HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-16, Page 8...T ,AT MALT Is a concentracted extract of Malt and Hops. Many people, especially during the warm weather, sutler intensely from fatigue and weakness --more commonly described as that "tired feeling." In all such case Extract of Malt or the BEST TONIC will be found a most desirable and invigorat- ing remedy. Price 25c, per bottle. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND DISPENSING CHEMIST. Natal. rttos Jtem•z. A ohiel'e amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith hen prent Coon weather. LA OBISPO has been busy. FALL wheat ie about ready for harvest. 103. IMEER rapes et Braesele, August 19 and 20. Pentouss street is receiving a good that of gravel. FooT Batt Gmdou Party on Friday evening, 24th. BERLIN vs. Brussels Friday of next wi ek on the Perk here. r1E Garden Party crop is in full bloom tied a goad harvest counted on. A BAND of eipsiee is camped on Queen street West near the Maitland. Bowies at Dost for 30 days. Very beet build. Ewes dI Co , Brussels. A New tar and gravel roof was put on the Central Hotel this week by Watson Ainlay. R. LEA•rsenneez has purchased a mate for h,s blank pony and now has two matched black teame. WE are clearing Fancy Muelins, Giog• hams end Drees Goode. Goo. E. B.Ixo, Wingham. A COUPLE of rinks from Braesele Bowl. iug Club expect to take a hand in the Tournament at London next week. :Pals Council ahould oompel property ownera to out the vigorous crop of weeds growing in some sections of the town. QUITE a number from here accompanied the Orange Lodge to Blyth on Monday to the oelebration there and report a very enjoyable day. Tax new metal balcony was put in place at ,'}Ire. Fletober'e atone this week and the noticeable improvements are now about complete. Caeamossam Foot Ball matoh ou Vletorie Park, Brussels, Friday evening of next week. Berlin and Brueaele are the contesting teams. See it. A. W. SMITH, son of Walter Smith, Brussels, writing from Roseland in the renewal of bia snbeoription to Tax P .sT says :—"Times are good and weather fine. Am leaving this week for a trip North and will likely be away for a m 'nth or so." UNCLE Tom's Cabin show was here last Saturday and gave an exhibition on the Park. They have a good band and arch extra. The Co. have 2 oars of their own to travel from plane to plane. An engine oame down Monday morning and pulled their oars to Blyth. Ieseemon RODE goes to Conn on Tues - Tail hay on the Agricultural Park was sold to Wm. Riley, of Morris, bis being the highest offer, ANNIi'EReART.—THE POET ie 30 years old this week, We're getting up in years but we feel real healthy and strong. We returu our hearty thanks to oar numerous patrons. Dzcnaeuo.—William Robert Thomp. eon, one of Teeawater'e most prominent citizens, passed over to the great majora ty at Saturday morning. He had been in failing health for the past year, and became suddeuly worse last week. air. Thompson was a leading Coneervetive and a prominent member of the Methodiat Church. He also took a prominent port in municipal tffaire, betting served as Cannoillor, Reeve and County Councillor for many years. He was the first Coen• ty Commissioner for the eixtb division of the Coady of Bruce, retiring only be oen-e of the many demands, which his rapidly expanding business made upon hie time. He leaves a widow, one daugh ter and five sone. Deceased was a brother to Joseph Thompeou, Mill street, Brunets. PERSONA I, FARM.; RA PIM Mise Downey is visiting at Chatham. Mies Laura Nicholls was visiting at Heneall. _Goff. Thompson, of Guelph, is visiting relatives in town. DeWitt Holmes, of Parkhill, teas in town on Sunday. Mrs. Minoan Livingston has gone to Detroit for a visit, Jac). and Mre. Garter are visiting rets• tivee at Owen Sound. Mies Nellie Ewan is home from a visit to Constance and Senfarth. Alias Marg Ritchie is home from Tor onto for a well earned vacation. Rev. Mir. Rose and daughters left for Huntsville on Monday afternoon. Mre. A. Hewitt, Kincardine, is renew• ick old acquaintannea in Brussels. Mise Edna Good is visiting her cousin, Miss Freda VanStone, io Wingham. Jno. and Mre. Simmons and family were visiting at Wroxeter and Harristou. Mrs. R. N. Barrett, of Wingham, and children are visiting relatives in Brueaele, Mies Griffiths, of Toronto, is visiting Mre. Fred. McCracken, Ttrnberry street. Mrs. Collinson, of Londesboro', has been visiting her neice, Mre, I. 0. Rich- ards. Mrs. Walker and Mise Emma, of Lon• don, are renewing old friendships in this locality. Miss Jean Ritohie is holidaying with friende at Stratford, Galt and other pointe. day, July 21st., as au arbitrator In eon- Barrister Blair and two eons were on neotion with pertain changes asked for the siok list during the paat week with hp pvtitionere from school 68011008 in Arthur, West Lather, Proton and Egce. mont. His poll. -agnea are His Honor Judge M0081! hy, of Orageville, and James McEwen, County Commissioner, Drayton. MusICAL —T. A. Hawkins and three of hie pups a, Misees Agale Calder, Bertha Armstrong and Irzzie Bowman, were sucoesetnt at the muaioal examinations held in Goderioh on Wednesday of last wets. Mr, Hawkins took the Ittermed• late Piano and the young ladies took Primary, Mine Bowman passing with honors. We congratulate them on their ,000eee. W91, Weer, of Lvoneville, Cal., an old time resident of Brunets, in remitting subscription to Tat Poor (wbiob by the way pays up to Jnly, 1007) writes like Tan Po„ T eery much as it keeps me in atoms touch with news from my old home where I spent my boyhood days and grew to manhood. Those early aoe0oiationa and sacred ties of friendship formed will always remind me of happy times." If others would follow Mr, Wall's example we would not be at all grieved. WEDNESDAY of laet week Hugh Williams and Miss Grace Aldridge were married at E.,mondville and are making their home on Thomas street, Friday evening an unasked.for serenade of the mould board and now bell order was given and some other liberties taken not creditable to tboee taking part. There was talk of law on the part of. Mr. Williams bet we believe the matter hoe beeu settled. People can very easily get themselves into a peek of trouble by trespassing on other people's property in their desire to be cute, Tum INTnRunOIAr8s.—Now that Berlin and Bt. George have settled the semi. finale in the Intermediate Foot Ball sense at Galt on Tuesday evening the moat interesting stags of the champion- ship is to be entered upon in the finale in which Berlin and Brunetti will play home and home matches. The firer game will take plana at Berlin next Mon day evening and the seb.to at Brueaele is down for Friday evening of next week, o„mmenoing at 6 o'olook on Victoria Park, Both teams are ready for the fray and red bob matohee may be expect. ed. Our boys know that they are pitted against a strong and well practiced aggre. gallon 8o will allow U0 ohenoee to page of making every minute anent on the ball field, We hope to tees them win the intermediate dhampionahip ea a oompanion•pieoe of silverware to the Junior cup Brunette enured by defeating the Juniore of Berlin seat week. A big crowd should Geo the game at Brunets friday evening of next Melt. le grippe, Mrs. F. S. Soots and Miss Mildred were vi,iiore at Blyth for a few days this week. Miss Ethel Creighton arrived home this week from. Grand Valley for her vacation. Alex. floe, who has been bothered with rheumatism for eeveral weeks, is getting nicely rid of it. Mrs. Jno. Lott is away to Memphis, Miob., visiting relatives for a week or so. Bert. Lott accompanied her, Mise Gertie Zilliax, of Listowel, fa spending a portion of her vacation io Brueaele with former schoolmates. Councillor Tbomeon and Leonard D.iwning contemplate a bueinese and pleasure trip to Winnipeg and pointe West. M1 iss Minnie Moore was here on a visit from St. Themes but has gone to Ful. larton to nurse a sink relative for a few weeks, Rev. R. Paul was laid up for a few days with rheumatism in his knee but ie able to be about again we are pleased to notice. Jae. and Mrs, Fox are visiting at Tor. onto, Niagara, Galt and Paris. Mr. Fox is attending the Mattocks Grand Lodge at Toronto. Mies Eva Watts, of Brantford, is here on a holiday with her aunts, Mrs, Kerney, Mre. G. Robb, Mre. J. Speir and Mre, Angus Lemont. Misses Attie and Florence Chambers, of Detroit, are the gueste of Mrs, I. 0, Riohards, Thomas 'street, The ladies are oughts of Mre. Riobarde. Mise Maggie Outbill will buil on the Allan steamer, "Corinthian," next Wed. needay morning from Montreal for Glae. gow, where she goes to vieit relatives, She was ticketed by W. H. Kerr, of Tax Pose, looal agent. We with her a good voyage and pleasant May. Bert. Ferguson, who hoe paned hie Brd year exam, in the study of medicine at Toronto, is spending a few menthe with Dr. McNaughton, of town, 8ogoaint• iug himaelt with practices work in the healing art. He ie a son of D. and Mre. Ferguson, Teeewater, and a nephew of Jae, Ferguson, of Grey township. W. J. and Mre, Crawford, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, arrived bete Thursday of loot week to vieit relatives and old friends for a while. Mr. Crawford oaouples an im. porlaetposition in his city es Deputy Grain Inepeetor, looking atter the iaepeo• tion and grading of ell grain being ship - pet out 0r through that point, Quite a staff fa employed. It is 6 yeareeittoe Mr, Crawford was here, He is the youngeet eon of S. and Mee. Crawford, William street, Bruesele, and is a pushing young men. THE M clrop ollta] BANK. TR1 BRUtHfli LS POI3T Dominion of Canada Chartt'r (APIIAL 1'uld tic 81,000.000 RESER V h $1.000,000 101.114 ,10191 nay. a H. WAm8EN, 1i. p., 8Running' e. J, M00010 • • • arOx•PRL`ela6NT r D. MAinnliY, r, It. TITOANON, x, 1, T/tt EadpeDAw, General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection. IN Tile $131N00 BANK—Deposits of 60,00 and upwards reeelved incl interest at the highest Bask rate allowed, from date 01 deposit 10 date of withdrawal, on the daily balance, 1. -Parties holding important papers, notes, the„ may deposit them in our batik vault for safe keeping—free of charge, Prompt and Careful Atieullort. Goal Rennie. Q. F, BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, ]311V$81tLS, Jae. Bloomfield left this week on a holiday viett to Toronto where he will spend a few weeks, Mrs T. Fiiendebip and Fannie and Myrtle, of Teeswater, were visiting rola. tiyee and friends in Brunets last week. etre. J J. Gilpin is home after a 4 weeks' visit in Owen Sound with her sister, Mrs. Cavanagh. Johnnie Cavan. ugh, who hell been so seriously ill, is e'owly improving iu health. A former Brueeelite dropped into town last week from Shoshone, Idaho Terri• tory, U. S., in the pereon of Will. Forbes, son tit Mre. John Forbes, of town. Mr. Forbes likes the West end is icteroated in meroautile life in that laud of sheep retnohing and mining movements. He will return to the West atter a sojourn for a few weeks with relatives in Brue. se's and locality, Idailo evidently agrees with him, Entrance Examination, The Board of Eutranoe Examiners for Seaiorth and the affiliated centres of Brussels, Wroxeter end Fordwioh, met at Clinton on July 11th, and the Board of Entrance Examiners for Clinton and the affiliated centres of Wingham and Blyth met at the same town on July 13th. Candidates who obtained 00 per cent. or over %rearranged alphabetically in the Honor Liet, those who obtained 50 per cent. but lees than 60 per cent, are eimi• laxly arranged in the Pass List. The Examination papers were very fair and covered the work aseigued. The highest marks taken at the various centres are Seaforth, 832 ; Brussels, 840 ; Wroxeter, 820 ; Fordwioh, 814 ; Clinton, 862 ; Blyth, 728 ; and Wiugham, 812. SEAFOATII, Honors— Cordelia Burgard John W. Bubolz Ellice Bryan Delbert Constable Annie V. Dorrance V. R. Dorrance Cecelia Horan James S. Hays Minnie Laidlaw Soott Hawthorn May Lookart Hubert Henderson Mamie Murray Edmund Lacasee Mary McKinnon Henry F. Larkiu Irene O'Keefe John W. McKinley Cantil. Prendergast William Morrow ClarePiukney Arthur F. Soole Gertrude B. Reid Oscar VatlEgmoud Harriet Wilson Ed. Jae, Whittaker Andrew Arohibald William Wright Chester Barker Pass— Bessie Aitchesou Evalyn Darwin Dorene Dever Lizzie Flanagan Elisa Holland Libbie Hart May Hale A. Krauskopf Beatrice Love Jennie Morrison Allis Murray Ln. McMann Hannah Walsh Harry Adams Archie Aitoheson Gerald Gene Vincent Darwin Chas. S. Dickson James Diokaon Leo Fortune Sam. G. Holmes Hugh Roy Mason Rose R. McKay Donald McLachlan Maggie McKay Grigg MoLennan Eliza J. Riley Frank MoMiohael Edna Sperling Mille Shipley, Maud Shillinglaw Carl Stoddart Mumma. Honors— R. H. V. Browett Levine Edwards Melvin Bunston Mina Elliott Grover 0. Gill Mabel Haggard Harold Hogg Mary Johnston Leslie J. Lamont Lizzie McAllister Ronald M. Sinclair Stella MoQuarrie Willie Stevenson Jennie Rands Eva Bryane Bessie Smith Eva May Cameron Maggie Smith Eva Other Norma Sperling Pass— Lorenzo Bray Margaret Ament Charles Bryane Ceofl ()outlet Russel Lowry JeeeieElliot Thos. McDonald Carrie R. Jaokeon Norman MoNaught Mabel McDowell Fred. Pugh Maggie McDonald H. V. Richards Lottie Sperling Jas. 0. Thompson Leena 'Taylor Annie Alderson Wnoxe'run. Honore— Frank Arde1l Ernest Bray Roy Hamilton Roy MoLaughlin Russell Moffatt Cheater Smith Chris. A, Wright PASS— May Rance Mabel Stewart Lottie Stoma May Smith Edythe Torrance Lyall Brown Gifford Crich Pass— Alma Armstrong Pearl Bradford Berne Annie Diehl Mabel Her Evlena McCartney Florence McNeil Nellie McGregor Earle Seale Russel Soots Jolio Shipley William Taylor William Wiseman Nixon Welch Ifeue Pearson Maggie Mellis Lillian Reid Gordon Gauld Stuart Jaoltson Henry O'Brien BLv1'H. Honors— Annie E, McGowan Laura Phelan Stella Nethery Colin Tingled! Pass— Martha Armstrong Ella Taylor Maggie L Elliott Robert J. Brown Jemima Fingland Stanley Buohanan Pearl Gidley Oliver Hunking Ethel Govier William J. Nichol Coral MacArthur Charlet Sunder000k Lizzie M oBrien Cecil Vail Florence M. Somere Roland Vincent Annie Stuart Basil Wallace 1VINca1u. Grace Aylesworth Katie Hader Ella P. Mulholland Florenoe J. Rae Jennie Snell Bessie Strong Brunt Andrew Wm. W. Weir Stew. McNaughton Lizzie Crawford Thoe, Wella lonnwlca. Honors— Martha Manton J. Hainebaek Sadie Montgomery Earl S. Portnoy Patel— Martha. Bell Emma Goggin M.O. Hutchinson Ada Strome Ethel U. Strome CLINTON. John R. Lynn Art, H. Spottou Wm. F. Wallets Hazel E. Spence Mary M. Spence Richard L. Carter Wm. Schaefer Honore -- Evelyn A. Clark Marion Dunlop Abbie Green Sadie Holmes Hattie Holloway David Forrester Chrieto A. Hall Whichart 31008100 Carman Hall Carol Heywood Edna Jackson lred. Hill Katie Jamieson William McQueen Roselle Livermore Rebore McKenzie Gertrude MaTevfeh Knox Mair Nora Noebitt Ernest Pearen Bertha Olson Franois Shepherd Honors— Grace S. Adair Ida A. Brandon Ruby P. Davidson Elizabeth M. Fry Mabel Geddes Marg. J. His000ke Edna Iebister Lydia Sow Vern Knechtel Martha L. Lang Alicia K. Lowe Alice Mann Olive M. Manners Bessie H, Marealee Pass— Nettie Cottle Edith Johnson May Lamont Maggie Muir Lavinia Pearen Emma Sanson Susan P. Soots Mabel C. Snell Laura Strachan Flo. H. Von Norman May Macon Marg. E. Musgrove Mar. P. McPherson Marjory D. Rose Hazel Rnncfrnan Millie Turner Wellington Adams George Aitchison Robert Cruickshank Robert King Robert MoBee Clarence Wilson Thomas Wilson Howard Campbell Elliott Fleming Everett Glenn Richard Howson Percy Kerr Henry G. King Charles Little John Mason Gordon Murchison Dmtoan McGillivray feitieeitea— Standard Bank of Canada 1e372 ASSETS—'OVER THIR'tTEEN MILLION DOLLARS '®posts Of nue dnlhtr end npwarlie retched and I„t, rent allow ed in Seethed Beek at highest rate from dale of deposit to withdrawal, Interest PAID ON '1l]30 Daily Balance Lows Made, Nates Oohed, and every aouommoda tint afforded the res. p ,neible borrower. FARM1s rte i SALE 009.iE8 Coshed, Celleated 1 or may be loft for sate -peeping only for whfeb uo charge is made. This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. ta''Every convenience afforded cuetomere living et a dietanoe, BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, Armee. Orris Borden Brook Brandon Fay Patterson FruukH. Swann Foot Ball Jottings. The Atwood Bea of last week says :— Brneeele junior football team are the obampione in the junior W, T. A. series, having defeated the Berlin juniore in borne and home games by 8 goals to 2. The tinct genie in Berlin was won by Brussels by 2 goals to 1, and on Tuesday evening in Brunets the same teams play. ed e draw, 1 to 1, As goals count, Brut& seta wine the round and the champion- ship. We are pleased to see the coveted prize won by a Northern town, If Brue- eels intermediates also win their eerier, the Brueselitee will be justly proud of their boys. We hope to see them do it. Speaking of the Junior Championehip the Berlin Record remarks ;—The Junior Royals pct up the finest football .of the esseon in the final gams at Brunets on Tuesday for the Junior Championship of the W. P, A. and held the fast looais to a tie -1 all. But all Brueaels lied the Ind of n goal from the fief game, they win the honors for this year. The Ben lin boys have nation to be proud of their allowing. Getting into the finale the fleet year ie a good record. THE 10 rt i o 6DIATEe, In the semi -finale for the Intermediate ohampionebip for Western Ontario the Berlin and St. Genrge teams have bad quite a ohase and Brussels was epeoielly interested owing to the fact that they were pitted against the winners in Ibe finals. The Berlin paper reports last Friday evening's match le tbat town as follows :—The Royale a0d St. George football c!nbe are no farther advanced in the championship recta than they were a week ago. They played a tie game—one goal apiece on Friday evening tit the park. With the provions tie at St. George it ie atilt a tie. About 400 per. sone caw the game—over 100 coming up by special train from St. George. Others drove in from Heapeler, Plattevtl'e, Dun• deo and other places. The game was a, dandy frons a speotorial point of view. There was a lot of brilliant playing, more individual than combination, and the crowd rooted more than at any previous h ..0 A . c t `.,. tit ulckiy if you wish to take advantage of the low prices we are quoting during our great Mid - Summer Clearing Sale. We have no Cheap Goods to offer but we have a nice assort- ment of Inexpensive Goods for hot weather, which we are anxious to clear out at Greatly Reduced Prices. THIS 8,11LE WILL .INCLUDE SHIRT WAISTS We haven't very many left but whet we have will be eold at Bargain Prices—$t 00 for $1,25 ; 31.50 for $1.15 ; $1 85 for $1 00 ; $1 25 for 96o ; $1,00 for 80o. WHITE WEAR This is where we shine. In the first place our White Wear has ah important feature that you will not find in any other—IT IS ALL DOUBLE STITCHED, and in the second place, no better value can be procured ANYWHERE. SKIRTS -75o, $1.00, $1.26, $1 60, $176, $2 00, $2 50 and 33 00, all going ata redaction of 20% and there ere some beauties. GOWNS -60o, 76o, $1,00, $1.25, 31,50 and $2 00—to be cleared at 20%less, DRAWERS -260, 40o, 50o, 76o and $1.00—all marked down 20% CORSET COVERS -26a, 40o, 60o, 75o, $100 end $1.25—to be sold at 20% discount. SUMISIER GOWNS Perhaps you need something in a dainty, sheer fabric for a 000t dress. We have it—a pretty muslin, dimity, organdie or voile, regular from 10o np to 60o, reduced 25%, Or if you wish something mole dreeey we have atilt a fen pretty grenadine°, very ebyliuh knot vollee, handsome orepo de chimes, oanvan vgilee and silk warp paplins, regular £rim 50e op to $160, reclined 25%. Or if you want a knock about dress for holidays you should have a pretty Gingham, a Madras, a Chambray, a Magnet Twill or a Belfatt Rapp, (ootton Berge) regular from 120 up to 30o, rednoed 25%, We can't tell you about half the pretty things but come and see for yourselves. mOtOmmmommeadawwwormulamdd —August Designere 100 Groh or 80o per year. —August Fashion Shade Free, Augoet Patterne from 10u to 20o. ham game. Jaok Sohn, of Preston, was the referee, and hie deeteioue were more than once away off. It's a bad sign when an rfficial reverses hie denieione, ens thin wise done Friday. No one doubts hie desire to do right, or his conscientious• nese in being tgnere, but his judgment wits not °erreot, But neither team can say that his decisions kept them from winning. The contest was fast, cheok iug keen, and three•tocrthe of the play was in St. George territory. Our for. wards poured 0 allot atter shot, but got through only one. That one Beller bead ed iu on a pretty corner kiok by Sheriffs. The Saint's only goal was tallied after two minates play by the finest ormbina- tsun rush and flying shot even here for a long time. The visitors have played eleven games this year, iuoludiug exhibi- tion getmee and haven't lost one. Some 1,300 people saw the Berlin Roy- ale defeat the St. George intertnedlatee in the W. 1. A. semi finale et Galt on Mionday evening by 2 goals to 1. The St. G'erge team was a000mpetlied by abnat. 200 supporters, and these and some 150 Berliners made the rooting at time distinctly lively. From start to finieh the game wee a tine exhibition of Bret• olaee football. The St. George forwards are exceptionally fast trod Berlin's splen- did detouoe was seterely taxed on many ocoaeione. Both teems moored in the firm half and Berlin got their eeoond and winning goal on a long idiot from Rosch• man is the eeoond half. For St. George Patton and Bell, ou the defeoue, and Hill On the forward line, played a strong game, and Heller and Saharrer and Odroweltt were towers of strtngtb on the Berlin lineup. Mr. Armstrong, of Tor onto, was the referee. MoPazneite—Io Binsoartb, Man., on June 29th, to Mr. and Mre, 3'. R. MaPheraon, a daughter. AP.AR,Rrm..Z. MoPacneo,—Fonnss —,At the home of the bride, on July 8, by Rev. Alfred Andrew's, of Walton, Mr. John Mo. Pberaou to Mies Emma J. Forbes, dtntthter of Mre. Janitenn Stitt, all of McKillop, JULY 16 I,90i3 eleeeeleeeeereeeeeeell Creen a,th r1'be value of Parisi Green depends upon its killing power. That's what you buy it for. An inferior goal- ity is dear at any price. Our Paris Green is bought direct from the manufacturer. Its !purity and strength are guaranteed. It is the best and goes far- thest and costs no more than the ordinary sort. 250. PER POUND AT Drug Store. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. AN A 1 driving bores for Bale. B, I,EAT QtRDALE, Bruaeels. PIGHoTERo6WATSON, Y Fon Swx —12Brueaele, poonde for $1.00. 001tFOETARLE holies for sale or to tent, Dull street, West, Apply to 881! JOHN BROADFOOT. House and lot for sale or to rent, Medium street, frame and good garden, ou John street, Braes ale. Apply at TEE poem. Fon Senn —A good lot on Alexeuder street. Naar school and poetof leo ; good garden, Apply to WO, MAR'1lN, 01.0 Brueaele. Ater pereon wiehing to buy a hay rack would do well to mill on the it udereigu.d. He has it number of them Iter sale, DANL. N7,ABEL, Lot 94, Oen. 18, Grey. Voters' List, 1903, nm0IOIPeLryy of ran TOWNana' or 0050x. Notice le hereby Riven. thatl have trans- mitted or delivered to the perilous mention- ed insections 8and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Liet Act, the copies required by such section to LO 80 transmitted or delivered, of the list, made pursuant to said net, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Boll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal selections. and that the said list was first posted up in my orrice, at Ethel, on the lath day of July, 100 t, and re- mains there fur inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or guy other errors are found therein, to tune Immediate pro0eedings to have the amid errors oarreeted according to law. JOHN Mo1NTOSH, Clerk. Dated at Ethel,15th day of July, 3908. A GREAT Anna._ 580E ,f) CLOTHING SPECIAL F012 ONE 4 EL'K COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING. A lucky purchase of 5 eases of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes at less than it cost to make the goods. The 5 cases to be sold in one week. This means some great price cutting. The Cheapest Shoes you ever saw Only 1 week, Commencing Saturday Men's and Boys' Beady -to -wear Clothing. We have more Clothing than we want at this season and will make Extra Special Cuts in Prices during this next week. Men's Odd Pants, Overalls, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Odd Vests, Boys' Knickers Don't forget we are clearing all Summer Goode suck as Mullins, Lawns, Prints, Gingbanls and Curtain Goods at Cost. The Cheapest 'Dress Goods in Brussels. tom?,="Q3=".=.,•=ic="=iv'i HARRY A. ATCHETT Garfield House, Brussels. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, •