The Brussels Post, 1903-7-16, Page 5JUi.i' 16, .1908
1U oouON 1( TO LOAN AT 1)Bk1
, I.H. SCOTT, , liruasel0,
IoGli (Ili!
'senor of Marriage me, 414(( lice at Grocery, T mut+crly tome, 1:ruoxata,
T./IA.11MS FOR SALE -Tis i UN-
- 1:iictiel0Nn11 has e0Veral 00,1 1141'4- 0
'rale and to rent, nee terms, in '�ownelaipa
of Morris and (tray, Ir H, HO OTT, Brunel
191 � y
trlsu'er of Marriage Licenses,
z :v 7.,3:d=S.,G. ONT.
E. Estelle Griffin
TEACIIElt 08 VOICE /1111ii'lllr4
Pupil of false Eva N. Boblyn, of London,
Pupils prepared for Conservatory ammo
rest', ill vialb Brussels every Tuesday,
Leanne given at the home of W. 11, Kerr,
Sohn street.
MONEY TO LOAN AT 44, 9r Sc 5 Per Cent.
Oalce over 13mre10v',0 Drug Store,
Nov, Ord, 1002, 80.2m Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Inluraaee Co.,
E('TABLIemtn 1810
Insnrenoe taken on the cash and premium
note eystonu at currant rrtea. RI fore hum.
Mg elsewhere Ball ou the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
01.013G1'1 510GERS, nr,tse011.
• nun, will sell for bettor prices, to
bettor mon, in less tlmo nod leas eblu•1100
Mau any other Auctioneer in Fast Enron or
ho won't charge ouythiug, baton and orders
eau always be arranged at this 00200 or -by
per0oaal application.
Tho undersigned, who Is woll acquainted
throughout the most pert M the County
and who has had boldness with a large air.
ole of farmers 111 and around. thio looali Ly,
hoge to Inform the community that be has
taken out an Auotioneer'e License for the
County of Huron and offers hie services to
all purposing to hold sales.
Ta08. NEWSOM1(, Brussels.
!! Honor Gle,400.0 of the Ontario Vet.
winery College, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
entmanner, Parti;ular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Oflloe and Infirmary -Pour ttyoore
North of bridge, 'l'urnberry at., Brussels.
1'• Barrister, 1411140itor,
Notaryo,110. al9eSowthwart's Blook
1doorNrthot Centralatol.
Solloitor for theStandard
ufeee over Standard Bank; 8014ettor for
Township of Groy, Hewlett Inutue] and the
Metropolitan Bank, Private and Company
money to loan at lowest ra.tee.
N. 11., U, AI•,
Trinity (3 niver'elty, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member Collage of nye [clang and
Surgeons Out. Licentiate of the RoyalCul-
le a of
and Licentiate of Mid-.
wl'fery,Edinbur b, 1�-Telephouu No.14,
Besidonee-Milt etroet, Brnsoele.
Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental
Burwell 00 Ontario and 4'h•et class donor
Graduate of Toronto University. office
next to Brower's Photograph Gallery,
and Students may enter
at any Limo, SPRING Tl3B41 BEGINS
LIAR, 30, Two euuraea-Oenmorcinl and
Shorthand, Send for College Journal.
0, A. FI,EMING, A, L. MoINTYl3E,
President, Secretary,
British Colombia
lied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pare and Cedar
loll SAIL i' AT um'
Brussels Planing Hs
Also Doors and Bath of all Pat
terns On hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Etkimateo Tarnished for all
kinds o£ Buildings. Worltman•
ship and lviaterial Guaranteed.
AM.E N J. ,
ir'e t•::lr .7,(=.Kt reeet4s ale-i'"i 33. S. Owner 1. • 1 p( tor. c flu
1, f of the 91. ate, i,-•„ c'nuri• .0 ,f the
12 &1I hrui Opens 40, Ittl illaeana era 4!0,10• h,iNy pt w rk 010 4114
i'l rl
1( ) td 1„11.
(� &�
!scores of Business Colleges Lave
applied to us for our gradtultoe, to aur
Ila 001,1 ,10 lu ill ah• 90,44918, 1' (0 0
the 0E81' o yn) aro looking for'b to
411, 0E81' 00110!1.. t9'loobe, '14 ens,
suds nr our 4crmm• etudouts ar9 naw
fu to oo1,I Iifo, 4Yrlto fur our hand-
991100 9,l tM1l03','. 1 d
,QI'J[I 1Y, J. I1gbI0'PT, Principal, Q
4.111:,-d ,.•`sl:.-"ds'Tsv% u�' 'iw 6-far..I'-,tfa i�
1.,81(.(11) a 1• s'.
1). Holmes is the father of twin chit
tireu, a boy and a girl,
Mi'e Mattie 8ibbon, of S ratford, is
visiting f4iend8 in Ole part,
Mrs, D. MoOnloheon was seriously ill
last week hut le again oanvalreeent.
H. Donnie' now barn le now on it,-
t•feet, When fiuiehed it will be one of
tb:' beet.
Wm Rea, 11.A ,principal of Edmonton
High tiuhool, is spending his holidays at
John McLaughlin, a former resident
of the 14"31 line, to here thea week on a
boldness trip.
Iiabt. Danoonson took (Marge of the
Bethel appointment last Sabbath in the
abaeoue of Rev. Mr. MoNeb, the regular
John McPherson and Mims Emma
Jane Ferber were made man aid wife on
Wedneoday of last week. May they en•
joy health, math and prosperity iu their
new sphere of life,
The Bee is holid..ying this week.
Mies Roberta Wileml left to ae0ame
the potties.) of boukkeepor and steno
grapier in the Beaoon afiioe, Stratford,
Mre D. G. Anderson and children have
rettirnell home from n three woke' visit
1.0 relotivte it1 London, G01t and I0044r
Thos. Follarton, jr., hag bought out a
hardware business fu Drayton and is now
in pooeeseinn. He ounduoted a 0000800
Fu• busiuoao in Moekl00 fora number of
Wm. Vi,,00d, 8th eon , has a ewe
which had four lemba this Snriug. Her
age ie now 7 years and the lute raised 17
lambs he all. She belongo to the Leioeo.
ter breed.
E m0 Cheese (lo. shipped the Mat half
of Jule cheese at Atwood on Friday
morning. There were about 510 boxes
end the prior received 10eo. McLaren
Bras., L'gereoll, were the buyers,
Of tbe Lhirtyfi.•e pupils who wrote
from the settlor department of the At
wood Public school at the rteent county
prop -intim exams, thirty four were sue
oeee(ul. Twee ty.thr, a were theme 01 in
being promoted from the junior roost to
the 041:404 roam.
&Ire, Geo. Boyd and daughter, Helen,
wbo have been visiting freeude in Ontario
for the past six months, left for their
home 111 California. They were aocom
pen1ed as far as Port Huron by Wee.
Boyd and Mrs. Geo. Switzer. The latter
will visit her brother, who lives in Port
FInron, after whiob the goes on to the
New England abates to vi it other
Mre. Piper met with a painful aooidout
by falling on nue of her arms aud_aprain
ing 11 so badly et the wrist that she is
now oom,pelled to oarry the injured mem
ber in a sling.
Rarely, if ever, has the death of a
(Mild ao deeply touched the hearts of our
oitieene se in the ones of the bereavement
which has fallen upon the family of W.
T. Aubeeon, proprietor of the Central
Hotel. About eleven o'oluok Mom
day morning of last week an appalling
((004dent took p'aoe at the hotel by ,vb 011
their youngest eon, James Reginald, aged
1 year, 11 m n,ths and 13 days lo,t hie
life. It appears the little fellow had
strayed npstaire into one of the bed-
roume, where it is supposed he olimbed
auto a chair next to the dresser, got hold
of a match and 0tr.king it on the wall,
eat Lire to the window c 4,40408. The
Barnes spread rapidly and oommunioated
with the little fellow's clothing and be
fore assistance could arrive the child was
frightfully burned about the body and
htoe. Mn. 0110, hie grandmother, and
fatherhapptued to be upstairs at the
time, and bearing hie agonizing screams
and yells eau to hue 0eeietauue, just in
time to Rave the 44111111 from being burned
to 11 14th ou the spot and at the same
time avert what atherwlee would have re.
milted 141 a aeri0ue act 11a040340n in the
burning of the hotel. They wrapped the
little felluty in bl mkets and trummeded iu
smothering the Bowe but the damage
had beau done, and despite the promptest
and moat careful rnea0nree medical skill
oou4d euggeet, poor little "Jimmie"ao be
wag familiarly called bad 8netttined snob
it juries that be only lived until about
two u'01ork nest morning,
Mice Beattie Murch, who hne bean at
home einoelilaeter on account of 141• health,
has been re engaged se aeeiatant in the
Wellesley publio Bohool at an inoreae0 of
$85 in eatery,
A. J. Courtioe, who is knew to many of
ut here and hail been in attendance at the
Northweetein Dental Sohval, (Mileage,
wee oneae01t81 in peeing his final exam.
and ie now working up a nine praotiou at
Maple Creek, Asea.
An neforiunate aooidont betel Master
Chas, Maopherton. 13e got on a fence to
get up into a tree to 000ure an arrow, In
trying to walk the high betties fenoe to
the tree he fell to the ground breaking
One of the boneo of the arm above the
In the rosette of exams, o1 Trinity
University. we notice that Memo M, S,
Guano, daughter of lieu. 0, P. Chinn°,
dniehes bee three years' omen with
honors, 141iss Glenne beedo her elan on
the whole exams, and took honors in
The bridge gang of the G. T. E, isao
been at work in this neighborhood
atrongthenieg the offloads and bridges of
1110 linos, for the early laying of large
oteel ratio, When then are laid, larger
eltir180 will be run over the lines up iu
title 001n4,
Miro (larol N s•, tale rcm„ beetle the
list of It large uliluber of el.:At lete,: of the
I London Ooueervutory 41 mesio. liar
1.111,1119 Oleo 0tan,l1 oat prominent tee 111e
en y o' , t ' 4..410 .,n artioe'a 9auree. In
0403 ninyi 414 net' to tau also appears In
the fnterumdiete 0'1494 of sucee•,oful grail
mate0, and 114,1 nfa,a /tenors Nbn rturlvt1
in harmony o0uuterpoiut and rrlukfoal
(non '1'110 r,01304 of the g•n'lnatoe 13(10
b 11014 Solna Oulu in RNplenlier.
[.tt, •1+004 11,
Hairy W11Rely, of Ohir,tgn, 400pnnd1ug
n fete 14(1(4 with fri' ids in Leokunw,
Wm, Yule, leB"r of the Bank of
Ilsmi'ton, Oran.„tvil'n, in spelling hie
holidays with friends fn Luokuow,
J. G. Anderenr• Itf1 on Tue.d1y of last
week fur n trip to ieeeterll Ontario to
look over the apple proapants In that roue
R D. Cemoron wan in St, Thermo last
week ate -Wing the books of the liiy,h
Court of the I+;dependant Order of
Arrhie McGorvi•l left for Neepawa,
Aluuiloba, where he has secured a gond
position no book keeper with a large firm
of 0mltrentore in that 4010,'.
Wm, Stewart, who left for Manitoba,
woe giaeu n farewell bang1xt in the Nle
Garry Yonne, by the Luckuow Fire
Brigade, of 0111011 Mr, Stewart wee a
highly adeemed member and Souretary
fur several }mere,
The Firomeu emend holding their
annual garden party on Friday evening,
July 17,31.
Dr, J. S. Chisholm ie in Luoltnow
taking charge of Dr. Elliott's praotioe for
a few weeks,
Miners. Ooobrane aft Johnston haus
purohaard Mre. Jos, Oode'a building lot
ou Maple once,.
141449 Ethel Halt euooeesfnlly passed
her probationary examination at the
Owen Bound Marine Ho.pital.
Wm. Melody), of Oaliforoin, he visit-
ing his brother, (loon. Mclndoo. Hio
daughter, who has just graduated from
Toronto 0oneervetory of Mu0io 000ompau.
lett him,
Harry Ansley ban returned home from
attending the Chatham fleetness College,
We ere pleaved to note Lia 0ueoee0, in
winning two medalo,rine fee keeping the
beet Ont of books, told the other for getter.
al profciency. On several of the eubjeots
bo mode the markt,. .
Li addition to the ohangesand improve
menta beim, merle in the interiorarrauge-
mente of the Queen's hotel, an addition ie
b. ing built in the form of a wing to the
Weer end. The Bruoewiek e8 alae being
further improved by the addition of
another enmp'e room at the fear.
The following 04119ere were installed in
4114ngbam Lodge, No. 280, A. F. ez A 141.
on Teenday of last week :-C. A. Camp-
bell, W. M. ; :Rev. W. Lowe, I, P, M, ;
V Vanuormen, B. W. ; •I. Rltohie, J. W. ;
J. A. Morton, Soa. ; R. Vanetone, Trees. ;
T. Bell, Chaplain ; P. Tanaley, 8• D. ;
W. Campbell, J. D. ; H Jeffrey, I. 0, ;
W. Dear, T.
H. awls, the looel Oolleotor of Cue.
,tome, reports that for the year ending
June 50th the amount of duty oolleot, d
in Winghmm had ioerea0ed folly one.
third over that of the previous year.
'P440 Oconee for the Wiughool port for the
year ending June 3041 ere as follows :-
Free geode, $42 587 ; datieble goods, $38,•
682 ; and duty manacled $8,206,70.
Mies Robina I(a1ue, of N1rth Bay is
home for the holidays.
Mlee Lucy Keine left on Tueodny of
Iaet week for 1110 yoo.
Rev. Mr, iiolmes and family on arrival
in town were greeted with a „rend ream
tion held in the Metho list Parsonage.
The Ladies' Md of Gerrie Met11odi0t.
uhnrch intend giving a .Mne'cale at 1110
home of Mrs. W. G. Barone', probably the
first week or Aueust.
L. 0. L. No. 075, Orange Hill, attended
divine service in the Orange Hill Motho
diet church on Sunday at 2 o'clock, when
a sermon for the 00000180 Woe delivered
by Rev, Mr. Boluses.
T 11 0 11 Pi. til ki ti tai h i4 1+ r) 1' fp
1 l'tr (.114111"r fr,-ui 11•••10 to 1 i" til
01 14910„ t, t 10:,1•1 , a,
010 'i'u"u,' } ,:,,,run.; I (,tet ,,.ea 0i,,
, i„, 1
rtm•tan a,, 111,
V 1011( , t
,f net. 04 14 ,.1111' (1 1 ,•'
A Ifs i L 1 1
1 I.l a
hard 0lu ,. 1 4.11 u s Alb, (.tel
14'ordwiob, at the the u
u If
oali of the Reeve
Members all present exoopt Mr. Sperm,
the Reeve in theohoer, The Reeve mated
hr. 1114,1 eel ed the Commit to,e4th04, fo
the porpoee of ooneidet ing the advisability
11 teethe? action 0^ninvr certain p"th
me0ter% win 1(13,'0 had 1110 N101,410 Unbar
polio, 'tied putaide their 40011 divb'i"103.
(.roved by Meaara, iltoi(oe. and Spntton
Chet the (.1. rk notify the stied pnthma+ter4
to Mon the road worst :lone in their
divlsloue and that they return the rend
Rote to the Clerk within the preeeribed
time ns set forte, in the By law. Carried.
Moved by Memi40, (dowdy and McKee that
this Council do now adjoitru to meet
again in the Tp hall, Corrie, on the thirst
Wednesday in July. parried,
A3 s0t "°
( r•,.trl,
J. Priest's little girl had the miofor(une
to break her leg.
George Perkins broke a couple of bones
14040011 le wrist by tailing out a1 a cherry
Jomeo Ainsley and wife, of Learning.
ton, were guests of hire. Medd, at the
Mrs, Medd and daughter Jo0te and
Mins Eleanor Regan, left on Tuesday
morning of last week to leen Rev, E.
Aledd in Muskoka wince the family will
remain till the middle of September.
Ali John Blotobford was pulling aherriee
the ladder on wh,oh he wee otancling
turned aronnd, throwing flim to tbe
Mewl. As be tarn up a eonoiderable
distanne he received a were shook which
oantlned him to his bed though we are
ple8eed to state no bones were broken
Garnet Cnd)rl0re, son of R. COdmore,
had 1110 raia(ortnue to have hie leg broken
at the thigh by being street( by rho band
oar. He had been on the one which wee
being run out of the way of the freight
train when he jumped off and the aooident
Rev, J. S, Henderson, wbo has been
holidaying and atteodiog the General
Assembly, returned utter a two months'
absence. Hie people to mark the mon.
ion end show their warm appreciation
of their pastor gave him a grand recep-
lion on the Manse and Chnroh ground('
which were beautifully illuminated Jnr
the 00010(1nl. Speeches, mush) and re.
freehmenli were on the program.
i 131 'tl I(oe has sold one rf 41,48 .44.4 ca
Q t •at , d rout 10 Maga Wri:,1.l, of 1 rale'•,
1 1 h ' or intonde fitting it 'l,' 4,1 hie
47 a:'e Ift, orernateur
t ,
N 4J•.t' 0.,, 1. of We big dry goods Nt 041 to
, the elute, on Wallace street renen14y dee 3
. (mpted by J. K. Brinker,
The community wee saddened on Wed.
timidity morning of host week up n learn. 1
✓ 410, of 11 a det111 of Mies Eve. Gee, A
week previous elan Wee e1 ,9ying her
'neat health, but on Thur -day was taken
ill with pnenm0nia, withal) opeedfly de
voleped into an 0811144 0tege, and oho nue.
"Imbed to its 011,1044 at ea early hour
Wtllueoday morning.
Mr, Rolla le having the front of the
Grand Central etablee rebuilt.
Rev. J. H. Oliver prenahed a sermon to
the Oraugemeu in the Trowbridge Wetly).
diet ohuroh last Sunday atteruoon,
Dnvhd Tnrranoe bee bought a farm in
tbe Brd of Wallaoe, from John Altxander.
Ile gets poeReni011 on let of 11aroh next.
Mios Criob and Mies Nellie McFarlane,
of the Public School teaabing staff, left
010 Ir, trip (0 Manitoba and the Northwest,
J. O. Clark, Climates' Master in the
Listowel High School, has been appoint•
ed to a (limiter poaitioo in the St. Mary's
Collegiate, at the salary of $950.
Fletehor Lawraoon took part in tie
Dominion day sports at Petrie. He got
let prize for open 100 yds., let in mar-
ried man's euo,•, 100 yds„ and tad in
quarter mile rave.
Ohee. Runge, Main street, had his head
out and wee somewhat bruised by being
thrown from his wagon on Wedoeeday
morning of tart week. Hie horse was
soared by some cows and started off Bud•
A little daughter of J. Hays, liveryman,
wee severely burned about the arms arid
nook by her clothing oatobing fire from
playing with matohea. Iter mother's
Reade were badly burned in extinguish.
lug the Borneo.
Holm up Nxe.n Lfarow&L,-On Thera•
day afternoon aa on of the most popular
and highly esteemed reoidente of the
township of Boma was driving into town
with hie little grnudeon, &drunken rowdy
driving at a furious rate collided with
his reg and than demanded money. On
being refused be threatened to kill him
and atomic him two brutal blows on the
heed. The elderly gentlemu0 rather
than lose hie We ou the spot, delivered
tip all hie money.
°lillinllni Ball
mer v wpm 1 IIIall MAIM
�i►m � ul ROM!
))('en's ress Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
'Prices are right for right goods rr"-
JUST nota we offer the following indttoemetit iu hlel'o Patent Bele,
up-to-date etylo and toe, Goodyear welt, patent dolt vamp, great
leather to wear 1 regular prior $4 60, on sale now at
i5rWo always try to handle reliable ,roods and at the olocoat margins.
Repairs in Bloom) promptly done.
O1IR HARNESS DEBAI4TMENT is booming and why 4 Demme the quality
and priors ere eight. Trunko and Valises very o11ettp. Meters; Lap Rugs,
tee , at lowo03 prions,
t0 'F011 SALE -Two comfortable dwelling bottoes,
tY.1, 141 w rtrit •
1044 tie.
I1 1010 Tom's Cabin Om here on
DeWitt Holmes wao home from Park.
hill for a short visit,
W. I. McLean, B. A., of the Vankleek
Il1gll enhoel aloft, to home for the Sommer
Mies Anna Moffatt, of Toronto, ie spend
ing a three week' vacation at the bump
of bee parents here.
Wendell 1101m00, of 'Toronto, wee a
visitor at the Methodist Persouago, IIs
is a eon of Rev. Jae, Holmoo.
Mrs, John Denholm left on Wed,,• Relay
morning of last week for St. Paul, ?Alone.
sate, where the will visit some time with
Mies Ella Barron, who has been at-
tending Loretto Abbey in Toronto, for
some time past, is spending her holidays
at the home of her mother in Blyth,
The Orangemen of Blyth and vioioity
marched to Byth Methodist (hurcb last
Sunday evening, where a epeoial sermon
was preached by Rev. John Holmes.
Fran!( Anderson i0 able to walk up
town, after being owfined to hie tether's
home for six wee4(9 with a serious shook
of the measles. He to still ve,y weak.
The new street sprinkler arrived in the
village on Monday and woe given a thor.
ough tryout on'T'uoeday morning or feat
week, It worked eatiefectorily and 10 an
excellent machine.
The Bell Telephone Go. has about oom•
plated orraugemeuta for the estoblieb
meat of a telephone system between
Blyth, Auburn and Belgrave. When the
scheme i0 completed the three villages
will count as one station.
PnusaoTA•'I„N.-A very pleasant time
wee spent Wednesday `evenieg of last
week in St. Andrew's Presbyterian ottani),
the event being the presentation to tbe
pastor of the church, Rev, Dr. A.
MuL au, of a pulpit gown cud puree of
money, as a reo0guition of the eeleem eo
which be is held by hie congregation.
R0freohmonbe were served in the base-
ment of the church, after which the nom
pang repaired to the auditorium, where
an address 1000 rend and a reply given by
Dr. McLean, Exoelleut addreaeea were
given by clergymen mane The degree
of Dootor of Divinity was lately 000ferred
ou Rev. Dr. M0L4011 by the Senate of
'Queen's Uulver,ily.
MAT,'1110l41AL.-A0001184 victory may be
marked to the credit of Cupid, who ie
very busy at hia work of love. On Wed
0eeday afternoon of laat week a large
number of the relatives gathered at the
residence of John Carter, to witness the
merriege of their estimable daughter,
Mies Ette, to George Dale, a prosperous
and weil•to do farmer of this viainity. At
four o'clock, the busy bum of work and
excitement subsided for a time, while
Rev Mr. Hamilton, of Londeeboro', tied
the nuptial knot, after whiob solemn yet
pleasing ceremony the guests prepared.
for the sumptuous wedding repast, made
ready by the genial boat and hostess.
The bride who is at all times attractive
in appearance n
pp ace & d manner, was charm
ingly attired in white organdie, trimmed
in a most beooming style. The marriage
took plaoe ander an arab of evergreens,
and the wedding march was played by
Min Simla Wheatley. The large number
of useful and valuable presents testify to
the high esteem fo wbiah the young
couple is held. In the ev0111ng, a laree
assembly of young people gal hared, and,
being as light-hearted and happy se the
000001on r,goired, they gave vent to their
merriment by tripping ale "light fan•
natio" till the "wee Oma' 'oars" began to
grow larger, told the mighty king of day
rromenood to shed hie light and radiance
em the Eastern sky, when all parted,
leaving their beet wishes with the happy
bride and groom. May their joys be
The direction of the Manitoba Cement
Company have decided to locate in Mote
The Canadian Northern foot panee0ger
aervioe between Winnipeg and Port Ar.
Ihuropened Sunday.
Frank Waters attemped to drown him•
self by 0rawlillg into the river et Lou.
don. He win hauled out and is now iu
AR a reenit of an old feud over a bound.
ary fence line Oliver Riobardoon shot and
fatally wounded Edmund Metbowe, a
oolored neighbor in Coluheoter South.
t 1
Highest Market Price paid
for Wool in (;ash or in ex-
change for Goods.
we itm•o a line
Assortment ei
Custom work such as Roll Card-
ing, Spinning, Knitting, etc.
attented to as usual.
Opp. Central Motel, Brussels.
Iloeat her` o Goo '� C�
We hove loot received a large shipment of new ,node Bailable for the
hot weather. Wholesale bouooe are now buoy with hull geode and aro anxious
to clear oat Summer goods at a great 404001ion in prices. We took ddventkge
01 this and oan now offer specie' va'uoe in 1110 following linea 1-i''anoy Moe -
line, in tine range of colors, in stripes end doral deoigno, worth 18e, for
I2}n., ,, Plain Bleak Lawns, 45 inches wide, ouitablo for shirt wafers end
000l droo-or, worth 25o, for 201..,,13160k Meelin0, in lately Moe striped
and cheeks, the oorroot tbiug far hot weather, at 18o, 20o and 250,...
llIaok Grenadines, due limey effeoto, in fanny striped and nbeoke, very
especial at 60c..,.Plain White Lawn, lk yards wide, at 10e,12in and 16e..
Spotted Muslin, in large and email spots, et Bo, 10e, 1241 and Ilia.... Fine
White India Linens and Nain000ks, at 12k, 20•,, 25o and $35o.,.,Fino
White Organdieo, very special at 15o, 201 and 251.... White and Croom
Luetroo, great value at 351 and 50o.
We have lust received 147 dozen Cotton
Hose, he all eiz•e, at special pewee 1 -
Women's Blaok Cotton !lose, full size, a 0uap
at 5o and 10o,... Women's Heavy Ribbed and
plain Hose, worth 15e, for 124o,,,.Blaok Oat
Hose for boys, heavy and strong, feet blank,
double knees, Speaal value at 25e, 35oand 80o.
Ladies' Pine Balbriggan Hose, H0rmedorf
dye, at iso, 20o and 25o.
McKINNQN ce 0th.,
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
-White and Gray Slleetings,
- Plain Flannels,
-Checked Flannels,
-Fancy Shirtings,
- Ladies' Wool Drees Goods,
-Light and Heavy Tweeds,
-Underwear for Men and Boys,
-Men's and Boys' Stockings,
-Ladies' and Children's r(
-Boys' Sweaters,
-Yarns, all kinds and colors.
Sur;MEF r� .... .,.,. AYS
are here and this means that Canned Goods and
such Delicacies will be in big demand, such as
Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon,
Smelts, Shrimps, Had(lie, Kippered Herring,
Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beans, Fresh
Herrings, &o.
Fresh Fruits of all kinds.
All Goods in our Grocery Depart-
ment are New and Clean.
TRY OUR 27'0. TEA.
W. A. G E AR.
• •
• • • •
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
in Ontario
will be found
Ewan & Co.'s Wareroom.s
-We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
-You can save looney by examining our stock before purchasing.
-Satisfaction assured. Prises right.