HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-23, Page 8Flies
T .>t DRO
°,n ��,r�h Kh++w:YttfRYi ' ' Ia�tiiiYaµwiw,wYYVic4i',+!Ri9uK4tiU'tCtLS 54�1^m +.rte .�qwW
ereT1-15: .. K�ww�.rrfJ,br.wrw•�ww�.,,•w
averyw a��a�e
In your food ; inyotir living room ; in your bed
room ---making life miserable,
Will clear your house of Flies
in a few hours.
6c. pkg.
DEATH TOPL.1E 6c. pkg.
Sealed Sticky Fly Paper is not the kind that the Flies
pull away from ; nut the kind that dries up but catches
the Fly right on the spot.
'Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
end Beath, as follows:
Gorse Soups. Genre NORTE.
Spall 705 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed 1000 0,m 1 Mail .,.... x07 p.m
Express 9:75 p.m Express ...... 8:17 pan,
Total. Pews Items,
A ohiet'S among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
• REEVE Wrrame has proolaimed August
11 h se the Cielo Holiday for Brcesele
for 1003.
Bane ANENT had a linger on his left
hand jammed ono day neat week while
working in the sawmill,
Sun the Championship Foot Ball
match Friday evenisg on Viotoria Park.
Berlin vs. Brussels. Game called et 6
&Daum AGENT Mmuovene has been on
the stoic list during the past week and
ooneequsutly off duty. Relieving Agent
McQueen is here looking after the many
dnieo at the G. T. R. depot.
TRAINEE ANDERSON has a lively airing
of egntnea under his oars on the } mile
track here. Six of them can do the mils
inside of 2 30. Some of them will make
the beat movers on the turf hustle before
the season is over.
.'ALE. -Mrs. a. A. Creighton,Prino.ee
attest, will hold an auction sale of fur-
niture and hon ehold effects on Saturday
afternoon of next weak at 2 30 o'clook,
She intends giving up housekeeping owing
to the condition of her health and will
take a holiday visiting membere of her
family itt varinae pointe,
G. T. R. SNIPPING NOTES. -Daring the
mist week there was shipped from Brae
eels per G. T. R. the following :-R. H.
Ieergnsoa, car of hoge ; Sait Works, 3
cars sett 1 W. F. Vanstone, oar of hogs ;
A C. Dames, oar of cattle ; Alf. Booker,
Car ORte, car of hay arrd ear al ataw ; M.
Cab', car scrap iron ; W. W, Harris, oar
of rheeee, Messrs. Wilton it, Turnbull
received 3 Cara stove 0001 that io being
de irered thie werk to various h nee.
TEE news from Sault Ste. Marie rel.
alive to Wm, R. Stretton, who waa s0
severely injnreb, reoeutly, le of a pleasing
ohsrnoter. He is able to be ap and take
tbort walks and will betaken to his home
at Schrieber in a "hoot time where be
will take d rest. His bead bothers him
considerably et times y et but the phys•
1:lane are hopeful of the tronble disap-
pearing a0 time wears along. It was
certainly a close call but Mr, Stratton
wee a good patient and his many old
friends hero will rejoice in hie prospects
of aompiete restoration,
a bevy of maidens fair assayed to venture
on the raging Maitland in one of the few
Drafts to be found on the bosom of this
river. Some wicked young fellows hook-
ed the propelling power of the steamer
and when the embryotio sailoreesse got.
on board and set trail for another harbor
they found difficulties on their voyage.
Captain Cook responded to the plaintive
calla of the gazelle but alae in attempt.
ing to get on board tipped up the ship so
that the wet, wet water ran in aver the
Bide omitting a hasty movement on the
part of the p010005ere from a silting to a
Mending peewee. The oaptaia'a good
intentions were misunderstood and as
the gallant brig had settled to the bottom
of the river the dampened mermaids de.
oided that walking was healthier thou
gaiting so footed it to there. They are
einoe their eventful experience nearly as
much imm„rtalized as the hiatorio boy
who stood on the burning deals.
81x girls went galling on the main,
Before the sun had set,
Rut [title tbonget they le their glee
The Maitland wee so wet.
The gents who etolo the paddle,
When they sem their woeful book,
Decided to buts medal
San the go 00000000er, Cook,
Mammalian -A quiet wedding took
place Tuesday evening at the residence of
t[teooe Roddiok, 406 Duffariu avenue,
London, when their neioe, Mies Lizzie R.
Sample, dau liter ot Robert and Mre.
Sample, of Bruossl,., was united in mar.
tinge to Geo. 13.L winker, a well known
young gentleman, of London, Bev, B. J.
Allis, a former pastor of Bru•eobe Mather.
diet church, wog the ofeeioting mtnieter.
The bride, who is well endowed by
Nature, looked ohatming attired in a
becoming 00etnme of white actin and
carried white roses, Mies Fannie Sam.
plc, of Hellenic, was bridesmaid and
Albert Zwielter officiated es groomsman,
Miss Retie Switzer performed her dudes
as flower girl in a very neat manner.
After hearty congretulatbone the bride(
perky eat down to 0 fine wedding dinner,
The wedding gifts were valuable, well
chosen and of a ueeted oheraoler, Mr.
end Dies. Zwloker will continue to twills
in the Forest City where the former i0 in
buaieese, and oommenoe married life
With the beet' wiehee of a large eirole of
friends both in and out of the pity, Tion
Pear vaicee the sentiments of Brueseiftea
iq wiebiug the happy twain many joyous,
puoeperooa jeers,
BUGGIES at ooet for 80 days, Very
beet build. EWAN & Co„ Brussels.
Eetzoorro, of the pink eye variety, baa
been bothering a number of horses in
this looallty.
Ton hoftse of Walter Wilber, Torn.
berry street, has been raised and a cement
foundation pat under it. Mr. Wilbee has
other improvements in view alga,
DON'T forget the Foot Bail Garden
Party at the close of the Berlin-Brueeele
championship game on Friday evening.
Party will take place oo the John Breed.
foot lawn, corner of Mill and Alexander
TRE H. 0. T. M, Garden Party did not
Dome off Tuesday evening owing to the
rain but wag postponed until Wednesday
evening. Owing uo doubt to the short
notice of ohange of date and the cool
weather the attendance' was not as large
as it would otherwise have been. In
addition to a mueiaal and literary program
the g 0. T. A1• Band was in ottenda000.
master Farrow, D. 0. Rosa, Dr. Mo-
NaOehton, H. L. Jackson and R. Dow°.
ing left for Landon to take a band in the
Bowling tournament being held in that
city this week. Oar team played a Lou•
don rink in the preliminary defeating
them by 20 to 14 ; were pitted against
Aylmer in lot draw and won from them
hot were defeated by a Loudon rink in
the 2nd draw.
NONE BETTER -Last Saturday D Ewan
& CO. disposed of a pneumatic tyred bike
baggy to 3)r. Than, of Wroxeter. He
is well pleased with the tidy outfit, A
top boggy was shipped this week by the
same firm to Jim. Oakley of Lindsay,
formerly of this l000liby. Rev. A.
Andrews, the new Methodist minister at
Walton, also hitched up to one of Ewan
Co'a fine riga on Tneeday end along
with his good lady went on their way
rejoioing to the village to the Beath,
ACCIDENT, -The Goderioh papers report
as follows concerning the father of Jas.
McCracken, of Brussels :-Jae, MoOreck-
en, sr„ while paeetog down the hill to
Saitford bridge on Friday, bad the mfr
fortune to fall cff the wheel he was riding,
the result being a serious fracture of the
trip bone. Mr, McCracken, though get-
ting ep in years, bears hie misfortune
with a bravery that will reduce the days
rcgaired for the fracture to knit.
F ooe BALL IN THE WEST,-Ia the report
of the manatee betweeu Otto touring Galt
obampione and Deloraine Loa, Daff,
formerly of Blnevale, is credited with
kicking 2 of the 4 goals won by Galt,
"Pepper and Yonng on fall book were
well in the game and McNaughton on
right half made many really firet•olaes
playa for Deloraine." At Harteey Gait
won by 1 to 0. The report says "Rev.
Mr. Gibeou, in goal, gave good 0ervice
and Pepper, MoNaoghton and Alex,
MoArter on the detenoe were very effect-
tive," Some of times names will be very
easily recognized as those of former
graduates from Brussels and looelity.
BOWLING. -Friday three rinks of Lis•
towel bowlers paid a friendly visna to
Brussels and played a match on the club
lawn. The acorea were as follows :-
Hawkins, Modish,
Broadfoot, Ferguson,
Climie, Hewitt,
Yate, ek 10 D. 0, Rees, ek.,..27
Gabel, Oooeley,
Featherstone „19 Dr. MoNanghton,.16
Logie, Ballantyne,
Gerry, t'oild,
Gillies, Jaakaon,
Ainlay, ek ..,.21 Downing, ek,..,,.16
Totaie....00 69
Brueeele winning by 9 theta, D. 0. Rose'
rink saving the defeat as' the two other
visiting rinks were ahead.
WIRE Fool BBrnoo.-Thursday after.
noon of beat week J. W. Scott and W.
Myers, of Listowel, were here to examine
the wire foot bridge recently pat up tor
MUM. Sherrie, 4th line, Morris, aoreee
the Maitland river, by R, Oloee the Page
wire agent, of Ethel, The bridge is 187
feet lung between the bearings and i0 4
feet 4 Mabee wide and oonatluoted of
Page fencing wire. It has a cedar floor.
ing resting ou oroae plate 8 feet apart and
the enepenaion ie 14 feet above the bed of
the river. Poste,0 or 6 feet in the earth
carry the structure at either side and
two guy wires from the oe0tre keep it
trona swaying. The ,woven .wire eiders to
the wells are 50 inches above the flooring,
There fa not Much more than 12 . to 14
inches of a drop or eagin the centre of
the bridge and Air, Close gays it would
Garry 10 ton distributed over its length,
H. R. Brewer, of Bra0Oele, took a fine
piloto,'of it Showing the Scene to good
advantage. 'Phe Lietowel d®legation, ap•
peered to be well pleased with the bridge
and went home 0o report to their COunoil
who tack of putting up a 60 foot' bridge,
Brunetti (Remelt IS also to send a Com.
mitres 10 report on the Sherrie bridge as
they are 0000001 ring the 'Aiding of one
over the Maitland•at the liar mill to re.
place the w0odeu bridge nettled away last
Spring, A number of mDniaipalitbOS are
interceded ie the foot bridge q°°00ion 00
that information oogarding throe wird
can00reotiOne -i0 being eagerly sought
after.Mr, Oineo will bo ready to give
further partloulars 00 anybody desiring
Dominion of Canada Charter
t`,tlIT,11,--•Ptild up *1,000,000
It [NERVE $1,000,000
3311V.11" 0 et/Jame, n, n., . t'li0Atn0NT
A. 7. 110(1001 • • - rIPS•Pullit n11N'r
0. n, tmaesRY, 0, E. T1OM0ON, It, r.,
T000 n nAnenAw, 0. 0. A,
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted, Sale Notes bought or held for Collection.
71. Ti1F. RAt'1VG8 0IASIC-Deposits of 01.00 and nnward0 reeelve6 tied
nhereet et the highest tiauk rate allowed, from Wu of dopaelt. to date
of withdrawal, au the daily haleness,
r..'Partles holding important papers, notes, Ro., may deposit them in
our bank vault for safe keeping -free of ahargo.
Prompt end Crateful Micelle's, Geed Terms.
G. F, SLA/R, Solicitor,
.4, E. MELL/SH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
A ease wedding tock pla0e in town on
Weduemiey. The contracting parties
were non roeidento.
Bennett' Oiaio Holiday on Tuesday,
Aug. 11th. Exanoion to Kincardine that
dray by specie! train,
LAST week the Pordwioh Regard made
he appearance under the proprietorship
of Wm, Watters, who has suooeeofully
presided as .Principal of the Public School
there for a number of years. We wish
him 0000e0s in the editorial chair and be.
lieve he will do well as he is in touoh
with Mineola and Society work, the
Public Library, Agrionitnral Society, &e,
He will find out, however, that he has
street( a more difficult task than awing.
ing the pedagogue's ruler. We have not
heard where A. W. Monte, late editor,
intends locating, The Record is a newsy
sheet and located le a tidy village.
IttpaovstsnNTs. A new shingle roof hoe
been put on Mies Campbell's house,
Queen street, now tenanted by Johu
Grainger. The hedge has also been
pruned and improved, -George Lowry
has put a new covering of shingles on hie
dwel:iny.-A cement sidewalk is being
pat down at Epb. Oober's residence,
Princess street, -The roof has been raised
on John Heist's lienee, Albert street,
after the bnildiog had been lifted and a
new foundation platted under it. -The
oarpeuters are at work on J, Loakie'e new
house, Queen street, thio week. It will
be veneered with Dement b'ooko, A
foundation will be put under the ad•
joining house which oleo beloegt to Mr.
Leokie.-A new roof has been pat on Moe.
Bali's house, King street, and other
necessary repairs made.
GaaDITABLo.-The Winghana Advanoe
Gaye. -"On Entrenoe examiaetion 39
wrote from Wingham and of this number
87 were eooaeoofu+. 22 received honors.
halite Brook, the effioieutteaoher, deserves
mach praise for the very creditable
showing, made by her pupils. In arith•
'natio and grammar ber pupils stood
particularly wail and on the whole se
cured tbo highest mark in the W ingbam
centre," Mise Brook's old Dimwits in
Brussels will be pleased to bear of her
continued 000080e. She ie a capital
teacher. In speaking of Kingham school
we uoti0e that Laura Strachan, formerly
ot Brunetti, passed the Entrance this
year. • She was in the Junior Third Masa
a year 'ago. nig lea good reoord for
Wise Lewes. We congratulate her and
wish her continued progress iu her
et adios.
I. 0. 0. F.-Tharoday evening of last
werk the following afters were installed
in connection with Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, I 0, 0. E„ by D. D. G. M.
McGuire :-
N. G., Jae. Humphries
V. G., Wm. Goodwin ;
Ren. Beo , W. H. Mo0raoken ;
Fin. See., Semi. Wilton ;
Tread„ P`, S. Scott 1
Chaplain, R. Leatherdide
Warden, W. Heater ;
Con., M. Doll ;
I. G., E. Daher ;
0. G , W. Martin ;
R. S. N. G„ A. B. iOlallish ;
L. d. N. G., Fred. Mouraoken 1
R. B. V. G„ J. (Risen ;
L. S. V, G., Its Parker,
Jas, Jones was elected representative to
the Grand Lodge to be held in Hamilton
in Aquae Odd -Fellowship has long ago
enoiroied the globe and is now spoken of
by all tongues, armada and nations of the
earth. Its mottos are held wired by its
members of all peoples end it0 mem-
mande of vieitiog the slob, relieving the
distreeoed, burying the dead, educating
the orphan, and oaring for tbo widow,
are strictly observed by all its million of
members, Siooe its organization fa
America it has not increased 00 fast in
members se this year and today it is
the largest fraternal and benevolenk
society in the world.
The Wiorton Canadian, of July 16, oan•
tains the following item relating to a
former resident of Btnseele 1-
Give me freedom give 1310 apace
Give me open air and eky,
With the Olean wind in miracle
Where the quiet mountains Ile.
I am siolt of roof0 and floors,
Nought will heal me but to roam 1
Open me the forest doors,
, Lot the green world take ole home,,
I am tick of streets and noise,
Narrow ways and cramping oreods ;
Give ma back the simpler Soya ;
Nothing 8100 my spine Leeds.
Give me three deye solitude,
Sea or bill or open plain,
And with all the earth renewed,- .
2 grow strong and glad and sane.
Thne felt B, Beattie, the proprietor ot
Paoifl0 hotel, during the hot spell of last
week, when lire stated that belled emotion
to Oakes a walk to Lion's Heed," Do
you know Sam. ? He le a big, little fat
men, hardly six feet in his stookings, and
did weigh oloee to three hundred ponds.
About two hundred will batch hint now.
He took the walk. Tom Hurst hoard
him melte the remark 0e above, and at
once offered a liberal bol that he 000ldn't
do it. Sam. quickly coveted the Melte,
and stetted out to cover the toad at aeon
on Wednesday, with the thermometer at
90. Lions Head is 22 long miles from
Wiarton, but Me. Sam reeled them off in
great shape, the perspiration from him
laying the deet as he passed along, and
he took dinner at the Bead on Thursday,
keying spent the night et the hallway
•house. A good toot during the afternoon
anti night qualified him for a fine atart
for borne on Friday a. m., and he patted
into Wierton in the evening in the pink
of condition, an easy winner. He Says be
knows all the Gott etones and comfortable
lounging omen on the toed now, and
proposes rotating the tele ohOrtly-just
for the fan of the thing. The hardest
part of the job was refusing ridge from
good natured farmers and others, who
desired to give the foot sore, weary and
perspiring tramper a lift.
August 11th, is the day eat apart for the
annual Exonreion to Rinaardine. A
speoial train will run from Palmerston
on the morning of that day (telling at tke
various etatioue RS follows :-
Leave Time Adults Child's
Palmerston.. , .7 16 a.m. 91 15 60a
Gowanetown ..7 23 1. 16 60
Listowel 7 81 1 10 55
?.47 1 05 55
7 65 1 00 50
8 05 .95 60
Brussels ' 8 17 .86 45
Blnaval o 8 80 .80 40
Wingbam 8 45 .79 85
Whiteabaroh8 67 .85 85
Lnoknow , 9.15 .65 30
Ripley 9 85 .40 20
Arriving at Kincardine et 10 00
Returning will leave Hinoardine at 0 80
p. m enabling the exoursiocioto to remelt
home in good time. A series of Lawn
Bowling and Tennis matches are being
arranged and other interesting features
will be annonuoed next week. Brussels
has declared the lith their Oivio Holiday
so es to leave the clay free for enjoyment
et the lakeside. 'much baskets will be
obeoked at the train and alae on the Park
so as to save trouble to the owners. Ar.
range your plane for the llth and pio-hie
by the side of Lake Huron. A Braise
Bend is expected to accompany the ex•
enrolee, This will be the third season of
our going to Binoardine where we have
always been most hospitably entertained.
People We ({now.
Mise Jennie Howe is visiting at
Mre, (Dr.} Holmes is enjoyiog a visit
at Port Elgin.
Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, le holiday.
ing in Brueeele.
Harry Bartliff wee in town over Son.
day ttom Clinton.
Mre, W. H. McCracken. is at Paisley
visiting with relatives,
Mise Stara Forbes is home from De.
trait on a holiday visit,
Mise Dell Bnrwaoh, of Wingbam, is
visiting at Rev. R. Paul's.
Mies Aileen Scott is spending a portion
of her_vanation at Seaforth.
Miss Govenlook, of Atwood, is a visitor
at the Ildethodbet Parsonage.
The plisses Moore, of Wingham, were
visiting in Bru+oole, on Friday.
Miss Ada Bonner, milliner, of New
York, is tithing Mre. D. ,Ewan.
Mire Mary McKinnon, of Oannington,
is viating her sister, Mrs. Crone.
Jae, grid Agnea Scott, of Seaforth, are
visitors with Mre, arm. Thomsen,
Mies Millie Johnston, of Seaforth, was
the guest of Mrs, Thos. Thomson.
Mre. John Goff and eons, of Toronto,
are visiting her father and mother, Jeri,
and dire. Dudley,
Standard Bank of Canada
=0"z'..A.ima:.,Z101 1072
Of one dotter and upwards
reunited and fnt ren allow.
ed in Savings Bank at
highest rate from date of
deposit to withdrawal.
Int crest
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Cashed,
and every acaommoda•
tion afforded the tee•
poneible borrower.
eisseFARMERS' BALE NOTES Gashed Oolleetod 1 or may be loft for caro -keeping ot117
for whieli no charge is made.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rate's
for the Transaction of every farm of Banking Business.
revery convenience afforded anatomises living at a distance.
Mise Ethel Telford, of Hanover, was
vielting Mre. J. J. Gilpin bhlo week.
Mrd. T. Nichols and Mien Laura are
enjoying a vielt with Hewed! irfonde.
Mies Elgin mod Harold Good are visit•
lug relatives a0 Pine River, Bruce 0o.
Mies Wilson, of Toronto, ie enjoying a
holiday at Thos. Maxwell's Jobe street.
Mise Lnoy Little has returned from a
two weeks' visit with friends fo Hntle0t,
Mies Maggie Bielby and Miea Code, of
Morris, were visiting blies Lizzie Bielby
in town,
Mies Beotrioe Feild, of Hamilton, hoe
been visiting her brother, Dr, Feild, of
Mies Belle Boole, of Seaforth, i0 visit:
ing Misses Flo, Buchanan, Mildred Scott
and other friends.
Rev. R. H. Barnby, 13. D., and coo, of
Milverton, were callers' on Brunets
friends last Friday.
Mr. and Mre, Login, of Listowel, and
Mise Margaret, were visiting T. and Mre.
Thomson last Friday.
Grigg McLennan and Art. Neely, of
Seaforth, wheeled over to Brussels end
visited theAment boys,
The mother ot Joseph Thompson,
Breesele, who reeidee near Port Hope,
bee reached her 89th year.
Mies Minnie MoNanghton, accompanied
by Miss MoKellar, is /01030103 friends et
Westfield, East Wawanosh.
A. 0. Dames is bank trona his trip to
the Weot. He is not likely 1.0 remove
from Brussels in the meantime.
Master Gordon Rose, of Kincardine, i0
vieitiog with D. and Mre. Roes, hie
grandpsrente, Elizabeth street,
Mr. and Mrs. Milbaooen, of Elmwood,
were visiting their eon, Station Agent
Milhausen, during the past week.
Mrs. Riobard Harrison, Of Walkerton,
w00 visiting her nnole and aunt, Jas. end
Mre. Dudley during the past week.
George Brewer bee gone to Seaforth,
to visit his sister, Mre. Robert Willis.
Hi0 health i0 somewhat improved.
Miss Rate Wilson, teacher, is spending
part of her vacation with relatives and
friends et Guelph, Drayton and other
Miea Tbnrea Gerry is vieitiog her
sister, Mre. W. H. Willie, ot Seaforth,
Mr:- Willis i0 in the Northwest on a
business trip.
Mre. Currie, of Salmon Arm, B. 0., is
bore on a visit with her father, Welter
Smith, who is ill. She will likely spend
a few months here.
Ohae. Taylor and wife, of Lindsay, are
visiting at B. R. Jaoknon's in Brueeele,
and with Jae. Dnncan'e family in Morrie.
The visitors are relative0.
Charlie Zilliaa, of Lielowel, ie visiting
Brine Scott, He is still uoing a walking
nene but the leg he had broken in it foot
ball match at Milverton is not troubling
him now,
Time. Letsr, of Ohioago, Mise Jennie
Comm;, of Trowbridge, end Maoter De
Witt Ooeena were visiting Rev, and Mre,
Cosmos for a day or two Fast week.
DeWitt returned with them to Trow-
Intermediate Chamh]iols11th
Game Called at 6 p m.
As this is the deciding match for the Championship of
Western Ontario one of the finest exhibitions of Foot
Ball ever witnessed in Brussels is expected. You can't
afford to miss it. ..
Admission 25c ; Ladies I6c.
ar C; en,
On the same evening a Grand Garden Party will
be held under the auspices of the Brussels Foot Ball
Club, to which the public is invited. A good program
'will be presented.
Reserve.the evening and- enjoy a good time.
Watch out fol• further particulars.
remittent. Smeltery.
Mrs, John Stewart and Mies Stewart,
of Stratford, are visiting 1Sliee Ohriatiue
Sinclair, Princess street, and . other
friends during the past week.
Oliver, sou of J• lin Smith, Turuberry
street, Brosoola, boa gone on a trip across
the ocean with a view of it aiding in hie
invigoration. He went in charge of
cattle and will- bo baolc in the worse of e.
month or ea.
Jno. Orawford, who is railroading
between Saginaw and Toledo, Michigan,
is la town visiting relatives and friends.
His work evidently agreed well with him
judging by his hearty appearance, It ie
18 years sicca Mr. Crawford left Bras
eels list.
Mre. Geo. Donaldson, of Miles City,
lllorlt., and little sou, Geo. Harold, also
MCBS J. Donaldson, of Boltford, are the
guests of Jno. 'mettles. Donaldson this
week. They were accompanied to Brute
eels by Mise Bertha Dowding, of Toronto,
who had been visiting in Goderioh.
Bt:EL1oN.-In Morrie, on July 12; to Mr.
and Mre. Wm. Skelton, a daughter,
JAYNe9-CLRNNAN. - At Hely Trinity
oburoh Detroit, on July 8th, by Rev.
Dean Savage, Mr. Denis W. Jaynes,
of Detroit, to .Mies Margaret G. Olen.
' uon, daughter of Mr. and Mre, Jae.
Olenoan, of Morrie.
Zeman-SAtimL%-On Tuesday evening,
July net, at the reeideooe of the
bride's aunt, 466 Dufferin 0ve❑ne,
London, by Rev. S. J. Allis., Mr.
Goa. H. Zwioker, of London, and
Mise E. 14. Sample, formerly of Brute
MODoont n, -In Walton, on July 18,
Lewis McDonald, aged 69 yeurs and
4 months.
ra crc rsoz\ sasam.
SATURDAY, Aug. let. Household fnrni•
Lure, ct'0., Prinneee street, Brasoelo. Sale
unreserved, at 2 30 O'oloolr. Mrs. J. A.
Creighton, proprietress. F. S. Scott,
JULY 23 1005
6 e e n
The value of Paris drew
depends upon its killing
power. That's what you
buy it for. An inferior dual-
ity is dear at any price.
Our Paris O'reen
is bought direst from the
manufacturer. Its (purity
and strength are guaranteed.
It is the best and goes far-
thest and costs no more than
the ordinary sort.
Drug Store
AN A 1 driving horse for sale.
HONEY cos SAT's -19 pounds for 91,00,
COMFORTABLE bowie for sale or to rent,
51111 Atroet, West. Apply to
House and lot for gale or to rent.
medium etroet,irame and good garden, on
John 'treet,Bruooelg. Apply at TEE POST.
FOR BALE. -A good lot on Alexander
street. Near o01000l and poetofee ; good
gtltbl 6 Apply to WM. MARTIN,
. Brueeele.
Situated t-Atory frame baflding, 00 x 80
feet, formerly Ooonpi010- l,y the Oober Oar.
rinye Wmks. It ie suitable for sash and
door factory, planing mill or earring° fac-
tory. A boiler and engine will ale° be sold
if desired. now in building. A good bargain
will be given. 3 acre of lend in oo00eetloo,
Por further partloulare apply to
2-tf G. W. POLLARD, Ethel.
uodorelgned will keep for cervico on
Lot 7. Oou. 0, Grey, the thorn' bred Short
Beta Bnil, "Huron Member "Pedigree may
bo seen on application. Terme, 51:00 with
privilege 00 returningif ueooeaary. Ifuder.
stetted also Una an Improved. York Boar,
Terme, 81.00, with privilege of returning
2.8 1i. J. ROY, Proprietor,
A lucky purchase of 6 cases of Men's, Ladies' and '
Children's Shoes at less than, it cost to make the
goods. The 5 oases to be sold in one week. • This
means some great price cutting.
The Cheapest Shoes you ever saw
Only 1 Week, Commencing Saturday
Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing. We have
more Clothing than we want at this season and will
make Extra Special Cuts in Prices during this, next
Men's Odd Pants, Overalls, Men's Suits,
Bos f Suits Mons Odd Vests, Boys'Knickers
Don't forget we ate clearing all Summer Goode such
as Muslins, Lawns, Prints, Ginghams and Curtain'
Goods at Cost. -
The Cheapest Dress Goods . in ',Brussels..
Garfield House, Brussels.
Butter and Eggs tsiken as Cash. -