this weep, Civic Holiday on the lith when our reeldents will take in the Excursion to Ktnuardine. The U A. Siddail banking firm have sold the East ball of lot 2, coo, 8, E D., Ashfield township, the property of Wm. Riddle, to John Kennedy of Heron town. ship, The price paid woe $4,200 Mee. Catherine Clark, widow of the late Ewen (Park, and Bleier of the late Malcolm Campbell, died at her home in tide village, on Thursday, July 26rd, at the ripe old age of 88 years' t'IcKiflop. Preaching earvioe in the Providence Methodist ohureh next Sabbath evening by Rev. Mr. Andrews. George McKee, of the 9th con , of Mo Killop, sold 0 four year old gelding to D. Donovan, of Seaforth, for $260. Eldon C. Irvine, B. A., of St. Marys, Liao received the ai+poiutment of Maths antioa1 Lecturer, at the Stanotead Wesleyan College. Eldon is a native of McKillop and a nepbew of 7. J. Ievino. FATAL ACCIDENT,—A moat dietreeeing and Fatal audition happeried on the farm of Mrs. William Anderson, lot 29, con, 5, McKillop, on Thursday monolog of last week, when her mond eon, John, a boy of 16 years of age, was killed.. The lad was taking a lo Id of rails to the book field of the farm, and while going down a hill the horiee started to trot, and being unable to stop them, they won stance! into It run, and the unfortunate lad was thrown off, tend the back wheel was sup posed to have passed over him, smashing the base of the shall, Besides tbie, he ren, ived several eoalp wounds. His mother and little brother, who were fol• lowing behind on foot, were eye witneooee of the lamentable affair. James 0. Henderson, who was working i3) one of his 'aside oleos by, also sow the aouident and hurried to the relief of the unfortmu ate boy, but by that time life was extinct, death having apparently been instant- aneous. A Dr. was immediately sent for, but could do nothing for the lad. The sad affair is a moat aovore b'ow to the widowed mother, as she Frac not only Foot et good end dutiful son, bat one of her uhirf supporta has been removed. John was an ioduelrions and bard work, Ng boy. He was most highly thought of by the neighbors, and the sinoereeb sym• pithy of all will be extended to the bereaved mother and Mende. !V ingIttt nn. Tuesday was Wingbam's oivio holt. d lFred. Ruth, who has been learning telegraphing, has gone to Ridgstown. A. R. Smith is in Toronto, receiving ltoopital treatment for one of hie eyes. Mrs. Jesse Button, who hes been very seriously ill for some, days is now im- proving. Principal and Mrs. Musgrove and family are spending part of'tbe holidays with relatives and friends i3) Onlrote. Lott & Sturdy have Bold their livery business to Ceeeets & Carr, who recently diepnred of their flour and feed business. Among those who euooesofuily passed the tette at the reason Normal School examinations in London, ie klieg E. G. Witton, Wineliam. Rev. Dr. Gundy wee in Toronto on Tuesday of last week attending a meet. ing of the t1'lieaiormry Executive of the London Conference, A baseboll match will take plane on Friday, Augu0t 7th, on the Town Park, when the famous "Itleh Niue" of Taman ernes bits with the local ball toners. D. E. McDonald has reoeived an offer frotn rho Bonny Briar Bush Theatrioal Co, of New York, to travel with them during the coming season and aot as piper for the company at a good salary. The engagemeut would take Mr. MoDon• old away from home from let of Septem• bee t0 lob Of May. A Bad event 000urred on Monday of last weep in Lower Wiogham, by which William B., son of. Wm. Johnston, lost; hie life. The little fellow, who was near. ly eight yearn of mgt, wee, with two other ia,ye, oathie r to the r.ue'v,y. 11' 0001• eanione naw lliin go dew„ end tr ed la Nadi him but failed, 'rh• v dr. e'ad and gee', she Munn. The hnt'rfath r ha0ten- ed 1, the place whiob is but a eb..rt die tattoo from the home, but was unable to r03ale hie sou. Thou, Groves then dived and found the 10'tle fellow lying cm hie faoo. Mmdirntl aid woe oummnued, but life wad 0X01,,01• VI' A?',''1'7D.--FAITHFUL P101• +.•, to travel for wn'I eetablielled Lou. , vw inmates, cabins on lotail Tem, ,3),d agents, Looal tertlr01 y. nl vile 70 m yecash anod eelnene"payaW0 101YM,0. ed• nerushi permanent, Bunlueseesede8' All and rushing. leootooe soli -addressed 0n• ylejilp e, 810801 3» 1100010, 316 Ouxteo 1 fi1g„ MOxe, rte r•. Oivio H ,11day, Thursday, Angu01 Gth, Miss GUI hos resigned her po011100 as tsaoher an our publics eohool stuff. Mr. PI' ming, of Godorioh, bas been on Roger/ ae Prinoinal el our Public Reboot A at a salary of $750. 0.11. Carling, wbo bas been on an Liverpool 111111 Lnud,ul,lrl'1.1 extended holiday trip to Spokane, Van, 110 , Elan Frnncieco and other nota,', 10 Royal fail Steamers is om. Thhe 0de,dlellows' Lodge room hoe been LLAN LINE very much beautified during the past week by a coat of fre'h paint. Tho Independent Order of Foresters of Exeter, Dashwood and Oredit00 in- tend holding a union pionio at Grand Bend on Thursday, August 27111. Mrs. F. W. Conine, who hap been vie. iting feiende in Toronto, Richmond Hill, Port Union and 131, pathariuee, for the poet three months, hoe returned home, The death of Maria Hutchinson, a former and well known resident of Exeter took plane at the home of her eon, David, oouoeseiou 16, Stephen, on July 19th. The deceased was in her 86th year and passed away quite suddenly, showing no signs of ill health until a few mluntee before her death, 1A.tw coal. Leroy Alexander has accepted a posi- tion as sateeman BO Walter Bros„ Lieto• wet. Mies Mabel Kidd is oonflned to the bones at present with an injury to her knee, received while attending the pionio at Ethel. Ben. Candler, who has been eafferiug from a severe attaolt of rheumatism is now able to move around but is still On• 8b'e to work. Joe. W. Ward hoe been appointed prin• oipal of Romeo ward eohool, Stratford, et a salary of $700. He hoe been at Mild. may for a number of yeare. George Nichol, 8111 eon. West, parabola ed a floe iron grey Clyde mare, 4 veare old, from Luke Lucas, 9113 con. of Elms for a tam bordering close on $200_ W. J. Gilkinoon and family were again the reoipente of sed news viz. that their eon, W. H. hod been drowned on Mon. day while bathing in the river at Medicine Hat, Assn,. Mee. Wethered, who has been visiting friends in thin vicinity for the past three weeks, returned to Toronto where she holds an excellent position with the Flett, Lonnde 0o. Hugh E. MoEwing, who hail anted as foreman of the Bee during the past two years, intends going West on a prospect. ing tour, though he has not definitely decided to make it his home. The families of W. Gilkineon and W. Pratt of the 12th and 14th oon„ Elma, are to 1'e eympa'hized with in their eevera eviction, Eight of Mr. Gilpin• eon's family end two of Mr. Pratt's are down with diphtheria. Wm. J. Alexander met with a nnsty aooident. He was standing near the edge of the mow, forking hay, to thosein it, when he lost' his balanoe and fell book. wards out of the mow, alighting on some orose timberr. He broke several ribs and VMS also severely brnieed. Robert Cleland, 4111 oon , Elma, met with a eerinue 000ident while finishing cutting a field of wheat. While be was letting his borne rent, attached to the binder, he was engaged in shocking some of the wheat near by, when the team ran away. Mr. Cleland tried to atop them and wan trailed into the maobiae , for about 15 or 20 rode. Unfortunately the machine was in gear and be received some very serious outs on the arms and and lege, some of the toes being oat off the feet, It ie thought that he has sue Woad Revere internal injariee. ORAivaonD—HoNEo.—The home of J and Mrs. Hinke, "Cloverdale Farm", Elmo, woe the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday evening, July 21, when their eldest daughter, Min Edith Rinke was united in the happy bonds of matrimony to Edward Crawford, of South Bend, Indianna, by the Rev. H. Currie, of Monkton. At about 5 o'oloek the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, looking charming in a beautiful wedding gown of oream Porti Scold Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain, Maybe they were not good ones. Inspect our line of school boots 10 and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tor—gQai4 . stout leather, ,(oxide SQIQSO strongly stitched, good appearance. Moderate in price. Lasting quality. Here are a few of our many convincing prices:- - Gime' Shoes from 700 upwards ; Bova' Shoes from '80a to $1.50 i Ohildren'e trona 25o to $100. Also fine stook of Witte' and Gelato' Shoes at Popular Prieto. —In our Harness Department we are offering Special Reduced Prime in Ply Nets, Dusters, also Single Haman at prioea that will sorprioe you, ]lemegtber we bindle no rotatory Heroine and we aleo gttaramtee every get we put oat, team or eimglo, Good aoserbment q( Trunks and Mating. Two ootnlor 031110 welling g O F�51 P1 yJ 9 1►"+� Renew! for Bale, • ■ C[ 410HARDS. i✓ a FROM FROM MUN ANAL (piano Bavarian July 18 7 a m, July 18 0 3,.m. Ionian ' 25 4 25 0 Tunisian Aug, 1 7 " Aug. 1 6 " Parisian " 8 5 " 8 5 " RATES OF PASSAGE, let Cable—Tu'iotao, Bavarian and Ion'on 576 and upwards; Parisian, 870 and UP- w+rd0, Sod Cabin—Liverpool and Londonderry— Bavarian, Ionian and Tunisian 840 and 84000; other steamers, 58750. London 59.00 extra until July Mat and free after that date. 3rd Olase-536 and 520 -'Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Loudon. Through tickets to south Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direct—Corinthian July 22; Sardiolan (Sud & Brd class only) Auu. 5. New York to Glasgow, oalling at London- dorry—Nu mldlan, (July 10,11 a, m, ; Mongol- ian, July 30, 11 a, in, cat Whin, 845 and up- ward, ; 2nd Cabin 530 ; and 8rd Mass 56. N. 11. KERR, Agent, Brussels. instre trimmed with wbite chiffon, the train of w111011 was carried by Mark Web. bar, who acted as page. Mise May Hiuka, sister of the bride acted as bridge• maid, wearing a gown of white organdie, Mies Gertrude Armstrong, of Listowel, and Mies Leon Webber, of Drayton, the flower girls, looked auto in gowns of pule bine nod white silk ottrryiug boquete of white rosea and white or pink carnations. The groom woe supported by Albert Tin. dell, osusiu of the beide. Oongratula• tions followed the ceremony atter which the large gathering eat down to a bonnti• fol opreod, served by 5 cousins of the bride, terminating in felioitoue apeeobee by Rev. H. Currie, Monkton ; J. T. P,11. man, Boston ; the groom ; James Sinks, father of the bride, and others. Those present from n dietanoe were from Boetou, Bay City, Woodstock, Stratford. Hiokeou, Detroit, Battle Axe, Platteville, Seaforth, Bruoefleid, Resseldale, Kemal. Cott, iSlitehell, Bruoeele and Drayton, a'so a number from Listowel. Clinton. No greater or more pleasant surprise 'has reached us than that of Andrew Porter entering the Sovereign Bank, as aoconatont. The above institution has made no mistake in making tbie very wise choice of a clerk for their branch here. D. Oantelon, in company will other extensive buyers, has been making a tour of the county and reports the apple proepeote not so good as earlier in the season. Plats partioularly ie the use along the valley of the Maitland where be says, the yield will not be ae great as in other parte of those townships. Cooduoior Algia has been traueferred, and oommenaiug Tuesday be now takes the early morning train between London and Toronto and the evening train from London to Owen Sound. His place on the. Goderich.Siratford run is temporarily filled by Conductor Robt. Gordon. Mr. Algia will probably remove hie family to London ere lona. The Grand Coattail of R. T. of T. offered a prize of $5 00 to the council hay. ing the largest percentage of their members present at 8 apeoial "Rally night" meeting held last Winter. The de0ieion was given by the executive, who promptly forwarded a cheque for amount to the secretary, The Clintou Council feel gaite elated over their success Olialun New -Era ; With Edward Van Esmond, of Hullett, mete the honor of being the oldest pioneer of this county to day. On Wednesday we bad a pleas. oat visit from him, and in 0ouversa1ion we learn he was 91 yam old Iaot 24th of May. Mr. Van Egmond has served hie country well in more than one way. Be. Rides baying a large family of noble sone and daugbtere, he has taken the gun in defence of England and Canada. He carried the royal mail between Galt and Goderiob before even the ox had come in to lighten the burden of man in travel, Exposed to all the terrors of traversing the wilderness filled with wild beasts and brigadde, he travelled that Enema on foot for tunny a day summer and winter, and through it all he lives to enjoy good health, A epeolal meeting of the Presbytery, at which nearly 26 residents of the village of Henson were present, wag held io the Preebyterian church, on Tuesday morn- ing and afternoon Met week. Businaee of importance woe the oonoidering of the reeiguation of Rev, J. Henderson, of Himont. Mr, Henderson attended the general Synod held in British Columbia last June, and while preaching in Victoria, 13, 0., during hie stay there, oo impreoeed the good people of that oily, that a few days after returning from that Weetera point two telegrams came extending him the oal, to that church, Mr, Heudereoose labors at Heneall has 010)1 for him many friends who will got give up withadt a fight. It is for this reaeou that the outgoes of Heneall took our town by storm on '1'neoduy. No oo0olueiou wan arrived at and the Presbytery was ad. jowled for one week, awaiting the measure of lllr.' undereon'o deafeiuu. The body of John Johnston, who was drowned in the Moon river, was reoovered. The corporation of Trinity Mediae,' Oollege have presented' au address to Dr, Gentle. Dennie Ronan, of Toronto Jauotion, fell head fleet Into a vat of water end wan drowned. Five mon write injured by the prams, - tore di8Ohar3,e of a dynamite cartridge in a wheel pit at Niagara Palle. George Turner a well.knotvn citizen of Quebec, wan killed by a dynamite explo- sion at the Thetford mines. Rev. Rural Dean Dib11, teethe of Bath, One hag decided to devote himself to Work in the Dloaaao at Ontario, Sur.m.er Goods Must Go Our Great Clearing Sale in creating gate it stir among oaae oath bnyeeo who know bill bargains when they see them. 'Thio week we offer epooial drlvee in entry department throughout the store. Our apace will not permit no to quote all the rethink/us in prices, We will be pleased to have you pail and look through our irnmonse stook, as we intend to make thio sale a reword breaker. Below we quote a few prioee that may 'anon you, --A traveller's samples of Whitewear. in Cornet Covera, Night Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, ate., at one quarter off. —Ohildren'o Navy Bine Serge Dresses, trimmod with white braid, good value at $1 00, for $1.00. —Men's Straw Rata, new shapes, worth 500, for 26o. —A'travel'ere' temples of Misses' and Children's Fancy (Jape and Tame, at half prioe to oleos. —Lychee' Summer Coreetemade of strong net, worth 85o, for 25o. —Remnants of All•wool arid Union Carpets, in 5 to 15 yard lengths, at a big reduotion in price to clear. —Lace Curtains, 2i, 8, 8} and 4 yards 1. ng, in floe Iaoey effects, at very low prime to clear, — Fancy Drese Maeline, worth 8e and 10o, your choice for So. — Men's Wool Pants, good value at $1.75, for $125. —Moo's Suite, in fancy tweed, worth $7, for $4 95. —Boys' Suite, in all ems and styles, 20 per cent, off. —Odd lines and sizes In Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women, Mines and Ohlid• ren, one third off McKinnon & Co., Blyth. Strenuous Objections are never made against feed supplied by Alt. Banker. A11 etook like it and thrive oo it, and it fa pronounced by all intel. ligeot breeders to be inoomtiariobly the best sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but oar Kaffar corn and oats. Alf. Backer. NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS The Rest all around Family Newspaper. An exponent of applied Christianity; In- dependent in Politics. Has something of in tercet for every member of the household. Farm and Garden Department ; Children's Department; Salentine'Depart.uont Spirit of the Press, Eto., Etc, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tan WITNBsa and Tan POoT combined, ooly 51 Q5 a year. SABBATH READING. A Sixteen -pine Weekly Paper, Solely Religious in Character. No News; No Politics. Stories' Poetry; Sunday Sobonl Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Enworth League Topics ; Mothers' Sab- bath Afternoon with the Children; Mtsoel- laneone Religious Matter, ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR The SABBATR RBADING and THE PORT combined, ouly $1.05 a year. SPECIAL OFFER The WzTNEes, SABBATH READING and THe Pore combined, only 51 95 a year. These three papers combined afford a liberal home ednoatioa, 1 The Post, Brussels. HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetiugs, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, —Fanny Shirtinge, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, — Ladies' and Children's /e —Boys' Sweaters, — Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 200 Buggies, ttaett9s�n9e�� Must be Sold this Season. The Finest line to be seen in any town S Carriages in Ontario will be found. at Ewan & Co.'sarerooms , TURNSERRY STREET, BRUSSELS, —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufacl tories in Canada, besides our own mare of rigs. —'You can save moneyby esamiliin t g our stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction assured. Prices right. IEWAN 84 Co., Ef ETSsELs.