HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-23, Page 5.1ILY 23, 1903 E.TEX IIBU 881L$ PORT BUSINESS CARDS, /fONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER omit, V.A. 500'1'T, Brussels. 1/ I -L &100.1,1A0ICEN7 11101,nt •(lr'oa00500ary,5 of Marringa Liaouooe, 01• '1'urnbarry proof, Itru, ala, llARMki 1'011 SALE --Til Ii; UN nnae10Npn 1000 Mayoral good animas for saloand to rola, easy terms to Townships of Morrie and Grey, 1f 8. 8&021'. Wessel M. MORRISON. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 1/1/!if-TON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'IAUCHLIN, —TEM:LU 0 OF— PiANO - AND - ORGAN, �RV,Ss�Ls, OT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM.' i0ennANa14, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, E. Estelle Girif ii TEACHER OP VOICE UIILTVIUI Pupil of Was Eva N. Boblyu, of London. Pupils prepared for Con eery; tory satins. t0 -Not visit Brueeole every Tuesday. Lessons given at the Homo of W. N. Kerr, John street. • J. LECKIE, LIPS AND FIBS IISSURANCI5 LOAN AND BIEAL ESTATE AGENT, 1w00NEY TO LOAN AT 41, dx A s Per Cent. O,Bee over 'Hureley'0 Drug Store, Nov. 8rd, 1902.. 80 -Sal Brussels. Wellington .Mutual Fire 111511ralitie Co., EeTAnrrelnsa 1810 In0uranee taken on the 0x011 and premium !ote n. Ing 0100v/hem null on currentstem at rates. ad male tied Agent of the Company. GSOBGE 1500101104, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1. S. SCOTT AS•AN ATJOTIO'N• • nun. will sell tor .better prices, to butter men in lase time and lees chargee t Huron or than e son't charge anything r Date and orders man always be arranged at this ague or by personal application. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Tbe nndorolgned, who le wo10' acquainted throughout the most part of the County and who has bad business with a largo air. ole of farmers In mud armindthis locality, begs to Inform the community that he bite taken out an Auctioneer's License for the 'County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing to hold sales.. THOS. NEWOOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. T D. WAitWICK— t • Honor GI edema of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domestlonted animals in a compet- ent manner. Parti quint attention void to Veterinary Deutletr Calls promptly at- tended to, Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. `1 M. SIN CLAIR— p 0' Barrister, Solloitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, dao, UWoe—Stownrt's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for they Standard !Yank, GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- . ICITOtt, &o, BRUSSELS.— uBlao over Standard Bank ; 801001tor for Township of Grey, Bowiolr Mutual and. the Metropolitan Bank. Private nud Company Money to loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, nab., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow 'trinity Medioal Oollogo,Membor College of l'byeietane and Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of 1?hyofoiane and Lloeotiate of Mid- wifery,Pldinburgb. I0 -Telephone No,14, Residence—MBI a treet,Brueeele. • DENTISTRY DR. 'R: P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate: ot, the Royal College of Dental Surgeoneof Ontario .and Firet.olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. (Mae next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, ' BRUSSELS. /T'1S ALL. RIGHT and {Students may enter /"�y LIS! (J trY at any time. SPRING TEBtf .BEGINS MAB, so, Two eoui's00—OOm21000101 and Shorthand. genet' for College Journal. 0; A. F1EMING, A. L. MoINOYitE, President, Secretary, SHINOLES n's Bli•itisl► Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles ANn--- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE' &T THE Brussels Planing Mils Mao Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe. Eetimatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings, Worltman. ship and Material Gnaranteod, P. A1' N T. Fall Term opens Sept, ht, CENTRAL STRATFORD, 041T. 47 Scores nr Itpaipoea (ionones 1,650 Ti at opened co no for our graduates, to not ��0.n 5.101,050 lotllelt' 00110010. 01110 Is the evldenoe you ors foa001' as e. �t 1the IIL85' 50130 if. to dntsattend, 'rhaue• , ands of ear leaner students are wow t, In 00s,0000lila Write for our hood. 3y 00030 oab,loeno, Q' a�r W,1, ELL107y0, Prisapal, 1`'' 01, ir3tri.ct gem, ad*o til O t• Els . Our tax rate is 25 malls an the $ this year. Frank Batt had 2 ribe broken by a board flying from a saw in the furniture faotery. Frank Gutteridge gate 11 cents per foot for cement sidewalk being laid down here this Summer. Oat of a chum of 11 pupils from the Separate School here all passed the rodent 17ntranoe examination, '7 receiving bonore, IIt'n,yztl J. Tom Berry and Wm, Bachmann left last week for the Old Country via Mont real. The Ladise of the Methodist ohnroh oleered over $90 00 by supplying meals on the 15th. A teen a11on letterbox at the etai1On'ie a ne0e0eity as it large amount of mailing is done there. Mise Martha Hinter was taken serious. ly ill owing to rupture of a blood ves,el hot ie now on the road lo recovery. Honasll needs direot railwayoonneotion with Stratford and an eleotrio road run- ning from Bay5eld to St. Joeeph end through Zurich and Hen0a11 thence to Mitobell and Stratford would fill a long telt want. _.. _ Luciano vv. Isaac Morrison attended the Grund Lodge meeting of Malone, in Toronto last week. Rev. John McKay, of Montreal, is vie. 'Hog his parents Ileotor and Mrs Malay, of this village. ' Out of 22 pnpile from oar sobool who wrote at the Eutranpe examioatioo, 21 suooeeded in passing. John Joynt'e apple evaporator at Teee• water was destroyed by lire. The fire was started by sparks from a paeoiug locomotive. John Sproat, who has been mau0ger of the Bank of Hamilton in Luokuow for the past three years, has been 'transferred to branoh at Indian Head, Aeeinoboia- At the Orange demonstration in Blyth the brass band of the Luoknow Musical Rootety, wee awarded the Bret prize of 825 se the beet braes band on the grounds. Dr. Bp -nee, of Loeknow, wad presented with n beautiful gold headed cane, su}t- ably engraved, by the brethren of the Fordwioh lodge of Royal Black Knights of Ireland. G !'tet. Mise Corrie Ards'', milline 1 of Dray- ton; is home for a visit with her mother, Won Hose left on Monday m ruing of feet week for Elm Creek, Man , where he has .enured a good situation. Mrs. David Edgar, of Toronto, who un- derwent a severe operation about a mouth ago, has acme to the country for the good of her health, end is staying at Robert I,'',dgar'.,Orange Hill. Dr,., W. G. Montgomery, who io ill at the home of hie'father, Win. Montgomery ie we regret to report, not improving as yet and alight hopes urn entertained for his recovery, He is eofferiug frim lung trouble The Ladies' Aid, of Corrie Methodist ohnr0h, intend giving a hinsicale at the Home of Mae, G, W. Strong, on Friday, Angoat 7th. at 8 o'clock, p. m. All are welbome. A' good tuueioal and literary program will be rendered. The following gentlemen have been mentioned its a good committee to tette hold of the proposed Labor Day Oole- bration,,i0 000neotion with onr town. G W. Walker, John Mileon, N. Mo. Langblin, T. D. Edgar, Chas. Audrewe, J. S. found and Jae. Beewitheriok, Mrs. Thou. Young (nee Mist 0 Miller) ie borne from Manitoba, visiting her mother, Mrs. Miller, She }e aoo0mpanied by her little boy. Sbe 'Mende to visit frieltde in Galt, alter which she will re. taro 10' Howick before retuning to Manitoba. ( ctster•ic,t. The heel for a new tog for the Firth Company is being laid on the harbor Island, Wm. Proadfont, K. 0, scoompadied by his eon, made a professional vitit to Gore Bay last week. A oobple of drinking tope are being Owed in the Square, comet the East and One et the Weed side. The red etone for the top acorea of the basement of the library building arrived la; t week and Is being plaood in position. Geoffrey Bolt left on Tneeday of last week for Toronto en route for Mnekoka, where he Will spend a time et the Mao. Milking pottage. Road Master McGarr was in town son. ferriog with the Mayor with referano° to the Bower bade the G, T. R. intend platt- ing at the [dation. The Goderiob Knitting Co. hae cont. maned making its ehi,pmente of Tall bood'sand will for a few weeks have a usy time ending out geode-. Wm. PaeomOre, of the Oivii Service, Ottawa is epeading a holiday in town, and is receiving the right hand of fellow- ship from his army of friendo, The watering tout filling pipe put in at the South 0id0 of the Square ie a great oonvenionoe, doing away with the wet emote at the itydranto on the Sgnere; Ohre, Leaoh, of the Cuetoma Depart. went, Toronto hae relieved dolitelor Farrow, who hae obtained three months leave of absence on unmet of ill health. Sire Thereto T111, of the British Ex. change, had the miofortur0 to trip on on upstairs atop 'Tuesday evening of last week, In the tall her lilt wrist was broken and her boo aonaiderably Weaned. The fraotnre Win 00011 reduced, but the lady, who has been of an aotile diepoei. aim] all her life, will be laid 05 fora eon, eiderablo time, 'I'he Colborne Hotel w 1 ehango hands in a couple of weeks or so, David Sepia, 14 Loudon, being she r:ew landlord. Mr. Robinson has not its deetded on the let. are, but may go W. t Mayor Lewitt' eoht'nte for a driveway along the lake bawls between Britannia road and tho bathing beao1 WAS dismissed at a epeeinl Mn,.tiut, of tin 10,150 110110011 het dot nil Intel (vial favor from the oouuoillr re (gen, 'put ter reoeived a telogrem inform leg hila of the uwpelwing death of ilia brother Allan, who was ill with oonehmp. tion at 1.' Paso, Trxau, He left in the 111 eruoor' of the 'tame day in the hope of reaohing Ilia brother before hie death but a telegram reoeived on Monday aoiltaitled the sad Information that Allis had died 411,1 morning. 1`030 interment was made at El Paso the following day. Thedeeees. ed was about thirty years of age and wee the youngest eon of James Porter, of Goderiol, township. He was a deutiet and bad been practising at El Paeo, Forst valet'. Thos. Downey has put in a cement platform in front of his tailor ehr.p, Mrs. (Rev) Ropers has gone on an ex tended visit to friends in Orilla and Erin A, W. Moe1e hae sold the Record to W. Watters, teacher, who took poeeession lint week. Rev, D Rogers, who has been taking a well earned teat with friends in Oshawa, has returned home, Alex, Orr, of Hotel liruuewigk, Wing ham, eold the Fordwioh hulol to J. Slot - field, of Toronto, formerly of Dundalk. The 0, P. R. bee built a tool house Weal of the station. They have extended the dation platform both ways, making it about 80 feet longer. Thos. and Mrs. Gibson took in the ex onreio0 to Manitobt on. the 4 h inst. They will go to Prince Albert, Soskatohe• wan, to vieit their eon, Edwin, and friends living there, !tire. Dobaou, s000mpanied by Marjory, left on the excursion on Jnly 4th, for the Prairie Province to spend a oouple of months with relatives at Virden. Her easter joined her at Toronto. A meeting of the East Heron Womene' Institute for the dieonasion of household 0010008 011bje0te will be held in the For. restore' Hall, Fordwioh, on Thursday, July 80th. The meeting will be address. ed by Mrs, D. MoTavieh,of North Brame, and Mies Isabel Murray, of the Teohni- nal School, Toronto. VV'i oIi tl ri00 . Mrs. Thos. Forbes was taken to Lon. don hospital on Monday of last week. Her friend0 hope for her restoration to bea'th. Arthur Fellman, late of Wingham, passed his examination in history with honors at the London Conservatory of Mneio.. ' Darkey, owned by J. E. Swans, of this town won Bret money in the 2 15 'pacing xaee at Wiodeor on Monday of last week. Hie be.t time woe 210f H. 0. 13011 lett loot week for Winnipeg, in the interests of the Caeada Furniture Mfrs. Ltd. Mrs. Bell will visit her par. ante in Clinton until hie return, Robs. Malndoo, accompanied by hie brother, Wm. Moludoo, of Fresno, Cali., started on a driving trip to their old home in Teterboro Mr. Malndoo nxpe010 to be away till the let of August. Mayor Vanatpne 11 a proclaimed Tuee day, August 4th, Wiog}lam'e Civic holi- day. The attraction of the day will be Wingham Sunday Bohoolo' exoureion to Kinoerdine by epeoialtrein•oovering the line Irrm Olintou to Kincardine, W, J. Obe,pmsn and family left Wing. bac last week for their new home i0 Luton. They will be molt misead in the Baptist aharoh, where they were active worltere: On Monday evening, the mem here of the church presented Mr. and hies. Chapman with n beantifnl alook, accent pa n ied. by on address, Berlin played here Wedneoday, July 15th, and woe by 7 to 1. Both pitohere had perfect control, Doyle, of Wingham, only ening one charity. The amore would have bean Inuit oloeer but for the wild throwing by Moore end Hammond of the Wingham team, which netted the visitors Ove of their seven runs, The material i4 now on the gronnd for Several improv. 1, 0010 al i•.11 are to be made at the D. P, It swim' gr0uede. A new sidewalk le to be built f•e to the Oat nn to Jahn 510001 ; a , t•W pL•l1 rm to be built 111,11 a naw wtodm"1 erected, Wingham Sollool comes out of the test 01 the I+10tranoe examinations with won- aerfal auooed0. 59 pnpl'e of our eohool wrote 00 the examination, end of these 37 were enoors•ful and 22 ratted in the fluor list. This ie remurkoble anooray, and r,Lola nrodit upon the te.uber, filum Brook, who may welt feel gratified at the restate 01 her latter. !,into vast). R and Mre. Hutchison left }sot week for Winnipeg, where they will visit their eon. Mists Lena Gabel, daughter of John Gabel, hoe passed the junior examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, with honors. Albert Wahlhae deoided to retire from the management et the Listowel ,Torii. E re factory, and his panteee is being taken by Fred. Johnston, of Wingham. The 25th of July w11) be the And an- niversary of the U, B. Church, Listowel. special services will be held morning and evening. Rev. M. T. Comfort, B. A., B, D., of Toronto, tv111 preach ab both ser. vices. Mrs, Klemm, widow of the late William Klemm, was waited upon by the rfloer8 of Listowel Lodge No. 199, A. 0. U. W. and banded a cheque for 92,000, the amount of benedoiary bald by her late hnband in the order. J, B. Gee has purchased the stook of Jas. Rogers, Merchant tailor, and is re. moving hie dry goods stook to the tatter's store, Mr. Rogers purposes continuing the tailoring bueinese at the rear of his old stand. The proepeot of toeing J. C. Clark, olae0loal master in the High sabool, who was appointed to St. Marva' Collegiate Institute at a eatery of 9860, bad the effect of forming the Listowel H, S. Board to take motion, with the result that ltIr. Olark'e service(' will be retained here. The Board hoe iooreaeed hie salary t0 9900, and he hae aooepted. Rev. J. H. Oliver left on Wedueeday of last week for a montb'e holidays. He spent a few days in Detroit and on Sat- urday evening delivered an address be. fore the International Epworth League Oonvention, Rev. John Wooley, known as the greatest temperance orator of the age, and Rev. Oliver being the speakers on that evening. Mr. Oliver purposes taking a trip to Manitoba before return ing, mud hoe been engaged to preach at the anniversary eervioee of the Methodist ohuroh at Souris on the 9th of Augnet. During hie ab-enoe Rev, Harvey Kennedy, of Chatham, will have charge here, Grey Council Meeting. Grey Council met in the Township Hall, Ethel, Jnly 18th. Full ()outwit preeeot, Reeve in the (their. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following tenders were reoeived for the Hanna Drain; Bohan &Mabon'y,88,587; H. Fogel, 93,160 ; A. Hislop, 150 per on. yd., 93,169.60; Connolly do Waters, 93,050 ; Patrick Bohan, 92,947 ; Niobol. 000 & Regan, $3,085 ; Lonie Loogeway, 98,100 ; James Greig, 93,622 ; John 'Nioholeon, 99,379 ; John Curtain, 98,150. Moved by Fraser, ea000ded by Turnbull that the tender of Patriots Bohau, be aa. oepted, ft being the lowest. Carried. Petition from George A. Hielop and others for a. Mnnioipal Drain, 10th oon. of Gray, was read. Moved by Grant, seconded by Work that the petition be approved, and that a Bylaw be prepared n oink John oho Ro er 0. PP R L. 6. to ex amine and report don same. Carried. On motion of Turnbull and Fraser, the following 500onate were ordered to be paid Enron Expositor, advt. re Hanna Drain, $ 1 00 Andrew Tennant, gravel 9 20 Robert Looking, team on grader9 00 Valentine reenter, " 9 00 John Goreatitg, " 8 00 Jacob Kranter, " 8 00 Santee Bird, grave ling on Bdy, Grey and, Morris 9000 WELL -.SHOD E30Y3 AND GIRLS, They need good, c,trcanct, warm shoes —no paper in she c of i;cth rag but solid leather and honest stitchirio, Our school shoe: aro neat. They keep their e;11a'lal They pli tl t i : , .; i t y because they wear so well, A youngster dry t.l }c l :seldom needs a doctor. Here are a few ri'i:; n t; i t prove our values are richt;-- —Girle' Shoes from 70o upwards ; Boys' Shoes from 80o to $1.50 • Children's from 25a to $100, Aleo Boo stook of Ladies' and Gents' Shoos at Popular Prioee. '--In onr Harem Department we are offering epeoial 12ednoed Prides in Fly Nate, Madera, also Single Harness at primes that will enrpriee you. Remember we handle no Factory Hennes and we aleo guarantee every sat we pet out, team or tingle. Good assortment of Trunk, and l7aliers. Two oefor ae, welling /. Qv 1*� d CHARDS. L_'�t P'%f L 4 Hooves for talo, !'K 1P ��f i"`il`i I.xO'►,71 are never made againetfeed supplied by Alf. Beaker, A11 stook like it and thrive on it, end it is pronounced by all Intel. ligent breeders to be inoompariably the beet sold. Try a sample lot and you will never teed anything but oar Kaffir cora and oate. Alf. Baeker. Edward Coate, gravel 8 52 John Mitchell, gravel 6 80 John MoNab, farm bridge, Kramer drain 10 00 John MaNab, drawiogtimber, 14th con. drain 3 00 Treace. Twp. Turnberry, gravelling on Bdy, Gray and Turnberry, Grey's abate . 21 55 Angus Brown, grading and gravel- ling 11 00 John Mitchell, team on grader12 00 Rowel Grainger, " , 3 00 William MoNeeland, gravelling S 10, 5, eon, 5 19 80 D. W. Dauber, shovelling gravel,5 60 Robs. McDooeld, gravelling 8, R 8, non, 8 81 00 Edward Oempbsll,grubbingetamps and gravelling at lot 53, oou. 918 00 Marini Pollard, gravel 19 60 Thomas Al000k, gravel 9 92 Frank Cardiff, gravel 2 24 James Fulton, tile drain S. R. 2, non, 17 2 25 Neil Danoaneon jr., shovelling gravel 1 25 George Calder, Oinking Oalder'e bridge 6 20 George Calder, repairing culvert 8 R. 1, eon. 11 1 00 Mark Cardiff, ditob tot 10, eon. 132 00 Henry Al000k, drawing railing and planing on culverts 14th ion5 00 Dolman Mu$enz e, team on grader 2 50 Joseph Campbell, gravelling Mc• Iiillop Bdy 24 00 John Eokmier, bolts for bridgae„ 17 50 Johu Savage, tile drain lot 15, oon. 4 3 00 Ronald fatNaughton, tile for drain lot 15, con. 4 8 22 William Straohan, team o1, grader, 4 50 William Riley, inepeoting gravel- ling Gray and Morrie Bdy3 30 William Riley, improving 8. R 1, oon. 6 • 12 32 William Riley, on ooutraot Grey end Morrie Bdy • 15 00 John Smith, working grader 17 50 Donald Richardson, grubbing et8nlp0 and grading S. R. 1, con. 7 4 00 William Bryene, aid to wiretenoe. on Bdy, Grey and Morrie,8 40 D. MaQuarrie, shovelling gravel2 00 James Pearson, gravel 14 16 Joseph Redmond, gravelling lot 85, con, 16 25 00 George Robertson timber for cul- verts 14th eon. drain 10 70 Robert MoDonald, gravel 74 96 Jomee Greig, gravel • ' 26 15 Jolla 8anndore, grading on Elms and Grey Bdy, 8111 oon. 26 60 Samuel Dunn, gravel - 22 10 Mu01eipal World, enpplies 4 75 John Molntoeh, registering Hanna and,Lamoot Draiu By•lawe4 00 Henry Alcock, repairing bridges„ 42 50 Daniel Spillet, shovelling gravel5 00 Chas. Pollard, ti'e and drain Bdy Grey and Morrie 4 00 W. M. Hutchinson, culvert 8. R, 4, wn. 6 1 00 John Meehan, gravel and shovel• ling 18 69 John W. Rose, gravel 6 80 Ruben Dougherty, drawing lumber 14'h eon. drain 2 00 Chas. Pollard,' ehovolling gravel3 00 Oa motion of Grant and Turnbull, Council adjourned to meet on Monday, 10th day of Ang. at 10 a. m., at Town• ship Hall. Carried. Jona lig oixxoeil, Clerk. y''`TANTED,—FAITHFUL PER - 50N to travel for well established house in a few eouuties, calling on retail merobante and agents. Local tart !tory. Salary 81024 ayear and expenses, payable $10,70 a week in cash and expenses advent,. ed. Position permanent. Business 8000000• ful and rushing, Enclose self-addressed en• Ve10p0, STANDARD Henn, ale Caxton Bldg., Obioago, 40.10 NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS ... The Best all 504000nd Fatally Newspaper. An exponent of applied Christianity; In- dependent in Polities. Has something of interest for every member of the household. Farm and Gordon Department; Obildron'e DepIartment; Scientific Department; spirit of the Preoe, Eta., ate. • ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tna NiTnxns and Tau 1'005 combined, only 5105 a year. SABBATH READING. A Sixtecn.e ago R'coltly PItp0', Solely ne1lgt,,ne in Ohar,taiee. No News ; leo Polities, Stories , Poetry ; Sunday School Lesson ; Christian k'ludeavor and Epworth Leman) Topics' Mothers' SRO.bath Afternoon with the Children ; Mieool- lauooue Itoliglone Matter. ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR The SA1100511 BEADING and THE Pon oombined, Duly 31,51 a Year. SPECIAL OFFER The WITNnae, Sannoop READING and T801 POT oombinod, only 5105 a year. TheeO throe papers 00inbined egad 'a 'liberal home education. 1 The Post, Brussels, E"WA T & o IIlat Weather Goods We have just reoeived a large eblpment of new goods imitable for the hot weather. Wholesale bowleg are now buoy with Fall geode end are 50010110 to piear oat Rummer goods ata great reduotioo in priced. We took advantage of this and men now offer tspeoial valnee in the following 111100 I-140ney Rine• line, in flue range of oolora, in 0tripe0 and flimd deeigne, worth 183, for is f•t., • • Plain. Blaek Lawn0, 46 incites wide, suitable for shirt walote and duel dretaes, worth 25u,.for 20,..., Blaek Moeline, in fanny Mee stripes mid olteoks, the correct thing for hot weather, at 18a, 2110 and 26o..., Block Grenadines, line laoey effeote,in fancy stripes and theoke, very epeoial at 50c...,Plain White Lawn, 1.1 yards wide, at lOc,120 anti 16o.. Spotted Familial, in large end small emote, at 80, 101, 1210 and 15o., ,.Fine White India Lineae and Naineooke, at 120, 20e, 25o and 9350,11..104m White Organdiee, very special at 15o, 20c end 251... .White and Oreem Lienee, great value at 853 aod 50o. Hp SZ Ry We have lust reoeived 197 dozen Cotton Huse, in ell et2 0, at apeolai prl000 Women's Biaok Cotton Hose, fill size, a snap at 50 and 10o.... Womon'e Heavy Ribbed and plain Hose, worth 15e, for 12 o....Blaok Cat Epee for boys, heavy and strong, fast biaok, double knees, special value at 26o, 85oand 80o. Ladles' Flue Balbriggan Hose, Hermedorf dye, at 15o, 20o'and 25n. McKJNNO N d 00,, BLYTH• ESSINIEMIEREICHNIUMESS HAVING PURCHASED TIIE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, —Plain Flannels, —Cheoked Flannels, —Fancy Shirtinge, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's It —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. &J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY, - - • • • • • SUMMER DAYS are here and tliis means that Canned Goods and such Delicacies will be in big demand, such as Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon, Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Kippered Herring, Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh Herrings, &.o. ICE CREAM and SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Fresh Fruits of all kinds. All Goods in our Grocery Depart- ment are New and Clean. TRY OUR 270. TEA. W. . A. GRE AR. •' • • ,• • 200 BUGGIES Must be Sold this Season. Buggies, The Finest line to be seen in any town Carriages in Ontario will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TURNBERRY SPR!^'ET. BRUSS, f-5. —We have a full line, dealing with SEVER of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. --You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing, —Satisfaction assured. Prioes right. ry RR -USSR -14S.