The Brussels Post, 1903-7-23, Page 4•
cbilt Nivaistis st.
TITURS , JULY 29, 1908.
Death to Skeeters.
This Summer we are to have all klude
of blgs wave, and the nnotignito won to 30
line with the others. Son [taste assert
that the paste cannot live loog in oiti•s,
because the soft coal smoke knee them.
They talk 00Ue a theory the while the
oiliest: supe himself tato a state 'of
redness and prorenity in his endeavor to
stall off a cionditiou. The soft coal
empire may kill the moequito, but it
seethe to be 0 very slow and lingering
form of death that permits the dimine•
tive vampire to Beath a toll of blood
for many a night before the attains
euthanasia by the soft coal route. It
will be observed that ale r000quito is
referred to as "she," Solentiste are re-
eponsible again. They my that the male
mosquito is re gentlemanly and inoffen•
sive bird, that ie never guilty of ponotar-
ing the Inman epidermis in hie manila
for vouri.broent. The lady mesquite is
the 001188 of all the tremble. Tbe gentle-
man mosquito Berea on things other than
human gore, bet the female will be oon
tent with nothing slew Eere is a chance
for the woman haters. They oan point e
dozen morals by using tins hen moegnito
ae en example ; and donbtlesa they will
do so, When John Knox wrote that
atrabilioue pamphlet about "The Moo.
strone Regimen of Woman" he most
have been having a drive at the female
mosquito. It is tree that modern cone-
mentatore bold that in the days of Knox
the word eregineen" connoted habit,
power, conduct. The oommeneatore are
all wrong. Regimen, in those days,
meant jnet what it means vulgarly and
popularly to day. It meant food, ali•
ment, grub, When Mr. Knox at sixty
married that maiden of sixteen—and
was properly called dawn for ft by his
eeteemed friends—he was unaware that
he was letting himself in for all kinds of
tweets. He aould not cope with hie
girl wife when it came down to a ease
of demesne argurueut, and so be tried to
get even by writing a little book, in
which he went tor women in it manner
that would bave made it impossible to
secure anything like a ferthiooable chorale
in these days. He affected to believe
that women and skeeters were on the
Barna plane. It woe 8, pitiful atid eoward.
ly attempt to equate himself with the
world, that well knew him to have been
properly worsted by hie wife in all do.
mesa° dr betas.
But 11 will do none oh us any good to
!eyrie the mosquito family, beoause the
females have been disoovered to be the
trouble makers. Io all other families of
Hying flange the males are invariably the
undesirable sex. They are able to do
n ithing but fight earth other physioelly
or mentally. The females are expeoted
to do nothing but appthed. Now,
though war must be declared against the
female mosquito, and it has beet deolar.
ed, Dr. Merles Wardell Stiles—beautiful
',wane l—has disoovered 0 moequito de.
etroyer that is to put the peat out of
Mai:teas eo rapidly that 10 a few years
the epeeist' will be extinct, and the pub.
lia will be able only to view aketetons
of the dead and gone insect, articulated
nod displayed bn =omens beside the
framework of dinoseure and great auks.
The doctor with the Moe name bae found
tho anthakeeter, and it is alive. It le
not a poison, for it would be difficult to
induce any modern nmequito to drink
the hemlock or eat the roughthn-rate.
He and the are both too well wirmated.
eVtlich, &Witham, ie one of the results of
the highly laodoble attempts of philan•
thropiets and eduoatioeiste to stimulate
public interest in learning by mount of
university extension lectures. Doo. Stiles
ie atter the moegnito with a kind of dog.
eatelog arrangement. He hae discovered
an inoffensive and highly induatrious
threed•worm about a quarter of an inch
in leugth and of the Buenos of a file.-
mena of bilk. The threadworm is intro.
named hereby to the Oanadien people by
Ins full name. Let the trumpets blow
and obeisance be made to the Agomom
ernais °allele I Let the offiee poet be im•
tnediately assigned to poll from his
pigeon boles one of those stirring gnat.
rains, whioh he keeps on tap, ready for
all occasions. Rare it ie, ready right to
hand :
Heil! 0 welcome Agernomermie,
Lovely name; no title neater
Saviour of out epidermal,
Out oe business goes the skeeter I
Agarnomernais, aatho laureate thole' re-
marks, ie a lovely nume—e very lovely
name, but 11 10 too long .to be used on
ordinary occasions. It takes up too
numb time to pronoonoe 1 it consume
loo much ink to indite. Therefore, this
Agamomermis will hereinafter be refer-
red so as Alamo, no impertinence being
intended. The abbreviation is in a way
reminithent, and fittingly reminiment of
the word and the epparatue "dynamo,"
for the dynamo will be slow in camped.
son with the way Agamo, or Ag, for, will deal with the ekeeter. When
Doo. Stiles disoovered the modest and
retiring Ag it is eaid that he juot jumped
for joy. When he drew the filament•like
parasite from his retireraent, he knew he
had the mosquito "ping feat," aa the
intellectual gentlemen at the nitenthand•
ling arena at Fort Erie pea it. Agamo'o
method of killing moequitoee is eimple
lead effective in the extreme, One small
egg (raw) does the work, and when once
the tribe of deoinautore begin the work
nothing oan prevent them from ciontipu.
ing until the mosquito is gone for good.
The only difficulty ie in inducting the
skeeter to eat the egg. The same trouble
ie often experienoed in Winter time by
headlediee who have over finicky boarders,
However, in the case of the bottedere, the
eggs referred to are those of the omen:non
barnyard fowl. It is not propertied by
Doe. Stilee to attempt to persuade the
skeeters to eat he's eggs. They might
possibly be trained to do et), but it would
be A long rod tedious rooter of edam,
tion that they would be compelled to go
through, The egg, in the mete of the
mosquito, is tba5 of the heaven sent
Aroma. The wormlike little palmate
laye thousands of therm which the mega
Tato meet eat—and does eat, Dr, Stiles
trevers, Then there ie serione inteenal
trouble for the Etheeter. The egg pro.
deed to hatch out more Agamos, the new
onee, being enalosed within the my wilt),
They doeire to get out, and they begin to
eat their way to fresh tat and ennlight
Thio le dimommddine to the elteetar. In
fed, it le fatal, Ilte or the diee teed
Agetho continam on hie daily round of
philanthropy. The only diftioulty that
Dr, Stilee foreseee le that of propagating
the warm. Be fears that they may be
eaten betoro they arrive et maturity.
But Doe. Stiles 173111H, be poseeesed of
eufflaient invention to tieviee some meaue
of protesting the little Agamos. It should
be pourable, say, to place a guard of men,
armed with ohthe and gene, at the ponds
where the saviours of our oomfort are to
Ie hatcheri. All interlopere, beast or he-
lmet, 'amid be ehooed away, and shot in
the event of their not tithing warning,
11 is a pity thee in the United States
'titles of honor are 001 allotted except be.
hind the doors of the lodge room. Other.
wiee, Doo Stiles might be ennobled. He
might be dubbed Berl of Ago= and
Maiquis oe Antiekeeter. He would d0.
more it, for, if his protegee do what is
claimed for tleen3, Dow Stilee is a greater
than Edison, Marconi, Maxim and Carrie
Netion all rolled into one,
—.Toronto Naive.
THE O. P. R.
To the Editor of Tun POST
DEAR Sun,—With your permission I
want to staee some facts in refereuge to
the proposed railway. from Guelph to
Goderioh. We have no complaint to
make as to the servioe rendered by the
G. T. Railway, but we think all parties
will agree that 0 more direct route to
Getherioh is greatly ueeded by a large
section of this county mid country.
Goderich being the County town of Huron
a large amonnt of business hae to be done
there. Now au to what route the road
ebonld take is a matter on wbioh many
may differ, and differ widely. As we see
it aelfiehnette should have no part in the
matter ' • but the greatest good for the
greatest number. This will apply to
both freight and passengere. As for ea
Clinton is concerned they already have
the •most direot communication with
Goderiali, and there can be no need of
the 0, 1'. R. going to that town and other
pieties have no theiway whatever. If
you look at 0 map you will lied the fol
lowing distances to he very nearly correct
between the made now running, namely,
from Stratford to Drayton, 25 miles ;
from Mitchell to Lietowel, 20 miles
from Eleatorth to Braseels,16 miles; from
Clinton to Whighem, 20 miles ; from
Gotieriah to Ludo:low, 20 miles. The
road running from Guelph te New Ger•
many, Winterbourne, Elmira, Lietowel,
Trowbridge, Ethel, Bruseele, Blyth,
Auburn and ou to Soderich will be
through the moat central parte of the
oonntry and would afford the greatest
a000roroodation to Ehe largest portion of
the mouthy and nommtinity. Hoping
that every honest and honorable effort
will be made to have the line run through
the parte named above. Yours in the
work, R. 19-eum
Legislation for the Farmer.
Neter, them lft. Holmes, 101,P.
This has been a met of "farmer&
week" in parliament, and refutes the oft.
expressed idea that there is plenty of
legislation for "the other fellow" but
none for the farmer. Had it been poa•
able for all the farmers of Ontario to
have spent some time in the home der.
ing the that few days, they would have
bean surprised at the amount of atten•
11on they remind. I believe there
ehoald be, by all lateens, just as efficient
and effective legislation to guard the
interests of this very important Blase
of the community, as that of any other
°lees, and I am perfectly satisfied that
when the farmers realize the nature of
the laws that have been passed by this
goveroment, solely in their intereat and
10 proteat their eighth' that tbey will give
the goveraraeut creditfor it
There are not many public, gneatione
that have caused the farming of Ontario
especially mor g` anxiety than that of
Cattle Guetde. They have been eon.
siderehly worked.up over it, and not
without s. good deal of reaeoo. The teat
ole gouda at preemie in nee on railroads
are wortbleee so far 48 turning oattle are
=warned, and the aoneequence is that
many cattle stray upon the track and are
killed. The Cattle Guard 00n3HlieSiOn,
whbob tested about 150 different deiniest
each supposed to be an effective guard; in
a moat elaborate report, admit that not
one has been found to be an effective
guard, and the assumption is a fair one
that the only device which will prevent
cattle straying upon the track is the old
pit guard, which bae been discarded ow
ing to the changed conditions of travel,
and which will never be restored. 'Coder
the old law it mattered not how patios
of carelesenese the farmer was, he was
the sufferer. If a high wind bad thrown
his feeee down during the night, or tf it
maidently got burned and his matte got
out, or if some ubiquitous and good.
natured event happened to leave hie gate
open, and hie °sane got upon the railway
thereby, and were killed, be virtually had
no redress. It he went into court to aol-
leot damages, the railway many beat him,
because the negligenee or oareleesneas tot-
ed on him, and the feat that cattle are not
allowed to roo at large within half a wile
of a railway was against him. Tbie was
a manifest injaetioe, and a suaoesetal
effort has been made to remedy it.
What was known AS the Lehr:Water Bill
wee introduced last eeeeion, mod also thie,
lent wag thrown out on the ground that
it would be abortive, owing to the new
Railway 13111. The Liberal members
for Ontario primed upon the government
the argent neceasity of making eome ef
feative provision for this partioular in-
joebioe, and an amendment to the railWay.
introdueed by Mr. Sutherland, of
North Essex, (Liberal) providee that
"When any cattle or ether animals at
large upon the highway or otherwise get
upon the promoter of the company and
are killed or injured bee a train, the
owner of eneb animals eo killed rer in-
jured shall be entitled to reoover the
amount of Boob lose or injury against tho
aorepteny, in aotion in any Mud of oom.
potent juriedietion, unless the company,
in the opinion of the court or jury trying
the cage establishee that gaols animal gob
at large through negligence or wilful neg.
lent or orniesion of his owner or his
'tont, or the custodian of snob animal ot
bin agent; but the foot that snob animal
wag nob in charge of some competent' per.
scale alma not, for the purpose of Bele
subsection deprive the owner of right
bo rooster."
This gotta further than any eirnilar leg.
halation, le better than the Lancaster
tesolutiob, ethical was not Wear of inters
peetatioe, end prat:tinnily enables the fat.
ther to reo0Ver for the loos of the (tattle
tinder almost any possible eituation, If
an animal unattended, gete upon the rail.
way through leak of defective cattle
guarde, 100003, Or gates the owner oan
now recover, and what le mall more
important, the onus of provieg that the
farmer was negligera 8Vowed etraight
align; the railway. The proviaion le a
very itnportant rale, and it. Went ie to
Make the rallivay (h00p8103 hable for el -
Mose all Battle killed upon Its traces,
No wonder Out a prominent member of
the Govertunetie remarked chat "The
railroads are getting 11 110 the ueok this
Another peovieion in the interest of
fernier°, but withal we have not roma to
give 00 tally eo we have the other one, ie
that of draining lands crowed by rail.
reeds. Here Again the ral-roole had
matters noel in their own bande, and
diffioulty wee experienced ny p,retna
who found ie necessary to dtain' but thole
also has been remedied, pi Otrittiou being
who whateby harriers are able to ao.
complish this moral more effectively than
formerly. Thie amendment was intro
denied by Mr; Cowart, Smith Elat.E,
(Liberal) well known as an expert rail
wey lawyer, and practically well pueted
on drainage Matters.
Still another proviaion in the interest
of the farne-re is that making reirrottas
responsible for damagee eaueed by fires
frorn their l000motives. Without going
minutely into detente, 11 10 enough to any
that damagee oan be recovered for nob
fires the protease being much 'amplified.
This amendment wag introduced by lath.
German, Welland, another Llbetal law
yer, lI these olauses going to prove the
desire of the Liberal party to eee that
Judaea ie done the great fareteiog interests.
The following new books have rcoently
been added to the thelves of Braude
Poobllo Liorary :—
Story of the Trapper Lent
The Two Van .Rebele Tarkington
Pnhlio Mee Young
Life in Canada Conant
Sir William Johnson Buell
Sinful Peek Robertson
Sketoh Book Horne
The Lett of the Buocraneers....Clarnford
&fay of a Grain of Wheat Morton
Mauling of Flames Van Dyke
New Conoeptiooe in Soienoe....Snyder
Bacteria Frauktand
English Government Horan
Wee MooGregor Bell
Little Rivers Van Dyke
Bine Flower ' 11 ti
Canadian Besaye O'Hagan
Jerry Dodds North
Rebel of the Spheral !Meade
Adam letepburael Vow - Swan
One of Red Shirts Heyene
American Literature Trent
Flower 0the Coro Crockett
Conjurors Home White
The Woman who Toile Van Voret
Empire of Business Carnegie
Stillman Gott Libby
Tangled np in Beulah Mowbray
Full of Fire Fowler
The Poetry of Robert BrowuingBrooke
Tenth Commendment Glentwoeth
The Inevitable Migbele
Old Testemeta Critioism....NeFadyrn
Simple Life Wagner
Errotnenga Robertson
Loney Mary;
Pagan at Shrine
Pearl Maiden
Confessions of a Wife Adams
(leoilia Crawford
Paul Kelver Jerome
Lady Roye'a Daughter Ward
Gold Wolf Pemberton
Time To Save The Potatoes.
Notwithstanding the feat that year
after year the potato crop in Paned& is
very mmol !ermined by blight and rot,
and that this blight um be prereoted to
a large extent by spraying, aemparative-
ly few farrnere epray their potatoes to
prevent this airwave. It hay been known
for about eighteen yeare that bordeaux
mixture will prevent the blight, and it
has been frequenely demonetrated by ex.
perimenterg and by other growers of
potatoes that the amp is Mitch increased
by spraying. In order, however, to get
potato growers to spray it is neoeseary
to keep oenstankly demonstrating the
wawa of it. The restate og the tests
made at the Central Experimental Farm,
Ottawa, io 1902 and 1903 should be suf.
Indent to include everyone wbo lives it a
diseased infected district to spray.
Restate of Tests.
In 1901 eight varieties were tasted.
The average increase in yield per acre of
the eight varieties, where sprayed, wan 04
bushele. In one variety, however, there
was an increase of 171 buehele, and in
another 165 bushels per aore.
In 1902, eleven verietiee were teeted.
The average inorease in yield of market.
able potatoes, where sprayed, was 120
buehele per eon, the yield per Elam of
marketable potatoes from the epee -yea
being 310 bushels 12 pounds per sore, and
born the unsprayed 189 buehele 64
The octet of the b'nestone, whioh to the
prinoipol expense, was $7.98 per aere, or
114 peones at 7 eente pee pound, In
epraying large areae the oost would be
lasfi. At 40 cents %bugled, the increase
01 120 buehele per acre would mean 648,
or after dednoting the 0000 of the bine-
stone, about 640.
Object of Spneyieg.
The object of epraying le to rleetroy
the eporee ol,the disease on the foliage.
It the mixture is not there when the
spore': are there the disease will uthally
Emma very rapidly and soon the tope
are amiroyed. The foliage lamella be
kept covered with the mixture from the
middle of July, when the Immo May be
eitpeoted to appear, until the ota of the
eemon, and from four 10 five eprayinge
will be toned neomeary.
In 1902 the Vibes were kept growing 18
clays longer by speaving. The vinee were
eprayed on Iuly 10, July22, July 80 Sala
Aug. 13. ked probably even better remits
Would hove been obtained if anethee
tpraying had born made,
The etliatere.
F0> -mala tq spraying to prevent potato
blight and rot ;
Pepper snlphato (bInestone).,..0 pou»ds
Iluslaked time 4 impede
Water 40 gallone
Dismal eir the copper eulplutto with hot
water or by eitenendlng f, r home
lu,i termite beg in 11. W001.11:11 or eerthern
vogsul cmaninIng 4 or or more galloue
of water. Blithe the lime in ti nether yes.
Bal. 11 the Blue, when slelt;il is lumpy
or granular it should he strained through
eoaree Backing or a flue Wove. Dilute the
autphate of copper eolnlion to about 20
galtone, and the time mixture to obont
10 (melons, end then pour the latter into
the former, then dilute to 40 gallons and
;air the mixture thoroughly.
Stook solutions of cropper sulphate and
lime at the rate of one pound to one pa-
ten of water may be prepared and kept in
operate covered barrels throughout the
spraying theme nod diluted and mixed
when needed.
While the potato beetles are native, 9
ounoes of Perth green eltoulel be Add; d to
each 40 gellope of the bordeaux toixthre.
The mixture should be applied by means
of a eprey pomp with a good nozz'e in
order to get a fine Emmy, whittle is urine.
eery to get beet results.
Hereafter the session of the Normal
Schools, as already atmonneed, will open
on the second Tuesday in 6 ptember and
close the third Friday in Jane. No one
will be admitted as a Lowther v.ho does
not poesese at least Junior Leering etand•
log, and wbo hae not taught at ;wise one
year sumessfully. Applioation for ad-
mission le to be made to the Dentate
Minister, accompanied by a fee of 610.
A oertifieale of good health and moral
elearaoter is also rEquired. The shunting
of students in training will be determined
on the reetthe of eessional examinations
condnottd by the staff, and 013 a anal
examination in praatiaal teaching oon.
ducted by the Educational Department.
Hereafter aandidates, to be euooeesful,
must obtain 40 per cent, of the marks in
eitob subjeOt of the tvritten and practical
examination, and GO per centof the ag-
gregate marks. Condidatee who obtain
75 per cent. of the aggregate mares shall
be awarded honors. Oandidates who
obtain from 50 to 59 per cent. 01 the eg.
gregate may obtain a limited certificate,
valid for three years, After baying
tatight stemeestally for at tenet one year
on this certificate, it may be at:reverted
into a life certificate by pestling the final
examination of the Normal &heals.
Oandiciatee who make less then 50 per
oeut of the aggregate will be required to
attend a Normal Sohool another term,
The course of study ,n3braoee, as at
present, the salience of education, school
managenient, and the beat presentation of
each subjeot of the Publio Sohool oonree
of gaudy. Speolal attention will be given
to the newer eubjeate of nature study,
elementary mamma, maunal training, and
household Ranee. The Weeder will be
issued in the course 6f two or three
lethermie excursion to Kiuoardine
Angara GAIL
L. H. Dickson, Dr. Amoe, and W. 0.
Huston were attending the A, F. & A. DC
Grand Lodge meeting at Toronto.
Mies May B. Gill, who has eo (eighth!.
ly taught in the Exeter Publio Sohool for
the pest number of years, has resigned.
palatable Sigma gime notice that he
trill in fature.prosemte all parties naught
riding bioyolee on the sidewalks within
the corporation
The Reeve bae received a cheque for
$190, which amount wae willed by the
(toe Chas. tiontbaott, formerly of Exeter,
towards the permanent fund of the warns. -
Lary lately est...bashed by the municipal
Council. ,
Miss Pansy ProntY, of Sodom, acoom
paoied Ur. and Ere, Lels.nd, the
Seven day Adventists, to Toronto' and
Min Minnie Proutly, intende to follow
shortly, where they will be engaged in
Advent work.
Edward Fitzgerald, of Ingersoll, died
from eunstroke.
Mise Beatrice Stuart was found dead
In her garden at Thorold.
William Baxter, a petient at the Chet.
ham Hospital, dropped them an upper
window and was
Tlae infant child of Charles Watson of
Blair, fell out of its carriage and was
strangled 10 death by the strap.
• aore lot for Bate 10 Elthel. There be
also a bank stable, fruit trees, .rete, on lot.
Property iu good. gespe. TAB. OSBORNE,
good lob for sale on Queen street,
et re Hecht. Por further partioulare apply to
MART OamPBEhh, Between; P. O. 11.311
aoree of laud, beitig"Lpt 14. Con. 18,
Grey, • Per further informaftn apply to the
anderatened cru the premium. anIOMA.13
LEARALONT, terauhrook P. 0. 51.0
A_ far sale. Eligible Mr regietration.
For price, terms and; other partf Milers, ap-
ply to .J. D. BloNATR, Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey,
or 0 Maihrook P. 0. 136-tf
Short Horn Bulls, hone imported
stook , for sale. Also cows and heifers, im.
ported and bottle bred. 72 head to eeleot
from, D, MILNE Jr HOE, Maitland Bank
Stook Paths, Ethel On t, 00.10
06 0. :i'.
Mart Pri pease Alortandria NO, 24, 0. 0. P,,
Brussels, meets in their bodge Itomut Bias.
hill Block on the 2nd mid latit Tueedave of
snob month, a18 o'eloalt. Visiting brethren
always welcome. Jan, BOSOM 0, R.
• 130118 for sale. Ono .10 1 year eld and
the other two youuger, also several regist-
ered Cows rule Marone Apple to JAMES
892110, Lot 80, Om 0, Morris Twp., or Tithe.
sole P. G. 22.11
Painting, Paper Hanging, &c.
Tbo Undersigned is prepared to attend to
all orders for Pa),er Banging, Eallecanteing,
ettresteg am/ Painteng in a workmanlike
manner and ctt rnasonable rates. Certain.
tering also attended to,
Jobe street, graeftele,
JULY 23 1903
More newShirt Waists were opened up last week. They are late Novelties
and very stylish Gartnents, all white and only a few of a kind. The stock of Waists
is at its best to -day. There is a greater variety than there will be in a week or two
for as the season advances the assortment grows smaller. Never have we shown
such great varieties ; never have we shown such Stylish Garments no we do to -day.
AT $1.00
—White leineliu Shirt Wands, hidden button fronto,
alternate rows of insertion and narrow tucks, two clusters
of narrow Woks down hada sleeves and ouile looked.
Special at 61 00.
AT $1.35
— Foie White lefuelth Shirt Waist, yoke of fine pin
tucks, with flee Valenotenes rime Insertion, hidden buttons,
tucked beak and sleeves, at 6188 each.
AT $1.75
—Pule ednelin Shirt Waists, with broad looks armee
beck and fine pin tucked yoke with embroidery insertion,
set in a very stylish garment, at $1 75
AT $2.50
—Fine White ednelin Shirt Waists, front, book end
eleeves of cluster., of narrow make, hidden buttone,
trimmed with Medallions, booked o lar and coffe. Special
at $2 50.
Three Good Lines of Summer Hosiery
Hosiery business is good these days. We
bination that is bringing the trade tins Way. Hei
quantity of :-
2 PAIRS FOR 250.
—Ladioe' Setermsclorf clya Stooltinge, In I fashion' El,
color guaranteed, Extra Special 2 pairs tor 253,
AT 250.
—Ladies' black cotton Stookinge, very fine (meaty, real
Niece yarn, Hermadorf dye, spliced heel and toe, all sizee,25o.
have a big assortment and good values, a corn -
.6 are three popular Hues we are selling a big
AT 250,
—Luna' and Children'e fine ribbed, cotton Both
Amerman make, made from pure Egyptian yenta, seamless
feet, feet black, a plendid Stookiog to wear, all Fazes,
25o per pair.
Ar 7 ors.
—5 pieces pure Liuen Toweling, worth regular 10o,
Speeittl, to dear, et 7o,
— 20 pieces extra heavy 80 inch Fiannelette, in light
colors, worth regular 7o, Extra Special 510
—10 pieoee Fancy Dress IItuoliu, 9,11 new this ammo,
worth regular 123g, Speoial Prim to clear 70.
AT 78 OTS.
—24 only Blaok Satin Skirts, made from good quality
blank math, height finiell, will weer well, full with Wide
frill and wailer, worth regular 61 00, Special at 780.
AT 12* OM.
—200 yards 40 inehe fine guilty White India Drees
Lawn, worth regular 20o, Special Price to clear, 120 per
& Co
Dry Goods and Groceries.
dwelling thereon, North.west corner
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
99.11 J. LE0II1E.
I. property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to 3140.
°OBER ,13ruesele.
L ' 29, Con. 10, Grey. There 018 100 core's,
Wunder cultivation. .Apply to JOSEPH 9'
REDMOND, on the promisee, or blouorieff
P. 0, 21-0f
A. on Turnberry street, 13thasele, known
as the Somerset property, eligibly situated.
Immediate possession, Por further partie-
Mare ae to gime tame, Sze., apply to D.
MoOtITOREON, 'Lot 10, 0013, 12, MoRillop,
or headhury P. 0. ' eat! •
T0w0l.—$000000 will buy the MoOltu-
ghee Block in the Village 60 100001010. Therm
two flue stores must be sold to close out the
McCaughey Estate, intending purchasere
should Investigate at once. Apply to P. S.
SCOTT or G . Ir. 13LAIR, Brussels, Ont.
84 Lots 10 and 17, Oon..1, Grey town -
Shin, Huron Co„ containing 100 acres. There
are 05 wires cleared land Balaton hardwood
bush, priuoipally booth, maple, cherry and
ask ; good timber, There is u,baulr barn 004
00 feet, a frame 1110080, 0000 bearing orchard,
tenths in 'good repair, 2 wells, 00. Ouly
toile from school and 2 miles from posted:toe.
Branch of Maitland rivet 0000000 one end of
farm eupplying abundance of water. Palm
is all seeded down eXcepting 10 sores, Pos-
session on San. let, 1909, with privilege of
patting in Fall wheat, Por further portion -
PM as tolerate, terms, eze.„ apply to 01e0
)oIo0004ALb, Proprteeer, Wroxeter P.O, 90-4
, tiverpout tool tatianaularry
Royal 'Nail Steamers
Pam Pam
41n3(0II030 QUOGAO
HaveT140 Ally IS 7 oo1, July 18 5 -p.m.
Ionian "034'"25 8
Tunisian Aug. 1 " 1 "
Parielan ' 8 8 5
1st Cabin—Tunfelap, Ttuvarian and Ionian
570 and noverar; ; Perianth, 570 and up.
Sed Cabin—Liverpool and Lon donderry—
Bavarian, Ionnto and Tunisian $40 01.1(1
042 10 other steamers, $87 50, Loudon
$2,50 extra until Joey MA and free after
that ditto,
Brd Olites—$00 and 226—Liverpool, Derry,
Bolfant, Glasgow, Loudon,
Through tiokete to South Africa.
Mentreal to (elegem! dinet—Oortnehlati
July ee ; 80,1111414E (2nd & Ord olaits 00131
Aug, 5.
Now -York to OlasgoW, calling at &laden.
derry—lintnidian, tete y 00,11 0,30,0 Mongol-
ian, July 80,11 it. al, Ifit, 084i,, 545 and up.
wean: ; 2ed Cabin 510; and 8rd cease 530.
Ageet, Bohemia •
S W• P.
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the 13 -ST Paint
possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfaction and 'longest
TIE Skwill—Willim Paint
gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zino, Linseed
011 Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to
the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Try a gallon and se8. for yourself.
For sale by—