HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-16, Page 7r
Bot the Affair Has Not Always
a Very Satisfactory Term-
inati on,
'1'hc' latest Joliet to 110 perpetrate(
on 1110 "contracting parties" in 8
wedding is nothing 1t KS shall Lho
ki(1'nu.pping of (he bridegroom, a bi
Of 11101104' which, to say the least, i
somewhat hard on tlet 1 ride.
An instance of this mauve tvbicl
0081t1le1.1 a fete clays Ingo 81 l'e'apt
Nikon buil 11. happy tor ini mien
'which is not ntWii'8 L110 01180 WI 11
'Chose practical Jokes, Tho bridge
groom was a Mr, Alton ChnnlbOrs, a
lawyer, while the bride was Miss
Isdetnxn' N.orgtin, n daughter of a
Jelin -anent member of rho Newark
N. J., Town CotmeiI. rho ceremony
had been timed to take. place at fir
o'clacic p. 111. 10 tho Deitch Reformed
Church at Pompon Lai<es. A few
ntiutllo5 before the arrival of the
minister the bridrgeoon> who ]vas
waiting 111 1110 aisle, was info•mal
in a stago whimper that. his presence
was required ou101(10 for a moment.
Unsuspecting'l,c' he repaired to 1110
gates of the church, where stood a
frig twenty -horse power 1)a'r0cq au-
tomobile, As soon as bo utad0 his
appearance he was seized by three
pail's of strong hands and carried to
the 'vehicle, whore ho was securely
tied in, 'J'hon his captors 1110011 10(1
the mnchhlo and the auto disap-
peared carrying 1110 captive bride-
groom in it.
Itlennw•hilo Do guests, numbering
over It 1110(15041c1, had arrived and
were already seated in 1110 church;
the bride appeared "leaning on the
arm of her (ether"; the choir with
the minister at their head marched
,slowly up the aisle, and still tho
bei(logroont cnuu> not. The organ-
ist, with 8 laudable MA(lon8o1' to
drone 1110 11110101y W11 icl1 was bogiel-
ning to steal over filo congregation,
"HOW WE,LCOnnlii WAS Two
Sufforers from Nervous Troubles
,Are In a State of Continuous
Torture -Suggestions 0s to How
the Trouble Can be Overcome.
When your nerves aro shaky your
self-cunlrol is shattered --your will
power la broken. Sulidon SOuni10
1 startle you; your temper is irritable)
your hands tremble; there is wealc-
n(•ss in your knees; your skin is pale
1 and parched; you aro restless at
s night and. tired when you wake, It
all collies from. norvous exhaustion,
1 perhaps duo to overwork and worry,
n lain hours, hot days, and want of
blood, Dr, Williams' Pink fills is
the only cure. Thoy make 1101v, 1'1011
- blood, Thoy brace up jangled nerves
and strongtllon tired backs, They
give health and energy to dull,
weary, despondent men and women,
Strong proof is offered in the case of
Mrs. Wm. Wosteott, of Senfoi'tll,
Ont., who says: -"For a long time
my health was in a bad state, 'I
was subject to headaches, dlzz(noss
and nervous exhaustion. My appe-
tite was poor, and I was 110 badly
run down 1 could not stand tho toast
exertion, I tried several medicines
and consulted different doctors, but
they did not help Inn any. One of
my neighbors strongly urged me to
ivy Dr. W111innls' Pink Pills, and bo -
fere the second box was finished the
turning' point for rho bettorhad been
reached, and by rho tend 1 had used
a half dozen bo'oes, to the surin'ise'
of any friends and neighbors I was
again enjoying good health. and have
slam been strong and well. I do
not know anything to equal Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills when tho sys•
tem in run down,"
What the pills have done for oth-
ors tleoy will do for you, if you will
giro then a fair 11•ial. Sold by all
medicine dealers, or sent post paid
at ISO cents it box or six boxos foe
$3,150, by addressing the Pr. Willi;
ams Medicine Co.. Ilrocki'illo, Ont,
.at least six times of the "full or -
gum," anal just as the whole party
wore about to return to their homes,
loon.) 1(10)11 ever co:aviuco(1 of the per-
-11x11' of num, a whisper ran round
that the bridegroom had boon kid-
Tho knowledge that he was not a
voluntary absentee save(! 1110 bride's
reason, and search parties were at
•011.0 despatched to try and findthe
heartless captors, At six o'cloelc,
just an hour after the mn.rriago
.should have been peefortnocl, the ,big
automobile lurched into sight, drew
up at the church door, and the
bridegroom, wild with anxiety, and
frantically trying to adjust his tie,
:descended. 1('e hurried up tho aisle,
the organ thundered out for the so'-
-enth Baan "1 -Dov Welcome Wes the
Cul]," and tho ceremony proceeded
to its close.
At the reception tho bride begged
her husband, tt'lto was still some-
what ruined, to forgive the klduup-
pers, remarking, with a sly
gleams at their raihcr sheepish
exin'esslons, that she felt Sano they
.had hail het' welfare at heart. They
were forgiven on the spot, n,n(1 the
wedding which had begun so thous-
ple(o)i51y, ended with a record am -
(mut of merriment. :But the bride-
groom is still waiting for sono 01
ilio& particularly 1'aceli0us friends.
;of his to gri nuu'r(ec1, When ho
prmn(288 10 11010 full revenge bo>'th(1
annoyance they caused hint.
-In which 1.110 bridegroom tuns kid-
napped "for a lark" sca•c01y had
so happy a termination as the oto
ree0)titd above. This Instance oc-
'curred a few ]months ego 111 a New
.101'0032 town, the (1011 1111P Ing p0r-
ties being well known throughout
the Stair... The cercnutug lind, un-
fortunately, already been postponed
once at the 1'e(tmt'St of 1(10 hride-
g'rnoi), and this feet, rlonhtless, had
IOmcthil1g to do with the denoue-
ment of the joke. The wedding 11011
been fixed foe foul' in the afternoon,
and the ilridegroom was preparing
hinr8olf for the solemn OOcnSiol whoa
half a (100011 of his bachelor friend
outdo their appearance and begged
hint to spare a 10)1' moments in or -
dee that they might have the plea-
sure of drinking itis 100101.
It was then barely ihreo o'clock,
and, 1 h bridegroom foolishly con-
senting, the wh0lo party repaired to
a1 adjoining hotel. when) they rc-
T11111110d fora few minutes only, The
friends then ]tailed a large closed
landau, into which they all 8rratfl-
hlod, and 1110 cabby was told to
drive to sumo address w'1110(1 the
bridegroom failed to hear. As soon
ni a Stott ware made the unfortunate
man was securely rope(( 1111(1 0 gag
put into his mouth. For half an
hone' the cab r011od on, intimately
drawing up at a deserted house,
where tho Icidnappols descon'detl, tak-
ing tha Struggling bridegroom with
theme. They carried hint to an un-
furnished room.
1li1)S':i.OVED TEE GAG,
and, telling him they w'otild return
ie the course of_twc+oly minutes,
locked 1110 door and vanished: At
111e end of the appointed time they
returned and, cutting the ropes, set
1110 enraged brielegruon at liberty.
lie reached his hotun 10)0 11 0111'S in Le
for the 0000111011y, but nevertheless
pinceock'cl to the church, which,
needlo58 t0 811,y, he fOtnl'd barred. and
looked, Dashing o.11' to the 11o118e of
1w18hicphrid18e1)-1)t0-e11n0rUhyo soft5td, a' ribny181(1n0n)s1-
te''s orchis." Than 11e wrote a fell
cxplalntion of beet be had been ((id-
nahpnd, which Was attested by all
who hrtd taken' part in his capture,
but to 11118 C01112111011 lea 11011 no 11.11.-
510er 10)18 1'00010.0d, ITc lo 51111 a
NOT' a(y T'1%'1"1.\7:TaNa1'.l1
('114,11: -- "Tea', I'm iroiug 111 for
et•.0,' et anal pole nuc1 all that nowt
' 11 i a;', }' item;- It„y're p1,' 1t inane
1` -a 1.• I n etf
T. 1 sl e• > 1 ih 1 ,' V011`re
Adventure in Which. the King of
Beasts Gets a Scare.
On n 1itcllov moonlight evening a
cyclist was rlding along a lonely
rural in the northern part of M:ash-
onulan(1, As he rode, enjoying the
somber beauty of the A1110101 (Well-
ing, 110 suddenly became conscious of
a soft, stealthy, heavy tread on the
road boliilld Hint, It seamed like the
jog trot of some heavy, ou5hion-
footed animal following him. Turn -
I ung round, he was scared very badly
to Lind himself looking into tho
glaring oyes of a large 11on. Tho
pur%lod animal acted very str111115111y,
110W raising his head, now low-o•ing
it, and all the time sniffing the ate
in. a most polislexod manner.
Vern was 0 sueprisc for the lion.
Ito cou'l'd not make out what. Kind of
annual it w'us that could roll, walls
and sit still all at the satrsl time;
1111 11111)111)1 with a red eye an each
side, and a brighter one in front. idu.
11) situs ed to potmx')2 upon such melt
outlandish being, a being whose
blood 01118110d so 0i1y,
No cyclist since 1110 Romans in -
I wonted wheels, ever "scorched" with
!mon.. honest nand 8(11510 nlinlde(blese
of purpose_, But all.lrnagil h0 pedal-
ed and p'(1181ed, although h0 per -
0.1)11d 11.1111 panted, his nl]'ort to get
away did not seem to place 111,7
more territory between hint amid the
'lion; far that 11) (nanl, like Mirk
1 1ai11 5 )'oyot0, 1e11 up his annoy -
11151Y mint 105 trot, tlnkl neve1' SOtvu-
ttll 10 lire,
Che poor rider, was 110111ly so ex-
hcduslc(1 front lame')' tun exertion
that lie decided to have the matter
err WII11 right n.w'ny. Suklldenly
slowing' down, 1:e jumped from his
whorl, awl facing a.1rullti7' about,
thrust the brilliant headlight full
into Lim faro of the lion, This lens
1 em match for the bra's, 71 was
this friaght Out 11001co the lion's
nerve. for at this frosh evitlm)ce of 1
mystery em the part of the slmn,ngo
rider mei mut. 18(10 1)ro1,0 hin(8611 in-
to halves and 110(1 cast his 1(g nye
in nay direction he ;Neosar, the u:o.n-
nt•rlt of the foee,t termed tail, and
with a wild rush r0)rented 1: a. v('ry -1
(13.'0))11-11lre (101)1(101' i1110 1110 jungle,
e1'11101ly (halndcing Lds stars for 1(10
m(ralu.10018 0560p0 Irani that awful
being•. 7'heren0nsl the bicyclist,
with newstrength Inheriting amid dc- y
youth.' blessing (1(8 00100lene lamp,
pedaled his way to civilization,
How a London Merchant Dealt]
Withan Objectionable
Thoro is a whimsical spirit, it
would sena, whose function Is to
rule the minds of old folies at tho
omelet moment W11100 they decidethat it is time to make ova, to their
heirs the goods and chattels whicl
they will soon have to 10111, 11011111
them, says the Edinburg Scotsman
It Llano is in a man's 11111111'0
Sparkof glint humor, a, touch o
cynicisms, 01' a 111110 vain glory abol
the average, tvo aro likely to sot(i
snaking itself known for rho las
time Ia his last will and testament
Gory often old people Korner • m(851
mont0l disquietude overthe 80(ect.io
of melt/Mae for their )oalll1, w11
titer they count it in thousandso
Lens, or ()von in a few sticks of fur
niture, and lawyors tell us of of
women who spend quite n largo sun
(n 0(Iding codirlls and 171.111<1ug 111.81
wills for 'tho 100111111' of a fo
In many instances, the real inters
tion 01' a Aril'( does not uPpear 01
the surface, It might bo preludicla
to mention two or time eases tha
co11)0 to mind of large bequest
which have 'been ]eft to dotebtles
very deserving, charities, s01o1y w'It
rho unlovely desire to annoy the e,
pedant relations of 1110 testator, I
is almost ghastly to picture a mal
performing, in rho awful presence n
death, a last act of spite and Intelice, 1110 carrying 0711 of which 11
will not be them to sec.
An olcl-fashio,1)
ned expression, 0017.
in vague among writers of romantic
fiction, namely, "to cut off with a
(drilling," is better known in a fgur
ative than in a literal sense. It
11100,111 originally something more
than a sarcastic way of disposing
nothing on one's eldest son or other
intorostrd person.
if a will was found to oontain no
reference to a man's 110111/01 110.11',
it was held to be the result of acci-
dent, and the nogloctod ono was re-
stored. to his own. So Roman fa-
thers, when they wished to disinher-
it a son so as to leave no opening
for doubt, expressly stated that the
person in question should receive on
shilling, neither more nor les-
11CIne0 Onl' expression.To an ordinary mind, this would
seen> a nasty enough way of dealing
with an objectionable family. 1Dut
Mr. Potor Tho1 ussetn, merchant, o
London, was not so oesily satisfad,
11'o possessed a considerable fortune,
which 110 was firmly determined
should ha put out of roach of any of
his family' living at the time of his
death. Accordingly 11e left directions
to his trustees that his nroloy should
1e investee] so us to go nn 0)'t'Im',u-
fat ing 1)11111 the last of Itis children
and gratt10h(Idrot't had joined t.ilo
ern iort(y•
The retinae post rritp (01' 181111711
this heaped -un wealth teas den-tired
diel not, however, .pea r 1 •• "'• ,,,.-
tent pen"osrrl, Merinq the 11 fM I'o'
or rho beered gennrn.tinn, the money
was so W0111 by the ,osis of II I a,
Hon ti,rt the neagnifrm't fort's r of
£1,000,(800 hadithten11t to £ti00,-
000, Ron1Oth(ng under 110 iv'lion(
sunt. Tho rest hell nano to fill the
pockets of a downed ng profrss(611
rind many a 10)03 1' hors had roaenn
to bless the name of Toler Tholes
2,0 for the Baotou liar. ort
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did holes wear so soon ?
You used common soap.
ll7 1(tNY-ICES
'o py utopia, unlimited pig being tho
t highest possible bliss in meal Jing -
t lnniof the day.
'1716 Husband now cast off his pea -
1 stunt's cloak, ant] doc)nrod himself to
n ho no other than Sir Ilcglnal(1 Litz-
r In return for the kindly gift ho
- presents to the. convent
1'l "llrond lands both far and near,
1 \Chick shall to thou and thinepro-
w One thousand marks a year.
slut this 00nd111an I annex,
- Or else the trust's forsaken,
1 That whonsoe'er a pair shall come
1 Antl take rho r0'W we've taken,
t They shall from thee and thine 1'c
9 tante
5' A goodly' Flytehe of Bacon."
h 11y the ;will of Dr, Poi -taus, Bishop
t- of Lond,on at the end of the 38111
t 60111,311'3% a certain sum. is divided
1 annually among six poor 601105er5
f of his parish of 1-3(union, who at-
- toad divine ser-vieo most regularly.
c The good folks of Heaton find that
virtu() is more than its own 'inwards,
the remuneration coming out at
something over Is. Od. per Sunday,
Letters from theGo'mast exploring
party in illosopota0.ia state that the
work of excavating 1110 slto of an-
cient 13abylon is proceeding most
satisfactorily. The groat gate of
Nelnlchndnezzur's palace has been
cleared of rtrl)bis11 and cls stately 01-
1101161.015 revealed. Numerous in-
scribed bricks have also been found.
In 0110 pinto there were 225 with
closely written cuneiform inscrip-
tions, believed to be fra.gtnouts of
some public library. Thoy are from
o tho vo y earliest period of P01)y-
loninn history, Stec hundred cases
of glazed tiles have been made readyfor shipment to Connally, They
bearmost elaboroto designs, and
aro from the gate of N0huc•]tadnez-
f zar's palace and from a sacred pro-
cessional av0111(0,
son. The interest rrnnsnrl ht' (his
wil'L g0ve rise 10 what 1S known as
sson Act, by which it ns
tondo nnl'•f,'I 11) lie up ) Oney 50
as to nncu)'lUlntc in pitch n 1-ny.
The holy of 1'1romy Tien, hem,
hca0L(h ily moreover), with every np-
ponranrh of tiro, sill (ne• .r0e1 nmol
rluthod (al 11(s Snndny 1,01•I, May he
seen at this Any, in the \levmmn of
University College, in serro'(hva'e
with n condition of bin remnrlrhlr•
W],1, by which the college greatly
tweeted,T1i�S FCCIeNT1110 7(TN138
1101-0 managed to hit on prettier and
est as nlh0alious ways of "keeping
their amatory green,' The award-
ing of \'Fa:('rl's R9'onoy st.ill 1)1111,8
dace aeuma•lly at (('uil(fnrd, being a
n•iz0 of .31.2 deri.vocl from Money 111-
'0;4(0.1 by'Kr, John1?ow in 107+11
rho money Is awarded to n 110ielsar-
'ant who 8111111 11)0.ve (1vnd for ,two
i•01)85 181'1er (1110 601)0 1111510055 111 1.110
old borough of Guildford, and the
011x1111 scenery serves 011 11 remin(1-
er Chat 1110 'servent 51)651 ion' we
hear so much of to'11ay is no 11013(
ll,illg, 0.0 Mr, 11iow's 61Ionia 1nd tern,
of 5080(e0 is by 110 1120)1115 0000081('0.
Ono William Glnavillo, of M'utto'n,
loft in his will :E•2 each 08 '1111 nn -1
1t u0l toward for flvu boys or 1110
parish who should with their (lagers
on his tombstolc, repeat the Creed,
the Lord's Prater, and 1110 00.111-i
uulrodnrt'nt5, n.nd nf'11rw'nrds reed T,•
Clot., xv„ and write two V0rer5 0l'
the 80.11110. ']'his curious 01us10111 has
now been ropoated for the 185th
Sir Ralph Ass'hnton, in his will
(101ed 1.670, loft a vino to prcyduco'
four 5e(n00s yearly to pay ltto
elerg'ymen to mooch two sol'nlon5,
ono at Dowraharn, moa' C litheroe, on
the day of his death, 1110 other at
Whalley on the anniversary of his
birth, Tho 6601101101' tuns not, to bo
the incumbw111 of 01 (her pariah -the
I(n]5111 evidently 11(0051)1 it possible)
to have 0no'u5h of a good thing -
ald 'dile cu510711 11a5 t0 continue a5
long a5 his places at 114talley anti
Dovhllant continued in the 1)01110 and
family of Asoah.oton.
Talking of :111(111 cnst.on5 brings us
t.0 1',110 story of the T inettlw Flitch,
which, 1,111(0511 1(ot, exactly w homiest,
is ilvtoreSting enough to bo recorded
here, I110rr1,l(n Ainsworth gives 110
Weak, sickly babies aro a great
(r(n1 to mothers. They need con-
Ilaut cane both night and day and
10011 wear 1110 11101)10)' out. lhvby'8
little stomach is the 011)1100 of must
of tho 1reublo; it, is very weak, and
In conscqucnco very easily upset,
Baby's Own Tnbltns will euro all
baby troubles. They aro mildly
100111ive and give prompt relief, Con -
wiling. them Mrs, R. J. Balfour,
Omomeo, Ont„ says: "I have usod
Baby's Own 'Tablets for stomach
troubles and constipation from 11111(111
11)7 1111lo girl suffered end they en'
tirely cured hop. 'i'hoy produced
sound, refreshing sleep, and 11•agatel
them els ind(s8000(blo•i)1 any home
w11mr, there aro little ones,"
Mothers from all parts of Ctannria
writo in favor of Baby's Own Tab -
Ws, proving 1.115 claim that they aro
the 101•,y best medicine for tall 111a
minor ills of infants aid young chil-
dren, Guaranteed to 0(11110171 no
opiate'. Prico 25 6)91)10 a box at 011
druggists 01• (timet front The. 111.
Williams' Medicine Co., P7e011011 o,
'1Tesmel•ist's WI fo - "Carlos,"
Mesmerist - "Woll, door?" Mesmer-
ist's Wifo--•'"I WW1 you would done
hero and toll batty ho is asleep."
.1. Weliingtot, New Zealand, 117(011-
er Onto nd'vorlisod: "flaying 11'011'
56en1'c11 the sorvicosof a 1Jniversity
mal for our small goods depart,
inert, we can supply 10111 Cambridge
T ,7l, t a(, m ,.,.1x4:1; ( 8,21; !1, (1!011'1' ,:nil 0xfnrd sausages at ileo poundsNJ?"t 101' 0110 611)11ling."
1"i:flt STORY 1N A BALLAD,
A lvettcl))1 1'(01)1)10 011(111) in 111771,0.10
raiment to t.lio Convent of 171tmnmw,
to register a sotemst 000: that, dm,
i115.a year of ntnan'(ad life not ono
angry word had passed between
them, Tho good monk of the von -
vont, highly ()fenced 11(. the low'iy
tail', hailed tura r tet )yent. rook; W1v,
hopponol to miss by with. n. 1.1:1,e
flitch of bacon on his Luck, ,. 'I
dol'Od it to 110 presented Lo 1.,), •,1'.1, to l•, 0..,,,,,,
- ---^+-..-,
William N. Baslcin, of Norwood,
Lives Good Advice and Others
are Following it With Splendid
Norwood, Ont., ,July 6 -(Special);
William N. Hoskin, the well-known
lumberman and railroad contractor
of this 11(n2'1, tells of an experience
with Dodd's kidney l'ills that is
hound to he of intor051 to the pub-
lic generally.
"Far two years," says Mr, Has -
kin, '1 WOR 101(1 up '8(111 1,0111P Bark
and (((dney 1lineas5, 1 would at
11115 (10007(15' weak and halo 10 leave
on' work. People who know tee as
lumberman and contractor 01) 1110
C. P. I1. and Parry Sound Railways
know how sick I w'a5,
"Reading of wonderful cures by
7lndel's Kidney Pills led 810 to try
them, 1 used 1.11^00 boxos and am
ennlpintely curer. I can say now I
have not hod an,v pains since I used
Dold's Kidney fills."
Others who 11111)0 followers 116r, Bas -
kin's nrtl'i(11 and tied Dodcl's Kidney
Pius report 8101110' r('sulls, No form
of TCidney Disease can stand boron)
1\' MA'1H'ER S ) (INS,
An "old salt" 51005 the following
siens for weather, stn claims t.hoy
will coon Irue (Ivo times mit of six.
I .If 1110 wind canes before tho rain,
50011 1 011 1.0.11 1110110 ROM (1g01)1,
If the rain colne5 110101.0 the wind,
feel your topsails smugly in.
Rainbow at night, :sailors' do-
1(gl 1.
Rainbow tho 111 tho morning, sailors!
lake warning.
1f tilt rain comes with setting atm,
80011 the showers will be done.
iti=ung sun followed by rain, you'll
not Roe the sun a50]n.
1! the sae's red in the west, next
(ley hotter than rho lust,
A 51:7.0011 of rad, ((101n streak of
gray, and you will get a gloomy
I was Cured of Bronchitis and
Asthma by M1NAR.D'S 1)1N1317 NT.
111101, A. LIVINGSTONI;,
Lot 5, I'. til. I.
I was Cured of it. severe. attack of
Rheumatism by MTNAHRl7:h
1(1x1111110 110.74. JQIIN MADER,
I was Cured of a severely sprained
leg by 1liINAI(11'S LINIM1r1NT,
I;(IUII&I At1TO7d'01.11LIS'1',
liroaktng atvuy from a wagon at
141101ms, le'r'ateo, a 00800 dashed into
a pa-sei15 ,11101• -car, and leapt into
tho back seals. Tho chauffeur Was
(it)00016 by Its forelegs and thrown
into 1.1(0 road. Passers-by were
treated to the novel 07011arlo of n
hnr:ye driving alone in an auto7uo-
A bachelor ono day sot (-110 table
in his lonely abode, with plates for
hlinself and an imaginary wife and
five (•1)]1(1,00, 110 then sat down to
dine, (1111 as 110 hotpot] himself to
food hn put the 001110 quantity on
each of the Other plates and sur
veyo l the prospect, at the snout (.foo
ecnlrl>,iltiug 1110 cost, Iiaa IS still a
bachelor. -^
Bow's Tills !
We otter Ono Hundred Dollars Reward
for any cavo o! Catarrh that Cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F..1. 01111(81110 4t Co., 'Toledo, O.
We, rho undersigned, have known 1'.
J, Cheery Per Lho last le years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and fnanGnby
able to carry out any obligations made
by thar Ann.
1,1:111' R 11t11A0, Wholesale Druggists,
W010110, 0. WM.DINI), KINN AN 5.
MA11V1N, wholosulo Druggists, 'Toledo.
hall's Catarrh Cure le taken Inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfa008 of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Priro 75c. per
botLUo. dell by all druggists.
• lull's Famlly Pills aro the beet.
Small Boy (to gardener) - "Yon
haven't any sa(u•0orowe in your gar -
don." (100(1011er - "No, ray boy."
101011 Boy (innocently) - 001
course, you don't want t1u:m wh011
you are there yourself."
I''or the International Convention
at Denver, July 0111 to 131111; the
official route selected by the Trans-
portation Managers for Ontario and
Quebec is Iia tho Chicago and
North-Western and Union Pacific
Railvays. Special train of tourist
(looping cars through to Denver.
Tickets on sale July tltit, 71h and
8th. I;etern limit August 31st,
1003. Very lou rates from all eta -
lions in Canada. Write for official
Christian 1Sndcavor folder, rates and
full information to 13. II. Bennett, 3
East Icing street, Toronto.
While man has approached rho
North Pole within 238 miles, no ono
has yet stood within less than 772
miles of the South Pole,
On June 30111 to July 10th inclu-
sive, the .Wabash will sell round trip
tickets 1.o Denver, Colorado Springs
or Pueblo, Colo., at tho Lowest over
made from Canada, all tickets good
to return until August 31st, 1903.
On July lst to 10th inclusive, spe-
cial low rate excursions to San
Francisco, Los Ange,os or San
Diego, Cal., good to roturn 101111
August ,list. Tickets good to stop
over for thirty days west of first
Colorado point. This will bo the
grnnelesl opportunity ever given
pas(etg0rs to visit Colorado and
California. Diverse routes going
and ('clam
All ticlu'tsing, Sheul(1 read vin Detroit
and over the great Wabash route.
Vol' full particular's address any
100111611 Agent, or J. A. Richard-
son, District Passenger Agent,
Northoas1 corner filing and longe
steots, Toronto.
Germany dug 101 million tons of
coal last year, raising bor to third
rank as a coal -producing country.
Par O r 142,8(3 Vent's.
at 0014 n.1.)) M0.7,11l,101/ 11011115,. - 011,
ow ,ahoron
boon user fo s(.
Y t r m•or sixty
to d by m,1'I 5 of mu, kern for 1 (00 1'h 1(10 Chau
01(1,,rle. WWI p1)., 11 •none+,. it ,0 wi,,, eke Cl0,,))
0 (110 x e3o emed 1. , iail pain, m., wad colo, an,
111 a 11) ha.l remedy G. U 1)1 every la Nen not to oho
ax p raid i0 (I-twits(0. in every pnrt of s1) woe 4.
lb,v1(0,,oe 000 n,•w r,, ( vnluo n �ag Oerop.
st x11k il,(u tI n,1' lira lrluvaw'n Eootlnn0 syrup
and lake nu 1111111, kind.
"So she rejecter] y011, diet 6110?
Your proposal didn't pieo10 her?"
"1'611, .T can hardly say 11 didn't
pive Inc. T thought she'd never
stop lau'g'hing."
It•"moves 111 hard, Snit or calloused tears
anti blemishes fr'rn h„sea, h ood 0pnl'lu,
1'u 1- xpl u',<, ring 0110, swum y, eblleo,
+prntnv 1'•m, a d •t1',. 1113 throat, 1,•)1)211+, 1 c.
Rave 810 by 010 o' ane bot. o. 1)„rr3n o f
(h. most wonderful 1510011011 dere over
Familiar hero - "Funny, but yo'u
are always busy 181611 I tomo in."
'.Phe \'IctiIn - "Itut still. y1)')) 80100
inard's Liniment Relieves iteuralgla
Lecturer - 1"l'llacoustics of your
hall are vera' bad, sir," Proprietor
-"No, sir; they're all right. It was
the soap factory you smelt,"
S(im,o of 1110 Important features of
the Massey -Harris Hinder are:
FOLDING D1VID17'i(S, - No bolts
or mats to U'fS01101Y, 300 inertly re-
lease a spring 011 the 0nlsido Di-
vider and unhook rho inside oto to
fold them. A youngster ew.n (lo it
oa5tly and properly. The Dividers
(w•e very rigid in then' w•ork•(eg pos-
itions, and relrla(11 at Whatovor
Angle the, aro f0ldud o(n' the eon,
1" LO,A'l'1,11 ELEVATORS. -Thoy
lit)0'/01y fort•. The gen in Ca 111101,
dick or choke in the ]blxl6.scy-1Pewri:l
Montt or, 110 111111(01' A- . 1011,1 11 1s
There is only one tea to peolie Co
d scrilflra lr1(e tilr>,.st, taste and that is
Et has no unpleasant illavor to pall
on one. Si'at'pb' a rich arc acke• and a
charming delicacy.
Black, Mixed. Coulon Green• lak for P,ed Lebol.
FORTY CE'rT'7C15-6tOOT-MD 811 L'EEr'T7i B
t -f
inters' Thoughts
Think of every good point a perfect Paint Brush
should have and you'll have a mind picture of
3 U
BRIDLED lIfi1l�� dd�lR
The bridle can be easily removed and replaced
-is not affected by water, oil or paint -works
on a pivot and thus keeps the bristles elastic.
Great Prairie investment Co
Capital, 84111',000. Divided Into 30,000 shares of 7('1.0(1 earl ,
TORONTO OFFICE; 71 Victoria Street J. J. BOREBANK, Secretary
Prosidont -R, L. Joyat, Esq.,
M.P.1'., Toronto.
Vico-Presidents,-D. W. .311eICer-
etre', Barrister, Winnipeg; It. A.
Pyne, • Esq., M,D., ](t,P,P„ To-
Directors, -John Small, Esq.,
Collector of Customs, Toronto;
Cilas, Young, M.P.P., Winnipeg;
E. Morgan, Esq.? Junior County
Judge, Toronto; 11, W. 11111,
Esq., Winnipeg; T. W. Andrews,
Esq„ Winnipeg; A. E. IIowey,
Esq., Winnipeg; 0', J. 13orebank,
Esq., Toronto; IT, 111, East,
Esq„ Barrister, Toronto; a.
Campbell, Winnipeg.
have purchased a huge block of
land within the corporation lim-
its of Winnipeg and embracing
4,500 building lots situate in the
best residential section, where
the impulse in values will be
most keenly realized. This land
is beautifully wooded and is con-
ceded by all lviunipcg investors
to ba rho best residential part of
the city. A street car line is
now being completed, which pass-
es within a few rods of the north
0nd of this property; and another
line is projected to run on tho
east, sides c�rnoP...,t
It is 'not unreasonable to =poet
a realization upon this property
within twelve months of from 200
to 600 per cent. 2t has doubled
in value sinco an option was ob-
tained about Dight months ago,
before being finally purchased by
the Company. Whatever tho pro -
tits aro, officers of tho Company
and shareholders are on the
same footing, and tho Company's
books aro always open to the in-
spection of shareholders.
All cheques payable on account
of 1)1061) 51?ould be truttle payable
to the order oh The Trust and
Guaranteo Co,, No, 14 King St„
West, Toronto.
Write for prospectus.
Tho Company has purchased
4,500 building lots, 2.5 x 130
font. Total frontago 112,500
Tho Company's estimate 0n are.
Fent 8511,8) of (.60 loud Is ream
S:.uO to Weeper fon (accord.
Ing 10 location). Chis would
yield at even an average o'
SS 0:1 mg foot 0311,100 00
Coat of land, advertising, 08'
peel ma'ag 'mcnl for the
ensuing year, approximated ab 110,000 00
Profit balance to Company .... 0137,000.00
...,.firer 03=0((. ors.•.-1nmc4SX:r4 ar11=361 140Si>`= si w:w � suet mattes -
ging Edward
7110011 '9
ce Headlight n
fl Ea:ia
luno 17 � 20co
nc tilctoulo11
¢ aatie Comet"
Ther and
No molter where you aro going, it
in tho United States, wt'Eto to Fred.
Fox, caro Lackawanna Railroad,
Buffalo, N. Y., for rales and routes,
Very cheap excursions (luring the
summer to Atlantic City, Boston
and Nov York. Excursion rates
now in effect to all resorts. P1011
Elderly Lady - "lite that your
sister I saw you with yesterday,
Johnny?" Johnny (aged six) -"1'10
I. look liko a follow who'd waste lois
time on sisters?"y
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
IlIrs. Malaprop 5011101 i 1110S 11(18 the
nail on the head. 11 rainexl i1) 10+r -
('e11.0 (1111 she left: tha ch'utt'h on 8,511-
dny n10rllin5 without an. umbrella,
".flow irrigating this tat" sate ejacu-
Deo Lee's Dry Soap (a pow4c101')
to wa' 11 woolens and 50na101s,-
you'll liko it.
Marie "I didn't know you ever
won a prive at tennis," Biel< •-"0E
course 1: did. I'nl going to marry
it in August."
i' inc.rd`s liniment Cures Burns etc'
of --- i
_ " -T. _ NYl,lme.117 i•a t t > 1 t, 1(0 mum, - "1'00 snnl)w'ised at you,
'(arra 1 WW1, 1,, - i'+,•a • m. ,c11,••••: .f &m
any real" .1mny (tatonl,ghtfnllv)-
�rgkuu Bay's
Favorite Summer Ho1ela
MOONRIVlIlt 11,0.
Write for rattle,
Grand Union hotel,
01rA1VA, GAN.
Dominion Lho Steamships
Montreal to Lhnrpool. Ironton to Liver.
pool, Portland to Liverpool. via QuOene-
LolI5and0 ontsoamahl. SAlSnoorlor mid SLoteration
for ►11 ldoh)me or Spmola( attention ionlue,a and ]net, to
teeonddalloo uo,1 Tla 1.0)*nn ,tan beengiven, tiro
Second ,8,16n and all
particularinrs, s, apply o am Per
01(6000015058,01 all particalara, apply to any pont
pi Oho Oongmhy, or -
P11001rd. Mina h 00, 0. Torrance 600..
)f''tllato5t Boston. Afontrouland Portlan0
If scientific principals count for anything
tho potent inflated air 9,).11 truss should be a
0,ouose. 11 bends rho Parts in ettoh position
the t with fair play 1.7tey must heat, It is light
and 000 fortnb.0 t0 avear, mud. your confidence
is roslored the moment it Is adjusted, Ston
eon 9' 0Cur0 it onlyyfrom 6110 Bolt and Truss
mfg. fila,., Ilania Sncctidists, 433 %01111s
Ave,, 'Toronto, Wrlto new.
We have Mexicans, WIl
California Navels, IIAV13
Vnlencins, anti THE,
Sovilies. B.E.S7
1 n yttnng Wnmm.m w o r;,,;.(. 01010e nit. ..,air.• r-.. • tsctil omor got mod to717,13 +• .1.4:•3i. '9`, h.,�.,'. 1'r
slakes 111110 ihiugs toned. "1 ".1',,r,i ', ,i,1) •; 1' nn , 1':1finaI +'4„1'11 ulwnys saw- Carload every week. All the above at
market prices. Wit one also handle your
Ones oho (1,0 It?" "'1'enchra 1),i,;,,,..• "1 111('
tic. tit 0. pri v x'11111 I . n II,. tie I t t "- 1'n a„ « tit I of nl
ho to to v.'tia i:t 7 Eggs, lf'S ultrYe
F.. 11 1,.tditp(1
:t r" ;'aRS..'. cul a other produce to advert.
'.�,1, ,l t��7.•
1 '1.4, r 41 e7 !1 1,1".,'U:,
.;, t1 one od,
to 'i • ,,,1 10, d, °t , 1:..,,. n i , " 1;'i ?.. [dC 1 1
... atiol'. •l. ;. ..q .' "... e' , .,.
1 , n '0 } , '' r .-d i. t e .t (• t i,, I n1'.. 'l n 't E::5.6o'tY.... , .,. i.4.': P(k., TOrtOrsvtl
n n- Y r .' . v" ill (!„ 1 (• 'Ir. 3uA
„- I i,, , 7 1' N i'1) :i ,. ;. ,n,... -r. •. .,.:03
,. ,1 ,e' In a