HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-7-16, Page 4TZIDRhSOA.f , JUI.I' 10, 1808. Maraca Prot andel oleatiooe Lake place n(xt Monday, Tow who are supposed to epeek anthoratively say Dominion Parliament will not oomllnde until September, IN the bye elation for the Legislature In Sault Ste. Marie oonetituenoy A• Mia. oampboll will in all probability be the Ooneervative candidate, Too POST extends aongratulatiooe to Bro. Gardiner, Editor of the Hamilton Times, over all appoiutment ae Superin• teadene of the Institute for the Blind at Brantford, He bee been a d ffusar of light 11041 hie aditoral chair and in big new oouetituenoy will have a big Oeld to 'antenna his labors. TAM great Booth family, who Mae taken enoh a prominent part in the Sal. vation Army, might very properly adopt the motto of the late John Wesley and say "The world is my parish". At the present time Mise Eva Booth is visiting at Dawson and furthering bar mission as a standard bearer of the Dross. A. E. Atite et Co., the well known Tor- onto stook brokers, who six weeks ago "got it in the neck" by American freeze onto, have so far arranged their Mistiness as to open their doors and resume opera - Mons. They are wiping out all liabilities and will uo doubt watch with an eagle eye for the time to come so that a re. occurrence of the same thing will be next impossible. Omar JneTlae Aatloun, a well known Ohnadiau and member of the Alaskan Canmiesion, died at the home of his son in London, England, Saturday morning, He was a son of Rev, Samnel Armour, and was 73 years of age. His b!rtbplaoe was Otounabee, Peterboro' Co, The re. mains will be brought to Cobonrg for in- terment. It is said Hon. Mr. Sifter), Mioiater of the Interior, may eaoceed Judge Armour on the Oommission, Soars of the politioiane and newspapers in Manitoba who are blackmailing and beratten Hon, Tboe. Greenway for polit• Mal purposes are not worthy of the job of blacking hie boots, Actions speak louder than words and whether be attains the Premiership in the Provincial oonteet now being waged toe not he bas done enough in the interests of the Prairie Province Co ensure him a lasting tribute. A feeble attempt has been made to oar - Mature the Toronto Globe since Rev. Mr. McDonald aseomed the editoral chair bob the dieoerning pOb'io are able to judge for themeelvee and no doubt easily deoide that The Glebe was never more ably con• ducted nor its editorial page more o'ever• ly handled than et the present, Tuere is a lofty moral tone in its dealing with great iseues not found always in ite ootem• poreriea. As a moulder of public opin- ion it Mande without a peer in the Demiuioo. The carping oritioiem only aide rhe good work The Globe bus under- talteu as its mission. Tins redietribatiou of the constituencies is going to make quite a shake up in eon• neotion with the next Dominion election, Iuegoaiitiee wits largely be removed and where injastice ruled for years by the gerrymander and hiving there will be a large mad of jaetioe accorded every County irrespective of their politinal creed. Perhaps not a few of the M. P's. will need to bid Ottawa a last Good bye for they will never warm a beat on Par. liament hill any more. Wo are pleased to observe, however, that in the work of reldjastment geed feeling is being express- ed and this is nue proof that the priapi- ple involved is meeting with favor. Equal rights to all ie a worthy motto, WE believe the time for united action on the part of the people of thie Province is at hand iu connection with the employ• meutof active effort in ourtailing the ravages of Consumption. Public eenti• meut is aroused to a (martin degree but not to what it ehould be as the fell diemase is claiming many of the young as well as the old. Huron County, while faring better than many other counties, should take the initiative in furtheriog fhuanoie,l plane so that a general move would be made to eeoure donations to eid in providing hospitals and eenitariume for the relief of the eofferers and at the salve time prove a valuable &djanot in staying the plague by proper isolation, iuuolaating modes of treatment and dim eeminating information of an educational cbaraotee that would tend to the improve. Malt of health and the lengthening of life. The °burohes are liberal to mieeionary, benevolent end philanthropic) institutions' tend by aiding in thin good work propoeed would be b!eseing the Provinoe without any doubt. We believe the medical Ira. ternity should epeak end write more Upon vsrione phases of the wbite mane plegue 08 many a consumptive reaches that paint beyond which there le little obenme of recovery through iguoraoeeorfur want of financial help who might be reacted from this withering disease Therm ie a Wide field for operatioe so that ho cue need be afraid that it will be overdone. The balletiu for May leaned by the Prov Melva Board of Health slows 149 euuict. plitiee report 292 d tbe u erooi p e p e from t b o• ale fn Mey, 197 in April and 921 Ln March a total of 950 in three moothe, 77 eauitariame in Germany, eetebliebed in the peat seven years, treated over 20,000 oases in 12)1 and from 25 to 50 per aent were permanently oared, We time this Provithoe wolle up. A hot time le promised in the three bye sleotions in conneotion with the Provincial Legislature as both parties will make a dead set to oapture them. Happily the days of browbeating are past anal men thick for themeelvee and often eat Independent of the party lash. While this may not be ploaeiug to the hide -bound party man it is a good sign as 14 betokens a more intense desire to look for measurers rather than men, and this state of affairs will nese a oloaer looking after of standard bearers so as to retain or control generous support. In our humble opinion the Government of Hon. G. W. Rose is worthy of the 'continued oonildenoe of the people of Ontario. A oritival friend says they have made blunclere and should be turned out. It this is the criterion the Opposition could not be eubetituted as they have bad their ehortoominge also and even now are none too sanguine of success naafis a change of leadership can be obtained witbot causing a breach in tbe party. The iutereete of the oonutry should be paramount and tboee who attempt to put personal ambit- ion or advantage ahead of the people should be asked to abandon cfliee ae a are for their oelfiebness. Ie the proposed redietribatiou of Huron County for Dominion elation purposes the plan 15 as follows :— East Huron—Townehipe of Grey, kiowiok, Tarnberry, Morrie, East Wit wanoeh, town of Wingham, villages of Blyth, Brossele and Wroxeter. West Huron—Townships of Ashfield, West Wawanoeb, Hullett, Oolborne and Goderiob, towns Goderiob and Clinton. Slash Heron—Townships of Stanley, Hay, Stephen, Usborne, Tookeremith, Moiiillop, town of Seaforth and villages of Exeter, Hensel! sud Bayfield. By Etta arraugement Stephen, Exeter and Usborne are restored to Boron 0o, wbere they belong instead of being pitch forked over to North Middleees and South Perth for purely party purposes by the old gerrymander. In Perth tend Berme counties the propoeed pian is ae under :— Perth North—Township of Wallace, Listowel ; Townehipe of EIma, Morning. ton ; Milverton village ; Townehipe of Ellice and North Eaethope ; city of Stratford. Perth South—Townships of Blanshard, Downie, South Eastbape, Fullerton, Logan, Hibbert ; towns Mitchell and St. Marys. Bruce South—Township of Huron ; Village of Luoknow ; Townships of Kira loss, entrees ; village of Tee/water Townships of Carrick, Brant ; town of Walkerton ; Townships of Elderelle and Greenock, village of Maley. Bruce North—Townships of Lindsay and St. Edmonds, Eaetmore, Albarmare, Amabel ; villages Southampton and Wiarton ; Township of Arran ; village of Tara ; Township of Saugeen ; village of Port Elgin I Townebip of Bruce, and villages of Tiverton and Puieley ; town and Township of Kincardine. THE BATTLE FOR THE SABBATH. Sabbath evening laet a mase meeting was held in the Methodist ohurob, Brue• ale, in the interests of tbe Lord's Day Athena, which attracted a very large and intereabed andienoe. After eingiog the hymn "Welcome sweet day of rest" Bev. Jno. Roca, B. A, P, estn r of Melville church, offered The chair sang "Mend out the Sunlight" and Bev. I, M. Webb, incumbent of Bt. John's oharuh, read the Boripture leaeon. The congregation joined heartily in einging "Sweet is the work, my God, my King", after whish the pastor Rev. Mr. Coseoe, welcomed the pastor's and members of the stater congregations and then introduced Rev. 3, G. Shearer, B. A., the energetic Secretary of the A.1- lianoe, who gave a plain, pleasing and practical address on "The Battle for the Sabbath." He showed by indieputable proof that the saoredneee of the Lord's Day ebnuld be amerced. (1) Because of the National well being. The plaoe we have in history is an enviable one and God has a rigbt to expect more of ae than any other Nation, We have a grand country and onr privileges and opportuni• ties are manifold benne we should lay mob foundations as will tend to right eoneueee. (2) The individual well being of the toiling massae, Meo oannot be freemen witbout the Sabbath, they are sieves or beasts of burden. No opporbnni• ty for family fellowship or family religion without the Sabbath and in many awn eternal interests are sacrificed, The law of the Sabbath is written in oar nature and the Sabbath is for man not man for the Sabbath, It le an opportunity given him to aid in the building np of hie life ae rest, worebip and Obristian activity are the intended use it should be put to, Life will end in death or permanent disability in 12 years by non•obeervanee of the Sabbath ie a fact demonstrated by a well known student of this question as the oight'e rest cannot baild up fully the wear of the previous day. 4 million people in the U. 8, and from 100,000 to 150 000 in Canada are without the Bab - bath; a foot that ehould Dania ne to atop and think eetiouely and then arouse our. helves to our duty, (8)The very life of the ebnroh of deeps Orieb requires the Sabbath, The keeping of the Sabbath is the right ere of the ohnrob, and is well worth defending. Greed and Belflehneee are the two great detaohmente arrayed at;ainot 04. Greed gate very religioue and philentheopio at timers ; it gets esoited about the poor and the working people but only when the pooitet will bs berretta ted by the interest taken, Belliahness says the Sabbath woe made be me, rrbe T.11 B.kt 13 66 E1,8 PO6P ooueoienoe uan be bunted and a mighty awakening is heeded. A great work hes b0 ell done and i II eeatione of the pleural are omitting 11Aew note of urgent earnest ueee—Loyalty to Lha Munch of Christ. In 13 (1 the Orangemen staid by the Larder l)oy Al knee teed !u the haat the Roman Uatholiea ere with ne. Ohria Vanity oat etauti unied in the prep eying a 1 our great heritage. The great Iaebor urganiz'ttione are for the daltbatb. There were 200 separate inetatl000 of Sabbath labor, bueineee 441441 pluaeure dealt with Met year end the Attorney Cetera of this Preview/ hoe anted in the anfureemenb of the statute in tele behalf, Sebbeth Exo'trelona by boat and trai'1 are praateally phut off. Inetanoee were given by the speaker in Ontario and Ile titub t where violators of else law found good reaeuue to change their minds as to the neoeeeiLy for Bab bath labor that &towed the law oould rind ehonld be refereed. Rev. 1Ir, Shear• er ouaoluied by etating that there were 400 breech org^n'z tione,of the Lord's Day Alliance alae 20.000 m:m era bad ed together to retain the sanctity if the Sabbath in this Deminieu and the armee 15 Inurea'ing. He aid "Don't thiuk'het the Northwest id 10 be either Amerioat,ized or Europeaiiked on this question se on the prairie and in the oity of Winnipeg the Sabbath ie better observed than in Ontario. While the transportation question i8 an croute one in the Wee: in the moving of grain the Sabbath train is not in evidence. 'fate are that epeakere will not have to cline from the Weet to the Province of Ontario to urge that the people of this beerier Proyi0ce "Remem- ber the Sabbath Day to keep it holy," A Ono colo, "Father Barnet,' was well satg byJae. Jones. Announcement was made for the holding of the annual meeting of this branch on Monday morning end the three pastors urged members of their respective congregation• to stand. A collection of $8 77 was lifted and a membership roll of over 40 members nu! plied. The nominal fee i. 290. whloh entities the enbeeriber to a copy of "The Advocate" published by the Alliance, but a number of the subsoriptiono doabltd and in some eases quadrupled that amount. "Joy Bella" was rendered by the choir and Rev. her, Shearer thanked the mistletoes for the united interest shown in this great and all important work, "Thine earthly Sabbatb'a Lord we love" was the aonnluding hymn and Rev. Mr, Shearer prouoaoned the Benediction dismieeing the 00210 oe. Rev, Mr. Shearer is well adapted for the onerous duties be is called upon to perform. Re is a good speaker, bueineee eke, affable and thoroughly in earnest. He wee a enooeesfal preebyterian pastor of Hamilton before entering tele work several years ago, Rev. T. A. Moore, of Hamilton, has been engaged ae aesieb• aut and entered on hie labors this month. Aa after meeting was held for 00. organization purposes and Rev. A. illo- Nabb, of Walton, was eleoted Chairman of the Riding Association with the Preei• dente and Secretaries of the local branches and resident ministers of Walton, Oren - brook, Ethel and Brussels as Eseautive. The other branahee in Eat Huron are located at Wroxeter and Gorrie. Thoee desirous of paying membership fees or making donations may do no by calling on the Secretary -Treasurer, W. H, Kerr or handing them to other others of the local branch. ANNUM, e1%010H ltaa3I10. The annual meeting of Brussels Branch of the Lord's Day Alliance was held in Melville Church basement on July 13111, 1903, et 9 a. m. Rev. T. W. Cosens was oboeen Oheirtnan in the absence of Presi- dent, G. F, Blair. After a bymu was sung Rev. A. Mao - Nab, M. A , Walton, offered prayer. The Treaeurer'e report was adopted and also a report of tbe previone Sab- bath's service, which had been addressed by Rev, Mr. Shearer, Secretary of the Altianoe. Territory covered by this Branch are the churches at Walton, Oranbrook, Etbel and Jamestown in addition to Brue.ele, and representatives from tbeee pointe were appointed 011 the Board. Officers were eleoted ae follows ;— Pres., G. F. Blair ; Vioe-Pres , The miuietere of Monthlies in District ; Seo.•Treae., W. H. Kerr ; ReP reeentetives on the Board. Melville Church, A, M. McKay i Bt. John's " Juo. Cardiff ; Mathodiet " T. Farrow Walton (Pres.,) Jno, Smillie ; " (St. George's,) Jn0. Barlett ; (Meth.,) Mrs. Berry ; Oranbrook (Ryes.,) Jno. MoIntoeh ; ( doth ,) Jos. Knight ; Ethel, (Pres ,) Dr. Ferguson ; " (Meth.,) Jno. MoDoneld ; Jamestown, Thos. Strachan, Walter Innes. Mr. Shearer addressed the m sting along organization lines and on work to be done. Lady aolleotors were appointed for the different cburobee. It was agreed to arrange for public eer- viaee at Ethel, Oranbrook and James town as union services in the near future. Bev. Mr. Shearer expreeeed bin pleaeure at the interest manifested in the meeting. Rev, Mr. Finkbeiner, of Bebringville, prononnoed the Benediction. 1J'RUII' TfbAI)E WITH Tills WEST IN A CRITICAL CONDLTION. The fruit Division, Ottawa, gives oub the following statement.—Numerous re• gouts have been received from Manitoba aad the Northwest Territories for Ont• ario fruit of the beet quality, pub op in neat and attractive paoksgee of the sort that Weetorn dealers prefer to handle. There are immense poeeibilitiee in this Western trade for the Ontario fruit growers, bot up to date methode of peek- ing and 'shipping will have to be adopted at once, or the whole of Ilia great and growing bulimia will be captured by the Americana. Fruit Inapeotor Philp, of Winnipeg, writers that matters have come to a oritioal stage, and that anion Ontario now mekee a determined bid for the trade, the market will be occupied almost exolnaively by fruit from California, Oregon and British Colombia, In the ease of apples, even Kaueae and Missouri are likely to be strong competitors, Aa• cording to Sit'. Philp, the packagers want- ed in the Winnipeg market are the following :--Early Applee, the bushel box ; Pears, the half box, holding twenty poaude of wrapped fruit, 17eaohae and Plums, the grate bolding tour boxes, eintilar to those need by Otilifornie chip- Ps end hie! I known e t er s u i w 1 aro well u vu [ 1 ill `nnddfeu ( i r rka a. 1 N C It le very important that Omani, ship, pere ehonld rt.nliza the eel Waal 01114, at which tela ;rade had arrived, and that they should make n united el to °opiure the \Ventern marker, not on'y by perfecting the details of their own end of the buai ni se, but by taping up the matter of transport atiuu with the us press tied railway eontpaniee iu order to enure if peaelble a better and quicker service to Winnipeg. At present fruit le frequently fomented by exprsse from Toronto to Winnipeg via Smith's Palle, lard even vitt Montrea', to concoct with the through melee, The resat is that the fruit Is 0n the rood from 18 to 24 houre longer Hint) it would be if sent via North Bay, and 00,15, joenbly it does not arrive in Winni. peg in the best condition, It the parry Ulg onenpal1i00 one be convinced that Outer° growers are prepared to maintain a steady shipment of fruit in modern packages, nus not merely to send Weet the fruit Phut the East dna not want, put up in all aorta al animated ehapee, there is little doubt then mammae service will be provided, ata rate wheat will nom pare favorably with that now enjoyed by Oregon and California shippers. To Prevent 7 a.inted Milk. The patrons of a oheeee Motors, have a direot Minueial intermit In suppl,li .g only wood pure milk, free from 101,18 ar bad flavours. Thousands of doll re are last to the weary annually b,0Llh04 pa4rone Bend 4o the faotoriee tainted mf k, tvblob, if used at all, net only preoludes the manure/aura of first Mae cheese, but diminishes the quentlty of cheerio per 100 pounds of mi a, Syme of the chief uutaes of tainted or galley wick bave been enumerated by the dairy division of the Dominion D.•p0rtmeut of Agriculture, in in order that pa4rone may he induced to guard against them. Al many oases the source of trouble may be found in the no - desirable germs that get into the milk during and after milking, Therm germs are always aaeooiated with filth in some form or other. Careful in- vestigations show that a very large pro portion of the oases of taints or bad flavours in milk and its products are eeneed by the germs which are always present in the droppings of animals. Such gel me are to he found in large numbers wherever enoh droppings are depoei'ed. The mud of stagnant ponds, where oattle are allowed to drink, and the surfaoes of barn yards or milking yards aro always swarming with them. Fur this reason the udders and flanks of awe should always be brushed before milling to remove the dried mud, patio es of manure, hairs, oto., which might other. wise fall into the milk pail. Straining the milk, while it is necessary to remove the visible dirt, does not get rid of these fool germs, which are the aerial nose of the tainted, gassy milk, Improperly °leaned mi k pails, strainers and milk cans are constant soaroee of oontaminee tion. The whey tank ie a common wane of Walton at those factories where the whey is returned to the patrons in the milk cane. This praotioe is detrimental to successful cheese making, but when it cannot be arranged to have the whey disposed of in alma other way, the tanks should be kept thorongbly clean in order to Mean the danger of contamination. They ehonld be emptied et least oboe a week. Absorption of Odours. It is a well known fent that milk will absorb soma odours to which it ie ex posed, Warm milk will absorb odours quite ns freely as that which has been cooled ; hence the neoeesfty for removing it from the stable or minting yard ae aeon as possible atter it is drawn. An Itnpnre Water Supply, An abundant eupply of pure water for the cows is one 0f the eseentiale for the produotion of good milk. When oowe are compelled to drink the water of swamps, muddy ponds, or sluggish streams and Mathes in which bbere ie decaying animal matter, inoluding their owu droppings, there is a natant menace to their health, end online the °Owe are in good health they oeonot give firer class milk. Mare, over tbe rand, often full of foul germs, which collate on the lege flanks and udders of the cows, end falls into the milk at the time of milking, is a direot eourae of iufeatiou which is often over• looked. Improper Feeding. There is in Canada an abundance of good wholesome food available for cattle feeding purposes. The pastures are, on the whole, exoellent, and it is only in limited districts or at certain eaa8One of the year that trouble ie experieooed with weed devours. Among the cultivated foods, turnips and rape are two promin• ent exceptions to the rule of euitability which applies in general to Oanadian fodder crops. While they are undoubt- edly valuable in a ration for growing or dry cable, if turnips and rape are fed, eau in limited quantities, to milking aows, there is a likelibood of imparting to the mills a taint wbioh cannot be eliminated by any proems known to tl.e oheeeemaker'e art, Some first class foods when fed alone, and to exams, will calla indigestion and thus indirectly affeot the milk. One example of tilts kind ie found in green olover. Io conclusion it may be said that when oowe have free aooeee to salt et all titnee they will give more milk, which will have a better flavour and is• ep sweet longer than when they do no get arty at all, or receive it only at intervals. Mon .60ri.h. The pay sheet of the Bell Enei'te Worlte now amounts to over 02,200 per month. Mrs. M. R. Counter in here from Hone- , visiting her mother and Meter, Mrs, and Mime Thomann, and other friends, There were 10 writing for fiat class uertifioatee, 25 for 0eo0ui and four for matrianithion at the Collegiate Institute, Rev, Wilson Aoheeon tae accepted the all go unanimously extended to him by the congregation in Grey county, and will be inducted into the charge early next month, Mre. Wm. Govenlonit, of North Main street, received te telegram, oonveying the sad inlelligeroo of the death of her brother, a merahtnt in Waehhigtott 'ler, ritnry, She had reoeived a letter from him just 'a few dye previously in whloh it woe stated that they were all well. A valuable Satoh eollic dog, I•eloeging to A, T. Currie, wag poisoned. 'l'be an'nulw eafamily favorite, mid Mr Currie feels thel to=s very keenly, Ile e l 1 Y Y' was offered 929 for it just u few day; lea viuuely, Lloyd 11odgin0 ie home front Trieily Univoleity, and hits linseed bis axnnlira. Lion hi the aeound year, again tokicg flrgt oleo h.,unre in English and oleo in hietnry, and a tiret ulnae in general pang. Ile steed taxi- 1110 winner for two Oahu ter. ships. INCOME OF THE FAMILY GUT OFF. Appeal from Friends 004 nnitalt of a P000 Oousunlptivo. Tho following letter from an eastern town, addressed to the Secretary of too National Sanitarium Aseociatinn, Toron- to, explains itself:— "What steps I.0 - quire to be taken to plane a a..nsumptiva patient in the Free Ouueuupl b1 Hos- pital? We have a 9,00 man here who has consumption. lis has a wife and family of five children. Ho has I eon sick and off worts for four 1ru•nths already. The only source of humane of tete family ]las boon out off, 1 think the father would be better if lie had the proper care, but here in the inkier, of his family le is impossible to give hinl proper treatment. If we can place 1110, 111 the Consumption Hospital for caro and treat - Mont, then the people here can 10a0age to look after the family until leo is re• stored to health. Ile is able to go around, but is very weak," how this 1 star fl ust•ato h v We publish tl x a to l great is the need for the Free lioepital for Poor Consumptives, established hy the National Sant tali rim Asseeia1 tun at Mus- koka. uskoka. ,lust one year ago the first patient —a woman from Napaneo —was ad n ti trod into the hospital, and since, then 108 patients have found a home within its walls. A great number Df than ars wholly unable to pay anything towards their maintenance, whilst. the average from those wap pay ie lees than not -half the cost of maintenance. 'Mere is no endowment, and the Trus- tees depend Finkle. in the malting up of the large 41, 1 1i- norh month on leo e'tn. trib ltlone of kind 1 14tn.la. Wit h the in- creasing nn:hery seeking ndnli,si.a1 to the hospital, eh,.11bl the ,nl,-eripttons continuo to 14111 ehal't. ns ahoy laevo been doing for the past 'three montlla, t10 Trustees will he vu r.,, rooiur1 4 c 1 511 to them but in e.lu+n annrt of the wards, Rir \line, 11 41orodith, lit., Pico-1'r•coi- dent of the A55n0;ntiou, end .lir. \V. J. Gage, Mein -ruin 1-1 the Ir. -:motive Com- mittee, 1011 rrcrivn subscriptions for this much needed work. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, rIOMFORTABLE HOUSE AND ll J 4 nolo lot for sale in Ethel. There to also a bank stable, fruit trees, ace , on lot. Property in good shape. JAS. OSBORN'S. jIOMFORTABLE HOUSE AND good lot for sole on Queen street, Brussels, For further particulars apply to MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P. 0. Sett T,10R SALE.—THE EAST 45 acres of laud, being Lot 14, cone 10, Grey, For further information apply to the undersigned on the premises, 1'110MA6 LEAItMONT, Oranbrook P. 0. 51.0 V'OUNG SHORT HORN BULL for enle, Eligible for registration. For prion, tarpon and , other particulars, ap- tlyOra J. D. 1), pN(Alld, Lot 22, Oou, 11, trey,00, i OUR STBAIGIIT SCOTCH�ry Short Holy Bulls, from imported stools for sale. Also cows and heifers, im- ported and home bred. 73 bead to select from. I). RHINE & SON, Maitland Bank Stook ram, Ethel Out, 00-01 0. 0. F. Court Prin Gess Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0, P., Brussels, meets in their Dodge Kuoni. Bias - hill Wools, nn the Sud and lash Tuesdays of nano mouth, at o'0lo09. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, O, It. \VALT16Tt SMITH, 10. S. 3 TIiORO' BERD SHORT I101.IN Bulla for sale. One 1e 1 Sear old and the other trio younger. Also several regist- ered Cows and Heifet•s. Apply t0 JAMES 81 EIR, Lot 30, 0044. 6, Morrie Twp., or Brus- sels P. 0. '22.11 Painting, Paper Hanging, &c. The undersigned is prepared to attend to all orders for Paper Banging, 1(alsomlufug, Glazing and Painting in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates Carpen- tering also attended to. THOS. NICHOLLS, 41-Bm John street, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. 14.1011 SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling th erooi, North -went 000080 William sud Albert steeelo, BruetotV. 40-11 J. LE01(00. V. Upropontty SALE. • Ethel known VALUABLE ktetbodiet Personage. Apply to JNO, 0013EB, Brussels, 1 ARM TO RENT, BEING LOT A 20, Con, 30, Grey. Thorn ale 100 nares, 20 -under cultivation. Apply to 006EPH r. I )ODMONI), ou the promises, or kfouorte f P. 0. 2141 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Tarnberry street, Brneoale known as the Somerset property eligibly situated, Inlmodinto possession. ler further partic- ulna%ae to plica, terms, ave., apply to D. MoOII'1'0111110N, Lot 10,00e. 1$, MeN-11103, ur !amid bury P. 0. 09.01 A SACRIFIOE 1.N REAL ES— TATM. 80000.00 will buy the McCau- ghey Block in the Village of Brusee10. 7!hoaa two fine atoms mast be sold to close out the 38o0augbeyEstate. Intendingurohasere should Investigate at 0000, Apply to P, 8, 6001121 or G.10, ]300022, Brueeole, Out. t1ARIvI FOR SALE, BEING Sf Lots 10 and 17, Con, 1, Groy towh• ship. Burow 0o„containiu8 100 acrd&, There are OK acme cleared ;end balance hardwood Lush, With etpally beech, hnaple, 0110013' and ask; good timber, There is 'thank barn 50x 50 feat, a frame ;house, good bearing orchard, foam; in goon repair, 2 wells, &a. Only} mile from school and 2mneefrom poetoalco. Branch of Of °Attend rivet crosses oro end of farm supplying abuulauoe of water. Perm is all seeded flown exeepting 10 mires, 0 00- 50001en 0t1 Jan, lot, 1004, with privilege of attic it, Pall t t w lues, 1)5,, further (5100• Para a&gi0 pried, Parma, iPte., apply to GEO. McDONALD, Proprietor, Wtoxotor P.O, 410.4 0 11103 7ANTI'.1),—FAITHFUL PER. '1Y 00N to travelfor well aotot let,ett 104111.1 milling pause to n few counties, g o w 1 LIw1N nud u. o.e, boost t nrlRu r . salary 8tb1 year ne 144 oe, payable 1 :10rtoIn cash and :venues advtlle• ').1,,,. Iau.ein0 B34I6ae1l000Ne• 101 and ratting, lcuoloxn xalf•addruea'sd en velure, 310NnA10) ileus11,9ie entente Nidi,,, (:li0ngo, 40.11 Strenuous Objection are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Backer, All stools line it and thrive 011 It, and it is pronouuaed by all intel- ligent breeders to be ineompariably the beat cold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything bnt our Keifer oorn and gate. Alf. Backer. A,LLA N LINE Liverpool end Lnndorulvrry Royal Mall Steamers Paint Fuotl TION1'nOAr, Qnen110 Bavarian July 18 7 a m, JulY 18 5 Pim. Ionian 23 4 25 0 Tunisian Aug, 1 7 ” Aeg, 1 5 " Parisian " 8 5 " 8 5 " RATES Or PASSAGE let Cabin—Tu',letau, Bavarian and Ionian 975 and tlpwurde ; Parisian, 970 and up- w,rds, 2ud Oabin—Liverpool and Londonderry— Bavarian, Ionian and Tunisian $40 and 34000 ; other steamers, 937 55. London 30,50 extra until July 81st and free actor that date. era Class -99.5 and 920—Liverpool, Derry, Delfaet, Glasgow, Landon, Throueh tickets to Smith Africa. Montreal to Glasgow direot-0ortnthlan July 22; Sardinian pad & 3rd class only) Aug. 5. New York to Glasgow, calling at Loudon- derry—Namtdian, ;July 10, 11 a, m. ; Mongol - ion, July 80,11 a. m. 1st Cabin, 940 and up- wards ; 211d Cabin 985 ; and Ord oleos 925, W. 0. 10111100, Agent, Brussels. ool aoie� Any quantity of Wood wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. ALF. B EK I BRUSSELS. BIG- CLES E, & D. Bloyolee jnat arrived Ude week, will sell them at very oloee figures for the next 00 days. The Ladiee' wheel ie a beauty. Cull and see them. I expeot to double the sales of them thin year. I have also Berlins, Bicycles and alpaca, wlioh I will eell at a reduction. A. OOUSLEY. NEW YGRK WEEKLY WITNESS Rhe (test all around 1huu11y Non'Apaper. An exponent of applied Christianity ; In- dependent in Politics. Has something of interest for every member of the household. Farm and Garden Department; Children's Department; Scientific Department; Spirit of the Preen, Etc., Eta, ONLY ONE.DOLLAR A YEAR. TNn WITNESS cud '1'(114 YoST combined, only 3165 a year. SABBATH READING. A 8lxleou•pngo 11' lrly I'rgier, Solely Itoligieue In Cluu'italer, No News ; No Polilaon. Stories ; Poetry ; Sunday School Lesson ; 0hristi00 Endeavor and I7uworth League Topioe ; Mothers' Sab- bath Afternoon with the Children ; Miseel- !aueous Religious Matter. ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR The 00101ATit 14NAm00 and TEE Poe'r combined, only 31 85 a your. SPECIAL OFFER The WITNE6e, SA0n1'rg READING SUN TEE Po01 combined, only 31 9Ja year. These three papers 0ombtued afford a liberal home education. 1 The Post, Brussels, P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible fur the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest 'wear. be Sb��wiu—Wi�ams Paim gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Gine, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL. WAGON S, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, WHEELB. .RRC S, CARTS, CROQUET, &c. 7 T H 0, e a t f irek POST" BOOKSTORE. . , 1 ip