HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-30, Page 3______ por cwt. P THE MARKETSlotto anis ar Iti)t•lat',; 11 _ The ,aril nr Prices of Grain, Catty, etc I>,ennanbley 1.,r '0E In Trade Centres, the ilyo s ilia boyars Me to any Tor"onto, July 228.-Wb(`twir Tho Denlors d mitt'.vat is (taut with dpalnnd holitod ininicidtaro No, 2 Ontu'rio red and ,Philo gtuotod bihpy had o at 750 middle, and 754e our•t; No. 2 ]ceryl, hkrvr I (ip(rl'rnl, is quoted at 71e mild4le ELI tiny$, 04 fib{girt,; No, 2 gaoBe at Title cin Mild- 1,valistLet land. Manitdba wholL easier; No. loose In T}ri 1 hard quoted at Bait; G'odoriell And latost Priv 'No. 1 Nortbar•n' 874c Godericli. No. 1 uha.t all.'hoi hard, 94i0 wrilliiling in tlmn)siL, tale a little It ,and l+ail, tuid No, I Nartl•orn, 93ic, t,haa bef°r Oats i'Iro market is elute, and that hofort 11frnt, No, 2 white'fuoivd ret 32 to would hu a 82ite nhiddle, freight, allot at Ali to boon losir 82o high h•oigL3IA4, No. 1. while, 334 monte Shiro to 84c east, a:nnl are ric Barleys-Trakle is quint. No. :3 ex- of losing c trla quoted at 40c middle freights, chors' anis anti. No, 3 at 40 to 41c, v!e111e, owl Rye --Tho mallvct is stcaudY ,tit 52c thOlOof at tuft}dle freight for No. 2, dealers to Peas-Trado dull, wlWl No. 2 whila oil hallld. ,quoted at 61 to 62c, high frolg+ht, quently, r( arid at: 680 olasit., Export ca OOnnr Warket is aloaidy; No. 8 Modinm American yellow qucrL°d at 580 On Du:t07aers'- t,eniglc, Taronto; and No. 8 mixed at Pickets lc IY7itc, Toronto. Canadian eoru pttore- Good loc T i r CF 11011111101. Aad un I= V Fiotrm;--Ninety. Por carliC. ]raten't..s Lair ... 1[��,,uLzvt. 'otocl Lo clay at $2.80, middle Cows "oi'gth'ts, in bu;yms' stooks, for ex- Feeders, Straight r+ollors of agec•ial Feeders,randis for ''domestic trade quoted at St.ockors 3.25 to $8.45 in iXbls. A?nnitoha Shcopl--our stealdy; N'o. 1 patten•ts, $4,20 19xpoet e C, $+1•,30, and strong bt.kors', $3,90 Do„ h• It $4, fit hags, Tor•on'to, Spring I Millf°edr-Bran steady at $17, acid Calves, charts $1.8.50 hero. At outsido H•oga- poirits bran is quoted a -- ELL $15 to Sows.. ,i11>.50, and sports at, $17, Alnnito- Stags iba bran, in soaks, 510 an'd shorts Selocls, : at $22 stere. Thick fat Light.... TIT1P DAIRY A'1'AlIKPTS. Bcrhter-'Pito mas;kot continues DEATH steady, with receipts large. Tho best gtrulles are in fair donnal'id. We Fell Overl q;uOtc :-DltOiCe 1-1h, rolls 1.5 to 16c; dairy tubs, unlfolnl cola, 14.} to 151; secondary grades, store Paolo- A Toron ed, 12 to ISO; creamery prints, 17,* J. Foy, ' to ilk•; solids, 17 to`18c. South Tor EWge.'-Markrt is unch•an-god. We Lure, fell c quote : e'esh candied steel,, 14 to Macassa on 14:ic; $icoafds oz -0 elwdlts, 10 to ilc. Oakville, i Oliveso-Niurket quLet, and prices most in= itituhlangod. We quote :-Finest lac, Millutos a the accideh MONTI01AL MARICETS. as no one Montreal, July 28. -Grain The dellly, ho market was steady to -day arltd the woman ov dnnran'a was very light. We glnoLO: boat wcu -No. 2 oats aficrut 363c; No, 2 oats gine$ we: in store, 38fe for local 'trade; No. picked up. 2 Teas, 63c high and 71c afloat; Mrs. 1'oy bovokmheat, 48Fc afloat; No, rye, nervous d� 53c cast and 54$flo' c ant; No. _3 ox- ners of h° tra barley, 46c Iuitldle and 51io untilhad'bceu t 5.2c afloat. morning s ,Millfead,ll'he market is steady. Manitoba bran in bags, $1.9; shorts tccompalll in bags, $21 to $22; Ontario bran left on t Ili bulk, $1S to $18.50; shlorts, 521.,- boat, for 50 to $22.50 in bulk; mid'dlInge, ;$22 fresh air, to $23; moullie, $28 'to $80, "'o"ord_ enjoying t Ing to quality. well talus Flom} -The market is stoody. Ql,o- Mrs. 1+•oy. 4ations IliMonrtreal are :-On track, When th, $3.50 to $3.60 for straight rollers Ln to the t biruvrels; i;n bags. $1.70 to $1.75: ax- mado to Ul'a. bags, $1.4.0 to $1,55 winter out avail, wilueat ptLderits, $8.80 to S3.90, Won- fore Ii1ami itoblt floret paten", $4,20 to $4.80 ceaaod In in Ixfg,; second patents, $8.90 to fn Toronti $4• cane from Meal -The mar'1(oa is steady col. Mr. Nor lXrlcoS range from $8.90 a bavrel aryd known Fr( $1.85 in bags for broken logs, ter city, i livbtor�--T'ricte is a pretty active boys and demantcl algid prices range front i8ic to loc, DUEL Cheeso-Prices still rouge arOunfol Sic for Quebeis, Sic nor townshfirs Attempt and 0Qc to Sic for Ontario$. tient Egpg4-Tl•o Arnntoss of the past few bays appears to have developed A Winni into an actual advance anti quota- Alt attonil tions arc about is higher than at morning, the beginning of the week. Til lots •ryurgiarfzp of ton or twenty cases straight Commerce gcublmied eggs are being 961d at 65c, Watson, Cavilled No. 1 being quottd at 1GO the bank and aolocts tit lac to laic, tiger's Am licana- ize, market continues stied- the open Uy at about $1.70 pot' btalel far mallictltinl 11rime$ oil track and $1.75 to 8I,SO grabbing 1 for Small lots._ accounting TTNrV]Ol) STATES A'fA'RX.T!TS, mail raise the 11rLruc DuiOialo, July 2S. -Flour -Firm. the flour, Wjiea't,-+` Pring steady; No. 1 hard, burglar rc carloads, $Be; No. 1 Northorn, Kill; natoly alb winter weilk; No. 2 whito, 79ic; No. noxa valsc 2 red, 79c. Corn --Strong No, 2 down tile. yellow 55ic; No. 2 corn, 54io. Oats when he I -strong; No, 8 white 380; No. 2 desperado, mixed, 85c. Barley -52 to GSc in out hilpla. slant. Ryo-Dull; No, 2, 58c asked. danger Ile Canat freighto-Steady, rection of tMilwa\ikoo, JWy 28,--•Whea4-11Tu. 1 got two Norbhsrn, 85i to 87c; No, 2 North made tris e&, 84 to 880; S°Ptalnbor, 'new, from the 761c. 113rc-No. 1, 51 to 52c, Dar- )liana ley -No. 2, 58 to 60c; Semple, 40 T$ere is to 51.o. Corm Soptelabar, 4:9$a, persons tl Minneapolis, July 2$,- }yQlon'tr- but they ( Cast,, 84,1c; July, SSic; September, the surrou 741c; December, 76je; to 701,c; No. entrance ) 1 havd, 8Gic; No. I Northern, 81i•c; (eelr Co t vt No. 2 Northern, 8210; No. 8 Nori,h- IUBut orn, 77 to Sac, apin. Bu , Ilulfath, July 281-'Wben1,411 Store' o rlytufo No, 1: bard, 85io; No, 1 Northern, a 1i a fc 84c; No, 2 .Northern, 82i , N;o.. 8 g sparing, 82je; to arrtli•e, No. 1 lucid, and make 132 -to; No. 2 Hart+horn, Bic; No. 8 startled b Nar914ern, 79ic; July, 84a; Septertw Carman h ber, 76c; Doceanber, 741'¢ to 74ie. WHO. VORIDI'G N GRAiN MARKETS. T.OT(don July 28.-ATaxic latae Mil. Six Clerl for Martial : Wheat, foreign gtdoh tvttlh a gmgI1 buaititzge, English stda- A Niag€ dy. Maize, .Am'ol• tian •anh'DanLI" says! War bian ponret^ c1011),an'd at 0118101' pt•iC©s. day ovenil Ilcoi,, Alnoriean anEd Britl0h quiet. morle New Ptlrjs, July 28._ Wheat qulot, .Ally clerka as 241' 9or, Sopit, fink! Feb. 22f 104, freight ( 9)tt•.u°. (MLiet, Jthly 81f 900, .Nov. early Yost au+d Filb, 20f 8(iC, litiezeln eoutntrY tubo .rad 1 Inni4kets woak. I of having Ant.worp, July 28,-Mhent, apot morcl?and! titowity; .No, 2 red winter, 16if, the idea, CA"1 1`LTII ltfAnTCTY,l`S, thefts tvoi fpsaibttal 7 110ronto, July 212.-Trn,de In' all ad, ]!ive kliese'riptions of oat'tlo was dull at tho implicatod WwAern Max'ket to-chly, 0110 Lhe va, plot to r( linea 0f oxporters t10611he8 10 to 150 pleaded u, I ___•_---:•- - mile Na e(tttn wbo "aid t.lu, tralne way bo "aid THE HOUSE OP' COXXONS _ IN THE OAMPHOR FORESTS MISTAKES IN BREEDING _ NEWS' 11 tabs• al. of cattle amour toot he Nptes of Prooeedingo In the Can -.,.,....- PERILS OF TSE INPUSTR7C IN- TILE SIRE IS ATUC73 ]YTGRE Theatre. :10, mud° up or a largo adian Parltantont.• THE WILDS OF 70UXQSA• THAN HALL' OF TILE SERA, Telegraphic Briefs F ox ofsa le tvllITailoh tvpre OW of atilp by reason oC S'1'(1C1C-GAATI3L'1NG. Wild Natives Bill the Tri anese P g• Certificate o£ Registration Is Not a ijc t'�YE'r th,. fi1'h ixlt being willing to OPni'- The evil o0'e"s of atock-gantibling Workmen cad ilia Always One of ----- extent, and the runt of the Avos of youths POJ,icempn, Nerit, CANADA. of not requb•c cat,tlo for rhi tment, and ponce any 1 will) are carriod away by the glamor of the stock market and the sedue- A donpatch from Toldo ,aye drat Gtltulh, in ilia Tho chotep of the HIM Is porhapS Important, step in all breed - Tito cost of a general of Manitoba is about $50,00( t hand tvtrutd nava to ha t (.heir eh1wilse for F•et'el'-. five voice of the ,taker formed the topic of an inl.°r0atln di,°aaaion In a cantl)hoa• rplla)pry at Island of ForSIWHa, was attuakild. re- tho loos, Ing Operational, Hays the Live ,`''+toell Slx hundred ballot boxes tf they thuiefor'o did not , r l s C rings tis t•h0 other Lhe I u c ml o aently by 1.5U of the wild natives, Commission+r, Alr. F. W. ITocilml. During' the SIX llLottths 0n ILuoh huNiness. '1'l:p our- d,ly. '1`hn ,uh,Joct was introduced by i bj who, ktllud the .Jtulta;nesu werlcttu)n T'hn trite rnnittl'k that, "the gtt•a is 801.h Kingston City Clerk gland Is rot, lower price, 'Mr. Douralsa, upon the motion to antes Lhe pollcenikn who ware gnalid- (calf thn herd" is Unly pat', of the 84 marriages, 192 birth. Lie cable ad:vkcis stating fCU U1Lo aapply. 1;7o pictured in Ing them. It was a sl,tall est.a.b- �f initis. IIt, is much more than half deaths. gII the tnarkot there tvt•s eloquent senna, Lha wreClc of pronris- ur i� tile v •'1 na uattbnr 1 lish e t ant, tic ict t u, a s encs ) t. parents, of the herd, hnciulre, of ti P � ibe vacancy ill ilio Suer The gh0r earlier in the weak the p-OSpocts were tug euraerg, 4hn miaory wad sorrow only aloveh puu•,anS, but the Lrag'pdy illiuslrates taw perils of tie ctunpltor he usually exerts the greater inftu- once un tho conformation Of the oil- 13enah createri by ,110 deal Into Afr, Justice Armour , yet bho ,vide was out there which rostulted front the wania rot )iPectulatioll in stocks. and denounced Industry in that island. y lure hutluB the spring. This. of COurSO, is trail ons Y P g• offered to Mr, A. B. AYlnst decline. 17xpo'rtors have g honey on their hbip- tho ,uothoda of stock brokers of a n ea v would g are carried under Acts bells ni tiff- when ha Is Lha more inl':snsnly bred. It is tint enough that ]le. Ile purr Ottawa has another $zoos t Ionian's Island, the beginnmi'ng of elle yt-ap Lditiore. to res chance6 loneo class. Ili, ildditSs gave OVl- cl0ncu of a careful stud of the ues- Y q d (ielult and (ialtg(1'pUa rl, CllrTlj)11aA' and r•a[deal in Ftra.gody Orad; in is lnncest aft that, he Como Pur at the pat a Youngfarm hand na n mote at p'reaont. Thal_ y tion, oafs the ltoy-uoLu which ho Thorltis 'Phone is ti groat deal ince Lragocly Of 0. lisle Of 0.nCnStl'y retnarl(Ahlr. If and Lnesul from Alulgrave, Haar cls were iLlcewiso down in sounded founts nian ceboon from all y Fltz- thou relocate about it, and cantphor lino of of 0, lin, the chance result O[ he be, the The report of Llto seer a sea Ig to the heavy rotate,» 1 >art', Of WO IIOuao. ItOn, Mr, is obtained only by braving ,baso a indi,crimtnnir+ brooding, ho is not la is Hamilton Cemetery Board d the unwillingness of pat.rlek voiced the sympathy of tho (ha"gorsI for nearly all the world's likely to prove an Impressive save air°. six months ending June . take too largo A ,apply t;ovarrutvnt unto tho entre House in sul)j)]y ewu(as from Formosa. fail t° vary Iris st0clt can gre, receipts amounting to $3,11. r A large tulmber cons°- an movement to check ill° itimato Y g Jaran unit CUInu. to thea 1 go pro- t 11•!'kgLLlal' lit typo. This paint CAtl- T axpenditurpa Af $5,125, stained unsold. speculation fit stocks, lailmatod otuce, otlly about 500,000 pounds a not well be overemphasized, for It is Shull be able to see something of the 'tie- I'pr 1.0+1 ilio. that the Clovkrnn,ent were aiit•a to yaar, but t(hp twtn'ual yield of For- just here that the novice in breed- CRhAT BRITAIN. to heavy ...$4.•�o $5.00 the danger, cold that sotse romndy alf"c !s front 6,000,000 to 7,(7(10,- FO¢StltOaa the Ing is most apt to retake mistakes. it A set of silver spoon r is 4.310 ' 4.55 to ellpek the dontorallzin tendency g of unhealthy and reckless spticulation 000 pound,, cohttt•els cam4illor markets of the world and is a too common practice to select London for $;24,500, In Mast Suffolk, 117 o ...... ...... •r cls ............... 4:00 4.05 would be -provided at the present • 11 al 1 al v bo tSuo ^'eat _ will probably always ? s P y 3 Ti'sou er:L source of this valuable grin, Tile Steck from a.11lmlt and hu breedingg Y the winners ret our exhibitions, t.nk- h sea r ki,t' a o I t by „ ... ,,,,,, 4,00 9:.30 "` " r . 333,3. 3„)0 9:.00 session. L'OILD:fGLQ AGITATC7I;S. world hos to to mote fox• car her 1 Y t'4r Ln care only to stipulate that they g y 1+'rp Several Mormon mission been hooted out of North ,. .,,,,. 2.90 8.73 Senator Loughkcd's bill, directed than it did a few yoars ago, cued Line reason is the danger anti di.fH- be eligible for regist.raLIUn, quo,ttly a Phenomenal shewyard anI- Norfolk. light .. 3333. 8,25 3,75 uh.onL-1<ecis. 4,00 4.25 against rho interference of foreign n itaLors in Cauatla, was read a g oulty of collecting it. 'Liw trial is Great Grimsby has a pop 80,000, but only church ac . 2.50 3,75 third tee, and passed in the Sen- Tho tree -clad ruount•ains of east Part of ilio 3slltnd contains the AN AGCID'I+INT OF 73IItTIT, and Avnn thpugt't ha be ragistrrcd in tion for 6,000 er p sons. res ...... 3333..... 8.00 3.75 3,00 ate. WILL 131] COATI'ICNSAT]`D, Iar'go:+,t cantph'or forests in the world, They are also the Stn nip of the ]lord hook, is sono Lho lass a and '17bo Federation of Mast �PninCT9 at AIanL'lleat(r lata ... .. 2.75 Znbs, each .,, 2.25 4.00 Air. Osler drew the attention of savage tribes that have novor been ..scrub” in point of brcedlrig, can reproduce his good qualities only after run their factories Icer cwt.... ... 3.50 5,00 rho Flausa to an itmn h'0tn I,o,tdon Aubchred, by accident. It is unfortunately true a week. Tito lady of my choice is a shade Truth, which criticized ilia Cana(lian NEARLY IiALF OF 1rOIUMOSA that a Cortiticate of reg•iatt•ation is The Landon Standar •.... . ...,,, 3.50 4.00 Govornincint's action regarding calls- is still occullAod by these murderous not always a Certificate of merit. The General. Ilotha's depot -tat . 2.00 0.00 ponsation of the Anchor Line Stettin- mon of tits foresias, whose woaa)ons only sato way to select breeding South Africa for denouncin Go to 200 Ills 5,50 0.00 ors, which savad the Canadian aro tlurned ngaina, all strangers, stock is to visit the long-established tem of government ,honk. a ... ............ 5.55 0,00 steanror SCOU11, Ile trusted the Thies the forests present very diffior- hard of some brooder repute, and Last year tib° press revel ....... ...... ...... 6.55 0.00 Govecrnnent would do what was fair, Lint conditions from The ppn00fv1 I buy after Bening the sirs and dam, Glasgow tramways w;xa y Sir W. Xulock said tha Govern- p,hxi'ns in lkuh west, inhaUtted largely gild if possible, the grand -sire and and the expenditure£4:31, )F MRS. J. J. FOY. mart resistkd payment of the ques- by Clidn'ose rice -growers. grand -dam of the animal selected, ra le baja Ing a favorable balance of _ tion as affecting insurance, but they The Risen who collect: the camphor Choose a hog from a large avail lit- Mr. William Jossop, of t ,card From the Steamer Intended to fully compensate the Bayo to work aiuong tibese tuoacher- ter; fecundity is an hereditary trait, Jossop Steel Works, She Macassa. parties who effected tip rescue.. ous natives. Tha campaaor camps and it is essential to profitable hog has just concluded a vis' o despatch says: Mrs. J. INSI'TICTION OF SEEDS, Fisher's aro acattored for 140 miles north and south. Tho worinnen them- raising; and the evenness of the lit- ada, will recommend his cc establish a Canadian bran cif° of the member for The consideration of Apt•. solves are w'kll comets, but Ube Ila- to is a vahiable y of t.ho ox- guaranty his Plcaso do; it will be fun.,, )site in the local Leg'isla- bill respecting the inspection and tivos do not hesitate to altac'k them cellonco ar his breeding, and of UNITED STATES Ir iiia deck of the stealnnr sal° of scads was again considered in committ°°, Mr, T'Ishai, having cart- Mole/ tbey aro In constiterable noun"- bars or are strongly d by consequent tc otenc q p •'P Y• The offspring of fmtnaturc parents 4 p A strike insurance corn . Thursday afternoon, nota' nd although she was al- sidorod the suggestions made by last gualdt Japanese police, »hould seldom or never be used for to been nonmed at New Urlenn A son was horn to Mr, iintely rescued, died a few members when the lT.ousC wits in committee, offered several amend- Thorc is glory for the natives in killing these intrudes in their forest ft breading purposes, 71tc0,y are apt be latticing ht constitution and vigor; Grover Cleveland on Satu tareuvro Exactly haw t occurs•od is 110N ]contra, moats, among others one exanlpting vogotablo seeds front the provisions cosi, furthermore, the oam:p equip- food 'os rho this is especially the case with the of an immatuttl. data. Few The building trades tieJir Yuric is over, and 75,000 was in the Immediate vi- of tho act, and another providing tient and the Supplies aro pp le 'timate spoil of war. At last g P offspring thins will more quickly Load to the g q turned to ,cork on Moada rs, Foy at the time. Sud- over, someone cried, "A that when farmers Sall send t° each apeounts the Jrp°,tteso Govoenmotit deterioration of a herd in size, vigor The Chita o Health D g announces a discovery be rbonrd," and then a life- other the purchaser may require the had a force of 1,500 pollevnien an'd and fecundity than the continued use foreshadow a complete our quickly lowered, the en- transaction to conte under the pro- vision, of the act. There was some suldiers guarding the comphor camps and esiom•ting 011e pArties tIvaL carry of immature femalos. Itt conformation the boar not only erculosis. o stopped, and the lady opposition to -the clause giving the the gum out of the tOITSits, But must be of the approved bacon type, Judge Brewer of the Unit K Supreme Court has decla hal been from informant in cages of breach of the .in spite of all prkcautiorts, conflicts but must have the distinct and un_ one who participmUs in since 1)[1'ity, and since the ill- act a portion of the fine, and the AlinisLor withdrew the obnoxious aro of frequent oiodurence. 4 moon- &ties which masculinity of appear- onto whish is easily recognized but „a murderer pure and still p ,on wiUl scarlet fever, oder treat,mant. Thursday pr - clause. The commiLtoe reported pro- to with pical taints covered with tropical jungle boat covered is Impossible, anrl.this is the NOT EASILY DESCRIBED. Without a friend in the poorly fu his pocket, "W to and another patient, gross, and the Minister promisees have rho bill reprinted as amended. aintast reason why tale Japornaso G�ovetm_ Masculinity does not necessarily it'll- sixtoetryear-old newsboy, Y. li by n o'clock of nurses, mont: has not attempted to and the Ply undtia coarseness; it consists suicide by jumping into ha 1]. o'clock I7amilton TI -1,133 INDIAN ESTIMATES. conflict by sodding a large force rather Ln a hold, foarless, "coma on, river, New York. L trip oil the lake for the Ilon. Alr. Sifton's estimates. for against the natives. If the Gov- who's afraid" expression of counter- Dr. Charles Worden St The party seemed to be the Indian Department were t.alcen ornment should attonlg>t ,to do so ante than in any pecullarity of con- Public Health and Marine tcinsolves, and all went up in Cotuntitteo 01 SuPpIY, and up- the natives cOuld not be founrJ, formation. A cortain amount of Service, Washington, is sat the sad accident ,befell on qhe ttenx of $10,000, ono -half for Only thoy can move with calority, coarseness is unavoidable, especially discovered a parasite t the relief of destitute Indians road among their mountains, and they in an agod boar, but he must not millions of mosquitoes each lady wag brought back medical attendance on Indians fn vo•lad easily °lade anjd hava such excessive roughness as J. W. Glenister, of New tonnicr every °.Tort was the Yukon, and the other halt to BAFl+'LE ALL PURSUERS. would indicate poor toodrng qualt- who attempted to swim tl e$useit•ate ler, but with- promote their education, lion. Mr. Of course the adds tics, nor is it deslroble that lie be Charnel in 1807, will tr and alio diets shortly bo- Stfton stated that there ,vane 702 t!Ilo coot of ilio protections iL affords protection of extreme size, Mr, Sanders Seen- the whirlpool rapids at Ni Lon was reached. The de- InclLans in the Yukon Territory. The to the price or"t(ho comRnodity, and cer, the noted English brooder, says the second week in August ly was extremely popular amount asked for educational Intl— this is one reason, why caml)hor is on this ,fh0int:- "Although some The strike of the iron ret and Montreal, where she pesos will be used to assist any itis- hell[ at a high price. Another ],sea. persons make mor° size a great several foundviks In Prov She wits a daughter of sionary ontcrprfso that may bo on- OIi is that the Japnitt°s•e bave made point when choosing a boar, our ex- I., inaugurated in Septe 'is C. Cuvillior, a well- gaged among the Indians. The do- canipbor• a Governitlont ruonopoly, porienc , leads its to consider this to has been ofi)eially declare rich gentleman of the lot- partmont was slaking t Commenc0- and it turns a large profit into the be a mistake; a very large boar sol- men losing every point an nd had a family of two nlent in the work of educating the national txiia5ur�,. dom lasts long; he beCOmea•tOO sitions as well. Airce girls. Indians in that way. It is not difficult to obtain a per- hoayV for the sows; he probably Two striking teamster +-+-- 4 alit to collect camphov, but not a proves to be slow, and his .litters Haven, Conn., convicted of VITH A BURGLAR. CANADA'S GROWING TRADE Pound cart be »old except to the tow and small fn numbers. A very a non-union man, and of c G•°vernulont w1hich fixes the pn•l0o to largo and heavy boar is also more were sentenced to serve on _ to Rob Bank of Com- _ Substantial Increase Shown by stn paid fat, it. The Gov'ernnlatt also endeavors to Iceap L•ho market likes to suffer front weakness of the y spino 0r !rind quarters, and he is Yxro- the county jail and pay a for the attack, and to not e at Cannan, Man. , Customs Returns. price at a good round figure by quently weak ht his joints and fifteen months, nor more leg, Alan., despatch soya: An Ottawa despatch says: The re- linicittrig the amount to be Smit to crooked -logged. Those latter tailings gg years in State Alison for c L was made on 1{"aduesdny turns compiled by the Department of the markets, and it will ttofi buy a should be specially avoided, as they At Schenectady, N. about 1.45 o'clook, to Customs chow a considerable ex- pound in excess of this limit. ai•o hereditary 'cud .will frogttontly of a trolley oat• refused to the Canadian Dank of ay Carman. Mr. IT'. ].i, X. pansion of trade for the fiscal year Juno 80th. The But wh}le the world has to pay for talc Grove,livni monopoly, isle crop up for several generations. Weak-n0ss of ankles and roundness of as the car had reached t Stara street hill, pilo assistant Clark, sleeps to catling ttggr°gate foreign trade, which OIIr�braCOS the entitled .7aPnneSo Ci•ovol•nnt0nt is ontiLlpd to credit for its efforts to maintain the bone-i,tvo qualities which should be back down the hill at ti to scally Icaciag the track ,n a stretcher in the mail- total imports and total exports of Industr and )reserve the so'ut•COS of Y Preserve avoided in si alio-gr° often allied llit0 a het(ae. D C. Tie was lLwakCllCd by ng of a trap door cont -Y• domestic and foreign7,0 produce, in- were While the Gle, With great size. A mntilnlll-aiZOd, compact boar, heavy ill Lha llittd scoping Tido the conductor sat on with the collar, and is revolver hurried to the anu0untad to $96'7,687,049, an a Expo of ,4 ostio 000 over 100 ,. t1le still masters of lb,adli a ilio own g still laps forests were growing liarters and light in the fora guar- q g tors, will frequently continua fruit- Banging to prevent tbem and thus pfabni]y saved t roo{c in time to Soo a trap. Exports Of rlonleatic produce for the year totallod $214,401,(37'4, an til- the Is snvalla•, because the Lroe is killed to colloct the gam and nothing was ful for at least twice as long its will GENLr1.tAL. the Watson Tired at crease of $18,38'1.,911. over the pro- done to make good the. lincber do- the heavy -shouldered and coarse- 'of or, and the bullet struck vious year. gt},,oyod. boned boar. Nearly the whole Germany will send a com a little to one side. Tito The exports of ani.nxals nod their Tho Japanese, oil the other hand, the ,,,.oat successful pigs have been America in 1004 to stud lurncd the fire, but forLu- products and the produce of the require that a tree shall be planted on a Small rather than a large al methods. Bed his shark, Watson farnn figures; lip to $114,'141,863, for every one that is destroyed, and Scala." Grave Irrogularitias are I this trail and atal•tod compared %%ith $96,313,131)7 for 1002', the G•ovoinilllont Is also eaLabliallins-r [ Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. P g COVCrp(1 .til 1110 recent C1C utillar stairs rot' Ilia mail, The total ni»g Of O4 OaxPcct • , as Ger 'as again. allot at by the 6,01,Canadian,fern at exports was 8tS 88'6 01 or an 8 $843,386,015, ° 5 , G, iblat FOINta , , l , 11-L t Sa is Cx )CCted i1 Lha olruo tstiat r 1 ��_ 0d int 110 Jews wit0 0 T eJe but again canto Off with- incrtsaae for Clio yogi• of ahead $4,- Increase spar fict4crC, to viulfl largo quant,- CRAZED WITH FU1YiES, ICtshtu0ff have been poiem Without considering itis g 000,000, Exports of manufactured ties of eultivated camphor as well as dorod baelc, Still advanced in the di- articles am.oantod to $20,624,967, the wild product. Sailors of Str. Toronto Victims of Servtan authoriLres soave the rotroating burglar and acre shots at flim, as Ile c an increase of $2,161,997. The int- list less r SOLDIERS GIFT. Delirium Tremens. a plot to aver o the mur. g late Xing Alexander. israpo by an outside stair ports on the free haat year, cern and bullion, amounted to $86,- " -- A New 11ork despatch says :- i cellar, but again missed 038,78,4 all increase or $10,000,000 Governor -General's Foot Guards Grarzed by the fnlnes of fusel Oil DIED FROM FRI no clue t0 the persou or over 1902. Oanada's' total roraign trade is given at, $470,000,000, with Receive Costly Present. which peirncatod tho bold of bh0 s+t'oamor Tovonto hof the 'Wilson line — Woman in Rtutawa Acei y at attempted tile robbery, vident•ly, must have known 6,00,000 of population, An Ottawa despatch BOYS; The of firers of the Governor-Gansral's Foot fnoan ITUII, halt' a dozen satlars rLllfci longnh.at•prnon, wllio w'et•o utlloaadiag denly Expires. ndings pretty well. Tito +—'- - Guards are the recipients of a very her cargo, fought ca'cal other arid A Po,l% Rowan 40iglatich ,as made by an outside . HOMESTEAD ENTRIES. handSonto gift 'from the a03cars Of beir would-be roAcllers, the noltce, Robert Cowan avid her 'i to CCllal•. the 10,11 National Guard of Albany, and a171NttlAll,Ce sll;rLreana, ftnd. tl'ictl MAapn1; of (,illtCVtge, w'al'e ' or, of the electric light Over 31,000 Were Recorded bast NX., Who visited Ottawa last SOP- to jump over -board at, pial' 50, a buggy an tVedlclwgdaY, n hoard i,ho shot -9, and was Year. toulbcr. Tito gift is cat nppteclation g North Rtvor, on Tuos(day night. Af- coming down Dedt•]ak's , Seo three men jump Into of the entertainment and reception tm' pre hou,r's stnhrg,gle, sJx men ,vert ho,rsc stuciblocl said [ell. u bloc'ka east a•f the bank A Wlnthipeg donptatch says :-T.-TC°tea- given the ,.0th National Girard in tn,keu to a ho»pitid in (llitbu.lances. ahs pit0b'd farwasd, .but o0' South. The affair has .stood alt+rics node in tllc. Galtadian Ottawa. It consists of a decanter, Tw•only sten wm•o worsting in the by Arra. Masons, who w 'logs Hien here as so far sn N'ovUll,wost for the Year ending Jun° punch -bowl and throe dozen glasses, hold whoa two casleS of fusol oil, be- and kept from going out s bean froC ftbnt burglars, 80, 1908, number 81,002, as conn- all or tine richest cut lass. On Oncli g t1 hoisted to the mail clock, foil Ing the hatwe, in onduavoring ,a__ Pared tails$ 14,21;9 for the year otl,d- j7ierk i,ho cmblam of the G: G.F.G. is and blPnsL', Soots the funea 1x+gan its fent, ngai,l slar•tnhlOd, ESALE ROBBERY. Ing ,lune 80, 1902, art Increase of Olt one side, and Lite emblem of the to affect the suitors antis 'fongalu»,o- hreoching breasting, (,lie bt 16,713. Thoso figures Speak Ole- 10th National Guard is ort the men, and they all hurried to the agatingL the horse and A "a:n s Arrested and Twenty ciuen'Lly _of the dol,plopmolit Of west- ern Canada. 711e fig;uros fill, Juai+a ot',hor, 'I'llO offlcet:s sent a reply to Albany fricndg, expressing dod,I Captain Whitten called for veal inteors to go 'down into the held again pitched forwaitd or the front of tho buggy More Wanted. 1908, show 6,644 enta•teS, corupa,crd thelr their siucorost; appreciation of this furod toke rep lite 011. Six men vol- She rottkl, and when taktt ra Falls, N,Y„ despatch with ,'3,8447 for the cor•i•Oslptr-11011rng handsome slid costly gift, a g uattoc+rod, Sa.nntel Miller, 'T1t'onma ldizaid. Tota mtldical'mon, ants were issued oil Thurs- Inonbit of last Year, Luvincruasc. of . ljay, William Lex, Jabot Modo'n, Wil- tmntOdiately an,aliari.61codo vv g for Lite arrest of twenty i.,29,.,. These latrtoc fl'gurog prove —i' Aant ITacoa and Tholeas Pabtorsoln, opinion Met bar doa.ili rer York Central ltaih•Oad tdna.t titre is no'd001T"L iu tate bide Atillw and Ray soon toppled over. fright, and that Mrs. C ha result of the robbing of of fmnuig;ratloit whighis flowing into 'WOItJClNG UMVAlkDS. ,phey wore brtsugirt np on :chole and dead when sho tell out of A1•a on ti?a Central 1'OtLd n•day, morning, Six Clarke W.A C011nitl`y. - - (ral(e tlt0 lowest gCat a.11fl wol'le .t, Your way vit. Lot it ntnn be callod appeared to reV1VC, but a fighting tipirit s°utlwd to seize Miller, and he --+- ., BIG. STRIKE IN R eon arrested oil the charge �� up always, Do your work wgtprovor Jdad to be tied, while ].day w111A d to .. taken large quantitios of c=. . HE SI F S OF WAR. T N yoxt are, ar>d do it,,fo,ithfully nAVI so jure p overbaai'cl. Dr. llTr.11acinid' 40000 Persons Invo h e bola freight Cara wfLlt kontannt°cily ti•a,L tlrei ,viii tt^aitt ,you sold Lle man Iran] boon so a6'0ntcd by Bakeries Running it Is alloged, that the Russia Has Arranged For a Largo still higrnel•. The mora yont do your vvonlc well, ilio luumn thry will ,vont Cabe fuanea that they inirlit its well bi. C1afsAcl as vict9urs 0C delirium A 71n1e, IZusaia de8pnta Id be attributc(1 to pro- obbors, have boon arraign- Ia,a)t, von s't'ill higher and liighor. 13n Nrknnans, tihe ntlrars sang, d'attaOd A general strike has by )P them pleaded guilty and A St, POLnralytn•g'dospatcb altys:'It" is said Russia Inas arr.a.ng�od with. dnatvn uyt. Do not Porto ,voUrsolf up. That loads to chicatlar,y, to lnaigi,rtl, kriod, a'n`d fought, togolther milting sukh a lmx'.ltet that, a groat iters, Wlydh Involves 4 410118. ':Cilli nowapapers hat rnhe romp° clerics In n Lite Can an Tho stxtll I. -H 14.cr..ip yA 7rronert anplLtLlists for a loon 0f pa,000;1000, I,1•ptcatca CO mistakog, ua:fJ at»nn to tomi)ttalonn ani 014mas. (ic•otvd bcllrxn to izalrllOr. Tl?A police Iliad to Visi)grso, it, ad, •ay,ld evot;yth3trg is at. Oxcapt a tow balc'orfes, q11 S UNFORTUNATE TILL MEN ym ars l rme end s to tries Standard he t ch. pan), Y• ted a world `W1 tocommitted ilex h y labor d a ,Ito car tat Do y to pLct tcee, was as Tra. d Co IrSSIA. lvild--Oail la an 0,000 •A a THE, HUXORS ,AND XXSERIZFr roan Alii OF SIX -FEET r1LX1 small Boys Were the Bane of lxia a. Life-Tncidel4t at the Theatre. action in a. What a curious world it In, fu which one can spend part of (M404 About life In lon'g'ing for a thing, and tA10 used. rentabider• Ili being sorry that we ding' .tune ever roallined our airibitJon, smites a regiaternd Correspondent of the London Tit- . and 202 131ts, As a very young boy, if ..x had been naked wimther I would like Court to be a peon or a Life Gi'uaxtJv;n'an,: �lu h of the - t v nhe 'atin l i g] ould ha,a u aft g.� 1 tap-' I I been vort:h. ad for the moan of mala inches; and y w h t now that I am elongated eno g p 1 mx case P be able to tuck a Six-foot warrior lout being under my chtu I often feel It would be a suprome joy to part with a Roos, good manly of my lnrhes. ngham. Aly trotlblos began at school mild etary of have continued over since. AS. a for the boy of fourteen I measured six foot 40, Shows In nkv socks, and must have out 34,50, and rattier a con)dcal figure in my Rton jacket'., since one of the junior maa-. ters nicknarned me "Line" whloh, according to Euclid, is "length with sold In out breadth," while lily schoolfpl- lows, in playfxll reference to the of 913 length - of my legs, used to address woolen. as tile "Tongs,." have But the small boys of four foot IValsllunn, the ane of life; . nothing were L b my , and it is a wonder I did not assas- 1 of ulaton of sinate a few of them. One ,young ? tendon Pascal who came up to the nhidWo button of my waistcoat would ma ko a pair of field -glasses of his hands, er Cotton as(i, peering up at me from a safe will here- `distaneo, would exclaim, al if in four days I claitoilishmoret, "Iittlica, J000s 1 Ta it really ,You 4 33thy, I thought it demands was Cleopatra's Needle I" Lon from Anotltor, also from a rospec'tful g the sys- distance, would advice me on a sweltering summer day, sue of the "TO WEAR AN OV;DTLCOAT," £656,5172, as the only ohance I had of casting 870, leav- a shadow, while meteavological en - £224,7g2, quiries as to the "state of the wear William t.her up there" were overt' -day, incl - field, who dents. to Can- Ilv the Lima I left school I was ntpaty to sfx foot four inclloa, and, alas, still growing, said I quickly found that schoolboys were not by any means . alone in a mistaken son" of humor. has "Won't you take your sent, sir 7" a. a man sitting behind me at Lha Ly - and Airs. caurn Theatre onto asked. "We relay. Shull be able to see something of the p in New stage then." men re- "I ala sitting," I answered, some - what indignantly. opartment "Olt, beg pardon," the lunatic Roved. to went on. "Didn't know there was. o for tub- 90 nuich of you," and everybody joined in a lotud suldle at t.be sally. States But the street boys were, and are, red every- m1' biggest plagues. One young Imp accosted me In the Strand, and, lynching Is.,, proffering the stumip of a cigarette, or a asked if I wouldn't light it for hint a at an adjacent lamp -post. WillOn I Politely explained that the light was too high, even for me to reach, he rho East retorted : "Oh, garn; yor can of the stretoh that bit extrar, eawn't Hospital S'er 7" On another occasion n I was d to have he arising from t seal; oat rho F�nbank- which kills moat one young gamin $,°ruck an at- year. titelde of alarm and when I had. rig - York city. ell to lily full height Of to English SIX AND A HALF FELT, to swim as it was then, he heaved a sigh of agora In relief and remarked to a juvenile oulders in friend' ".Law•ks, Bill, I thort 'e was idence, R. never agoin' to stop. Ito give me last, such a turn." But I think the worst time, I hate d off, the their Po- had has been in my courting days. Tito lady of my choice is a shade under taro feet nothing said barely, of New attacking attaconspirking Codas as high' physically, as my heart; said you may imagine who,6 a ludicrous contrast we prosent r o year in when we tale our walks together. tine $1 The very first time I walked with than less that her a young urchin, with an earnest than twolook of onquity 3n Ills face, asked my onspiract. fair companion : "Pioase, miss, did brakes you take him in instalments ?" and work just I hadn't oven the solace of boxing he top of Itis crura. rushed Another of tae geniis boy, who sate, ought to have knowts better, for lie and tele- was on his way to Slunday-sohool, the seranadod me with "Love Inc little, two Pas- love Inc long, is the burden of my jumping, sang," while a bibulous gentleman heir lives. gallantly offered to give Iny fiancee a 'clfft" if sate would like to kis mission to Inc. Even in the shelter of my fiancee's industri_ home I sill not Sato. One day her youngest brother, a little follow of being ilia- six, came ruahithg up to me to a ctions in state of great excitement and smelt „Olt lcaso, do mako a knot, Air. from JoneslW Make a watnt ?" I ashoid in fly or- nmaaealen't, discovered "Make a knot. Charlie"t-4liaL's an elder brothels•-" says you tie dor of tlso yourself in d Isnot whell you go to bed, and I want to see ,you do it., . Plcaso do; it will be fun.,, I FtiONAuRvuLbt l ATIROTS. dent Sud- The naturalist 1Cropotkin Says Mat parrots ate the cleverest of all BOYS ; Mrs birds, They have Buell a well or• Mrs. ganizod police system that no other driving in species of birch aver venttlrOS to at - nes when Lack then,. and they invariably dio 11111 the Of old ago. The .grey parrot is call. - Airs. Clow- ed the 'bird Man' lay the seva.g0S; caiuglht fniiit birth is not only intelligent, but ariving, o•xtretnaly waactionato as well. I1 of the rig; one of ilia ,,slates Is ]<filed by a htra- to regain Lot•,, h° will at once fly to the body, alfd, tho and, 1111caring Wild arses or grief, al-• Iggy wont low himBolt to be, eapturod without Cowart rosietancc. Tho grog parrot has wont out revolt beptl 1tItOl4`n to cite In one of and fell to those outbursts of violent grief. 1 n'1). was whw were -..--^-4—..--- D3matuitc outrages aro occurring in.. oro of the Croatia, Austria-IrungarY, as a ro-- itrtcd from suit of Political trolibles. was Russia has declined to recolve un - the bt , tS!gY 'der any eiriminstallCpa a atit:Jott S P from Cho Trotted States about idle Xiabine0: in-sarre, y i -^^- r CiOAI, Volt ALL, 11 -4 -IV, Fr URIA), '.flit Sdtanl8f ('0111 a) e0a1-fields cav- , . ' N• an apps, or 1.4,000 poinare miles, anYa :- and tatni.ninl, it is o:uLim:atod, 'more deelarold Ishan 600,000,000,000 tans of amts.- . Per- pacibcs on>nlf,gh to attillca for hluat, SUBpowd- wankta ar the wepwif ret• tile. pregahlt - . Standstill rate of con]:.Iounl ,lopi for over 2,000` Years. _, , .