HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-8-6, Page 1Vol, 32. No. 4
New Advertisements.
Lnoal—G, D, King,
Locale—H. A. Matohebt.
Cow for Bale—Jae, Davie.
Western Fair—J. A, Renee,
Loot—Pose Publishing House,
Dream Separebors—F, Spading,
Farm for sale—Robt. D. Coates.
Morrie Vetere' List—Wm. Clark,
Summer goods—MoKinnon & Co,
1:"s:hict Jeb
Georrl ee.
A Labor Day demonstration ie Talked
Large ehipmente of stook go from
Corrie stook yards weekly.
The bankrupt stook of Wm. Mose,
harness maker, was bought by a Berlin
man and removed from here. Gerrie is
now without a hatoees shop. Mr. Mose
went to Manitoba,
Dr, Took, well and favorably known
here for many years, hoe sold hiepraotioe
to Dr. Whitely who soma from Aobnrn,
Huron Co. Dr. Tuck's health Mae not
been any too vigorous end he will likely
take a brief holiday before locating any
MoGregor, blaokemith, has been on
Lha eiok list.
Dennie Bros,' lost a fine Spring oolt
and a fat cow last week,
Edge. Roe bee purohaeed a lire brood
mare. Be has a lot of valuable hot'se•
fleeh on band,
Wm. Haakwell spent a few days in
this part laet week. He has been firing
on the G. T, R. for the past year, and is
getting On well.
Miens Mary Coate, Lizzie MoOutoheon
end Ida Davidson will go West shortly on
one of the exonrsions. The young ladies
will be mnob missed but we hope to see
them baok again.
John Crozier has rented hie 150 sore
form on the 12th line Beet of here to
John Jaokeon for a term of 5 years. Mr.
Crozier will live in Seaforth or Bruesele
when he moves away, and take a rest
from hard labor.
Creaffi Se
Ftetotlor Roe ie offering hie farm for
sale. It ite smile be wiIt MOO retire from
the more active duties,
Percy Smith has returned home from
his boar through Manitoba and the
Territories, He does not feel like eco•
ritlolug any intermits here to go ince
bnefueee in the West.
I3Cl;r ravae.
The quarterly communion eervioe of
Belgrave oirouit, Mathodiet church, was
held at Sunehiue last Sabbath and was
an enjoyable meeting. After a very ap•
propriate diet/curse by the pastor, Rev.
A. E. Jones, about 60 took part in the
fellowship eervioe and communion.
Official Board meeting.on Monday was
well attended, harmonous and gratify
ing to all concerned,
1 oonTloN or OONDoo, ae.—At the
meeting of the °Mesal Board, held in the.
Belgrave Metbodiet oburoh, Monday,
Aug. 8rd, it was moved by Jellaba Walk-
er, eeoonded by Lawrence Wheeler and
resolved "That as the All .Viae Father
had even fit einoe our laet meeting Le -
gather to remove from our midst our
brother, the late Abraham Proctor, who
has been an effioiai in the Methodist
oburob for the past 50 years and much
loved by us all, we take this opportunity
of expressing our deepest sympathy with
hie aged widow in thin her day of sorrow
and trial and of commending her to the
oare•ot God whom the devoted father and
husband served".
'4Vroe( ot','.
Mro, Fitmore is the guest of friends at
Ino. Brawn, of Tavistock, spent Bon•
day at his home,
Ernest Bray is ependiug B few holidaye
with friends at Hanover.
Mies Ellen Smith, of Braeeele, is spend-
ing a few weeks at her home here.
Robert end Mrs. Blank attended the
Old Boys' re union in Ayr this week.
loIre. Jno. McTavish and children, of
Paris, are the guests of Mre, D. Fisher:
Mre. A. MoLean entertained a large
number of her young frieadeFriday even-
no. and Mre, Orr and Mrs. Borden, of
Wingbam, visited in the village on Sun.
Three care of catble and one oar et
hogs were shipped from this otattou on
Mice J. McKellar, of Ingersoll, epeot a
few days of last week with her aunt, Mrs.
Thos. Smith.
Ball bearing, with frictionless, self.
balancing and euepended bowl and
The "Metope" has taken the highest
honors. It yields $10 to $25 extra profit
pet cow each year. It saves time, labor,
apace, nteneile, ioe and water.
Get information an to other partiou•
tare from
Lab arm'
Second Class
Will be run to stations on Can. Pao, in Mau.
toba and Aeetniboia, West, South-west and
North-west of Winnipeg as far es
• and YOJSK'PON / o
On AUGUST 18th from stations in Ontario,
Main Line of (grand Trunk, Toronto to Ser-
ino; and all stations North (except North of
Cardwell Jot. and, North ot O.orouto an
North Bay Seotlon.)
One-way efoketo to Winnipeg only will be
sold, with a certificate extending the trip,
before August 8101, without additional cost,
to other points in Manitoba and Aeeinibola
as above. It purchasers engage 80 farm lab.
orers at Wionipeg,. (provided such farm lab-
orers Will work not lase than 80 days at har-
vesting, and produce oertitloate to that ef-
fect, they will be returned to original etart-
ing p oiu b at $18 00, on or before Nov.80,1008.
Pickets not good on"imperial Limited."
Vol. further partioulare and tickets apply
to nearest railway agent,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
9.8 71 Yonge 81„ Toronto.
W. . 1.' . S J, E W Vf A. e c/ ••t -
COMMENCING A.4 7 O'0L0018.
A bhuioe program will be tendered al
Program raxeWAS follows t—Solos by se Nora Holmes,
o .
Mice Carrie Hengcion, Mr. E. Ii, Gilroy,
Mr. R. J. MaLauchlin and Mr, Leslie Kerr, Beoitations by Miens
Winnie MoGaire, Nora Maandere and Minnie MoNanghton. Listen -
menthes by the f3tmeay School Orchestra; Mr. and Mot, 'IL Jaolteon
and Mr, W. A. prewar -Violin, Piano end Cornet 1 and Mr, W. H.
Stewai't'e Gramophone, Two Fanoy Drilla Wilt ales be presented and
Seleetiout given by Junior Lengoore.
If the evening is.wot or cold gathering
• will assume the form of a Promenade
Concert in the Town Hall.
Mre, Lewis, of Mount Forest, rind Mrs.
Griffin and eon, of Toronto, are vieiting
at the Caton Rotel here.
Misses Lula Hemphill and Millie
Harris attended the Exourelot to Kin•
(Jardine from Wingbam on Tuesday.
Geo. Jeolt hike gold hie lipase and prop•
may to Jae. Anderson, of Turnherry,
for Minot 0250, Mr, Andereou takee
possession in the wall.
Ono. and Mre, Knutson left on Satur.
day for Freeport, where they will melee
their home with their daughter, Mrs.
Dvtweiler, The evening before their
departure a number of the A. 31'. & A. M.
Lodge, to which Mr. Knutson has long
been a member, met and presented him
with a well filled purse..
191 v tlr.
The heavy rain of Teeoday morning
rather interfered with the plane of a good
many in celebrating our Civic b0'iday.
Bunn=N DNmxen.—Last Tbureday night
Jame. Hill, oweer of the planing mill
ib thea village, died of heart 'oilers being
found Friday morning in hie bed. He
wee 59 years of age, unmarried and had
nounmulated considerable of this world's
geode, Funeral took place on Saturday
afternoou and wae largely attended, Mr.
Hili boarded with his sister, Mrs. Lax,
His demise is greatly regretted.
Jaen ot^7'to wel-
Plans are being laid by a good many to
take in the Kincardine Exeurnion on
Aug, llth,
Wedueeday after0000n of this week
Mies Mary, daughter of Robb. MoAllieter,
and Alex. McKenzie, furniture dealer,
Seaforth, wore united in the holy estate
of matrimony.
A straw shed 86x49 feet has been bnilt
on the farm of Job King, lot 91, con. 1.
It rests on a oemnut wall, and was rained
to, block and tackle ander the enperin•
laminae ot Peter McDouald a well known
builder of thie locality.
George Riley, of Algoma, and Obae.
Riley, of Seafortb, were visitors with
Wm. and Mre. Riley of thin locality this
week. The first mentioned Iles bad
trouble with one of hie eyes and is going
to Toronto to be treated for it.
Sabbath Sabool exo0reiou to Kinnar.
dine next Tuesday. Special train leavee
Brussel. at 8.17 a. m. Return fares are
85 and 45 dente respeotively for adults and
children, Brussels Band, program of
games, eporte and faooy drill in arranged.
WONT WIlli A Swnue.—Tbureday even.
tug of last week the anneal entertainment
wee held at Viotoria Hall and like its
prodeoeesore was a grout success sociaily,
musically, intellectually, fivanoially and
every other way. The crowd was too big
for the Hall so enjoyeda themeelve in or
oft as the 0008 happened. After a fine
mapper had been partaken of the abate
wee taken by Rev. Mr. Ooeeue, of Braseels, who in a most agreeable manner
erf rm d his dories. beprograms
p e a 1 wa
well rendered and wag as follows :—
Ohairman'e address ; eeleotfon by Blue
vale Orobeetra ; colo, Mice Bell Smith ;
recitation, Mies Swann • selection, Zobo
Band ; address, Rev, W. J. West, Blue -
vale ; solo, F. J. Gilroy ; quintette, "The
Sailor Song" • solo, Mre. Pergueon ;
addreee, Rev, F. Swann, of I31oevate ;
eolo, Mies Bell Smith ; recitation, Mies
Berta Bryaue ; seleotion, Zobo Banti ;
Bolo, F. 1. Gilroy ; address, Mr., Mo.
Gregor, of Brunk ;eolo, Mre. Ferguson ;
aeleotiou, Blnevale Orchestra. Proceeds
amonoted to upwards of 570,00, a very
satisfactory return for the amount of
work done by the various Committees.
There is evidently no flagging of interest
in Victoria Hell,
Mies Olive Soots le vieiting relatives tet
Mise Mary Davidson wae visiting Mise
Edna Pateree°,
A oar of hogs wan shipped on Tuesday.
by Joseph J h.'
P Pogh.
Mies Belle Warwick, of Senfortb, is
vieiting relntivee here.
James Bargees, of Brantford, spent
Sunday at hie home here,
hilae Alice Doff hes retaened after a
month's eojonrn in Listowel,
Mra, Small, ot ' Wingham, le vieiting
her daughter, Mrs. John Baby.
The Misses Sanderson have retorted to
Toronbo alter n few weak,' visit here.
'Phomas and Mn,rOonite; were visit.
ing Mre. Woodrow in Morrie this week.
Mee. M. H. Elliott and children, of
Wingbam, have been visiting Mre. Mason.
Mre. Joseph Pugh was vieiting at Bros
eels thie weak at her father's, Rev. R.
Mies Maggie and George McDonagh,
were visiting at Charles Berber's this
R N. and Mre. Duff, and Mirth Polly
Duff werevisiting iuListowel on Wed,
Mice Helen Blaolt is vieiting her grand.
parents,Jno and M ra. Robertson, at
J'armere are bney with the oat harvest.
The crop is flreb Claes, It is the farmers'
I e 1 locality it t.
B u va a andwill be re reeen
ed at the Dxourtion tKincardine next
Mise Cora Meager left on Thursday
morning for a visit with her brother at
The neaeeeary repairs to tbe grist mill
have not been made as yet but ere in
Mise Jeeeie Ray, of Listowel, was
a n
vitiating her Meter,, Mrs. Jemo A d eraou
near Binevale,
t .
John e• s ellen ninert.
Oo n Bprgoe wa in d g h a
erly audit of the Canadian Order sf For•
statue at Brantford last week.
Mice Maggie Burettes and Master Fred.
Bureau, of Owen Sound, are vieiting
relatiyee in Blttevaie end vicinity.
Revd,, Meagre, Weet and Swann attend
ed the Garden Party at Jamestown
Thureday evening of last week and gave
midtown. Mee Swann aiao favored the
aadienoe with a recitation.
L, B. Duff, oily Editor of the Galt
R porter, spent a abort time at hie home
here lout week atter his return from a
alp to the West with the Galt Foot
Ball teem,
6, 1908
IJV, H. KERB, Prop,
Mise Lily Moos, a former reeident of
Blnevale, was married on Wedneeday,
the 15th alt , to Percival Deleon, B. A ,
oleorioal master of the Harriston High
wheel, The wedding took plea* at the
home of the bride's father, Rev, W. le.
Moep, Burlington.
Beaunerow To KINOAnnxNN.—The annual
Sunday wheal Exoureion to Lake Huron
will be run on Tneeday, Aug, 11, to Kim
oardino. Special trate will leave Blue.
vale at 8. 80 a. m. and returnhrg will any
"toot, toot," to Kincardine at 6 80. Re.
torn fare from Blnevale for adults is
80 cents and 40 ciente tor children. Bros
Bele Band will be alone anti at Kinoar•
dine Foot Ball, Baee Ball, Bowling, Ten.
ole, numea for children, and to Flag Drill
will be on the program for the entertain•
merit of the exouraloniete.
VP rl.l n
Sabbath eohool excursion to Kinner.
dine on Aug. 11th. Train leaves Brue•
Bele at 817 a. m. The retnru tare is only
86o for adults and 46o, for children,
Brussels Band will accompany the ex.
eureion and a good time ie aeeored,
Clown Drew:Ton'm.— Walton circuit
Metbodiet Obaroh, Rev. Alfred Andrews,
pastor :—Provitfeooe—Preaching at 10 80
a. m. every Sabbath t Claee meeting
after, Bethel—Preaching et 1 p. m. ;
Sunday School at 216 ; Close Meeting
after S. S. Walton—Sunday Sobooi at
2 o'clock; Preaching at 3.15 ; Claes
Meeting atter preaohing services, Prayer
Meetinge—Tuesday at 7 p. in. at Prove.
dense ; Wednesday at 7 p. m. at Bethel ;
Thursday at 7 p. m. at Walton. In
connection with the Quarterly 000•
muoign services Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B.
A., of Seaforth, will preaob on Thursday
of Gibe 'week at 2 and 7.30 p. m. ; Rev.
R. Paul will weepy the pulpit at the
same hour on Friday and the pastor will
preaob on Saturday afternoon and even•
ing. Public eervioe oommenoee Sabbath
morning Aug, 9th, at 10 30 and after a
sermon by Rev. Mr, Andrews the wore -
newt will be admistered. In the evening
service will be held at Providence,
Oranbrook will be repreeeated in
goodly number at the Kinoardioe Ex-
ouraion on Aug. 11th we hear.
GABDON FARM—A very eucoeeefuI
Garden Party wne held on the lawn of
the Methodist Church last Monday even.
ing. Notwithstanding the unfavorable
weather the attendance was large and
the receipts amounted to about 560 00.
The well spread tables relented great
nrodit on the ladies of the congregation.
The principal attraotion of the evening
WAR the K. 0. T. M. Brass Band, of
Brussels Their selections
B w ere Al and
were rendered in first alae, style. Sone
who were expected to help in the open.
air concert ware absent but the Baud
kindly and generooely furnished aeveral
extra numbers and filled in the evening
until midnight. Oranbrookitee speak in
the higheeb terms of the treatment they
reoeived from the members of the band
and will be pleased to weloome them
baok on Borne future 000aaion. If you
want a model opeo-atr entertainment
secure the eervicee of the Brunie K, 0.
T. M. Band.
Derr.—There died at Echo Bay, Ont,,
on 30th ult., Isaac Curry, in his 71St
year, a former reeident of this locality,
He was born in the County of Armagh,
Ireland, on April 19, 1888, oomiog to
Canada in 1845, He lived in the County
of Halton until 1855 and then moved to
the County of Huron, Moliillop township,
being one of the pioneer settlers, living
there until 1880. The family moved to
Grey, residing there until moving North
to Bobo Bay, iu 1898. Deceased was
married to Elizabeth Jane Trewartha, ea
Feb. 2, 188,5, who predeoeaed him and
went tq.the Better Land 8 years ago. Mr.
Carry was converted at the age of 18
yenre 0011109 with Methodist Church and
remaining a member of the , game until
his death. For number of years wag a
Steward of the ()buret' at Oranbrook,
As to hie lite it wag summed ap in the
last few words of Bev. J, 0. Willian, who
noudooted the funeral eervioe"He was
a quiet, peaoable, ooneoienbiooe' man•"
He leaves behind him 400088044 dangh.
tere, Wm. of Lula Appelle, Ansa., Mre. G.
W. Wilklneoo, of Daho Bay, Rev. J. C.,
of Sherborne, Minn., Ieaao and Mies
Martha, of Eoho Bay, Mre. T. MoCart.
ney and R. D., of the "Soo."
WEIR 01.
Mrs, G. Hughes, of Grand Rapids,
Mich„ ie at peasant vieiting her brother,
Wm. Xing.
.Aa uet.and Mre, Eokmier and Master
Lloyd were vieiting in the village for a
few days this week,
We hear the sound of the threshers this
week oommenoing the fight on this Bea•
eon's crop. It promisee to be a heavy
oombat he trope ate good, but the thresh•
ere say they are ready and willing.
The proepeote are that there will be a
large crowd at the station here on Tues-
day, Aug. lltb, noxious to ace Lake
Heron, We expect a large oompany and
a good time if weather is favorable.
Sooday Soho&i Excursion to Kinoar•
dine o0 Tuesday Aug. 11. Retard fare
from Ethel for aerate 95 ceite ; children
50 o. Train leaves Ethel nt 8 04. Brae.
seas Band will go along and a big after•
noon's sport is being arranged.
SHIPPING News.—Outward John Mo•
Dermott shipped 2 oerh of export battle
and John Scott 2 tare ot exporte to the
Union stook yards, 'Toronto Junotion ,
a oar of huge was forwetded by J. W.
Fogel ' and 2 oars baeewaod by S. fe. Cote,
Iowarttt there was a oar hemlock to S. S,
Cole ; I we of sugar for H, P', McAllister
besides a good supply of )coal freight,
One day recently David Milne had a
°lose hall from injury by an attempted
runaway by hie teem with' the mower.
The team wae not walking 0p to the
driver's liking so he o01 a ewitoh and
intended to use it. The horses saw the
gad cowing and made off. Mr. Milne
naught the lines and was dragged for
soon little diatheses Fortuentely the
machine was tbtown out of gear and
dragging heavily in the standing hay
aided in the stopping of the runewaye,
We are 910 0o 8001008 reenlbt followed,
Principal nud Mrs. Debora and eon are
back from Bala where they smolt an
enjoyable outing among the ruche end
lakee of Muskoka,
Obartee Kerr delivered to Ii, F. M0.
,Allister 420 bushels of oath in 2 loads on
Monday, Charlie does not want to loam
any time in muting over the road empty.
Pont= Msurrac --There will be a pub.
Ito meeting in John Bal mierat hall, on
Wedneeday evening, Aug. 12th, at 8
o'Miock,for the purpose of ooneideringthe
advisability of keeping the Paimor.ton
Pork Packing Oompany in the kende of
the farmers, ;ferries, Stewart, lfnauoiai
agent of Termite, and otbere will he
present to address the meeting. Aa tette
is n mutter of vital importance to every
farmer a large meeting Is expect- d.
We aro sorry to record the death of
Dttie Gladys, the baby deugbter of John
and Mre. McLeod, of this village, who
died Saturday afternoon, aged 1 year.
She had oevor•beeu a very robust ohlld
and had been ill for 5 weeks before her
death. Pneumonia was the 0aumm of
death. The funeral took place on Mon.
day afternoon to Braeaal; oemetery. Mr,
and Mrs, McLeod ere sympathized with
in the lose of their little girl.
Townahip Counoil will be held next
Monday, 10th fuet,
Jae. Lindsay visited at Listowel and
other places twat weep.
Some young ladies rind gentlemen of
the 9th and 10th con. are greatly interest.
in berry plotting tbia aeaeen.
Mise 011ie Zimmerman and brother
Orrie, of Oil Spring«, were visitors et
Trueman Smith's for a few days this
Mre. D. Marek, 0th eon., left on Fri.
day of Iaat week for Saginaw, Mich.,
where etre will visit her mother, who has
been eerioaaly ill.
A former Greyite was renewing old
friendehipe in the parson ot Samuel Ma
Gordy, who left the 3rd line 10 years ago
for Detroit. He ie chief porter at Hotel
Oadillao, one of the leading bestiaries of
that city. Mr. Mo0ordy has done well
from a financial etandpoiot ander Uncle
Same Ogre.
One day last week Ted Nolan, 15th
000„ met with an accident requiting in
the iielooation of his ehoolder. He bad
taken one of three horses from the bin•
der and while a little dfetanoe from the
team they started to run away and in
his attempt to atop them, which ho did,
the damage wee done, He ie able to cen-
times hie work We are pleased to notioe.
James Mitchell arrived baok from his
visit to the Weet safe and aonnd. Hie
trip did him good although he found the
long journey tedi me. It would perhaps
not now be oat of place to Gall him "Dr."
Mitchell ae his prescribing to a fellow
paeee0ger on the train created consider.
able exoftetnent bat we will say no more
about it. Further information may be
obtained from the "Dr."
Doroeo Wome—Joehaa Bateman, who
left this township some years ago and
atter a lengthy residence in Stratford
settled in Toronto, where he was employ.
ed in the Grand Trunk baggage rooms,
wee chosen aa ancestor to Geo. Carpenter
ae beggagemaeter at the Stratford depot,
and wag oxpeoted in a few days. He has,
however, been offered and bee excepted a
better poeition,that of Assistant baggage -
master in Union Station, Toronto,
wbioh position be now 000upies. His
many friende are glad to hear of his
moons and wish him continued prosper
it JNo. M00AnTNOY PAsens AWAY.—Last
Saturday an old and most highly esteem-
ed resident passed away in tbe per00n of
John Mo0artney. He bad been ailing
for the past 15 yeer from Bright's disease
and his demise oonsegaentty was not an
unexpected event. Deceased was born in
Tnokersmith township, Huron Co., 61
genre ago and came to Grey about the
year 1866 and waled an Lot 20, con. 8,
which he by fodnntry aonvarted from it
forest to arable Bores. The eabjeot of
thio notice wan united in marriage about
the time he moved to Grey to Mies Jane
Wilson and she with Your eons (Robert,
Janne and Hugh, of this, township, and
Wm•, of Portage la Prairie, Man.,) and
three daughters (Mre. Geo, McCartney,
of Mooeejaw, N. W. T.; Mra, N• H. Oar.
diff, of Grey, and Mies Aline, at borne)
survive to hold in loving remembrance
the life of an etffeotionate husband and
father, Mr. Mo0artney was a genial,
whole aonled man, a Liberal in politica
and Presbyterian in religion. Ifo en•
joyed n large Meek of friends who will
greatly regret his death. The funeral on
Toeedny afternoon was largely attended.
Rev. D, B. MoRae oonduoted a euitabte
service and interment was made at Brus-
sels cemetery.
Bet or rest.
Rat. Young, jr., is quiteoorly.
A good many ora on the eiok list:
Out Donnell met on Monday of this
Tbo steam thresher is getting to moth
this week.
Sod le in good condition for plowing
einoe the big rain.
Mieeeo Nina and Nellie Iebieter are
holidaying at Bayfield.
Mre, Wm. Jowitt, of Bruesele, is visit•
ing her daughter, Mra, Hoag Stubbs, 8th
The boyo and e,irle are talking up the
Exenrafon to Kincardine on Tueeday,
August 11611,
Jno. Dances), of ,Guelph, enjoyed a
few weeks of an outing on hie fathers
term, 4th line.
Some of the oat crops'A,rebadly tangled
and down, 10 will test the moat of
binders to get through,
A goodly number went to Kincardine
on Tneeday of tote weak. It wag rather
a wet morning to go on an margin.
We are eorry to hear that John Davie,
jr, 4th tine, is not enjoying ae robaet
health as nenal bub we hope he will anon
be ae well as ever.
The Mortis townehip Vetere' list for
1808 wag flret posted up last Monday.
On the list ie.a total of 884 names sub-
divided as follows I—Part I, 715 ; Pert
II, 80 ; and PartliI, 89. 409 aro gnatifled
Overact es Jnrote.
The beak work le fteioiled on Mex.
Clerk's house, Sth line,
Jan, Mason, Bed line, in hook from a
holiday trip to Manitoba. He met many
old frieede while away.
Jahn MaArter is buoy fiting up the
hone° on the farm he recently pnrehased
from Wm, Miller, 5th line,
The threshing maohine is onoe more
humming and the turn oat of wheat both
for quantity and quality le good.
Miesee Julia and Lily Sharp went to
London this week. The latter will re,
main with bee eieter, Mrs. W. Lowry, et
Springbank, and allow ber Mater Bertha
to return home.
It is reported here that William Barrie,
m former well known reeident of the 6th
line, died reoently in Mauitoba where be
has lived for several years. No particle
lare are to band.
The person or persona who took the
road grader to its Winter quartere will
Ond the doabletree at Snneh*Oe on Main
street. No doubt it had fallen off the
machine when moving,
Last week Mies Jmia Sharp reoeived a
flue gold medal from the Amaesa Wood
Hospital Board, of St. Thomas, oe an
outward token of her completion of the
ae a trained none from that fnetitution.
We were visited by one of the greatest
rain falls on Monday night and Tuesday
morning of tbia week. It will be a few
days before any grain will be fit to take
in. What wheat was got in was in good
condition. A lot of barley ie out and the
Crop is a gond one,
Reeve Ielueter arrived hone last week
from a very enjoyable visit of a month to
the Weet. He MB over a large tract of
country taking in Calgary, Banff, Indian
Head, Winnipeg, &e. He kept his eyes
open and is able to give a great steel of
information oo0oerni0g that great
San Nxws —A telegram was reoeived
on Wednesdayby Mre: John Mooney
giving the sad intimation then her neater,
Mre Elijah Kendall, of Howketon, Ont„
had passed away, aged about 75 year,,
She ie the oldest eieter and had been
poorly tor some time, heart failure being
the ailment. Mre. Mooney and her
brother, W. C. Strettoo, of Lanoaater,
Ohio, who with his wife end daughter
were vieiting here, lett for Hawleston
Wedneeday afternoon to attend the
Taneral on Thursday. Mr. Kendall and
a large family enrvive, Mrs. W. 0, end
Mise Stratton left on Thursday morning,
Brussels Juniors
Not Fast Enough.
Little forks Win The Championship.
Monday afternoon the Junior Foot
Bali teat
of Brussels, who hold the
Obampiooehip of Weetern Ontario, went
to Berlin to try oonglueiooe with the
Little Yorke, of Toronto, who won the
honors in their Aoeooiation, for the Pro
vincial cup.
There wee a 549 00 crowd of epeotatore
assembled on the new park to witneee the
game. It wan not slow by any means]
bat the diverse ago and weight limit of
the two dietriete wae largely spinet oar
boys so that they were practically play-
ing an adult team who were feet, well
practised and ontolaseed our stub. Rae
got hie knee hurt and Stewart Scott took
sok daring the play but the Easterners
would not allow Brunets to enbatitate.
Oar kickers did not put up their onetom-
ary game although Miller, Lindsay and
W. Good are specially mentioned ea put
ting up a good article. The Little Yorke
scored 7 goals to Bruseele 3, the latter
winning in the oloeing part of the hour.
The line up was as follows :—
Ruse Goal �Ainlny
Dunn ............... )...... Sanderson
{8aoka )
Gilding ( Lfn ooy
Sleeman" Good
Stevens, is Backe Af3Leod
Shepherd s9iller
hilus ........Cameron
Johnston Forwards Smith
Tonne Good
Bueb Hoot
Marry Brown,$erlin, Referoa.
Monday night would have been bad
for fireworks here anyhow owing to the
heavy rale.
The Berlin Newe•Reoord enya ot the
game ;—The Jnoior Football Ohampion•
ship goes to Little York—a suburb of
Toronto. The club from that town won
the honor by defeating the fast Brussels
eleven on Monday 8000ing by thedesoieive
score of 7 to 8, Within a few minutes of
the finish the score board showed 7 to 0.
The game wee the fastest seen in Berlin
this year. The Yorkers ere a mouthy
bunoh bnt they oerbainly know bow to
play Assimilation football, They pat up a
pretty oombinabion and a mighty strong
game individually, All the fellows ore
feat runners and shook fearleeely. They
also mixed in a lot of rough work. The
players were warned several those but
only one WOO ruled off. That was Cap.
twin Thome who was oonapi00ona for hie
derby work. The Brussels men tripped
More, bat were not well gross offenders.
They seemed to be afraid of the deebing
Easterners and were not nearly so fast fa
following up on the ball. The usually
effeotive stow oombinetion of the Brae.
seisitee woe knocked into a cooked hat
and it was Deb until the lest five 'minutes
that they fouhd themselves. Then they
rushed in three gonia but•it was too late.
The Little Yorke had a hate. buuob of
rooters who would as neon "obew" ten the
touch line as watoh the play. The Bens
tele contingent numbered 24—inoluding
players. The average Weigbb of their
men wan 121 poonde and the Yorkere
average was five poonde more and they
need the weight. The latter ltad been
defeated once thie eeaeon when the All
Salute of Toronto gave them a 1-0
more, The Brossela esoatobeon was Dot
rotated by a sfagle revaree this yens. It
was almost seven o'clock before Referee
Brown got the Colts away. Brdeaels got
Orsi shot bat It was high and in three
minutiae the Yorkers bad tallied by a
drive Prom the right, Number two wee
headed in by Milos on a Cotner drop.
Soon after Thorne wee fenced for tripping
Number three reeoitod after a hang kueh
by Jobnoon and at haif time the scrota
Weet 3---0. In the second Little Perk
polled down uumbere 4•-5-6 and 7 et
regular intervals. The Bruesele detenoe
could nee ahem the deteroaiaed rushee--.
try ae they would. They were game
through to the last ditob and mauaged 10
wore 8 in about ae many minutes. But
they rallied too Into, The eeoond half
was interrupted by a flghb amc0g the
epeotatore—when the players quit the
gams to see the 80rap.
Trio 0AILX TOh0o0Artt 01.08;
Those Little Yorkers from the little
suburb of Toronto are little oorkera at
playiug football, and they eaeily put it
all aver the Brussels team, tale year's
W, F. A, Junior ohampi0cs, at Victoria
Park on Monday evening, The game
wad for the championship of Ontario,
and was eaeily the fneteet junior game
played in Berlin this year, and the 600
epeotatore got the full worth of their
admission fee in the one bour'e play that
they witnessed. It was the fleet regular
game of football to be played on the new
athletic grounds at Victoria Pack. The
Little Yorke were defeated but ono* thio
eoae0n In the five olnb league aeries, and
11 the ankle of ball they pat up on Mon-
day ie a sample of the game that is
played in the Toronto League, feet, and
probably rough, football prevaile, The
Janior rules and reguletione of the W,
F. A. and the Toronto League are acme.
what different as to weight. In the
former, players moot be under 21 years
of age, and not weigh mote then 180
pounds, while in the Toronto League
players 21 years and under are allowed to
play, and the average weight of the team
must not exceed 128 poonde, The aver.
age weight of the Little Yorkers with 1185
poonde, elthongh there were come players
that weighed ae high ae 180 and 139
poonde, bat others were as low as 108 and
1,0. None of the Brussels players
reaobed the 130 pound mark, and they
were ata disadvantage to a certain ex.
tent, Referee Harry W. Brown got the
teams started about 6.80 and after a few
minutes play it was easily seen that the
Stuseelitee played the oleaner ertiole, and
the Little Yorks adopted rough taoOoe
whioh kept Referee Brown busy to put
down, Brussels followed up the faoe off
and in leas than a minute the ball was in
the Little Yorke' territory and a shot was
made but goai.keeper Rouse relieved.
The Yorkers ,soared the ball and took it
to the other end of the field in a fast
oombioatiou rush, and soared after two
minntee' play, TMe Brussels defence, in
their anxiety to keep the halt in the
Little York territory, were wally drawn
oat, and when the York forwards secured
the ball it was only necessary for them
to pose the Bruesele beaks and ,boot on
goal. Ainley stopped come hot ehote anti
relieved Dimity, but be could not
the Little Yorkers from storing two more
in the first half, making the eoore 3-0.
In the eeoond half, particularly the drat
1.5 minutes, the Little Yorkers were "it"
ell the time, and they kept on scoring.
until they had seven goats to their op.
pouente nil. The Bruseelitee Elbowed
that they were not gaittere et any stage
Of the game and although the Yorkers
had splendid staying powers they could
not prevent Brussels from snoring, At 5
minutes before time the wore was 7-0,
in the Little Yorks' favor, but by 000etaut
preening and excellent oombipatioo work,
Bruseele moored three goals, and bad
there been Ave minutes more, in all prob-
ability the big lead of the Toronto Rubor -
bans would have been overcome. As it
ie, however, the Little Yorke are the
Ontario Junior champions.
Brussels Counoil.
The monthly senior, of the Village
Connell oonveoed he the Commit chamber
on Monday evening, Reeve Witton oa•
oopied the °heir and Ootooillore Blair
and Plum were also iu attendance, the
other two mambere being absent from
Mivates of last meeting read and ap.
Following Bocce s were presented
Wm. Denbow, on gravel a800unt..504 00
J00. 00ae1ey, street improvements 1 90 .
Alex. MOLanohlin,salary ...... .. 25 00•
Wilton & Tnrnbeli, oat tor Hall., 28 98'
Reg. Fletobar, telegrams 80
K.0 M Bane, . T. . Ba ,on
grant 50 00
Moved by 8. T. Plum, e000nded by G.
F. .Blair that above a000unte be paid.
By•Law No. 1, 1903, appointing Jno.
Roger, 0. L. S., Mitchell, ee Engineer of
a drain proposed to he oouetrnoted on
Tnrnberry 010081, Bootie, was read three
times and passed.
The question of 000etraobing a wire
footbridge over the llfaftlend, near the
flex mill, wee once more up. George
Slate's presented te plan of a wire cable
otrueture accompanied by epeoifoatlone
and hie tender, Bridge would be 160 toot
span, 920 feet with approaches, 355 feet
wide, floored with inch hemlook lumber,
15 feet above bed of river. After non.
siderable dieoneeion on motion of Moan.
Blair and Plum it was again left
over to another session.
W. M. Sinclair asked for the portion of
Band grant now date, This; evoked a
dreaming down for the staid itinaiest or-
ganization for non-fulflliment of agree-
ment as to a Friday evening weekly
oonnert on Band stand. Complaint was
also made of the late hour of etarting, &o,
On promise, of,oloee edhegicn to the
agreement end te giving of the weekly.
program on sumo eabsegnenb evening
when Friday proved too wet 060 was
ordered to be paid on amount.
The question of Brussels Oounell tak.
ing some motion on the app0intene01 of -a
!owl Committee relative to preliminary
work in dealing with the propoeet3 (e. 9,
R. extension from Guelph to Goderioli
Wee introdueed and G. F. Blair, ,Jno,
Leckie and W. H. Kerr nareede tee the
trio intraeted With the duty. '
Bentwele Saw. and Tool Woelrs, ea teen
by the eangaine proepeotor, T, McGregor,
mac brlefly dismissed in the °loting mem•
este of the Connell and the aid of an
advertisement anggented to mewed capital.
lets to take bold 01 the proposition,
Weigh Matter MdLanohlia reported
eeeeipte from goatee for past month to be
Connell then adjourned,